This final lesson ends with a tremendous, celebratory shout of joy and praise! After all the ups and downs, victories and defeats, as well as blessings and curses for Israel during these past five books, the Psalter calls upon everything that breaths to "praise the Lord"! That is the perfect way to end our journey through the Psalms!
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 16, "Psalms 137-150," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
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Psalms 120-136 form the 2nd Cycle of the 5th Book of the Psalter. Within this collection is the very special "Psalms of Ascent" that pilgrims would sing as they enter the Holy City of Jerusalem. These psalms are extremely typological of our own earthly pilgrimage to the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 15, "Psalms 120-136," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
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Psalms 113-119 form what is called the Egyptian Hallel Psalms, or the Passover Collection. They were sung by Christ himself at the Last Supper before he fulfilled each of them so powerfully in the Passion.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 14, "Psalms 113-119," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
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Book 5 is the final section of the psalter. It's the longest, but happiest of all five books. Psalm 107 serves as the "overture" of the remaining psalms that focus on the restoration of Israel from exile in a New Exodus. God has redeemed his people from all sorts of adversities, thus they give thanks for his merciful love and offer thanksgiving sacrifices.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 13, "Psalms 107-112," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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God will assuredly have mercy on Israel in exile and restore Zion, but repentance must come first. In Psalm 101, David leads his people towards repentance with a statement of intent to purge his house of evil and pursue righteousness in all things.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 12, "Psalms 101-106," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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Book 4 begins with Psalm 90, the only psalm attributed to Moses. Now that King David is gone, and the people are in exile, it's time for Israel to look back farther into history for advice on how to manage their crisis. His advice is to repent, turn to God in praise, and make the best of a short life.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 11, "Psalms 90-100," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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Psalm 82 speak of how God sits in judgement against the corrupt leaders of Israel, who are called "gods" because they receive God's own authority to rule the people justly and righteously. Because they abuse such divine authority they will be judged and die like any other man.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 10, "Psalms 82-89," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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Book 3 of the Psalter begins with Psalm 73. These are the darkest psalms of the psalter as the Davidic kingdom, Jerusalem, and the Temple have been destroyed and the people lament to God asking how long his anger will continue.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 9, "Psalms 73-81," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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To call God "Rock" means more than just stating metaphorically that he is sturdy and secure. There are Exodus and Temple images behind this description that Psalms 62-64 allude to, making this title even more beautiful.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 8, "Psalms 62-72," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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Psalm 50 teaches that the todah/thanksgiving sacrifice is superior to all others and God calls us to offer it up regularly to him with sincere hearts. That is the context in which Psalm 51, the greatest of the penitential psalms, is to be read. David is the model worshipper, truly repentant of his sins.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 7, "Psalms 50-61," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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As the deer seeks living waters, so too does my soul seek for you, my God. Such beautiful language and imagery begins the second book of the psalter, which focuses on the glory of the Kingdom of David, where God himself dwells from Zion.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 6, "Psalms 42-49," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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The Psalms proclaim that the man who confesses his sins is freed from guilt and truly blessed. To hold onto our sins causes us terrible suffering that affects our entire person.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 5, "Psalms 31-41," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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Psalm 22 is one of the most famous christological prophecies in the Old Testament. Jesus quotes it from the cross intentionally to show that his passion and glorification was graphically foretold and is now fulfilled.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 4, "Psalms 22-31," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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Psalms 11-21 continue to develop the main themes of Psalms 1-2, which are the way of the righteous vs. the way of the wicked, and the suffering, yet righteous king who cries out to God for deliverance from his enemies. These psalms beautifully depict how we are to trust in God and praise him no matter the situation.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 3, "Psalms 11-21," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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Psalms 1-2 form the introduction for the entire Psalter and are incredibly important for understanding its major themes and lessons. Indeed, Psalm 2 is so crucial that it is one of the most quoted psalms in the New Testament.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 2, "Psalms 1-10," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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The Psalms are arguably the most popular book of the Old Testament. Indeed, St. Thomas Aquinas says that they contain the whole of Theology within them and St. Anthanasius says they are a mirror for the soul! It's worth our time to study them!
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 1, "Introducing the Psalms," from Dr. Nick's course, "Psalms: Lift Up Your Hearts." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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2 Maccabees closes on a very high note with the story of how God's great mercy is poured out upon his people because of the faithful prayers of the Jewish martyrs. God's wrath turned to mercy.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 5, "Wrath Turns to Mercy (2 Mac 8-15)," from Dr. Nick's course, "1-2 Maccabees: Zealous For The Faith." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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2 Maccabees zooms in on the story of the rededication of the Temple and the crushing Hellenistic persecution with some pretty gruesome and yet inspiring details missing in 1 Maccabees. The book opens by connecting the events of Hanukkah with past stories of Israel's temple.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 4, "Faithful Saints and Martyrs (2 Mac 1-7)," from Dr. Nick's course, "1-2 Maccabees: Zealous For The Faith." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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After the death of Judas Maccabeus, his brothers Jonathan and Simon carry the torch to further free Judea from the Greek tyranny. As they make great strides towards freedom, even forming what became known as the Hasmonean Dynasty, proverbial cracks begin to form in the foundation which will ultimately lead many argue whether or not their rule is legitimate.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 3, "From Maccabees to Hasmoneans (1 Mac 9:23β16:24)," from Dr. Nick's course, "1-2 Maccabees: Zealous For The Faith." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
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The persecutions leveled by Antiochus IV against the Jewish people lead to the courageous resistance movement under the leadership of Judas Maccabeus. For the first time in salvation history we see serious religious persecution and martyrdom of God's people. Many suffer and die willingly for the faith, but just war is also an option to defend God and country.
Enjoy this sample from Lesson 2, "Defending God and Country (1 Mac 1:1-9:22)," from Dr. Nick's course, "1-2 Maccabees: Zealous For The Faith." Anyone can join our community of students and stream the entire audio lesson and full course (and other courses too!) whenever they wish.
π¨Please visit β π» https://www.scriptureandtradition.com π» β to join our community of students, attend live lectures, and access my growing audio library of Bible studies with detailed accompanying lesson notes π!
π₯ You can also catch me on:β www.youtube.com/c/nicholaslebish
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