
  • Feeling like you're on your own in the world of entrepreneurship? Like everyone has it all figured out except you? Trust me, you're not alone. Consider this episode the pep talk you've been looking for! Today, Johni Cesario and I get real about the ups and downs of running an online business and unpack the most common myths about being an entrepreneur. We open up about our experiences, the late nights, the financial worries, and the passion that keeps us going. Just remember, you became an entrepreneur to live life on your terms!


    - (9:00) Understanding the constant risks associated with entrepreneurship

    - (10:49) Advice for setting realistic goals for the first year of your business 

    - (17:01) Tips for embodying confidence (even when you’re not feeling it!) 

    - (21:37) Financial transparency and literacy on social media 

    - (26:27) Why you need to take time for yourself


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    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

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  • We just wrapped up another fantastic Elevated Xchange event, and Johni Cesario and I are back together to share a behind-the-scenes peek at our favorite moments, and how we tackled some unexpected challenges. I promise – when you attend an event, and everything seems to be running smoothly, it's often not the entire reality for the event planners. So many things can change just hours before an event, and you have to get really creative to find solutions! In this episode, we discuss the importance of a supportive network, tips for presenting in front of a crowd, and the top takeaways from our brilliant speakers. 


    - (7:23) Our favorite parts of the event 

    - (12:58) The importance of building a supportive network 

    - (21:00) Tips for facing unexpected challenges with event planning

    - (28:57) How Johni overcame her public speaking anxiety for this event 

    - (39:09) Top takeaways from our incredible speakers 


    - Follow Elevated Xchange @elevatedxchangee

    - Work with Elevated Xchange HERE 

    - Follow Chris Harder @chriswharder

    - Follow Lori Harder @loriharder 

    - Follow Felicia Romero @feliciaromero

    - Follow Veronica Clark @veronicalclark

    - Follow Anette and Paul Oran @cohere.live


    On Instagram @johniallegory


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

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  • Imagine effortlessly turning your website visitors into buyers, addressing all their questions before they even think to ask, and scaling your online business to new heights! It's much simpler than you think once you've created a solid long-form sales page for your offer. Not quite sure how to do it? Well, you're in luck because the sales page and marketing expert Johni Cesario is back on the show to share all her sales page wisdom with you! 

    In this episode, you will hear why a long-form sales page is crucial for your online business, how to optimize your page for maximum conversion, and practical tools and strategies for creating a sales page that stands out from the crowd. 


    - (4:14) The truth about long form sales pages vs. selling on social media 

    - (15:13) Understanding the essential patterns of a successful sales page 

    - (19:19) How to optimize your sales page with copywriting, positioning, and proof 

    - (26:21) Tools to streamline the creation of your sales page 

    - (28:14) Top tips for making your sales page stand out 


    - Follow Elevated Xchange @elevatedxchangee

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    On Instagram @johniallegory


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

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  • Navigating the ever-changing world of Instagram while trying to make your content stand out can be really confusing and frustrating! That's why, in this episode, I share a game-changing strategy to help you cut through all the noise and attract your ideal clients straight to your offer. I call it the 3 M's of content creation – myths, misconceptions, and mistakes. Once you understand how to use these for your industry and turn them into content, you can effortlessly create social media posts that grab your audience's attention, let them know why they need your offer, and position yourself as the go-to in your industry.


    - (5:11) A simple exercise for understanding the perspective of your ideal client 

    - (8:18) Examples of identifying industry myths 

    - (9:56) How to correct common misconceptions and mistakes you can solve with your offer

    - (13:10) Tips and tricks for turning the 3 M’s into content


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

    Dive into my courses HERE

  • Today, we're having a little heart-to-heart about something we all face at some point in our entrepreneurial journey. Over the past year, I've been experiencing a massive shift and transformation in both my personal and business life, which can be pretty scary to navigate if you've never been through it before. That's why I'm here to help! In this episode, I share four lessons that I've learned and leaned on during this time that have helped me work through the changes. So, if you feel like you're in a season of change, too, these four tips will help you get to the other side with a stronger you and a stronger business!  


    - (5:08) Tips for navigating the fear of what others might think and removing your ego from the situation 

    - (7:24) How to understand the cause of your resistance to creativity and advice for working through it 

    - (10:49) Why you need to detach yourself from timelines

    - (13:13) Embracing beginner energy 

    - (18:00) The importance of giving yourself time and grace 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

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  • I know that getting negative feedback can feel like the world is literally ending! But I'm here to remind you that customer feedback is actually a fantastic opportunity for you to grow as a leader and improve your offer. In this episode, I guide you through my step-by-step process of productively handling negative feedback. You’ll hear my tips on how to separate your emotions from the feedback, respond to it in a way that benefits both you and your client, and use it to uplevel your business. Trust me, with a positive mindset and approach, you'll be able to turn any negative feedback into an opportunity for growth!


    - (3:48) Tips for viewing the situation objectively

    - (5:49) Why you need to look at all of the facts behind the feedback and reflect on it

    - (10:29) How to acknowledge and respond to feedback with fairness to yourself and the client 

    - (13:44) Tips for using the feedback to update your program or offer

    - (15:50) The importance of learning from constructive criticism and growing as a leader 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

    Dive into my courses HERE

  • Do you ever feel like you spend way too much of your valuable time and energy crafting marketing content? And I totally get how frustrating it is when you hit a wall trying to come up with ideas for reels, emails, sales pages, etc. In this episode, I reveal a super simple hack I use to get inspiration for my marketing and build my toolbox of content blueprints. That way, when it's time to create your materials, you'll have everything you need to drive potential customers to take action. Trust me – being able to quickly put together a sales page that converts or write an email that grabs attention will completely set you apart as an entrepreneur!  


    - (4:14) How to analyze viral reels and identify the structure that made them successful 

    - (8:20) Tips and tricks for collecting blueprints for your marketing structure

    - (12:35) Why this is a fair practice 

    - (16:15) Advice for hiring people who understand how to position your marketing


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

    Dive into my courses HERE

  • Let me guess –  lately, you're finding it super challenging to get your ideal client to buy your incredible online product or offer? Don't worry, you're not alone! With so many online businesses emerging in the past couple of years, it's more important than ever to be super transparent in your marketing strategy and gain the trust of your audience. In this episode, I share my top tips for crafting your offer to stand out in this saturated online market, clearly communicating the value of your offer, and designing a sales page that will help your customers know exactly what they're buying into. 


    - (4:18) What does transparent marketing actually mean? 

    - (8:03) Why you need to clearly communicate the “vehicle” of your offer in your marketing

    - (12:33) How to design the features of your offer to be super marketable 

    - (16:01) Tips and tricks for upleveling your sales page to make it an easier "yes" for potential clients 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

    Dive into my courses HERE

  • Do you ever feel like you're constantly making the same mistakes, struggling to make ends meet, or hustling every day without seeing any real results? Trust me – when you're in the hustle, you should feel grounded and fulfilled, not burnt out and overwhelmed! Which is why, in this episode, I'm here to remind you that sometimes, you need to slow down to speed up. I share my tips and actionable strategies for eliminating that chaotic hustle energy, embracing a more strategic approach to your work, and prioritizing what's truly important for your business. 


    - (3:43) How to create a rock-solid foundation for your business 

    - (6:24) Understanding the dangers of being in an anxious hustle 

    - (10:03) Tips and tricks to simplify and streamline your launch calendar 

    - (14:48) Key questions to ask yourself when deciding where/what to dedicate your time to


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • I'm telling you – this episode is jam-packed with real-deal digital marketing magic! We're talking all about finding the perfect balance between building your personal brand on social media and using strategic marketing systems to sell your offer. When you know how to leverage both of these strategies, you'll be able to sell faster than you ever thought possible, and your audience will fall in love with you even more! Today, I explain what each of these marketing strategies means, their pros and cons, and reveal how to combine them for unstoppable success. 


    - (2:59) Understanding the different types of digital marketing 

    - (6:50) The pros and cons of using organic content, brand building, and attraction marketing

    - (15:22) The pros and cons of using strategic marketing and funnels 

    - (21: 47) How to leverage both systems 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • In this episode, we're talking about a super effective and high-level marketing strategy that will skyrocket your program or course sales – bonuses! Let's face it, people love getting freebies. So, adding extra goodies to your launch can attract more customers and create excitement around your offer. Today, I explain why bonuses can be a game-changer for your launch, share tips for making the perfect bonus that resonates with your ideal customer, and offer advice on how many bonuses you should have to align with your program. 


    - (3:57) Why bonus are the best way to sway a potential customer towards your group course or program 

    - (5:07) Tips for establishing the value of your package to motivate more purchases 

    - (7:08) How to create bonuses that are actually useful to your ideal clients

    - (10:27) An exercise for using bonuses to strategically handle objections

    - (17:07) Advice for avoiding an overwhelming amount or length of bonuses 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • When I turned 30, I truly felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders! I realized that I had been putting so much pressure on myself to achieve certain things by a certain age, and it was really taking a toll on me. Since then, I've started to enjoy entrepreneurship so much more! So, if you've been feeling behind in entrepreneurship, let this episode be your reminder that your journey is your own, and it's not fair to you to compare yourself to others. Today, I share my strategies and tips for letting go of those unrealistic expectations and focusing on your own accomplishments. Trust me – you're doing great right where you are! 


    - (2:57) The unconscious goals I set for myself that I haven’t reached yet

    - (5:08) How to let go of your obsession with timelines  

    - (8:01) Tips for releasing the pressure of milestones and validation from others

    - (9:28) Why you need to enjoy every step of entrepreneurship


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • Today, we're talking about something we all love: increasing our sales! The good news is that it's not as complicated as we tend to make it. In fact, I'm keeping it extra simple by looking at your sales system from a bird's eye view to figure out exactly what's working and what's not. In this episode, I share my step-by-step guide on improving your sales process and reveal my top tips and tricks to help you boost your follower-to-client conversions. Plus, you'll hear my strategies for upleveling your messaging through your proactive copywriting, client testimonials, and tactile data. If you've been looking to up your sales game, this episode is a must-listen!  


    - (2:41) How to identify your current (or lack of!) sales system 

    - (4:45) 2 strategies for turning your followers into clients 

    - (7:30) Tips for improving the effectiveness of your sales system 

    - (11:40) Advice for managing client objections and predicting common questions

    - (15:14) The importance of having proof that what you offer works through testimonials, statistics, or data 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • I had an incredible planning session with a new client last week where we designed a solid plan for her business to make it more scalable over the next year! If you’re looking to take on a big planning phase like this, it can be tricky to figure out exactly where to start and what to focus on. So, in this episode, I'm excited to share with you the four phases of building an online business that scales. Once you know what phase you're in, you can allocate your energy and resources more effectively. As you start executing your plan, things may change, but understanding your phase will absolutely help you make the right adjustments! 


    - (6:20) Tips for nailing down your niche

    - (7:45) How to optimize the offer ideation phase by rolling out a beta launch

    - (10:43) Advice for choosing your official launch strategy 

    - (15:15) Understanding the final phase – scaling 


    - Check out Elevated Xchange HERE


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • If you've ever wondered how to design a free webinar that keeps your audience engaged and motivated to take action, this episode is just for you! Today, I share the top 5 things to pay attention to when crafting your webinar, from creating a desirable title to optimizing the structure of your webinar to cleverly incorporating your offer throughout. These are the strategies I use to make webinars and masterclasses that captivate, educate, and convert like crazy! Listen in, because you’ll walk away with everything you need to ensure your incredible offers don’t get overlooked. 


    - (3:46) How to create a passive webinar funnel to make money on autopilot

    - (6:27) Strategies for crafting a clear and desirable title

    - (9:09) Tips for seeding your offer throughout your webinar 

    - (14:21) Optimizing the structure of your webinar for high-conversion rates

    - (16:27) The importance of separating the problem of your webinar from your offer

    - (20:35) Finding a balance between teaching too much and not enough 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • My entire brand has always been focused on helping entrepreneurs like you implement efficient marketing strategies in their businesses. Why? Because I totally understand that, as an entrepreneur, you're too busy crafting your incredible offers to prioritize your marketing. If this sounds like you, don't worry! In this episode, I share three simple things that you can focus on to simplify the process and make your marketing go so much smoother. Marketing can feel a bit overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! With these strategies, you will uplevel your business in no time. 


    - (3:35) The biggest reason entrepreneurs struggle with their marketing

    - (8:56) The importance of getting clear on the “who” for your messaging 

    - (11:57) Tips for simplifying your offer into a single sentence 

    - (14:25) How to collect proof that your offer works 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • Here's the truth – failure is pretty much guaranteed to happen when you're running a business. But the good news is, if you can learn how to use those failures as opportunities for growth, you'll be on your way to even greater success! Consider this episode your reminder that failure is a completely normal part of your journey, and I have some tips to share on how you can use it to your advantage. I also share advice for crafting a solid launch strategy and turning your failures into valuable data. If you're going through a challenging time right now because of a failure, know that we have ALL been there! 


    - (2:24) Why we’re so afraid of launch failures 

    - (6:24) How to embrace failure as a necessary step towards your success

    - (8:13) Understanding that your greatest opportunities will come from your biggest failures

    - (9:28) A simple mindset shift for finding strength in your failures 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • I've been so busy building my new company, Elevated Xchange, and it's got me feeling quite nostalgic. Looking back on my journey of becoming a business owner, I realized there are a few things I would have done differently if I knew then what I know now. In this episode, I lift the curtain on my past experiences and reveal 3 things I would do again and 3 things I would do differently if I were starting from scratch. Now, I don't believe in regrets, but I absolutely do believe in sharing my knowledge to help you be as successful as possible! 


    - (4:40) The importance of prioritizing content and audience growth before a launch 

    - (7:37) Why I started with 1 on 1 coaching before doing group work 

    - (11:10) Tips for crafting a strategic launch strategy, offering freebies, and joining masterclasses 

    - (21:23) Advice for deciding when to leave your 9-5

    - (24:26) How to launch and improve your first group program 

    - (30:40) Understanding your unique timeline and plan 


    Check out Elevated Xchange HERE 

    Join the waitlist for our next LIVE event HERE 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

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  • I'll be honest – lately, I've been feeling the pressure in my business, and it's been super tough trying to figure out how to navigate these challenges. As an entrepreneur, I'm pretty sure you can relate! So, in this episode, I want to have a heart-to-heart and let you know that you're not alone. If you're experiencing some of the same struggles as me, like managing your time, feeling uninspired with your content creation, or just wanting to find more fun with your business, listen in for my tips, and know we're in this together!


    - (3:56) My top time management, prioritization, and organization tips 

    - (11:25) Understanding your daily needle moving actions 

    - (13:27) Strategies for overcoming procrastination and creative blocks 

    - (20:11) How to invite more fun into your business 


    Check out Elevated Xchange HERE 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

    Work with me HERE

  • As an online entrepreneur, I'm pretty sure you’ve heard of the energetic mindset advice "show up as the six-figure version of yourself that you want to be TODAY." It's a great strategy, and I've used it myself, but to see actual change in your business just isn't that simple. In this episode, I share my tips and advice to help you translate this energetic mindset shift into a tangible, actionable business strategy. It's all about bridging the gap between where your business currently stands and where you want it to be. And trust me – it takes a little bit more than a fresh manicure and new clothes! 


    - (3:07) Advice for closing the gap between your current self and your desired self 

    - (5:22) How to translate this energy into your business strategy 

    - (9:01) The qualities I see in the seven-figure version of myself 

    - (12:16) Tips for overcoming the challenges of making the changes 


    On Instagram @itsemilycincotta

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