
  • We were emotionally hardened by some sleepless nights before recording this special episode! A couple months ago, a brilliant podcast listener on Reddit published her predictions that Spring Energy's Awesomesauce gel had incorrect calorie counts. Three weeks ago, those findings were confirmed by a German lab. This past week, everything exploded on social media with all of Spring's gels listing fraudulent calorie totals, roping us into a situation that we never hope to relive. This episode talks about our emotions.

    We are furious about the mislabeling. We wish we could go back in time and tell ourselves that nutrition labels can list fraudulent calorie totals, and we wish we could undo the health and performance struggles that so many runners have felt due to the egregious mislabeling. We are sorry for our connections to Spring years ago, and we love you all.

    At the same time, love has limits. This past week pushed us to our emotional edge. It demonstrated some of the problems with social media and a society that can chase clout and clicks over kindness and nuanced facts. Podcast listeners got us through, and we are emerging with more compassion, more courage, and fewer f's to give. As Megan wrote, "Love to you all, especially to any woman who has dealt with a small man: may you become larger in who you authentically are."

    And we threw in a bunch of fun topics! Other topics: reflections from sleepless nights, Pride Month joy, lessons from some of the highest energy expenditures ever studied, women in coaching, Unbound Cycling and the success of multisport athletes in bike races, Kilian's legendary dominance at Zegama, a study on CBD in runners, running club romantic connections, our love of Park Runs, and hot takes.

    We finish with some Listener Corner messages that kept us going in a really hard time. We love you all! Yes, ALL. The world can be dark and scary, especially on social media, and we hope that we can help fill your lives with as much light and as many calories as possible.

    PSA: empty your septic tanks and don't let the stank affect who you are. HUZZAH!!!

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  • We ate a bag of performance waffles to get ready for this awesome episode! The first topic was a follow-up on the controversy about a gel that may have mislabeled its calorie count. We discuss emails from listeners that provide more context, along with what it might mean for food labeling generally. It's a wild, wild world out there!

    The main training topic was Courtney Dauwalter's race-day nutrition, which she discussed in a recent interview. The GOAT says she only consumes 200 calories per hour during races, well below most other elite athletes. What are we seeing? We dive into metabolic variance, and how that might be relevant based on gender and background. There is lots of wiggle room to find what works for you! Become one with the slurp.

    And there were so many other great topics! Other topics: how often nutrition labels might be misleading, what we predict will happen next in the controversy, strange body connections via David's post-crash experience, practicing competition in training, pre-training meals, why Vafels are our new favorite pre-training fuel, case studies on race-day fueling numbers, a fun study on "grounding" science, the 10k world record, the Pre Classic mile and how trash talk is making track more fun, David's experience with sodium bicarbonate prior to intense workouts, why frivolous pursuits are meaningful, a survey on sleeping in separate beds, Brooks' surprising new sponsored athlete (an actor!), and hot takes.

    If you put this episode in a calorimeter, you'd see that it has enough energy to power a spaceship! Just don't check our math on that.

    We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Find Vafels at The Feed: https://thefeed.com/products/vafels

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

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  • We gathered liquid courage (chugging from a gallon of chocolate milk) for this great episode! The main training topic comes from the world of track, where athletes are probing the limits of human physiology. Because the margins separating athletes on the track are so small, there are takeaways for all endurance performance. Raise the ceiling to raise the floor! Yes, raising the roof is making a comeback like it's 2002 again.

    We also talked about the ongoing controversy about an energy gel's nutrition label, and whether the actual carbohydrate total is lower than stated. It's a conversation that stumbles toward enlightenment while careening into a few ditches along the way, trying to balance love and accountability. This conversation also includes our first ever sound effect. Big time! The gel controversy may not be awesome, but it's definitely interesting.

    And we had some of the best topics to fill out the episode! Other topics: big hope for the bundle of cells, our core work routines and how we think about core training for athletes, a small-but-important study on ketones and reduced testosterone, aerobic v. mechanical adaptations, upcoming updates to Strava including an AI coaching feature, more AI thoughts, and hot takes.

    This episode is a wild journey! Grab your personal gallon of chocolate milk and let's ride.

    We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

  • We sat in a stew of uncertainty before recording this awesome (and healing) episode! The main training topic was a pair of studies looking at longevity outcomes in serious athletes. Extra-hard training seems to have longevity benefits compared to general population lifestyles, contrary to some warnings you might hear! Let's all plan on doing uphill treadmill runs in the nursing home.

    The big conversation was in the spirit of sharing all of the ups and downs of life. TW: deep discussions of pregnancy uncertainty. Megan courageously shared her current health status, and how she is thinking about vulnerability in a tough time. Over the last 4 years of this podcast, we have opened up about everything, and our lives have opened up with so much love as a result. We got this, whatever "this" ends up being, even if it takes a while.

    And we discussed so many of our favorite topics! Our theory is that talking about interesting things (and making jokes) is restorative. Other topics: Conan O'Brien's commitment to the bit, how the new Jim Walmsley video played a role in our weekend, fitness return after David's accident, caffeinated gels and fueling workouts, AI bots and how we think it may change human interaction as we know it, a new study on sodium bicarbonate and the placebo effect, the Cocodona 250 and multi-day ultras, Zwift's price increases, Emma Coburn's toughness, and hot takes.

    There may even be a poetry reading at the end. Stick around to find out... If you dare!

    On a day like today, we are even more thankful for the amazing listeners out there who give us strength and courage to wander through the darker forests along the way. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We celebrated a week with minimal life drama (YAY) before recording this great episode! The main training topic was a new study monitoring response v. non-response. Imagine two similar athletes who are given the the same training program. One could have breakthroughs, and one could face physical disaster. Why? We use the study to talk about how we have seen athletes respond differently, and ways you might be able to understand your own unique physiology. Training theory is such a cool window into how every body is different!

    We also talked about metrics we track! Almost every watch has a treasure trove of data if you know where to look. For David, that data helped guide a non-linear post-crash recovery. For Megan, it helped reveal an unexpected pregnancy. For you, it could help you move through the uncertainty of things like response v. non-response with more confidence. Plus, we all love fancy graphs!

    And this one was full of fun topics! Other topics: new bike day, a mystery about a signature, why we might want to remain skeptical about AI, 3 shoes we are reviewing, a new study on running economy variance and fatigue resistance in trained v. untrained runners, how combining strength training approaches may be helpful (with possible neuromuscular rationales), a new track league that promises to do everything differently, how questionnaire response rate may influence study outcomes, mixing creatine and caffeine and sodium bicarbonate, and uninformed horse thoughts.

    Stick around to the very end for a special Easter Egg from the editing process. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We got the surprise of our lives before recording this dazed-and-excited episode! The main topic was the Canyons 100k. It was Megan's dream race, and you may have seen... she did not start. We had some incredibly surprising news right before we boarded our flight to California for the race, and we process it in real-time on the episode. Hopefully the discussion and Megan's openness helps you deal with whatever big surprises you face in life!

    Even though Megan didn't race, we cheered and crewed as ultra history was made at the race! This year's Canyons 100k had a performance for the ages from Katie Schide, plus a breakthrough from Rod Farvard, a selfless act from Drew Holmen, and so much more. We break down the dynamics, full of joy from seeing it all live! The big discussions revolve around training theory, fueling approaches, how cooling mattered even in temperate conditions, our complex thoughts on carb loading, hydration needs, and inspiration from the back of the pack.

    And we brought a giddy, delirious energy to some awesome topics! Other topics: why we were so surprised by the big news, how Megan feels about it all, societal expectations in early pregnancy, Allie Ostrander's wonderful reflections on crying after races, continuous lactate monitors, the 776 Invitational's huge investment in women's track and what it might mean for the future of the sport, why it's bloodwork season and what people should test, the new ruling making non-competes unenforceable and how it's relevant for endurance sports, the TikTok ban, and hot takes.

    Life comes at you fast. Maybe that's why we podcast fast! Knowing you all are along for the journey means so much to us. Into the great unknown we go! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Subscribe to AllieO's channel: youtube.com/@allie_ostrander

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We sipped on some of the finest, chalkiest electrolyte drink for this great episode! The main topic was gearing up for big events, spurred by Megan's upcoming adventure at the Canyons 100k. After the health issues, we were unsure whether we'd ever be able to have this sort of discussion on the podcast, and listeners have been there every step of the way. If there is any test, it's in training. Racing is a celebration. This episode celebrates the broken road to get to the race-day party!

    This one was also packed with fun science! The main study helped debunk energy availability cycling, where athletes intentionally reduce energy availability in an attempt to improve power-to-weight ratio. Running is a power sport, and it's all about improving that power!

    And we had tons of our favorite topics to discuss! Other topics: getting used to on-course nutrition options, the emotional process of getting to start lines, vibes-based earrings, David's up-and-down crash recovery, a new study on fasting metabolism, 3D-printed shoes winning the Boston Marathon, the new UTMB and HOKA partnership, an international doping scandal, a cool study on e-sports training, Dan Quinn's approach to coaching, a new menstrual cycle study, and hot takes.

    Thank you for helping us with the courage to do scary things! We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We got extremely hyped watching the Boston Marathon before recording this amazing episode! The main training topic was a new study connecting carb intake during exercise to reduced central fatigue, leading to the researchers theorizing a link between "excess" carbs and improved neuromuscular function. The study protocol was weird and wild! Does this mean we should consume mid-podcast gels to improve joke performance? We promise to edit out the slurps.

    We also answered an incredible question on balancing a focus on the process with the competitive fire to race at the limits. The answer gets to the core of why we think athletics can be such a powerful stimulus for personal growth.

    And this episode was one of our most fun recordings ever, full of fascinating topics! Other topics: Megan reaching the taper for the Canyons 100k, the USA Olympic jersey scandal, updates from David's crash, the perils of dictation apps, 6 instant reactions from the Boston Marathon, an intriguing study on ketones and cognitive performance, Parker Valby's cross training schedule and what it means for training theory, mental health and performance, and more controversies in track.

    Megan even made what she called a "David statement" (definition: excessively bold and likely wrong), which is how you know this one gets spicy. We love you all! Huzzah!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We enjoyed an all-expenses-paid ambulance trip before this amazing episode! The main topic was David's harrowing bike crash. The incredible paramedics said that the impact launched him 100 feet through the air. Somehow, the concussion, a broken wrist, and lacerations seem to be the worst of it. The legs are 100%! And as all runners know, wrists and brains just get in the way.

    We are so happy to be alive! Life is so uncertain, and maybe the inattentive driver will be a type of spiritual teacher. Or, at the very least, they're giving us some interesting podcast content. As he was flying through the air, David may have been screaming "contennnntttt."

    And this was one of our favorite episodes ever to record! We are high on life and recovery ice cream. Other topics: breaking down some takeaways from the crash, love and consciousness, science on ketones in TBI recovery, high carb fueling in the biking peloton, why biking is a great place to look for performance insights, new shoe reviews of two shoes we love, thoughts on the NCAA basketball tournament, why great shooters inspire us to practice hard, the importance of the growth of running for future generations, Zone 2 training and how to optimize muscle fiber typology, Molly Seidel doing the Canyons 50k, falling for April Fool's jokes, a major book recommendation, and hot takes.

    We'll take our brains like we take our eggs: scrambled, with lots of butter. The outpouring of support has meant so much to us! We love you all! Huzzah!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • It's the 200th episode, and we brought so much gratitude to the party! The main topic was reflecting on 5 ways our approach to endurance training/coaching has changed, based on new research and real-world experience. The topics buffet is packed with goodness: extreme-carb fueling during hard efforts, heavier strength work (in moderation), less need for high mileage (but more cross-training), increased steady running, and more double workouts/big threshold sessions.

    Even more important than the exact changes is the "why" that motivates them, combining research and theory, mixed with a heaping helping of feedback from listeners. It's so much fun to learn from some of the smartest people in endurance sports!

    And this episode wouldn't be a true celebration unless we filled it up with tons of topics. Other topics: how to improve post-race recovery, why the time after big efforts is a major opportunity for growth (or regression), Allie Ostrander's inspiring journey, the World Cross-Country Championships, giving notice to the achievements of others, how 200 episodes of the podcast has given us more courage, road shoes in trail races, the return of Adam Peterman, a new review study on caffeine, why character matters, why progressive overload is overrated, a listener question on leaving your job, and hot takes.

    Thank you for your love and support over the 200 episodes. Let's do 200 more! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We rode the inspiration wave from witnessing history for this great episode! The main topic was on the mind-boggling finish from Jasmin Paris at the Barkley Marathons. She is the first woman to finish the race, and we think it will go down as one of the most impressive endurance achievements ever. We break down why that is, and we proceed to eat some crow based on past statements about the race that she proved wrong. Jasmin dares us all to dream bigger.

    We also had a blast breaking down our races at the Crown King Scramble 50k! If you have listened for a while, you have heard Megan go through the lowest lows, wondering if she'd ever get back where she was. Well...the queen is back! She ran the 2nd fastest time in the race's 32-year history, and we break down some fun lessons and stories from the journey.

    And this one was packed full of cool topics! Other topics: discussing Barkley and how our thoughts on it have changed, the best pre-race dinner, crying at a country music video, racing with heart rate data, our evolving thoughts on strength work, why we are loving the squat rack, why the podcast may be sabotaging David's chances of winning big races, how it's not all about training miles, improving downhills in training, a new hot water immersion study, our skeptical thoughts on new science connecting time-restricted eating with cardiovascular risk, a study on NSAIDs and performance, social media research and how that may relate to Strava, the importance of powerful butts, and hot takes.

    Put the "power" in your powerful butt with fuel from The Feed! We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We vibed with a new playlist (Taylor's version) before this great episode! The main training topic was a new study on fatigue resistance, which used a novel protocol for testing durability involving different levels of intensity. "Durability" research may be the most exciting part of modern performance science, and we broaden it out with real-world examples. We finish with our 4 big tips!

    You already know tip one. Yes, it involves eating. And yes, we are in the pocket of BIG CARB.

    We also talked about how uphill treadmill workouts can be used by athletes of all levels. That includes details on pace and grade to get started, plus fun training wrinkles where athletes can do double workouts or use them right after runs for a fatigue resistance stimulus. Somehow, no one has sent us a better treadmill after ours keeps breaking. So we are not in the pocket of BIG TREADMILL. But we want to be.

    And save your appetite for a feast of our favorite topics! Other topics: our love of the running shoe store, Megan's love of the Eras Tour movie, takeaways from Megan's first intentional double workout, how to respond to excess fatigue, the importance of occasionally crying on the couch, our visit to The Feed headquarters, an update on real-world findings with post-exercise ketones, two astonishingly controversial takes on night pees and post-workout showers, wrecking Freetrail Fantasy at the Chuckanut 50k, a weird study on vibration and intervals, athletes as storytellers, Nico Young's NCAA record at The Ten meet, a Lance quote on competition that we strongly disagree with, and a beautiful reflection on love (plus nature's jockstrap).

    Stick around for the most motivating Listener Corner. What do shooters do? They [deleted] shoot. You can fill in that blank space after listening.

    Stock up on your fatigue resistance fuel at The Feed! We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" for $80 at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We made questionable playlist decisions (arf arf) to get hyped for this amazing episode! The big topic was Lululemon's FURTHER event, a 6-day ultra in the California desert, full of intrigue and world records. Megan was on the ground as coach and science advisor, and she returns with a report that will blow your minds. What happens when a company invests millions of dollars in supporting athletes of all levels, along with ground-breaking research? And what does it mean for the future of running?

    The game is changing quickly. And Megan is rubbing anti-chafe cream on the game to prevent irritation.

    The main training topic was on a new review study examining how different biomechanics change running economy. We distill it down into 2 tips that can work for almost any athlete. Endurance running form was not intuitive for us, so we try to keep it simple for you. Where my prancy ponies at?

    And this one was overflowing with our favorite topics! Other topics: the new presenting sponsor that should save you tons, a follow-up on David's knee MRI, what not to do in MRI machines, cross-training approaches at the top end of running training, LetsRun anxiety, chess with carbs, substrate utilization and fatigue resistance, the best form for climbing, amateur drug testing in Europe, the wild world of cycling aero helmets, a new study on psychedelics and depression, UTMB start lists, where the boycott went, local heat and mitochondria adaptations, over-the-counter continuous glucose monitors, riding the business waves, deep thoughts about Saturday Night Live, and hot takes.

    Let's stock up on some fuel at The Feed! Time to slurp. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Click "Claim Reward" at The Feed here: thefeed.com/swap

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

  • We ate some business PB+Js to fuel up for this great episode! The main training topic was on fueling like your athletic life depends on it. Erase all of your preconceived notions and ask this question: When you're already tired and you're still a couple hours away from home, what do you do? If you're anything like many of the best endurance athletes in the world, you learn to stuff down as many calories as you reasonably can stomach. We break it down in a fueling tutorial, through the lens of a 100-mile bike ride we did this weekend, mixing in lessons from performance science. What people think is an endurance limitation is often a fueling limitation.

    Disclaimer: if you're riding with Megan, you may still suffer, but at least you'll survive. Probably.

    We also talked about athlete contracts, and why there is so little transparency for professional runners. We're talking numbers, strategy, and some of the nitty gritty tactics that may be interesting for anyone who cares about business negotiations. Courtney and Jim are worth approximately twelve bajillion dollars.

    And the buffet was full with awesome topics! Other topics: at-home massage, parking lots loops, enhancing fatigue resistance, using bike training for run fitness, lessons from Megan's biggest training week ever, good doctors, a new study on supershoes for female runners, periodization of training for a world-class cyclist, the World Indoor Track Champs, Elle St. Pierre's postpartum swag, Supersapiens shutting down, AI agents, huge prize money at Tough Mudder, the Mark Cavendish documentary, and hot takes.

    Stick around for an incredible Listener Corner submission about faith. Just forgive us for what we say the water turns into.

    For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

  • We put on some see-through pants for this great episode! The main training topic was on double workouts, involving two moderate sessions in a single day. Norwegian athletes are notorious for their double threshold days, and over the last few years, we have been using an adapted approach with the treadmill or cross-training that can be implemented for trail runners, non-pros, and aging athletes. There's no "secret"... but this might be the closest thing to a training secret that we have. Don't tell anyone we told you.

    We also talked about an incredible new study on the effect of exercise for depression. This area of science is full of confounding variables, but there are some important lessons for understanding population mental health. Now, there's a science-backed reason to dance like no one is watching. The work is the twerk?

    And we had a smorgasbord of awesome topics! Other topics: unique approaches to injury healing, Megan's overall win at her backyard half marathon, comparing to ghost versions of yourself, thoughts from the Big Alta finish line, running as a power sport, a new policy on eating disorders from the world of climbing, a follow-up on iron levels and mental health, MLB's pants problem, a shoe durability study, advice for starting a podcast, S2 testing in the NFL, and hot takes.

    Stay tuned until the end for a listener corner message that will have you so excited about the aging process. The official SWAP policy is that we will all age like some delicious blue cheese!

    For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

    Precision Hydration discount site: https://visit.pfandh.com/someworkallplay

  • We glugged some sugar with coffee and cream for this awesome episode! The main training topic was a new study breaking down the training of the 24-hour world-record holder. It gave us an excuse to talk about the trajectory of ultra training, and how we're in the midst of a fundamental shift in the sport at all levels.

    We also talked about a cool study on sports bra tightness and breathing patterns. The results were pretty stunning, and it may have implications for chest-strap heart rate monitors too. Plus, the researchers gave us the chance for lots of bra jokes. Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear sports bras that are just the right size.

    And that was just the tip of a topics iceberg! Other topics: early morning wake-ups, our initial thoughts on arm-band heart rate, Megan's thoughts of stepping into the unknown at the Canyons 100k, a study on iron infusions that has implications for how we think about iron and lactate transport, a follow-up on last week's THC discussion, the U.S. Snowshoe Championships...without any snow, drug testing and compassion, recent breakthroughs in AI and where we think it's going, a typo that will make you feel better about your mistakes, and hot takes.

    Stick around to the end, because the episode ends with a listener corner that will have you glugging from a fire hose of inspiration!

    For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

    Precision Hydration discount site: https://visit.pfandh.com/someworkallplay

  • We just got back from a joyful and intense weekend at the Black Canyon 100k, arguably the most competitive ultra on US soil! Endurance sports are in the midst of a fundamental shift in what's possible, from the winners to the final finishers. This year's Black Canyon was a mind-blowing demonstration of how the game is changing, with tons of lessons that apply to all goals!

    Topics we discussed: why the sport has taken such a big leap in the last few years, how race dynamics have changed, the distinction of process v. results in an athletic trajectory, where big-carb fueling comes in, training thoughts, and so much more. We just witnessed a race that will go down in history as part of the first wave of a performance and competition revolution. Prepare to be inspired, awed, and motivated to slurp some carbs!

    And that was just the start! We touched on tons of our favorite things this week. Other topics: a BIG race announcement, a BIG plate of tater tots, pre-race goal-setting, impostor syndrome, aid station approaches, hydration strategy, wrecking Freetrail Fantasy picks, 2 new studies on THC and athletic performance, a doping positive from the Trail World Champion, a tragic loss for the running world, and hot takes.

    This one ends with a listener corner email that will bring you to the happiest tears. GET IT QUEENS!

    For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

    Precision Hydration discount site: https://visit.pfandh.com/someworkallplay

  • It was the ultimate celebration episode, on a high from watching the Olympic Marathon Trials! We talked about some of our favorite storylines from the most exciting race on US soil: training partners finishing together (and our conspiracy theory), the next big star is born for female marathoners, an Olympian who walked onto her D2 college team, and so much more.

    Then we had some of the coolest data ever: internal stats on race day fueling from 60 case studies of successful races. Most field studies find that athletes grossly undershoot the science-backed recommendations for calories and hydration. Understanding the averages and offsets is a massive opportunity for most athletes to enhance their performance. Slurp slurp.

    And this one was absolutely PACKED with our favorite discussions! Other topics: new data on supershoes and how we suggest using them in training, Megan's experience with ketones, a heart-warming follow-up on the Chipotle Challenge, why we are so disturbed by The Enhanced Games, running and health, heart rate variation across athletes, the Zwift treadmill, and hot takes.

    For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

    Precision Hydration discount site: https://visit.pfandh.com/someworkallplay

  • We rolled up our shorts to their full upright and locked positions for this spicy episode! A big topic was the final installment in our trilogy of updates on tensions surrounding UTMB. The letter sent by Kilian Jornet and Zach Miller to fellow pros added fuel to a fire that started at the grassroots level, finally leading to a response from UTMB. We provide some context that will be fascinating whether you're interested in trail running or just the business side of things, before coming to an ultimately optimistic conclusion. Hopefully, the UTMB empire has the best interests of the community at heart... and they aren't building a Death Star.

    While our shorts were rolled up, we didn't waste the opportunity to let some big opinions and emotions out into the world! Other topics: our picks for the Olympic Marathon Trials, great health news, grief and athletics, the best athletic news of the week, cross training and climbing in running, the booming business of trail running, our favorite coaches, studies on leadership, what we look for in leaders, the bonkers Chipotle Challenge, the seismic shifts in the media landscape, body image and confidence, and hot takes.

    This episode is like the best burrito. It's shockingly stuffed and ready to party!

    For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!

    Support the podcast: patreon.com/swap

    Try Athletic Greens: drinkAG1.com/swap

    Buy Janji's amazing gear: https://janji.com/ (code "SWAP")

    Precision Hydration discount link: pfandh.com (code "SWAP")

  • We chugged some chocolate whole milk to fuel this amazing episode! The main training topic was on why testosterone levels are relevant for all endurance athletes. While individuals have different genetic set-points for testosterone, studies on men and women show that training and fueling interventions can change baseline levels. Those changes can be positive, leading to more energy and better performance... or negative, possibly contributing to fatigue in training and life. We break down the complicated science, along with what athletes can do to optimize their levels safely and legally.

    And this episode was stuffed with the best discussions! Other topics: a study on caffeine and deception, lower-mileage training that features more cross training, Allie Ostrander's inspiring story of qualifying for Team USA in cross country, Cooper Teare's nose strip, breathing exercises and heart rate variability, a breaking-news study on performance impacts from strategic low-carb approaches, the prevalence of drug use in endurance athletes, our obsession with Detroit Lions coach Dan Campbell, Jack Scott's triumph at the Spine Race, and our appreciation of David Goggins.

    We also have a listener hot take that will change the way you think about hot dogs and hydration. Oscar Meyer is coming for our sports drinks?!

    For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!

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