
  • Tapping into our deep vulnerabilities on the page may feel uncomfortable or scary - even when we’re writing for our eyes only. But openly sharing our authentic stories can be incredibly healing and allow us to create massive impact not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others!

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I sit down with the amazing author, story coach, and book writing mentor Amy Hallberg to explore how we can use the writing process to clarify and share our vulnerable stories in a way that enables us to heal… and to deliver our important messages to the people who are meant to receive them.

    This is a beautiful conversation jam-packed with thoughtful insights. If you’ve been feeling a nudge to begin working on a book or keynote - or simply want to build a more nourishing journaling practice - you won’t want to miss it!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The connection between writing a book and the journey toward healing (and why this process can be SO powerful!) How to get started if a book is calling your name - even if it’s only a tiny whisper right now An invitation that will have you healing through writing in ways that will greatly heighten your creativity!

    Guest bio: Amy Hallberg is the author of Tiny Altars: A Midlife Revival and German Awakening: Tales from an American Life. She is a podcaster, story coach, book writing mentor, and the founder of Courageous Wordsmith Community for Real-Life Writers. Amy guides writers through their narrative journeys - from inklings to beautiful works.


    00:01 Intro

    02:41 Meet Amy Hallberg

    06:44 Should you write a book?

    09:00 Amy’s writing journey

    12:26 Meanings & interpretations

    16:23 Writing, sharing & divine timing

    20:34 Martha Beck

    23:33 Open doors & healing with the flow

    27:17 More Martha Beck & knowing your why

    29:23 Sharing vulnerable stories

    37:31 Invitation & conclusion


    Amy Hallberg



    Instagram: @amy_hallberg

    Martha Beck


    Byron Katie


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  • When dealing with vampires in movies or books, you have options: garlic, crosses, and the trusty wooden stake. But how do you deal with real-life energy vampires?

    An energy vampire is someone who consistently exposes you to low frequency emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, pessimism, and anger. They may be an obnoxious acquaintance or a demanding client, but they may also be someone you love - a friend, parent, spouse, or even child.

    While most energy vampires don’t deliberately try to drain you, being around their energy frequently or for long periods can pull yours down. In this short and sweet episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to protect your energy from low vibe people and organizations, and stop bringing negative energy home with you!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to perform relationship inventories, energetic shielding, and cord cutting How to surround yourself with more of the high vibe people that uplift you An invitation that will have you protecting your energy in powerful ways, so you can stay joyful and high vibrational!


    00:01 Intro

    03:36 Phase Entanglement

    05:43 What is an energy vampire?

    07:23 Doing a relationship inventory

    09:18 Energy shielding

    10:50 Cord cutting

    11:33 Finding high vibe energy

    13:48 Invitation & conclusion


    Energy & Spirit Oracle

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  • In the family film Yes Day, children challenge their parents to say “yes” to their requests for an entire day, leading to some wild adventures. After a lot of effort, my seven-year-old got me to agree to give her a mini Yes Day of her own. An essential part of that afternoon? The firm boundaries that I set beforehand.

    That day, I set boundaries to prevent my daughter from ordering five ice cream cones. In my business, I set boundaries to protect and nurture my energy.

    We often find it difficult to say NO to the requests or opportunities that don’t serve us… but we can find it just as hard to say YES to those that do. In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to establish, maintain, and modify healthy business boundaries that keep your energy in harmony and allow you to enjoy all the good stuff you may have been missing out on!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to know exactly when you should say YES - and when to say NO!How to follow through on all of your heart-led yesses and nosAn invitation that will have you experiencing energetic harmony in life and business that puts you in a delicious, effortless flow state!


    00:01 Intro & listener review

    06:12 Energetic alignment

    08:21 Check in with your energy

    14:06 Setting & modifying boundaries

    18:38 Following intuition & authority

    20:00 Follow-through & Yes Mall story

    26:24 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #121: Make Your Every Business Day Full of Joy & Creativity by Following Your Human Design Arrows

    Soul Guide Radio #123: Manifest Your Dreams & learn New Insights at Lightning Speed by Following Your Human Design Arrows

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  • You do it. I do it. My clients do it… we all take in far too much information each and every day. This isn’t something that we do consciously. The modern information era has rewired our brains - and it’s super easy to feel overwhelmed by our constant exposure and access to a steady stream of media, influencers, and other noise.

    When things feel too complicated, finding the answers we need can feel harder than it has to be. How do we cut through all the clutter and static so that we can figure out our best next steps?

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explore the power of the pause to ask the right question - and reveal how it can help you take those sticky, difficult life challenges and uncover their most easeful solutions!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How chaos can cut you off from your Divine Guidance Team - and how to know when you need to pauseHow to ask the right question in the right way (and receive the answer you need with clarity!) An invitation that will have you receiving the perfect solutions to your life’s biggest conundrums, so you can shift out of the confusion and start living a life that’s more simple, joyful, and aligned!


    00:01 Intro

    05:14 Chaos in your system

    09:21 The power of the pause

    11:56 Asking the question

    14:00 Past lifetime wounds & clarity

    16:13 How to receive answers

    21:44 Second-guessing & examples

    26:13 Why we fight against solutions

    27:15 Human Design Authority

    30:37 Invitation & conclusion

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  • Our spiritual gifts are incredibly powerful. They can help us build stronger connections, heal our deep wounds, consciously co-create our reality, lead others into more meaningful ways of living and being, and tap into our highest potential.

    So… why do so many of us have the urge to just shut them down??

    For many of us, embracing and expressing our spiritual gifts doesn’t feel SAFE. We’re afraid of being judged, ostracized, ridiculed, or rejected for engaging in a spiritual practice and nurturing our connection with the divine. This fear is a wound that many people in the spiritual community call the ‘witch wound.’ In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to truly heal your witch wound, so you can live an authentically spiritual life in your highest alignment!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How and why the witch wound cuts you off from your spiritual gifts How past and current trauma and conditioning shapes your experience of the witch wound - and my 5-step process for healing it!An invitation that will have you connecting to and co-creating with the divine in the powerful ways you are designed to


    00:01 Intro

    04:07 Lightworkers, old souls & lifetime experiences

    08:15 Rejection v. acceptance

    11:17 Ancestral witch wounds

    15:04 How we are designed

    16:58 Asking your Higher Self

    18:48 5-step healing process

    20:24 Healing my wound

    24:39 Wound release & post-release re-patterning

    29:14 Invitation & conclusion

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  • Adventures are fun and challenges suck… right? Let’s think again! When you consciously approach life’s challenges as great adventures, it can activate something deep inside yourself and empower you to handle these tough times with more ease - while releasing wounds, learning valuable lessons, and shifting into something higher!

    The truth is that we NEED challenges in order to reach our dreams. They’re a vital and necessary part of the journey to realize and fulfil our big soul missions. In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I empower you to transform the way that you approach the challenges that you encounter along your path, so that you can move through them (and learn from them) without being derailed!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How challenges trigger your wounds and give you the opportunity to healHow to identify and embrace the gifts inside your challenges (yes, even the really big challenges!) An invitation that will have you turning the lessons you learn from your challenges into a roadmap for soul-aligned success!


    00:01 Intro & listener review

    04:30 Human Design

    05:49 Finding acceptance & gifts

    06:53 Clarifying your dreams

    09:19 Healing, learning & the power of the question

    13:05 Accelerated growth example

    19:04 Clarifying my goal

    22:19 Source has got you!

    25:17 Releasing pain & creating adventure

    28:15 Launch example

    33:08 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #136: How to Self Heal

    Soul Guide Radio #140: Reach Your Dreams by Showing Up

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  • When you’re working toward a big dream, you may sometimes feel stuck or stalled out, especially if this dream has been in your thoughts for a long time. So, what does it really take to make a wish come true? Contrary to the teachings of books like The Secret, it takes a lot more than just thinking about it! If you want to reach your dreams with more ease, you need to start showing up for them.

    When you intentionally get into the right energy, you can actually accelerate and amplify your ability to consciously create the reality you’ve been dreaming about… and bring all of those juicy and satisfying wishes to fruition!

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explore what it means to show up powerfully for your dreams of tomorrow - and what can happen when you get clear on what you really want and stay committed!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The role that your energetic resonance plays in conscious creation - and how to tune it for your most powerful results!How to overcome the most common blocks that pop up along the wayAn invitation that will have you showing up for your dreams in a way that has you fulfilling even the most hard-to-reach goals!


    00:01 Intro

    04:18 Thoughts, emotions & energetic resonance

    06:26 Check in with yourself & your dream

    08:09 Get clear & my dream example

    14:34 How do I show up?

    18:45 Show up for your end state

    20:37 Overcaring

    22:48 Getting derailed by results

    24:06 Divine timing

    25:40 Recap

    27:15 Invitation & conclusion

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  • Struggling with the notion of niching down? You're not alone. Kristen Lynch joins me to unravel this conundrum, offering a breath of fresh air for all of you soulful entrepreneurs out there.

    Our conversation is packed with insights on how to infuse your sales strategies with integrity, ensuring that every transaction resonates with the core of who you are. We're discovering how to connect with your ideal clients in a way that's genuine and creates ethical urgency—all while staying true to your values.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The art of connecting authentically with your ideal client avatar and creating a sense of ethical urgency without compromising your valuesHow to detach from sales outcomes and embracing abundance, all while trusting in a higher source to guide your journeyPricing strategies that reflect the true transformation you offer

    Guest bio: Kristen is a soulful marketing + mindset coach for early-stage women entrepreneurs, helping them own their unique gifts, take up unapologetic space online, & get paid to change lives doing what they love (on their terms – burnout free). She also hosts the internationally-charted Goddess Talk Podcast.

    As soulful entrepreneurs, recognizing our worth is pivotal, and this episode will inspire you to charge fairly for the extraordinary, long-term impact your work has on individuals and their legacies. Join us for an enlightening discussion that promises to shift your perspective on sales and empower you to step into your full potential.


    00:01 Intro

    03:37 Meet Kristen Lynch

    06:36 Embracing the salesperson inside us

    11:34 Resistance in selling

    14:17 Ethical urgency

    19:13 Using abundant energy

    21:52 Marketing focused sales secrets

    24:51 An Invitation to do things differently


    Visit Kristen’s website: http://www.goddessbrandco.com

    Connect with Kristen on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamkristenlynch

    Listen to the Goddess Talk Podcast: https://www.goddessbrandco.com/blog-podcast

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    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

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  • Are you tired of pushing through life with relentless willpower, only to find yourself exhausted and unfulfilled? When we get stuck in the throes of pain or emotional turmoil, the instinct may be to push through with raw determination. Yet, in this episode, I urge a different approach—slowing down to align with one's true self for accelerated growth.

    By embracing present-moment awareness, letting go of resistance, and surrendering outcomes to our Higher Self, we tap into a profound source of abundance that transcends financial rewards.

    Finding your alignment is the #1 energetic theme of 2024, and today’s episode will put you in a transformative state of flow.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to recognize when you're operating on willpower and how to gently guide yourself back into a state of flowStrategies for staying aligned even when facing physical or emotional painAn easy technique to boost your alignment and move into accelerated results


    00:01 Intro

    05:25 What is alignment?

    07:29 Alignment intentions

    09:41 Why Willpower won’t work

    14:05 Checking in on intentions

    17:13 Higher self and divine guidance team

    24:51 An Invitation to be hyper mindful


    Soul Guide Radio #136: How to Self Heal

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  • What if I told you that a soul blueprint exists with a built-in compass and other tools inside that gives you everything you need to create a life that is more fulfilling, meaningful, aligned, and abundant?

    You do! And in this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explore how your 5 Spiritual Gifts of intuition, healing, manifestation, teaching, and leadership can guide you through life's challenges and opportunities, empowering you to consciously create your destiny.

    It’s your Spiritual Gifts that enable you to ACCESS YOUR FULL SOUL POWER to…earn more income with ease, become a true expert in your field, make a massive impact on your clients’ lives, and amplify your intuitive gifts to the level of receiving downloads, psychic hits, and channeling abilities. 💖

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The 5 spiritual gifts that compose your Soul Blueprint, The right way to use your Soul Blueprint to navigate life’s challenge or leverage the opportunities, and How your Soul Blueprint is the key and essential road map to to your soul’s unique journey, gifts, and energy


    00:01 Intro

    05:10 Religious conditioning

    07:16 Acceptance within your openness

    10:25 Spiritual gift of intuition

    12:21 Spiritual gift of healing

    13:53 Spiritual gift of manifestation

    15:23 Spiritual gift of leadership

    23:19 Spiritual gift of teaching & manifestation

    26:12 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #136: How to Self Heal

    Soul Guide Radio #120 : Manifestation vs Conscious Creation

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  • Are you ready to tap into your intuitive gifts and unlock your full potential for self-healing and personal growth? There’s a message of truth we almost never hear, and that message is: “You have the power to heal yourself.”

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, we explore the transformative journey that awaits when you awaken to the dormant powers within and embrace your inner healer. Whether you're navigating the ups and downs of spiritual entrepreneurship or seeking a deeper connection with your higher self, this conversation will guide you toward a life of abundance and joy.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The 5-step process for self-healing and emotional release, Why allowing yourself to fully experience emotions is crucial for personal and collective healing, andHow establishing a morning ritual can elevate your vibrational frequency and infuse your day with positivity.


    00:01 Intro

    17:38 Self-Healing and Joy Through Repetition

    08:28 What are quantum leap catch-ups?

    28:36 Raising Vibrational Frequency Through Daily Practice

    34:31 Empower Your Intuition With Daily Practice


    Soul Guide Radio Episode #88: The 5 Stages of an Energy Upgrade

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  • When you act as a caretaker for others - such as your children, older relatives, or partner - it can be challenging to make sure that you’re meeting your own energetic needs. Becoming overwhelmed will have you not only unable to be the best caretaker for your loved ones, but leave you unable to heal, grow, and evolve your energy.

    So what does it mean to take care of your own energy while caring for others? How do you protect and nourish your energy day to day, so that you aren’t left feeling as though you’re running on empty?

    My guest for this episode of Soul Guide Radio is the lovely Anna Folsom, a fellow intuitive coach who offers her clients support and guidance to go from feeling emotionally overwhelmed to experiencing joy, energy, and vibrancy. In this thoughtful conversation, we discuss how to recognize when we’re emotionally overwhelmed and the tools that can help us refill our own energy cups!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The simple and powerful first step to shifting out of overwhelm How to move into something higher to heal, grow, and evolve your energy An invitation that will have you making consistent choices that nourish your energy so you can live more vibrantly!

    Guest bio: Anna Folsom is the founder of Phoenix Rising Transformational Coaching, helping people heal, grow, and evolve.


    00:01 Intro

    03:22 Meet Anna Folsom

    05:04 Giving best energy to business

    07:56 Recognizing emotional overwhelm

    10:24 Courage over comfort

    13:34 The Vibrancy Scale

    17:39 Soul Blueprint & energy frequency

    22:36 Fear of emotions

    26:00 Using your tools

    29:47 Invitation & conclusion


    Anna Folsom

    [email protected]


    Soul Blueprint


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  • You may be a bit surprised by the title of this episode of Soul Guide Radio, but it isn’t a typo! Today, I’m giving you the message to get back on the couch, slow all the way down… and wait.

    In a world where we’re urged to hustle, get moving, and act now, waiting can almost feel like a radical act! But when you don’t wait for the divine timing to arrive before moving forward, things can begin to feel forced - and you may even push your dream further away from you.

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, you’ll learn how to recognize when you should be making your moves (and when you should be staying still), so that you can pursue your dreams with more ease and alignment!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    Why it may be time to stop listening to personal growth mantras and inspirational quotesHow to stop forcing your dreams to arrive to instead align to the flow of divine timingAn invitation that will have you flowing in alignment with the power of divine timing!


    00:01 Intro

    04:04 Alignment v. will power

    05:54 Setting intention & releasing resistance

    08:00 Human Design & divine timing

    11:39 Projectors

    13:11 Coworking space story

    17:39 Spend time with the idea

    19:45 Check in on the timing

    25:52 Invitation & conclusion

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    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

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  • Do you experience recurring visions or nudges that seem to carry a deeper meaning - but aren’t sure whether these visions are just your imagination or divine messages from the spiritual realm? These may be psychic hits providing insight into a point in time BEFORE it arrives to your manifest reality. Psychic hits can contain powerful lessons from your Higher Self… and offer you the opportunity to grow, evolve, and create better outcomes.

    In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explain what a psychic hit is (and what it isn’t) and how to recognize when they pop up in your life. I also share a detailed tale of one of my own high-impact psychic hits - how it came to me, how it manifested, how I responded, and what I’ve learned from it!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to know when you’re getting a psychic hit (and what sets them apart from intuitive hits)A step-by-step guide for what to do if you think something big is on the horizonAn invitation that will have you recognizing all of the psychic hits that you may be missing!


    00:01 Intro

    03:50 Psychic hits v. intuitive hits

    06:48 Tale of a psychic hit

    13:33 Bicycle accident

    18:56 Psychic hit lesson

    21:50 How to recognize a psychic hit

    24:03 My psychic hit example

    26:54 What to do when receiving a hit

    29:44 Invitation, episode recommendation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #115: How to Choose Your Struggles

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  • Are you experiencing a burst of intense growth in your life or business? You may be in the middle of a quantum leap! I define quantum leaps as bursts of accelerated growth. Quantum leaps are activated after a period of energetic alignment.

    But there’s an important thing to know about quantum leaps - they sometimes come with “catch-ups.”

    A quantum leap catch-up is a period of accelerated healing that comes with the burst of growth. We can recognize a catch-up because they’re often associated with self-sabotage or taking down boundaries that we normally have healthfully in place. The reason this happens is because there’s some necessary healing that wants to happen! While a catch-up can leave you feeling out of sorts, it’s important to trust in and surrender to the full wave of the growth cycle.

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    What it really means to experience a quantum leap catch-upHow to recognize when you’re in one and avoid thwarting your growthAn invitation that will have you perfectly lining up to experience accelerated growth in your life and business at just the right time!


    00:01 Intro

    06:22 What are quantum leaps?

    08:28 What are quantum leap catch-ups?

    11:49 Aligning to the growth cycle

    12:50 Skipped healing

    14:08 Recognizing leaps & catch-ups

    17:48 Contract story

    24:25 What to do in a catch-up?

    28:41 Invitation & conclusion

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    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

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  • Where does happiness come from? And how can we experience MORE of it? In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I sit down with Kim Strobel, a speaker, leadership consultant, and happiness coach who helps high-achievers prioritize their health and well-being, to explore the science behind 40 years of happiness research - and some of the findings may just shock you!

    Tune in to learn how to ignite your spark and increase your potential through consciously tapping into luscious, high-vibrational feeling states with ease!

    Listen now to discover:

    Where scientific research claims 50% of your happiness comes fromA simple yet game-changing formula that will help you take control of your own happinessAn invitation that will have you seeing happiness in a whole new light, so you can experience a whole lot more of it!

    Guest bio: Kim Strobel is a renowned motivational speaker, sought after by schools, businesses, and organizations worldwide. With her powerful message about the impact of happiness on well-being and the pursuit of fulfillment, she traverses the globe, sharing her insights. Kim specializes in empowering educators and professionals, equipping them with the necessary tools and strategies to shift their mindsets, reclaim their happiness, reignite their passion, and lead with purpose.


    00:01 Intro

    05:48 Meet Kim Strobel

    08:09 Science & spirituality

    10:04 “Am I intuitive enough?”

    11:56 Pace of healing

    13:23 Happiness research

    17:02 Genetics, ancestral trauma & resistance

    21:02 External circumstances

    23:50 Toxic positivity & forgiveness

    26:36 40% of happiness

    30:45 Happiness fuels success

    34:19 Sources of happiness

    38:33 Savouring experiences

    39:40 Happiness habit & our wiring

    44:19 Human Design & neuroplasticity

    47:07 “I am…”

    54:30 Invitation & conclusion


    Kim Strobel



    Instagram: @kimstrobeljoy

    Free Gratitude Tracker

    Order the Teach Happy Book Here

    The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton

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  • While walking our paths, we can sometimes find ourselves feeling stuck or thwarted by intangible obstacles. While we can’t see them (and often aren’t even aware that they exist!), these glass ceilings can hold us back from expressing our gifts at the highest level or consciously creating our biggest dreams.

    A common understanding of the term “glass ceiling” is that it’s a limit that’s imposed on us by something outside ourselves, but it can also refer to the wounds or blocks inside of us that we need to release in order to move forward and continue growing.

    While our glass ceilings may try to tell us that we’ve reached our limit, the truth is that we are LIMITLESS. Tune in for a powerful punch of an episode that reveals exactly how to identify when you’re bumping up against a glass ceiling - and then remove that glass ceiling, layer by layer, so you can continue to grow and ascend!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    How to step into the limitlessness you’re truly meant to experience How I rewrote my story and removed the glass ceiling suffocating my potential An invitation that will have you stretching and evolving to higher and higher levels of your potential!


    00:01 Intro

    04:05 What are glass ceilings?

    06:17 My heart-led challenge

    08:03 When & how to remove a layer

    12:02 Glass ceiling exercise

    17:03 My book

    18:49 Invitation & conclusion

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  • People talk about karma as a source of cosmic justice - the idea that “what goes around, comes around.” We’re told that we need to focus on radiating only positive energy out into the world. Not only is this an unhealthy mindset that can lead to toxic positivity, it isn’t even a reflection of how karma actually works!

    Understanding the truth behind karma can help us hop on a powerful pathway to higher vibrational living. This soulful episode of Soul Guide Radio dives deeply into the concept of karma - its origins in ancient belief systems, what really lies beneath the idea of karmic energy, and the importance of giving ourselves grace and compassion when we’re feeling stuck. BONUS: I also share my 5 step process for energy healing!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The only true pathway to radiating “positive” energy Why people sometimes mistake the law of attraction for karmic consequencesAn invitation that will help you understand how karma truly works, so you can maintain habits that will enable you to experience more joy!


    00:01 Listener review & intro

    06:14 What is karma?

    08:20 “I saw that”

    09:27 High vibe energy v. low vibe energy

    12:17 Law of attraction & healing wounds

    13:51 5 step process for energy healing

    16:12 Radiating high-vibrational energy

    18:44 Ego-led intentions

    22:18 Healing “bad” cravings

    27:40 Biggest energy leak

    28:37 Invitation & conclusion

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    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

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    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

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  • Welcome to Part 5 of my series exploring Energetic Soul Client Attraction, the process of putting out the right energetic signals in your business so your soul clients can find you! This episode explores soul client courtship, the journey through which your ideal customers get to deeply know you and your offerings - and make the shift into loyal repeat clients who sing your praises.

    Tune in as I share game-changing insights that will help you create a powerful energetic spark between you and your dreamiest clients, whether this journey starts online, in-person, or through a podcast feed.

    Listen now to discover:

    3 questions that will help you choose where to court your soul clients2 secrets to content creation that soul clients AND algorithms will love!An invitation that will have you creating a soul client courtship that will reinvigorate your sales funnel!


    00:01 Listener review & intro

    05:38 “Where do I feel good?”

    10:38 “Where does my soul client hang out?”

    11:56 “What do I have the bandwidth for?”

    13:24 Where I court & how to start

    17:00 Be consistent without burnout

    19:43 Be bold!

    24:13 Love connection & Netherlands story

    34:49 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #121: Make Your Every Business Day Full of Joy & Creativity by Following Your Human Design Arrows

    Soul Guide Radio #123: Manifest Your Dreams & Learn New Insights at Lightning Speed by Following Your Human Design Arrows

    Soul Guide Radio #124: Aligning Your Business to Your Soul Mission

    Soul Guide Radio #125: Releasing the Energy Blocks Tethering You Down

    Soul Guide Radio #126: Making Your Higher Self the CEO of Your Business

    Soul Guide Radio #127: Connecting Deeply to Your Soul Client Avatar

    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

    Interested in being a guest? SUBMIT an Application Form

  • There’s a reason why creating your ideal client avatar is one of the first steps of any marketing course. When you have real insight into your dream clients, you can skip hours of market research and create powerful content that cuts to the core of what they want, need, and expect from you… but do you REALLY need to know their favourite ice cream flavour in order to sell to them?

    If you’re tired of trying to figure out which reality TV show your ideal client prefers, this episode of Soul Guide Radio is for you! Tune in as I reveal how to create a deep, profound, and meaningful energetic connection to your soul client avatar that’s based on the insights that truly matter.

    This is the fourth episode in my special five-part series exploring Energetic Soul Client Attraction. If you want to master this powerful energetic alignment process, make sure to tune into all five episodes!

    Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:

    The client insights that ACTUALLY make a difference to your marketingHow to create content for your soul client avatar that leaves your entire audience feeling like it was created just for them An invitation that will have you filling your pipeline with the soul clients that you were born to serve!


    00:01 Intro

    03:24 Ideal client avatars

    06:04 Soul client avatars

    09:18 Last week’s episode

    10:24 5-step process

    11:14 SOUL-ed Out Circle example

    16:00 Connecting the dots

    22:47 Focusing your questions

    23:25 Creating content that connects

    27:27 Human Design & strategy

    33:28 Invitation & conclusion


    Soul Guide Radio #124 - Aligning Your Business to Your Soul Mission

    Soul Guide Radio #125 - Releasing the Energy Blocks Tethering You Down

    Soul Guide Radio #126 - Making Your Higher Self the CEO of Your Business

    Soul Guide Radio #120 - Manifestation v. Conscious Creation

    Join SOUL-ed Out Circle!


    Stay connected:

    Soul Guide Circle: JOIN the Soul Guide Circle closed Facebook Group

    Facebook: FOLLOW on Facebook

    Instagram: FOLLOW on Instagram

    Ready to grow a prosperous soul-guided business? BOOK a free Intuitive Consult

    We LOVE Listener Reviews, and we read them on the air! Leave a REVIEW here

    Interested in being a guest? SUBMIT an Application Form