
  • Gerardo Segat is an international leadership coach and host of the live show "Out As Humans." His purpose and legacy is to humanize leadership. Following a wealth of experiences as an entrepreneur, chairman, and CEO, Gerardo has used his leadership background to create Preludes: a coaching program created to humanize leaders, organizations, and their stakeholders through creative and powerful original experiences (such as decision-making debates, client interaction models, and emotions-focused team meetings).

    Gerardo is also the creator of Vebate, a format of decision-making debate, Leader in the Mirror, a format of interviews, and Leaderness, a post-graduate training program.

    For the past decade, he has been a member of YPO Young Presidents’ Organization (the world’s largest community of leaders and CEOs) of which he has been the founder and chair of three chapters in Italy, Switzerland, and globally. Currently, Gerardo is working on Out As Humans, a performing arts show designed to humanize authentic leaders. Out as Humans is an individual and group immersive performance that creates a space for leaders to be open, trusting, empathetic, and feel a sense of belonging.

    And, you can find him at gerardosegat.com/show




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Jami and Marla are on a mission to rescue marriages from the brink of giving up, transforming them into vibrant connections filled with joy and deeper happiness than ever before! Together, they will help you turn your love story into an inspiring tale of connection and joy!

    Their vision is a world where every marriage flourishes, transcending defeat and resentment to become a testament to joy, deep happiness, and vibrant connection. They aspire to lead couples on transformative journeys, revitalizing relationships into inspiring tales of closeness and happiness, where every love story is a beacon of hope and fulfillment.

    Find them at BringBackIntimacy.com




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

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  • John Briggs is known for going against the Big 4 Accounting firms with his “new workday normal” Rockstar business culture and jaw-dropping revenue increases of 492%! But how did he do it? Many people have been dying to know John’s secrets.

    Fear not, because he recently composed all his stellar business advice, from epic failures to his greatest successes, into his new book, The 3.3 Rule - A New Workday Normal. Through his 12+ years of Entrepreneurship, he has learned that achieving a highly profitable business can be overwhelming, particularly with all the barriers and unknowns that new business owners are forced to deal with. Entrepreneurs can quickly become stressed and, often, sadly, give up on the mission that they set out for because of burnout.

    In much the same way that the body needs blood to survive, our economy needs small businesses, the lifeblood of the economy, to stay healthy and to grow more resilient. John Briggs is a man on a mission! A mission to give entrepreneurs a new workday standard so they avoid burnout and stay in business. The 3.3 Rule book showcases how to make more by working less.

    He “walks the walk” by battling against the traditional CPA culture of “overwork, underpaid, pay your dues and suffer while you’re at it” mentality by providing his team with this same new workday normal, even during busy tax season!

    Find John at incitetax.com and the 33rulebook.com




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Jack Skeels is a former RAND senior analyst and agency executive. He is the CEO of AgencyAgile, an operations consulting and coaching firm that has helped over 200 agencies, consultancies, and other project-driven organizations go better, faster, and happier. Jack’s new book, Unmanaged: Master the Magic of Creating Empowered and Happy Organizations, is available on Amazon.

    His career includes leading Sapient’s 105-person Los Angeles office, and founding and executive roles in multiple startups. He is a coach to executives, a thought leader and evangelist to industry, and wakes every day driven to create a revolution in leadership and management practices, optimal organization design, and delivery excellence.

    Jack is recognized as an outstanding speaker, writer, and educator. He speaks at over 15 industry and association events per year, including Ad Age, Digiday, SoDA (annual meeting and The SoDA Academy), 4A’s conferences, Advertising Week, Magnet Global, Miss Collective, TAAN, Bureau of Digital, and others. With over 35 published articles, his work frequently appears in leading publications such as: Ad Age, Entrepreneur.com, Ad Week, MediaPost, and Campaign.us.

    Jack is a two-time Inc-500 Award winner and entrepreneur, with several successful startups to his credit. In addition to a bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering and an MBA with honors in Entrepreneurship and Finance from the Marshall School of Business, he has held several graduate-level teaching roles, including associate professor at the RAND-Pardee School of Public Policy.

    Find Jack on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackaskeels/




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Ryan Englin is a force. Meaning, he’s a disruptive new wave. When he speaks, you’ll sense a particular energy you haven’t felt before. Because he’s leveling tradition, and he’s completely revamping the way business owners across the country think about their next hire.

    Ryan is passionate about supporting small businesses in blue-collar industries. Growing up, he saw his own father working 12-hour shifts (and nearly every weekend) as an owner/operator. His dad continues to clock almost the same hours well past retirement age.

    Ryan seeks to empower these types of dedicated, hardworking owners and leaders. He coaches them to think outside the box and address age-old problems by embracing new perspectives. The secret? Hiring the right people.

    Ryan says, “It’s the single most effective way to grow a business.”

    Find Ryan at https://corematters.com and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanenglin




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Barry gets small businesses unstuck.

    As a small business expert, Barry Moltz gets owners growing again by unlocking their long-forgotten potential. With decades of entrepreneurial experience in his own business ventures as well as consulting countless other entrepreneurs, Barry has discovered the formula to get stuck business owners unstuck and marching forward. As a small business expert, Barry applies simple, strategic steps to facilitate change.

    Barry has founded and run small businesses with a great deal of success and failure for more than 20 years.

    After successfully selling his last operating business, Barry has branched out into a number of entrepreneurship-related activities. He founded an angel investor group, an angel fund, and is a former advisory member of the board of the Angel Capital Education Foundation. His first book, “You Need to Be A Little Crazy: The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Business” describes the ups and downs and emotional trials of running a business. It is in its fifth reprint and has been translated into Chinese, Russian, Korean and Thai.

    His second book, “Bounce! Failure, Resiliency and the Confidence to Achieve Your Next Great Success”, shows what it takes to come back and develop true business confidence. It has been translated into Korean and German. His third book, “BAM! Delivering Customer Service in a Self-Service World” shows how customer service is the new marketing. People now buy experiences and relationships, not products. His fourth book, Small Town Rules: How Small Business and Big Brands can Profit in a Connected Economy shows how when every customer can talk to every other customer, it’s like living in a small town: Your reputation is everything! His fifth book, “How to Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again” focuses on how to get small business owners making more profits in their company. Barry’s sixth book “Small Business Hacks: 100 Shortcuts to Your Success” with Rieva Lesonsky gives small business owners the key resources to be successful.

    Barry’s 7th award winning book, “ChangeMasters: How to Actually Make the Changes You Already Know You Need to Make” is available now. He most recently appeared as a business expert in the History Channel’s “The Booze, Bets and Sex that Built America”.

    Barry is a nationally recognized speaker on small business who has given hundreds of presentations to audiences ranging in size from 20 to 20,000. As a member of the Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame, he has also taught entrepreneurship as an adjunct professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has appeared on many TV and radio programs such as CNBC’s The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, MSNBC’s Your Business and NPR’s The Tavis Smiley Show. He hosts his own weekly radio program for 12 years, The Small Business Radio Show writes regularly for other periodicals.




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • The NY press accuses Don Schmincke of providing “the most provocative view of leadership than any other speaker.” What else would you expect from an MIT and Johns Hopkins researcher who was nearly arrested as a capitalist spy in the Soviet Bloc, got shot off an aircraft carrier, survived in the Kurdish capital as Iran took U.S. Embassy hostages, was the first white invited into an African Tsonga tribe, summitted 20,000 feet on the highest volcano before it blew up, and developed missile guidance systems while his frat brothers took Vegas (as seen in the movie “21”)?

    Don Schmincke’s irreverent humor and unconventional methods provide audiences such a refreshing change to other status-quo topics that he’s been called the world’s “rogue MBA professor.” His patent-pending offerings transcend typical programs via refreshing alternatives to trendy theories, unproven methods, and phony "experts." The industry agrees:

    • Renown books "The Code of the Executive" and “High Altitude Leadership” (with NBC Emmy-nominated climber Chris Warner)

    • Published in over 10 languages, endorsed by leading authorities, and recommended by top business schools.

    • Featured by CNN, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, MSNBC.com, and more than 60 industry publications annually.

    • Acclaimed as a Top 10 speaker for the world’s largest CEO organization.

    • Awarded Senior Member recognition by IEEE, the world's largest organization for the advancement of technology.

    The high failure rates of pop-management theories drove Don’s research using anthropology, evolutionary genetics, and biology to dispel the "program-of-the-month" syndrome frustrating CEOs and HR managers for so long. By using Don’s science-driven leadership methods companies experience accelerated results in sales, employee engagement, and cultural alignment. He admits, “our work is politically incorrect but scientifically accurate.”

    Today, Don flies 200,000 miles annually speaking at conferences, training CEOs in his workshops, and working with clients from the Department of Defense (where he helped the U.S. Navy evolve its Fleet Readiness strategy) to companies across every industry including healthcare, manufacturing, non-profits, distribution, technology, communications, finance, and insurance. . . . and occasionally he can be found at universities inflicting his unconventional techniques on innocent graduate students.





    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Ken Eslick is the Co-Founder and CEO of The Leaders Lab - an Executive Leadership Recruiting Firm, and he's the host of "The Leaders Lab Podcast," a weekly show that delves into the world of leadership and personal development. As a Tony Robbins Trainer and President/Founder of The Leaders Lab, Ken shares actionable advice and lessons from great leaders across all walks of life.

    Ken is an expert in leadership and team building, with extensive experience leading teams as large as 1,000 in both public and private companies. As a C-Suite Coach & Talent Acquisition Specialist, Ken has had a successful F500 exit and has placed over 500 executives.






    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • “The best way to overcome the inevitable loneliness of life at the top may be to connect and mindfully attend to the process that’s already underway – the unconscious sharing that undergirds every relationship.”

    Leadership through radical self-inquiry. This is the driving idea behind the work of Jerry Colonna. For over two decades, he has been dedicated to the proposition that work should be non-violent to the self, non-violent to the community, and non-violent to the planet.

    Jerry is a coach, writer, and speaker who focuses on leadership, business, and the practice of radical self-inquiry. He is the Co-founder and CEO of Reboot.io, a company born from the rallying cry that work does not have to destroy us. Work can be the way in which we achieve our fullest self.

    Find Jerry at Reboot.io




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Robert Houser is New England, born and raised. Though he has lived in California all his adult life, you cannot take the New Englander out of him. It follows him. He's determinedly independent, critically frugal, he doesn't take himself too seriously, and yes, sarcasm slides in as an icebreaker.

    Photography entered his life at RISD, an extra course while he was at Brown studying Psychology and Comparative Literature with French. The photography courses at the Rhode Island School of Design reinvigorated his artistic side, which had been hidden for a decade by STEM classes. And though he worked on locked psychiatric wards while in college, it was the time in the darkroom that spoke to him. He became passionate about the medium, but his academic background stayed with him – psychology taught him to connect with people, to notice things they do or say, and to find a way put them at ease. And, Comparative Literature? It’s all about stories – a multi-disciplinary look at a theme. Decades of images later, he tells stories about people.








    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • There is nobody quite like life coach, author, and motivational speaker Shawn Antonio. Shawn specializes in helping people lean into their purpose and inspiring and motivating them to be bigger and better, no matter their personal circumstances in life.

    Shawn has died twice, almost four times. But - he keeps coming back.

    Shawn knows he has a bigger purpose for being here. Shawn initially pursued a career in medicine - only to give it up to follow his heart and enjoy a successful dance career. He has lived in 3 countries and five cities. His passions ultimately led him to Los Angeles, where he became one of Hollywood's most respected and universally loved nightlife promoters for more than 16 years. Shawn knows most people in LA.

    In 2017, Shawn was accused of a crime he did not commit and could not afford to fight.

    Despite all the challenges Shawn has faced - he dug deep and understood that there was a purpose in the design. In his darkest hours, he wrote his first two books and started coaching a number of friends - something he had been naturally doing for years as a passion rather than a purpose.

    Shawn coaches a number of celebrities and executives but is fiercely passionate about inspiring those stuck in the system - foster kids, inmates, and the homeless.

    Shawn is committed to inspiring and improving the lives of 1 billion people in his lifetime - it's his 'North Star' and guiding light.

    Find him at https://ShawnAntonio.com and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/shawnantoniolifecoaching




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Kelly Stoetzel is an energetic executive leader who brings creativity, strategic thinking, and curiosity to her work. Her focus is on spreading knowledge and ideas through content and experiences and on building, growing, and nurturing the communities around them.

    She loves working with impact-driven organizations and collaborating with others on diverse and dynamic cross-functional teams. She has extensive experience in leading teams through periods of growth and transition.

    Her areas of specialty are leadership, content curation, programming, communication, storytelling, community, experience development, partnerships, operations, strategy, and building from the ground up.

    Follow her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellystoetzel/

    See more about the Edelman Fossil Park here: https://www.rowan.edu/fossils/

    And you can see Dr. Ken's Paleontologist TED Talk here:





    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Dr. Ruairi Robertson is a scientist studying the human gut microbiome. He is fascinated by how microbes influence the human body, and his research examines the amazing interactions between microbes and human health and disease from belly to brain.

    Since he started his scientific career, he has garnered many awards, including:

    B.Sc in Human Nutrition from University College Dublin (2012)Ph.D. in Microbiology from University College Cork (2016)Fulbright Scholarship to Harvard Medical School (2015-2016)Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship to Queen Mary University of London (2017-2022)Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to the Institut Pasteur (2022-2023)

    You can find him at https://ruairirobertson.com/, Watch his fabulous talk at TEDxFulbright here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awtmTJW9ic8&feature=youtu.be

    And, his podcast about the cutting edge of microbiome research is here: https://ruairirobertson.podbean.com/




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Dr. Jennie Byrne lives to connect the dots between people and ideas in new and unexpected ways. She is a clinical translator between segments of our complex health system - clinicians, finance, operations, data, technology, and research. She has strong people skills and enjoys bringing psychological savvy and EQ to complicated problems. Clients have called her a triple threat because:

    1) Clinical Experience - nearly two decades of clinical experience as an MD/PhD
    2) Entrepreneur - founded and grew a clinical organization through the entire life cycle of inception to exit
    3) C-level Leadership - led teams to create and innovate clinical programs as a C-level leader

    She is also the author of "Work Smart - Brain/Behavior/Creativity and the Future of Work"

    Connect with Dr. Jennie here: drjenniebyrne.com and on Linkedin.com/in/drjenniebyrne/




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Ulrike Seminati is a leadership and communication coach with over twenty years of experience in shaping award-winning global communication and leadership programs across a variety of industries. Building on her experience as a C-level executive, Ulrike combines her knowledge of excelling in the corporate world with powerful self-development techniques to allow leaders across the globe to lead with charisma and authenticity. Ulrike also believes that female leadership is one of the biggest untapped potentials in the world, which led to her founding Empowering Female Leaders, which helps women leaders and entrepreneurs flourish and confidently carry out their vision of their careers.

    Find her at https://ulrikeseminati.com/ and at https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Between ever-changing work practices and the elusive act of fulfilling personal and professional demands, leaders must navigate a new world of challenges and strike the right tone of balancing completion with compassion. Dr. Sharon Melnick introduces the idea that power is the underlying issue in many of the trends we see among employees and that leaders who use their power for the good of all can create team members who are loyal, inspired, and accountable. What Dr. Melnick sees from having coached and trained over 40,000 professionals is that leaders already have so much more power than they realize or are using.

    As a Marshall Goldsmith Top 100 Coach, Sharon combines proven leadership best practices with behavior change methods she developed through 10 years of psychology research at Harvard Medical School. Sharon has spoken at over 200 retreats and leadership conferences around the world (as well as presenting at the White House, the United Nations, and at West Point). She hosts the popular podcast, The Power Shift. Her awaited third book In Your Power: React Less, Regain Control, Raise Others launched in Nov. 2022.

    Sharon can share a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and personal experience with your audience, including:

    The difference between being ‘in power’ and being ‘in your power’ and the #1 form of abuse of power to watch out for. Go beyond your job description to understand the hidden sources of power already in your role, so you can shift from playing your small game to your BIG gameHow to get comfortable with the power you have and use it for the good of all Fix situations that are personally frustrating for you by leading organizational solutions from which everyone benefits The Leader creates the weather on the team - how to create the weather that keeps your team members and colleagues inspired and engaged.Grow power in others: How to get your team members to take ownership of solving their problems, and Why growing power in others is the key to increasing their power as well as yours.

    With this fresh perspective, she will show you how to respond, not react to roadblocks in the workplace, so you can regain control and unleash the positive energy that comes from being a Change Agent who makes it better for everyone!




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Something wonderful happened to Oana when she became a mother. This biggest role of her life inspired her to press the refresh button. For instance, she started writing a personal blog.

    Also, she embraced a career change after nine years of research and teaching experience at the Hanken School of Economics and Aalto School of Business.

    In 2014, she got certified as a coach.

    And in March 2017, she got her second certification grounded in social neuroscience, from the NeuroLeadership Institute in Helsinki.

    Her appetite for becoming better in her role as a coach and trainer grows with each customer interaction. One of the most valuable rewards she gets is to see the smiles of insight on her clients’ faces and watch their gait transform into a walk on clouds after their sessions with her.

    You can find her at: https://www.velcu.fi/ and on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oana-velcu-laitinen-phd-6081084/

    If you're inspired to reach out directly, find her at [email protected]




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Marlene Chism is a seasoned speaker, thought partner, advisor, coach, and author. She is the CEO of Marlene Chism Consulting, offering a comprehensive suite of consulting services to businesses and leaders. Widely recognized as the leading US authority on stopping workplace drama, she works with C-Suite leaders to build drama-free cultures that drive growth and reduce costly mistakes. Marlene is known for helping managers address “the elephant in the room” and initiate conversations that get results. Her expertise includes leadership development, conflict management, and strategic communications.

    Marlene’s leadership development courses are instrumental in teaching mid-level and senior leaders strategic communication skills to initiate conversations that get results and increase accountability. She’s a recognized expert on the Linked In (formerly Lynda) global learning platform, producing educational videos on Anger Management, Having Difficult Conversations, Working with High Conflict People, and Managing Conflict and Getting Results in a Hybrid Work Environment.

    Besides From Conflict to Courage, Marlene has authored three commercially published books: Stop Workplace Drama (Wiley 2011), No-Drama Leadership (Bibliomotion 2015), and Stop Drama in Your Healthcare Practice (Greenbranch 2018). As a seasoned professional speaker, Marlene’s transformational message of personal responsibility, and alignment is making its way around the globe at leadership academy’s corporate retreats, association conferences, and customized webinars.

    Marlene has a degree in communications from Drury University, and a master’s degree in human resources development from Webster University. She is an advanced practitioner in Narrative coaching.

    Find her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlenechism/

    At her Website: https://marlenechism.com/

    And find her books here:


    Barnes & Noble

    Penguin Random House

    Good Reads




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Annie Särnblad is a preeminent global speaker and expert in reading facial expressions. She is Certified in the Facial Action Coding System “FACS” and can numerically code the 10,000 muscle combinations in human expression. She has developed her own easy-to-absorb teaching techniques based on the knowledge she accumulated living in 9 countries and studying 8 languages through immersion. Annie has a Master’s in Cultural Anthropology, and has lived across Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and is currently living in Boston. Annie raised her three children as human lie detectors - by taking them out into Singapore on a daily basis and live narrating human's faces in real-time in Swedish. Over almost ten years, she and her children simplified the identifiers and locations of each emotion on the face down to the briefest flicker of muscle movement.

    Microexpressions are the subconscious “leakage” of emotion that makes “unspoken” feelings visible. They are universal to our species and not dependent on culture. In a negotiation, reading microexpressions allows us to gain insight into the other person’s position that is invisible to most people. This ability to identify the subtle changes in the mood of the person we are talking to allows us to observe how a conversation is going - as it is happening - so that we can instantly adjust our behavior and improve the negotiation outcome. Reading and responding well to another person’s needs and wants greatly influences their desire to close a deal on both a conscious and subconscious level.

    Connect with her on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annie-sarnblad/




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

  • Find Brant at Brant @ brantcooper.com and on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/brantcooper/

    Brant travels the globe speaking with entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs about how to discover and create new value; about empowering individuals to make the change they want to see in the world.

    Brant Cooper is the New York Times bestselling author of The Lean Entrepreneur and CEO of Moves the Needle. With over two decades of expertise helping companies bring innovative products to market, he blends agile, design thinking, and lean methodologies to ignite entrepreneurial action within large organizations.

    Brant has a unique take on disrupting our current way of thinking in order to be closer to customers, move faster, and act bolder. He has experienced monumental milestones such as IPO, acquisition, rapid growth, and crushing failure.

    He serves as a global keynote speaker, mentor to entrepreneurs, and trusted advisor to corporate executives. His mission is to teach leaders how to find personal and economic growth by creating new value for fellow humans.




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.