
  • Dr Jacob Brady-Walker is the only male Intuitive Intelligence Trainer in the world. Jacob is a chiropractor and in this episode, he shares the true intention of chiropractic, which is not about cracking bones! Jacob and his partner Leandra have recently moved from Australia to Portugal with their two daughters and are deep in their own season of transformation. This is a fascinating interview, in which Jacob shares the courage and thought processes it took to shut down a successful business and thriving life to leap into the unknown.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    trusting the reinvention process living beyond the known why chiropractic is his soul calling despite trying to walk away from the profession he chose at age 10.


    Jacob is a father, husband, chiropractor, and the only man (so far) to have studied The Method with The Institute for Intuitive Intelligence.

    As someone who embraces the inevitability of change in life, he has had multiple careers, even within the same profession - not to mention the many ventures that he has on the side.

    He’s moved with his family from one end of the country to the other; and now, most recently, to the other side of the globe (again). Despite the ‘stress’ that goes with it, he's had a blast every step of the way with his wife Dr Leandra.

    Connect with Jacob:





  • Ilonka Lucas spent years numb to her own life and escaping into fantasy through books and TV. She was on autopilot. Until one day, she realised she had forgotten to cure cancer! What this realisation meant to her was that she had forgotten herself, and to show up to life in a really big way. A journey of awakening began, and she now guides other women from crisis to catalyst for powerful positive change.

    In this episode we discuss

    how a midlife crisis is different for a woman compared to a man's experience what a midlife crisis feels like how this crisis is a call of the soul the psychic reading that set Ilonka on her path


    Very usual hum drum life with the common ups and downs that many of us face. In my mid-thirties I had a crisis of identity, purpose, and time - I felt that I had forgotten to do that great special thing, to have an impact and that by then it was too late to start over. I believed that I had screwed up my life and rather than waking me up, this sent me into a tailspin of apathy, seclusion, and in hindsight depression. I hid myself away in fiction and fantasy and my dark night of the soul lasted for years. It was existing rather than living.

    2019 is when things began to shift. A friend of mine was going to see a psychic and asked if I wanted to come along for a day trip and a reading. I did. I didn't like everything that I heard, in fact, I tried to reason with her so that what she said would align with what I wanted, rather than the actions I was being asked to take.

    It didn't matter, the seeds were planted and I went home and began to take action. Opportunities presented themselves and mentors entered my life. The initial stages of my spiritual awakening and personal growth were very fast. By the end of the year I had undergone a vast transformation, my life was expanding and unrecognisable from what it had been. I was on an upward spiral that touched every aspect of my life.

    The key was meeting and releasing subconscious fear.
    This is what drew me to the Institute. From there I stepped into my Spiritual Fierceness. I evolved beyond my imagining.

    My life is incredibly rich in so many ways, I feel fulfilled, purposeful and I know that rather than being halfway over, my life, my journey, has only just begun.

    Connect with Ilonka




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  • When Juan and Leslie faced a crisis in their marriage, it looked like their family would be torn apart. Instead, they moved onto a boat for nine months with their four children and embarked on a journey of reconnection and rebirth. From this time on 'Damara', a deeper vision for their lives was born, and Casa Damara was conceived - a place where families could come to heal together. This is a remarkable story of a couple of had 'life by the tail', but nearly lost it all. Until they found a path of healing that they are now committed to offer to the world.

    In this episode:

    Juan and Leslie honestly share their journey from having it all to nearly losing it all How their marriage crisis was a breakthrough to a powerful shared vision Unlearning workaholism and trauma responses inside of a partnership The key to maintaining a conscious connection in a long-term relationship


    Leslie Bost

    Leslie lives a Nomadic life with her husband and 4 children. You will usually find her on the ocean or between Los Cabos, Mexico and France. She is a human being who deeply cares. She cares about the connection with our children, our world, and most importantly the connection to ourselves. She believes that if we nourish ourselves from within, with loving self-care on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level, we will become the change we want to see.

    The origin of her story of healing started after much trauma, abuse, abandonment, adoption, eating disorders, deep depression, multiple miscarriages, complicated pregnancies, NICU babies, and all of the challenges that these experiences bring to a marriage and parenting. This journey brought her to healing through mindfulness, meditation, therapy, compassion, and ultimately conscious parenting, trauma-informed work, Spiritual Psychology, Intuition Intelligence, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Timeline Therapy, Liberation Coach, a Masters in Conscious Parenting, BreathWave Certification and Post-Grad studies in Spiritual Direction.

    This process of liberation and study has allowed her to develop a methodology by which she guides others through her company, Sabios Parenting. Currently, she is building a family healing retreat centre in Pescadero, Mexico alongside her husband and children called Casa Damara. It is a movement in conscious family living.

    Leslie's goal is to guide overwhelmed humans, coaches & and parents to tap into their inner power, intuition and create compassionate inner-connection, while acknowledging their God nature. Ultimately, looking to have her clients navigate life understanding their subconscious programming, triggers, patterns, and limiting beliefs to release all that does not serve them and better connect with their loved ones through presence.

    Web | IG

    Juan Diaz Rivera

    Juan Diaz Rivera comes from a family of leaders and innovators. From an early age, he became acquainted with real estate development and marketing, which led him to become a founding partner of Capella Pedregal – one of the highest-ranked luxury retreats in Mexico. For over a decade, his leadership and market knowledge served as a COO and eventually CEO of Grupo Pedregal.

    Through his company Artifex.Team he has conceptualized and developed projects such as 1 Homes Preview in Cabo and through his partnership in Bohari.com he has and continues to manage the rental and property management of communities such as Palmilla Dunes, Puerta Cortes and The Mountain Club.

    Juan’s partnership with Leslie in Sabios Parenting has led to his certification in Soul Care Coaching, Breathwave and a Masters in Conscious Parenting with Yvonne Laborda which align with his love for Yoga’s physical and spiritual practice.

    Juan is now bringing his Real Estate and resort management track record, his formation in conscious parenting and his personal growth experience into co-creating a conscious family living community in Pescadero, Baja California Sur Mexico where families can come to live a more connected life.

  • In this solo episode, I share some of my journey from 30 to the creation of the Institute at age 36. There's a lot in this! The first half of my thirties was a rich, busy, terrifying, joyful, traumatic and wonderful time of my life. The seeds of everything the Institute became were there, if only in hindsight. I hope you enjoy this very personal story that leads up to the moment the Institute was realised. On the eve of the Institute's 10th birthday, I am so grateful to share these events.

    In this episode, I share:

    the life-saving power of conceiving my first son, completely unplanned My move from Melbourne to Queensland and back again processing the grief of letting go of the life I had planned getting everything I wanted only to be angry and anxious, and the phone call that brought the Institute into reality.
  • Dr Niikee Sha is a woman who is unafraid to embody her sacred truth. But it wasn't always this way. Once, she could only whisper, even in the privacy of her own home, when speaking on spiritual matters. Walking between the worlds of academia and spirituality, she lived with a bodily terror of being 'outed' for her spiritual truth. But step by step, she overcame this fear to emerge as a spiritual leader who walks her own path.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    receiving a new name on her 50th birthday, and the energy it brings being comfortable is an illusion how to move beyond the victim mentality the meaning of the energy of our time


    Dr Niikee Sha is the principal of her School for Metaphysical Practice, which is a modern-day mystery school, sharing wisdom through the ages. Her teachings and practice are based on Energy Medicine and how we can work with different forms of energy to reharmonise old, outdated patterns and programs that get stuck in the subconscious and on repeat!

    As a healers healer and mentor, she works with channelled guidance from Ascended Masters and other Beings of Light, as well as mystical journeys and shamanic practice to support shifting layers that often come through timelines and ancestry.

    Dr Niikee’s latest ‘Library of Sacred Elements’ bridges Heaven and Earth through Initiation with 10 Elemental frequencies to create massive shifts inside and out…







  • Chenae Carey is a woman on the move. Literally! She recently moved into a van with her husband, forgoing the comfort and stability of a more standard way of living. Chenae seeks freedom in all she does, but freedom in her understanding, is not about NOT showing up to life and her purpose. It is about living beyond fear. Moving into a van is not a fantasy. It is a way to ensure she is living in the growth zone, getting to know herself and her relationship more deeply, and expanding her life in planned and unexpected ways. Chenae is a trailblazer and we dive into her life in this glorious conversation.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    what entrepreneurial freedom really means how she brings business and intuition together how fear propels our business forward when we know how to work with it why training intuition matters to work ethically


    Chenae is an Intuitive Business Mentor who specialises in businesses run by women. Her work bridges the gap between practical strategy and intuitive guidance. Highly motivated by her value of freedom and a strong desire to not feel imprisoned by her business, Chenae is a demonstration of how to use her business as a vehicle of transformation.






    Insight Timer

  • Sibylle Stehli joined the Institute a little over a year ago, and in that time she has made a profound impression on me. Her story is extraordinary. In 2000, she was suffering from suicidal depression and severe colon dysfunction and was heavily overweight. The depression nearly caused her to drive my car off a cliff. Through divine intervention, she was given a second chance to live, and it is the reason she is here today. In 2016 she published her first book called The Courage to be Me. It tells her story through the lens of the downward spiral, turn-around and what manifested after going forward.Through these experiences and more, which she so graciously shares in this episode, Sibylle has learned the art of having the courage to be herself and offers this in service to others as a disruptor of chaos. You will be riveted by this fascinating conversation.

    In this episode:

    We discuss the influence of Nelson Mandela and Sibylle's life in Apartheid, South Africa. This conversation was recorded on the eve of Freedom Day 2024 Being raised in a spiritual home in the 1970's when this part of her father's life had ot be hidden from the world Keeping the faith through life experiences that would be easily break most people and how writing her book saved her life


    I was born in South Africa to Swiss parents and South Africa is home. I have 2 adult children who reside and work near London UK.After school, I qualified as an optometrist and had a successful career for 23 years even though I knew it was not my passion or purpose. However, in the year 2000, I was suffering from suicidal depression and severe colon dysfunction and was heavily overweight. The depression nearly caused me to drive my car off a cliff. I say nearly because through divine intervention, I was given a second chance to live and it is the reason I am here today. In 2016 I published my first book called

    . It tells my story through the lens of the downward spiral, turn-around and what manifested after going forward.In 2009 I made 3 radical moves in a period of 2 months. I quit my career, opened my complementary health care practice the next day and initiated what would turn into a 19-month divorce ordeal. In April 2017 I had to give up my home due to bankruptcy and so began what has been a 7-year gypsy journey. Yes, I have been homeless during that time and slept and lived in my car as it was all I could do to survive. And through all of these experiences and more, I have learned the art of having the courage to be me and to be in gratitude for all I now have and what lies ahead.

  • In this solo episode, I share some of my journey from 18 to 30. I share the evolution of my spirituality and, in particular, my relationship to my intuition. Through a very passionate life, with lots of ignoring my intuition, I still evolved a rich and beautiful life, achieving so much before my 30th birthday. Could I have done it more easily? Absolutely! But at that time, intensity was my middle name! From working in a crystal shop to marrying the wrong (but wonderful) man, every life experience helped me understand who I am and my dharma - to share the liberating power of awakening our intuition within.

    In this episode, I share:

    Studying Transpersonal Counseling

    Moving to Melbourne after a personal crisis

    What I learned about intuition from being a shop psychic

    Why I didn't end up as an academic

    And so much more!

  • Bhavna is a woman who exists at the nexus of many worlds. Bhavna lives in India but has strong ties to Australia. She was once on the corporate track but gave it up for a life devoted to the spiritual. She advocates for the unapologetic woman, whilst living in a country that has strong expectations for how women should behave. Her faith is built on Hinduism but also many other cultures and practices.

    Bhavna is a postgraduate priestess with the Institute and in this interview, we learn more about her personal story and how she navigates being a woman of the world.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    What it means to be unapologetic. Bhavna's childhood that led her to serve the unapologetic woman. Her interpretation of the Goddess energies.


    Bhavna is an MBA and Intuitive Intelligence Trainer. She is trained and certified in Past Life Regression Therapy (Mastery), NLP, Transactional Analysis, Acupressure, ADHD and is currently studying for her 2nd Masters and doing her Spiritual Directorship. She is also a Reiki Master.

    She specializes in Trauma in Relationships, Healing feminine wounds, Balancing feminine and masculine, Womb work, Manifestation, Releasing Karmic patterns, Meditation, Breathwork and Channelling.

    Bhavna previously worked in the corporate sector & MNCs for over 18 years. Her spiritual journey started 26 years ago.

    Social: www.instagram.com/bhavnadahiyavisionarypriestess

  • In this solo episode, I share the deeply personal story of why Spiritually Fierce the Podcast went silent for a year. This is me, no holes barred, sharing the behind-the-scenes details of what happened in that missing year and why the return of the podcast means so much more than just new episodes. My story, post-pandemic, might be one you can relate to. I share what I did and didn't do to recover myself after heartbreak, moving house, losing my mojo and finally finding my worth beyond normal ideas of 'success'.In this episode, I discuss:- What Season 3's theme of transformation is all about- How I learnt to get comfortable with the void- Why my experience wasn't a dark night of the soul- And what needed to change for me to bring the Institute and myself to a higher level

  • Stacey Webb is a current student of the Institute's Postgraduate Diploma in Spiritual Directorship. She is also one of the most compelling women I have ever known. Through her experience as a police detective, a committed student and an intuitive being, she serves as an intuitive somatic mentor. Specialising in supporting others to create nervous system agility and safety in the body, she creates the conditions for others to know themselves beyond trauma. Her story is deeply personal and her wisdom is world class. You will be fascinated and moved by her unique and compelling story.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    the deficit in how first responders are trained to handle traumatic events how nervous system agility is critical to the development of intuition and her personal journey from police detective on the frontline of some of the most traumatic situations to nervous system expert


    Stacey Webb is an Intuitive Somatic Mentor who possesses a unique fusion of skills that elegantly blends the art of healing with profound intuitive intelligence. This distinctive integration equips her to wholeheartedly support people on their transformative healing and awakened journey.

    Stacey’s holistic approach centers around guiding people on a transformative journey that leads them to reconnect with their own nervous system, building safety and capacity, to release buried fears abs traumas, and simultaneously nurturing the emergence of authentic self-expression.



    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_staceywebb
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/StaceyWebbEFT

  • Dr Leandra Brady-Walker is a woman on fire to dismantle the dominant structures of power that have so long robbed us of our own personal power in the healing industry. This conversation is provocative and engaging as we learn about Leandra's own journey of awakening to a new paradigm of energy-only, no-touch chiropractic work and the bigger picture of her complicity in and now dismantling of taking her client's personal authority to heal. You don't want to miss this riveting interview.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    why identifying as being spiritual never worked for her why patient retention is a dangerous idea in allied health reclaiming her brown heritage the democratisation of spirituality and healing


    Dr Leandra Brady-Walker is a visionary in the world of chiropractic care and holistic healing. As the founder of Lumos Energy Body, Leandra has established the world’s first chiropractic practice dedicated exclusively to energy-based treatments. Seeking to go beyond the superficial and physical, Leandra interviewed Dr Ricci-Jane on her podcast in 2016 but it wasn’t until 2022 that she enrolled in The Method. Something truly radical happens when you choose to face all parts of yourself, get over your own littleness and embrace your God nature. Leandra has since become a cornerstone of this program, contributing as a lead mentor and teacher in every intake since her own training. Today, Leandra is at the forefront of where chiropractic and the energetic world meet, continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in energy-based chiropractic care. By relocating her work and family to Portugal and teaching The Method all over Europe, Leandra is the living embodiment of what is possible when you let God lead.


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  • Saran-Beth Barrett is a self-healing facilitator. In this episode, we find out from a recent graduate of the Intuitive Intelligence Method, Sarah-Beth, what exactly that means and how the program changed her service and her life. Saran-Beth shares an incredible story of self-healing from a 12-year kidney obstruction and how the Method was the missing link in revolutionising her service.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    moving from mindset coaching to self-healing facilitator how subconscious fear releasing was the missing piece of her service recovering from chronic illness Sarah-Beth's vision for her service


    Sarah-Beth Barrett is devoted to helping sensitive souls reclaim peace and create a nourishing inner sanctuary to authentically thrive in an often overstimulating world. Through the integration of multiple modalities that include the Intuitive Intelligence Method, Reiki and Coaching, she facilitates the healing of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances and supports others in embracing their wholeness, navigating their journey with resilience, and aligning with their true purpose and inner wisdom.



  • In this episode, we continue the journey through my newly released book Superconscious Intuition. In this episode, we introduce some more of the key concepts including defining spiritual trinkets and superstitions, what is God, the Hermetic laws and Intuitive Intelligence.

    I am loving reading the book to you. The ideas are big and sometimes really heady, so in reading this out loud I am finding fresh energy and receiving this medicine anew. My service is my medicine, and I am the first student of everything offered.

  • For the next three episodes, I'm reading my latest book, Superconscious Intuition to you! In this episode, you'll hear the preface and the introduction. I share my deeply personal story of why I had to leave my husband for God. I love sharing my writing through the spoken word so think you're going to love these next episodes!

  • In this episode, I share my dharma, my highest purpose for teaching intuition development, and why I am passionate to inspire us all to be the full expression of our faith, and who and what we are. I stand for intuition beyond the trinkets and the superstitions of the new age. This means radical personal responsibility. I am sharing the deepest layers of my soul in this episode and I hope you love it.

    In this episode I discuss:

    Reclaiming the word God Intuition is the language of God Why my work is not 'new age'
  • First presented live at the Paradigm Shift Summit, in 2018, this presentation is one of my all-time faves.  Intuition is innate within each of us, but it doesn’t mean that we are all going to turn it on. There is a science of intuition that reclaims this superpower from the clutches of the new age and takes it way beyond gut instinct. We need to know the steps to master intuition so that it can take its place as our most sophisticated form of intelligence and activate the inevitable success and infinite power that is our birthright.

  • In episode 2, Ricci-Jane shares the science of nonlocal intuition and why it is our greatest untapped resource. We are stuck in a Newtonian view of reality and missing out on the gold. Nonlocal intuition, or non-biological intuition, paradoxically requires the technology of our biology to function. Going nonlocal actually makes us far more empowered humans. This is glorious geeky science for those who love it as much as we do!

    I discuss:

    the two key pieces of science that help us understand the functioning of intuition why it is the heart and not the third eye that is the centre of our intuition and the mystical origins of the anatomical heart
  • Season 3 kicks off with Ricci-Jane introducing the biological level of intuition and the relationship to the pranamayakosha. We're talking about how we make life hard for ourselves by not being aware of this layer of our being.

    In this episode we discuss:

    the electromagnetic field and energetic sensitivity as a form of biological intuition how life goes wrong when we mistake this for being 'highly sensitive why we are losing 'prana' all the time and what we can do about it
  • Some people come into your life and leave an instant indelible mark on your soul. Dr Susan Nicholas is one such woman for me. I am awed by the grace and intelligence of Susan, and was riveted by her compelling story of breaking free of intergenerational poverty, becoming a surgeon, and achieving all that she intended only to discover that she was not fulfilled. Happiness continued to elude her and so she made radical changes in her life. You'll be as captivated as I am with this amazing interview.


    Dr. Susan Nicholas is a physician and surgeon who after a conscious awakening, transitioned her life and founded SusanNicholas.org: a conscious media company.

    Today, she is a life transformation guide, quantum energy healer, and international speaker.

    Her speaking platform is The Frequency of Money, where she inspires audiences to positively transform their relationship with money. Susan is a TEDx presenter on Money Consciousness: Overcoming Generational Poverty.

    As the founder of the Human Consciousness Consortium Publishing, Dr. Nicholas is a four-time author of “The Duality of Being”, “Two Parts of Me”, “The Death of Cupcake” and “Poor Max: A Story About Overcoming Generational Poverty” (2022).

    Susan also hosts the Be Conscious® Podcast. Her diverse work has a common thread to awaken humanity to consciousness. She is a frequent guest podcaster for international medical and business influencers.

    Susan’s perspectives and works have been featured in Yahoo! Finance, the Associated Press (AP), HuffPost, Authority Magazine, Conscious Life Journal, SWAAY Media, Thrive Global, The Native Influence, TEDx, Forbes Books Radio, FOX News, and NBC8 “Ask The Doctor”.

    In this episode we discuss:

    contemplating suicide at the height of her worldly success and how this opened Susan to her inner voice the soulful void From surgeon to entrepreneur to the gift of consciousness how to overcome the financial fear of stepping into spiritual work

    Episode Resources

    Social: Facebook  Instagram LinkedIn
    Website: https://www.SusanNicholas.org