The official podcast of the International Committee of the Red Cross out of the delegation in the US & Canada. We aim to delve into the rules of war and take you to the frontlines of some of the most inaccessible conflicts in the world, where the ICRC and the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement work to neutrally and independently respond to emergencies.
OUR MISSION: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavors to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. -
CCM is the state’s largest, nonpartisan organization of municipal leaders, representing towns and cities of all sizes from all corners of the state, with 168 member municipalities.
Yahoo Finance is thrilled to be the exclusive online host of the 2021 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting on May 1st. This year, we are bringing it to you again in podcast form. Come listen to Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett and his right-hand man Charlie Munger as they share their unscripted views on the company, the markets, the economy, and a whole lot more.
The ABA Journal Legal Rebels Podcast features men and women who are remaking the legal profession and highlights the pioneers who are changing the way law is practiced and setting the standards that will guide the profession in the future.
A weekly reality check on sensible investing and financial decision-making, from three Canadians. Hosted by Benjamin Felix, Cameron Passmore, and Dan Bortolotti, Portfolio Managers at PWL Capital, and Mark McGrath, Associate Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital.
Welcome to the What’s Next! Podcast. I’ve met so many brilliant people as I traveled the globe and have had some fascinating conversations that I’ve wished had been recorded so I could share them with you - this podcast was a way for me to recreate those moments and let you in on some fantastic insights. My current conversations center around one objective: what's next for companies and individuals as they look to innovate and grow. I hope these conversations inspire you as much as they have inspired me. Whether I am preparing for a keynote speech or writing for publications such as Harvard Business Review and Huffington Post, these are my go-to people. My goal with the What’s Next! podcast is to keep you thinking and to challenge you to think about What’s Next!
Porter Stansberry is the outspoken founder of Stansberry Research - now one of the largest and most recognized investment research firms in the world.
Stansberry Radio puts you in tune to hear Porter’s commentary on the latest financial and economic news. Listen to Porter interview renowned experts. -
On Behind The Idea, Seeking Alpha editors Mike Taylor and Daniel Shvartsman take a closer look at an investment idea published on Seeking Alpha to see what makes for compelling investing analysis. We look at what’s happening with the underlying company, what the author’s case is, how well s/he made that case, and what we can learn from this investment story. We also bring on the authors, top investors, and industry analysts or experts to explore the case further. We hope the breakdowns and discussions are is both timely and evergreen, educational and entertaining for investors.
The Blackhawks Talk Podcast takes you inside the dressing room of the Madhouse in Madison. Go behind the reasons for the latest line changes, and what to expect from the team on the ice and in the front office. Featuring Pat Boyle and Charlie Roumeliotis. New episodes are released every Tuesday and Friday.
Menestystarinan metsästäjät on podcast, jossa käsitellään luovan talouden onnistumisia rohkeiden tekijöiden kautta. Jani Niipolan ja Maryam Razavin haastattelussa Suomalaiset ja kansainväliset persoonat kertovat, miten menestystarina rakennetaan - ja miten virheistä oppii.
The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.
Viestintätoimisto Tekir on erikoistunut vaativiin ja yllättäviin viestinnän tilanteisiin. Podcasteissa paneudumme ajankohtaisiin viestinnän ja yhteiskunnan ilmiöihin, sekä luotaamme tulevaa.
Welcome to By The Horns, a podcast covering the Chicago Bulls. Hosted by Chicagoans Camron Smith and Drew Stevens. We’ll bring you the latest updates along with guest interviews and breaking news. Episodes are released every Tuesday and Thursday.
Keeping you ahead of the curve on Bitcoin price and fundamentals analysis, news and economics. - | @BTCMRKTS
In OutsideVoices Mark Bidwell talks to remarkable and compelling leaders from the worlds of business, exploration, arts, sports, and academia. In these conversations he explores topics of fundamental importance to many of us today, both in work and in life, topics ranging from leadership and performance to creativity and growth.
Advice Worth Keeping is a podcast series featuring Stan Lepeak, Director of Global Research in KPMG’s Management Consulting service group, in conversation with subject matter experts, industry leaders, and eminent researchers who are at the front line of efforts to drive evolutionary and revolutionary changes in the way organizations are structured and operate globally. This series of podcasts provides both general principles and specific starting points for leaders who want to broaden their perspective, rethink standard business models, and reinvigorate the organization with a fresh approach that leads to higher performance.
Join the best minds at KPMG as thought leaders provide insight into emerging trends and leading practices around the world. -
The Christian Journal -- For the people, by the people, question everything. Where the citizens voice matters. God first, Guns, Family, then country.
SEO This Week is a production from Digitaleer that was created in order to help small business owners and other digital marketing practitioners learn about the latest news, tips, and trends in the online marketing space.
We sort our choices by trending topics based on social signals, then review each article to make sure there is some real value there for our readers, viewers, and listeners. -
Joe Beninati and Craig Laughlin are celebrating 25 seasons of calling Washington Capitals hockey in the nation's capital, and to help commemorate that achievement, NBC Sports Washington presents "Told It Here!" Joe and Craig will look back in a limited-edition series that covers all the great games, players and memories of their time together in the booth. Also available at, our YouTube channel, and the NBC4 app on Roku, Apple TV and Amazon Fire.