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oso: bear
quebrarse: to break down
rodillas: knees
lástima: pity
sorda: deaf
largarse: to get out
arrancar: to tear off
vecindario: neighbourhood
ruedas: wheels
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ala: wing
astillas: shards
abandónica: estranged
aguantar el tirón: (expression) weathering the storm
envidiar: to envy
borrón y cuenta nueva: (expression) a fresh start
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a flor de piel: (expression) running high
seguir el juego: to play along
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tiesa: stiff
víbora: viper
no importarle a alguien un bledo: (expression) to not care about something
arrojar: to throw
retroceder: to back away
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alacena: pantry
cerradura: keyhole
distraer: to distract
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moño: bun
desentrañar: to unravel
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desconcertante: disconcerting
arrancar: to start
marcado rápido: speed dial
pitidos: beeps
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machista: sexist
dormitorio: bedroom
estar con un pie en la tumba: (expression) to have one foot in the grave
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arenas movedizas: quicksand
infierno: hell
el Diablo: the Devil
en carne y hueso: in the flesh
primogénita: first-born daughter
inclinarse: to lean
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cincel: chisel
mentira piadosa: white lie
paliza: beating
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velo: veil
propuesta: proposal
arrodillarse: to kneel
rogar: to beg
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envejecer: to get old
compromiso: commitment
citar: to summon
endulzar: to sugarcoat
cubiertos: cutlery
reemplazo: replacement
herederos: heirs
traspaso: handover
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médico de familia: GP
dañar: to damage
pasar el mando: to hand over control
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satisfechos: satisfied
disturbios: riots
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vasco: Basque
rico: rich
pobreza: poverty
Francisco Franco: Spanish military general who led the Nationalist forces in overthrowing the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. He was a dictator from 1939 to 1975.
bombardeo de Guernica: In 1937, the Basque town of Guernica was bombed at the request of Franco. The attack targeted Republican communication lines but killed many civilians. This is depicted in Guernica, a famous painting by Pablo Picasso.
cinturones: belts
ahorrar: to save
guerra: war
humilde: humble
malcriado: spoiled
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sillones: armchairs
cuero: leather
calculadora: calculating
bienestar: wellbeing
quiebra: bankruptcy
faltantes: shortages
acceder: agree
hechos: facts
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escalera de caracol: spiral staircase
bastón: cane
comprender: to understand
ley: law
apartarse: to step aside
impedir: to block
desprecio: disdain
espanto: horror
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llamador: door knocker
hierro: iron
arrastrarse: to drag
felpa: plush
empresario: businessman
mocoso: brat
recibidor: entrance hall
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con celeridad: promptly
temer: to be afraid
enmendar: to make things right
acariciar: to caress
estropear: to mess up
peldaños: steps
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pote: bowl
cucharadas: spoonfuls
cuenta: bill
barra: bar
cartera: wallet
celoso: jealous
mosquita muerta: (expression) a person who hides their true intentions behind a facade of innocence
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