
  • **Insights from Donnie Bovine, Sales Expert**
    - Introduction of Donnie Bovine, CEO and founder of Success Champions.
    - Donnie's take on the common failures in sales among entrepreneurs.
    - The necessity of actually wanting to sell and the struggle with closing sales.

    **Becoming Human in Sales**
    - Tips on improving sales techniques.
    - Importance of being relatable and human in sales presentations.
    - The art of asking for business and the psychology behind it.

    **The Referral Game Changer**
    - Debunking traditional referral methods.
    - Strategies for creating an endless stream of referrals.
    - Building synergy partnerships and leveraging networks effectively.

    **Work-Life Integration**
    - Donnie's philosophy on work-life integration over balance.
    - Daily routines and incorporating business activities into personal life.

    **Efficient Growth Strategies**
    - Discussion on the significance of niching down for scalable business growth.
    - Learning from major successful companies and their growth trajectories.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    "Most people that have left corporate America never thought they'd have to sell." - Donnie Boivin
    "Once you become human, it becomes a conversation versus a sales call." - Donnie Boivin
    "Your business should be like a farm, do the work until the work's done." - Donnie Boivin

  • **Opening Segment**
    - A warm welcome to Fabi Paolini, a brand strategist and expert in magnetic messaging.
    - Achieving distinction as a premium brand to attract high-value clients.

    **Understanding the Premium Buyer**
    - The misconception that premium buyers are simply those with more wealth.
    - Insight into premium buyers' valuation of time over money and their action-oriented mindset.

    **Busting the Ursula Effect**
    - Debunking the marketing myth of appealing solely to clients' pain points.
    - Advocating for elevated communication that speaks to aspirational clients, not victims.

    **Messaging Masterclass: Attracting Visionaries**
    - Crafting a differentiated brand message by focusing on unique selling points.
    - Highlighting the importance of aligning messaging with the desired outcome for clients.

    **Closing Segment**
    - Understanding specificity in content to draw qualified leads.
    - The breakthrough message strategy pre-sells offers before the pitch.
    - Best ways to connect with Fabi and her final pearls of wisdom.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    "Time is more valuable than money for premium buyers." - Fabi Paolini
    "It's about the victor's language, not the victim's." - Fabi Paolini
    "Money is an exchange of value. Put value out, get value back." - Fabi Paolini

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  • **Opening Segment**
    - Salim Omar introduces Brendan Lebowitz from SEO Optimizers
    - Brendan shares his background in digital marketing and the journey to his own company

    **Diving into Digital Marketing Dynamics**
    - Insights into the importance of SEO for small and medium-sized businesses
    - The relentless rise of video content in digital marketing
    - The power of YouTube for online visibility and traffic

    **Mastering Backlinks**
    - Understanding the concept of bad links and its impact on website ranking
    - The shift from quantity to quality in backlink strategies
    - Employing creativity to acquire authoritative backlinks

    **SEO Tips and Trends**
    - How businesses can improve their online presence with SEO
    - The relevance of keywords and organic search
    - Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in Google's ranking signals

    **Closing Advice and Offerings**
    - Brendan emphasizes patience in the realm of digital marketing
    - Discussing the merits of combining SEO with paid ads for immediate results
    - Special gift for listeners and free SEO analysis from Brendan

  • **Introduction: Rich Kozak, The Brand Impact Sage**
    - Welcome Rich and brief introduction of his expertise.
    - Rich's background as an executive director and VP in marketing communications.
    - His shift from corporate branding to helping individuals with Personal Impact Branding.

    **The Essence of Impact Branding**
    - Branding as a teaching and empowering process rather than just a service.
    - Importance of authenticity and unique language that truly represents a brand.
    - Steps to reshape your life guided by branding strategies.

    **The Power Trio for Branding Success**
    - The critical role of clarity in painting a powerful vision for customers.
    - Positioning a brand to highlight uniqueness and expertise.
    - Language that resonates with the 'care about' of the target audience.

    **Common Branding Pitfalls**
    - Common misconceptions and oversights of branding in small businesses.
    - Prioritizing marketing and lead generation over foundational branding work.
    - Emphasizing the sequence: proper branding strategy then precise marketing execution.

    **Practical Branding Tips and Exercise**
    - Simple steps for listeners to understand and amplify their brand.
    - Rich's offering of an 'impact-driven branding blueprint'.
    - Exercises to envision brand impact and to identify the core audience and impacts.

    **Closing Thoughts and Gratitude**
    - Rich's expression of how branding aligns with one's purpose.
    - The non-commercial, purpose-driven side of branding.
    - Thanks to Rich for sharing his wisdom and resources.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    "Branding is not just a service; it's empowering and teaching." - Rich Kozak
    "Speak the 'care abouts' to truly resonate with your audience." - Rich Kozak

  • **Bill Heinrich - diving deep into energy, emotions, and business success**

    - Introduction to guest Bill Heinrich and his journey from business ownership to discovering the importance of energy in life and business.
    - The fundamental role of energy in shaping our physical world and business interactions.
    - Stories and blind spots in our personal narratives can greatly impact our business success.

    **Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity in Business**

    - Bill's belief that energy is the key to passion, purpose, and prosperity.
    - Discussing the power of emotion in client-service provider relationships.
    - The impact of energetic alignment and presence on successful business outcomes.

    **Strategies for Positive Energy and Growth**

    - Key strategies to avoid worry and focus on positivity and growth.
    - Learning to take things step by step without getting overwhelmed by the 'how'.
    - Dealing with technical glitches and maintaining peace and non-judgment.

    **Living an Energetic Life**

    - The two fundamental emotions of love and fear and their impact on business decisions.
    - Strategies for staying present and engaged in the moment for better business results.
    - Understanding and applying your unique energetic DNA to life and business challenges.

    **Sustainable Business and Personal Growth**

    - How to cultivate an environment of growth and expansion in business.
    - The role of personal responsibility versus accountability.
    - Embracing present moment awareness and heart-centered decision making.

    **Closing Thoughts**

    - Inviting listeners to engage with Bill Heinrich's resources for further clarity and growth.
    - Reflection on the depth and implication of the conversation for everyday business and personal life.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    "Life and business success are deeply entwined with energy and emotions." - Bill Heinrich
    "Embrace the present moment for impactful decision-making." - Bill Heinrich
    "Discovering your energetic DNA can reshape your business journey." - Bill Heinrich

  • [00:01 - 07:17] The Beauty and Impact of Running a Small Business

    • From law school and fundraising and employing high-level strategies with a small team

    • Gaining inspiration from community leaders who stepped up to lead nonprofits and volunteerism

    • Small businesses are impactful and great for innovation, agility, and building something that lasts


    [07:18 - 23:08] Managing Chaos in Small Business: Identifying the Culprits

    • The four symptoms of chaos are cash flow, wearing too many hats, team issues, and inability to scale

    • Have an honest conversation; create your life plan and how the business fits into it

    • Make a life plan, articulate the vision of the business, revisit the life plan, and make small shifts in the business

    • Spend more time working on the business instead of in the business

    [23:09 - 29:48] Creating a Life Plan and Business That Fits

    • Became a rallying call for the team not to drop the ball

    • Business owners should audit their businesses and set realistic goals

    • Reach out to Kerry-Ann!

    Connect with Kerry-Ann through her website https://www.trafalgarstrategies.co/ and check out her free ebook at https://www.nobusinesschaos.com/!

    Resources Mentioned

    Good to Great by Jim Collins

    BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0) by Jim Collins and William Lazier


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    Tweetable Quotes


    “The idea [for a business] is not the only thing that really matters. You have a way to serve the world, a way to provide a product or a service or some sort of benefit… You provide opportunities for other people; you are supporting the community.” - Kerry-Ann Powell

    “What's your life plan? Do you have a vision of how you want your life to be? The vision of the business should fit into your life plan.” - Kerry-Ann Powell

  • [00:01 - 06:41] Successful Businessman and Consultant Shares Secrets to Financial Freedom

    Hitting the ceiling in corporate America, then choosing to follow his passionPaul on creating a consulting company growing into seven figures by helping clientsAccept where you're at, create automation, set up a savings account, and put money in regularlyPassive income can be created through investments in the stock market – seek long-term


    [06:42 - 14:38] Buffett's Investment Strategy and Teaching Family About Money

    Be patient - developing wealth can be slow and boring most of the timeStay disciplined and consistent when investing in the stock marketDon't get caught up in the hype of investments - compound interest is key Teach kids about money (investment, savings, stocks, etc.) from an early age

    [14:39 - 21:01] Communication and Transparency: Keys to Successful Relationships

    Openly discuss financial goals with your spouseEnjoy the journey, have fun, and be grateful along the wayReach out to Paul Halme!

    Connect with Paul through his website https://paulhalme.com/ and Instagram @paul.halme


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    Tweetable Quotes

    “You have to have discipline and a system that you're following and listening to and not getting caught up in the hype. You got to weigh the risk to reward.” - Paul Halme

    “We're constantly looking forward and striving… then we lose the road, the journey to that destination. It requires a certain level of mindfulness and just stopping and saying, we've got so much and being mindful to count our blessings.” - Salim Omar

  • [00:01 - 11:24] Unlocking the Power of Organic Video Marketing

    • Atiba Souza on getting started in the “search game” from way back in 1996

    • Being at the top of Google search is the target; utilize video marketing

    • Create videos that answer customer questions and optimize them

    • Positioning of your video is more important than the number of views

    [11:25 - 22:54] How to Position Your Videos for Maximum Results

    • Know your ideal customer and their questions before creating a content strategy

    • Atiba introduces a step-by-step approach to publishing organic video content

    • Authenticity is key - people want to connect with real thought leaders in their industry

    [22:55 - 25:52] Uncover the Secrets to YouTube Success

    • Google loves consistency, so post videos as often as possible

    • Commit to producing content with a consistent schedule

    • Reach out to Atiba Souza!

    Connect with Atiba through LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/atibadesouza.


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    Tweetable Quotes

    “Organic video marketing is centered around the concept of you understanding exactly what questions are that your customer is asking, and then creating videos that answer them.” - Atiba Souza

    “We want authenticity as human beings. We're coming out of an age of fake news, overproducing things… Recreate that friendly vibe to let people know that you're real, to let people know that you're authentic.” - Atiba Souza

  • [00:01 - 08:11] How to Monetize Your Podcast and Take Your Business to the Next Level

    • Mark Savant on starting a podcast production agency and being a podcast host

    • How podcasting is not like running ads, building trust and relationships with listeners

    • Why you should take advantage of the premium space of podcasting

    • Consider sponsorships, advertising, or using podcasts as a direct sales tool to monetize

    [08:12 - 14:37] Mark’s 4 Years of Podcasting and Lessons Learned

    • Realize the learning curve to podcasting and the time and money to build up listenership

    • Finding a trusted group, advisor, or framework can help expedite the process

    • The key is being as clear as possible to whom you are speaking to for more impact

    • Repurpose content from podcasts into other forms (social media posts, blog posts, etc.)

    [14:38 - 20:13] Mark Savant's Advice on Small Business Success

    • Starting a business requires time and money - be sure it's worth it before investing

    • When starting a business, it is important to consider why nobody else is doing it

    • Find a proven system that people are making money in and put your own spin on it

    • Do due diligence and do not take things at face value

    [20:14 - 24:04] Closing Segment

    • Reach out to Mark Savant!

    Connect with Mark through his website https://marksavantmedia.com/listen/. You can also reach him through LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-savant/.


    Please give us a 5-STAR REVIEW. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

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    Tweetable Quotes

    "Everyone needs to understand that there is a learning curve [in podcasting]... find a system, find a framework, find someone that can kind of lead you through the process." - Mark Savant

    “Be as clear as possible on who you speak to, who is listening to you. The more clear we are as soon as possible on who we speak to, the problem that we solve, how we solve it, and what success looks like, the more impactful our show will be." - Mark Savant

  • [00:01 - 11:35] Achieving Financial Independence and Predictable Sources of Income

    Jeff Kikel on his backstory in the financial industry and his entrepreneurial journeyDefining what it means to achieve Freedom Day for a business ownerWhy business owners should pay themselves and not just their staffHave a vision of having other streams of income within your business

    [11:36 - 18:48] Jeff Kikel's Tips for Small Business Success

    Extracting oneself from the business is tough, but necessary.Having clear KPIs is essential to success Jeff shares his entrepreneurial challenge: Not watching financials closely enough

    [18:49 - 22:54] A Step-by-Step Guide to Freedom Day

    Sit down and write out a budget to understand what you spendLay out your debt and find ways to improve your financial situationUnsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions using https://www.rocketmoney.com/Generate additional income and apply to debt and savings

    [22:55 - 24:10] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Jeff Kikel!

    Connect with Jeff through his email [email protected]. You can also reach him through LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffkikel/.


    Please give us a 5-STAR REVIEW. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

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    Tweetable Quotes

    “Freedom Day is looking at not only creating a business, but also looking at other ways that you can create income streams within that business.” - Jeff Kikel

    “You have got to be able to extract yourself from the business. It's always tough as an entrepreneur to do that. You have to be able to step back and say, okay, there are people that can run this business better than I do.” - Jeff Kikel

  • [00:00 - 10:51] Mastering Sales: The Key to Small Business Success

    • Glenn Poulos' backstory from a civil servant to a successful founder and sales leader

    • The key skill and separating factor to creating two multimillion-dollar companies

    • Understanding the difference between marketing and sales for small business owners

    • Never Sit in the Lobby is a book about 57 techniques for building a business and growing a career in selling

    [10:52 - 19:41] Unlocking the Secrets of Engaging Customers and Growing Your Business

    • A common mistake salespeople make is implied familiarity also breeds contempt

    • A sales principle to keep in mind: The customer is the one closing, not the salesperson

    • Salespeople often try to close customers too quickly without engaging them properly

    [19:42 - 24:03] The Separating Factor Between Excellent Leaders and Everyone Else

    • The job of the boss is to make decisions and be a leader, not do everything

    • The book Never Sit in the Lobby contains 30 years of experience in creating successful multimillion-dollar organizations

    • Reach out to Glenn Poulos!

    Interested in crafting the perfect pitch and closing deals? Connect with Glenn through his website Glenn Poulos. Also, check out his book Never Sit in the Lobby.


    Please give us a 5-STAR REVIEW. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

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    Tweetable Quotes

    “The separating factor from a series of successes and nonsuccess is taking action in the face of fear, danger, uncertainty, or any other misgiving that you might have.” - Glenn Poulos

    “The real people that make a difference are the ones that take action. They put their money where their mouth is. They take a step forward when other people are hesitating. And these little differences make all the difference.” - Glenn Poulos

  • [00:01 - 06:59] Opening Segment

    Blaine Oelkers is the Chief Results Officer and helps people take control of their lives by taking control of themselvesHe shares his story of how he became a work from home dad 27 years agoHe talks about the concept of the "30 minute hour" - getting an hour's worth of stuff done in just 30 minutes

    [07:00 - 14:01] Get 3-10x More Done

    Take 30 minute hours to do things for yourself, like power naps or listening to a podcastUse the 80/20 rule to focus on 20% of tasks that produce 80% of resultsDelegate tasks to others when possible

    [14:02 - 21:02] Releasing Your Inner Perfectionist to Achieve 30 Minute Hours

    Positive procrastination to open up time for more important stuffMultitasking can be done with high qualityRelease inner perfectionist - done is better than perfect

    [21:03 - 26:04] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Blaine Oelkers!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Blaine and join their program at blainetedx.com


    Please give us a 5-STAR REVIEW. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

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    Tweetable Quotes

    “Done is better than perfect and bring some of that back into your regular day. It doesn't need to be perfect. Someone else can do it.” - Blaine Oelkers

    “Every time you listen to a podcast, you're pouring in the positive and the solution to pollution is dilution.” - Blaine Oelkers

  • [00:01 - 07:49] Opening Segment

    Fitz is a prominent and compelling fitness expert and race announcer in AmericaShe is passionate about guiding others to live better and longer through her company Fit FitnessHer strategy is to be honest and tell the truth about fitness

    [07:50 - 15:35] Take Control of Your Life

    Be passionate about what you doDon't be afraid to market yourself and don't be afraid of rejectionMake decisions for yourself and go hunt down something that fills you with joy and money

    [15:36 - 23:15] Overcoming Adversity: How Fitz Kohler Tripled Her Business Despite Cancer Diagnosis

    She decided to not miss any special moments with her kids and pursue her career no matter whatPeople connected with her more when they saw her still doing what she do while bald, gray and scrawny

    [23:16 - 30:33] Fitz's Noisy Cancer Comeback

    She became more authentic and real to the audienceShe encourage taking care of oneself mentally and physicallyShe recommends surrounding oneself with passions and people one cares about

    [30:34 - 31:35] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Fitz Koehler!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Fitz and join their program at fitzness.com


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    Tweetable Quotes

    “Staying home was not the answer for someone like me going out, hugging thousands of sweaty germy strangers to build me up with the good stuff.” - Fitz Koehler

    “Choose a career that you are willing to do with a potentially terminal illness.” - Fitz Koehler

  • [00:01 - 06:04] Opening Segment

    No shows are a common problem for appointment-based businessesJonathan Zacks is the co-founder of Go Reminders, a program that helps reduce no showsJonathan's background is in technology consulting and he focuses on making technology easy for his clients

    [06:05 - 11:39] Lessons on Decision-Making and the Pitfalls of Ignoring No-Shows in Business

    Making decisions quickly can improve decision-making skillsNo-shows can lead to long-term revenue lossSolving no-shows can improve bottom line and save time

    [11:40 - 17:11] How to Tackle No-Shows in Business: Tips and Strategies for Long-Term Relief

    Focusing on why people don't show up can be counterproductiveReminders are key to reducing no-showsDon't call people for reminders, save phone calls for emergencies

    [17:12 - 22:11] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Jonathan Zacks!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Jonathan and join their program at goreminders.com


    Please give us a 5-STAR REVIEW. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

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    Tweetable Quotes

    “Make sure you communicate value.” - Jonathan Zacks

    “The faster that I make decisions, the better I get at making the decisions also.” - Jonathan Zacks

  • [00:01 - 06:19] Opening Segment

    Planning for compensation and perks is a common issue for business ownersThe stage of the business life cycle (starting, growth, mature, transferring/exit) affects strategies

    [06:20 - 12:35] Equitable Ownership Structures for Multigenerational Businesses

    Active members can gradually accumulate more stock thanks to the ownership structureCollaboration and flexibility in shareholder agreements are essential for multigenerational businessesWithout a solution, shareholder conflicts and hostility may develop

    [12:36 - 18:34] Enhancing Business Value and Retaining Talent

    Planning ahead raises the worth of a firmEmployees can cooperate toward a single goal by sharing the company's visionTeam Building exercises promote culture and foster a sense of belonging

    [18:35 - 21:34] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Matthew DelPriore!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Matthew and join their program at fortislux.com


    Please give us a 5-STAR REVIEW. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

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    Tweetable Quotes

    “It's always good to carve out some time during your week or month, to look at the business.” - Matthew DelPriore

    “The more systems, processes that are in place, the more things that I know can run smoothly.” - Matthew DelPriore

  • [00:01 - 07:57] Opening Segment

    Kevin Palmeiri's story of leaving a high-paying job for podcasting and entrepreneurshipThe importance of consistency in achieving success in business and personal growthStruggle as an inevitable part of achieving big goals and growth

    [07:58 - 15:21] Self-Awareness and Consistency for Building Confidence in Entrepreneurs

    The importance of seeking advice that focuses on numbers and keeping things togetherHow confidence is essential for taking action and setting bigger goalsWhy living within our comfort zone keeps us small and how we need to find our learning zone

    [15:22 - 22:49] Unlocking Confidence, Purpose, and Vulnerability

    Stepping outside of your comfort zone is crucial for personal growthHow vulnerability allows for deeper connections in relationshipsThe significance of treating your life like you do your business to achieve overall success

    [22:50 - 23:49] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Kevin Palmeiri!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Kevin and join their program at instagram.com/neverquitkid and nextleveluniverse.com.


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    Tweetable Quotes

    “I believe that the level of your goals dictates the level of your struggle.” - Kevin Palmeiri

    “I would say the biggest thing that I have learned is every single person walking the planet has some type of adversity.” - Kevin Palmeiri

  • [00:01 - 06:01] Opening Segment

    Introduction of Jason Hopcus, a motivator and catalyst for cultural changeMental health is something everyone has, with varying degrees of good or poor mental healthStress and anxiety are common challenges for business owners and entrepreneurs


    [06:02 - 11:42] Tips for Overcoming Mental Health Struggles as an Entrepreneur

    Everyone struggles in some way, and it's important to recognize thisCommitment and consistency are important for long-term resultsReleasing blocks and limitations starts with a willingness to look at them

    [11:43 - 17:39] Seeking Help and Support in Overcoming Life's Obstacles

    Willingness to look at and recognize problems is keyFinding resources and asking for help is importantUnderserved communities in mental health include responders, teens/youth, and those with high rates of anxiety/depression/suicidal ideation/substance abuse

    [17:40 - 23:04] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Jason Hopcus!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Jason and join their program at realpeoplereallife.org and namiadco.org.


    Please give us a 5-STAR REVIEW. Don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.

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    Tweetable Quotes

    “It is okay to ask for help. It is okay to recognize that you are struggling or you don't have the answer to something, to reach out and find somebody that can help you.” - Jason Hopcus

    “I think if you show up recognizing that the things that are in your life are there for a reason. Good or bad, you will learn something about yourself.” - Jason Hopcus

  • [00:01 - 06:23] Opening Segment

    Welcoming Patrick Kagan to the showDifferentiation occurs in the customer's mind long before it occurs in the salesperson or business owner's world in realityThe Jiminy Cricket Effect changes that where your customer, when they stay awake at night, they're thinking about youDifferentiation will create top line growth, bottom line growth and customer satisfactionBusiness owners should understand the concept of differentiation and attempt to differentiate themselves when they are in front of their clients or perspective clients

    [06:24 - 12:58] Unlocking the Power of Differentiation: 4 Disciplines to Help Small Business Owners Stand Out

    Locally owned business with 25 years of experience and nationwide distributionUtilizing recycled products to differentiate from competitorsNeed to identify distinguishable factors that make the business unique4 disciplines of differentiation: hate current situation, inspect what is expected, practice on a daily basis, and practice patienceDifferentiation includes benefit selling but is not the same as benefit sellingMindset is key to differentiation - focus on identifying the customer's problem and looking for bigger problems than what they describe

    [12:59 - 19:16] Uncovering the Secrets to Growing Your Business

    Open dialogue with customers/prospects to understand their ideal salespersonKnow your business and what makes it work, measure the right thingSales numbers may not be indicative of actual successTactics can help achieve strategy, but must be used correctlyTake better care of yourself than your smartphone for business successBook provides roadmap to build abundance in business and life

    [19:17 - 21:52] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Patrick Kagan!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Patrick and join their program at pksolutionsgroup.com.


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    Tweetable Quotes

    “So think of sales like getting a college.” - Patrick Kagan

    “Fix the greater problem.” - Patrick Kagan

  • [00:01 - 07:37] Opening Segment

    Welcoming Tommy Breedlove to the showTommy experienced a transformational moment inspiring him to walk away from the corporate worldLegendary means leaving the world better than you found it and living a life of significanceKey learnings as a business owner: knowing yourself, being confident, optimistic, authentic, and consistent; understanding that success is not only about money but also about relationships; and being willing to do the hard work

    [07:38 - 14:44] 3 Lessons Learned from an Entrepreneur: Quality Over Quantity, Lead Yourself, and Don't Do It Alone

    Stay in your lane, take action, never give up and never compare yourself to othersLead yourself by doing the hard work every day to be stronger mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physicallyCannot do it alone - need a tribe of people around you to help and hold you accountableQuality over quantity - be present when with family/friends and focus on business when workingLook in the mirror and get a trusted advisor to help with the next phase of life

    [14:45 - 22:05] Participate in Your Own Rescue: No Magic Pill, No One Owes You Anything

    Accountability starts with ourselvesHaving a trusted peer, a mastermind group, a coach, and your significant other is vital in lifeCulture is key when it comes to finding employeesPeople want to follow a company that is doing something with great culture, leadership, and cares about them as people

    [22:06 - 23:23] Closing Segment

    Reach out to Tommy Breedlove!

    Ready to transform the sales experience and close more deals? Connect with Tommy and join their program at tommybreedlove.com.


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    Tweetable Quotes

    “You've got to find your tribe.” - Tommy Breedlove

    “If you are having trouble finding people, it means you don't know who you are and your why.” - Tommy Breedlove

  • For the past two decades, Nicky Billou has been dedicated to unraveling the mindset of victors. He has collaborated with elite athletes and entrepreneurs, ranging from Olympic Gold medalists to billionaires. Nicky's expertise is guaranteed to fuel your enthusiasm and motivate you to surpass your perceived limits. After collaborating with Olympic Gold medalists Donovan Bailey and Mark McKoy, as well as assisting Theresa Dugwell in setting 3 ultra-distance athletic Guinness World Records, Nicky has gained a reputation as a trusted advisor to CEOs, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals seeking to optimize their personal health and achieve peak business performance. This is all the more impressive given his background as an ex-corporate executive.

    In this episode, we delve into the intersection of entrepreneurship and service. Listen as we talk about the importance of escaping your comfort zone and owning your value as an entrepreneur.

    [00:01 - 07:30] Entrepreneurship and Service: Why Caring is Key

    As an Iranian Christian immigrant to Canada, Nicky discusses the importance of freedom and entrepreneurship as an expression of it.Many entrepreneurs struggle to show their caring nature for fear of appearing salesy, but reframing sales as a service can make all the difference.A clear and compelling message that speaks to people's pain and the solutions you offer is key to gaining trust and winning business.

    [07:31 - 14:31] How Entrepreneurs Can Escape Their Comfort Zone and Own Their Value

    The key to serving others is to focus your attention on them and their needs and away from yourselfUnderstand your "why" and use it as a driving force to create momentum in your entrepreneurial journeyOwn your value and charge based on the solution you provide, not just what the market trends dictateThe consequences of undercharging – If you don't get what you should get, you won't give what you should give

    [14:32 - 22:55] The Difference Between an Expert and a Thought Leader: Why Small Business Owners Should Pay Attention

    Nicky pinpoints two reasons why entrepreneurs undercharge and how they can come back to their value To determine the value of a service, consider the cost to the client of not solving the problemHow to create a compelling personal brand through thought leadership: The difference between a ‘thought leader’ and an ‘expert’Thought leaders are authorities in their space and attract people to seek them out

    Connect with Nicky Billou by visiting his websites:



    You can also find him on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook


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    Tweetable Quotes

    “When people are paying, they value it. Now, obviously, you gotta have something that's worth it… But if you do have something that's valuable if you do have something that solves a problem and you charge properly, they will show up ready to work and that means they get results.” – Nicky Billou

    “You should be getting paid, not based on what the market is doing, but based on the value of the solution you provide to people.” – Nicky Billou

    “People are afraid of being seen as salesy. Reframe that from ‘salesy’ to ‘service.’ No one wants to be sold, but everybody wants a caring person to serve them.” – Nicky Billou