My guest today is Joshua Houston, podcaster, content creator and father of 2.
Joshua went viral with a post about the need to create a space for other male voices other than what we typically see out there today … there’s too many bros out there talking about what they think it means to be a man and not enough regular dudes talking about how to be a good partner and father.
And that is a lot of what our conversation is about - echo chambers, seeing things from other perspectives, and the balance between trying to be a provider and be present with your family.
the need for more male voicesAlgorithm biasJoe rogan Covid’s role in echo chambersThe rise of Andrew Tate Zuckerberg’s comments about masculine energy How to manage ambition as a working parent The way your kids see your careerCompeting priorities as a new dadMy parents generation vs my generationHow do you balance being a provider and being present?Best advice for working parentsAdvice for starting a podcast Advice for struggling parentsResource for parenting Best advice you’ve ever received Advice for former self
TOPICS COVERED:Advice for me
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@joshuaahouston
IG: https://www.instagram.com/joshuaahouston/
Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@TheJoshuaHoustonPod
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
My guest today is Mel Goodman, founder of WorkMom, a collective to help ambitious mothers thrive at work and at home, she’s also a mother of 2.
We talk about why networking for moms is so important, dealing with mom guilt, advice for interviewing, setting boundaries, and much more.
If you want to join the WorkMom Collective, use code SWPP10 at checkout!
How you view your career after becoming a momThe jump from one kid to twoCreating a toolkit for momWhy is networking for moms importantMom guilt Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to others Should you share you’re pregnant on a job interview?Setting boundariesUsing positive instead of negative statementsMeal planning Be the CEO of your own lifeAdvice for self-careAdvice for making the jump from corporate to entrepreneur Advice for struggling parentsBest parenting resourceBest advice you’ve ever received Advice for former selfAdvice for meEPISODE LINKS:
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Estão a faltar episódios?
Andy Storch is a speaker, consultant, coach, and author of a great book: Own Your Career, Own Your Life. He is also a father of 2.
This conversation is packed full of valuable nuggets. We talk about how working parents can apply the principles in this book to their lives, building a personal brand, instilling a growth mindset in our kids, following your curiosities instead of your passions, and much more.
Most careers happen by accidentOwn Your Career, Own Your LifeFollow your curiosity instead of passionHow to own your career as a working parentInvesting in continuous learningGrowing a personal brandHow to put yourself out there if you want to make contentGrowth mindset vs fixed mindsetInstilling growth mindset in our kidsWhy move your family to BarcelonaBest advice for working parentsAdvice for self-careAdvice for someone that wants to write a bookBest advice you’ve ever received Advice for former selfAdvice for meEPISODE LINKS:
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Ashley Chang is the founder and CEO of Sundays, an executive assistant service for working parents. She is also about to be a mom for the first time!
This is a really interesting conversation because we talk all about what Ashley has learned from helping hundreds of working parents through Sundays, the types of problems working parents want solved, and how ashley is preparing for her own maternity leave and working parenthood based on all of these learnings.
Let me know what you think! Send feedback to [email protected]
Biggest things working parents are looking for help withBiggest challenges when returning to workTypes of work and projects that Sundays can help with Planning for maternity leave Letting go of ambition for a little whileThe seasons of life The inspiration for starting SundaysSolving the problem of having to choose between work and parentingSuccessful people still struggling as working parentsNo one knows what they’re doingMaking the jump from corporate employee to entrepreneur Defining success internally instead of externally Advice for self-careAdvice for becoming an entrepreneur Best advice you’ve ever received Advice for former selfAdvice for future selfEPISODE LINKS:
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
We are back with another movie rewatch! Breaking down the 1990 hit Kindergarten Cop starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Today’s guest has some behind the scenes expertise because he’s actually a tv producer. You may have also seen him on social media at devin the dad. He’s also a father of 2.
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Mary Beth Ferrante is the Founder and CEO of work 360 a company that helps organizations support, engage, and retain working parents and caregivers, she’s also a mother of 2.
We have a really good discussion about the value working parents bring to an organization, what is Fair Play and how it applied in the workplace, why it’s important for non birthing parents to take family leave, and much more.
What is WRK360 Some managers don’t hire women that may take maternity leave The value a working parent brings to an organization Why non birthing parents need to take leave Fair Play in the workplace What is Fair Play? Domestic duties are a full time job Best advice for working parents Advice for self care Advice for balancing work time and family time Advice to get more equity in the home Best advice you’ve ever received Advice if you feel like you’re not a good parent Advice for former selfEPISODE LINKS:
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Brian Page is a father of 3 and the founder of Modern Husbands, a platform dedicated to sharing winning ideas on how to manage money and the home as a team.
We have a really great conversation about how to talk about money, why finances are such a source of stress, and the shift towards a more egalitarian marriage in our society.
What is Modern Husbands Why is money a leading cause of stress in a marriage Dealing with money stressors in marriage How to have a money date Should couples have a joint account? Joint accounts cause happiness in marriage When is it better to not share money in a marriage How to talk about money with your partner The rise of dual careers households Mom guilt and dad guilt Advice for busy working parents Advice for self care Advice if you don’t feel like a good parent Best advice you’ve ever received Advice if you find it hard to save money Advice for former self Advice for meEPISODE LINKS
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Kelsey Higgins is the host of the Parently Podcast (check out my episode on there!) and a mother of 2.
We have a really great conversation about the common struggles that parents have, the dark side of wanting to do a better job than our parents did, how to set boundaries at work when interviewing, and much more!
creating the Parently podcast Everyone wants to do a better job than their parents did Common struggles that parents have Go-getter culture pressuring parents and kids The importance of intention How to balance work life and family life Setting boundaries when interviewing Best advice for working parents Advice for starting a podcast Best advice you’ve ever received Advice to former self Advice for father of a daughterEPISODE LINKS:
Join the Parently Podcast Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/230096248334696
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
We are back with another movie rewatch! And of course to discuss a movie about feelings we had to bring on family therapist, Chelsea Clifton, mother of 2.
We talk about how to deal with anxiety in our kids, how to identify less with your emotions, and what makes up our sense of self. Is this even a kids movie?? Listen in to find out what we think!
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Sheena Badani is the founder of Parint, a platform dedicated to helping parents create more meaningful connections with their kids. She's also a mother of 3.
Expect to learn how to make parenting more science than art, the main skills parents want to cultivate and how to cultivate them, plus tips on work life balance and more!
Working at multiple startups to acquire different skills before starting your own thing Making sure your kids are good humans when they leave the house Bringing science instead of art into parenting A quick fix for tantrums Bringing data to the parenting experience The main skills parents want to cultivate Why life skills aren’t taught in schools How to cultivate new skills in our kids How Parint works Should we incentivize behaviors Learnings from teaching parents skills Best advice for busy working parents Advice for self care Advice for new working parents Advice if you feel like a bad parent Best advice you’ve ever received Advice for former self Advice for father of 18 month old daughterEPISODE LINKS:
Instagram: @parintapp
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Today's guest is Alex Egeler, a career coach for parents and a father of 4.
In this episode, expect to learn what to do when you don't know what to do next in your career, how to give yourself permission to change careers, tips on work life balance, and much more!
Helping parents find fulfilling careers What to do when you don’t know what you want to do next in your career Giving yourself permission to change careers Family connection vs entrepreneurship Societal pressure on our careers What to do when your job doesn’t have flexibility How to juggle four kids and a job Tips for self care Time management Advice if you feel stuck in your career Advice for focusing on your career after parenthood Best advice for busy working parents Best advice you’ve ever received Advice to former selfEPISODE LINKS:
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Alex Nabavian is a life and leadership coach for working moms, she runs her own coaching practice as well as being a lead career coach at parently. She’s a mother of 4 (and a +2 handicap in golf)
- The career challenges as you have more kids
- Self advocacy
- Concerns before going on family leave
- Concerns when returning from family leave
- How to be kinder to yourself
- Working parents putting pressure on themselves to keep up with their colleagues
- Work life balance
- Tips for self care
- The impact we have on our kids
- Best advice for working parents
- Best advice you’ve ever received
- Advice to former self
- Advice for women to get more involved in golf
- Advice for father of an 18 month old daughter
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
We are back with another movie rewatch! Today’s guest is Sean Donohue, you’ve probably seen him as the family coach on social media. We have an amazing conversation, framed around discussing a brand new movie out on Netflix now - That Christmas. What starts out as a chat about a family movie gets really deep into topics like burdening our kids with our emotions, kids being forced to raise themselves, and more.
If you’re going to watch this movie before you listen and you are a devout christian, there is a scene early on in the movie with a school play doing the nativity scene, we talk about this in the podcast but you could find this scene offensive so feel free to skip it, it doesn’t really add to the story and then the rest of the movie is really great.
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
We are back with another movie rewatch! Breaking down the 1990 hit Home Alone. We discuss some of the questionable parenting choices, how we’d handle similar situations, and what was up with the old neighbor guy next door. I’m joined by Jen Johannsen, a dentist turned content creator. Enjoy!
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Jeff Wickersham is the creator of the warrior dad experience and a father of 2. He’s on a mission to help, guide & lead 1,000,000 dads to change their family tree forever.
This is a great episode for the dads and husbands in the audience, but would also be a great opportunity for moms and wives to see how their partners might be dealing with things and the resources they have available to them.
What is the warrior dad experience?
Jeff’s story from corporate employee to leader of dads
Why are there less resources for dads?
What makes a good dad?
What do dads struggle with the most?
How do you develop more discipline?
The state of young men and masculinity in America
What to do when you have a dad bod
How to quit drinking alcohol
Best advice for working parents
Best advice Jeff has ever received
Best advice for dads
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Today’s guest is Emily Greenberg. Co-founder and Chief Parenting Officer at Joy Parenting club, and a mother of 2.
What is a chief parenting officer?What does joy parenting club do?Parents google 2000 times in their first year What age is more fun? 3 or 6?What are the biggest questions that new parents have?Emotional daycare drop-offsBiggest misconceptions about what it’s like to be a parentOver saturation of the parent-tech spaceTrying not to micromanage as a parentParenting advice you disagree withBeing on your phone in front of your kidsMaking time for your familyBiggest piece of advice for working parents Advice for focusing on your career after becoming a parentBest advice you’ve ever receivedAdvice for former selfEPISODE LINKS:
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
In today's episode, we we talking to Jennie Yang, the founder of Chief Mama Officer.
After having her second child, Jennie decided to take a leap of faith, leave her corporate career and launch a community and resource for executive and founder new moms.
We talk about following your dreams, the importance of community, what happens to your career when you make the jump from one kid to two, and much more!
We even do a live meditation!
Please review and subscribe if you like this episode!
Website: https://www.chiefmamaofficer.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennieyang
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chief.mama.officer
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
We're back with another movie rewatch! While this 2010 remake is not nearly as good as the original, it does have some great parenting themes.
I’m joined by Matt Percia, he is a corporate health and wellbeing consultant. We talk about encouraging your kids to be healthier, supporting them when they’re having a tough time, and teaching them to get up after they fail.
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
This week, my guest and I rewatched Honey I Shrunk The Kids to discuss the parenting choices and families dynamics at play.
We get into what's aged poorly since 1989, if little Ron was a prototype for Bart Simpson, why you should never leave your kids at home with an experimental shrinking ray, and much more!
contact: [email protected]
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
Today we are talking about Father of the Bride Part II.
Not only does it have some fun family dynamics to discuss, it also deals heavily with the challenges of getting older or feeling like you're getting older.
My guest is Maureen Wiley Clough, creator and host of the It Gets Late Early podcast, a show about getting older in the tech world.
contact: [email protected]
Website: https://workingparentspod.carrd.co/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/successfulworkingparents
Musical credit:
Hippie Beatnix (ID 1913) by Lobo Loco CC-by-nc-nd
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