We watched The Curious Case of Dean Winchester this week so feel old with me and Sarah! we ask the real questions like why care about secondary characters?
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We watched I Believe Kids Are Our Future and then talked about anything but the episode!
Check out our tumblr: spnyouresostupid
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
Estão a faltar episódios?
It's the moment we've all waited for! That's right the Paris Hilton episode! What? is that not what you thought I'd say?
We had so much fun with this one! watch season 5's Fallen Idols with us!
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We found it the perfect episode! That means the only way to go from here is down! We watched The End this week.
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We are slowly but surely getting into season 5, this time we watched Free to be You and Me and celebrate the destiel aniversary.
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We watched Good God, Y'all this week and I'm back in Supernatural title hell. Season 5 Episode 2 is full of the end of the world...but like on a budget.
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We're back baby! After our long unintentional hiatus we have an extra long episode for the first episode of season 5, Sympathy for the Devil! We had a lot of feelings about this one listen to our (shower) thoughts!
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Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
Here it is out final thoughts on season 4!! As you can tell from how we keep talking about Pride Month throughout the episode, we recorded this quite a while ago. Sorry I didn't get to editing until now🫣 Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com Check out our tumblr at spnyouresostupid
We made it! It's time for the finale of Season 4 Lucifer Rising. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and feel so accomplished in finally finishing off this season!
Drop us a line at: checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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Second to last episode of season 4 When the Levee Breaks, and we are hyped up for the finale!!
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We watched The Rapture this week and thanked tptb for Misha!
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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Hi all! We watched Jump the Shark this week and we loved it! All hail Jake Able! Sorry for the length I didn't feel like editing it down anymore, but it's all good I promise!
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We watched 'The Monster at the End of This Book' and Grover wasn't even in it once! :(
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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We watched It's a Terrible Life this week, and I had some thoughts about Dean Smith...😏
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
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I know I was surprised too! We watched On the Head of a Pin this week and for once we actually stayed on topic!
Drop us a line at checkingthrearview@gmail.com
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We watched Death Takes a Holiday this week, listen to us talk about a whole bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with that!
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Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
We watched Sex and Violence this week and it was a good time all around! Sarah and I are also both astounded by the fact that we're still only in season 4.
drop us a line at checkingrearview@gmail.com
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We watched one of my favorites this week After School Special! Listen to us do some very important math and praise the actors playing young Sam and Dean.
Visit our tumblr at: spnyouresostupid
Drop us a line at: checkingtherearview@gmail.com
This title is also my new band name lol! We watched Criss Angel is a Douche Bag this week and we had a good time with Mr. Barry Bostwick! Listen to us spend half the time talking about something other than supernatural again.
Drop us a line at: checkingtherearview@gmail.com
Check out our tumblr: spnyouresostupid
We watched the Family Remains this week and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Listen to us reminisce on the 2009 recession. **Warning we do briefly discuss animal cruelty that was in the episode**
Drop us a line at checkingtherearview@gmail.com
Visit our tumblr: spnyouresostupid
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