Fitness guru, life reform advocate and Heathen community leader Paul Waggener of the Wolves of Vinland joins me on JIVE TALK to discuss how to handle burnout, enduring hardship over time and staying true to your principles as you face the challenges of different stages of life.
Paul's stuff is at OperationWerewolf.com
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Halloween is a time for horror films but when did horror start? I am joined by Dave Martel on tonight’s Jive Talk in which we discuss how horror films have their precedents in early mythology and ghost stories.
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Thumbnail art of draugr by Joan Francesc Oliveras -
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It is about time for another Jive Talk AMA! STREAMED LIVE on YouTube and X on 11th October 2024
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Jive Book Review of Theurgy and the Soul by Gregory Shaw, Professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College. In this work he outlines the philosophy and ritual practise of Iamblichus of Syria (ca. 240 325), whose teachings set the final form of pagan spirituality prior to the Christianization of the Roman Empire. Theurgy literally means "divine action" or "godly work"
I describe how this work is useful for modern polythesists including Heathens like myself. -
How does one interpret the hidden meaning of a pagan myth? Some wise Platonist pagan authors help us to understand this, since they explained it in plain writing. One such author is Sallust aka Sallustius the neoplatonist, others include Emperor Julian and Plotinus. In this video I look at how Sallust's writing on the gods and the cosmos help us to understand not only myth, but also the meaning of rites and sacrifices and why they are so important for pagans. Originally recorded January 2019.
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Raw Egg Nationalist aka Charles Cornish-Dale joined me for a special Jive Talk. We discuss the dietary impact of the Neolithic agricultural revolution, the proliferation of lactose tolerance with Yamnaya DNA, and the changing diets of Medieval Europe. Follow REN here: https://lnk.bio/RAWEGGNATIONALIST Please support Survive the Jive: https://linktr.ee/SurvivetheJive
Some people are saying the English have no identity or culture of their own. Others are trying to ban the term "Anglo-Saxon" from academic discourse. Why is England under attack?
Starting Heathenry: https://startingheathenry.thinkific.com -
Polemos: The Dawn of Pagan Traditionalism is a book by Russian author Askr Svarte which attempts to describe how European pagan religion can be practiced in a way consistent with the philosophy of Radical Traditionalism aka Perennial Philosophy. This episode of the Jive Book Review looks at its strengths and weaknesses.
Condense lengthy texts into 25 min summaries with Liegent. Sign up now with code 'STJ10' to get 10% off! https://liegent.com
Polemos: https://pravpublishing.com/product/polemos-the-dawn-of-pagan-traditionalism/
Starting Heathenry: https://startingheathenry.thinkific.com -
A new paper called The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans (2024) reveals that the Proto-Indo-European languages originated in the Yamnaya and Sredny Stog cultures of Ukraine and South Russia. The split of PIE languages from Anatolian languages is revealed to have taken place on the steppe. Sredny Stog DNA is found in Hittite samples proving the real IE people were Steppe herders from Eastern Europe and not an unknown Armenian population as previously claimed. I discuss the findings in this stream
Condense lengthy texts into 25 min summaries with Liegent https://liegent.com
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In this Jive Talk I shall discuss the findings presented in the preprint of the new paper from McColl and colleagues entitled ‘Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages’. What does it tell us about where Germanic has its roots, how it spread in the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Migration era? How Germanic were the Lombards and Ostrogoths? Lots of new information is revealed. A huge breakthrough in Germanic studies!
End music: Ansuz Society - Fuþorc
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Returning to the topic of the highest god, Odin. First I address why the Romans weren't entirely wrong when they compared him to Mercury/Hermes. Then I present my theory about how Odin learned the nine sacred songs called Galdra and why this is related to his role as the god of the runes. The dankest god, Odin, and esoteric theories go together like runes and galdra.
Please support this podcast if you want it to continue: https://survivethejive.blogspot.com/p/donate.html -
Brixton's Brilliant Black British History exhibition at Black Cultural Archives, south London, is rewriting our history to suit their agenda. Visitors are informed that “the very first Britons were Black” and that “Britain was black for 7,000 years before” white people arrived. The exhibit was based on a book which claims Stonehemge was built by black people! Also, In 2021 a paper titled Diversity aboard a Tudor warship by Scorrer et al claimed the crew of the 16th century Mary Rose ship included black peoiple. I wil debunk these claims in this podcast and answer questions from the live audience.
Opening theme by Wolcensmen. Outro music Sanguine fire by Elegiac.
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Why do some people have blue eyes? What is the evolutionary advantage of having blue eyes? Where did blue eyes evolve? Blue eyes have piqued curiosity for centuries, standing out as a mesmerising and rare trait among humans. Discover the underlying science behind blue eyes as we explore various theories and genetic factors that contribute to their existence. They were mainly associated with Mesolithic Western Hunter Gatherers like Cheddar man but the origin and story of this phenotype is complicated. A new study from Liverpool may have the answer as to what benefit this trait has - better ability to see in low light.This channel depends on your support:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/survivethejive
All Links: https://linktr.ee/SurvivetheJive
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130170343.htm -
Scott Shell received his Ph.D. in Germanic Linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley. He is an expert on Germanic linguistics, runology and mythology. Tonight he will discuss the iconography and runic inscriptions found on Germanic bracteates of the Migration era. If you want to see the artefacts we are talking about then watch the original stream on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/live/v_CmIgXZuDI?feature=shared
Outro music is Wodenwyrd -Wulfslaep -
I discussed the classic generation X teen move "River's Edge" with Frodi on the Decameron film review festival for the Guide to Kulchur podcast. This is a bit different from my normal history discussions but I think the sociological issues raised by the film are interesting to consider. You can hear more of the GTK podcast at https://www.spreaker.com/show/guide-to-kulchur
The custom of burying an animal under the foundations of a house is not only very widespread, found in Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Finland and beyond, but is also very old, dating back to the Indo-Europeans of the Bronze Age Europe. It even spread as far away as America and India! In this video I trace the customs origins and dispersal and explain the magical function of the animal and human sacrifices underneath the home.
The BBC produced a song for the Horrible Histories children's program called 'Been Here From the Start' which makes several spurious, misleading and outright false claims about black people living in ancient Britain. From Cheddar man to Septimius Severus and the Moors, I debunk the lies contained in the BBC video and present the truth.
A guide on setting up a heathen altar to the Norse/Germanic gods in your home. How to arrange an altar for the gods, different kinds of domestic altars according to the recommendations of three of the most important heathen organisations in the English speaking world (The Odinist Fellowship, The Norroena society, Ealdríce Théod), where to put your altar in your house, what items you need to have, what kind of altar cloth, where to put the hlautbolli, what kind of idols to use, where to put the mead horn etc. I will also show you my personal altar set up.
The Vinca culture of Serbia is one of the first human civilisations. Possibly the first to smelt copper, one of the earliest uses of a symbolic proto-script and a hyper industrious producer of advanced ceramics including the earliest anthropomorphic life size clay busts. Yet few know of the wonders of this ancient culture. In this episode, I spoke to the historian Ben Elliott who travelled to Serbia to make a film called Quest for Vinca which aims to increase awareness of these fascinating Neolithic people.
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Ben's linkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-elliott-292612282/ -
The living dead are a source of anxiety and fear in the sagas of Icelanders where they are called draugar, and the walking dead remain a popular monster in modern fiction in the form of zombies and vampires. In this JIVE TALK, Big Dave Martel aka the BOG LORD joins Tom Rowsell to discuss the enduring motif of the "after walker" in medieval and modern literature and cinema.
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