Tüm dünyadaki çözülmüş ve çözülmeyi bekleyen cinayet ve kayıp vakalarını beraber incelediğimiz Karanlık Dosyalar'a hoş geldiniz!
Ben Sezgi Aksu, Podbee Media ile beraber hazırladığımız bu podcast serisinde dinleyici olarak sizleri davanın içine bir üçüncü şahıs olarak yerleştireceğiz. Meraklısını fazlasıyla doyuracak, daha önce deneyimlememiş olanlar için de bağımlılık yaratacak. Ne dersiniz? Hazırsanız başlayalım.
Each week hosts Kona and Ethan go beyond the headlines and social media posts to do a deep dive into a different missing persons case. Do you hold the key to bringing someone home?
НА ЖИВОЕ – это проект о женщинах, которые спасли свою жизнь ценой своей свободы.
Мы, команда магистров Высшей школы экономики, вместе с Центром содействия реформе уголовного правосудия «Тюрьма и воля» рассказываем о женщинах, которые оказались в тюрьме, защищаясь от домашнего насилия.
Big money. Big names. Big crimes. Cryptocurrency is a radical technology with incredible potential. The kind of potential that fraudsters and criminals can’t resist exploiting. We’re launching “Crypto Crooks” to dig into their schemes, in the hopes of protecting investors from getting taken in. We’ll explore how nefarious actors draw in victims, where their rackets start to unravel – and how their empires crumble, taking investors down with them.
Listen carefully, and maybe you’ll be able to steer clear of Crypto Crooks.
Jean Vanier was called a “living saint” for starting L’Arche, a global network of communities promoting the dignity of people with intellectual disabilities. But nine months after his death, a different story emerged. Host Jenna Barnett follows past and present L’Arche members, scholars, theologians, and activists trying to understand: When trusted leaders commit sexual and spiritual abuse, how do our communities move forward? And if an abusive person shapes our faith, how does that distort our understanding of God? A podcast from Sojourners magazine.
It’s one of the most haunting murder cases you’ll ever hear about, and it takes place in a small town in Israel. Tair Rada was only 13-years-old when her body was found inside a locked bathroom stall. She was viciously murdered during a school day, and yet no one saw or heard a thing. The police arrested the janitor, Roman Zadorov, and he eventually confessed, but this was far from being the end of it. Based on the hit true-crime series from Netflix, the podcast "Shadow of Truth" will take you on a journey into one of the wildest and most contested murder cases in the history of Israel, as it reaches its final resolution, 15 years after it all started.
지적 대화를 위한 넓고 얕은 지식 채사장, 깡쌤, 덕실이, 김도인이 만들어가는 넓고 얕은 지식입니다.
A podcast about Canadian crime, law, and punishment.
An independent weekly podcast, focusing on solved true crime cases in Iceland. This podcast is in two languages, Icelandic and English, and is hosted by Margret Bjorns - an Icelandic true crime enthusiast with a particular interest in human nature, psyche, and behaviour.
For further information, visit
This show explores some of the more difficult to solve cases in the Southern Ontario (Canada) area, which remain unresolved to this day.
Join your host as she explores the community and facts surrounding each case. Each case features a unique site visit description and various interviews with either friends, family members, law enforcement or specialists.
Follow us on Instagram @truecrime_realtime_podcast.
Tips on any of the cases can be emailed to: [email protected] -
Join comedian Chrissie Mayr as she interviews her favorite people. Comedians, Adult Film Stars, Television Personalities, and more!
La chiamavano “la Gran Dama del Mare”. Era uno dei simboli della rinascita italiana dopo la rovina della Seconda guerra mondiale. Il fiore all’occhiello della neonata marina mercantile; il più lussuoso e raffinato dei transatlantici; una nave magnifica che, seguendo quella che chiamavano “la rotta del sole”, trasportava migliaia di passeggeri da New York al Bel Paese: il gotha degli anni ’50, dalla politica alla cultura, dalla finanza allo spettacolo, per raggiungere l’Italia, viaggiava così. Fino a quando, in una tragica notte di nebbia, il 25 luglio 1956, al largo delle coste nordamericane, tutto cambiò, per sempre…
È accaduto sessantasei anni fa. E, come per la tragedia della Costa Concordia, un errore umano è all’origine di tutto. Ma le dinamiche della tragedia, la sua dimensione internazionale, il contesto storico, politico, economico, e le singole responsabilità, sono ben diverse.
E, forse, lasciano un fondo ancora più amaro. Di ingiustizia, di rassegnazione, di rimpianto.
“La Ballata dell’Andrea Doria”è una serie podcast di Archivio Luce, realizzata da Chora Media, scritta da Davide Savelli con la voce narrante di Luca Bizzarri.
La post-produzione è di Roberto Vallicelli.
La produzione esecutiva è di Valentina Meli.
Il fonico di studio è Filippo Mainardi
Per Archivio Luce: supervisione editoriale Chiara Sbarigia e Enrico Bufalini; coordinamento ricerche e materiali d’archivio: Cristiano Migliorelli e Nathalie Giacobino
Hanno partecipato: Maurizio Eliseo, Eugenio Giannini, Mike Stoller. -
Junk food for your ears
홍길동전, 춘향전, 전우치전 등 우리 고전을 비롯하여, 사마천의 사기, 호메로스의 일리어드, 오딧세이 등 동서양 고전의 내용을 원전대로 충실하게 낭독해 주는 고전읽기 프로그램
The ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (CoLAP) has a mission to assure that every judge, lawyer and law student has access to support and assistance when confronting alcoholism, substance use disorders or mental health issues so that lawyers are able to recover, families are preserved and clients and other members of the public are protected. This mission is carried out by supporting the work of state and local Lawyer Assistance Programs (LAPs) as they provide hands-on services and support to those in need of their assistance.
Le magazine cinéma de RFI. Chaque semaine, Élisabeth Lequeret et Sophie Torlotin vous font découvrir l’actualité du cinéma sur tous les continents. Diffusions : le samedi à 15h10 TU vers toutes cibles.
In this podcast, each episode will reveal a serial killer and what they did. If you have that werid fasicnation, this is your podcast. Tune in for more episodes.
Critical Inquiry is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best critical thought in the arts and humanities. Founded in 1974, it has been called “one of the best known and most influential journals in the world” (Chicago Tribune) and “academe’s most prestigious theory journal” (New York Times).
WB202 expands the mission of the journal with a new platform for emerging and established scholars, critics, and artists to discuss the critical concerns of the past, present, and future. -
Where does it hurt? Will I ever feel whole? Where do I belong? If these questions resonate with you, you’re in the right place. In this podcast, we'll utilize personal narratives and powerful questions to investigate the truths that go unnoticed. This is not a podcast for the faint of heart. We are going to face darkness, pain, and fear because they alone can introduce us to our most authentic selves. Above all else, this podcast reminds you that you aren’t alone. Despite what our social media feeds tell us, pain is more prevalent than we’d like to believe. Together we can explore our own invisible truths and experience restoration as we live out the principles of Radical Self-Awareness™.
The Next System Podcast is a regular series that examines the systemic challenges facing society today and the bold, systemic solutions that can build the society of tomorrow. Learn more about the Next System Project at