
  • Book: The Mother-Daughter Relationship Makeover Four Steps To Bring Back The Love

    Website(s): https://reachoutrecovery.com/

    Facebook: Lindsey Glass and/ Reach Out Recovery

    Facebook: Leslie Glass and Reach Out Recovery

    Located in SarasotaFlorida and Los Angeles California,Reach Out Recovery has a worldwide audience for its more than 1,500 originalarticles that simplify complicated medical and psychological information. ReachOut Recovery welcomes submissions from health and wellness organizations aswell as experts on relationships, addiction, recovery, education for teens andall aspects of the healthy lifestyle. The company has published booksincluding, 100 Tips for Growing Up, My 20 Years of Recovery, by Lindsey Glass;The Teen Guide To Health, What Every Teen Needs to Know, by Leslie Glass,workbooks and other tools for recovery and a healthy lifestyle. The website hasdaily updates, journal prompts, interactive content, daily quotes, and anactive social media platform.

    ROR was created byLeslie Glass and her daughter Lindsey Glass, who themselves traveled therecovery journey from the chaos of family dysfunction and substance use in theteen years through the slow process of transformation to a decade of recovery success.

    “We had no roadmap or reliable sources of information to help usbuild a new foundation to support our recovery and felt isolated and alone inour struggle to achieve a new and better normal. We knew other families werejust as in the dark.”

    As we developed ROR, we realized that thefocus has always been on the substance users. All conversations have revolvedaround what to do and how to treat substance addictions. Addiction may havetaken center stage in the public consciousness, but only 1 in 9 people who needhelp actually receive it, even with addiction deaths at an all time high. Evensadder, family members receive virtually no attention at all. We want to changethat.

    Reach Out Recovery (ROR) is redefiningrecovery as everyone is recovering from something. The site, which has seen +5million unique visitors since 2020, is focused on addiction education,prevention, and family wellness.

    Created in 2012 by recovery advocates and mother/daughterwriting team, ROR crafts meaningful content for millions of people seeking ahealthy lifestyle, recovery from family dysfunction, trauma, addiction, andmental illness.

    The duo is transforming the narrative on recovery advocacyby creating positive solutions and promoting family wellness. Their company standsfor empowering individuals and families to be their best selves.

  • Lifting the Veil and Revealing The Secret That’s Holding Us Back

    Interview Op: Psychic Therapist, Spiritual Teacher, and Author of The Secret That’s Holding You Back (G&D Media) Vincent Genna revolutionizes our understanding of our inner beliefs and offers guidance on how we can tap into our super-conscious and soul minds to unlock a realm of infinite new possibilities.

    www.VincentGenna.com | Vincent Genna media reel

    Is it possible that we don't actually believe what we think we believe and that our brains purposely conceal our true beliefs about ourselves, guiding us to inhabit a reality that fails to resonate with our most profound aspirations?

    zn a world saturated with discussions about the inner child and hidden beliefs, there's a captivating new perspective emerging, one that delves into the intricacies of the human mind and its role in shaping our reality.

    This perspective challenges the notion that our beliefs are transparent and readily accessible to us. Instead, it posits that our brains purposefully conceal our true beliefs about ourselves, creating a stark disparity between what we consciously think and what we deeply believe.

    At its core, this perspective emphasizes a fundamental truth: if we fail to address and change our inner beliefs, we will struggle to manifest the life of our dreams. But how do we change the beliefs that do not serve us?

    Talk Points:

    How and why does our brain purposely hide the true beliefs we have about ourselves?
    What are our environment-made minds and adult-made minds and how do they shape our perceptions, ultimately limiting our potential for growth and fulfillment?
    What inner work is necessary to unleash our natural psychic abilities and receive the guidance required to become unstoppable?
    How can the combination of inner work, psychic development, and spiritual guidance empower individuals to tap into their super-conscious and soul minds, unlocking a realm of infinite possibilities?
    How we can open our mind and heart to what is holding us back?
    Psychic Therapist, Medium, Master Spiritual Teacher, Bestselling Author & Media Guest Expert

    Known as the “Visionary of Our Times,” Vincent Genna is an internationally acclaimed Psychic Therapist, Medium, Spiritual Master, and Author. His dynamic and inspiring radio and television interviews, podcasts, keynote presentations, workshops, classes, and private sessions have transformed thousands of lives worldwide. His teachings blend new and deep-thought-provoking insights with science and ancient wisdom that universally resonate within the soul’s knowing. As a spiritual leader and visionary, Vincent raises consciousness by imparting what others have yet to explore and demonstrate. Diving deep into the human psyche, he enables a quantum leap of understanding to uncover and resolve maladaptive beliefs shielded below the conscious mind that sabotage best-laid dreams and desires. His highly evolved skills, healing presence, and compassionate intent to guide people to live their best lives have made him one of the most sought-after media guest experts and keynote presenters globally. And now Vincent offers his 40 years of spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological insights in his first book, The Secret That’s Holding You Back by G&D Media.

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  • Dr Soma Mandal - Dear Menopause: I Do NotFear You! A Modern Woman's Guide to Thriving Through Midlife.


    Mental Health in the Age of Social Media.

    The influence of social media on our mentalhealth, both positive and negative
    Ways to maintain mental wellness in the digitalage.
    The continual impact on girls and women.

    How To Remain Calm Regarding Your Health

    As an internist, I often deal with patients andrelatives who are often very anxious about the uncertain. Lots of portalmessages, phone calls. You know what I mean. I too have dealt with theuncertain. It’s really not fun.

    Health anxiety is a common mental health conditionthat can cause excessive worry about your health. It can lead to a number ofphysical and emotional symptoms such as:
    fatigue; muscle tension; insomnia; headaches;irritability; difficulty with concentration and focus; panic attacks;depression; joint pains

    If you’re struggling with health anxiety and areconstantly Googling your symptoms or excessively worried about your health,it’s important to seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

    *Stop Googling. Let’s face it, the internet willalways give us the worst answer that we want to hear. If you google “fatigue”or “headache”, inevitably the word cancer will come up.

    *Talk to your doctor, but in a calm, reasonableway. Sending a dozen messages or phone calls where doctors are very busy willnot lead you to the answers you are seeking. Take the time to make anappointment or schedule a virtual visit.

    *Practice relaxation techniques: yoga, meditation,exercise. Just taking a walk will help.

    *Focus on good sleep

    *Connect with family and friends that you knowwill remain calm, reasonable, and supportive.

    *Challenge your negative thoughts. For eachnegative thought, focus on a positive one.

    *Focus on the present. Most anxiety is worryingabout what will happen in the future. None of us know what the future willbring.

    *Practice gratitude: Focus on the good things inyour life.

    *Take one day at a time
    Would love your feedback.

    Internal Medicine, Women's Health, Anti-Aging, Skin Health, Author, MediaSpecialist

    Widely regarded as one of America’s top physiciansin women’s health, Dr. Soma Mandal is a board-certifiedinternist who has helped thousands of women reinvent themselves along the way.Earning her MD at New York University School of Medicine, and a prestigiousresearch fellowship at Oxford University in England, Dr. Mandal bringsa fresh perspective to the topic of women’s health, skin health and aging.

    Fusing traditional Western medicine with herEastern roots, Dr. Mandal’s approach combines the best of bothworlds, offering a holistic and personalized approach to her patients. She isan author, public speaker and media entrepreneur and has received multipleawards for her work. Her mission is to empower women with the latest knowledge,tools and resources to live the healthiest life possible.

  • "Holy Sh*t, So This Is Anger?!" by licensed clinical psychologist Dr. J.J. Kelly, a pioneering addition to the field of emotional intelligence literature. Published by Independently published on June 8, 2023, this concise yet profound guide has been met with acclaim for its insightful approach to managing explosive and implosive anger without succumbing to toxic positivity.

    Top Amazon Review: Banana Hudge 5.0 out of 5 stars Concise, funny, insightful Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2023 "This book has been helpful for me as I navigate the more challenging relationships in my life. Its length makes it easy to tackle and re-read and I found it funny and real."

    "Holy Sh*t, So This Is Anger?!" offers readers a fresh perspective on anger management, challenging common misconceptions and providing practical strategies for recognizing, validating, and skillfully managing feelings of anger. Dr. Kelly's unique blend of humor, authenticity, and clinical expertise makes this book accessible to readers of all backgrounds, setting a new standard in the genre of self-help literature.

    Key Value Points for "Holy Sh*t, So This Is Anger?!":

    Provides practical strategies for managing explosive and implosive anger without succumbing to toxic positivity.
    Challenges common misconceptions about anger and reframes it as a natural emotion that can be harnessed for positive change.
    Empowers readers to recognize and validate their own feelings of anger, aligning their actions with their core values.
    Sets the stage for the larger "Holy Sh*t" book series, promising a holistic exploration of human emotions and personal growth.
    To facilitate your coverage of "Holy Sht, So This Is Anger?!" and the broader "Holy Sht" book series, we've compiled a list of 10 thought-provoking questions for your interview with Dr. J.J. Kelly:

    What inspired you to write "Holy Sh*t, So This Is Anger?!" and launch the larger book series?
    Can you share a personal anecdote or experience that illustrates the transformative power of effectively managing anger?
    How does your background in punk culture influence your approach to psychology and emotional intelligence?
    What are some common misconceptions about anger, and how does your book aim to dispel them?
    How do values play a role in navigating feelings of anger, and how can readers align their actions with their core beliefs?
    What advice would you offer to readers who may be struggling to confront and address their own anger issues?
    How do you envision readers applying the principles and strategies outlined in your book to their daily lives?
    Can you tease any upcoming installments in the "Holy Sh*t" series and what emotions they will explore?
    How does "Holy Sh*t, So This Is Anger?!" fit into the broader landscape of self-help and personal development literature?
    What do you hope readers will take away from "Holy Sh*t, So This Is Anger?!" and the larger book series as a whole?

  • I Just Can’t Make This SH!T Up! Overcoming Fear & Accepting My Spiritual Gifts
    By Alejandra G. Brady

    A Bookful of Outrageous Synchronicities, Astonishing Occurrences, Spiritual Aha’s & Revelations Mark This Fascinating Account of Brady’s Spiritual Journey.
    Learn How Implementing Feng Shui -- and the Unexpected Arrival of Her Biological Family -- Helped Catalyze and Catapult Her Spiritual Growth in this Award-Winning Book
    Alejandra G. Brady was sixteen years old when she had her first visitation from someone who had passed, awakening to see someone she knew at the head of her bed, saying goodbye. But it would be decades before anyone would give her a name for the unusual experiences, or a way to understand the strange events in her life.
    It wasn’t until years later, after a highly successful career as an interior designer for homes and offices, did Alejandra begin to peel back the layers in her life to uncover the extraordinary spiritual gifts that lay at her core. Suffering from cervical compression and feeling something was amiss, she took a break to delve into HER mental and emotional interior to explore her spiritual essence, and create the reboot that freed her to accept her gifts and release the fear that was wrapped around her heart.

    And as her spiritual journey unfolded, amazing synchronicities, astonishing experiences, and spiritual AHAs just kept showing up…and as Alejandra is fond of saying, “I just can’t make this SH!T up!”

    Hence the title of her award-winning memoir and highly intriguing spiritual journey: I Just Can’t Make This SH!T Up!

    Two things happened that were catalysts for Alejandra’s incredible growth and emergence as a “lightworker.” The first, when she hired a Feng Shui master to do a consultation on her home as she prepared for the cervical fusion. It was during that consultation that the woman told her instantly that Alejandra would soon follow in her footsteps—even though Alejandra was in disbelief.

    But when Alejandra began applying Feng Shui principles to her home, massive transformations occurred for her health, her relationship with her husband and her financial outcome. Alejandra has gone on to become an incredibly sought-after and successful Feng Shui consultant, combining the Eastern art of home energy enhancement, her design skills and her intuitive knowing about the clients and the “felt” energy in the home.

    The second catalyst was the arrival of her biological family. Adopted at five weeks into a loving and happy Mexican-American family, Alejandra had never sought her family of origin, but when they arrived unexpectedly, they showed up with a raft of issues that would test her inner strength and drive her spiritual growth. It was then she also learned that some of her intuitive gifts were an inheritance from them. She also discovered that the names given to her by both sets of parents foretold her skill at prophecy and seeing what others didn’t.

    Alejandra wrote I Just Can’t Make This SH!T Up! to show that everyone can experience true purpose, bliss, flow and awe at the amazing clues and messages delivered by the Universe -- if they elect to embrace their own spiritual journey fearlessly. And she offers her personal experience as a roadmap to opening the doors to accept whatever gifts lay at the core.

    Alejandra’s I Just Can’t Make This SH!T Up! is a highly readable, engaging and entertaining book that keeps readers wondering what could possibly be next! Invite her on your show and you’ll discover seeing dead people at her bedside and in bathrooms is only the tip of the iceberg!

    Most of all you will discover how much better life can be when heeding spiritual guidance.

  • https://davidmarkquigley.com/

    David Mark Quigleywho is so inspirational! He overcame his lifelong dyslexia by writing anadventure novel, which turned into a best-seller! He has since written otherbest-selling adventure novels. He is an advocate for overcoming dyslexia,authors, and entrepreneurs who want to start their own ventures, as well aswildlife advocacy. His books have a philanthropic theme woven in and he donatesa large % of sales to wildlife conservation through his Quigley Foundation.


    David MarkQuigley's life reads like an adventure novel, rich with experiences that spancontinents and disciplines. Born in the rugged landscapes of New Zealand,his journey from farming and viticulture to becoming a renowned author andsculptor is a testament to his multifaceted talents and unwavering spirit ofexploration. Quigley's travels across Europe, Australia,and Africa have not only fueled hisadventurous soul but also deeply connected him with the natural world, shapinghis destiny as a guardian of wildlife.

    Confronting and overcoming dyslexia, Quigley discovered a profound lovefor storytelling, penning gripping narratives that whisk readers away onexhilarating adventures. His literary works, including "Scars of theLeopard," "The Last Rhino," "White Gold,""African Lion," and "The Last Scales," are infused with theadrenaline of his real-life escapades and a passionate plea for conservation.

    Quigley's artistic prowess extends to the realm of silver sculpture,where he captures the essence of the wild creatures he champions, translatingthe spirit of Africa into stunning visualpieces. Beyond his creative endeavors, he leads an international environmentalconsultancy, dedicating his expertise to the preservation of fragileecosystems.

    Now residing in Naples, Florida, in a home he craftedwith his own hands, Quigley's life is shared with his wife and a collection of"furry freeloaders," each with their own intriguing tales. Hiscommitment to conservation and storytelling continues to inspire, proving thatthe pursuit of passion and purpose can lead to extraordinary outcomes. DavidMark Quigley is not just an author or an environmentalist; he is a modern-dayRenaissance man whose life and work champion the wild and the power of thehuman spirit to enact change.

    Additionally, he offers peak performance coaching, incorporating I Ching,hypnosis, flow state, meditation, balance, quantum biofeedback, breathwork, andmore, enhancing the lives of others through his comprehensive approach towell-being and personal achievement.

    About the Quigley Foundation:
    In the shadow ofthe escalating wildlife crisis, the statistics are grim and telling. Save theRhino International's alarming estimate that nearly 10,000 rhinos havesuccumbed to the ravages of poaching over the last decade paints a distressingpicture of the reality these majestic creatures face. The narrative is no lessharrowing for Africa's elephants, with theInternational Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) declaring themcritically endangered as of 2021. These creatures, emblematic of Africa's rich biodiversity, stand on the precipice,teetering dangerously close to the abyss of extinction.

    In response tothis urgent conservation crisis, the Quigley Wildlife Foundation emerges as abeacon of hope and action. Established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizationin the heart of Florida,the foundation is a testament to the power of collective effort and sharedvision. At its core, the foundation is propelled by a team of five Directors,each bringing a wealth of diverse international experiences and an expansivenetwork that spans across continents, organizations, and charities. This uniqueamalgamationof perspectives and resources is the driving force behind thefoundation's impactful conservation initiatives.

  • Dr Bernie Mullin is a groundbreaking sport and entertainment industry executive who's turned around franchises, set all-time revenue and attendance records, and generated $1.5+ billion in revenues for brands from the NFL to the US Open Tennis with his agency, Aspire Marketing Group. He was CEO of NBA and NHL teams and CMO of the NBA. He's also a globally acclaimed speaker, podcaster, author, and humanitarian who has served on multiple boards, including the United Way; YMCA; and Make a Wish Foundation. His The Aspire Difference Foundation (TADF) focuses on supporting single parents with preschool children. All net proceeds from his consulting, podcasts and books go to support TADF. His new book is Reimagining America’s Dream: Making It Attainable for All Learn more at: www. berniejmullin.com

    GUEST WEBSITE: www. berniejmullin.com




    Hashtags: #RAD#MakingItAttainable#Dr B#DrBPodcasts

    This segment is about how to help all Americans achieve the American Dream — by the first immigrant CEO of a US Major League team turned global marketing expert.

    Big idea: Pew Research identified ten key issues stopping too many Americans from attaining the American Dream. The best way to address them is with simple, cost-effective solutions, starting with giving every child a true head start.

    Why it matters: Toxicity and political division in the U.S. have a terrible impact on Americans, creating roadblocks to education, family health, income growth, criminal justice and more. Income equality is getting worse and educational access is wildly disparate. But to unify a nation we need to stop pointing fingers — and get to work.

    Key messages: One man looked at his own journey from immigrant to CEO of a company earning $1.75B in revenue — who has created immense generational wealth for his own family — and saw practical approaches that translate into social good for all. He created a roadmap for revitalizing the futures of countless Americans.

    The author can also discuss:

    • How to empower today's youth through education — with a national investment that provides a head start for all.

    • Why generational wealth is so critical for our future — and how to create it.

    • How to solve America's 10 key social problems within one single generation.

    • How to reinstate the U.S. as the "world's cop," ensuring peaceful co-existence and balancing global trade and world affairs.

    • How to unify the nation with PAL, an ethos/ greeting campaign based on Peace and Love.

    • Why the author donates all book proceeds to The Aspire Difference Foundation for single parents of preschool children.

    The source: Dr Bernie Mullin is a groundbreaking sport and entertainment industry executive who's turned around franchises, set all-time revenue and attendance records, and generated $1.5+ billion in revenues for brands from the NFL to the US Open Tennis with his agency, Aspire Marketing Group. He was CEO of NBA and NHL teams and CMO of the NBA. He's also a globally acclaimed speaker, podcaster, author, and humanitarian who has served on multiple boards, including the United Way; YMCA; and Make a Wish Foundation. His The Aspire Difference Foundation (TADF) focuses on supporting single parents with preschool children. All net proceeds from his consulting, podcasts and books go to support TADF. His new book is Reimagining America’s Dream: Making It Attainable for All.

  • www.walk-ins.org

    Walk-ins aresouls that agree to exchange places with another soul. Other books havebeen written about walk-ins, but Walk-ins: The Cosmology of theSoul is the first book to provide details about the processes ofa soul entering into a body, the various types of walk-ins such as soulinfusions, soul braids, soul overlays, jumpers and soullayering; preparation of the energetic bodies prior to a walk-inentering, the different types of soul experiences soul origins andthe nature of the soul.

    Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul was published in 2020, bySheila Seppi, with the assistance of 15 other walk-ins and 8 otherpeople who provide their perspectives about walk-ins and the nature ofsouls. Many of those interviewed, remember their walk-in origins andhail from a number of star systems, star beings and dimensions suchas Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Mantis, Lyran,Vega, Andromedan, other un-identified systems, the 7th-dimension and the13th-dimension. Most would think of these beings asextraterrestrial.

    During late 2019and early 2020, interviews were conducted with 15 walk-ins. Theseinterviews focused on their experiences, their missions, how their walk-in event affected their lives and where they are today. Theseconservations provide a unique perspective into the various types of soulorigins.

    ​To gain additional perspectives aboutwalk-ins, I reached out to a number of experienced, respected figures in thisfield, and asked them about their views on walk-ins and the cosmology of thesoul. The book provides a summary of their findings views.

    ​For more information about this book visitmy website walk-ins.org.

    ​To purchase the book, eBook or Audible bookvisit Amazon.com oriTunes.

    Sheila Seppi Bio​

    Sheila Seppi was born and raised in Virginia. She did everything that wasexpected of her. She graduated high school, went to college, then to work, gotmarried, and had three children. For nearly 20 years she worked in thenon-profit world and eventually specialized in tourism promotion and grantwriting. But then, her world was rocked.

    Raised in a loving, traditional Christian family, Sheila’s personalbelief systems were shattered in the fall of 1999, when she became a walk-insoul at her home in Virginia.A walk-in soul is a soul that agrees to switch places with a soul that alreadyinhabits a body. Sheila came into the body bringing her Angelic, Pleiadian, Sirian,Arcturian, Mantis, and Andromedan multidimensional self and linage; however,her strongest traits are those of the Arcturians. Her mission is to be away-shower for humanity by helping people to spiritually awaken andevolve.

    Initially, Sheila thought she was losing her mind. She came in withspiritual gifts that the night before she walked in, she did not believe in.She brought a new higher frequency and was immediately changed. Sheila(Nawayla (Na-wa-ay-la), her soul’s name) possessed clairvoyance that allowedher to see into the other realms; clairaudience that permitted her to hearvoices and receive audible messages from unseen sources; clairsentience whichcaused her body to be a tuning fork and receive information about people’slives and their health just by touching them or being in their presence; andclaircognizance which provided the gift of knowing. She was so empathic thatshe had difficulty differentiating her own feelings from those around her.Sheila’s DNA was instantaneously infused with light and it shifted from herbeing a very sick person, having been clinically diagnosed with and suspectedof having brain tumors, bone cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines,multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis, erythema nodosum and she periodically walkedwith a cane to a disease free body. Her lifestyle, personality, and remembrancewas forever changed.

  • Website: https://thinktheta.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thinktheta/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karen.abrams.90

    Topic: "Making the Message More Important Than the Messenger"

    "Karen Abrams - Theta Healing: A powerful technique to help shift the way you think to unlock your potential, gain clarity and create your best chapter now."

    We have come to an "interesting" time in history where the messenger has become more important than the message. It is part of human nature to be captivated by a charismatic person, party or movement. Yet if we can learn to trust ourselves and our inner voice to guide us, it will lead us to live our lives in alignment with who we truly are.

    Karen Abrams, a Master Theta Healer, uses a gentle and powerful meditation to help you connect with your inner wisdom so you can change the beliefs and release the trapped emotions that are keeping you from taking care of yourself and help you trust your intuition so you can create a more fulfilling life now.

    In this interview, we will learn how to:

    -get back to being SELF-Centered so you can get your needs met (and still be able to care for your loved ones)

    -connect with what makes you truly happy

    -transform your worries into energy that propels you forward

    Karen Abrams is a prominent ThetaHealing® Master Healer, gifted intuitive, and international bestselling author. She uses remote sessions to delve deep into belief systems and programs, revealing the seed of disease and blocks to help remove them, allowing clients to feel free. Karen has helped entrepreneurs and professionals release self-sabotaging habits and gain confidence, financial security, and personal fulfillment. Her keen sense of humor, insight, and healing abilities have made her a star on radio, podcasts, and international telesummits. Karen has been interviewed on more over a hundred tmedia outlets including Lisa Garr's "The Aware Show" on KPFK-FM radio, "You Wealth Revolution," "The Science of Superpowers," and the award-winning "Dare to Dream Radio."

    Karen discusses the profound impact of relationships on our lives, emphasizing the importance of the relationship with oneself as the foundation for all other relationships. She explores how our inner dialogue shapes our experiences and leads us towards a happy life, highlighting the significance of self-love, accountability, and inner dialogue in relationships with oneself, money, and others, which determines the richness of our lives.

    Karen is gifted with the ability to tap directly into the subconscious mind to remove limiting beliefs, negative thought loops, trauma, sabotaging patterns, genetic programs, addictions, poverty cycles, and more, allowing individuals to manifest and experience their desired reality and emotional state instantly and permanently. She leads group and private healing sessions, using her theta brainwave to safely tap into the subconscious mind, body, organs, emotions, and energetic state of clients. While in the Theta state, Karen utilizes her gift as a claircognizant to receive information from God/Source and draws direction from spiritual guides, ancestors, past lives, higher self, and loved ones that have passed to facilitate and witness the healing and release of blockages, fears, triggers, ancestral trauma, trapped emotions, and more. Her unique and miraculous healing gift as a channeler includes the ability to communicate with the body and organs, finding and healing the root cause of any sickness, pain, and disease that can’t be explained or fully cured by conventional medicine.
    Karen is excited about helping your listeners break through their inner barriers to success. Karen can offer callers live Theta Healing sessions during the show. Or she can take you through an energy clearing session to release common blocks to success, trauma, or other blockages and problems.

  • [email protected]


    Suzanne Taylor produces stimulating events, projects and experiences for sophisticated audiences, with a visionary voice that challenges the status quo and helps people feel inspired to create a positive collective vision.


    Suzanne Taylor has been involved with films since she graduated Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude from NYU. Having been an actress, she crossed over to the other side of the camera as the Executive Producer of the 2002 feature documentary, CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth. She is the Producer/Director of What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery, which got a good review in The New York Times and was Best Feature Documentary at the UFO Congress Film Festival, where the first film got the Audience Award. What On Earth? had its TV premiere on CPT12, a Colorado PBS station. Suzanne is a crop circle authority on the Ancient Aliens television series on the History Channel. She was the producer of Brother, Can You Spare a Paradigm?, the controversial Ex TEDx West Hollywood program that has been serving to get issues about nonlocal reality into the public eye. As follow-up to TED Talks, she is producing SUE Speaks, with SUE standing for Searching for Unity in Everything.
    As the founder of Mighty Companions, a non-profit dedicated to rethinking our worldview, her Los Angeles home is a gathering place for activists. The walls are lined with her post-impressionist paintings – she had a one-woman show. And the food is delicious – Suzanne is a mean chef who wrote The Anybody Can Make It, Everybody Will Love It Cookbook.
    And here’s Suzanne’s Story, a biographical piece from then till when it was written in 2014, written as a chapter in a book to inspire young girls.

    For another story of my life, in 1998 I was invited to a conference in Italy to give a talk, “The Future of the New Age”, and I used my life as subject matter.

    Also, here’s a video from a first meeting of people who were interested in being part of an activist community after attending “A World Without Work,” that dealt with the BIG, for Basic Income Guarantee. This talk of mine brought people up to date on what led me to this juncture.

    SUE Speaks is a digital meeting place for high-minded people to be inspired and to engage with each other. Our goal is to help shift our worldview from being primarily about self-service to where caring about each other is as important as caring about ourselves. Blog posts, videos, and podcasts provide a treasure trove of food for thought.

    This site came into being after I delivered a program that was conceived under a license granted by TED. TEDx West Hollywood, an event all about shifting our worldview, was participated in by illustrious, highly-regarded professionals from science, education, and medicine. You can read all about it here.
    The idea of TED talks inspired SUE Speaks, where SUE stands for Searching for Unity in Everything.

    SUE Speaks is a rich compendium of material, like a scrapbook, that invites comments and interaction – “amusements and inspirations along the path to a new reality.” You are invited to browse, participate, and become part of bringing about the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

  • Not Feeling the Love this Valentine’s Day?

    Your Ancestry Could be Messing with Your Love Life

    Decode the Emotional DNA you’ve inherited from your family system to finally understand, break free and create the relationship you desire.

    People the world over are fascinated with their ancestry. Over 100M family trees have been built on Ancestry.com alone, but it turns out we don’t just inherit our physical DNA. Neuroscience and epigenetics show there are many other kinds of patterns we inherit- patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors called Emotional DNA. Our Relationship Patterns are an example of our Emotional DNA.

    Quite unconsciously, we tend to base our behaviors on the models that precede us. If we look at the nature of our own relationships, chances are we may find at least one multi-generational pattern lurking somewhere. Do you feel resentful and put upon because you’re always the responsible one? Perhaps your mother and/or your grandmother had to shoulder most all the responsibility for their families because their husbands abandoned them. Or maybe your grandfather lost the family home because he gambled away his money and you now find yourself mistrustful of all men. The question is . . . whose fears, annoyances, dislikes, and withdrawals are echoing in our relationships, and how do we put a stop to them or even change them into strengths?

    National Media Reel | What is Systemic Work and Constellations?

    Interview op: Judy Wilkins-Smith, world-renowned Systemic Work and Constellations Expert, Author, and Motivational Speaker, explains how to use systemic Work and Constellations to uncover the multi-generational patterns that instruct our relationships, discern those that are in service of growth and those that are not, and offers guidance for shifting those limiting, inherited patterns to create healthy, dynamic relationships.

    Talk Points:

    People the world over are fascinated with their ancestry. Over 100M family trees have been built on Ancestry.com alone to research family history. Can we also research those family trees for our Emotional DNA?
    What is Emotional DNA, and what scientific evidence is there of it?
    How can we best identify inherited relationship patterns? Where do they come from?
    Once we identify those patterns, how can we break free of those that are limiting us? And how can we cement those that are supporting us?
    What is Systemic Work and constellations?
    About Judy Wilkins-Smith:

    Judy Wilkins-Smith is a highly regarded organizational, individual, and family patterns expert. A systemic executive coach, trainer, facilitator, thought partner, and leadership conference and motivational speaker, she has 18 years of expertise in assisting high-performance individuals, Fortune 500 executives, and legacy families to end limiting cycles and reframe challenges into lasting breakthroughs and peak performance.

    Passionate about visionary leadership and positive, accelerated, global change, Judy explores critical dynamics in personal and organizational systems and the points at which they intersect, to create growth and success. As the Founder of System Dynamics for Individuals and Organizations, she collaborates with individuals and corporate decision-makers to implement innovative, ‘whole system’ design elements, ensuring balance, appetite for excellence, passion, and sustained success.

    She is the author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns (Sounds True).

    Learn more at: https://judywilkins-smith.com/

  • In Divine Wisdom There Is Bliss Absolute, Bliss Infinite, Bliss Eternal!
    This fifth installment in the Touch of Light series follows the authors as they share the wisdom they have gained through over fifty years on the spiritual path. They offer the keys for how to live a happy, fulfilled life - no matter the challenges swirling around us -through the ancient yogic teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.

    Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi share engaging insights on topics such as:

    -Dealing with Change and Loss

    -Hope for a Better World

    -Keeping Your Balance

    -Faith, Attunement, and Courage

    The authors keep the spiritual journey lighthearted, simple, and down-to-earth. With fifty-two entries, this book will guide you on your search for truth for an entire year.

    Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi are recipients of the Global Ambassador Peace Award, conferred at the United Nations, for their contributions to world peace. They are lifelong disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda, and students of Swami Kriyananda, Ananda's founder. As Spiritual Directors of Ananda Worldwide, they share the life-changing wisdom of those two great teachers through their blogs, books, and lectures.

  • PODCASThttps://drpaulzeitz.org/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrPaulZeitz
    Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/drpaulzeitz
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drpaulzeitz
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-zeitz

    Revolutionary Optimism:
    7 Steps for Living as a Love-Centered Activist
    When we feel anxiety and despair about our lives and the future, we lose touch with our power and our purpose. We don’t think our choices matter or that our voice can be heard. When we rise up, reclaim our power, and unify with others on the path of love, we get to make the difference that we’ve always secretly known we could.

    Revolutionary Optimism sparks personal and global conversations that awaken political imaginations and stimulate a new vision of peaceful, revolutionary transformation.

    When we look within and approach our personal healing work with self-compassion and love, we strengthen ourselves and are better able to extend a hand and heart of peace to others—to serve and participate in the urgent issues of the day with empathy, understanding, and wisdom.

    Learn how to break free from feelings of confusion, pessimism and cynicism about your place in the world and step into self-empowerment, resourcefulness and inspiration. Through this inside-out approach to healing, self-liberation and transformation ignite a profound depth of optimism within yourself that has tremendous power to change lives.

    Revolutionary Optimism is boh a highly practical handbook and a potent cure for the many faces of fear that loom large in times of great turmoil and uncertainty

  • Hapi Hara
    “Hapi” is the ancient pre-dynastic name for the Nile River. The name later came to represent Hapi, the god of the Nile, who represented the source of life for the Egyptians and other civilizations deep in Africa. Like its namesake, Hapi Hara feels she has been called to help others find their own inner essence or source. Hapi has had a lifelong interest in religion, spirituality, and mysticism across cultures. Her professional studies include an undergraduate degree in the behavioral sciences, a doctoral candidacy in psychology, and additional studies in the Enneagram, Reiki, and crystal energy. She has collected crystals and gemstones from a young age and understands them both mineralogically and energetically effectively synthesizing their properties through the sciences of chemistry and crystallography with their subtle energetic properties. Not only is she experienced with stones and crystals at the mineralogical level, she has also traveled to many sacred earth locations including mountain peaks, vortexes, volcanoes, canyons, ley lines, and megalithic stone sites such as Stonehenge and Carnac. Tapping into the ancient alchemical practice of crystal astrology, she identifies crystals that strategically heal, balance, and empower points in a person’s horoscope. To book a consultation, Contact Us.
    Johndennis Rang Dang Namkha Govert

    Johndennis Govert is a yogi and guru of the profound path of spiritual liberation. He holds the lineage of three dharma traditions as a transmitted Zen Roshi in the Soto Zen line of Matsuoka Zengaku Roshi, as an ordained Kriya Swami in the Kriya line of Goswami Kriyananda, and as an ordained Nyingma Lama in the Tibetan Vajrayana line of Master Boma Meitza Quan. Johndennis is also a practitioner of several mystic arts, called Dao or Ways, that are parallel paths and supports of spiritual development. He practices Zen gardens and Shodo calligraphy with art examples displayed on his website www.johndennisgovert.com. He teaches and consults in feng shui design and is author of Feng Shui: Art and Harmony of Place (1993) and REALty Feng Shui (2018). Johndennis has been involved in a number of Traditional Chinese Medicine colleges and is a practitioner of Qi Healing systems. He continues as a teacher and consultant in Chinese and Western astrology for over 40 years having most recently been a staff consultant at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona. Johndennis offers consultations in Western astrology, Chinese astrology, feng shui, astrocartography, and other specialized services. To book a consultation or to find out more information, Contact Us.

    Sacred Intention
    Across cultures, the monthly new moon and full moon are considered sacred days. The new moon occurs when the feminine energy of the moon aligns with the masculine energy of the sun. This is a sacred alchemical alignment of lunar and solar energies and allows for the planting of seeds in our life...sacred intentions and spiritual awakening. The full moon occurs when the sun and moon are opposing each other causing tension and balance creating a way for us to manifest our intention.

    The new moon and full moon cycles of the month represent times to increase the meditation of our intentions and spiritual practice. Working with crystals helps to intensify, purify, and activate our intentions.

    Each month, we provide dates for the new moon, full moon, eclipses, and other significant planetary events including information about crystals that are helpful in working with these sacred alignments that potently influence our lives. Learn more about crystal astrology in our blog. See our Astrology Calendar of upcoming new and full moon dates.

  • Despite what we’re fed via the news and various forms of media, and the fact that we take it for granted far too often, life is pretty amazing.

    Take a minute. Close your eyes and ask, “What makes me smile?”

    Let the images flood your mind, your being. Be honest with yourself and connect to your heart. You’ll probably discover that it isn’t the trappings of life that bring the smiles.

    More often than not it’s the connection to a special person, a friend or family member. Or maybe the fur babies that occupy or have occupied a special space in your heart, or a tree you see outside or plants that you’ve nurtured from seedlings. It could be a sunrise painted across the morning sky or the smell of an approaching thunderstorm.

    It seems that the things that bring on the smiles are most memorable connections to life and Nature. It doesn’t matter where you are or what your economic circumstances might be and it makes no difference whether you live in a mansion or a tent or something in between or whether you’re known or unknown. These smiles and their sources are personal to each of us and can only be enjoyed by us as individuals.

    I’ve been fortunate to travel and to see the extremes of both sides of humanity’s economic stations. It was fascinating to observe those with nothing seemed happier and smiled more than those with everything. In a small village in Ecuador I watched a woman wash clothes on a rock in a river. She was singing and smiling while doing a task I would have deemed a primitive chore. I asked why she was smiling?

    Her answer, “Por que no? Es bonito.” “Why not? It’s beautiful.” We talked about family and life while she finished her laundry. I helped her collect the drying clothes from sun-baked rocks and she wandered down the dirt trail headed home, singing and smiling.

    She taught me a great deal, as have countless others during the course of my life. The end results always seem to hold the same truths. It’

  • https://www.denisecolette.com/

    [email protected]
    The Colette Technique was created by founder Denise Lamoureux’s quest for healing from childhood trauma and addiction. In her journey through several years and forms of healing therapies, she realized she was not getting better. Ms. Lamoureux realized that in order to have a different life she needed to create a different future and it could not be one that was influenced by the traumas of the past. She needed to create a new way of healing. She combined her education and knowledge in both western and eastern medicine to create The Colette Technique for Core Trauma Healing.

    Ms. Lamoureux started her journey as a successful restaurant owner for 26 years, yet even with all her success she struggled with anxiety, lack of self- love and an all-around belief of not being “good enough” in any aspect of her life. She went to doctors, neurologists, therapists, etc. Nothing helped. She found Chardonnay could relieve her anxiety but then alcoholism became her issue.


    ​Feeling nothing was helping her she began studying Eastern Medicine. She is a Reiki Master, Theta Healer and IYS therapist. She studied mediumship with James Van Pragg and was in John Holland 's advanced Mediumship class.

    In 2007 the building behind her restaurant which was her office and food storage was stuck by lightning and burnt to the ground. She rebuilt a building with almost zero funds and created a Wellness Center. Finding Feathers Wellness Center in Fairfield Ct.

    This was an amazing time of education as healers and Gurus came from all over the globe. But Ms. Lamoureux still found herself on a constant roller-coaster of addiction, happiness or fear. On a return trip from India she realized she was missing something and began to study childhood trauma and the effects on the brain and the nervous system.

    She spent years traveling to study the lectures with Dr. Gabor Mate. She has taken workshops with Dr. Joe Dispenza. She follows the work of Peter Levine, Louise Hay and Dr. Van der Kolk, to name a few. This is where she fell in love with her work and created The Colette Technique.

    ​The Colette Technique—Core Trauma Healing is an innovative approach to healing. The Colette Technique allows the client and therapist to override the conscious brain and work directly with the unconscious. Which is where the trauma sits. Remember—it’s not "what’s the matter with me?” but it is "what happened to me?”

    The Colette Technique is a very quick solution to healing old trauma. Ms. Lamoureux’s love for her work has resulted in her practice having extraordinary results from long term issues such as, anxiety, addiction, suicidal thoughts, cutting, weight gain or loss, auto immune system illness, emotional well-being, physical problems and general overall dislike of the self and life.

    What is the Colette Technique ?

    Core Trauma Healing. The Colette Technique is an innovative approach to healing. The results are freedom from long term issues such as: anxiety, addiction, suicidal thoughts, weight gain or loss, autoimmune system illness, emotional well-being, physical problems and general overall dislike of the self and life.

    The Colette Technique was created by founder Denise Lamoureux’s quest for healing from childhood trauma and addiction. In her journey through several years of healing, she realized she was not getting better. Ms. Lamoureux realized that in order to have a different life she needed to create a different future and it could not be one that was influenced by the traumas of the past. She needed to create a new way of healing. She combined her education and knowledge in both western and eastern medicine to create The Colette Technique- Core Trauma Healing.

    ​This is not just about your body or your thoughts. It’s about what happened in your life that made you feel the world is an unsafe place

  • MeetDianne Collins andAlan Collins“Our intent in every session we present is for you to have an on-the-spot transformation in your awareness that translates naturally and easily into measurable success with increased confidence and joy in whatever you are doing.” -Dianne Collins -Alan CollinsDianne Collins and Alan Collins have been partners in life and in business for more than 20 years. They consult leaders and senior executives in the world’s leading corporations to go beyond hidden limits of their thinking – accelerating results and catapulting nonlinear achievements. They have presented Strategic QuantumThink® Consulting and unique QuantumThink coaching programs via teleconference to thousands of people worldwide, from every walk of life.Clients have included Accenture, AT&T, CNN, DuPont, Morgan Stanley, McKinsey, and Telstra; agencies of the USA government including National Partnership for Reinventing Government under Vice President Al Gore, Federal Executive Institute, Office of Personnel Management, and Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense; as well as entrepreneurs and politicos, homemakers and students, celebrities and evolutionaries worldwide.My entire life has been devoted to the question: what is the access to creating the results we truly desire? From studying everything from physics to metaphysics I made a few life altering discoveries that led me to create the QuantumThink® model—a system of thinking comprised of principles and practices that make it quick and easy for anyone to live the wisdom of science and spirituality in everyday life—not just to know the principles—to embody them.”– Dianne CollinsDianne Collins, original thinker and popular media personality is the creator of the QuantumThink® system of thinking and author of the 6-time award winning bestseller Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World, considered a “must-read” for our changing times. She is dedicated to people living spirited, joyful, and masterful lives through leaps in awareness and new thinking using what she calls, “the physics of mind.” Dianne has been interviewed on more than 500 radio, internet and TV shows. She is a featured blogger on The Huffington Post, a recipient of the Top 20 Conscious Entrepreneurs award, and is considered the leading authority in new world view thinking.Dianne Collins is a graduate of the University of Miami in Philosophy and Psychology, and a lifelong student of meditation and yoga, quantum principles, and leading edge modalities that make life better and more joyful.Her varied experiences as a Fortune 100 corporate manager, award-winning photographic artist, video producer, and consultant to business executives and entrepreneurs, all contribute to her extraordinary gift of originality and ability to express complex universal subjects in clear and powerful ways that benefit people instantly. She provides a big picture view that makes sense of the changes all around us. Her work is considered as entertaining as it is enlightening.Everyone realizes we need to think in a new way. The question is, how?Drawing on cutting edge quantum insights, ageless spiritual knowledge and revealing the essential role of the mind in living effectively with modern and pop culture–Dianne Collins offers us advanced thinking principles for leaps in awareness that enable real solutions, from the pursuit of inner serenity to harmonious relationships, business results and global affairs.This book puts it all together with cheeky wit and exceptional wisdom to make sense of our dramatically changing times and the necessity for new thinking at this critical juncture for humanity.

  • Website(s): www.drcarlamanly.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drcarlamanly

    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/drcarlamanly/

    Who among us hasn’t, at one time or another, felt stuck in an unhealthy relationship or lamented our inability to find that “perfect” someone? Clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly knows the secret to creating genuine, joy-filled relationships — and it has nothing to do with perfection. In her latest book, The Joy of Imperfect Love: The Art of Creating Healthy, Securely Attached Relationships, Dr. Manly emphasizes that real love is messy and imperfect, and she offers profound, yet easily digestible insights for building healthy relationships. Acutely aware of the role relationships play in mental health and well-being, Dr. Manly is available to share her insights with your audience.

    Please let me know if you are interested in scheduling an interview with Dr. Carla Marie Manly, or if you would like to see a copy of her book for interview/review/article purposes. To watch an interview with Dr. Manly about two of her previous books, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfPUUmMIkMA.

    (This press release may be published in part or entirety by any print, broadcast, or internet/digital media outlet, or used by any means of social media sharing.)


    Release the Illusion of Perfection: New Book Empowers Readers to Be Authentic With Romantic Partners

    NEW YORK, Jan. 29, 2024 — “The key to healthy relationships is accepting that real love is messy, imperfect, and a work in progress,” says clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly, whose fourth book, The Joy of Imperfect Love, guides readers into a transformative journey toward compassionate, healthy connections.

    “As we release the illusion of perfection and channel our energy into positive actions, we naturally become more connected to ourselves and others,” Dr. Manly notes.

    In The Joy of Imperfect Love, Dr. Manly provides research-backed insights, captivating case examples and empowering exercises to lead readers through an exploration of how attachment issues and unresolved trauma negatively impact both self-love and relationship quality. Then, Dr. Manly offers sound solutions for creating the awareness and healthy habits that promote lasting love.

    Her inclusive narrative makes her insights accessible to all demographics and sexual orientations, and key concepts such as communication skills and emotional intelligence can be applied to romantic relationships, friendships, social relationships, and work relationships.

    Well-researched and fact-based with an emphasis on replacing destructive patterns such as negative self-beliefs and toxic inner narratives with healthy, awareness-based dynamics, The Joy of Imperfect Love aims to foster the positive mental and emotional health the world so desperately needs.

    “Readers will breathe a sigh of deep relief as they discover the doable, real-life secrets to creating joy-filled relationships and genuine, imperfect love,” Dr. Manly offers.

    About Dr. Carla Marie Manly