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Hot of the heels of the release of Peter Jackson's epic The Lord of The Rings trilogy comes a brand new animated feature film. Join Corey & Mike as they discuss The War of The Rohirrim-- the very first film adaptation of everyone's favourite segment, The Mathom House! Is the movie itself a mathom? Listen and find out!
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Join Corey and MIke as we discuss the Palantir, cowards, and who smells the worst.
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Join Corey and Mike as we trauma dump over the final episode of season 2 of the Rings of Power.
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Amazon Prime's The Rings of POOer Season 2 is winding down. Or winding up? Who can say?! Join Corey & Mike for a review and recap of episodes 6 and 7. The finale is approaching and like a foolish Took, we have many questions.
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Join Corey and Mike as we discuss episode 5 of the second season of Rings of Power.
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Another day, another episode of The Rings of POOer. Join Corey & Mike for an analysis of the latest from the Amazon LOTR universe! Old Tom Bombadil might be a merry fellow, but your hosts are not nearly as happy with the way things are going...
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Join Corey and MIke as we jump head first into the first three episodes of season 2 of the rings of power.
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Join Mike & Corey in Isengard as our characters confront Saruman high in his tower. There will be wizard battles, beers and honey cakes. In this episode Hobbit News is more exciting than ever and we take a bittersweet break from The Mathom House... but it shall return.
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Mike and Corey are BACK! Join us as we join Merry and Pippin and they are joined by Aragorn, Gimli and the ever exciting Legolas as they explore the ruination of Isengard.
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Corey and Mike discuss the long walk to Isengard, and eat some delicious cabbage stew.
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Our heroes have made it to Helm's Deep! Unfortunately so have about a million orcs. And also Gandalf ran off. Grab a map of the Deep and join Corey & Mike for the battle. Plus all your favourite segments: Cookin' With Sam, Fancast It Into The Fire, I Will Draw You Saruman and The Mathom House.
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Join Corey and Mike as they meet the king in the GOlden Hall and the dastardly Wormtongue.
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Forth the three hunters! Join Corey & Mike for a discussion of a chapter about characters having a discussion. Hobbit trails have grown cold, Aragorn is trying to concentrate, Legolas is bored and Gimli is getting testy. A vagabond appears and boy does he have a lot to say.
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Join Corey and Mike as they discuss meeting a weird old tree man.
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Join Corey & Mike as we learn the terrible fate of Merry and Pippin. Orcs all around and horse boys not far behind. Are you Team Uglúk or Team Grishnákh?
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Join Corey and Mike as we hit the ground running this episode discussing Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli... running for the lives of the wee Hobbits.
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Season 3 has begun with Chapter 1 of The Two Towers. Join Corey & Mike as the Fellowship lays in ruins and Aragorn is late to the party. Pun intended. And look out for a brand new, highly-anticipated, overly-hyped, utterly-amazing new segment!
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Join Corey and Mike for That Hobbit Shit season two wrap up and discussion of what is to come for season three of that Hobbit shit!
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Join Corey and Mike for the exciting conclusion of 1978's animated Lord of the Rings. Is it exciting? Will it conclude? You'll have to listen to find out.
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Join Corey and Mike for Part 1 of an audio commentary for the 1978 Animated movie, The Lord of the Rings
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