
  • Are you struggling to consistently generate quality leads and find the time to nurture new business while juggling client demands?

    In today’s competitive landscape, continuously attracting and converting leads is crucial for long-term agency success. Many small agencies face the daunting challenge of juggling client work with the necessary effort to grow their business, often missing out on key opportunities due to lack of time or strategic direction.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll discover how to:

    1. Develop a robust, strategic approach to new business that integrates seamlessly with your agency's day-to-day operations, ensuring no opportunities are missed.

    2. Create valuable, targeted content that resonates with your ideal clients and consistently drives inbound inquiries, rather than relying solely on direct outreach.

    3. Maintain a consistent marketing presence, even during busy periods, to avoid the feast-or-famine cycle and build long-term resilience in your agency.

    Listen now to learn how to balance client work with strategic business development and ensure your agency thrives.

    Key Questions We’ll Answer:

    Q: What are the biggest challenges smaller agencies face when it comes to effective business development?

    Q: How can agencies ensure they allocate sufficient internal resources to new business processes without compromising client work?

    Q: Can you elaborate on the strategic approach required for consistent business development and lead generation?

    Q: How can agencies maintain an ‘always on’ approach to marketing, especially during economically challenging times?

    Q: What advice would you offer to agencies that struggle with balancing client demands and their own business development efforts?

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Agencies that allocate time, love, and respect to new business processes see the biggest success. It’s not just about leads; it’s about strategic, consistent effort." Katie Street

    "Stopping marketing during busy periods is a recipe for disaster. Consistent effort in business development separates the thriving from the struggling." Rob Da Costa

    Don’t Miss Out—Subscribe and Stay Ahead!

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move towards a Self-Running Agency.

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    And if you found this episode valuable, please take a moment to rate and review the show. Your feedback helps us reach more agency owners like you who are ready to scale their businesses!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Katie Street: Email, LinkedInRob Da Costa’s YouTube Channel Learn more about the Self-Running Agency Programme (AI-powered)
  • There is a set of unspoken rules that every agency owner should live by. Yet many break them daily!

    I’ve distilled them down to 8 rules and in the concluding part of our 2-part series, we focus on the critical aspects of valuing your time, selectively choosing clients, investing in the right systems, and finding joy in the journey. For agency owners who aim to not just survive but also thrive, mastering these rules can transform your business experience.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll discover how to:

    Learn how to prioritise high-value tasks and delegate effectively to maximise your productivity.Understand the importance of confidently saying 'no' to clients who aren't a good fit, allowing you to focus on those who truly align with your agency's goals.Discover how to implement efficient systems and processes that streamline operations and support long-term growth.Realise the significance of enjoying the journey, ensuring sustained motivation and satisfaction in your entrepreneurial path.

    Transform your agency life from a constant grind to a fulfilled, purpose-driven endeavour—press play and dive into these essential rules now!

    Key Questions We’ll Answer:

    How can agency owners identify and prioritise high-value tasks over low-impact activities?What strategies can agency owners use to delegate tasks and empower their teams effectively?Why saying no to non-ideal fit clients is not commercial suicide!What steps should agency owners take to implement effective systems and processes to streamline their operations?What are the key benefits of focusing on and enjoying the journey rather than fixating solely on the destination in agency life?

    Memorable Quote:

    “Too many people forget to enjoy the journey because they are too focused on a destination they may never get to!.” - Rob Da Costa

    Don’t Miss Out—Subscribe and Stay Ahead!

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move towards a Self-Running Agency.

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    And if you found this episode valuable, please take a moment to rate and review the show. Your feedback helps us reach more agency owners like you who are ready to scale their businesses!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Join The Self-Running Agency Group and implement these 8 golden rulesGet 24/7 coaching from your own agency expert mentor, AskRobAnythingAttend my free workshop ‘Harness AI to Unlock 7 Key Growth Areas - Escape The Agency Owner's Trap - Free Yourself from the Daily Grind & Scale Your Agency’
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  • There is a set of unspoken rules that every agency owner should live by. Yet many break them daily!

    I’ve distilled them down to 8 rules and over the next 2 episodes of the show I am going to unpack them.

    Today we are tackling the first 4.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you'll discover how to:

    Understand that you are not your agency, allowing it to thrive independently and giving you the freedom to focus on strategic growth.Align your goals with your client's success, fostering long-term relationships and ensuring consistent revenue.Embrace continuous learning to stay ahead of industry shifts and emerging trends, giving your agency a crucial competitive edge.Prioritise profitability over popularity, focusing on what truly drives the financial health of your agency rather than chasing vanity metrics.

    Key Questions We’ll Answer:

    What does the phrase "You are not your agency" mean, and why is it a foundational rule for agency owners?How can agency owners delegate effectively to ensure their business operates independently of them?Why is aligning your goals with your clients' goals crucial for long-term success?What steps can you take to ensure you are delivering success as your clients define it?How can agency owners foster a culture of continuous learning within their teams?What strategies can agencies implement to prioritise profitability over popularity?How can agency owners identify and focus on their most profitable services and clients?

    Memorable Quotes:

    “You are not your agency. Building a team that can operate independently of you is the key to a thriving and scalable business.” - Rob Da Costa

    “Popularity doesn't equal profitability. Focus on what truly drives revenue and long-term growth rather than getting distracted by vanity metrics.” - Rob Da Costa

    Don’t Miss Out—Subscribe and Stay Ahead!

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move towards a Self-Running Agency.

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    And if you found this episode valuable, please take a moment to rate and review the show. Your feedback helps us reach more agency owners like you who are ready to scale their businesses!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Join The Self-Running Agency Group and implement these 8 golden rulesGet 24/7 coaching from your own agency expert mentor, AskRobAnythingAttend my free workshop ‘Harness AI to Unlock 7 Key Growth Areas - Escape The Agency Owner's Trap - Free Yourself from the Daily Grind & Scale Your Agency’
  • Are You Drowning in Daily Tasks Instead of Steering Your Agency Toward Growth?

    Do you find yourself constantly putting out fires, feeling overwhelmed despite having a team? If so, you're not alone. In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a strong second tier of leadership isn't just helpful—it's essential. Without it, you risk burnout and stunted growth for your agency.

    In this episode of *The Agency Accelerator* podcast, we're diving deep into why building a competent second tier of leadership is crucial for your agency's success—and how to do it effectively.

    Here’s What You’ll Learn:

    - Effective Delegation: How to build a solid leadership team that takes the weight off your shoulders, so you can focus on what truly matters.

    - Boosting Team Morale: Learn how empowering your leaders can lead to a more positive and productive work environment.

    - Strategic Growth: Discover how freeing yourself from daily operations allows you to concentrate on innovation and sustainable scaling.

    It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and start steering your agency toward long-term success. So grab your favourite cup of coffee, and let’s jump in!

    Key Questions We’ll Answer:

    - How can you identify potential leaders within your team who can step up and support your vision?

    - What common mistakes do agency owners make when they don't have a strong second tier of leadership?

    - Why does micromanagement harm both your agency's performance and your well-being?

    - What practical steps can you take to shift from being a 'doer' to becoming a visionary leader?

    - How can investing in leadership development now save you from bigger problems down the road?

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Without a strong second tier of leadership, you're left trying to steer the ship, manage the crew, and keep an eye on the horizon—all at once. It's overwhelming, and eventually, something will slip through the cracks.” - Rob Da Costa

    “Building a strong second tier of leadership isn't just about solving today's problems. It's about setting your agency up for long-term success.” - Rob Da Costa

    Don’t Miss Out—Subscribe and Stay Ahead!

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move towards a Self-Running Agency.

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    And if you found this episode valuable, please take a moment to rate and review the show. Your feedback helps us reach more agency owners like you who are ready to scale their businesses!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Learn more about the Self-Running Agency Group Coaching ProgramRead our blog on building a strong leadership team in your agency
  • Do you feel like your agency is blending into the crowd, becoming just another service provider in a saturated market?

    In today's rapidly changing marketing landscape, where AI advancements are accelerating the commoditisation of services, it's more crucial than ever for agencies to differentiate themselves and offer unique value. If you're concerned about standing out and avoiding the trap of becoming a commodity, this episode, with my guest, Mikael Dia, founder of Funnelytics, provides the insights you need to chart a new course.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you'll discover how to:

    1. Shift your agency’s focus from tactical execution to strategic thinking, helping to distinguish your offerings in a crowded marketplace.

    2. Use data-driven decision-making to provide tangible results for your clients, setting your agency apart from competitors.

    3. Implement tools like Funnelytics to visualise client strategies, ensuring comprehensive planning and enhanced client relationships.

    4. Hear Mikaels thoughts of the marketing agency industry, post AI

    Don't let your agency become interchangeable. Grab a seat and listen in to revolutionise your approach.

    Questions Answered in this Episode

    Q: How can agencies differentiate themselves in a crowded market dominated by commoditisation?

    Q: Why is it essential for agencies to focus on strategic thinking and data-driven decision-making to deliver results?

    Q: Can you elaborate on the cycle of plan, measure, optimise in agency strategies and how tools like Funnelytics support this process?

    Q: What are the critical factors businesses should consider when deciding between hiring in-house talent or a consultant who utilises AI tools?

    Q: In what ways can AI tools enhance strategic thinking while potentially replacing tactical tasks within agencies?


    “Agencies must differentiate by focusing on strategic thinking and data-driven decisions rather than getting lost in the tactical noise.” - Mikael Dia

    “Elevating agency-client conversations to a strategic level is essential for increasing client lifetime value and standing out in a crowded market.” - Rob Da Costa

    “AI will replace many jobs, but the key to survival is learning how to interact and delegate tasks to AI effectively.” - Mikael Dia

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move towards a Self-Running Agency.

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Explore Funnelytics and its capabilities: FunnelyticsConnect with Mikael Dia on LinkedIn: Mikael Dia on LinkedInDive deeper into Mikael Dia's insights and content: https://mikaeldia.com/
  • Do you ever feel torn between pursuing your vision for your agency and the weight of daily fears that hold you back?

    Balancing your ambitions with the practical realities of agency management can seem like an endless struggle. For agency owners, the tension between dreaming big and the fear of financial instability or losing clients often means you are constantly stuck in the here and now (on the client service hamster wheel of doom!) and have no time to breath let alone plan for the future!

    So in today’s podcast you'll discover how to:

    1. Transform your dream of long-term autonomy for your agency into actionable steps that lead to a more self-sufficient business.

    2. Tackle and overcome the financial fears that can cripple your agency, turning vulnerabilities into strengths.

    3. Define success on your terms, ensuring both your agency's profitability and your personal fulfilment.

    Gain insights that will help you balance dreams and fears, and start steering your agency towards a thriving future. So grab a notebook, and let’s dive in.

    Questions Answered in this Episode

    Q: Why is having a big picture dream so important?

    Q: How do fears of financial instability impact the daily decision-making of agency owners?

    Q: In what ways can documenting processes assist in moving towards a self-running agency?

    Q: How can smaller agencies leverage their size as an advantage against larger competitors?

    Q: How can redefining success beyond revenue lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable agency life?


    “The tension between our ambitions and our anxieties is what drives us to innovate and push our agencies forward. Embrace it, don't fear it.” - Rob Da Costa

    “Running an agency means navigating hiccups, mistakes, and setbacks. But these imperfections are where the most valuable lessons will come from” - Rob Da Costa

    “To achieve true autonomy in your agency, you need to build a strong team culture where people feel empowered to make decisions and take ownership. It’s not about doing everything yourself, but about building a self-running agency.” - Rob Da Costa

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move towards a Self-Running Agency.

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Learn more about The Self-Running Agency, the AI EditionListen to last week’s episode (ep 229) on value pricing with Rory Spence from the Wow CompanyDownload a copy of my book, The Self-Running Agency (and you can get it for free!)
  • Are you struggling to set prices that reflect your agency's true value whilst at the same time, staying competitive?

    In today's challenging business climate, many agency owners face the tough task of balancing fair pricing with higher client expectations, all while ensuring profitability and sustaining growth.

    Whether it's overcoming the legacy of outdated pricing models or navigating the intricacies of value-based pricing, getting this balance right is crucial for long-term success.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll discover how to:

    1. Use anchoring techniques in your pricing strategy to shift client focus from cost to value, helping you secure better deals.

    2. Implement time tracking and gross profit margin measures to accurately assess team efficiency and overall agency performance.

    3. Transition your agency to value-based pricing, offering multiple pricing options that enhance client perception and satisfaction.

    Take a step towards transforming your agency's pricing strategy for growth and profit! So grab a coffee and let’s get started.

    Questions Answered in this Episode

    Q: How does the concept of anchoring impact the way agencies set their pricing strategies?

    Q: Can you elaborate on the benefits of tracking gross profit margin as opposed to solely focusing on revenue?

    Q: Why is it essential for agencies to aim for a 45-50% gross profit margin, and how can they achieve this target?

    Q: What significance does having a clearly defined niche hold when transitioning to value-based pricing?

    Q: What are the advantages of offering three pricing options to clients, and why should the highest option anchor the price?

    Q: How should agencies approach the delicate task of discussing price increases with their existing clients?

    Q: Could you share insights on transitioning from time-based pricing to value-based pricing and its potential impact on agency growth and client relationships?


    “Stop obsessing over industry averages. Instead, aim for a 45-50% gross profit margin and watch your agency thrive.” - Rory Spence

    “Present three pricing options to your clients, let the highest price anchor their perception, and make the middle option irresistible.” - Rory Spence

    “When you focus on value-based pricing rather than selling time, you can transform not just your profits, but your client relationships too.” - Rob Da Costa

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move towards a Self-Running Agency.

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Get in touch with Rory SpenceDownload the latest BenchPress reports by The Wow CompanyDownload a FREE value pricing guide
  • What would happen to your agency if you had to step away for a month due to an unexpected circumstance?

    In the dynamic world of agency life, where the whirlwind of client deadlines and team management is the norm, it can be easy to neglect planning for the future stability of your business. For any agency owner who dreams of a sustainable, scalable business that continues to thrive with or without their constant presence, understanding succession planning is crucial.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll discover how to:

    1. Document processes and clearly define roles to ensure continuity and consistency even when you’re not there.

    2. Build and train a leadership team that can confidently handle day-to-day operations, allowing you to focus on strategic growth or personal time.

    3. Develop a succession plan that maximises your agency's value and sets it up for long-term success, whether you're planning to sell, retire, or simply take a step back.

    Start building a self-running agency today! So grab a coffee and let’s get started.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: Why should agency owners start thinking about succession planning even if they are not planning to exit anytime soon?

    Q: How can succession planning contribute to building a sustainable and scalable agency that can thrive without the owner's constant involvement?

    Q: What are the four key scenarios where succession planning becomes crucial in an agency’s journey?

    Q: In what ways can documenting processes and developing a leadership pipeline help in the succession planning process?

    Q: How can setting clear goals and KPIs support the agency’s performance without direct involvement from the owner?

    Q: How does succession planning align with achieving the financial freedom, flexibility, and control that most agency owners desire?


    "Imagine your agency running smoothly while you take a month-long holiday. That's the magic of good succession planning." - Rob Da Costa

    "Succession planning isn't just a distant concern; it's the key to ensuring your agency thrives with or without you." - Rob Da Costa

    "The most valuable agencies are those that operate successfully without the owner's constant involvement. That’s what succession planning is all about." - Rob Da Costa

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Go back and listen to Episode 219 with Jodie Cook for insights on becoming a digital nomad and extricating yourself from your agency.Start taking the steps to building your own Self-Running Agency.
  • Is your agency constantly struggling to balance client demands with healthy work practices?

    In the high-pressure environment of agency life, where the lines between professional obligations and personal time often blur, establishing and maintaining clear boundaries can be challenging. Yet without these boundaries, agency owners and leaders may face burnout, client dissatisfaction, and team unhappiness, ultimately affecting the agency's success and growth.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll learn how to:

    1. Implement effective working practices and service definitions, ensuring you protect your time and focus on what you do best.

    2. Set and manage client expectations, thus avoiding scope creep and fostering healthier, more profitable client relationships.

    3. Create a positive work environment with clear role definitions and decision-making authorities that retain top talent and boost team morale.

    Take the first step towards a more organised, less stressful agency life today! So grab a coffee and let’s get started.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: Why are boundaries crucial in the context of running an agency, and how do they impact your agency's health and team dynamics?

    Q: What common situations in agency life indicate a lack of clear boundaries, and what are the potential consequences of these blurred lines?

    Q: How can setting and maintaining clear boundaries between your agency's services and clients' expectations prevent scope creep and ensure fair compensation?

    Q: What strategies can agency leaders implement to communicate and reinforce boundaries effectively with both clients and team members?

    Q: How can learning to say NO in a professional manner benefit your agency, and what techniques can help in declining requests while maintaining client relationships?

    Q: What practical tips can assist in conducting regular boundary audits, and how can these audits help in refining and reinforcing boundaries as your agency evolves?


    "Strong boundaries are not restrictive; they are liberating. They allow you to focus on what you do best, serve your clients more effectively, and create a more positive environment for your team." - Rob Da Costa

    "When you establish and maintain healthy boundaries, you set the stage for sustainable growth, more profitable client relationships, and a healthier work-life balance." - Rob Da Costa

    "Are you a charity or are you a business? When you're overservicing for free, you're definitely becoming a charity." - Rob Da Costa

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Join my Self-Running Agency Implementation Group
  • Are you tired of hearing "I was too busy" as your team's go-to excuse for missed deadlines?

    In the high-pressure world of agency work, where meeting deadlines and delivering outstanding results are crucial, the frequent use of "I was too busy" can erode trust and productivity. For agency leaders, this excuse not only hinders project success but also creates a negative work environment that impacts the entire team.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll learn how to:

    1. Identify and tackle the root causes of missed deadlines, such as poor prioritisation and ineffective time management, to enhance overall performance.

    2. Foster clear and proactive communication, ensuring that team members are on the same page and deadlines are met with consistency.

    3. Cultivate a culture of accountability and realistic planning, empowering your team to manage their workloads effectively and minimise stress.

    Start transforming your agency's culture today — grab your headphones and dive into the episode now!

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: Why has the phrase "I'm too busy" become so prevalent in the agency world, and why is it problematic?

    Q: How can poor prioritisation and ineffective time management contribute to the "I'm too busy" epidemic?

    Q: What are some practical strategies for agency professionals to improve their time management?

    Q: In what ways does the "I'm too busy" excuse affect client relationships and team morale?

    Q: How can setting realistic timelines and managing resources better help eliminate the "I'm too busy" mindset?

    Q: Why is learning to say "no" or "not now" vital for improving workload management in agencies?

    Q: What are the tangible benefits an agency can expect when it succeeds in eliminating the "I'm too busy" mentality?


    "Imagine a sofa company telling you they were 'too busy' to deliver your furniture on time. Ridiculous, right? So why do we accept this excuse in our agencies?" - Rob Da Costa

    "In the agency world, 'I'm too busy' has become an excuse rather than a reality. It's time we reclaim control of our time and deliver our true potential." - Rob Da Costa

    "Every time you say 'yes' to something, you're saying 'no' to something else. Let's learn to prioritise effectively and eliminate the 'I'm too busy' epidemic." - Rob Da Costa

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Download our free guide on the Art of DelegationJoin The Self-Running Agency Implementation Group
  • Are you able to afford your own coach? What about a mentor for each of your team members? For most, the answer will be NO but AI is having and going to have a huge impact on this area meaning every agency owner will have their own coach and every time member, their own mentor.

    In a time when Artificial Intelligence is revolutionising how we manage and grow our agencies, one area it is only just starting to impact is coaching, mentoring and training.

    If you’re an agency owner or manager, leveraging AI coaches could be the key to boosting productivity, enhancing team learning, and staying competitive in a rapidly changing landscape.

    We are going to dig into this topic in a ton of detail today. By listening to this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you'll learn how to:

    1. Utilise AI coaches to provide personalised and consistent guidance tailored to your agency’s needs.

    2. Integrate AI-driven problem-solving techniques to navigate complex client situations and enhance decision-making.

    3. Create a scalable and cost-effective mentoring system that promotes continuous learning and growth across your entire team.

    I am super excited by the potential of giving every agency 24/7 coaches and mentors so let’s dig in!

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: What specific advantages do AI coaches offer over traditional human mentorship in agency settings?

    Q: How does an AI coach personalise its guidance to match the unique needs of an agency?

    Q: In what ways can an AI coach help in resolving complex client situations or pricing strategies?

    Q: How can AI coaches be utilised to ensure consistent training and development across an entire agency?

    Q: What are the steps involved in creating a customised AI coach tailored specifically for your agency?

    Q: How do AI coaches assist in the seamless integration with existing project management and CRM tools?

    Q: What potential future applications of AI coaching could revolutionise agency management even further?


    "Imagine having a mentor who's available 24/7, who never gets tired and can process vast amounts of information in seconds. That's the promise of an AI coach for your agency." - Rob Da Costa

    "AI coaches aren’t about replacing human intelligence in your agency. They're about augmenting it, getting you from 0 to 60 quickly so you can focus on reaching 100%." - Rob Da Costa

    "The future AI coach isn't just reactive. It's proactive, anticipating potential issues and suggesting innovative solutions based on emerging trends." - Rob Da Costa

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Discover the The Self-Running Agency - AI Edition - powered by your AI agency coach and mentor, AskRobAnythingExplore Coachvox, the tool behind Ask Rob Anything
  • Is your agency struggling to keep up with clients who request highly-tailored bespoke services which end up eating into your profitability and efficiency?

    In an era where agencies are constantly juggling between custom projects and scalability, the transition to productised services can be a game-changer. Many agency owners find themselves overwhelmed, becoming bottlenecks in their own businesses and struggling with over-servicing without clear deliverables and scopes of work.

    Productisation expert, Melissa Morris from Agency Authority, joins me to explore this topic and discuss why smart agencies are productising their offerings resulting in easier to scale and highly profitable businesses.

    In this episode you’ll discover how to:

    1. Identify when it's time to transition from bespoke services to standardised offerings, helping you avoid burnout and inefficiencies.

    2. Create clear and consistent service packages that meet client needs without sacrificing your agency's flexibility and creativity.

    3. Enhance your agency's profitability through efficient capacity management and clearer scope definitions, ultimately delivering better results for your clients.

    Take the first step towards a more streamlined and profitable agency today – grab your headphones and dive into the episode now!

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: What are the key indicators that suggest an agency should consider moving away from bespoke services?

    Q: How does one balance creativity and customisation with the need to productise agency services?

    Q: Can you explain the actual process of transitioning from bespoke services to a more standardised, productised offering?

    Q: What are the potential pitfalls in moving towards productised services, and how can agencies avoid them?

    Q: How does productising services impact an agency's profitability and efficiency?

    Q: What steps should an agency take to ensure they are catering to their ideal clients while transitioning to productised services?


    "Moving from bespoke services to productised offerings isn't just a strategy—it's a lifeline for agency owners overwhelmed by customisation and burnout." - Melissa Morris

    "Start by identifying the clients you're getting great results for and truly enjoy working with. That's where the magic of productisation begins!" - Melissa Morris

    "Many agency owners struggle to let go of control, but embracing productisation can be a game-changer for profitability and efficiency." - Rob Da Costa

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Connect with Melissa Morris on LinkedInTake the Agency Authority Quiz to uncover scaling bottlenecksLearn more about The Self-Running Agency Implementation Group
  • Do you ever wonder why you are running your own agency, stuck in the weeds and lurching from one demand or crisis to the next?

    In the fast-paced world of agency life, it's easy to lose sight of your core motivations and why you started your own agency amidst the daily grind. For agency owners and leaders, reconnecting with your deeper purpose can reignite your passion, drive meaningful decision-making and steer your business through turbulent times.

    That’s what we are digging into today. You’ll discover how to:

    1. Uncover your unique "why" by reflecting on your passions, values, and long-term vision, bringing clarity and renewed focus to your day-to-day operations.

    2. Develop practical strategies to regularly revisit and align with your core purpose, ensuring your agency stays on track even during challenging periods.

    3. Communicate your "why" effectively to build a motivated team and foster a strong, values-driven company culture.

    Let's take a moment for introspection and realign with what truly drives you.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: What drives you and gets you excited to jump out of bed in the morning?

    Q: What kind of impact do you want to have on the world around you, and how does it shape your agency's mission?

    Q: What are your core values, and how do they act as a moral compass guiding your decisions and actions?

    Q: How do you practically stay connected to your why on a day-to-day basis?

    Q: Why is it important to communicate your why to your team and stakeholders, and how does it benefit your agency's culture and accountability?


    “Your WHY is the driving force that gives your work meaning and keeps you motivated, even when times are tough." - Rob Da Costa

    “Discovering your why is like finding a compass; it guides you through the inevitable challenges and obstacles in agency life." - Rob Da Costa

    “When you're truly connected to your why, you'll have an unshakable foundation that helps you weather any storm and emerge stronger." - Rob Da Costa

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Learn more about The Self Running Agency Group Attend my FREE CEO Masterclass
  • Did you know that a holiday in nature could teach you a vital lesson about running your agency?

    I recently returned from exploring the stunning fjords of Norway, and it was a stark reminder of the power of living in the moment. In the fast-paced world of agency life, where every second is packed with emails, meetings, and deadlines, it's easy to forget the value of presence. But translating that sense of mindfulness from a holiday to our daily work can significantly improve focus, productivity, and overall well-being.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll discover how to:

    1. Enhance your focus and increase productivity by truly immersing yourself in the task at hand, free from distractions.

    2. Improve decision-making and problem-solving abilities through a mindful approach, allowing for clearer and more effective solutions.

    3. Strengthen client relationships and communication by practising active listening and being fully present in interactions.

    Let's explore how living in the moment can transform your agency's performance! So grab a coffee and let’s get started.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: How does being present improve productivity and overall well-being in agency life?

    Q: How can single-tasking and the Pomodoro technique enhance focus and productivity?

    Q: What strategies can agency owners use to eliminate digital distractions effectively?

    Q: How does practising active listening strengthen client relationships and team collaboration?

    Q: Why is it important to reward oneself when trying to cultivate mindfulness practices?


    “Mindfulness isn't just a trendy buzzword; it's a powerful tool that agency owners can use to enhance creativity, improve decision-making, and reduce stress." - Rob Da Costa

    “By fully inhabiting the present without constant worry about the past or the future, you'll unlock a sense of freedom and clarity that serves you well as an agency owner." - Rob Da Costa

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    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Join me on the next CEO Masterclass.Download my free Time Management Guide.
  • Do you think your agency has nailed its niche? Think again.

    In today’s competitive agency landscape, merely believing you have a defined niche (e.g. ‘we are tech specialists’) might not be enough to secure your place and stand out.

    Many agencies still operate too broadly, which can dilute their appeal and lead to missed opportunities with ideal clients who seek specialised expertise.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll discover how to:

    1. Drill down into your niche effectively, going beyond broad categories to create a distinctive and specialised focus that truly sets your agency apart.

    2. Identify and understand your ideal audience within your niche, ensuring your messaging resonates and directly addresses their specific needs and challenges.

    3. Craft a niche-focused marketing strategy that highlights your specialised expertise, positioning your agency as the go-to solution for your target clients.

    Ready to transform your positioning and stand out in your chosen field? Let’s dive in!

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: Why is it essential for agencies to have a well-defined niche in the current competitive market?

    Q: How can an agency determine if their current niche is truly specific and not too broad?

    Q: What steps should agencies follow to identify and establish their true detailed niche?

    Q: Can specialising in a niche limit an agency's potential client pool, and how can this concern be addressed?

    Q: How does focusing on a specific niche affect an agency's visibility and appeal to ideal clients?

    Q: What strategies should agencies employ to effectively market themselves within their newly defined niche?

    Q: How can agencies maintain their existing client base while transitioning to a more specialised niche?


    "Remember, niching down isn't about limiting yourself. It's about focusing your efforts and becoming undisputed experts in your chosen field." - Rob Da Costa

    “By not having a well-defined niche, you're likely to limit your reach and appeal to your ideal clients. When you're trying to be everything to everyone, your messaging becomes really diluted and unfocused." - Rob Da Costa

    “Would you rather be a small fish in a vast ocean struggling to be noticed or the biggest, most experienced fish in a smaller, more focused pond?" - Rob Da Costa

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    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Get your free niching guideDownload your guide on how to define your ideal target customerLearn about our brand new Self-Running Agency Programme - AI Edition
  • Have you ever felt that your message just isn’t getting through to your clients or team members?

    In today’s competitive agency environment, where clarity and connection can make or break relationships, mastering the art of storytelling in communication is paramount.

    Whether you’re struggling to convey complex ideas or seeking to build stronger, more empathetic connections with clients, honing these skills can transform your interactions.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll discover how to:

    1. Harness the emotional power of storytelling to create memorable and impactful communications with your team and clients.

    2. Use analogies to simplify and clarify complex concepts, making them more accessible and relatable.

    3. Build deeper, more empathetic client relationships, fostering trust and understanding in every conversation.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: Why is storytelling so powerful, particularly in a work context?

    Q: How can analogies simplify complex ideas and make abstract concepts more tangible?

    Q: What impact does storytelling have on our brain's neural pathways and our ability to retain information?

    Q: What are some practical tips for tailoring analogies to a specific audience or client?

    Q: How can you use storytelling and analogies to forge deeper connections with your team and clients?

    Q: Why is it important to integrate storytelling and analogies into your communication arsenal, and how can it transform your interactions?


    "Stories tap into our emotions in a way that dry facts and figures simply can't. They create connections that transcend mere data." – Rob Da Costa, The Agency Accelerator

    "Imagine buying a coffee and demanding a free croissant—that's what over-servicing your clients looks like. Analogies like these help us understand poor business practices." – Rob Da Costa, The Agency Accelerator

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Discover more about AskRobAnything, your AI Agency CoachGet further support for your agency
  • In this week’s episode, we have a truly inspiring journey to unpack. If you're navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship or intrigued by the intersection of technology and business, you're in for a treat.

    I sat down with the incredibly accomplished Jodie Cook. Known for her keen insights into entrepreneurship and AI, Jodie has a wealth of experience to share. From accidentally starting her social media agency to expertly scaling and eventually selling it, Jodie's story is filled with lessons on resilience, innovation, and meticulous planning.

    We'll delve into her transition from agency owner to AI entrepreneur, with the creation of Coachvox AI—a pioneering platform for AI coaching.

    Jodie shares the strategies she employed to run her business remotely, the process of preparing her agency for sale, and the significance of creating a self-sustaining business model.

    By listening to this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you will learn how to:

    1. Strategically prepare your agency for a sale that meets your financial and professional aspirations, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal outcomes.

    2. Explore life after the sale of a business, finding new passions and opportunities that align with personal growth and professional expertise.

    3. Successfully integrate technology, like AI, in your next venture to maximise efficiency and scale your impact without direct involvement in daily operations.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: Could you delve into how you stumbled upon starting your social media agency, and what propelled you to transition from a freelancer to an agency owner?

    Q: What were the initial challenges you faced while managing your agency remotely, and how did you overcome them using inspirations from "The 4-Hour Work Week" and "The E-Myth"?

    Q: Discuss the concept of making oneself redundant in order to enhance the saleability of an agency. How crucial is this step for agency owners contemplating a sale?

    Q: After selling your agency, you experimented with numerous activities. What inspired you to eventually choose AI in coaching as your next venture?

    Q: How does Coachbox AI differentiate itself in the burgeoning field of AI-driven solutions, particularly in coaching and personal development?

    Q: What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs, particularly women, aiming to make a mark in the tech and AI sectors?


    Jodie Cook: "When you align your personal ambitions with your professional endeavours, every setback morphs into an even greater comeback."

    Jodie Cook: "Freedom doesn't come from running a business; it comes from building a business that runs without you."

    "Rob Da Costa: "I am excited to be using Coachvox as the platform on which I have built AskRobAnything, and the potential impact it will have for my agency community"

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Visit Jodie’s website for monthly insights from JodieDiscover more about Coachvox AI, the platform revolutionising coachingExplore AskRobAnything for a personalised coaching experience with Rob Da CostaConnect with Jodie Cook on LinkedIn
  • Are you struggling to expand your email list with genuinely interested prospects?

    In today's marketing world, the challenge to continuously feed your sales funnel with qualified leads is a common yet critical problem. Creating a dependable system to attract and convert high-quality leads is essential for sustainable growth if you want to avoid the dreaded feet or famine cycle that agencies who rely on referrals or word-of-mouth invariably find themselves in.

    Dive into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, and you will learn how to:

    1. Craft irresistible lead magnets that capture the attention of your ideal audience, ensuring that you grow your prospect database every single day.

    2. Integrate these lead magnets seamlessly with your email marketing strategies to maintain engagement and nurture your leads effectively.

    3. Employ proven promotional techniques that amplify your reach, ensuring your lead magnets get in front of the right people at the right time.

    Join me today and discover the strategies that will boost your lead generation and nurture your prospects into loyal customers.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: What precisely is a lead magnet, and how does it function to gather email addresses?

    Q: What types of lead magnets are there and which are particularly effective for engaging an audience?

    Q: What should the format of a successful lead magnet be?

    Q: Could you share some examples?

    Q: How do I integrate a lead magnet with my email automation system to optimise lead nurturing?

    Q: What are the key performance metrics that should be monitored to assess the effectiveness of a lead magnet?

    Q: How crucial is A/B testing in refining lead magnets, and what specific elements should be tested?

    Q: What are some optimisation strategies for enhancing the conversion rates of lead magnets?


    "Don't be afraid of giving away genuine value in your lead magnet. Prospects will buy from you because they want 1-2-1 guidance and not because the content is already available somewhere on the web!" – Rob Da Costa

    "A well-crafted lead magnet not only helps you build your email list but also positions your agency as the trusted authority in your industry." – Rob Da Costa

    "Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and iteration. Regularly analyse your performance data, identify areas for optimisation, and implement changes based on these findings." – Rob Da Costa

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Register for my FREE webinar ‘5 Ways AI Will Impact Your Agency in the Next 12 Months’ Practical Applications For Your Agency’s GrowthLearn more about email marketing Join my Group Coaching Agency Community, The Self-Running Agency
  • Not every agency owner can afford 1-2-1 coaching and most agencies don’t have the budget to provide every team member with a mentor.

    But what if you could have a virtual coach available 24/7 to guide your agency? A digital assistant that operates like your own personal agency expert, dishing out expert advice tailored specifically for your business? Or what if you could create your own AI knowledge base to support your team or become the first line of customer support?

    That's the premise behind an AI coaching platform (a newish concept that is about to become very commonplace), and today I'm going to pull back the curtain on my journey creating one called AskRobAnything.

    By listening to this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you’ll learn how to:

    1. Streamline your knowledge into an AI system, allowing for on-demand, accurate business advice that directly reflects your expertise.

    2. Understand the nuances of AI technology in coaching, ensuring you prepare and structure your training data effectively to avoid counterproductive results.

    3. Utilise AI to enhance your team’s productivity and decision-making capabilities, offering a consistent, reliable resource that grows alongside your agency.

    Ready to revolutionise your approach to business coaching? Make sure to listen to this episode and discover the future of AI in agency coaching.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: What inspired the creation of the AI coaching platform, AskRobAnything?

    Q: Can you detail the challenges faced during the initial development of the AI coach?

    Q: How is the training data for an AI coach curated and refined to ensure reliability?

    Q: What surprising benefits emerged from using the AI coach within your team?

    Q: In what ways has the development process of an AI coach differed from your initial expectations?

    Q: What future developments are envisaged for enhancing the interactivity and capabilities of AI coaching tools?

    Q: What advice would you give to someone considering implementing an AI coaching tool in their business strategy?


    "Simply uploading content does not create a reliable AI coach; meticulous data curation is key to avoid the trap of garbage in, garbage out."

    "AskRobAnything evolved from a digital coaching tool into a comprehensive AI assistant, enhancing not just my business but the entire marketing agency landscape."

    "Creating an AI coach like Ask Rob Anything was a game changer, automating expert advice and revolutionising agency operations 24/7."

    Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Register for the free webinar on AI's impact on agenciesDiscover more about AskRobAnything, your AI Agency Coach
  • Are you tired of constant email management that eats up your time and gets you nowhere? Or perhaps you email your list sporadically (or not at all!)?

    In today's fast-evolving digital world, maximising lead generation and nurturing customer relations are paramount. Yet, many agency professionals are bogged down in an endless cycle of manual email tasks or worse, stuck in client service with no time to focus on lead generation. This not only slows down progress but also hampers the agency's scalability and client engagement - the very lifeline of the business.

    By tuning into this episode of The Agency Accelerator podcast, you'll discover how to:

    1. Harness the power of email automation to scale up your marketing efforts efficiently, saving both time and resources.

    2. Set up robust, email sequences that effectively guide potential clients through each stage of their journey, from lead to conversion.

    3. Combine precision targeting and personalisation to send impactful messages, ensuring your emails resonate with and captivate your audience.

    Unlock the full potential of your agency's lead nurturing with cutting-edge email strategies. Press play and let’s journey together towards effortless email success.

    Questions answered in this episode

    Q: What factors should you evaluate when selecting the right email automation software for your agency?

    Q: Could you elaborate on how email sequences nurture leads through the sales funnel?

    Q: What are some popular email automation platforms and their respective pros and cons?

    Q: How do personalisation and segmentation enhance the impact of email sequences?

    Q: What are the types of lead capture forms and their best placements on websites and landing pages?

    Q: What are some best practices for creating effective and engaging email sequences?

    Q: What key performance indicators should agencies track to measure the success of their email campaigns?


    "Automation is the key to scalability, efficiency, and consistency in today's fast-paced digital landscape, not just in email marketing but across your whole agency." — Rob Da Costa

    "Craft your email sequences as compelling narratives; use consistent tone and messaging to guide subscribers through a journey, providing real value every step of the way." — Rob Da Costa

    "By embracing a culture of continuous testing, tracking, and optimisation, your email automation system can remain a powerful lead generation and conversion engine for your agency." — Rob Da Costa

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    “I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

    If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

    Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

    Useful links mentioned in this episode:

    Discover the Build, Nurture, Convert Blueprint training courseExplore the Self-Running Agency Membership ProgramFurther information on the Creative Crew Community