・あどみん:cv 上坂すみれ
・Mimosa:cv 明坂聡美
レトロゲーオタクと欠陥?アンドロイドがお送りするドタバタゲーマーSF! -
The members of The LegendaryFrog Cast play Dungeons & Dragons!Currently running the official campaigns "Curse of Strahd", "Phandelver & Below: The Shattered Obelisk" And "Humblewood" by Hit Point Press!Blue Sky: Art by: "Mel the Honeybee"
Got a compulsive need to hear about horror stories at Dungeons & Dragons, and other Table-Top RPG, tables? Tune in for the cringe, often anger-inducing, RPG horror stories we all love hear!Youtube:
Always Online (formerly the Free-To-Play Cast) is the official podcast (and videocast) of about MMO Games, MMORPG and Multiplayer Online Games. Always Online takes on the week's biggest news with plenty of opinions, weekly bombs, community feedback, guests, laughs thrown in for good measure and much more. Have fun and expect a new episode next week!
Just two guys talking about our anything gaming! From retro games, the hottest news to what we've been playing! Welcome to the NeoVintage Podcast
龍が如くスタジオプレゼンツ!黒田祟矢(桐生一馬役)と宇垣秀成(真島吾朗役)が贈る「神室町RADIO STATION」!この番組だけの「龍が如く」極秘情報と、リスナーの皆様の投稿を発信していくユーザー参加型番組です!!
We’re an international Actual Play podcast group delivering weekly episodes using a variety of game systems.
Idle Game Chat is the flagship Video Games podcast at Dimp Digital!
We are a grass roots, independent outfit that share our impressions on the Video Games you can play today and react to the biggest news stories from across the gaming world.
Strong opinions guaranteed.
Support us on Patreon:
Dimp Disclaimer: We are going to miss things, we are going to get things wrong, we will mispronounce things and we may cause offence.
Tales from the Fandom is a podcast that explores fandoms with a different guest each week. Each guest brings their own insight into fandom. We discuss topics such as television shows, movies, books, cosplaying and more.
무작전은 1인채널입니다
정말 재밌었던 게임인데 그 시절 추억속에만 남고 잊혀지는게 싫어서
과거게임과 인물들의 위주로 영상을 제작하고있습니다
부족한 정보력과 영상이지만 성장해나가겠습니다
نتكلم عن اي شي في الترفيه
Brace For Impact is excited to bring the best quality Star Wars: Armada battle reports that we can. We post new matches to our Youtube channel every Wednesday and our podcast goes live on Fridays. You can always post suggestions for upcoming matches, or recommend topics for the podcast in the comments section. Enjoy!
Hey everyone! Today on our podcast we will be discussing how Call of Duty Warzone players are losing their accounts. Be sure to listen, and enjoy!!
Welcome to Role Play Review! We're like a Book Club, but for Actual Plays! Join us in discovering new Actual Play shows, and discussing what makes a TTRPG show special!
Every week you’ll join myself and my teammates for discussions about everyone’s favorite “childhood” card game, Yu-Gi-Oh! Focused primarily on Edison format, each week we will have in depth discussions about the game, what we love, what we hate, and all things in between! Sometimes, we will just discuss life! Traveling, food, music, movies, and more! You don’t want to miss out! Welcome to the club!
Episodes 1-6 were recorded with lackluster equipment, episodes 7 and forward should sound significantly better.