
  • Chad Prevost and John M. DeMarco discuss their paths to coaching, emphasizing the importance of building relationships, trust, and connection in their practices. They also explore the evolving nature of careers and skills, particularly among younger generations, and highlight the need for intentional training, experience, and learning agility to navigate this landscape.

    And what about the importance of clarity in intention, mindfulness, and coaching, and the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and mental well-being? And how could we forget the intricate dynamics between artificial intelligence and humanity, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to AI and the importance of understanding and compassion in our interactions with others.

    High NotesCareer journey from writing to coaching.Career transition from ministry to coaching, emphasizing skills development and personal branding.Coaching people to clarify their intentions and set achievable goals.Mindfulness, coaching, and connecting physical and mental well-being.Self-criticism, writer's block, and the importance of intention and self-compassion.The power of intention and coaching.Balancing expertise and growth mindset in professional life.Staying human in a world of AI, focusing on empathy, strategic thinking, and soft skills.AI's impact on society, coaching, and meaning-making.Top Five and Why Most Misunderstood Conceptions about Coaching.

    Find out more about John M. DeMarco here.

    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

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  • Chad Prevost and Ben Albert discuss the importance of authenticity and resilience in entrepreneurship, sharing personal experiences with maintaining these qualities in the face of challenges such as burnout, financial struggles, and personal growth. They emphasize the need to be honest about one's struggles and to showcase vulnerability in marketing and storytelling, while also acknowledging the importance of self-awareness and adaptability in navigating these challenges. They also explore the challenges of balancing artistic integrity with financial success, highlighting the need for self-awareness, perseverance, and creativity in navigating these challenges.

    High NotesCoaching, authenticity, and marketing with a focus on personal growth and creativity.Career transitions, entrepreneurship, and mental health.Workplace burnout, authenticity, and entrepreneurship.Balancing passion and financial success in entrepreneurship.Creativity, self-awareness, and inner struggles.Authenticity in marketing, self-care, and personal growth.The power of small changes in daily habits for self-care and personal growth.Identity, persona, and growth.Embracing weaknesses and connecting people through marketing.Chad's Top 5 and Why best marketing movie picks.

    Find out more about Ben Albert here.

    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

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  • Chad Prevost and Charles Moss discuss their experiences in creative freelancing, sharing personal struggles with imposter syndrome and financial stability. They emphasize the importance of persistence, resilience, and community support in navigating these challenges. They also discuss their experiences in the music industry, finding a balance between creativity and financial stability. Finally, they share strategies for maintaining focus and productivity in a highly distracted world, including time-boxing and reward systems.

    Possible Follow Up Items:[ ] Check out Jose Saramago and Gerald Stern as examples of writers who found success later in life.[ ] Consider reading Shop Class as Soulcraft to explore the value of work.[ ] Try the productivity technique of working for 45-50 minutes then taking a 10 minute break on a completely different task.
    High Notes:Challenges of making a living as a writer with various publications and freelance work.The challenges of being a freelance writer, including finding time to write and balancing creative work with financial needs.Freelancing, job searching, and nonprofit work in the music industry.Freelancing, writing background, and career aspirations.Learning from struggles and finding new opportunities.The struggles of freelancing, creative writing, and balancing financial stability with personal goals.Starting writing careers later in life, with examples from Jose Saramago, Gerald Stern, and Cormac McCarthy.Creating Choose Your Own Adventure books for kids, challenges with marketing and promotion.Creative expression, failure, and market competition.Authentic living, creativity, and fulfillment.Fear, authenticity, and creativity with a focus on overcoming self-doubt and persisting in pursuing one's passionsCreativity, writing, and overcoming self-doubt.Managing distractions and staying productive while working.Choose Your Own Adventure books, highlighting top 5 favorites.

    Learn more about Charlie and how to connect here.

    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

    Want to give us some love but don't know how? Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify!

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  • Chad Prevost and Adam Hergenrother discuss practical approaches to personal growth and fulfillment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of outer work and inner growth.

    Adam shares his experiences in real estate and prioritizes both aspects of life. He explores the concept of awakening and breaking free from the cycle of self-driven desires by becoming aware of the ego and true nature of thoughts and emotions.

    Chad highlights the importance of maintaining a beginner's mindset and focusing on inner growth. The conversation also touches on the challenges of balancing work and spirituality, recognizing the ego's influence in leadership, and prioritizing relaxation to make informed decisions.

    High Notes:Finding meaning and fulfillment beyond financial success.The importance of money and living below one's means to achieve personal growth and inner peace.Money, happiness, and inner fulfillment.Finding balance between work and spirituality.Personal growth, ego, and the vastness of the universe.Spiritual awakening and recognizing the voice in one's head as a separate entity from the self.The role of ego in life, how it drives actions and decisions, and the importance of recognizing when ego is at play.Conscious leadership and emotional release in business decisions.Mindfulness practices for emotional awareness and self-awareness.Embracing difficult experiences for personal growth.
    More about Adam:

    ADAM HERGENROTHER is the Founder and CEO of Adam Hergenrother Companies, which includes KW Vermont, Livian™, BlackRock Construction, The Founder & The Force Multiplier, the Hergenrother Foundation, and The 200% Life.

    Over the last 17 years, Adam has bootstrapped his way to building a billion dollar organization. He has built businesses, hired exceptional talent, written books, coached leaders, and more. He’s had what others call “success”—but after years of grinding in order to find “fulfillment,” he found himself asking, “Why has success not given me endless happiness? Is this all there is?“

    This question sparked his exploration into spirituality. What he discovered on his journey is that the material success we experience in our outer world is only half of the puzzle. We also need to tap into the other part of life that is our inner world—our highest self and who we are beyond our ego, identities and roles—to truly experience the deep fulfillment, joy, and enthusiasm that’s our birthright.

    Adam calls this The 200% Life.

    Here is the best place to learn more about his book, The 200% Life.

    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

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  • Chad Prevost and Daniel Lucas discuss personal growth through ultrarunning, coping with life's challenges, and fulfillment in the digital age. They discuss the importance of resilience, mental toughness, and self-awareness in achieving success in ultra-distance running and in life. 

    Daniel shares his experiences as an innovation specialist and discusses the challenges of driving innovation and growth within an organization. They explore the challenges of deep work and productivity, emphasizing the importance of setting aside distractions and focusing on meaningful work.

    Action Items[ ] Look up Daniel's invention website SproutSpout.com to learn more about and potentially purchase a sprouting device[ ] Book a discovery call on coaching by visiting the show notes links to learn more about Big Self School's individual coaching services
    High NotesBurnout, self-discovery through ultra-marathoning.Personal growth and self-improvement through education and ultra-running.Mental toughness and resilience in ultra-marathon running.Building mental resilience through marathon training.Using challenges to build resilience and camaraderie through ultra-distance running.Choosing to not do an ultra-marathon due to injuries and mental preparation.Personal growth through challenges and fulfillment.Personal growth and fulfillment for different generations.Parenting and personal growth.Personal growth, innovation, and leadership.Productivity, creativity, and fulfillment in work.Creating a better way to grow sprouts for commercial use.Sprouting broccoli seeds for nutrition, with coaching services offered.
    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

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  • Chad Prevost and Juan Aguinaga discuss the potential of public education to transform society through innovative approaches and collaborations. Juan shares his personal experience with a mentor, Jeremy Beard, who helped shape his belief in himself and his peers.

    Chad highlights the work of Chatt Prep, an all-boys public charter school in Chattanooga, Tennessee, which is achieving remarkable results through its focus on academics, data analysis, and collaboration with other schools.

    The conversation emphasizes the importance of mentorship, innovation, and collaboration in transforming public education and ensuring that all students receive a high-quality education.

    High Notes:Public charter school's success in Chattanooga, Tennessee.How teacher influenced student's love for reading and led to teaching career.Importance of struggling in school to achieve academic success.Challenges in educating communities about public charter schools.Using data to improve student performance in a charter school.Daily routine, fitness, and upcoming wedding plans.
    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

    Want to give us some love but don't know how? Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify!

    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.

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  • Chad Prevost and Jonathan Fisher discuss the interplay between courage and heart health, exploring how fear and lack of courage can negatively impact heart health. They share personal experiences and scientific insights, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and working with fear to strengthen courage and promote better heart health. The conversation also touches on the complexities of the medical profession and the interconnected dimensions of the human heart, including physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects.

    High Notes:Healing, health, and happiness with a cardiologist.Personal struggles with academic achievement, depression, and loss.Burnout, depression, and self-care for healthcare professionals.Emotional intelligence, emotions, feelings, and moods, with a focus on the impact of misinterpreting bodily sensations on disconnection between mind and body, stress, and its effects on physical and mental health.Courage, fear, and their impact on physical health, including the connection between courage and the health of the beating heart.Mind-body connection, emotions, and heart physiology.

    Read Dr. Fisher's book Just One Heart to learn more about heart health from a holistic perspective.

    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

    Want to give us some love but don't know how? Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify!

    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.

    Just plain ol' sign up for a weekly roundup of all things happening at Big Self School.

  • Chad Prevost and Dale Woodfin discuss their experiences with managing creativity and focus in the digital age, sharing personal anecdotes and insights on prioritizing deep work and setting aside distractions. They also discuss the challenges of pursuing a creative career, including balancing artistic vision with financial stability, and the significance of dreams and authenticity in both art and life. Dale emphasizes the importance of trusting the creative process, paying attention to dreams, and being true to oneself.

    High Notes:Creativity, art, and earning a living as an artist.Songwriting, creativity, and career changes.Artistic expression, compromise, and financial stability as an emerging artist.Creativity, productivity, and setting aside time for artistic pursuits.Creativity, art, and the sources of inspiration.Art, creativity, and the relationship between artists and money.Art, creativity, and style with an artist.The importance of remembering and exploring dreams for personal growth and understanding the human condition.Art, self-expression, and breaking through judgments.Art, creativity, and personal growth.Aging and creativity in the arts.Artistic expression, creativity, and mastery.Mastery, creativity, and staying alive to possibilities.About Dale Woodfin

    Born in South Pittsburg, Tennessee, where the Tennessee River whispers its secrets to the foothills of the South Cumberland mountains, Dale Woodfin found his muse not in classrooms, but in the free symphony of nature. This self-taught artist, graphic designer, poet, and musician grew up surrounded by the raw beauty of a rural landscape, dotted with historic scars and garage born experimental music in a community absent the curated galleries and night clubs. Instead, alternative music and the untamed processes of nature became his teachers. 

    While Dale continues to work as a freelance graphic designer he now pours his most creative emotions and ideas onto canvas, a vibrant dance of acrylics and mixed media. Torn fragments of his digital works mingle with acrylic paint, mirroring the fractural and sometimes twisted impressions of the contemporary world. Dale Woodfin’s art isn’t just something you see, it’s something you feel, a vibrant echo of a life lived in the less familiar spaces between.

    Find Dale at: www.dalewoodfin.com

    Download our free book, Desire: How Do You Want to Feel?

    Finding your way to your desire requires a number of the principles we teach at the Big Self School. It requires a calm center, self-knowledge, and courage to put the ideas into practice. Whether you think you know your desires, but want to reconnect to them, or you simply have no idea, this book can help you realize your way to a deeper and more authentic connection with yourself. Desire is ultimately about how you want your feelings, experiences, and values to line up in your life.

    This book is only available in print in hardback, but it's yours free as our downloadable PDF.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

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  • Chad Prevost and Ben Cake explore the complexities of authenticity in various contexts, including personal relationships, marketing, and conflict resolution. They emphasize the importance of understanding the intent of others, simplifying complex ideas, and fostering a culture of acceptance and understanding.

    They also discuss the value of authenticity in their respective fields, while acknowledging the challenges of balancing sincerity with the need to make promises and guarantees. Throughout the conversation, they highlight the significance of embracing one's authentic self and pursuing meaningful goals in various aspects of life.

    High Notes:Authenticity, philosophy, and personal growth.Parenting advice, weekly struggles, and morale boosting.Life, identity, and experimentation with various careers and jobs.Identity, authenticity, and condescension in a seminary setting.Chad and Ben discuss the idea that people are not solely defined by their occupation or income level.Chad Prevost worked as a janitor at a church, experiencing condescension from an associate minister.
    Authenticity in marketing and coaching.Chad and Ben discuss coaching as a trusted space for self-exploration and growth, while also navigating marketing challenges.Research on authenticity highlights consistency principle, where making someone feel inconsistent can manipulate them into action.
    Authenticity, fear, and growth in relationships.The elusive nature of happiness in consumerist culture.The fear of being authentic and vulnerable in relationships, and how it can lead to feelings of being a burden or disappointment to others.
    Authenticity, surprises, and self-discovery.Ben reflects on marriage, authenticity, and self-discovery.Chad surprised himself by saying yes to cold plunging with strangers, found serendipity in nature and community.
    Spirituality, personal growth, and the challenges of maintaining expanded consciousness.The idea of "surrender" and "tasting the numinous" in therapies like mushroom use or other modalities, which some people see as a shortcut to expanded consciousness.The limitations of psychedelic drugs for personal growth, emphasizing the importance of consistent practice.Chad references Phil Stutz and Barry Michaels' tools as a helpful resource for personal growth through deliberate practice.
    Authenticity, self-awareness, and the challenges of modern life.The challenges of modern life, including the pressure to prioritize self-actualization over basic needs.The idea of living a more conscious, expanded life within the ordinariness of modern life.The importance of self-awareness and authenticity in making decisions.Chad Prevost discusses the choice between staying in a comfortable but unfulfilling life or taking risks for personal growth.Chad acknowledges the challenges and side effects of both choices, emphasizing the importance of personal growth and awareness.
    The concept of "no easy button" and its relation to authenticity, struggle, and creativity.Speaker reflects on the illusion of an "easy button" and the reality of ongoing struggle, even for those who appear successful.Chad Prevost and Speaker 2 discuss the concept of "fu money" and its relationship to authenticity, as explored in Sartre's philosophy.Speaker 2 suggests that wealth can lead to a false sense of security and isolationism, hindering personal growth and authenticity.Speaker 2 describes feeling grateful for recognition of their natural talent, but recognizes it may not lead to easier life.Speaker 2 finds appreciation from others for their natural abilities, but marketability remains a...
  • Chad Prevost explores personal growth and authenticity through various discussions, delving into the unconscious realm and examining the personal and collective unconscious, archetypes, and the hero's journey.

    He shares insights on navigating power dynamics and integrating conscious and unconscious aspects for personal growth. Prevost also discusses the complex relationship between individuation and personas, and the importance of acknowledging and integrating one's shadow self for personal growth and creativity. He highlights the stages of growth and provides examples of how this process can lead to greater self-awareness and authentic expression.

    High Notes:Jungian psychology and personal growth.Unconscious mind, archetypes, and personal growth.Jungian psychology and individuation.Persona, identity, and ego challenges in life transitions.Integrating personas and shadows for personal growth.Embracing and understanding one's "shadow side" for personal growth.Power dynamics and personal growth in the ministry and academic fields.Jungian psychology, self-awareness, and integration.Inner growth, self-awareness, and ego.

    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow. bigselfschool.com

    Download our free book, What Do You Expect? Discovering Methods for Deep Calm.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

    Leave us a review and subscribe on Apple iTunes or Subscribe on Spotify.

    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.

  • Today's conversation revolves around the role of creativity and entrepreneurship in shaping culture, the importance of belief and support in creative collaboration, and the challenges of bringing creative visions to life. Taylor Jones and Eric Brown emphasize the need for a holistic approach to culture building that prioritizes both individual and organizational well-being, and highlights the potential drawbacks of remote work while acknowledging its benefits.

    They also discuss the dangers of selfishness and isolation, and the value of self-awareness in avoiding burnout and recognizing one's limitations.

    High Notes:Creativity, entrepreneurship, and making a brighter future through a creative agency.

    Co-founders of whiteboard.ai discuss creative agency's origins and new book "Agency".

    The role of websites in making ideas real and supporting visionary leaders.

    Eric and Taylor discuss how they started a web design business in a dorm room and have since worked with over 500 clients, including nonprofits doing big things.

    Whiteboard's reputation grew as they embodied posture of belief, support in work.

    Creative vision and agency, challenges of bringing ideas to life.

    Creatives often struggle with balancing vision and hard work in pursuit of their goals.

    Agency and its tensions between self and others, mission and mastery.Balancing personal growth and mission in work.

    Tension between pursuing personal growth and collective mission/purpose.

    Personal ambition and its impact on work culture.

    The 4 quadrants of personal ambition: isolation, loneliness, vanity, and manifestation.

    Agency, leadership, and work culture.Self-care, creativity, and technology addiction.

    Eric discusses his experiences with mentoring and finding joy in helping others and sharing with struggles related to technology addiction.

    Agency and creativity with whiteboard co-founders.

    Whiteboard team hosts May Day in Chattanooga, Tennessee, for creative leaders and entrepreneurs.

    Show Notes:




    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow. bigselfschool.com

    Download our free book, What Do You Expect? Discovering Methods for Deep Calm.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

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  • Chad Prevost and friend of the show, Richie Daigle, discuss their experiences with identity and purpose, exploring the complexities of being identified by one's profession. Richie shares his struggles with being defined solely as a professional baseball player after his playing career ended, and what he did upon graduating during the economic recession of 2008.

    They delve into the idea that our actions and experiences offer glimpses into our character, and emphasize the importance of embracing failure as a learning opportunity. They also examine the concept of true self, recognizing the importance of acknowledging and accepting our complex and dual nature.

    They conclude by emphasizing the ongoing nature of self-discovery and personal growth, and the value of introspection and self-awareness in leading oneself first before attempting to lead others.

    High Notes:Identity, career paths, and personal growth.Richie Daigle shares his experience as a semi-pro baseball player and almost-famous person.Richie's shares his diverse work experience, including bartending, baseball lessons, and insurance sales.
    Self-discovery, failures, and personal growth.Chad and Richie discuss the concept of identity and how it relates to their experiences and actions.They explore the idea that our actions and experiences can reveal aspects of our identity, but are not solely defined by them.The stigma around labeling failures and the importance of exploring emotional responses.
    The nature of struggle and its impact on life.The idea that desire and motivation are propelled by the mystery of life and death.Chad shares a tool from Phil Stutz and Barry Michaels' book, which involves visualizing oneself on deathbed to create urgency and motivation.
    Embracing authenticity and living in the present moment.Emphasizing the importance of enjoying the process rather than just focusing on results.The shift from linear thinking to embracing the act of competition and enjoying the journey.
    Authenticity, true self, and the complexity of human nature.The concept of authenticity, and how it's difficult to define.Authenticity can be both off-putting and make others feel uncomfortable, as seen in Enneagram types and overly caring individuals.Richie questions the idea of a "true self" and the concept of removing the ego.
    Personal growth through self-awareness and recognizing brokenness.On leading oneself through self-awareness and disruption to uncover hidden truths about oneself.A prayer by Thomas Merton, emphasizing the importance of desire and trust in God's guidance.The idea of recognizing and embracing one's brokenness as a means of growth and learning.

    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow. bigselfschool.com

    Download our free book, What Do You Expect? Discovering Methods for Deep Calm.

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  • Chad recounts his terrifying experience during a whitewater rafting trip.

    What is the difference between giving up and surrendering when it comes to how we live our (extra)ordinary lives?

    Tune in and find out. You'll be glad that Chad lived and what you can takeaway from his harrowing experience.

    High Notes:The concept of surrender and letting go. Surrender and giving up, with personal stories of loss and grief.Drowning experience, thoughts of mortality, and a miraculous escape.Near-death experience and surrendering to fate.Facing and overcoming fears through mindfulness and self-reflection.


    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow. bigselfschool.com

    Download our free book, What Do You Expect? Discovering Methods for Deep Calm.

    Learn more about the May 11, 2024 event: Men's Mental Health Matters

    Brandon Clift from The ManKind Project and Men Who Chatt - Community For Chattanooga Men, Sydney Guerrette from Be The Change Youth Initiative and @James Woods from Dads Making a Difference - A First Things First Program.

    Register here.

    Book a discovery call for coaching or workshop trainings here.

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  • Today's conversation centers around the importance of addressing stigmas associated with men's mental health and the need for supportive resources and community engagement. Chad and friend of the show, James Dawson, emphasize the interconnectedness of mental health and wellness, and share their experiences with men's mental health retreats and breathwork practices. They discuss the evolution of masculinity and the need for men to reconnect with emotions and vulnerability, and highlight the importance of creating safe spaces for this reconnection to occur.

    High Notes:Mental health and healing through reconnection with oneself and ancestors.James' experience at a men's mental health retreat, highlighting the importance of addressing underlying issues.Intentional gathering, emphasizing the importance of gratitude and ancestral connection.
    Men's retreat with breathwork, Tai Chi, and meditation.The leaders of the retreat emphasized that they were not a religious group, but the breathwork and meditations addressed the spiritual realm.James describes experiencing a profound spiritual transformation during a 30-minute breathwork session in sensory deprivation, including leaving their physical body and experiencing a death and rebirth process.The power of collective breathwork in a group setting, imagining a camera that could capture their collective breath and the transformative experiences that occurred.Tai Chi and breathwork retreat that focused on inviting participants to move their energy and attention towards their heart, rather than just their mind or body.
    Men's healing and growth through meditation and connection.Doing cold plunges every morning, feeling resilient and empowered after facing the pain of the cold water.Reconnecting with inner child through ancestral meditation and journaling.James's app, H E A R E, offers daily check-ins, weekly meditations, and ongoing support for men's healing and growth.
    Men's emotional intelligence and reconnection.Men's groups for personal growth and connection, and the emotional intelligence, vulnerability, and the political climate.The importance of reconnecting with one's inner self and exploring the divine masculine and feminine archetypes.The group shares personal experiences and insights on how to create a more connected and vulnerable atmosphere for men, free from toxic masculinity.
    Confronting pain and trauma for personal growth.New research on the impact of beliefs on stress, suggesting that recognizing the potential good in stress can lead to positive bodily changes.James shares their belief that confronting challenges leads to growth and regeneration.Chad agrees, citing the pandemic and shift to remote work as contributing factors.
    Masculinity, comfort, and the importance of vulnerability.The hosts discuss the importance of examining our defense mechanisms and projecting archetypes in order to heal and grow, rather than simply perpetuating societal norms.The limitations of traditional masculinity ideals and the importance of empathy and love.
    Burgers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, with recommendations and insights.

    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow.

  • Chad Prevost and James Dawson discuss their experiences with burnout in startup culture, emphasizing the importance of self-care and setting realistic expectations. They also explore the intersection of neuroscience and personal growth, and share their personal experiences with cold water plunging. The conversation highlights the role of perspective and gratitude in shaping our experiences and relationships, and emphasizes the need for earned dopamine in avoiding burnout and building successful startups.

    High Notes:Entrepreneurship, burnout, and self-awareness.James Dawson reflects on his entrepreneurial journey, from granola subscriptions to tech startup.Early 20s startup journey.Struggles with self-shame and feeling like you're not good enough.
    Burnout in the startup world and how understanding work types can prevent it.The evolution of psychology and mental health awareness, from Freud and Jung to current trends in Gen Z and millennials.Safe spaces for venting and letting out emotions, as well as the limitations of past therapeutic methods.Despite neglecting his own well-being, James succeeded in launching a cashflow-positive business from a napkin note, with a team of 10-15 people.
    Burnout, productivity, and self-care strategies.Chad Prevost and James discuss burnout and the need for strength-based leadership, emphasizing the importance of earning dopamine through meaningful work rather than relying on fake dopamine from media.The idea of moving towards discomfort and how it can help alleviate pain.James shares their personal experience with cold water therapy and how it helped take away their burnout-related pain.
    The benefits of cold water plunging and reframing pain as a necessary part of growth.Doing cold water plunges for over a year, consistently in winter.Pain is a signal to address root issues, rather than avoid it.
    Personal growth, trauma, and self-talk with a focus on ice plunging and breathwork.Emotional pain rooted in self-relationship, seeking self-improvement.Adler and Kahneman agree: trauma shapes our memories and stories.Self-care and positive self-talk to overcome trauma.
    Cold plunging, gratitude, and authenticity.James shares their personal experience with cold plunging and its benefits for mental health, community, and personal growth.Chad reflects on his initial hesitation to participate in cold plunging but ultimately found value in the experience, including community, nature, and confronting limiting beliefs.The power of gratitude and its opposite, letting go, in a cold water challenge.The practice of gratitude is inspired by Wim Hof and involves naming what one is thankful for and letting go of something unwanted.

    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow. bigselfschool.com

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  • This episode's conversation revolves around the themes of creativity, vulnerability, and personal growth. Genesis emphasized the importance of practicing vulnerability in creative endeavors, and with Chad Prevost and Ben Cake, they discussed the need for radical new ways to understand and practice humanism. This includes sharing experiences with embracing risk and failure, and the importance of staying open-minded and connected to the world around them to maintain a genuine and fulfilling creative practice. They also reflect on the nature of fear and how overcoming it can lead to new adventures and experiences.

    Genesis the Greykid is a fine artist/creative that has sold artwork all over the country and internationally. His passions are people, places, and memory....and feels the best way to speak of this love, is through his gift with art and poetry. He's worked with some of the most talented creatives in the world and hopes to continue doing this the rest of his life. 

    Top Shelf Ideas:Vulnerability, creativity, and ego in art and life.Vulnerability and authenticity in life and conversation.Genesis shares insights on creativity, fulfillment, and his new restaurant venture.Tthe importance of leaving space for other perspectives, avoiding the mistake of assuming everyone thinks alike.
    Art and personal growth through pain and relationships.Chad discusses how people interpret their art, sometimes without their input.The collaboration and interpretation of their work by others.On values empathy and connection, sharing personal stories of grief and growth.
    Creativity, isolation, and artistic expression.Genesis discusses isolating himself for almost a year in New York, feeling the need to focus on his work and ideas without distractions.On the desire to be vulnerable and open about personal struggles in poetry workshops and mediums.Unexpected connections and sales, highlighting the importance of trusting one's artistic vision.Letting his unique style and personality shine through in his interactions with others, leading to meaningful relationships and art sales.
    Creativity, relationships, and money with an artist.The importance of process in creativity, worrying that technology shortcuts may deprive artists of the necessary time and effort to develop their skills and ideas.Genesis's fluid relationship with writing, which has become an extension of their body and mind, allowing him to create without needing to be alone or around people.Relationship with money has shifted since achieving commercial success, with mentors helping to reframe perspective.
    The philosophy of money and creative freedom.Money is not real, and creative freedom is key to success.Creative confidence through spirituality and taking risks.
    Art, business, and authenticity.The intersection of art and business, finding beauty in the dance of commerce.Building a business with a focus on authenticity and enjoyment.
    Creativity, selflessness, and success as an artist.Personal insights on creativity, spirituality, and pushback from others.Invoking the muse and pleasing God through creativity and selflessness.Insights on letting go of pride and success to move forward in life.Reflections on the shelf life of success and creative ideas, wondering if holding onto past accomplishments can hinder growth.The importance of tapping into the "flow" or "zeitgeist" in their creative work, finding inspiration both...
  • The central focus of the first month's theme for The Humanist is understanding Authenticity. Why? Partly because the title of the podcast almost featured authenticity in the first place. Partly because authenticity seems to be having "a moment" culturally, and we aim to find out what's going on: How authentic is authenticity really when it comes to ways it's used an understood?

    Chad Prevost and Ben Cake discuss the creative process and flow states, emphasizing the importance of embracing the unknown and not over-strategizing. They also explore the concept of compromise in relation to living an authentic life, highlighting the need for individualized metrics and prioritizing self-awareness and sustainability in personal growth.

    Later, they discuss the challenges of balancing creative aspirations with practical considerations, emphasizing the importance of setting terms with oneself about what success looks like and embracing a creative life without compromise or shame. They also address the fear of failure and pressure to constantly produce content.

    SummaryCreativity, flow states, and the source of inspiration.Chad Prevost and guest discuss creativity as a vehicle for a higher power, drawing on Rick Rubin and Elizabeth Gilbert's ideas.Ben Cake experiences flow state when nearing project completion, feeling momentum and possibility.

    Compromise and taking one for the team, with insights on self-doubt and fantasies.

    Ben discusses compromises made in pursuit of authentic life, framing them as pragmatic decisions rather than losses of faith.The importance of framing compromises in a way that reduces shame and increases positive outcomes.The idea of "taking one for the team" and how it can be a form of self-sabotage, where individuals prioritize the needs of others over their own goals.Examine your own stories and decisions, and to ask if you are holding yourself back from pursuing your true desires.
    Living a creative life, overcoming fear and shame, and finding sustainability through self-care and personal growth.Chad discusses living a creative life without compromise, experimentation, and freedom to try new things.Ben argues that setting terms with oneself about success can limit creativity, leading to a different definition of success.The importance of living a fulfilling life, and the need for sustainability and balance in daily activities.Ben describes an ideal day, including self-care, family time, intellectual conversations, and a business meeting, highlighting the importance of nurturing various aspects of oneself.
    Creativity, authenticity, and overcoming fear and shame in the creative process.The importance of authenticity in personal growth and transformation coaching.Chad discusses how creating an intentional creative life can lead to positive results, but acknowledges the potential for idealized metrics.The importance of taking action and showing up to create opportunities for success.Stop overthinking and debating, and instead, start doing something to manifest luck and success.Embracing discomfort and overcoming shame and fear in creative pursuits.

    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Big Self School seeks to democratize wellbeing and happiness. Our methodology is rooted in science and ancient wisdom to help clients improve their outcomes and design their dream life. We are innovating the way coaching is currently practiced. We’re building a community to serve in a variety of high impact ways from coaching to in-person trainings to even using AI. Let's dream of a better future for everyone. Lead yourself first. Others will follow. bigselfschool.com

    Download our free workbook,...

  • The central focus of the first month's theme for The Humanist is understanding Authenticity. Why? Partly because the title of the podcast almost featured authenticity in the first place. Partly because authenticity seems to be having "a moment" culturally, and we aim to find out what's going on: How authentic is authenticity really when it comes to ways it's used an understood?

    Chad Prevost and Ben Cake discuss the challenges of maintaining authenticity in creative pursuits and leadership roles. They explore how advertising and marketing can perpetuate idealized versions of life, and the impact of judgment from others on one's creative identity.

    They also discuss the balance between artistic integrity and commercial success, using examples from various art forms. They explore the importance of living authentically and being willing to make changes to ensure satisfaction in one's creative pursuits.

    In the end, they don't arrive at hard conclusions, but the discussion itself does seem valuable.

    Authenticity, creativity, and snapshots in life.Ben Cake discusses authenticity, creativity, and the struggle to stay engaged with life.Speaker discusses how snapshots can be harmful, leading to unrealistic expectations and suffering.Exploring and acknowledging snapshots can help improve self-awareness and authenticity.
    Leadership, self-awareness, and the importance of following one's passions.Chad and Ben discuss the importance of leading oneself before leading others.Rick Rubin's success was due to luck and not planning.
    The value of persistence in creative fields despite lack of recognition or financial success.Chad admires writers who persist in publishing despite lack of recognition.Chad and Ben discuss the concept of mastery in writing and the challenges of achieving it.Ben argues that pursuing expertise can lead to a paradox where one becomes so focused on pleasing a narrow audience that they neglect to appeal to a broader one.Chad suggests that artists may feel sad or frustrated when they pour their heart and soul into their work, only to find that it goes unappreciated or unnoticed by a wider audience.
    Creativity, ambition, and judgment from others.The idea of commitment to art and family, and admiration for authors who commit to their craft despite potential regrets.On judgment from others and its impact on authenticity.
    Creative identity, authenticity, and career changes.On peaking early in their career and the challenges that come with it.The impact of criticism on one's self-narrative and identity.

    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Discover the transformative power of Big Self School, where personal growth meets professional development. Unlock your full potential and achieve your wildest dreams through our innovative courses, workshops, and coaching programs. Led by industry experts and thought leaders, Big Self School empowers you to break free from limiting beliefs, cultivate a growth mindset, and become the architect of your own success. Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or simply seeking to live your best life, Big Self School provides the tools, strategies, and support you need to thrive. Join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals and experience the life-changing impact of investing in your personal and professional growth with Big Self School.

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  • Subscribe now and start your journey to a more authentic life.

    Find out more about Big Self School:

    Discover the transformative power of Big Self School, where personal growth meets professional development. Unlock your full potential and achieve your wildest dreams through our innovative courses, workshops, and coaching programs. Led by industry experts and thought leaders, Big Self School empowers you to break free from limiting beliefs, cultivate a growth mindset, and become the architect of your own success. Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or simply seeking to live your best life, Big Self School provides the tools, strategies, and support you need to thrive. Join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals and experience the life-changing impact of investing in your personal and professional growth with Big Self School.

    Book a discovery call here

    Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.

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  • Hey there, Big Self Show listeners!

    We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and loyalty throughout our incredible journey together. It's been an absolute pleasure exploring the depths of personal growth, self-discovery, and transformation with you.

    As we evolve and grow, so too does our podcast. We're thrilled to announce that we're embarking on a new and exciting chapter, and we'd love for you to join us on this next phase of our adventure.

    Now, we could have just replaced the Big Self Show with The Humanist and kept these thousands of downloads and all the benefits that come with that, but this is more than a rebrand. This is a whole new show. We’re going to let Big Self Show live on as it is and as it was. 

    So, we’re are excited to direct your attention to The Humanist - a brand new podcast dedicated to helping you live your most genuine, purposeful, and fulfilling life. We'll be diving even deeper into the realms of psychology, spirituality, and creativity, bringing you the latest insights, tools, and strategies to help you unlock your full potential and become the architect of your own reality.

    A lot of what you came for already, yes, but with a more specific focus.

    Get ready for thought-provoking interviews with renowned experts, immersive solo episodes, and actionable wisdom you can apply to your daily life. We're committed to being your trusted companion on the path to self-actualization and authentic living.

    While the Big Self Show may be coming to a close, the spirit of our mission lives on in Authentic Life. We can't wait to continue this transformative journey with you.

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    From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being a part of the Big Self Show family. We look forward to welcoming you to The Humanist and continuing to grow, learn, and thrive together.

    Until then, remember: your authentic self is waiting to be unleashed. Tune in to The Humanist and let's make it happen!