
  • Caitlin Walker has seen all kinds of drama in the workplace, and usually it boils down to three different types of drama (here more about that during this episode).

    She also explains that "drama free" conversations are really where the impact can lie.

    Connect with Caitlin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caitlin-walker-phd-6a11a8b/

    Clean Learning's Website: https://cleanlearning.co.uk/

    Training Attention's Website: https://trainingattention.co.uk/our-team/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Jac Hughes understands the role of a scrum master and why they're so important to a business, he's been studying the framework for years now and during this chat with Nisha you'll hear him impart some real nuggets.

    Everyday Agile's Website: https://everydayagile.co.uk/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

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  • Francis Laleman facilitates participatory design processes with learning communities and creative spaces, both physical and virtual. He is a Scrum & Agile practitioner, teacher & coach

    During this chat with Nisha, you'll learn what Kata means and how it can be used in a professional setting and everyday life.

    Connect with Francis: https://www.linkedin.com/in/flaleman/?originalSubdomain=sg


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Gary Wills is an award winning IT Recruiter who focuses on the wellbeing of his candidates, clients and community. He is Co-founder of a voluntary group called Furlearn.

    During this chat with Nisha and Sharon, you'll hear Gary provide some golden nuggets around building high performing teams.

    Connect with Gary: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garywills/?originalSubdomain=uk


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Yogananthan has 30+ years of experience with C-Level IT Management and General Management in diverse international, cultural and functional environments. He's a strategic, goal-oriented and passionate leader, able to motivate and energise colleagues, partners and vendors, towards achieving goals.

    He's passionate about creating the better leaders of tomorrow, this acts as the conversation topic in this episode, hosted by Nisha.

    Connect with Yogananthan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yogananthan-s-4b765a1/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Florence Olumodimu is a Digital Transformation Professional, Project Manager, Marketing Communications Consultant, Image and Personal Branding Consultant, Digital Marketing Strategist, Speaker, and Trainer who loves to find ways to leverage on digital across business processes & marketing while extending brand presence online.

    She's passionate about the importance of personal branding, and that's the centrepiece of this chat with Nisha.

    Connect with Florence: https://www.linkedin.com/in/florence-olubunmi-olumodimu-mba/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Zsolt Berend is a business agility practitioner, coach, and trainer. Co-author of Sooner Safer Happier. He helps global organisations on their journey to achieving Better Value Sooner Safer Happier. In this episode we discuss we discuss how to unlock agility and the power of learning organisations.

    Connect with Zsolt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zsoltberend/?originalSubdomain=uk

    Jonathan Smart's book which features Zsolt as Co-Author: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sooner-Safer-Happier-Antipatterns-Organizational/dp/1942788916


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Sjoerd Nijland is a Scrum Trainer and Course Creator. He empowers teams with gold standard neuroscience-based training for high performance through professional learning journeys.

    During this chat you'll hear about the Road to Mastery training that Nisha's sampled, and is a big fan of. This is long term training, where lasting relationships are built, and offers sooooo much more than a couple of days in a classroom!

    If you’re passionate about transformative learning experiences to help you bring agility to the teams and organisations you’re working with, you’ll want to listen to this episode.

    Key takeaways

    📍The Genesis of Road to Mastery - The inspiration behind creating an Agile learning journey that bridges the gap between theory and practical application, making Scrum Mastery adventurous and fulfilling!

    📍Navigating Challenges - We talk about the common hurdles for Scrum Masters, including facing down the beast that is imposter syndrome. Discover strategies for overcoming these challenges through community support and experiential learning.

    📍Adapting to Real-World Scenarios - The importance of adapting Scrum to diverse team environments and cultures through experiential learning, feedback, and the courage to apply Scrum practices authentically.

    📍Beyond Professional Growth - Don’t take our word for it! Participants share how the course made a huge impact to their personal growth, enhancing their authenticity, confidence, and leadership skills.

    This episode’s got more insights and real talk than a chat with your most brutally honest mate.

    It might just be the talk you need to tackle your challenges as a Scrum Master head-on—or at the very least, make you feel a bit better about not having all the answers straight away.

    🎧Tune in and let’s get real.

    #Scrum #ScrumMastery #AgileTransformation #Agile #learningand development #thedeliveryspacepodcast

    Connect with Sjoerd : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sjoerd-nijland/

    Checkout Road 2 Mastery : https://www.road2mastery.com/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Pamela is an Agile coach, who's passionate about transformation and understands that psychological safety within teams to essential for team members to perform at their most effective.

    During this chat with Nisha you'll hear valuable insights into how you can maximise psychological safety within your teams.

    Connect with Pamela: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamela-ay/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Willy is a true educational disrupter, who's taken Scrum and agile into classrooms all over the world and created an awesome impact for students.

    During this chat on the Delivery Space, you'll hear how a BBQ, an inspiring conversation and some notes on an A4 sheet of paper was the catalyst for eduScrum.

    eduScrum takes the concepts behind scrum and applies them to any subject for students from as young as 4 years old.

    🔍 Why You Should Listen

    Whether you're deeply involved in education, passionate about agile, or curious about how simple concepts can lead to significant impacts, this episode is packed with insights.

    We Discuss:

    👉🏿A Focus on the Human Element - Willy brings to light the essence of eduScrum, which is about academic outcomes but fostering personal and team growth. Students gain a deeper understanding of themselves, learn the value of teamwork, and unlock their full potential, beyond traditional education.

    👉🏼Impactful Learning for All Ages - eduScrum isn't confined to older students; it’s a flexible approach that enriches learning for children as young as four to university level, across all subjects.

    👉Transforming the Educational Space: Willy's dedication is redefining teaching and also also empowering students and educators alike to embrace agility and continuous improvement in their learning journeys.

    🌟 Willy Wijnands, is creator & founder of eduScrum® and has been a chemistry teacher since 1976 at Ashram College, a Highschool in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands until January 2021.

    He is co-founder of the global initiative Agile in Education. He uses eduScrum® and the agile mindset with students and trainers worldwide in all his classes and projects, no matter the subject.

    An important basis for his thinking and acting has been created in his years of involvement in Aikido, Chi Kung and Shiatsu. He has written and and contributed to several books on agility and eduScrum; eduScrum guide, Scrum in Actie, ‘Agile and Lean Concepts for Teaching and Learning’, and ‘Industry Practices, Processes and Techniques in Education’ by Springer Books.

    Willy is on a mission to build a bridge between the educational system and market requirements, and believes that we can empower each other by collaborating. Together they create projects and products that contribute to a bright new world and develop students into lifelong learners and leaders of tomorrow.

    Ever since 2011, he has trained more than 3000 teachers in more than 50 countries, online and on location, with eduScrum®, together with eduScrum® trainers and they have worked with more than 2500 students.

    Now, he works together, every month, with teachers and students in the eduScrum community of practice with more than 400 active members and the numbers are on the rise.

    Check out their community: https://eduscrum.org/

    Connect with Willy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willy-wijnands-41077254/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Sheetal has been involved in Agile and Leadership since she can remember!

    During this episode with Nisha, they talk about the movement from an old school hard leadership style to a more emotionally intelligent "soft" leadership style. They chat about many of the advantages and dispel one of the common myths of this new style.

    As an expert in business agility and founder of FormAgility, Sheetal applies 15+ years of experience and expertise in digital transformation and agile methodologies to help leadership and their people work better together, deliver value faster, and create lasting change. Sheetal has successfully led and supported large-scale transformations for various organisations. She has introduced new thinking, tools, and practices that create better cultures, drive innovation, and empower people to face the elephant in the room and buy into the change that’s needed to succeed in the future of work. Her mission is to introduce business agility into organisations in a way that’s sustainable, innovative, and rewarding.

    Link in with Sheetal here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheetal-thaker/

    Sheetal's company formAGILITY: https://www.formagility.com/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Whether you're a seasoned leader or aspiring to step into a leadership role in a product-focused organisation, this conversation with Willem-Jan Ageling will equip you with the perspectives you will need to succeed.

    Willem-Jan Ageling coaches organisations to create high value products, and he's passionate about the effectiveness of Agile and Scrum.

    He's a Senior Agile Coach with Worldline Global and Co-founder, Editor and Writer for Serious Scrum.

    🎧 What's Inside This Episode?

    🔹Redefining Leadership: Discover how leadership within a product-centric environment marks a departure from conventional project-based approaches, emphasising flexibility, vision, customer focus and trusting our teams to problem-solve.

    🔹Navigating Challenges: Willem-Jan shares insights into the key hurdles leaders encounter in complex product landscapes and strategies to navigate these challenges effectively.

    🔹Impactful Decisions: Real-life instances where decisive leadership transformed a product's market performance, offering valuable lessons on focusing on desired outcomes and business value.

    🔹Measuring Success: Using metrics and performance indicators that matter in a product-focused organisation and how they differ from traditional metrics.

    🔹The Power of Adaptability: The critical role continuous learning and adaptability play for leaders to sustain the growth and evolution of products

    🔹Balancing Innovation and Risk: Get expert advice on striking the perfect balance between fostering innovation and managing the inherent risks in complex product development.

    Serious Scrum: https://www.seriousscrum.com/

    Connect here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willemjanageling/

    Sign up for Willem-Jan's Ageling on Agile newsletter here: https://ageling.substack.com/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Karen's story is awesome, and proves what you can do as a Scrum Master with a fail fast mindset!

    During this chat with Nisha and Sharon, you'll hear how she used Scum and Kanban to manage a diverse team to create and host a live rock festival! 🎸

    Neither Karen, nor the rest of the team had any experience in the music or live events industries...they were just a group of individuals with a shared passion for rock music.

    It all started with the Quarantune Rocks! Facebook group they setup during Covid: https://www.facebook.com/groups/quarantunerocks (we love the name too!)

    Connect with with Karen here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-clayton-07863711/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • The latest episode of The Delivery Space podcast has landed!

    ⭐️Jay Abbasi joined Nisha Joshi and Sharon Williams to share tips on negotiating conflict, to get the best out of these situations and move our teams towards the most optimum outcomes.

    In 2014, Jay's father passed away suddenly from a heart attack. It was devastating. At the time, his marriage was falling apart, he was working at a job that didn’t fulfil him, and he was thousands of dollars in debt. This began a search to uncover a methodology to find success and fulfilment in life. The methodology he discovered changed his life completely. It led to him joining Tesla and in under 4 years he worked his way up to running national training programs, responsible for the development and execution of training/coaching programs for approximately 1,000 employees throughout North America. It also led to him finding peace, contentment, and fulfilment no matter the external circumstances. Now, Jay's mission is to leverage his skills and expertise to help professionals build careers they love while avoiding stress, anxiety, and burnout through 1 on 1 coaching and group coaching programs.We discussed:📌 Conflict that’s not immediately visible. How we can shed light on the ‘elephant in the room’ and use it more constructively.📌 The ‘sweet spot’ between taking a stand and suppressing📌 The role language plays in conflict resolution📌 Advice for those who are uncomfortable with handling conflict in teams

    Jay helps his clients build the life and career they love. During this episode you'll hear some awesome tips and tactics for communicating more effectively within your teams.

    Connect with Jay on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayabbasi/

    Check out his official website: https://jayabbasi.me/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Bobby is passionate about the power of L&D, he has specialist expertise in the recruitment industry, and has been helping recruiters outperform the market since 2016!

    During this chat with Nisha and Sharon you'll hear about the power of being allowed to thrive (rather than just survive) in the workplace, supporting staff to grow, and how investing in L&D can improve quality and overall productivity.

    Connect with Bobby here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobbybanerjee/

    Check out his company Elev8 Learning here: https://www.elev8learning.co/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Anuradha is a Scrum Master, a Human value maximiser and a massive advocate of volunteering to gain experience.

    During this chat with Nisha and Sharon, you'll hear how powerful volunteering can be to hone your skills as a Scrum Master, and not just within software teams, but through application across various industries.

    Connect with Anuradha here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anuradha-aravindh-raj/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • We welcome Evelien Acun-Roos and friend of the podcast and regular contributor, Christiaan Verwijs for our next episode.

    Have you ever felt unsure or insecure within the Agile community?

    Evelien and Christiaan are on a mission to make our community a safer space for more people, with their scientific psychological safety study and would love your input.

    The results of their study will be available in March/April of 2024.

    Tune into this episode where Evelien and Christiaan share why they started this study.

    We also swap our own personal experiences of psychological safety within the Agile community. An episode full of reflections.

    Take a listen and let us know what you think!

    If you enjoy our content, then how about a bit of love in return? A quick rating and a nifty review from you would be brilliant. ✍️It’ll keep us improving, motivated and creating more content that’s relevant to you. Go on, it'll only take a sec!

    #agile #agilecommunity #psychologicalsafety #thedeliveryspace #theliberators

    Connect with Christiaan : https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiaanverwijs

    Connect with Evelien : https://www.linkedin.com/in/evelienroos/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • Back by popular demand: Charles-Louis De Maere returns for series 4!

    During this chat with Nisha, he talks about the importance of pivoting during facilitation sessions, obtaining the right balance of clarity and vagueness, and you'll hear an (initially shocking) but very interesting story about his time in Niger.

    Here are some key highlights:

    Global Facilitation Experiences: Charles Louis shares his unique facilitation experiences in various countries, highlighting the importance of adapting to different cultural contexts.Embracing Vagueness: Charles Louis discusses ‘Kishotenketsu’ an organic narrative storyteller's pattern originating from China that has shown to be ideal for learning. The aspect of 'Kishotenketsu', Charles Louis talks about is emphasising the value of being 'vague enough' to foster creativity and engagement in facilitation. (See comments for a ten-day workshop design and facilitation program offered by Charles Louis and Francis Laleman who gradually developed over the last few decades)Impactful Stories: Charles recounts impactful stories from his facilitation work, including experiences in Peru and Niger, illustrating the diverse applications and profound impact of effective facilitation.Facilitation in Diverse Settings: The discussion also touches upon facilitating in various settings, including for NGOs in South and Southeast Asia, and adapting to online facilitation during lockdowns.What happens when things don’t go to plan and you have to pivot?: Charles-Louis mentions running facilitation skills training programs, focusing on the practical aspects of facilitation and how to handle unexpected challenges.

    Follow Charles-Louis on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charleslouisdemaere/

    Check out Exploration Labs SRL here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/explorationlabssrl/


    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

  • 🚀 We’re Kicking off Season 4 with a cracker of a podcast with Michael Lloyd, talking about my own experiences of Dysfunction Mapping and the workshop I attended to equip myself with practitioner skills.

    ⭐️ Michael has created #DysfunctionMapping as a means to surface anti-patterns, monitor symptoms and help fellow Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches tailor their coaching strategies, to ensure they are making lasting changes to bring the most benefit to teams and organisations.

    As Michael put’s it, Dysfunction Mapping allows us to be deliberate about our coaching, allowing us to get to the core of why dysfunctions exist, and put in place solutions to measure the improvements we’re making.

    These dysfunctions can present as behaviours, or patterns that can hinder teams in their ability to work effectively, collaborate, and deliver business outcomes.

    Grab a cuppa and tune into the episode.

    We discussed:

    01:19 - My feedback on The Dysfunction Mapping workshop and its impact on my own growth

    01:20 - My personal reasons for attending the Dysfunction Mapping workshop

    01:48 - Approach to improving team performance, the importance of identifying areas for improvement within teams, and the value you bring as a Scrum Master.

    11:03 - Challenges faced while coaching Scrum Masters and analysis of the underlying reasons for these issues in different teams.

    11:50 - Exploration of common patterns and root causes in dysfunction within teams

    Follow Nisha Joshi here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon Williams here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/

    Follow Michael Lloyd here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-lloyd-124621177/

  • 🎯In this episode Nisha & Sharon met with Martin Parlett to discuss PMO Learning from the island of Montserrat, and what a heartwarming conversation we had. Montserrat was left devastated by two major natural disasters in the form of a hurricane in 1989 and a volcano in 1995.

    Martin gave us an insight into how the PMO lead a major countrywide social and infrastructure repair programme, and why as he describes “right practice beats best practice”.

    In this podcast we cover the following:

    00:00 Introduction

    02:25 The challenging environmental conditions that the team faced.

    09:41 Capabilities required to deliver the change and how to overcome environmental constraints

    17:15 The role of local knowledge and cultural understanding in delivering change

    28:39 Facilitating effective dialogue

    41:49 Key learnings from the experience

    53:18 Tips for people who want to get involved in similar programmes

    Martin Parletts’ LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-parlett/

    Follow Nisha on https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishajoshi1/

    Follow Sharon on https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-williams-pmo/