
  • This week, Brad discusses the £100k Open Day - how they work, what they can do for your business, as well as the many lessons Brad has learned through his experience in staging these invaluable events.


    When putting together your roster of attendees, you can never count upon them actually showing up unless they have some skin the game, such as having paid a deposit.The entry process for signing up for events such as these, should contain some kind of commitment. This filters out the people who are unlikely to attend, or whose interest is minimal.When you market your business to an audience, it's not about quantity. It's about finding the audience who truly care, so that when you have an offer or event, you get a far higher return in terms of interest.It's crucial to get your staff and team on board with what the goals and objectives of the event are. If your goal is revenue, then make sure they are all attuned to this goal.


    'It doesn't matter how many people have booked in, if nobody has paid a deposit'

    'There's no point in massaging your ego'

    'I want each of those monthly open days to be £100,000 revenue-generating events'

    'Talk about money. Be open'


    The Dental Business Podcast      


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Brad returns with special guest, Dr Grant McAree, the founder of one of the internet’s most valuable resources for dentistry professionals, and one of the most successful operators of  business and marketing courses for dentists.

    Grant has just sold his own dental practice for a multiple figure sum, and joins Brad to share his inspiring story, talks you through the mechanics of buying and selling a practice, and discusses why selling a practice should not be considered to be a one-time event in your own dental career. 


    Many believe that the culmination of a dental career comes with the sale of a practice, but as Grant has proved, selling a practice can be a regular occurrence, allowing us to achieve financial freedom and the ability to pursue other interests.A squat dental practice is essentially a practice started from scratch, usually with a single surgery to begin with and aspirations to be a highly profitable business.Open Day advertising should never cease The important thing is to get customers interested, and coming through the door. It should not be limited to one day per period.Running a practice for profit is entirely different to the model you need to adopt if you wish to exit through sale. There are ways of increasing the potential value of your practice for sale that must be considered in order to make the proposition more attractive to potential buyers.


    'In dentistry there isn't enough truth about building a practice'

    'This is a golden time for the financial aspect of dentistry'

    'What cheapens your profession is doing bad work'

    'This doesn't have to be complicated'


    The Dental Business Podcast      

    Grant McAree LInkedIn - 

    Advertising And Marketing Tips By Dentists For Dentists (Facebook) - https://www.facebook.com/events/d41d8cd9/advertising-and-marketing-tips-for-dentists-by-dentists/311842172803750/


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

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  • Much of marketing is focussed around building relationships and sharing resources and information in order to build a relationship with potential clients remotely. In this week's show, Brad talks about how this overlaps with the concept of authority marketing - marketing that presents the perception that you are an authority in your field.


    Authority marketing is built upon the idea that you present yourself as the best person in your field - that you know everything to know - via means such as blogs, articles, YouTube videos, podcasts etc.Qualifications and positions of authority in dentistry, are remembered by patients, and are held up as a badge of honour by their clientsWe need to strike a good balance between being approachable and affable, and the image of us also being a towering authority on our subject.If you have a platform used to engage with people, then through consistency, we naturally become an authority in our field.


    'Make them perceive that dentist as an authority'

    'You do things that enable people to find you'

    'We need to give out information in a way that makes people perceive us as an authority'

    'We need to be producing better quality resources for our patients'


    The Dental Business Podcast    


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • In this week's show, Brad talk to marketing expert, Michelle Tayler, about the fascinating concept of relationship marketing, and how it can help to not just grow your client base, but nurture relationships with the base you already have.


    The first step is to create a marketing mind-set, to understand the basics of marketing itself. Building relationships with people is the best way to attract and retain patients.Establish who your ideal patient avatar is. Make sure you know exactly what their needs and pain points are. People buy and make decisions on emotion.The patient journey map begins with mapping out a patient and the process they go through from "completely unaware" to "consideration" and "conversion"It's worth applying the "Rule Of 7" when it comes to our messaging. This doesn't mean seven emails, but seven forms of communicating a single message, as the average person does not absorb a message until they receive it seven times


    'It helps to take away the overwhelm of marketing for dental practitioners'

    'It's not easy to turn on a camera and start recording for social media'

    'The biggest secret to marketing is consistency'

    'A person needs to see a message seven times before they take it on board'


    The Dental Business Podcast     

    Facebook: @marketingpractices


    [email protected]


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • In this week's show, Brad talks to Adrian Dray, a data protection expert and consultant, about why data protection matters, the role of GDPR in every dental business practice, and how we can better maintain the security of our client base.


    GDPR was the biggest data protection shake-up in a generation, and before it was implemented, not many business owners took client security seriously.When looking to take over a new practice, or acquire a business, the GDPR compliance must be thoroughly considered. We must make sure that we're not acquiring a business filled with breaches and problems.We must make sure that we are keeping client information in the most secure way, and crucially, disposing of it when the correct time arrives. This is an issue that many businesses slip up on.It is a criminal offence to block or deliberately disrupt the legal process when it comes to the information process, and perpetrators of this violation are now being publicly called out.


    'As dentists, we understand the importance of what we do'

    'One of the things that's really important is how's it going to interact the value of my business?'

    'I don't want to pick up a "data lemon"'

    'Those records could be your bulletproof vest...'


    The Dental Business Podcast    

    GDPR - https://gdpr-info.eu



    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Clubhouse is the new social media network that's taking the world by storm right now. In this episode, Brad talks about his experience in using it, and how it can positively benefit your business journey.


    Clubhouse allows users to focus in on groups or rooms dedicated to your specific area or niche. This allows you to network swiftly with likeminded individuals and rapidly grow your knowledge.It's an ideal landscape for business owners and entrepreneurs, who can instantly network. The potential for the future is huge.Apps like Clubhouse allow you to build a rapport and relationship with curious minds. It allows you, as a business owner, to connect with potential clients like never before.


    'I think it's potentially going to be one of the next big things'

    'You've got quite a motivated patient there, if they've sat in your chair for a consultation'

    'All they want is a bit of unobtrusive, non-committal information - where they can just hear about a topic and learn'


    The Dental Business Podcast   


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and developmen of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Brad's here in this short, sharp episode, to wish you a Happy New Year, and to lay out the exciting plans for the year ahead, as well as some of the ways in which we can set goals and challenges for ourselves.


    Interviews and topics this year will focus primarily on those who aid dental businesses in becoming better and achieving more.When challenges arise, such as the lockdowns of 2020, it always seems to be those with a long-term plan who push through and emerge victorious.There are always elements of business that force us to re-evaluate our goals in a positive way. Finding those markers in our future is the first challenge of the year.


    'When you look back at everything that's happened they're going to find moments that were very positive'

    'I'm looking into 2021 very positively'

    'We often need to relate goals to something tangible'


    The Dental Business Podcast   


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Brad talks to Nin Gandhi-Patel, the creator of Enquiry Bot, a revolutionary service designed to turn your website visitors into patients by providing a 24/7 concierge service that deals with and greets your potential new customers on your behalf, saving you time and money


    With more demand on dental practices, the enquiry process has had to adapt. This has meant later opening hours plus weekends and holidays. The cost of this enquiry process has slowly crept up. This is where Enquiry Bot can help, and also save costs.Many perceive marketing to be the practice of simply attracting new customer. But Dental Marketing is about the entire process, from entry, to ensuring our clients feel well taken care of throughout their entire experience.We must seek to not just inform, but exchange information with our patients. When we do this, we provide education. This leads to trust, which draws more patients to you.Websites must evolve. The world has transformed from simple forms on sites, to encompass many new and more convenient ways to communicate, including apps and messaging services. It is incumbent upon us to embrace these advancements and provide convenience.


    'Interestingly enough, we had our best conversions on a Sunday...'

    'The whole practice forms part of that marketing process'

    'When you exchange information, you educate the patient'

    'Enquiries went up, cost per lead came down, but also revenue went up'


    The Dental Business Podcast   

    Nin Gandhi-Patel - https://ningandhipatel.com/

    Enquiry Bot - https://www.enquirybot.dental


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.


    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Brad is joined by award-winning digital and dental marketing expert, Shaz Memon, the founder of Digimax Dental, specialists in dental marketing and making practices stand out from the rest. Shaz talks about the ways in which he's helped numerous practices to achieve this, as well as the top strategies that you can employ today!




    Many practices get the basics wrong. Displaying an address and phone number up front can hook potential clients immediately. By only attracting one lifetime client, you've already made this strategy work.The customer journey cannot be overstated. It is the art of turning strangers into clients. We must welcome and then gently convince people to remain.Many people still think that if they are busy, then a website is not necessary, but this is a false economy. By not encouraging new enquiries we can never be sure of the types of clients we may be passing over.Influencers are useful in attracting leads, but they must be a fit. Look at the demographic of their fan base and decide for yourself if their followers are the people you are hoping to appeal to.




    'One thing I'm passionate about is design and adding value to businesses'

    'We're leading them through based on what issue they have, and what they'd like to rectify'

    'You don't know what types of patients you're losing...

    'Our goal is not to get more followers. Our goal is to get more of the right followers'



    The Dental Business Podcast   

    Digimax Dental - https://digimax.dental

    Shaz Memon - https://shaz.co.uk


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]










    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Brad is joined by entrepreneur and public speaker, Andy Acton, and the director of Frank Taylor Associates, specialists in the sales and evaluation of dental practices.


    Andy discusses the wide range of services that Frank Taylor Associates can offer, as well as some of the more surprising challenges and issues that many practice owners, or aspiring practice owners, must make sure they’re aware of when it comes to buying or selling a dental business.




    A sale or transfer of ownership will always lead to a form of disruption, small or large, among the team there. Recruitment at this time is not something that many consider, and yet access to staff when needed can be vital to a smooth transition.When evaluating a dental practice, its worth is calculated on the transactional income or the recurring income. This tends to come from three areas: NHS, plan-based income and private-based income.The caps on NHS income saw a dramatic upturn in the number of associates, now vulnerable due to loss of income, investing in their own practices. This was a paradigm shift in the sector.Many practitioners become far too distracted by seeking a larger multiple, but if this multiple is being applied to a smaller adjusted profit, then it becomes a false variable.




    ‘You’re paying for an element of security for your investment’

    ’Inevitably, when there’s a change of ownership, there can be some switching around of the team’

    ’Owning a business through. The pandemic has not been an easy ride’

    ’For me, it’s about the money that end up in your bank account. It’s about vanity vs business’



    The Dental Business Podcast   

    Andy Acton at Frank Taylor Associates - https://www.ft-associates.com/article/proud-to-be-an-ambassador/andy-acton/

    Andy Acton LinkedIn - https://uk.linkedin.com/in/andy-acton-a0836b22


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • This week, Brad talks about the recent surge in dental business owners being approached by influencers, who hope to cross-promote practice owner’s work in exchange for publicity. Brad discusses the things you need to consider, and how best to use these approaches to your advantage.




    Always endeavour to become the influencer if you can. Building a social media following is tough, but by controlling your own public image, you retain the authority over how your public image is used.Remember that these are business transactions. Influencers should be allowing you to understand their analytics, and whether or not their audience is right for you.Consider the locality of the influencer’s reach and how it will benefit you. If your influencer’s audience is global but not local, then it may not be beneficial to your practice.




    ‘A personal brand these days goes further than a corporate brand’

    ‘People buy into people’

    ‘It’s far better if the influencer approaches you. The dynamic is far better'



    The Dental Business Podcast 


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]









    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • After discussing the importance of protecting your downsides, and trying to implement strategies in order to reduce your risk of losing money, Brad is in conversation with Vinay Rathod, a specialist in financial services for dentists and doctors, about the many ways that you can make your money work harder for you, and protect against the negative times.




    Dental practitioners are not generally seen as having much business or financial acumen, but in Vinay’s experience, the intelligence level required to gain good financial grounding is definitely present in the industry.Income protection is a vital component in any professional’s business. It has no exclusions and can protect against a sudden drop-off in income, meaning that business can go on as normal.It is not enough to install the proper insurances and protections against a downturn. We must also ensure that they are set up correctly, taking into account our very own personal circumstances and relationship to the business.Financial advice is always best taken from an experienced advisor. One solution for someone else may not necessarily work for you. Seek the best advice possible and be honest.




    ’To do good work you need to research often’

    ’The illusion that a lot of young people have is that they are invincible’

    ‘Humans are naturally biased towards the thought that nothing will happen to them’

    ’Don’t put all your eggs in one basket - but also, don’t be scared'



    The Dental Business Podcast  

    Vinay Rathod LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/vinay-rathod-bab5a663/?originalSubdomain=uk

    Vinay Rathod Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vrfinancial/?hl=en

    VR Financial Solutions - http://www.vrfs.uk


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • In this week’s show, Brad discusses the subject of investment, and tells you how he structures his finances, as well as some of the strategies he employs to make sure that his money works for him!




    Always try to have a reasonable level of liquid cash in a current account. Make sure your zero point is never actually zero.Try to keep money in tracker and index funds that track the UK market as a whole instead of any individual company. This can be managed if you wish. Try to invest in income-generating property that will serve as an asset. There are creative ways of acquiring these properties through using little-to-none of your own money. Education is key.




    ’Try and diversify as much as you can within different asset classes and markets'

    ‘It’s always worth being tax efficient’

    ‘Protecting the downside is really important'



    The Dental Business Podcast


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Many business owners wait until they receive negative feedback before they fix a problem. But as Brad discusses in this week’s show, there is a way to prepare ahead of time for these moments, by evaluating negative outcomes as well as positives.




    Whenever we set goals for ourselves, it is worth taking time to think and evaluate the mirrored negative consequence of these goals. How do the downsides look? Negative voices are part and parcel of putting ourselves out there. We cannot hope to appeal to everyone, so always aim to keep the negative percentage in mind. When we learn new skills, the chances are that we will encounter inevitable failure. It is about managing the negatives, and striving for a higher number of positive experiences. 




    ‘It is inevitable that we will get negative comments’ 

    ’The first time you get a hater comment, it’s almost as though you’ve achieved a part of your goal’ 

    ’Plan to avoid failure - strive for perfection, but know that it is not always possible' 



    The Dental Business Podcast 


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • When taking over a dental practice, the new owner will have two options - to evolve it slowly over time into something resembling their vision, or to revolutionise completely with a fresh start. But which is the best path? 


    In this week’s show, Brad talks you through the benefits of both methods, and tells you which way might be even better...




    New owners are often reticent in making sweeping changes to a new practice, for fear of the impact it will have upon patients and their viewpoint. Remember though, that people like change.By adopting a more evolutionary, slow attitude towards change, we risk assimilating and adopting the habits already in place.Restricting our business growth out of fear or anxiety will only cause it to retract in the long term. This can also lead to laziness and a lack of will to think creatively.




    ‘You’ll lose the opportunity to make changes that are essential’

    ‘Practices often need new blood and that injection of energy’

    ‘Patients are little but more doglike than catlike'



    The Dental Business Podcast


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • After the recent interview with Anne Houlton, Brad is in a reflective mood when it comes to his own property investments. In this week’s show, he offers an update on how his property interests are growing, and his plans for property in the future.




    It is not enough to simply buy and sell property. The aim should always be to acquire property, achieve a revenue from it that removes its cost, acquire more, and build a portfolio.The road to building a property portfolio is a long one, but is always worth starting. Keep your eyes on the goals ahead, and take each investment one at a time.Investing in property gives us the opportunity to turn the finances we accrue into a legacy for our children. These investments will last for generations.




    ’Time is the one factor that benefits us all’

    ‘Look into property, look into assets. Look in to something that’ll turn the money that we earn into wealth-building assets'

    ’Try and think like the wealthy'  



    The Dental Business Podcast


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • We often assume that some future version of ourselves will be the one to finally take on the tasks we keep putting off. But as Brad discusses in this week’s show, it’s time to stop the procrastination, and take hold of the present!



    By putting off the tasks that face us today, we do not simplify our lives. We only make life more difficult, as the task grows ever larger in the meantime.Motivation and willpower only fades over time. There’s no time like the present to take hold of a job and give it your all. Your future self will thank you!



    ‘You don’t make life easier. If anything, you make life harder’

    ‘Every day, do two or three things that your future self will thank you for'



    The Dental Business Podcast


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 

    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • It’s never a good thing to get a one-star review for your business, but when the initial emotional response has passed, how can we take positives from this negative experience?


    In this week’s shows, Brad talks you through the ways in which you can spin a bad situation into a good one.




    One-star reviews are certainly eye-catching, but often it is the response from the business itself to that review. A professional, measured reply can instantly restore confidence in a reader.Responses to reviews are actually a wonderful way of highlighting the many benefits and positives that your practice can offer.We must consider the circumstances that led this client to take time out to complain in this way. Try to empathise with their complaint, and look for the lesson that can possibly be taken from it.




    ‘Our response is incredibly important’

    ‘Unless you’re handling your inbound enquiries effectively, the momentum that pushes us forward will start to dry up’

    ’This provided me with a public forum to respond in a professional manner'



    The Dental Business Podcast


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]


    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • Brad talks to Anne Houlton, who has successfully diversified her dentistry career into one of property investment, building an enviable portfolio over many years.

    Anne discusses the importance of diversifying in order to create separate incomes streams, something that has especially helped during the lockdown situation, and why property is an excellent way for others in the profession to achieve financial freedom.



    Many of us do not realise that our lives are generally spent with colleagues and acquaintances, rather than the people who mean the most to us. By achieving a level of financial freedom, we also achieve the freedom to spend precious time with those we love.One of the most effective ways in which you grow your portfolio is the Buy-Refurbish-Rent-Refinance method, otherwise known as BRRR. Buy a property and look to improve it in ways that will instantly add value.You do not necessarily need a pot of money with which to begin your property journey. There are multiple ways of using other people’s money in order to get started, or to grow your portfolio. Education is key.When using sourcing agents, the best practice is to use an agent who lives or works in the area of interest. Ultimately, it’s always best to source for yourself, as sourcers will always keep the best deals for themselves.Education in how to best achieve financial freedom through property is crucial for those who are serious about their future. Progressive property are the finest purveyors of this knowledge, and have the most respected network. 



    ‘You’re creating an income that isn’t dependent on the GDC registration’

    ‘Do you really want to spend your whole life with people that aren’t necessarily the people you love most in the world’

    ‘You’ve got to be in the game to make the money’

    ‘It didn’t occur to me to try and get any training in property, and I made a lot of mistakes!'



    The Dental Business Podcast

    Anne Houlton LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/annehoulton/?originalSubdomain=uk

    Anne Houlton at Progressive Property - https://www.progressiveproperty.co.uk/progressive-property-trainers/


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.

    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.

    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.

    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • In this week’s show, Brad talks to dentist, Ritesh Aggarwal, the founder of Psynergy Mental Health, about the issue of mental wellbeing in the dental profession, and how we can not only spot the tell-tale symptoms, but administer the treatment necessary to get us back on our feet.



    Having a mental health strategy is not just about encountering and dealing with issues when they arise, but providing a safe enough space that people feel comfortable enough to talk about issues when they surface.Pain is all subjective. By bringing in a level of objectivity, we gain a more robust perspective and outside analysis. Perfectionism is a real mental health issue. It leads to overthinking, and concentrating on the minutiae of detail. which is incredibly important in dentistry work, but can lead to mental health issues later.The UK economy loses over £45 billion per year through mental health issues. £7 billion is lost through absenteeism. £29 billion is lost through presenteeism. It’s very clear that investing in mental wellbeing should be at the top of the agenda for all businesses.




    ‘It’s absolutely critical to understand how an individual feels’

    ‘Dental professionals tend to be perfectionists’

    ‘Do your work to the best of your ability. Don’t worry about time. That’ll come’

    ’There’s a huge benefit to having a really good mental health strategy within any organisation'



    The Dental Business Podcast

    Ritesh Aggarwal LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ritesh-aggarwal-3b8a0b32/?originalSubdomain=uk

    Psynergy Mental Health - https://psynergymentalhealth.com

    [email protected]


    Brad believes that everyone at any level should be focused on achieving multiple sources of income to create diversity and balance in life. He feels passionate about helping dentists work towards freedom by building wealth in different areas and helping to develop a mindset to improve one’s ability to handle the stresses of clinical life. 


    Still a practising dentist, Brad has implemented strategies to create a practice to allow him to carry out the dentistry he wants whilst continually expanding with loyal staff and patients. These strategies can be adapted to any dentist, whether you are an associate or the practice owner, to help bring back your passion for dentistry.


    In addition to running a successful private dental practice, he has grown

    several other dental businesses and as an investor is growing wealth outside of dentistry to help protect his legacy for his growing family.


    He is chair of the Horsforth Town Team, dedicated to the promotion and development

    of business in his local area in North Leeds, UK.


    Due to his track record and down to earth advice, he has become sought after

    as a mentor and spends part of his time dedicated to mentoring dental professionals about business, mindset and personal development.



    Brad Thornton Instagram

    Brad Thornton LinkedIn

    Brad Thornton Facebook

    [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media