
  • No, it’s not an expletive! MTHFR is an acronym for a gene that codes for a protein responsible for many important actions in the body. And yet, for some people, a seemingly harmless variation in the coding can result in serious consequences. Understanding whether or not you have such a variant can help you to make decisions that will accommodate and support overall health.

    What exactly is the MTHFR gene? How do you know if you have a variation on this gene? And if there is, what can you do about it?

    In this episode I cover all the basics, with actionable steps and of course herbs to consider!

    This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].

    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Leaky gut is a common phrase associated with nutrient depletion and chronic illness. But what is it? And what do we do about it?

    In today’s episode I share about the parts of the lower digestive tract that keep the body safe, and what happens when its integrity is compromised. How does this happen? And is it correctable? I bet you can guess the answer!

    This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbal school. These programs are currently in development, but you can enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].

    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com or email [email protected].

    Thank you for listening! Please consider leaving a review or sharing this episode with a loved one! We appreciate it!

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  • Last week we talked about the nutrients many people are deficient in. Today, we talk about WHY. This is where we dig into the processes in the body that lead to proper nourishment, and those that can hamper them. When we understand why, we can then make a plan for better nutrition and reduce the need for supplementation.

    Of this list, there are three I want to dig into in more detail, and one of them I cover today - proper production and release of gastric juices. What are they? Where do they come from? What do they contain? What happens when they are not functioning correctly, and how can we balance them? All of this answered in today’s podcast!

    This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].

    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Numerous studies and surveys have demonstrated that even in a country with abundant food, most Americans, even those well-fed, are largely undernourished. We have found that most people do not take in enough of the needed nutrients to maintain health.

Sometimes, while getting to the root cause is an important step of the process, getting support to offset the problem right away is important for healing. That’s why I often recommend specific nutrients for specific people in very certain cases, and usually for only a set duration of time. It’s strategic, and the goal is to home in on the need of each individual.

In today’s episode, I share what the most common supplements are that I recommend. I also jump into how to increase the absorption and efficacy of those supplements, and touch on how to find the right brand for you.

If you’re not sure if taking a supplement is right for you, be sure to listen in and perhaps you’ll find information that will help to answer your question.

This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].

For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Podcasting is one of the major ways I interact with people as an herbalist. I work with clients one-on-one, I mentor students, I teach classes and lead herb walks… and I podcast!

    Clinical herbalist student, Kelly Araneda, who happens to be one of my mentees, asked me some great questions about podcasting, and in today’s episode I share my answers to these questions. 

    If you are curious about what it looks like to create, publish, and advertise podcasts, or how it might help an herbalist, listen in as I chat about this topic today!

    If you are a student and would like to request a podcast topic related to clinical work, feel free to send me an email at [email protected].

    This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. 

    For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].

    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Herbalist students have unique challenges to face as they grow their knowledge and skills and learn to apply them in their practices. In today’s episode, I answer questions from real herbalist students to help you expand your learning and experience in alignment with your learning style, your family priorities, and your big picture values.

    Questions like - how do I choose a school? How do I homeschool my kids and study at the same time? How do I prioritize my finances? And what if my family doesn’t understand herbalism? Get out your notepad because this episode is full of practical ideas!

    If you are an herbal student and you have a topic in mind that you would like to see made available in this season, please email me at [email protected].

    Guess what!! There is a FREE PDF download available to help you choose the right herbal school for you. It will soon be on the front page of the website, but until then you can email us for your free download.

    This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].

    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • If you struggle with high stress, or are in the midst of burnout, this conversation will offer you lots of practice tools to jump in and apply to your life!

    Angelica Benoit is back! And today she shares her experience with adrenal fatigue, in which she was dependent on 10-12 hours of sleep at night plus naps, tons of coffee, and was still feeling overwhelmed. After receiving a reminder about where true healing comes from, she did a deep dive into all things adrenal health and turned her life around. Today she shares what she learned - the food, herbs, and most importantly the lifestyle choices that can take you from burnout out to your best self.

    This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].

    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • With every 1 out of 5 people having at least one food they can’t eat without problems, being able to determine food sensitivity or allergies is SO important! Healing the gut is a super important step, but before this can occur, you need a way to uncover the triggers. In today’s episode I share four ways you can suss out the culprits. This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Studying an herb a month is a practice recommended by numerous herbalists and herbal schools, but it’s so hard to restrict our learning to just one plant! That’s why the Herb of the Month project in Town Square Herbalism is so helpful. In today’s episode I share about who Town Square Herbalism is, and read my monograph of Burdock, which you can access the printable of when you join TSH. This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • You have questions about health or herbalism, but you don’t trust Google and you don’t have a care provider who can answer them. Or, you have numerous people texting you, who are in this boat. These are people who want to know about herbal contraindications, dosages for kids, how to find a trustworthy supplement, how long to make a decoction for, or any number of urgent or non-urgent health needs that don’t require an emergency room visit but for which they would play phone tag with a nurse or doctor who is not excited to speak with them. Where do these people stuck in the middle turn? Yes, they could take herbal courses, they could read books on their topic of interest, they could even watch YouTube videos and sort through all the information they find to make a careful decision. Or, they could reach out to an herbalist who has already done that and who can give them their options straight up. Herbalist Care Chat does just this. It is a service I created to meet the needs of this group of people. And in today’s episode, I offer advice on what to consider if you want to create a similar service for yourself.
    This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • The world of medicinal plants is so vast, and the knowledge required to serve others from within the healthcare field so extensive, that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the expectation that we memorize huge amounts of information to work as a Community or Clinical Herbalist! Today, I break down the functions of people and plants using an age-old system that has been adapted over the years to suit our language, and which simplifies our work in a meaningful way. It also counters the excessive “specialization” that has happened in modern healthcare, with a view of patterns that explains how numerous symptoms can reflect a single person’s experience. We are diving deep in this episode, so bring your notebook and pen! This episode is included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Welcome to the first episode of season 5! In this season, I will be sharing lessons that will be included in either the Community Herbalism or Clinical Herbalism program, offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. These programs are currently in development, but you can currently enroll in The Family Herbalism Course, or get on the waitlist for one of these new offerings. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected]. Today, I dive into the definitions, legality, paths and training opportunities, and my personal story surrounding my path to clinical work. This is a topic I get a lot of questions about, so I did my best to answer them!
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Today, Angelica and I pick up where we left off, and break down the remaining seven key areas we consider a part of cleansing the home - EMF, plastic, metals, water leaks, pesticides, body care products, and food. Our hope is that, having listened to our conversation, you will feel encouraged to take baby steps toward detoxing your home so you can begin seeing the difference in your family’s health. This is the very last episode included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. After this, we will begin season five, which will carry us the remainder of the way through 2024 and will introduce community and clinical herbalist concepts! Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year is now open! For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Removing potentially harmful substances from your home can feel like an overwhelming subject, but one we know is important! In today’s conversation with student herbalist Angelica Benoit, we break down four of the key areas we consider a part of cleansing the home - shoes in the house, cleaning products, and water and air filtration. We also share our personal experiences and tips for getting started. Our hope is that, having listened to our conversation, you will feel encouraged to take baby steps toward detoxing your home so you can begin seeing the difference in your family’s health. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year is now open! For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Many of my episodes are geared toward my female listeners, but over the past two weeks I have been talking to the men in the audience! Over the course of these two episodes I’m sharing seven habits that can create massive impact on long term health and quality of life. And guess what?! None of them involve herbs! Based on my husband’s firsthand experience and mine working with male clients, these habits are simple, straightforward, evidence-based, and designed for men. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Many of my episodes are geared toward my female listeners, but for the next two weeks I am talking to the men in the audience! Over the course of these two episodes I’ll be sharing seven habits that can create massive impact on long term health and quality of life. And guess what?! None of them involve herbs! Based on my husband’s firsthand experience and mine working with male clients, these habits are simple, straightforward, evidence-based, and designed for men. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • At one time, tonsillectomies were the most common surgical procedure performed in the USA. Even though the rate has dropped significantly, half a million kids still have it done every year. Why? In today’s episode I share some of the history surrounding this procedure, and then move into an anatomy lesson - what do the tonsils have to do with the rest of the body? Seven lifestyle tips for supporting your lymphatic system, and my favorite herbs for different lymphatic needs, along with their best preparation methods round out the show. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • After releasing episodes on wildcrafting and on keeping your already-made remedies safe, it was high time we talked about how to get those herbs from the wild and into your pantry - how do we preserve them? In today’s episode we focus on two herbs as examples - St. John’s Wort and Red Raspberry - how to recognize them, when to harvest, which parts to harvest, how to preserve them, and my favorite ways of working with them. I also share the Simpler’s Method of making extractions, and some unique ways of drying herbs! This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Bruises, varicose veins, palpitations… these and other cardiovascular symptoms may be considered variations of normal, but even if they don’t precede serious conditions, they can still be uncomfortable! In today’s episode I offer herbal and nutritional remedies that strengthen the heart and blood vessels and build the blood. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected].
    The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.

  • Summer is on its way! And that means bug bites, sunburns, poison ivy, and garden dermatitis (it’s a real thing!). That’s what you were thinking about, right?! As fun as summer is, it can come with unwanted experiences like rashes that leave you feeling sore, itchy, and otherwise uncomfortable. In today’s episode, I share my favorite herbs for skin care and some ways I use these herbs for my family. This episode is included in the Family Herbalist Program offered by Herba Remedium. Herba Remedium is an online, Christian herbalist school. Enrollment for the next FHP year will begin in June 2024. For more information visit www.herbaremedium.com or email [email protected]. The Family Herbalism Podcast was voted as one of the Top 100 Maine Podcasts for 2024. You can see the list by Feedspot by clicking this link: https://blog.feedspot.com/maine_podcasts/
    For more information about Laurel Tree Wellness, your host Naomi Kilbreth, or herbal consultations to help you create a wellness plan, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com.