Voted Best Podcast Episode of 2016 by ProductHunt, The SuperHuman Academy Podcast (previously The Becoming SuperHuman Podcast), hosted by lifehacker & accelerated learning expert Jonathan Levi interviews extraordinary people such as Dave Asprey, JJ Virgin, Robb Wolf, Hal Elrod, Joe Polish, Wim Hof, and many more to bring you the skills, tips, and tricks to overcome the impossible. From physical fitness to learning and memory, we seek to understand optimal performance and superhuman abilities through engaging conversations and interviews with some of the world's most interesting people.
The Lancet Global Health is the first online-only, open access journal in The Lancet
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology is a monthly journal that publishes high-quality peer-reviewed research, reviews, and analysis from around the world. In the podcasts, editors of the journal discuss timely news, views, research, and reviews in diabetes, endocrinology, and metabolism.
Welcome to the Stability in Recovery podcast, hosted by Jason Insalaco. Stability in Recovery is a recovery based podcast that focuses on mental health and/or addiction. The definition of Stability is : to stand or endure. On this podcast you will hear advocates and people who are living with mental illness and/or addiction who have taken a stand to endure their lives living with their diagnosis.
This podcast is a healthcare based series with a strong element of life experience from author Mitochondrial Eve, ICU RN and mother of five. I speak passionately about self care, patient care and upholding the belief that the standard you walk past is the standard you accept.
Radio Rounds is a weekly medical talk show that is freely accessible to anyone and everyone.
Our stories promote the art and science of medicine with an emphasis on nurturing humanism and resilience in this most remarkable and sacred profession.
The organization was created and founded by medical students at the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine in Dayton Ohio in 2009. Dr. Avash Kalra created the show with fellow medical students Dr. John Corker, Dr. Shamie Das and Dr. Lakshman Swami who are all now practicing clinically across the country. -
We make the difference between life and death everyday so let us learn together how to take the best care of our patients we can.
Meet ’em, greet ’em, treat ’em and street ’em
Tackling the subjects that desperately need more attention, Behavioral Banter fearlessly sheds light on problems we all come in to contact with at one point or another: developmental disorders, mental illness, accessing care for ourselves and others, and much more. Brandon Clark is a behavior analyst, author, altruist, and owner of Progressive Behavior Consulting, LLC. This podcast includes organic conversations, personal anecdotes, free advice, and good vibes.
Østrogenial er en podcast om kvinder og kvindekroppen udarbejdet af kvinder med en stærk faglig baggrund inden for lægevidenskab og sygepleje. Vi ønsker at aftabuisere og afmystificere kvindekroppen og hylde den for alle den evner, muligheder og forskelligheder.
I denne podcast får du, på uformel vis, viden om psykologi og konkrete øvelser til din egen selvudvikling!
Din vært er Cleoh Søndergaard: Autoriseret psykolog, der til dagligt arbejder med psykoterapi og supervision inden for det kliniske felt. Hun elsker formidling og er desuden klinikindehaver af Innervention.
Hun inviterer sine kolleger i studiet til samtaler om psykologi, psykoterapi og selvudvikling.
Flertallet er psykologer - de har alle noget vigtigt på hjertet, som de brænder for!
I podcasten finder du også solo-afsnit, hvor hun deler sin viden om en række emner som selvværd, den indre selvkritiker, stress, skizofreni og angst. Du vil også finde mini-afsnit med øvelser og guidede meditationer.
INDSIGT handler både om at kigge indad, at få et nyt perspektiv og kunne se nye muligheder - hvilket lige præcis er podcastens vision.
Missionen er at udbrede viden og psykoterapeutiske øvelser, så lytteren over tid vil opnå mere autencitet, selvværd og ro. INDSIGT med Cleoh kan derfor fungere som din psykolog i lommen.
Cleoh tror på, at gennem mere selvindsigt, får man modet til at vise sig selv venlighed og at man tør udtrykke sig autentisk. Ved at turde udtrykke sig ærligt, opnåes forløsning og ejerskab.
Dette er også en mission; at give lytteren modet til at vise mere venlighed og ærlighed overfor sig selv og andre. Så ønsker du et mere balanceret følelsesliv, mere selvværd og blomstring, bedre kommunikation i dine relationer eller blot viden om faget psykologi, er dette podcasten for dig!
Om Cleoh Søndergaard:
Uddannet og autoriseret psykolog, samt certificeret sexolog. Klinikejer og ophavskvinde ved Innervention. Underviser og supervisor.
Hun tilbyder psykoterapi og supervision og brænder for formidling og foredrag.
Hun er anerkendt for sin terapeutiske stil og har en bred erfaring, men forbliver nysgerrig og sulten på viden.
Metodisk, filosofisk og praktisk er hendes hjerte i ACT; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Denne har sit oprindelige ophav i buddhistisk psykologi og er en moderne 3. bølge adfærdsterapi, der blandt andet arbejder med følelser, selvomsorg, heling, metakognition - og har værdier for øje som en central rød tråd. -
En podcast for og af fysioterapeuter. Find os på Facebook og Instagram.
A podcast about getting through life with a differently shaped brain. My Good Bad Brain aims to build a space of solidarity and validation for the neurodiverse. We do this with honest explorations of life with mental health challenges, especially depression, anxiety, ADHD, and the general existential dread of being alive today. Soomehow, from this, a sense of invisible connection, community, and possibility arises.
If you're thinking about killing yourself: do not.
Self - care, hydrate, be well.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
This podcast was created to help parents around the world with the “biggies” of family life. Play Therapy Community will present a fresh, insightful episode once a week, usually on Thursday mornings.
On this podcast, we will cover topics such as picky eaters, struggles in school, behavioral issues, grief and loss, and so much more. We’ll also delve into specific diagnosis such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc. Difficult topics, such as parenting through separation/divorce, depression, anxiety struggles, relationship struggles, and such will be explored as well.
As the host of Play Therapy Community, I feel honored that you are joining us on this journey for knowledge to truly help our children in a way that honors their mind, body, and soul. My name is Jackie Flynn, and I’m a Licensed Psychotherapist, Registered Play Therapist, Education Specialist, Adolescent Life Coach and a Parent Educator. -
Underholdende fortællinger om videnskab og meget mere 😊
Podcast om Folkeskolen.
The podcast for adults with ADHD. Hear stories, learn strategies, and get great productivity tips as we talk about the real-life struggles and what it takes to achieve success. Host, Eric Tivers, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, coach and entrepreneur (with ADHD) in private practice. Eric interviews a variety of guests. Many are people just like yourself, as well professionals, entrepreneurs, and ADHD experts.
Mutluluktan stresle başa çıkmaya, romantik ilişkilerden iş yaşamına günlük hayatın içinden pek çok konuyu psikolojideki bilimsel araştırmalar ışığında eğlenceli sohbetlerle inceliyoruz.
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