
  • In this special excerpt from the Thinsanity audiobook, I share the surprising truth about the Body Mass Index, from its unexpected origins to its unethical manipulation by big business to turn a profit. I then explore a re-interpretation of BMI categories based on actual science (not paid-for/company sponsored science), and the possibility that we’re all (finally) ready to be free of it …

    If you’d like to learn more about the new way forward that we are all ready for that I talk about at the end of the podcast, I’d like to invite you to download a copy of the audiobook for yourself!

    Order Thinsanity audiobook on Audible*: https://bit.ly/2HhWj8d

    Order Thinsanity audiobook on Apple Books:  https://apple.co/35gL08x

    Order Thinsanity audiobook on Kobo: https://bit.ly/2HdgGUy

    Order Thinsanity audiobook on Google Play: https://bit.ly/3oOXflB

    *Australian link provided. To purchase Thinsanity in your area, please go to your local Audible website and search ‘Thinsanity’!

    Selected Links from Podcast:

    Podcast page (showing diagrams): https://bit.ly/3fv2mU3

    Supplementary materials from audiobook: https://bit.ly/369Hs9O

  • I speak with my Twelve Month Transformation Online participants about coping with COVID-19. In this recorded webinar – which becomes a bit like group therapy – the group and I discuss:

    ✔︎ Applying the ‘3Ps’ of optimism in a global pandemic

    ✔︎ Reducing stress and emotional eating while social distancing

    ✔︎ What to do about health goals during this unprecedented crisis

    Selected Links from Podcast:

    ‘Thinsanity: 7 Steps to Transform Your Mindset and Say Goodbye to Dieting Forever’: https://glennmackintosh.com/thinsanity/

    Twelve Month Transformation Online Program: https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/tmt-online/

    Video of Webinar: https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/coping-with-covid-19-webinar-with-twelve-month-transformation-participants/

    Our Facebook Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeightManagementPsychology/

    ‘Learned Optimism’ by Martin Seligman: https://www.amazon.com.au/Learned-Optimism-Change-Your-Mind-ebook/dp/B005DB6S7K

    Louise Green podcast: https://glennmackintosh.com/louisegreen/ 

    Louise Green 30 Days Free Offer: https://bigfitgirlfitness.vhx.tv/checkout/subscribe/purchase?campaign=30daysfree

    Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene

  • Estão a faltar episódios?

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  • Research suggests that half of everything we do is habitual. But most attempts to improve our health actually focus on changing behaviours rather than habits, meaning we still need to consciously use effort and willpower in order to continue our improvements into the long-term. Our next guest has identified this huge problem and made it her life’s work to research some amazingly simple ways to create healthy habits that last for life.

    In this playful and lively interview, Australia’s only full-time habits researcher Dr Gina Cleo and I discuss:

    - The difference between behaviours and habits.

    - Setting the record straight on how long it takes to create a habit.

    - Gina likes variety, Glenn likes routine (and what this means for you!)

    - You only need motivation to get started (habits keep you going!)

    - Changing habits WITHOUT a diet or exercise plan (no yo-yo!)

    - How habit change is NOT sexy, but it IS life-changing.

    - Creating micro-habits to re-wire the brain’s pathways.

    - Breaking habits through ‘restructuring’ and ‘reprogramming’.

    - How to make new habits that are as rewarding as old habits!

    Due to a change in direction, Gina no longer supports the Sum Sanos program. Thankfully, she whole-heartedly endorses our new-and-improved Transformation Support Community!Thankfully, Gina has now developed a 12-Week Creating Healthy Habits Series especially for our Transformation Support Community Online Program (available now!).

    Selected Links from Podcast:

    Pre-Order Thinsanity: https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/thinsanity

    Dr. Gina’s Website: https://www.drginacleo.com/

    The Ten Top Tips: http://www.weightconcern.org.uk/sites/all/themes/weightcon/images/OriginalTTTLeaflet.pdf

    Video with Lyndi Cohen about adding, not subtracting: https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/episode-34-combining-intuitive-eating-and-nutritious-eating/

  • Do you like the sound of body positivity and intuitive eating, but struggle to make them work for you in real life? Living in a crazy culture of weight obsession makes it pretty hard. But today’s guest has overcome her own personal struggles with food and her body, and made it her life’s mission to help others do the same.

    In this heartwarming interview, leading non-diet and Today show dietitian Lyndi Cohen and I discuss: 

    - Lyndi’s personal story of dieting since before age 11.

    - How Lyndi did the OPPOSITE of what she was taught as a dietitian.

    - Moving from “control” to “choice”.

    - The importance of enjoyment (using salad dressing as an example!)

    - How Lyndi invests in mental health and manages anxiety.

    - Why Lyndi and I both see psychologists.

    - Balancing body positivity and the desire to lose weight.

    - Lyndi’s 20 kilogram weight loss (the part people don’t focus on).

    - Using your high willpower self to support your low willpower self.

    - Stamp collecting healthy habits and the power of imperfect action!

    - The important difference between a meal plan and meal planning.

    - How-tos and troubleshooting (Q&A from my Facebook Group). 

    - Creating a health-supportive environment (without restricting).

    - Dealing with afternoon snacking and overeating when stressed.

    - Differentiating habit cravings from “want it” cravings.

    - Lyndi’s advice on “losing stubborn body fat” (client question).

    - The “building a bridge” metaphor of health change (I love this!)

    - Lyndi’s advice for dealing with weight comments and body bullies.

    Selected Links from Podcast:

    Twelve Month Transformation Online Program
    Lyndi's Back to Basics Program

    Lindy’s Instagram
    Fiona Willer
    Rick Kausman
    Linda Bacon
    Taryn Brumfitt
    George Blair-West

    Lyndi and Glenn’s video on combining intuitive eating with nutritious eating.

    Lyndi’s Blog
    Lyndi’s Website
    The Nude Nutritionist Book

    Our Psychology of Eating, Movement, Weight, & Body-image Support Group.

    See more at: https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/podcast/

  • Working on mindset and developing the ability to intuitively eat are so important for cultivating a healthy relationship with food.  But research suggests they are only 50% of the puzzle for people who have deeper issues underlying their eating struggles.  If you are one of these people, resolving these issues can help you completely heal your relationship with food and end binge eating for good.

    In this goosebump-giving interview world-leading eating disorders and trauma expert, Dr. Julie T. Anné and I discuss:

    - That a FULL recovery from disordered eating is possible.

    - The difference between emotional eating, binging, & just poor eating habits.

    - The underlying psychological reasons why we binge.

    - How to identify if you’ll benefit from doing “deeper work”.

    - The three pillars of psychological wellness that protect against binge eating:
      - A loving relationship with yourself.
      - A healthy relationship with your emotions, &
      - Safe supportive personal relationships.

    - What creates a positive emotional foundation.

    - How childhood experiences and trauma affect your emotional foundation.

    - “Reworking history” and developing a new emotional foundation.

    - How changing yourself creates intergenerational

    - Practical steps you can take to start working on deeper issues.

    - What therapy looks like and how to find someone to support you.

    Links from Podcast:

    - Weight Management Psychology Team (Skype sessions available all over Australia)

    - A New Beginning - Arizona’s Premier Eating Disorder Treatment Clinic

    - The Healthy Weigh Out - Revolutionary Emotional and Binge Eating Program

    - Psychology of Eating, Movement, Weight, & Body Image Facebook Support Group

    - Dr. Julie & Dr. Ashley’s YouTube Channel

    - Our mutual friend Taryn Brumfitt

    - Dr Julie on Instagram & Facebook

    - Dr Ashley on Instagram

    - Feelings, Wants, & Needs List (from free resources section of our website)

    Where to find a psychologist to help you do this work: see information on this page https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/drjulietanne

  • Emotional Freedom Techniques, often called EFT or Tapping, is an amazing therapy that’s been scientifically shown to reduce food cravings, improve emotional wellbeing, and lead to weight loss without dieting. So what is tapping, why does it work, and how can YOU get the most out of this innovative and easy-to-learn technique? 

    In this mind-opening interview world-leading researcher and master trainer in tapping for food and weight management, Dr. Peta Stapleton and I discuss:

    - What tapping actually is. 

    - The new science revealing why tapping works.

    - Why people who tap are so damn lovely!

    - What areas (other than food and weight) tapping works for.

    - How to make the most out of the technique.

    - Tapping is part of the “Fourth Wave” of psychology.

    - A sneak peek into Peta’s new book “The Science of Tapping” (out now!):  https://www.amazon.com/Science-behind-Tapping-Management-Technique/dp/1401955738/

    - The 3 steps required to free yourself of old baggage.

    - Troubleshooting tapping!

    If you loved this chat and feel like you need a helping hand to embrace the power of tapping to help you transform your eating, physical activity, weight, and body-image, we have a fully online program that will help you eliminate food cravings while still being able to eat your favourite foods, lose weight without dieting, and eat well without willpower. Find out more (and don’t forget to use the coupon code “GMACK” for 10% off!):  https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/onlinecourses/tappingforweightmanagement 

    Selected Links from Podcast: 

    Dr. Peta Stapleton: https://petastapleton.com/ 

    The Science Behind Tapping Book – Available Now: https://www.amazon.com/Science-behind-Tapping-Management-Technique/dp/1401955738/ 

    Tapping for Weight Management Online Program: https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/onlinecourses/tappingforweightmanagement

    Want free vids, all the podcasts, articles & special offers? Join our mailing list now! http://eepurl.com/-whnD

  • Today’s episode features probably the biggest name in body image today - the dynamic, authentic, sparkly powerhouse and Director of the Embrace Documentary Taryn Brumfitt. Taryn vulnerably shares her personal story, we explore the often missed “how-tos” of developing an authentically positive body image, and dive deep into the relationship between body image, eating, exercise and weight.

    In this special conversation Taryn and I discuss:

    - That we are over hating our bodies.

    - How health professionals are as ready for change as their clients!

    - Taryn’s viral “Reverse Before-and-After” shot that “broke people’s brains”

    - How you can Embrace the miracle of your body.

    - Why we need to share our personal body image stories

    - Using our social media for the power of GOOD!

    - How to become AUTHENTICALLY body positive.

    - Judging less and loving more.

    - Having conversations with people we DON’T agree with!

    - Why it’s important to be vulnerable.

    - How to “find your tribe” of supportive friends and health professionals!

    - Can you lose weight in a loving way?

    - Accepting your body when others around you don’t.

    - Creating space for elevated conversations around bodies.

    - Dealing with parents and grandparents fat shaming your kids.

    - Taryn’s advice for people who feel weight is stopping them finding a partner.

    Please support Taryn as she runs a marathon on May 26 to raise funds for the Embrace Kids Campaign: https://au.gofundme.com/embrace-kids-documentary

    Links from Podcast:

    Psychology of Eating, Weight, and Body Image Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeightManagementPsychology/

    Part 1:

    Follow Taryn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bodyimagemovement/
    Follow Glenn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glennmackintosh/
    “If Not Dieting, Then What?” Book: https://www.amazon.com/If-Not-Dieting-Then-What/dp/1741144795
    “Health at Every Size” Book: https://www.amazon.com/Health-At-Every-Size-Surprising/dp/1935618253/
    Watch “Embrace” Documentary: https://bodyimagemovement.com/embrace/see-the-film/
    Taryn’s Viral “Before & After” Shot: https://bodyimagemovement.com/long-take-learn-love-body/
    Embrace Yourself Book: https://www.booktopia.com.au/embrace-yourself-taryn-brumfitt/prod9780143787051.html
    Dr Emma Johnston: http://ejclinpsych.com.au/

    *Body Positive Follows*
    Louise Green: https://www.instagram.com/louisegreen_bigfitgirl/
    Body-Posi Panda: https://www.instagram.com/bodyposipanda/
    Jade Beall: https://www.instagram.com/jadebeallphotography/
    Renee Airya: https://www.instagram.com/reneeairya/
    Style Me Sunday: https://www.instagram.com/stylemesunday/
    Michaela Skilney: https://www.instagram.com/michaela_skilney/

    Part 2:

    Glenn’s Pigtailed Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BhLYoA6HiLp/?taken-by=glennmackintosh
    Taryn’s Lorna Jane Instagram Post: https://www.facebook.com/bodyimagemovement/posts/949467578514251
    Part 1 of Interview (for follow/unfollow): https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/how-to-embrace-body-positivity-with-taryn-brumfitt-pt-1/
    Comment with your SPARKLE ACTIVITIES on our YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxcPA5Q4vio

    Part 3:

    Turia Pitt: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=617085683
    George Blair-West: http://dr.blair-west.com/

    Want free vids, all the podcasts, articles & special offers? Join our mailing list now! http://eepurl.com/-whnD

  • Many people feel they’re too fat to get really fit…which is what Louise Green believed until she had a transformational personal experience. Her journey lead to authoring the book Big Fit Girl and helping women all over the world of ALL shapes and sizes unleash their INNER ATHLETE.

    In this thought-provoking interview Louise & Glenn discuss:

    - Louise’s English Bulldog Henry (and what he has to do with size diversity).

    - Changing how we view success (weight loss is just a by-product).

    - Glenn doing a weight-inclusive workout wearing a 20 Kilo weights vest!

    - Separating your worth from your weight.

    - How slow change is not sexy (but finding your personal power is).

    - That Australian women “do diet culture brilliantly”.

    - Cultivating a positive body image in a culture of body shame.

    - Surrounding yourself with body positive influences (and who to follow).

    - Reversing the hierarchy of power with your trainer.

    - Feeling completely comfortable to give your trainer feedback.

    - Communicating with your trainer to get the best results.

    - How to interview trainers to find the right fit for both of you. 

    - The impact of bad fitness experiences (and how to avoid them!)

    - Overcoming fear of getting moving.

    - Getting rid of nagging self-doubts and dealing with negative thinking.

    - Audience questions from Liz, Lanair, Fiona & Helen.

    If you feel like you need a helping hand to unleash your own inner athlete, why not try Louise’s 6-Week Fully Online Fitness Program UNLEASHED! Visit www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/louisegreen, follow the links, and don’t forget to use the coupon code “Glenn” for 10% off. 

    Links from Video:

    Download “The Missing Piece” Ebook:  https://www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au/the-missing-piece-ebook/
    Poodle Science Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H89QQfXtc-k
    Psychology of Eating, Movement, Weight, and Body Image Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeightManagementPsychology/
    Louise’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louisegreen_bigfitgirl/
    Mirna Valerio Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/themirnavator/
    Taryn Brumfitt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bodyimagemovement/
    Jessamyn Stanley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mynameisjessamyn/
    Glenn’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glennmackintosh/
    Diabetic Living Magazine: https://www.diabeticliving.com.au/
    Louise’s Unleashed Program: https://gmack.krtra.com/t/8E7mMnwQToZa

    Want free vids, all the podcasts, articles & special offers? Join our mailing list now! http://eepurl.com/-whnD

  • Welcome to the Glenn Mackintosh show, I’m Glenn Mackintosh - a psychologist who is super-interested in eating, physical movement, weight, body image and holistic health in general, I’m talking – physical, mental, emotional, social, existential and even spiritual health.

    I’m so glad you’ve found me, and soon you’ll soon hear I can talk about this stuff all day, and that’s really where the idea for the podcast came from.  I already had my Q&A video series Thursday Therapy and my blog “52 thoughts for the chronic dieter”, which I’m turning into a book called “Thinsanity”, so even though lots of people were asking for a podcast, I’d sort of put it off for a little while.  But then I found myself having all of these amazing conversations with unbelievably inspiring people – groundbreaking scientists, bestselling book authors, world leaders of important social change movements, and I’m having these conversations and thinking “literally millions of people would benefit from hearing this chat”, so I really wanted to share these talks with you, and wham-o the podcast was born.  It turns out that after doing over a decade of blogging and almost half that of videos, podcasting is already one of my favourite things!  I love it and I’m really looking forward to taking the journey with you.

    The show is based on interviews with like-minded people who inspire me and who share some of my core values of compassion, science, and innovation – compassion because feeling shame around our challenges is more often the cause of our problems than the cure, evidence because I believe science is the best way we have to understand what’s really going on how to best help people, and innovation because sometimes traditional approaches don’t offer all the answers for us, and even, as in the case of dieting, potentially do more harm than good.

    We’ll also be sharing parts of my best videos that work in sound-only – there’s just too much awesome stuff in there not to, I’ll share some of the most relevant interviews and presentations I give, and I’m even thinking of some crazy ideas like reading some of my favourite blogs to you, as a lot of people prefer to listen over reading, and even recording some of my hypnotherapy sessions with clients for you to listen to.  As always, I’m really keen to hear what you want, so please be in touch by using the contact form at the longest website in the world www.weightmanagementpsychology.com.au, where you can also find the podcast, or getting in touch on my Instagram and Facebook, both of which are just my name Glenn Mackintosh because - like everything we do in our community - we are co-creating it together, so I’m so excited to be sharing this journey with you, and supporting you to make peace with food, find joy in physical movement, fall in love with your body, and generally just live an awesome, meaningful, healthy, happy, amazing life in the way that is right for you as a unique individual!

    I’m Glenn Mackintosh, and welcome to my show!