Die Lernmethoden der Gedächtnisweltmeister wenden wir auf deine Lernprojekte und Merkprobleme an und verhelfen dir so in Windeseile zu enormen Merkleistungen. Immer praxisnah und alltagsrelevant beantworten wir deine persönlichen Fragen hier im Podcast für dich.
Steigere deine kognitive Merkfähigkeit um 200, 300 % oder mehr mit Rethinking Memory.
Ob eine neue Sprache lernen, Namen merken, Vokabeln lernen oder für das Medizinstudium Allergieausweise merken, was auch immer du dir merken möchtest, für all das brauchst du ab nun nur mehr kurze Zeit. Möglich machen das antike Lernmethoden, wie der Gedächtnispalast. Florian ist Lerncoach und Gedächtnistrainer mit langjähriger Erfahrung, er beantwortet deine persönlichen Fragen rund um das Thema schneller Merken und Lernen hier im Podcast für dich.
Schneller lernen und das Gelernte nie wieder vergessen? Klingt zu gut, um wahr zu sein, oder? Hör einfach rein und überzeuge dich selbst. -
Nature nerds rejoice! The Field Guides is a monthly podcast that will bring you out on the trail, focusing on the science of our North American wildlife.
The home for Arthro-Pod,the podcast that teaches you about the weird and wonderful world of insects!
PolliNation is a podcast from Oregon State University Extension Service that tells the stories of researchers, land managers and concerned citizens who are making bold strides to improve the health of pollinators.
Learn about ocean science from leading researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This series is taped at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps and has been in production since 2001 with new episodes added monthly.
So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist is your go-to resource if you've ever dreamed of exploring the ocean's depths, considered becoming a marine biologist, or want to learn more how to protect the world's oceans. This podcast dives into ocean science, conservation, sea stories, and explores ocean careers. Bring out your inner Jacques Cousteau, and discover the world beneath the waves.
Since its humble beginnings in 1962, visitors from across the globe have come to Hutchinson to discover the inspiration that can only be found at the Cosmosphere. Now, take a digital journey into history and science with The Cosmosphere Podcast.
Timber University is a science-based podcast covering the latest research in timber management.
Part of the Natural Resources University podcast network. -
Nuclear blog and podcast about nuclear power and radiation. University of Manchester students discuss all aspects from Fukushima to decommissioning, waste, uranium, reprocessing, MOX.
A podcast about different ways we can help preserve Earth’s ecosystems and shocking facts about environmental problems.
Where science meets pop culture - that mysterious grey area where you are not sure if you are cool.
Podcasts created to aid all levels of Mr. Jeff Smith's physics classes at Arapahoe High School, including content appropriate for Intro Physics, AP Physics B, and AP Physics C students.
A Blogger powered video podcast feed of Mr. Hatak's first year Chemistry Podcast.
The Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State University hosts a weekly speakers colloquium, plus periodic public lectures. Topics include agricultural biotechnology, synthetic biology (SynBio), DIYbio, gene editing, gene drives, governance & responsible innovation, public engagement, sci-art, and integrated pest management, to name a few. Learn more at and sign up for our newsletter at
A Blogger powered video podcast feed of Mr. Hatak's AP Chemistry Podcast.
Sea to Trees tells the stories of the science happening in and around Acadia, from the rocky shoreline to the evergreen forests to the granite mountaintops. The second season of the show seeks to answer the question, “What does it mean to conserve in the face of climate change?”
Sea to Trees is generously sponsored by the Cathy and Jim Gero Acadia Early-Career Fellowship, a partnership among Schoodic Institute, National Park Foundation, and the National Park Service. -
Stop and smell the roses! Plant nerd Ryan Godfrey takes you on a walk into the Botanical World. Lighthearted conversations with botanical enthusiasts of all kinds are aimed to teach, inspire and entertain as we explore the wonderful green things that are so often overlooked.
Space Radio is your weekly guide to the universe, featuring the latest news in astronomy, physics, space travel, and discussions on the nature of science and the relationship between science and society. The best part: answers to your questions about space and time! Hosted by astrophysicist and "Agent to the Stars" Paul M. Sutter.
A chatty low key podcast on the reflections of Boreal Bruce a bird bander in Northern Eastern Ontario. Most of my ramblings relate to banding and birding at the Hilliardton Marsh Research and Education Center. This podcast focuses on the birds and people