
  • Bienvenidos a otro episodio de "Recuperando la Vida," parte de la serie de podcasts Tales of Recovery en español.

    En este episodio, profundizamos en la fascinante comparación del cuerpo humano con un smartphone o una computadora, explorando cómo comprender esta analogía puede ayudar a explicar el funcionamiento de nuestro sistema nervioso y por qué a veces anula nuestras decisiones.

    Únete a nosotros mientras discutimos ideas compartidas durante una reciente charla dirigida a educadores de la primera infancia, examinando cómo el "hardware" y el "software" de nuestro cuerpo influyen en nuestras acciones y reacciones. Exploramos el concepto del sistema nervioso como una red de cables que recorren todo nuestro cuerpo, transmitiendo señales que pueden provocar respuestas automáticas, a menudo enraizadas en experiencias y traumas infantiles.

    Descubre cómo estas primeras impresiones afectan nuestra vida adulta, moldeando nuestras reacciones al estrés y al peligro, y aprende sobre la importancia de reiniciar y actualizar nuestro "software" a través de diversas prácticas como la meditación, el yoga y la conexión con la naturaleza. También tocamos el papel de la compasión y la autoconciencia en la sanación y en el mantenimiento de una vida equilibrada y saludable.

    Este episodio proporciona valiosos conocimientos sobre los mecanismos del sistema nervioso y consejos prácticos sobre cómo apoyar y nutrir la resiliencia natural de nuestro cuerpo. Sintonízate para entender cómo puedes alinear mejor tu cuerpo y mente para una vida más armoniosa y plena.

  • Welcome to Tales of Recovery! In this episode, we have André Harris, the Misfit Yogi Super Yoga Teacher, joining us for our first official video recording in the studio. André is celebrated for his unique approach to yoga, particularly Ashtanga and Rocket, and the incredible community he's built in San Diego.

    We dive into how André started Misfit Yogis, the journey of discovering Rocket Yoga, and the significance of movement as a medicine. André shares his personal experience with injuries, including a spinal surgery, and how he used yoga as a tool for recovery. We also discuss the importance of hands-on adjustments in yoga practice and the unique community vibe of Misfit Yogis.

    André's story is inspiring, showing how yoga can be a transformative practice for both the body and mind. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting out, this episode offers valuable insights into the power of yoga and the strength of community. Tune in and discover the magic of Misfit Yogis!

    Follow him on IG @misfit.yogis and at his webpage www.themisfityogis.com

    See you on the mat!

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  • In this episode of "Recuperando la Vida," we dive into the fascinating world of artist Gloria Muriel, joined by Julio Alves and Paula Alves. They discuss Gloria's transformative journey with master plants and how these experiences have evolved her artistic style. From overcoming creative blocks to blending human features with natural elements, Gloria shares her insights on the liberating power of plant medicine.

    The conversation also touches on the challenges of public painting, the impact of client expectations, and the importance of creating freely. Gloria reflects on the imposter syndrome and the importance of community support in overcoming self-doubt. Join us for an inspiring discussion on art, healing, and the journey to self-discovery.

  • In this episode of "Tales of Recovery," host Gris reflects on her transformative journey to India and the profound lessons learned about accepting the natural flow of life. She shares her experiences in Varanasi, witnessing the Indian approach to death and how it contrasts with Western resistance to the inevitable. Through personal anecdotes and cultural observations, Gris explores the importance of embracing life's challenges and uncertainties, from dealing with illness to accepting aging. Join her as she discusses the power of letting go, trusting intuition, and finding beauty in life's impermanence.

    Gris also delves into the impact of societal programming on our perceptions of health and safety, urging listeners to reconnect with their bodies and intuition. She emphasizes the value of community, self-healing, and the liberation that comes from breaking free from limiting beliefs. This episode is a heartfelt invitation to live fully, appreciate the present, and honor the natural rhythms of life.


    You can join her in her upcoming retreat ‘Sacred Self Love’ in the beautiful Valle de Guadalupe in Baja California. Check out the details at www.grisalves.com/events 


    Thank you for existing, for listening and sharing along with me on this adventure of LIFE. 

  • Bienvenidos a "Recuperando la Vida", el podcast "Tales of Recovery" en español. Acompáñenme mientras relato mi transformador viaje de un mes en la India, donde viajé con Julio, mis primos y amigos abrazando la vibrante cultura, espiritualidad, y las profundas conexiones que se formaron en el camino.

    En este episodio, comparto los altos y bajos emocionales de nuestro viaje, desde los círculos de compartir llenos de sentimientos hasta las simples alegrías de la compañía. Descubre cómo esta aventura se sintió como un campamento de verano, lleno de risas, lágrimas y el calor de la conexión humana.

    Escucha cómo exploro las ricas tradiciones de la India, el impacto de las ceremonias comunitarias, y los profundos momentos de claridad en medio del caos. Reflexionando sobre la pérdida de mis padres, este viaje se convirtió en una peregrinación de sanación, aceptación y gratitud por los momentos fugaces pero hermosos de la vida.

    Acompáñenme mientras profundizamos en la esencia de vivir plenamente, apreciando el presente, y la importancia de las personas que caminan a nuestro lado en este increíble viaje. Namaste.

  • Únete a Julio y Gris en un episodio único del podcast grabado durante un viaje por carretera al norte de California. En esta conversación sincera, profundizan en sus experiencias personales con la religión, relatando su camino de entrada y salida de la iglesia, y el impacto profundo que tuvo en sus vidas.

    Criados en familias culturalmente católicas, discuten los desafíos y las dudas que enfrentaron, y cómo un evento significativo en sus vidas los llevó a explorar una fe diferente. Comparten historias sinceras sobre su participación en una iglesia evangélica, el atractivo de la comunidad y la música, y la eventual realización de las limitaciones y contradicciones que encontraron.

    Con humor y honestidad, reflexionan sobre la culpa, el miedo y el control impuestos por las doctrinas religiosas, y la liberación que encontraron al abrazar la responsabilidad personal y la contemplación interna. Este episodio ofrece una exploración profunda de la espiritualidad, la comunidad y la búsqueda de una conexión genuina y autocomprensión.

    Ya sea que estés cuestionando tus propias creencias o simplemente tengas curiosidad por diferentes caminos espirituales, este episodio proporciona valiosas ideas y perspectivas.

    Gracias por escuchar Recuperando la Vida y por compartir este podcast. 


  • In this episode of "Tales of Recovery," join Gris for another insightful Podcast in the Car session, where she delves into the upcoming one-day retreat in San Diego. Discover the transformative power of community healing through breathwork, meditation, and nature walks, guided by a dedicated team of practitioners.

    Gris passionately discusses the importance of reconnecting with our bodies and intuition, often lost due to societal pressures and past traumas. She shares personal anecdotes and explores how practices like meditation and psychedelics can help us reclaim our inner wisdom and emotional well-being.

    Tune in to learn about the profound impact of healing in community, setting healthy boundaries, and embracing a life of authenticity and connection. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the path to full-body sovereignty and inner peace.

  • This podcast delves into the alarming trend of medicating children for behavioral issues and mental health concerns. Host Gris Alves shares her extensive experience working with children and adults over the past 30 years, including her time with the Federal Public Defender's Office.

    Gris examines the deeper roots of behavioral issues, such as unprocessed emotions, intergenerational trauma, and attachment problems. She argues that medications often serve as a temporary fix, masking deeper issues that require a more holistic approach.

    Through personal anecdotes and professional insights, Gris advocates for alternative methods like therapy, family support, and somatic practices. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the underlying causes of distress rather than relying solely on medication.

    Gris also discusses the societal and cultural factors contributing to the rise in child medication, urging parents and caregivers to look inward and seek more meaningful solutions. She concludes by offering resources and support for those looking to explore alternative approaches to healing and well-being.

    Join Gris Alves in this eye-opening episode of "Tales of Recovery" as she challenges conventional wisdom and encourages a more compassionate, informed approach to child mental health.

  • **Abrazando la Vulnerabilidad: Desafiando Estereotipos y Fomentando la Salud Emocional en Hombres Hispanos**

    En este revelador episodio de "Recuperando la Vida", profundizamos en el tema a menudo ignorado de por qué muchos hombres hispano-latinos evitan buscar terapia. Nuestros invitados especiales, incluyendo a Javier Ramírez de Terapia Peregrino, Carina Valladolid y Julio Alves, comparten sus experiencias personales y perspectivas sobre la terapia, el autoconocimiento y el estigma social asociado a buscar ayuda.

    Desafiamos las expectativas de género establecidas por las normas patriarcales y confrontamos los conceptos erróneos que ven la terapia como un signo de debilidad o inestabilidad. A través de esta conmovedora discusión, buscamos redefinir la terapia como un gimnasio para el bienestar emocional, un lugar donde los hombres pueden fortalecer y mantener su salud emocional.

    En un segmento particularmente convincente, Javier comparte su viaje con la terapia, consolidando la creencia de que la autorrealización no es un signo de debilidad, sino más bien la clave para la fortaleza interior y relaciones interpersonales más saludables. Te invitamos a unirte a nuestra crucial conversación sobre masculinidad, salud mental y el poder de la vulnerabilidad.

    Este episodio del podcast también destaca el poder transformador de la terapia en la reestructuración de procesos de pensamiento y la oferta de nuevas perspectivas. Derribamos las normas sociales asfixiantes y los estereotipos asociados con la masculinidad, alentando a los individuos, especialmente a los hombres, a sentirse seguros en su vulnerabilidad y a comprender la importancia de buscar ayuda.

    Finalmente, exploramos la llamativa hipótesis propuesta por Jacques Lacan de que los seres humanos construyen su identidad desde dentro pero buscan validación del mundo exterior. Enfatizamos la fragilidad de la psique humana, su papel crucial en el crecimiento emocional y cómo abrazar ambos puede llevar a un mayor autoconocimiento y desarrollo personal.

    **Desaprendiendo, Aceptando y Evolucionando: Una Conversación Sincera sobre Salud Mental, Envejecimiento y Psicodélicos**

    Puenteando la brecha entre las normas sociales y el bienestar emocional, desentrañamos las complejidades de nuestro viaje de salud mental. Examinamos cómo el condicionamiento infantil, las obligaciones sociales, las estructuras mentales rígidas y las perspectivas generacionales influyen en nuestra salud mental y satisfacción general en la vida.

    A continuación, la conversación toma un giro para explorar el potencial de los psicodélicos como herramienta dentro de la terapia psicológica para el tratamiento de adicciones. Discutimos estudios actuales que se están llevando a cabo sobre microdosis con psilocibina y destacamos la precaución y la orientación profesional necesarias para usar esta herramienta en el cuidado de la salud mental.

    Las narrativas compartidas fomentan una apreciación por la belleza del envejecimiento, la importancia de estar más presentes y las infinitas posibilidades de crecimiento personal. Al hacerlo, buscamos normalizar las discusiones sobre salud mental, alentando a los individuos a superar comportamientos condicionados y a abrazar nuevas experiencias y perspectivas.

    Espero les guste, les sirva, lo compartan y pues.... si gustan: vengan a terapia que como dice Javier: La terapia es para todos!

  • Amigos del podcast, prepárense para esta conversación donde lloré, me reí, fue mágico y terapéutico estar con esta hermosa y gran mujer mi amiga Carol Pérez.Después de grandes éxitos del “mundo” y los “deber ser”, de grandes experiencias y mucho trabajo personal, Carol deja el mundo corporativo para abrazar la sanacion interna y recuperar ese gozo del misticismo y vivir en el presente fluyendo con la vida compartiendo con el mundo su sabiduría, prácticas y la magia de la vulnerabilidad.Carol es creadora de la comunidad de Insidology donde ella y su pareja Jorge emprenden crear (durante la pandemia y después) espacios seguros para conectar con tu autenticidad, vulnerabilidad y conocerse a uno mismo.Aquí ella nos cuenta parte de su camino y yo, estoy nada más que súper agradecida por gente de tan gran corazón como esta mujer.Para conectar con Carol la encuentras en IG @carolpereza y @insidologyGracias por compartir este podcast!Disponible en @spotify @applepodcasts @podbean @youtube

  • Welcome to another raw, unfiltered episode of "Podcasts in the Car". Join your host, Gris Alves, as she vulnerably shares her personal journey dealing with her father's demise. Listen to Gris as she retrospectively unravels her emotions, challenges, and survival mechanisms from the initial months of grieving, a narrative that is both poignant and enlightening.

    In this episode, Alves walks listeners through her coping methods, oscillating between past and present experiences. She sheds light on her grieving rituals, exploring diverse therapeutic measures ranging from yoga to her unexpected encounter with psychedelic mushrooms. Get a glimpse into how these experiences reshaped her perception and catalyzed personal growth amidst adversities.

    Delve into Alves' toolbox of survival as she negotiates her pain and sorrow using a variety of activities and therapeutic interventions. Her candid experience provides insights into the mental and emotional compromises individuals often make in order to cope with heartbreak, presenting a unique understanding of human resilience.

    Reflect on Alves' perceptive musings on the innate human instinct to negotiate, tracing its presence from the prehistoric era to current times. Engage with her thought-provoking insights and apply them to your personal 'negotiations', contemplating mechanisms influencing various facets of life.

    This episode not only delves into the machinations of bereavement, but also brings to the surface the importance of mental and emotional health in overall wellness. Alves introduces the concept of the Mindfulness Magic program, a course designed to foster self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Through hints of self-compassion and patience, the program intends to help individuals overwhelmed with arduous emotions or experiences.

    In conclusion, surrender to your vulnerability with Alves and immerse yourself in the narrative of compassionate self-awareness. Discover how you can transform your mental health narrative towards a more rewarding, empathetic, and self-realized existence.

  • BETSY POLATIN is a movement specialist with four decades of experience in body-mind education and performance training. She has worked with many performing artists in theater, film, and music, including such luminaries as Rashida Jones, Ginnifer Goodwin, Andre Gregory, and John Denver. As a highly respected senior Alexander Technique educator, she pioneered a four-year Alexander curriculum for the acting conservatory program at Boston University’s College of Fine Arts, where she is a master lecturer. A certified Breathing Coordination instructor and a Somatic Experiencing practitioner, she holds a BA in dance and an MFA in theater education. She continues to teach her work extensively, working with Trauma Healing specialist like Dr. Gabor Mate and Peter Levine among others. Betsy has written several books including The Actor's Secret, Macrobiotics in Motion and her latest (my favorite) HUMANUAL, A Manual for Being Human.I am so excited to have her brilliant wisdom and compassion on the show today. Please get your cup of tea ready and listen in. May this time together with Betsy bring you insight, softness and possibilities for healing and EXPANDING your capacity to breathe easier and land embodied so Spirit may have more space to play. You can find Betsy on her webpage www.betsypolatin.com and on IG @betsypolatin

  • It is possible to posses the potential for higher consciousness and still turn your back on it, it is the easiest thing in the world to remain ignorant of yourself as a Cosmic Being.

    Here's how you do it:

    Think the same as everyone else.

    Follow old habits and conditioning.

    Accept society's collective beliefs.

    Conform in order to remain "safe".

    Cling to your story as your identity.

    Protect your self image.

    Look our for # 1.

    From Deepak Chopra's book Quantum Body.

    The quote I mention in this episode:

    "Remember how long you've been putting this off, how many extenssions the gods gave you, and you didn't use them.

    At some point you have to recognize what world it is that you belong to; what power rules it and from what source you spring; that there is a limit to the time assigned you, and if you don't use it to free yourself it will be goine and will never return."

    Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast**

    Join the Mindfulness Magic Master Class at www.grisalves.com/events

  • Phileena Nikole (formerly Phileena Heurtz) is our guest on this episode of the Tales of Recovery Podcast.

    I am forever grateful for Phileena, who is also an author, teacher, spiritual director, retreat guide and trauma informed yoga instructor. She has been INSTRUMENTAL in my unraveling from religious beliefs and with the utmost compassion I have ever encountered.

    I met her many many years ago when some dear friends of mine recommended her as a spiritual director. I had read her first book and reached out for what turned out to be a year of incredible transformation and liberation of my heart.

    As we chat about here on the podcast, Phileena helped me move from the prison of religious belief systems to the REMEMBERING of who I am and coming into contact with my inner intuition, and a she calls it, "my Inner Knowing".

    Phileena shares with us her own unraveling with religion, through contemplative practices and a somatic approach as she explains how the body has a way of alerting us when something is just not working out. Our conversation includes talking about what it is to have a teaching/learning experience vs a lived reality and how listening to your body is key in this journey of Spirituality.

    You can find Phileena on IG as @phileena and on her webpage www.phileena.com

    Phileena’s discerning guidance has been featured by Center for Action and Contemplation’s Conspire, Sojourner’s Summit, Q Ideas, The Work of the People, Catalyst, Immerse, Darkwood Brew and more.

    She is also the author of Pilgrimage of a Soul, a provocative theological narrative set along the Camino de Santiago, and Mindful Silence, a vulnerable exploration of the Christian contemplative tradition.

    She does live up in the mountains of New Mexico, so we had a tiny bit of technical issues but I edited it the best I could and I appreciate your patience with this because this recording is just TOO good to be true :)

    Grab your cup of tea and listen in ~ May this podcast be helpful on your journey to your True Self.

    With much Love,


  • Hoy nos acompaña Carina Luz Valladolid para platicar de la idea del "Proposito de Vida" que tanto nos venden, a comparación a la realidad que vamos descubriendo como seres en momentos de crisis, (crecimiento) y despertar.

    Agarren su cafecito, te y las invitamos a esta conversación de risas y netas hoy en Recuperando la Vida. Gracias por escuchar y compartir.

    Aqui les dejo el dicho que nos compartió Carina:

    Si estás aquí con la iluminación como meta, no puedes estar aquí. Físicamente puede parecer que estás aquí, pero no puedes estar conmigo: la meta está en el futuro, yo estoy aquí, y la mente que está orientada a metas Es probable que sea en el futuro, nunca nos encontraremos, sé que estás aquí para obtener algo, es por eso que te lo estás perdiendo, estoy aquí para perseguirte y que abandones la idea de lograr cualquier cosa. Si abandonas esta mente orientada a objetivos, estarás iluminado. La iluminación no es una búsqueda, es una realización, no es una meta, es la naturaleza misma de la vida misma.
  • After an unexpected finding of an aggressive brain tumor, my 88 year old father was told he had a few months or less to live.

    Here is the story of our experience together, a last family trip to Cabo to visit his best friend since high school, the intense and beautiful goodbyes, and the gratitude that being prepared for and so close to death can bring.


  • On this episode of the Tales of Recovery podcast, I sit down with Marcela and Carina Valladolid to have a conversation about the profound responsibility, power and magic of healing modalities such as psychedelics, breath-work, and meditation.

    Join our conversation as we share not just some of our own mind-bending, heart opening experiences, but also the crucial aspect of aftercare and the transformative work that follows.

    From integrating profound insights to navigating challenging emotions, the mysterious re-wiring that happens in the brain that allows our conscious and subconscious desires (like quitting drinking alcohol among others) to manifest.

    In this hour we barely touched the tip of the iceberg, so listen in and we will continue to bring more of these important conversations and information your way.

    Our hope is that this podcast may be beneficial to your healing journey~

    Here are the links we spoke about on the show:

    101 Guide to Psilocybin https://tr.ee/UmmxXBvGja

    Link to the advanced directive and end of life form https://www.fivewishes.org/

    Podcast de Yannina Thomassiny de Sabiduria Psicodelica con la Senadora Alejandra Lagunes y el movimiento en Mexico para la legalización del uso terapéutico de la psilocibina en Mexico.


  • My friend and soul sister Michelle Meeks, a woman that has had an incredible impact on my life for the past 18 years, is my guest on the Tales of Recovery this week.

    Michelle and I met a long time ago at Eastlake Church and I have been lucky to have her as a friend, guide and support all through out the arduous journey of religious deconstruction until finally heading out the door of the xitian religion and its restrictive belief systems.

    Michelle later coached me in both in her live detox and nutrition and wellness program that was BEYOND any body based healing I had ever done. Besides feeling physically amazing, I learned to love myself and my body like I never had before. She oozes love and is one of my biggest gifts in this journey of self love, liberation and re-discovery. We have grown in a friendship of remembering our magic, witchey woo woo fun and continued healing through psychedelics and ongoing evolution.

    May you be inspired by the possibility of change, freedom and EXPANSION in this life of love that is a GIFT as you listen in on our conversation.

    You can follow Michelle on IG @revolve.fit

    Her next liver detox group starts this weekend, reach out to her if you want to join the wellness fun :)