
  • Today’s episode marks the end of season one of the Gusty Goddess podcast. It’s been a journey and a labour of love. Thank you for all the support you’ve accorded me, and I will be back soon for season two.

    In this episode, I will equip and challenge you to become an advocate for your health. I’d love for us never to be afraid to raise our voices for what we believe is best for our health. Nothing would make me happier than seeing more people investing in their health and doing everything in their power to make sure they have little or no pain.

    Imagine having a moment to challenge a doctor’s opinion on what’s ailing you because you believe there is a better solution and are ready to pursue it. That’s advocacy! I remember when I broke my elbow. Doctors told me they would fix it with some screws, but my arm would never be straight again. I refused to buy into that and got a physiotherapist to work with me to fix my elbow and make it straight again. The process was painful but worth it at the end of the day.

    Today I share some golden nuggets on how you can advocate for your health. Listen in and learn.

    Key talking Points of the Episode:

    [02:05] Learn how to communicate your health needs

    [16:13] Always record your doctor’s visits. You can have a look at them later to see if you missed anything, and in case of questions, bring them up

    [19:18] How to identify your health gaps

    [24:33] You need to set some boundaries

    [27:18] Build a health team

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “You are healthy to the level in which you serve yourself. You need to be engaged and understand how to advocate and stand up for yourself.”

    “You have to think about the cost of free health care if you don’t invest in yourself.”

    “Health needs to be considered all the time, not just when you’re sick.”

    “It’s your responsibility to be happy. And it’s your responsibility to lead yourself to the level of health that you desire.”

    Resources Mentioned

    Silk Road Tea Company

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    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • You must have heard of metabolism if you are familiar with the nutrition game. It’s a buzzword that we cannot afford to ignore. Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy to keep our bodies running and detoxifying.

    For those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s, you must have heard people say if you struggle with weight loss, your metabolism is slow. For those who lost weight effortlessly, their metabolism was deemed to be fast and efficient. Metabolism is an interesting topic to study because, every day, you discover something new. You get to demystify some of the myths we have out here and learn better ways of enhancing your metabolism.

    This episode will help you understand what metabolism is, focusing more on how to support our metabolism through what we eat every day and a rough range of how to eat and how much to eat.

    Listen to this episode and learn incredible tips on how to support your metabolism.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [06:23] Know your BMR

    [10:27] How much protein should your body be consuming daily?

    [15:42] You need to exercise

    [17:14] Avoid the inflammatory food

    [21:19] How to create more metabolic flexibility

    [23:22] The importance of fasting between meals

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “The thing that is very damaging over time, and any time is not giving your body the energy that it needs.”

    “If you are consistent with feeding your body and not in the sense of nutrient dense foods, chances are your digestion and gut health is definitely going to be better.”

    Resources Mentioned:

    Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

    ILN Blog: What is Metabolism

    ILN Blog: Why is My Metabolism Slow

    Study: Daily Energy Expenditure Through the Human Life Course

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    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

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  • Thyroid health is becoming a popular conversation. More and more people are getting concerned with the status of their thyroid health. If you have been experiencing fatigue, hair thinning, weird weight loss or weight gain, and digestive issues, among other symptoms, you could be having thyroid issues. To rule out if you have a thyroid disorder, you need to journal what you are feeling and share it with your doctor so that you can run tests to understand what is happening.

    In this episode, I dig deep into thyroid health. I share signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, the tests you need to run, things that can cause thyroid issues, and foods and supplements to help you overcome the dysfunction. Also, I will share things you can do to ease the symptoms and make your recovery journey easier.

    Listen in and learn.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [02:11] What does the thyroid do?

    [03:54] Understanding hypothyroidism and its symptoms

    [05:27] Understanding hyperthyroidism and its symptoms

    [05:53] Symptoms of thyroid issues

    [07:30] Thyroid testing

    [09:54] Things that can affect your thyroid

    [12:16] You need to sleep enough

    [17:22] Supplements and foods that can support thyroid health

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “You’re not what you eat, you are what you absorb and assimilate.”

    “You do not have to continually place yourself in situations with people that bring so much stress to you. You owe it to yourself not to do that.”

    “We don’t create boundaries because things are always going so lovely. We create boundaries because we feel exhausted.”

    “Magnesium is just so deficient from our soil that we’re just not getting it from the foods.”

    “Health is a journey. It is a path. It’s not a destination.”

    “Just as it takes time to become unwell or sick, it can take time to feel well and be healthy.”

    Resources Mentioned:

    Harmonic Arts

    Dr. Izabella Wentz

    Food, Mood & Poop Journal

    Blog Post - Your Thyroid: Foods & Nutrients to Help

    Science Read – Impact of Drinking Water Fluoride on Human Thyroid Hormones

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    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • Have you ever met a woman who doesn’t appreciate good hair? We all know that women feel like they can rule the world when they have good hair. Unfortunately, if you have good hair today, it is not a guarantee that you’ll have it tomorrow.

    My hair used to be thick and healthy. As my age progressed, I noticed my hair was thinking at an alarming rate. My ponytail was becoming thin, and I realized there were some hairstyles I could no longer enjoy. I decided to get to the bottom of my issue. I went to see a doctor who thought I was overreacting. He told me women are meant to shed their hair. He gave some recommendations which I didn’t apply.

    I began my journey to restoring my hair. I became more aware of the products I was using, my diet and had a keen eye on my hormones. Did my hair get better? Yes, it did. In this episode, I share my experience with hair loss, the causes of hair loss, and how to restore your hair’s health.

    Listen in and learn.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:55] How I discovered I was experiencing hair loss

    [05:33] My experience with a doctor who showed zero concern about my hair loss

    [10:48] Some causes of hair loss

    [12:44] Hair loss and hormones

    [19:05] Dealing with stress

    [23:15] How stress and stressors affect your hair health

    [28:56] What can you do to improve your hair health?

    [31:57] Hormone testing and treatment

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “You have to respect yourself enough to put boundaries against people who maybe just stress you right the eff out like they’re not worth it.”

    Related Links & Resources:

    Silk Hair Bonnet

    Allergy to Hair Dye Increasing

    The Role of Vitamins & Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review

    Vanessa McWilliams

    Supplement Dispensary – Hair Vitamins

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please share it with a friend. I love five-star reviews as a small business owner, it means the world to me. In case of any questions or something else you’d like to learn on this topic or any other topic, feel free to message me. I’m here to share stories and spread awareness and resources so that we can determine the level of health we want to create for ourselves.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • Day by day, we are witnessing an increase in sleep deprivation. People are sleeping less for different reasons. Some people are working too much and have little time to sleep, while others can’t sleep. Lately, I realized how blessed I am to have the superpower to fall asleep. Many people struggle with sleep issues which I believe can be solved.

    In this episode, I talk about sleep and your gut. There is a deep relationship between your gut and sleep. For instance, if you had a meal just a few minutes before bed, you would realize you’ll struggle to fall asleep. When lying down, our bodies lack the gravity advantage to push food down our digestive systems. Thus, the food sits in the stomach, which is not good for us. This may cause issues like GERD, which have an impact on our sleep. Also, if you consume beverages like tea or coffee just before bedtime, you might encounter some challenges falling asleep.

    In this episode, I aim to educate you on how to sleep better. I will help you understand REM (rapid eye movement) and the Circadian rhythm, how your gut plays a role in interrupting your sleep, how you can create a sleep sanctuary, and share a few things that can help you with sleep.

    Grab your notebook and pen; you should take some notes.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:57] Our sleep is under attack

    [07:20] Understanding the REM (rapid eye movement) cycles and Circadian rhythms

    [10:09] Gut issues that can impact sleep

    [14:46] How to create your sleep sanctuary

    [25:32] Things that can help with sleep

    Related Links & Resources:

    True Dark Glasses


    Dr Gerry Curatola

    Aura Cacia

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    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • Have you ever observed how your gut behaves whenever you are under any stress? You may realize that you experience a lack of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, and slowed digestion, among other things. These symptoms are usually your body telling you to act on your stress.

    I want to talk about your gut and stress in this episode. We’ll examine how stress affects your gut and health, food allergies, sleep, and how to handle internal inflammation and stress. I’m passionate about today’s topic because I have much information to give.

    There were seasons when I thought I had a functional tool kit to deal with stress. At some point, what used to work for me stopped working, and I had to return to the drawing board. I’ve concluded that what used to work for me then might not work for me now. I have to keep evolving. One thing that has remained constant is that I must keep listening to my body and paying attention to know what it needs.

    For instance, there was a time when I used to have six to eight eggs in a day. I’d have them with anything from hard-boiled, scrabbled to having in salads. After sometimes I realized they were clogging my brain, and I had to go slow on them.

    Listen in and learn more about your gut and stress.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [05:05] Deconstructing stress

    [09:34] How stress can affect your health

    [12:33] Dealing with food stressors

    [14:01] How I went off gluten

    [16:41] What is internal inflammation, and how to fight it?

    [20:25] Managing blood sugar roller coaster

    [25:29] You need fibre

    [27:01] How to handle stress

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “90% of the worry that I stress myself out over, never happens. If it does happen, like it’s a rare to the degree that I have created in my mind.”

    “We are not what we eat. We are what we absorb and assimilate.”

    “Everybody has a different reaction to food. And it’s not always going to be so obvious in the sense of the physical digestive symptoms.”

    Resource(s) Mentioned in This Episode:

    Erin Skye Kelly – Get the Hell Out of Debt

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    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • Being healthy and trying to build a business is hard enough. Building a business and trying to manage a chronic health condition is torture, but it doesn't make it an impossible task.

    Navigating this is quite easy. To start with, you don't work a 9-5 so you have a flexible schedule that allows you to catch your breath, and against general views, being a business owner with a chronic health condition is easier to manage than having to work round the clock.

    The key word is understanding the stages your body goes through, finding a balance, and maintaining it. This is not a journey you could decide to go through by yourself, you need help from people who have successfully made this work for themselves. So, in this episode, I have given step-by-step guidelines on how you can find a balance between building and running a successful business and managing a health condition.

    Key Talking Points of The Episode:

    [03:30] The crazy dynamics of a 9-5

    [08:20] Guidelines to having a healthy business life

    [14:20] How to manage the challenges of bad health and still keep business running

    [18:50] The importance of approaching things with a positive energy

    Magical Quotes From The Episode:

    “In the short term, you'd have to make changes and if it was a chronic health picture, then of course, you'd have to make adaptations and make things work for you and your lifestyle.”

    “For me, sleep is non-negotiable, drinking water is non-negotiable.”

    “Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you.”

    “You have to find that balance that works for yourself.”

    “Life is a trip and sometimes things come up and come out of left field and can knock us on our butt.”

    “Don't put so much stuff on yourself that is going to take you further into a deficit state.”

    “Wealth is not just financial, wealth is something we get to find for each of us, for me, it is location independence. ”

    Resources Mentioned in The Episode:

    Kate Northrup

    Tony Robbins

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    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • Do you have days when you feel hopeless? You feel like giving up and do not want to continue doing what you’re doing. It happens to me sometimes, yet I tend to be the type of person who is always looking for the silver lining in everything. I have come to appreciate that we must learn to give ourselves credit for micro things like making our bed, making a delicious meal, or working out.

    The other thing we should do is allow ourselves to feel the emotions, whether positive or negative. When we learn to master our emotions, it can go a long way. One thing that has helped me understand the motions of my emotions is the PDF called The Wheel of Emotions. It would be best if you tried it too.

    In this episode, we look at how to deal with hopes and desires when it comes to your health and how you can change that into something extraordinary. Listen in and learn.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [05:04] Understanding the Wheel of Emotions

    [08:12] What’s the emotional house you live in?

    [13:11] The importance of mastering your emotions

    [22:20] Give yourself credit

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “The path to health is never linear. When you think you’ve got things figured out, there might be a stressor; it’s a different season.”

    “We tend to be a culture that makes fear-based health decisions and not necessarily proactive ones.”

    “We don’t give ourselves credit for anything.”

    “Figuring out what works for you is as important as figuring out what doesn’t.”

    Resources Mentioned in the Episode:

    Check out the Wheel of Emotions

    Community Herbalist Program with PRCO

    Erin Skye Kelly

    Jamie Kern Lima

    Mel Robbins – 5-Second Rule

    Connect with Me:




    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • If you ever think about your health and wonder what the hell is going on, you feel like you might just be unfixable. It’s time to start listening to your gut and get yourself together. Nasty brain fog, gross bloating, soul-sucking periods, and breaking trauma cycles. All roads lead to the gut. The good news is you are here and listening to this podcast.

    The purpose of this podcast is to share stories that I’ve heard of in the clinic and my business, my personal experiences with health, and provide you with a different perspective so that you can understand your health better and understand some resources to ask questions.

    In this episode, I lay the foundation of what you can expect from the podcast as we share my journey with you.

    Listen in to learn more.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [04:06] The foundation of Gutsy Goddess Podcast

    [05:10] My health journey from childhood and all things I tried for me to get better

    [15:14] Understanding the financial implications of health

    [21:38] How I discovered food could have been the root cause of my health issues

    [22:38] How my health affected my social life

    [26:59] Nutrition is so much more than bullet points

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “Health is a worthwhile investment at every age.”

    “Everybody’s digestive system and digestive capacity are so different. Their needs are different.”

    “Health and healing are done individually, but so much is also done in the community.”

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    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • Who are you?

    What values define you?

    What do you stand for?

    The above are some of the questions I had to ask myself when I hit my early 30s for me to define my values. Values are essential because they help us find our true North when we are lost or need to make tough decisions. On the flip side, our values can work against us.

    In this episode of the Gutsy Goddess podcast, I share my core values and why they are important to me personally and professionally. The core values include:

    Integrity: This is huge. What’s a woman without integrity?

    Humour: I love a burst of hearty laughter. Humour is essential in many of my relationships and people that can make me laugh are among my nearest and dearest.

    Accessibility and accountability: To me, accountability is the commitment to keep learning and improving. Accessibility is my availability to serve those who need me one-on-one or in group settings.

    Empathy and compassion: These are the biggest of them all. As a holistic nutrition professional, I have dealt with gut issues personally and know precisely what it feels like. I can tell what my clients are going through.

    Would you like to learn more about my values? Listen to this episode. Also, feel free to let me know what your values are.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [02:08] My values and why they matter to me

    [03:08] Health as a value for me

    [06:26] My professional values that relate to growth

    [15:44] My board certification in holistic nutrition

    [18:55] The truth about supplements

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “When things get difficult, your values act as a moral compass framework to help you make the best decision for you.”

    “Our bodies are wild and wonderful but weird. Everybody is so different.”

    “Integrity to your values is not always easy, depending on what they are and where you live.”

    “Your health is worth the investment.”

    Resources Mentioned:

    National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP)

    Connect with Me:




    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • Living a healthy life is the desire of everyone. However, many people are sick inside, and no treatment option seems to work. The issue could be due to a disconnection between the therapy and the body's frequency. How do you listen to your body to enhance your health and fasten healing?

    In this episode, I share insights from my holistic healthcare adventures. I discuss the connection between gut health, emotions, and spirituality. Tune in to and learn more about listening to your body’s whispers.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:21] The origin of the Gutsy Goddess idea

    [06:47] Importance of working on your emotions

    [10:41] The spiritual side of gut health

    [13:24] Understanding the gutsy component

    [15:09] Why you should pay attention to the body's whispers

    [19:56] Importance of prioritizing your health

    [22:26] Tips on how to start living a healthy life and programs to consider

    [23:23] What is Gutsy Goddess

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    "You can have excellent physical health, but if you have real shit emotional health and shit boundaries, you're never going to be at the pinnacle of health."

    "If you have amazing goals and dreams and passions, but you don't have the health and energy to see that goal day in and day out, chances are it won't happen."

    "Inspired life is for each of us to design and create."

    "If you don't have health, you don't have the opportunity to create wealth or the beauty you want to see in the world."

    "You are not what you eat. You are what you absorb and assimilate."

    "Symptoms are the body's way of communicating with us. If we don't pay attention to those whispers, they will turn into yells."

    "Acceptance is the highest form of love."

    Resources Mentioned:

    Conscious Evolver Program

    Connect with Me:




    If today's show has brought you closer to the answers you've been seeking, don't forget to share it with a friend who needs to hear it and give us a five-star rating.

    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.

  • According to Canada’s Food price report put out by Dalhousie University, the food price report for 2022 predicted a five to 7% increase in food costs. The most significant increases would be predicted for restaurants at six to 8% and bakeries and vegetables at five to 7%.

    Take a moment and imagine how many people will be affected by the above statistics. We’ll have families who cannot afford to put meals on their tables and others who do not have enough. As a holistic nutrition professional, I do not want to foresee a situation where people cannot meet their nutrition needs.

    In this episode of the Gutsy Goddess Podcast, I share different places you can get food support, different things we can do to deal with the current food insecurity, meal planning, and prepping, and how food insecurity is a threat to a healthy society.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:23] Canada’s food price report predicts increases in food costs

    [01:57] The increased food prices in Canada

    [03: 16] How food insecurity is relevant to holistic nutrition

    [10:14] How can you support people who are having food insecurity?

    [15:12] Growing food in a community garden

    [18:38] Meal planning and meal prepping

    [20:48] What to do if you need help

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    “Don’t just increase your fibre. If you’re dehydrated and up your fibre, you’re going to constipate yourself.”

    “I hope people know they can go to a food bank or other community resources to support those struggling to purchase vegetables.”

    “Our brain needs a lot of energy and calories because thinking requires food.”

    “There’s a lot of opportunity, but the trauma piece of food, everyone will have it differently. Ask for help.”

    Resources Mentioned:

    Canadas Food Report 2023

    CSA’s for BC in Canada

    CSA’s for the United States

    CDC on Adverse childhood experiences (ACES)

    Connect with Me:




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    Disclaimer: All content and products contained therein this podcast, including nutritional opinion and any other health-related information, text, images, audio, or other formats, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, prescribe, diagnose or manage disease state for any individual situation. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Use of the information contained in this podcast does not constitute a holistic nutrition professional-client relationship and by listening to this podcast, you assume all associated risks and liabilities. The information contained in the podcast and the resources available for download are for educational and informational purposes only. Furthermore, any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in the podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of ILN. ILN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third-party materials or on third-party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced therein.