
  • In this eye-opening episode, we dive into the growing epidemic of Building-Related Illness (BRI) and how modern building practices are contributing to a hidden health crisis. Our guest, Seth Jones, CEO of Hygia Living Corp. and creator of Superstratum, shares his personal journey from a successful international music career to the founding of a company focused on healing homes and improving health.

    Seth reveals surprising insights into how the environments we live in play a direct role in our physical and mental well-being. From the effects of mold and mycotoxins on our health to the unseen ways they influence our energy and mental states, this episode will change the way you think about the spaces you occupy.

    Key Takeaway:
    Our environments are the primary contributors to our overall health, affecting us in ways we never imagined. By understanding and addressing Building-Related Illness, we can transform our homes from toxic spaces to healing environments.

    Guest Bio:
    Seth Jones is the CEO of Hygia Living Corp., where he and his team developed Superstratum, the first patent-pending process to remove mycotoxins from homes. His work has focused on understanding the hidden causes of Building-Related Illness (BRI) and developing products and solutions to address these issues. Before founding Hygia Living, Seth spent 15 years as an international songwriter, producer, and DJ. However, a personal experience with BRI changed everything, leading to the creation of Superstratum.

    Now, Seth and Hygia Living are on a mission to heal the estimated 66 million homes in the U.S. that create toxic conditions leading to BRI. With 170 million people currently living in these homes, the Hygia Living mission to heal our homes has never been more important. Seth believes that our health can only rise to the level of our environment and that a pure, toxin-free environment is essential for the healing of the body, mind, and soul.

    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    Why anxiety, ADD, ADHD, and even psychosis can be caused by Building-Related Illness Why women experience mold mycotoxin symptoms more intensely than men How mold toxicity can mimic and intensify childhood trauma The difference between mold and mycotoxins—and why addressing mold doesn’t resolve mycotoxin issues The profound impact of mold on your energetic balance and DNA How mold changes the energetic field of your body, leading to disturbances in your energy and mood Why experiencing vivid nightmares or feeling “haunted” could be linked to toxins in the body How mycotoxins are mold’s natural defense mechanism against bacteria Why standard mold remediation may not solve the mycotoxin problem Learn how Seth Jones uses his innovative processes to clean mold and neutralize mycotoxins The Superstratum system’s power to prevent and resolve Building-Related Illness for good Why the Khaos Air Purifier’s multicluster air ionization technology is a game-changer for indoor air quality

    Featured Products & Resources:

    Superstratum Mold Solution: Revolutionary technology to eliminate mold and neutralize mycotoxins
    Learn More: superstratum.co

    Hygia Life Resources for Health:
    Visit: hygia.life/healthfix

    Khaos Air Purifier: Powerful multicluster air ionization that neutralizes particles and improves indoor air quality
    Purchase: khaosair.com/products/khaos-air-purifier

    Connect with Seth Jones:
    Website: hygia.life
    LinkedIn: Seth Jones
    Instagram: @hygia_life

    Episode Resources & Additional Links:

    Learn about Building-Related Illness and solutions: hygia.life/healthfix Dive into Seth’s groundbreaking Superstratum system: superstratum.co Explore the Khaos Air Purifier: khaosair.com/products/khaos-air-purifier

    Subscribe & Follow the Podcast!
    Don’t forget to subscribe for more episodes that explore the intersection of health, environment, and wellness!

  • Curious about your heart health? In this episode, we hear from Dr. Jack Wolfson, a board-certified cardiologist and founder of Natural Heart Doctor. After years as a conventional cardiologist, Dr. Wolfson transitioned to functional medicine and now focuses on holistic, “root cause” cardiovascular care. He shares valuable insights on heart health, the importance of understanding cholesterol, inflammation, and the unique challenges women face in cardiovascular disease.

    Guest Bio: Dr. Jack Wolfson, D.O., F.A.C.C., is recognized as one of the Top 50 Functional Medicine Doctors and a Phoenix Top Doc. Trained as a conventional cardiologist, Dr. Wolfson practiced for 16 years before embracing functional medicine, inspired by his wife, Heather Reed, D.C., a chiropractor. He has authored best-selling books and appeared on major media outlets like Fox News, CNN, and The Washington Examiner. He opened Natural Heart Doctor in 2012 to offer holistic cardiovascular care and promote a lifestyle for a healthy heart and brain that can last 100 years.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Cholesterol & Medication:

    Dr. Wolfson offers his take on cholesterol and why it plays a vital role in our bodies. He explains the potential downsides of over-prescribing cholesterol-lowering medications.

    Why Cholesterol is Important:

    Contrary to common belief, cholesterol is necessary for various body functions. Dr. Wolfson emphasizes that cholesterol should not always be demonized.

    “Broken Heart Syndrome” in Women:

    A condition called Broken Heart Syndrome is prevalent in women between the ages of 40-60. Emotional stress can sometimes cause physical heart symptoms in women.

    Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD):

    Dr. Wolfson discusses SCAD, a rare but serious condition where a tear forms in a blood vessel of the heart, more common in women.

    Women’s Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Symptoms:

    Women often experience subtle heart disease symptoms, including just “not feeling right.” Recognizing these early signs is crucial to prevent larger heart issues.

    Inflammation & Oxidative Stress:

    Dr. Wolfson stresses the importance of understanding your inflammation and oxidative stress levels. These are major markers for cardiovascular health and should be monitored closely instead of focusing on cholesterol levels.

    Dr. Wolfson’s 4-S Strategy:

    Learn about Dr. Wolfson’s “4-S strategy” to maintain heart health

    Resources Mentioned:

    Visit NaturalHeartDoctor.com to learn more about holistic heart care and lifestyle strategies.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone wanting to explore functional approaches to heart health and learn practical steps for improving cardiovascular wellness.

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  • Urinary incontinence, bladder, vaginal and pelvic floor issues are common in women of all ages and having children isn’t a prerequisite. Pelvic floor therapy awareness is on the rise but it’s not the only thing you can do to support your bladder, vaginal area and pelvic floor. My podcast guests today are nurse practitioner pals of mine from Tacoma, Washington. Shannon Keenan and Kara Scanlan from Empowered Med Spa are all about helping women thrive at any age. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast I interview Shannon and Kara on the InMode radio frequency devices they are using to transform bladder, vaginal and pelvic floor health for women of all ages.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How radio frequency devices are helping women reduce bathroom visits, incontinence and prolapse Why using Forma V and V Tone postpartum can prevent pelvic and bladder issues How my back pain and stress incontinence vanished after 2 sessions with Forma V and V Tone Why less bathroom visits, less urgency, sleeping through the night, reduced pain and improved orgasms are a few of the things InMode radio frequence device clients are raving about

    Resources From The Show:

    Empowered Med Spa InMode Devices and Practitioner Listing
  • The benefits of psychedelic therapy are being reported worldwide from personal accounts to research data, but is it safe and right for you? Curious what happens in psilocybin therapy retreats? Tara Portelli was mentally and physically unwell as a paramedic until she went on a healing journey where she discovered the benefits of psilocybin therapy to restore her health. Now she’s a certified natural health practitioner, certified clinical hypnotist, author and founder of the Arcadia Healing Sanctum that holds retreats in Tulum, Mexico and British Columbia, Canada. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Tara Portelli on the psilocybin therapy experience at Arcadia Healing Sanctum and the benefits you can receive.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How psilocybins help you process stored emotions The rerouting effect of psilocybin on your thought process Using retreats to experience the effects of psilocybin and integrate it into your life Why it’s crucial to pair integration work with plant medicine therapies How to get the most out of a psilocybin retreat What you’ll experience in a sweat lodge The power of setting an intention when you use psilocybin or plant medicine

    Resources From The Show:

    Tara’s Website Arcadia Healing Sanctum Tara’s Book: NUDE: Saying a beautiful goodbye to who you thought you were and stepping into who you are
  • Nutrition seems like it should be so easy, so why is it a struggle for so many? The secret lies in where you're focusing your attention. When you're focusing on the scale and solely weight loss you're missing out on forming the habits, behavior and thought process needed to think, behave and become the person with the fit lean physique you desire. Adam Ross is a registered dietitian, and sports nutritionist with a unique background as a division 1 and professional hockey player. Within his own businees as well as serving as the head dietitian at Atria Institute for Health and Longevity in New York City Adam has worked with celebrities, professional athletes, business professionals and everyday folks motivated for transformation. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Adam Ross on personalizing your nutrition to your age, adjusting macros for varied activity levels and the power of creating structured habits, routines and environments that promote success over time versus being tied to the scale to measure progress.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why having carbs is necessary if you're more active and getting your heart rate up How to fill the gaps in nutrition with fats Why less activity requres you to eat more fat and less carbs Thinking of calories and protein as the king and queen of macros Why it’s important to adjust your diet over time when you find things aren’t working How habits, routines and behaviors need to match the person you’re working to become to yield the body composition you desire Why peanut butter is NOT a solid source of protein

    Resources From The Show:

    Adam's Website - arnutrition.net Adam's Freebie - "Mastering Your Macros" Instagram - @nutritioncoach_adam - link in IG Bio - Adam walks through why your healthy eating isn’t working for you Adam's Podcast: Achieve Results Nutrition & Wellness
  • Developmental neurological conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia and OCD are on the rise. Could it be a disconnect between the left and right hemispheres of the brains related to sedentary lifestyles and excessive time spent on screens? Find out in this fascinating espisode with Dr. Robert Melillo. Dr. Robert Melillo is a specialist in childhood neurological disorders, and has been helping children overcome learning disabilities for over 30 years. His areas of expertise include: autism spectrum disorders, PDD/NOS, ADD/ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, Tourette’s, bipolar disorder, and other mental, attention, behavioral and learning disorders. He's also an expert in diet, nutrition and neuroimmune disorders in children as well as adults and sees folks of all ages in his New York based practices. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Dr. Melillo on how developmental neurological conditions develop and how he's helping clients to overcome them.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How ADHD, dyslexia, autism and more have an imbalance between right and left brain that stops right brain development, fuels left brain advancement and creates a disconnect The connection between your balance systems in the brain and cognitive function How childhood development is related to adult mental health conditions Why retained primitive reflexes are related to autism spectrum conditions How proprioception is the master trainer when it comes to strengthening the brain The link between poor childhood brain development and early Alzheimer’s or dementia How your facial asymmetry is a direct reflection of what’s happening in your brainstem Why artists, inventors and musicians often are dominant right brain and dyslexic

    Resources From The Show:

    Neurobehavioral Disorders of Childhood Book Disconnected Kids 3rd edition - Book The Center for Developing Minds - Web Series - Your Home TV Dr. Robert Melillo Website and IG Melillo Method Podcast
  • Feeling overwhelmed when it comes to health shifts over 40? Not finding answers from your primary care doc or gynecologist? After failing to find any medical help for her health issues herself in her early 40’s, Nicki Williams discovered that she could turn things around using diet, lifestyle and natural supplements. She is now an award winning nutritionist, author, speaker, host of the Happy Hormones Podcast and a leading expert in women’s health, hormones and aging. She is the founder of Happy Hormones for Life, helping women of all ages to rebalance their hormones and reclaim their health. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Nicki Williams on what works to help you feel amazing in menopause and beyond.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Why anti-depressants aren’t the only solution for menopause symptoms How hormone shift symptoms change from 40’s to 50’s Why HRT isn’t the magical solution for aging How attitude toward aging can increase your lifespan by 8 years Why legumes are amazing for improving longevity 38% risk of death with being sedentary Importance of human connection and community The role your liver plays in aging

    Resources From The Show:

    7 Types of Rest Happy Hormones For Life - Nicki’s Website Nicki’s Happy Hormones Podcast Nicki’s Instagram Nicki's book - Life After Menopause - out late Sept 2024
  • Have you been saying or thinking…“when I retire I’m going to do ….”? But what happens when you’ve completed your bucket list or things don’t go exactly as planned? Ron Pevny, MA has been dedicated to assisting people in negotiating life transitions as they create lives of purpose and passion for 45 years. He is the author of CONSCIOUS LIVING, CONSCIOUS AGING and the founding director of the Center for Conscious Eldering, based in Colorado - which for twenty years has presented workshops and retreats across North America to support people in bringing purpose, growth, and commitment to service to their elder years. On this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Ron Pevny how he’s helping inspire people to create a purposeful life that aligns with who you truly are in your older years.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Why asking yourself “what am I retiring to?” is crucial Thinking of aging as growing into your purpose How purpose is directly connected to your health Considering inner growth when you’re unable to do some of the things you used to enjoy How retreats with like minded folks can help propel and support you toward realizing your purpose

    Resources From The Show:

    Center for Conscious Eldering Ron’s Book "Conscious living, Conscious Aging”
  • Curious if there’s a multivitamin or comprehensive supplement that supports you through the aging process? Something that gives you a little extra insurance to counter joint pain, keep anxiety at bay, help you sleep better and support healthy skin and hair growth? When Morven Shaw and Debbie Wheeler from Selaura couldn’t find a product to support women over 40 with symptoms of declining hormones they set out to create their own product. Using Debbie’s back ground as a wholistic practitioner and Morven’s business sense they created Selaura. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Debbie Wheeler on how Selaura is helping women over 40 put their symptoms of peri menopause, menopause and getting older in check so they can experience life to the fullest.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Toxic ingredients to look for in supplements Why Selaura is for women’s health at all ages not just for menopause Essential oils that are key for women and our needs Why specific layering of ingredients in Selaura show full results in 3 months

    Resources From The Show:

    Selaura's Website UnPause the Menopause Podcast - I was on it too - S5 Ep 3 listen - HERE
  • 82% of employees are at risk of burnout this year according to Fortune magazine. In 2023 physician burnout dropped from 48% to 62.8% in 2021, according to the American Medical Association. Perhaps the drop in burnout was due to increased education from docs like Dr. Greg Hammer educating physicians on resilience. Dr. Greg Hammer, MD is a recently retired professor in the Stanford University School of Medicine, pediatric intensive care physician, pediatric anesthesiologist, mindfulness expert, and the author of GAIN without Pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals. This proven path toward personal resilience can be implemented by anyone, anywhere, in just a few minutes a day. Increased resilience could save your practice, your patients, your marriage – or even your life. GAIN Without Pain is a four-step process toward happiness. GAIN is an acronym for Gratitude, Acceptance, Intention, and Non-judgment. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Dr. Greg Hammer on his GAIN method and why it’s so successful for anyone to prevent burnout.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    What’s happening neurologically with certain thoughts Why building resilience to stress can prevent burnout How Dr. Hammer’s method helps you to manage stress The connection between lack of sleep and burnout

    Resources From The Show:

    greghammermd.com GAIN without pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals Instagram @greghammermd
  • Have you tried multiple diets, restricting yourself from your fave foods and yet you still end up back overeating them? Wondering if you're destined to stay overweight or addicted to certain food habits forever? Ali Shapiro kept asking herself "why am I eating this now?" till she uncovered the hidden truth behind her cravings and vices. Ali's been on the podcast before, Ep 482 where she helped Dr. Krause identify why she overeats in certain situations and in this episode she and Dr. Krause are going to reveal Dr. Krause's results from Ali's recommendations. Ali is a holistic nutritionist, integrated health coach and the host of the Insatiable podcast along with being the founder of Truce with Food® and the "Why Am I Eating This Now Program". Join Ali Shapiro and Dr. Jannine Krause in learning the 4 reasons you're struggling to quit certain foods.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How food has a job to keep you from feeling tired, anxious, inadequate or lonely Why feeling your feelings doesn’t always let go of your emotional eating triggers How not feeling safe manifests as overeating The real reason fatty sweet foods are comfort foods

    Resources From The Show:

    Ali Shapiro's - Why Am I Eating This Now Program Get $100 off with code "Jannine" Ali's Website Ali's Instagram @alimshapiro
  • Peptides like semaglutide and tirzepatide are a hot topic for weight loss yet there are more peptides out there for almost everything that ails you. I see peptides aka small protein fragments as a way to counter the side effects of aging. You naturally make all of these peptides in your body and like many things it's not uncommon to make less of them as you get older. Unfortunately GLP-1 peptides and peptides specific for skin care are the only peptides available on the market, the rest are available on a "research basis". In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast I (Dr. Jannine Krause) dive deep into how I've been using "research" peptides in my office for years and key things to consider when thinking of using peptides.

    What You'lll Learn In This Episode:

    Why small protein fragments synthetically made and called peptides are considered "for research only" How to "stack" peptides to get most effect Countering the side effects of aging with peptides Dosing intricacies when it comes to peptides Pairing peptides with vitamin injections and bioidentical hormones Using peptides to boost brain health, resilience to invaders and enhance growth hormone production

    Resources From The Show:

    For more information or peptide guidance and choosing websites: email us [email protected] International Peptide Society American Peptide Society
  • Curious about the insights into your health DNA can actually provide? Or tried DNA testing but feel like there was too much conflicting information? Not sure what to do with your DNA information and how to apply it to your health? When Elwin Robinson faced severe health challenges that traditional and alternative medicine couldn't solve, he turned to genetic testing paired with nutritional testing as his approach to health and wellness. Finding success in his approach to wellness Elwin knew he had to create his company, Genetic Insights, to empower others to take control of their health using personalized, genetic-based health insights. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Elwin Robinson on unlocking the secrets of DNA to improve quality of life and rejuvenate your health.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How bringing your previous genetic testing to Genetic Insights provides you more information to apply to your health. Why you want to back up your genetic testing with advanced nutritional testing How you can prevent health conditions from knowing your genetic predispositions Why Genetic Insights uses a larger amount of DNA SNPs to provide more solid insights to direct your health choices How researched backed weighting of DNA SNPs provides detailed recommendations versus conflicting information found commonly in genetic testing How Elwin dialed in his vitamin, mineral and amino acid needs to rejuvenate his health.

    Resources From The Show:

    Elwin’s 7 Step Rejuvenation Blueprint - on Youtube Elwin's Websites - Geneticinsights.co and Feelyounger.net Use the code: Healthfix for 25% off genetic testing or insights on Elwin's website Rejuvenate podcast with Elwin
  • Have a health condition you can't seem to get rid of no matter what you do? Been to a bunch of doctors and nothing seems to be working? Sometimes there's an obstacle keeping you from getting over a particular illness, injury or imbalance. In East Asian medicine emotions are paired to organs. When a certain emotion is being felt predominantly or in excess it has the potential to keep an organ or the area of the organ system in an unhealthy state. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause describes how the organs are related to emotions and how to identify if your emotions are at the root of your condition.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    The paired organ - emotional connections according to East Asian medicine principles How to assess repetitive patterns showing up in your life for emotional connections Identifying the connection between stuck emotions and the organ or system it's impacting How to free stuck emotions effectively

    Resources From The Show:

    Dr. Jade Teta's Next Level Human Program Theresa Lear Levine's EFT tapping programs and podcast Ep: 445 with Theresa Lear Levine Brad Yates - Tap with Brad Programs and previous podcast - Ep: 443 with Brad Yates
  • Sick of being sick and nothing you try seems to work? What do you do when you're not getting results with your treatment protocols, workouts or diet? You start asking questions and look deeper into your energetic makeup and your subconscious mind. Dr. Jade Teta is Naturopathic Doctor, Author, Educator, and Entrepreneur who's combined over 30 years of experience in personal training with 20 years in functional medicine to help humans discover their jobs and purpose in life. Through the Next Level Human program Dr. Teta is inpiring clients to dive into their nervous system and the subconscious mind to achieve lasting results with their health. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause and Dr. Jade Teta dive into what's actually driving your psycho-neuro-endo-immune system and how to get lasting results with your efforts.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How mental emotional suffering coincides with certain health conditions Why stuck emotions are like a twisted ankle of the psyche begging for attention The power of clearing - MUD - misguided unconscious decisions that prevent healing How the components of water serve as an energy system for your cells Why living in alignment, joy and gratitude overpower being fearful of EMF, toxic foods and other things “deemed” unhealthy

    Resources From The Show:

    Dr. Jade's Website: nextlevelhuman.com Dr. Jade's Meditations Haelo Device to recharge your cells and enhance your recovery
  • Can taking control of your diet, lifestyle and your thought process really help you overcome an autoimmune condition? Because a condition is considered uncurable - is it really? Autumn Mclees is a coach, doula, mentor and host of the Know Better Do Better podcast for women seeking alternative methods to overcome their health conditions. Through her own experience of overcoming vaginal lichen sclerosus and now hepatitis C Autumn is passionate about raising awareness and empowering individuals to explore holistic and alternative medicine approaches to health care. In this episode Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Autumn McLees on what it takes to pioneer your own health treatment, the alternative therapies she’s tried and what’s worked for lichen sclerosus as well as hepatitis C.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How MSG is hidden in food labels Why food choices matter in vaginal lichen sclerosus Advanced therapy for Hepatitis C using UV light and Ozone The possibility of using radio frequencies to destroy infections in your body How Bowen therapy impacts fascia to relieve pain and changed Amber’s bloodwork Why some bodies are prone to take on illness versus others

    Resources From The Show:

    Autumn’s Podcast: Know better do better Podcast autumnmclees.com IG and TikTok [email protected] Facebook Autumn’s "Know Better Do Better" Consulting mentorship Autumn’s Clean Swap Guide
  • Feeling like you’ve lost the ability to play and dream? Questioning who you really are and where that fun younger version of you went? From single Mom to published author who’s navigating modern life by embracing stillness and introspection, Elaine Glass is using the ancient tool of the labyrinth to get quiet. Elaine has answered the question of "how do I find myself and what do I ask myself when I do?" with her 7 simple paths to the truth of who you are. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Elaine Glass on what it takes to find our true selves using the walking meditative powers of labyrinths.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Getting quiet to hear what your body truly has to say The power of surrendering to what can be vs what is How being in a calm state allows creativity to come forth Using a body scan to determine what you need each day Allowing the magic in your life to enter when you embrace uncertainty

    Resources From The Show:

    Elaine’s book - Get Quiet - 7 Simple Steps To The Truth of Who You Are - get quiet.com - Purchase from the "get quiet" site & receive the bonus - 6 minute guided visualization with Elaine More on Elaine Glass at elaine glass.net Labyrinth Locator
  • What happens when three friends enter perimenopause and can't find products they resonate with and take care of their symptoms? They create their own brand! Manpreet, Sadya and Eva of Menopriva are all about inspiring women to love their transition and what comes next. By partnering with the top European essential oil formulator to teaming up with a tea company that's been making teas since 1790 and sourcing handmade silk products from Poland the ladies of Menopriva have created a luxurious product line to support women through perimenopause and beyond. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast Dr. Jannine Krause Interviews Sadya Barletta from Menopriva on her menopause journey and how Menopriva’s products benefit women in perimenopause and beyond.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Why discreet easy to use products for anxiety and hot flashes are crucial How silk pillows cases and hair scrunches protect hair from breaking Strategic paring of essential oils and tea for hot flashes, calming and relaxing Key ingredients in oil blends and teas to help with the perimenopause and beyond transition

    Resources From The Show:

    menopriva.com [email protected] for inquires Menopriva Instagram
  • The gut is one of the foundations to optimal health. If it's not healthy it's hard to have all day energy, keep your weight in check and have balanced hormones. Juanique Grover is the founder of Provo Health Clinic, host of the Gutsy Health Podcast and dedicated health advocate. She's overcome Graves' disease naturally as well as triumphed over challenges such as losing her husband to colon cancer, mold toxicity, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, long COVID, and a spectrum of autoimmune issues. A while back Juanique interviewed Dr. Jannine on The Gutsty Health Podcast episode 79 where they talk all about the gut and neuro-inflammation - check it out HERE. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Juanique Grover on what she's found to be the order of healing to restore your health and why hormones are close to last on the list!

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why it’s so important to become your own self-healing advocate How your body self sabotages your healing when you’re in fight or flight mode The order of healing the body during a health crisis Why healthy hormones start with mindset, cell and gut health How parasites mess with your gut, hormones and total health

    Resources From The Show:

    Digestion Restoration Course, $50 off with code Healthfix, excluding early bird pricing.

    Gutsy Health Podcast Gutsy Health Website Provo Health Clinic
  • Keep trying to lose weight, restore your energy or regain your health but nothing is working? It could be how you're thinking about your success that's holding you back. Nathalie Botezatu is a first generation Romanian-American International Mindset Coach. She helps leaders and entrepreneurs around the world heal their minds and shift limiting beliefs about what is possible within their lives and their businesses. Nathalie spent her entire life pursuing the dream she thought she wanted: to become a doctor. Two years into medical school, she found herself disappointed by the lack of mental health advocacy and dropped out to pursue helping others through her own coaching business. Nathalie has been the head mindset coach within an internationally renowned mastermind for over five years, alongside growing her own mindset coaching business, HealthNat LLC, for over six years. With over 2,000+ hours of coaching experience, Nathalie has coached clients on all continents (except Antarctica, but she’s trying to book her first penguin) and has been featured on the Money Bare, Storypreneur, A Pawdcast, Geta’s Digest, Grateful Show, Joyfully You, and the Dropset Gorgeous Radio podcasts. She has also been interviewed by FOX 2 Detroit, ShoutOut LA, VoyageLA, and published in the Journal of Scientific Reports and the Journal of Molecular Biology and Evolution for her mental health research. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Nathalie Botezatu on what it takes to align your mindset with your goals, how to tackle procrastination and more!

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    How thoughts and feelings contrary to your desires, doubt, & fear all keep you from results The power of getting your thoughts aligned with your goals before you take action Why procrastination is your body keeping you in your "safe" comfort zone The benefit of training your body that where you want to go is more wonderful than where you are at now! Why it’s key to ask yourself why you’re staying with something familiar vs trying something new The importance of reassuring the body it's safe and teaching yourself you can override your false safety stories The power of creating your own internal safety system with the daily mental foundation of affirmations & breath work to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system

    Resources From The Show:

    Activating Success Community - 2x a month complimentary teachings for business minded folks IG: @nathaliebotezatu Nathalie Botezatu's website Freebie: The Mindset Kickstart