
  • Fuck it, I quit. This is a sentiment which Denver Simonsz and Rhea share. Surfing the interweb, Rhea stumbled upon Denver's LinkedIn profile and was instantly intrigued. Denver's posts and articles are a delight to read - a blend of authentic storytelling, wisdom, and introspection. Of course, you can only learn so much about a person from their online presence, so Rhea asked Denver onto the pod for a chat.

    Welcome to Episode 32 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast, Vanquishing Sunday Scaries with Denver Simonsz, a Registered Psychologist and board-approved supervisor.

    In this episode:

    Reminiscing about the inch-thick Jobs Guide. The Moment when Denver realised he was burnt out. The sense of impending doom. The challenges of supervision in Psychology. Denver’s ideal system, personalised workflow, and valuing our professionals . Denver shares what he is most excited for the future of Psychology.

    Find Denver Simonsz on Linkedin

    Subscribe to The Intelligent Rebellion newsletter.

    Are you a personal injury professional working in Australia. Join PIPROC, a community for PI professionals for casual meetups and events.

    Join our community at www.theintelligentrebellion.com

    Like what we do? Tell a mate. Have a topic you’d like us to explore, or want to suggest a guest? Reach out to us at www.theintelligentrebellion.com

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Will is our Emperor of Sound, Executive Producer. Theme Song and Original Music written and performed by Will.

    Follow us on all the socials. Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion

    Rhea Mercado on Instagram: @rheamercs | Linkedin

    Copyright 2024 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances and specific needs.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    This episode and any other episode of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast should not be taken as legal advice. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • In 2023, Australia became the first country in the world to legalise the use of psychedelics to treat PTSD and treatment-resistant depression. Welcome to Episode #31 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. Sporulation, Psychedelics and Healthcare.

    In this episode of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast, I chat with Melissa Errey, founder of Sporulation Art Exhibition and healthcare professional, and Voytek Bereza, a Neuropsychopharmacist Prescriber and founder of The Transparent Company.

    In this episode:

    About the Sporulation Art Exhibition (23 April 2024 to 5 May 2024) The role of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for mental health conditions Introspection, Intuition and psychedelics Psychedelic experiences during a trip and percolation from unconscious to the conscious mind Emergence of clinical research trials and harm minimisation

    July 1st 2023 is when Australia became the first country in the world to legalise the use of psychedelics to treat some mental health conditions. From July 1st 2023 psychiatrists were authorised to prescribe products containing 3,4‑methylenedioxy‑methamphetamine (MDMA) or psilocybin for use in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy to treat specific mental health conditions.

    MDMA may be prescribed for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psilocybin may be prescribed for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). For these specific uses, psilocybin and MDMA have been listed as Schedule 8 (Controlled Drugs) medicines in the Poisons Standard.

    To be able to prescribe MDMA or psilocybin for these conditions, a psychiatrist must be an Authorised Prescriber (AP) under the TGA’s Authorised Prescriber scheme. Before seeking approval to be an AP, the psychiatrist must first obtain approval from a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).

    It was quite serendipitous that I was to meet Melissa Errey in October 2023, only three months later. It’s turns out, Melissa a health professional by day, and an artist by night was already part of a community of people from all walks of life, who were exploring and discussing the role of psychedelics in healthcare and in medicine.

    Melissa Errey: Linkedin

    Sporulation Exhibition: Sporulation Exhibition | Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin

    Voytek Bereza: Linkedin | The Transparent Company and on Linkedin

    Sporulation Events & Tickets

    EMPATHS: Integrative Psychedelic Somatic Psychotherapy Workshops: Psychedelic Trees, Fungi and Cacti Workshops Australian Psychedelic Society – Sydney Chapter Picnic

    More information:

    Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in Australia: legal treatment options, clinical research trials and harm minimisation Therapeutic Goods Admistration Change to classification of psilocybin and MDMA to enable prescribing by authorised psychiatrists

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Will is our Emperor of Sound, Executive Producer. Theme Song and Original Music written and performed by Will.

    Follow us on all the socials. Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion

    Rhea Mercado on Instagram: @rheamercs | Linkedin

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances and specific needs.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    This episode and any other episode of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast should not be taken as legal advice. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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  • Content Warning: Before we begin, we want to let you know that this episode contains discussions about the sensitive topic of sexual abuse. Please prioritise your health and well-being, and if this is an episode you choose to skip, we’ll see you at the next one.

    Welcome to episode 30 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast: Let's Talk About Sex. Our guest is Saul Isbister, President of Touching Base Inc A volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation, developed out of the need to assist people with disability and sex workers to connect with each other, focusing on access, discrimination, human rights and legal issues and the attitudinal barriers that these two marginalised communities can face.

    Since episode 19 when Anjelo Ratnachandra and I touched on the subject of intimacy, sex, and chronic pain, I’ve continued to wonder and be curious about the topic of intimacy and sex, particularly in the personal injury and disability space. Healthcare professionals and rehab people are always going on about holistic care, and a biopsychosocial approach, and, a part of that is acknowledging that sexual and physical intimacy are at the core to the human experience.

    In this episode, Saul and Rhea discuss:

    Touching Base Inc, its origin story, vision, mission, and values. What are sex work services, and how people can access the service. The challenges Touching Base face in achieving their mission. What Saul is hopeful and optimistic about.

    Touching Base Inc: Website | NDIS & sex work resource | Scarlet Road Documentary

    Instagram: Sexuality Education, Counselling, and Consultancy Agency @secca_org | Undressing Disability @undressingdisability

    Bits and pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Will is our Emperor of Sound, Executive Producer. Theme Song and Original Music written and performed by Will.

    Follow us on all the socials. Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion

    Rhea Mercado on Instagram: @rheamercs | Linkedin

    Copyright 2024 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The contents of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances and specific needs.

    This episode and any other episode of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast should not be taken as legal advice. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Regardless of your sentiments towards artificial intelligence technology, it is now an integral part of our daily lives. AI tools and technology are actively employed in the field of medicine and healthcare, revolutionising how professionals evaluate, diagnose, analyse, and ultimately prescribe treatments and medical interventions.

    Welcome to episode 029 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast: Exploring Ethical A.I. in Healthcare. Our guest is Alison Choy Flannigan, Partner & Co-Lead at Hall & Wilcox law firm. With over 25 years of corporate, commercial and regulatory experience, Alison has specialised in advising clients in the health, aged care, disability, life sciences and community sectors.

    In 2023, our host, Rhea Mercado attended the National Health Workforce Summit, in which Alison Choy Flannigan was a panel member in "Addressing Health Workforce challenges in the Digital Age: Deeper dive on Artificial Intelligence."

    Regardless of your sentiments towards artificial intelligence technology, it is now an integral part of our daily lives. AI tools and technology are actively employed in the field of medicine and healthcare, revolutionising how professionals evaluate, diagnose, analyse, and ultimately prescribe treatments and medical interventions.

    In this episode, Alison and Rhea discuss:

    Key ethical considerations when using AI technology and tools in the healthcare space Data handling, personal information, and intellectual property when using AI technology and tools Are AI technology and tools medical devices? Considerations for healthcare providers and companies when incorporating technologies like AI, devices, and apps into their organisations.

    Hall & Wilcox: Linkedin | Hall & Wilcox

    Alison Choy Flannigan | Linkedin | Hall & Wilcox - Alison Choy Flannigan

    Bits and pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Will is our Emperor of Sound, Executive Producer. Theme Song and Original Music written and performed by Will.

    Follow us on all the socials. Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion

    Rhea Mercado on Instagram: @rheamercs | Linkedin

    Copyright 2024 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The contents of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances and specific needs.

    This episode and any other episode of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast should not be taken as legal advice. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Exercise Physiology Services fall outside the scope of regulation of The National Law, rendering certain provisions of the law inapplicable to this profession. Nonetheless, every person as an individual is subject to the laws of the land.Welcome to Episode #28 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. Lawyer Up! with Tyrone Walker, Special Counsel at Hunt & Hunt.

    Howdy Folks, Rhea here. In late 2023, I was engaged in a Facebook forum thread. I don’t usually enjoy having nuanced discussions over social media comment sections, so I bowed out after a few exchanges. My entry point into the thread was regarding the use of the word “specialist,” and the discussion went to whether exercise physiologists were subject to The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009, which is a nationally consistent law which was passed in QLD and enacted in states and territories in 2009 and 2010. From here on I’ll just refer to it as The National Law.

    One side of the discussion was that exercise physiologists were not subject to The National Law, I agreed that, yes, Exercise Physiology Services fall outside the scope of regulation of The National Law, rendering certain provisions of the law inapplicable to this profession. Nonetheless, every person as an individual is subject to the laws of the land. As I dove straight down the legal rabbit hole, I found more questions than answers, and that’s when I turned to Tyrone Walker, Special Counsel at Hunt & Hunt in NSW.

    Find Tyrone Walker | Linkedin | Hunt & Hunt

    The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Will s our Emperor of Sound, Executive Producer. Theme Song and Original Music written and performed by Will.

    Follow us on all the socials. Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion

    Rhea Mercado on Instagram: @rheamercs | Linkedin

    Copyright 2024 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    This episode and any other episode of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast should not be taken as legal advice. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Welcome to Episode #27 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. And the winner is…

    In this episode of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast, I chat with Sarena Jones, founder of the Allied Health Awards, who is also style guru as it turns out. This episode also features two winners, firstly, Taylia Reedy, winner of the Outstanding Student of the year award at the ARPA NSW Excellence in Workplace Rehabilitation Awards who shares her story about working in a rural and remote setting. Secondly, we have Allied Health Awards Dietician of the year 2023, Catherine Chong who absolutely blows my mind about nutrition and fertility.

    NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS: Check your inbox for the link to the bonus full length episode with Catherine Chong.

    Visit www.theintelligentrebellion.com and subscribe to gain access to premium content.

    Find our Guests

    Sarena Jones | Linkedin | Instagram @alliedhealthawards | Allied Health Awards

    Taylia Reedy | Linkedin | Instagram @t_ann06 | ipar

    Catherine Chong | Website | Linkedin | | Instagram | Youtube | Free Meal Plan

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials

    Rhea Mercado on Instagram: @rheamercs | Linkedin

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • For nearly two decades, the exercise physiology community has advocated for a change in the legislation to ensure fair and equitable access to healthcare services for the Australian Community.

    Welcome to The Intelligent Rebellion podcast, hosted by Rhea Mercado, Healthcare Humanist, Speaker and Author. @rheamercs

    Subscribers of The Intelligent Rebellion newsletter have access the extended version of this episode which includes the full interview with Dr Felix Meyer. Check your inbox.

    For more than two decades, there has been a tax imposed on the Australian community making access to some healthcare services more expensive than others. This is the Goods & Services Tax or the (GST). When this tax was introduced in Australia in July 2000 it exempted multiple healthcare services like hospitals, aged care, disability, general health and allied health services from applying GST to their services, however, other medical services including EP, music therapists, psychotherapists, counsellors and diabetes educators were not included in the exemption.

    For nearly two decades, the exercise physiology community has advocated for a change in the legislation to ensure fair and equitable access to healthcare services for the Australian Community. For nearly two decades, the community have been meeting with politicians, writing letters, and signing petitions.

    Rhea sat down with David Beard, an exercise physiologist, and Dr Felix Meyer a representative of Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA), the professional association for exercise physiologist to discuss why it’s so important for EP services to be GST-free, how GST-free services benefit the Australian community, and what in the world is it taking so long?

    Find David Beard | Linkedin | https://www.davidbeard.co | https://www.hfrc.com.au | X / Twitter

    Find Dr Felix Meyer | Linkedin | felix.meyer@essa.org.au | https://essa.org.au

    Contact your local member https://www.aph.gov.au/senators_and_members/members

    Bits & Pieces: The The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow Rhea on all the socials @rheamercs

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Sam shares her adventures through business ownership, motherhood and now as a workplace rehab consultant and how she made an intentional decision regarding what failure she is willing to accept and which ones she will not. Sam shares her epic failures and the tough lessons learnt along the way. Listen to the full episode

    Welcome to Short Stuff Sessions of the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. This Short Stuff is from Episode 010: Fail. Succeed. Grow. Repeat. with Samantha Flinn.

    In this penultimate episode of season 2, Rhea chats with Samantha Flinn. A wife, a mom and an accidental exercise physiologist. Sam shares her adventures through business ownership, motherhood and now as a workplace rehab consultant and how she made an intentional decision regarding what failure she is willing to accept and which ones she will not. Sam shares her epic failures and the tough lessons learnt along the way.

    She has some nuggets of wisdom for anyone thinking about doing a career transition from clinical work to rehab consultancy. What makes this chat with Sam so fascinating is the incredible insight she has about her own identity, her personal flaws and strengths and how she has embraced all these parts of herself.

    Find Samantha on Linkedin | Eating cupcakes and then running around the track.

    ...We had some gremlins during recording so we apologise for some of the sound quality towards the end of this episode.

    Follow us at: The Intelligent Rebellion | IG: @intelligent.rebellion

    Find Rhea: Rhea Mercado | LinkedIn | IG: @rheamercs

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Emperor of Sound and Original Music: Wills

    Copyright 2023 Threesticks Pty Ltd & Rhea Mercado®

    Acknowledgement of Country: Rhea Mercado and the team who produce the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast acknowledge the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which the podcast is recorded. We are located on the land of the Dharug people. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to the Elders past, present and emerging.

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • By intentionally gathering a team of un-like minds with unique interests and skillsets and combining this with the immense resources available in their immediate area, Matt and Nikki have developed a truly multi-disciplinary approach to rehabilitation and recovery. Listen to the full episode

    Welcome to Short Stuff Sessions of the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. This Short Stuff is from Episode 007 Exercise Physiologist Vs Physiotherapist with Nikki Lodge and Matt Hicks of Sydney West Sports Medicine.

    In this episode we chat with Nikki Lodge and Matt Hicks from Sydney West Sports Medicine. Nikki and Matt start with their healthcare origin stories and what they would be doing if not in healthcare. Rhea asks them about their thoughts on a 2020 Australia Physiotherapy Association article in which the author refers to Exercise Physiology is a “trend” and had him seeing “red” when he had “work cover and GPs stating to me that patients need exercise not physiotherapy to rehabilitate.” Read the full article here.

    Nikki and Matt are on a mission to create safe spaces for both healthcare practitioners and the community to educate, empower and explore better ways to help people heal and recover. By unintentionally gathering a team of un-like minds with unique interests and skillsets and combining this with the immense resources available in their immediate area they have developed a truly multi-disciplinary approach to rehabilitation and recovery.

    During the chat, Matt also muses whether allied healthcare is a consultative process or a rehabilitative process, leading to discussion about the fluidity of rehabilitation and scrapping of the unilateral fee model.

    Nikki, Matt and Rhea discuss reasons why healthcare professionals hold onto their patients, wondering if it is about greed, mis-trust, lack of referral pathways, dependency on our patients or a combination of some or all of these factors.

    Like all chats in The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast, this discussion is emergent, ignites curiosity, raises more questions than answers, and celebrates the people and businesses which are placing humanity and ethics at the heart of their decisions.

    WARNING: This episode contains profanities.

    Find Nikki and Matt: Nikki on Linkedin | Matt on Linkedin |Sydney West Sport Medicine | Instagram | Facebook | Nikki dressed as a starfish | Matt wide awake at 3am

    The stuff they chat about: Australian Physiotherapy Association Physiotherapy inmotion article | West HQ | One 55 Health & Fitness

    Sydney Gymnastics and Aquatic Centre International Centre of Training Excellence

    Follow us at: The Intelligent Rebellion | IG: @intelligent.rebellion

    Find Rhea: Rhea Mercado | LinkedIn | IG: @rheamercs

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Emperor of Sound and Original Music: Wills

    Copyright 2023 Threesticks Pty Ltd & Rhea Mercado®

    Acknowledgement of Country: Rhea Mercado and the team who produce the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast acknowledge the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which the podcast is recorded. We are located on the land of the Dharug people. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to the Elders past, present and emerging.

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Why is prevention is not a priority in commercial models, the danger of prescriptive workplace wellness programs, cause and correlation and chat about big sounding words like Salutogenesis. Listen to the full episode

    Welcome to Short Stuff Sessions of the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. This Short Stuff is from episode 002 with John Mellors.

    This is John Mellors, a husband, a proud father, a tragic Brisbane Bronco’s fan, and a business development manager.

    John chats with Rhea about being a verbivore, about his recent move from one organisation to another and his attempts at work/life balance. They wonder why prevention is not a priority in commercial models, the danger of prescriptive workplace wellness programs, cause and correlation and chat about big sounding words like Salutogenesis. John shares his most recent obsession and what only he could consider as being a “fun” activity.

    WARNING: This episode contains profanities.

    Find John Mellors: Linkedin | The Change Room | at a Brisbane Broncos' game

    Stuff they chat about: Dr Adam Fraser and his book The Third Space | Podcast: Absolutely Mental with Ricky Gervais & Sam Harris | Podcast: Ian Wright’s Everyday People | Call John about blood flow restriction training.

    Follow us at: The Intelligent Rebellion | IG: @intelligent.rebellion

    Find Rhea: Rhea Mercado | LinkedIn | IG: @rheamercs

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Emperor of Sound and Original Music: Wills

    Copyright 2023 Threesticks Pty Ltd & Rhea Mercado®

    Acknowledgement of Country: Rhea Mercado and the team who produce the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast acknowledge the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which the podcast is recorded. We are located on the land of the Dharug people. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to the Elders past, present and emerging.

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Episode #25: Evolution. A short message from Rhea Mercado, the host of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast.

    A short message from Rhea about the evolution of The Intelligent Rebellion, the release of The Intelligent Rebellion Newsletter v2.0, and the direction and future of the podcast. It's all very exciting and emergent. Join us for the ride.

    Bits & Pieces: The The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials:

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion | Facebook: @the.intelligentrebellion

    Rhea on Instagram: @rheamercs | Facebook: @rheamercs

    Threesticks Training & Development | The Intelligent Rebellion | Rhea Merado HQ

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Through both her volunteer work, and her business, Joy is using her superpowers to encourage people to sit in the stillness, to define their own version of success, and to live a life of creativity and a life of kindness.

    Welcome to Episode 24 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. Our guest is Joy Adan, a creative consultant, artist, storyteller, Mother, wife, daughter and sister.

    Joy and Rhea chat about growing up in the Filipino culture, what it’s like to challenge our cultural norms, making intentional decisions, and the power of faith and stillness. Joy shares the expectations she felt being from a migrant Filo family, and the how these expectations shaped her life and decisions. That is until, about 10 years ago when Joy had a chat with her Dad, which made her question most everything she believed.

    For the past 10 years, Joy has been listening to the whispers in her own heart to seek out what truly is important in her life. She has deliberately invested her time and energy into people, business and causes which make the world a better place, and has leaned into the experiences which make her heart sing.

    Through both her volunteer work, and her business, Joy is using her superpowers to encourage people to sit in the stillness, to define their own version of success, and to live a life of creativity and a life of kindness.

    Find Joy Adan: Linkedin | Finding Joy | Joy Adan Writes

    Instagram: @findingjoyau | @joyadanwrites | Facebook: @joyadanwrites

    Stuff we talk about: Gidget Foundation | The Hustle Society | @Firstsubs

    Bits & Pieces: The The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials:

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion | Facebook: @the.intelligentrebellion

    Rhea on Instagram: @rheamercs | Facebook: @rheamercs

    Threesticks Training & Development | The Intelligent Rebellion | Rhea Merado HQ

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • We found her! The person who is in the room where it happens (cue, Hamilton). Hediyeh speak about sparking and expanding people's thinking, and the need to break down silos and collaborate with key partners to re-imagine and re-design our healthcare system.

    Welcome to Episode 23 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast: “The Room Where it Happens” with Hediyeh Vahdat, a health systems polymath, boundary expander, and conversationalist.

    We found her! The person who is in the room where it happens (cue, Hamilton). Hediyeh is the Managing Director of Linéaire Projects, and along with her team, has the unique opportunity to work with people who can actually create change in our healthcare system. From facilitating policy and service modelling sessions, to project managing health precincts, Hediyeh and the Linéaire Projects team are using their superpowers to bust through boundaries and (literally) build an integrated system of health.

    In the spirit of their initial eight-hour conversation, Hediyeh and Rhea chat about change management, strategic planning, and organisational transformation through enhancement the human experience. Hediyeh speak about sparking and expanding people's thinking, and the need to break down silos and collaborate with key partners to re-imagine and re-design our healthcare system.

    Reach out to Hediyeh for all of the things, for all of the people.

    Find Hediyeh Vahdat: Linkedin | Linéaire Projects | The Hediyeh Hotline is + 61 2 9096 2930 | Sitting with Rhea in the corner having an eight-hour conversation.

    Bits & Pieces: The The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion | Facebook: @the.intelligentrebellion

    Rhea on Instagram: @rheamercs | Facebook: @rheamercs

    Threesticks Training & Development on Facebook: @threesticks.training

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Ed challenges some of Rhea’s biases about ecovillages, and teaches Rhea about the foundations of sociocracy, which is a peer governance system based on consent.

    Welcome to Episode 22 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. Our guest is Ed Hughes, a dad, husband and rat race escapee.

    Ever thought about giving up your corporate day job and living a simpler life? Ed did, and Ed - did. Ed chats about his intentional decision to escape the rat race to explore and live a life of purpose, and his plans to live in Narara Ecovillage with his family. During this episode, Ed challenges some of Rhea’s biases about ecovillages, and teaches Rhea about the foundations of sociocracy, which is a peer governance system based on consent.

    Find Ed: LinkedIn | Reading books

    What Ed and Rhea speak about: Narara Ecovillage | Sociocracy

    Bits & Pieces: The The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion | Facebook: @the.intelligentrebellion

    Rhea on Instagram: @rheamercs | Facebook: @rheamercs

    Threesticks Training & Development on Facebook: @threesticks.training

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® | Threesticks Pty Ltd | The Intelligent Rebellion

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • It’s great that icare NSW have announced their top priority is improving outcomes for injured workers. I’m glad we cleared this up, especially for those whose top priority lay elsewhere.

    Welcome to Episode 21 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. Rhea returns with a solo episode, and takes a trip back to October 2022. This is the audio version of Rhea's article "Let The Games Begin" first published in October 2022.

    On 6th October 2022, icare has announced the selection of claims service providers for Workers Compensation on a Linkedin post. It’s great that icare NSW have announced their top priority is improving outcomes for injured workers. I’m glad we cleared this up, especially for those whose top priority lay elsewhere. Improving outcomes for injured workers benefits our industry, and our society. Read the article

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion | Facebook: @the.intelligentrebellion

    Rhea on Instagram: @rheamercs | Facebook: @rheamercs

    Threesticks Training & Development on Facebook: @threesticks.training

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® & Threesticks Pty Ltd

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Ajit chats about his work with clinical placement students, and shares the hard lessons learnt after breaking some his own rules.

    Welcome to Episode 20 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. Our guest is Ajit Singh Lamba, a healthcare professional, marathon runner and owner of Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta.

    Ajit chats about his work with clinical placement students, shares the hard lessons learnt after breaking some his own rules, and talks about how the fresh mind of a student could unlock the secret to happiness. Rhea and Ajit reminisce about their student days, and have a giggle about initial assessment questions.

    Find Ajit Singh Lamba on LinkedIn | Facebook & Instagram @physioparramatta

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion | Facebook: @the.intelligentrebellion

    Rhea on Instagram: @rheamercs | Facebook: @rheamercs

    Threesticks Training & Development on Facebook: @threesticks.training

    Copyright 2023 Rhea Mercado® & Threesticks Pty Ltd

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Rhea asks Anj about how to approach the subject of sex and intimacy with patients, which prompts Anj to give her a script for how to ask a patient about sex and intimacy.

    Welcome to Episode 19 of The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast. Our guest is Anjelo Ratnachandra, the best father and husband in the world, and the Founder of Beyond Pain.

    Anj and Rhea chat about challenging the expectation of treatments as a physiotherapist, the difference between multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary practice, and the role of guidelines. Rhea asks Anj about how to approach the subject of sex and intimacy with patients, which prompts Anj to give her a script for how to ask a patient about sex and intimacy.

    Together they muse about ethical healthcare, outcomes focused practice, and acknowledging when our work is done.

    Find Anjelo on LinkedIn | Beyond Pain

    Stuff we talk about: Beyond Pain book | Seligman’s Learned Helplessness

    Bits & Pieces: Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Executive Producer, Emperor of Sound, Original Music: Wills

    Follow us on all the socials

    Instagram: @intelligent.rebellion | Facebook: @the.intelligentrebellion

    Rhea on Instagram: @rheamercs | Facebook: @rheamercs

    Threesticks Training & Development on Facebook: @threesticks.training

    Copyright 2022 Rhea Mercado®

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Brooke and Jane would jump onto social media and send messages of love and support to their tribe whilst chronicling their own COVID lockdown journey. The chat spirals quickly into crushing over a certain A-List celebrity, guilty pleasures and Karate side-kicks in dark alleyways. Listen to the full episode

    This is Short Stuff from Episode 6 with Brooke Archibald and Jane Gallard, two very different people united by one purpose. Since the full episode aired, Jane has gone to complete two UTA 100, and Brooke is now making waves at Aquafit.

    Meet Brooke Archibald and Jane Gallard, two very different people united by one purpose. Brooke and Jane are the dynamic duo behind the One55 Health & Fitness Centre.

    During Sydney covid lockdown 2021 when other fitness centres went online with their classes, One55 went in a different direction. Brooke and Jane would jump onto social media and send messages of love and support to their tribe whilst chronicling their own COVID lockdown journey. So I was eager to speak with them about what it was like to for them during this time and how they got through it.

    They chat about their internal dialogues and how they both coped through the lockdown. Jane and Brooke share their personal experiences of a Mum and the network of support needed to show your best self to the world.

    They touch on the dangers of social media and self-proclaimed fitness “experts” and how Brooke and Jane’s message to their tribe is focused on wellbeing and mental well-being rather than on physical looks. The chat spirals quickly into crushing over a certain A-List celebrity, guilty pleasures and Karate side-kicks in dark alleyways.

    WARNING: This episode contains profanities. (Mainly from Rhea)

    Find Brooke and Jane: West HQOne 55 Health & Fitness | One55 Facebook Page | On stage teaching a Les Mills Class | Jane on the trails & Brooke at Wendy’s place
    Instagram Brooke is @archibaldbrooke (no hashtags there) | Jane is @janegallard (This is a beautiful account full of nature's beauty and inspiration)

    The stuff they chat about: Zero Negativity by Ant Middleton | Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey | The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young | Dirt Church Podcast | @dirtchurchradio hosted by Matt Rayment & Eugene Bingham | Wendy’s Flake Shake

    Follow us at: The Intelligent Rebellion | Instagram | Linkedin

    Find Rhea: Rhea Mercado | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Emperor of Sound and Original Music: Wills

    Copyright 2023 Threesticks Pty Ltd & Rhea Mercado®

    Acknowledgement of Country: Rhea Mercado and the team who produce the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast acknowledge the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which the podcast is recorded. We are located on the land of the Dharug people. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to the Elders past, present and emerging.

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • This started as a chat about Prof. Henry Mintzberg and the healthcare mythology, humanising workers compensation and evolved into an emergent discussion about humble enquiry, being wrong, doing better science, intuition and TWOGS.

    Listen to the full episode

    This is Short Stuff from Episode 5 with James Ellis. In this short stuff, Rhea and James chat about how confirmation bias, gut-feeling, time pressures, billable hours, and evidence-based research affect the way we hire staff, deliver services, and humanise healthcare. Since the full episode aired, James has continued to sail, every.single.day. ⛵

    Find James Ellis: Linkedin | Framework Group | Behind the boat’s wheel

    Stuff they chat about: Professor Henry Mintzberg Twitter @mintzberg141| Daniel Schmachtenberger & The Consilience Project Rosa Carillo

    Follow us at: The Intelligent Rebellion | Instagram | Linkedin

    Find Rhea: Rhea Mercado | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Emperor of Sound and Original Music: Wills

    Copyright 2023 Threesticks Pty Ltd & Rhea Mercado®

    Acknowledgement of Country: Rhea Mercado and the team who produce the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast acknowledge the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which the podcast is recorded. We are located on the land of the Dharug people. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to the Elders past, present and emerging.

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Lauren talks about the scariest thing she sees is happening in healthcare right now.

    Listen to the full episode part 1 | Listen to full episode part 2

    This is Short Stuff from Episode 3 & 3.5 with Lauren Dredge. Since the full episode aired, Lauren started and completed triathlons because 45min workouts were just too short.

    With services like Claims Pharmacy, we now have the collective power to save lives, to prevent addiction and overdose, and to address a problem which we have overlooked for far too long.

    Lauren talks about the scariest thing she sees is happening in healthcare right now and muse about some of solutions including collaboration, policy change and placing the injured person at the centre of the claim.

    WARNING: This episode discusses drug use, drug addiction, drug overdose and death and strong language.

    Find Lauren Dredge: Linkedin | Claims Pharmacy | Doing burpees and jump squats

    The stuff we chat about: The Penington Institute | Move For Lex: www.moveforlex.com IG: @moveforlex #moveforlex | Paul Bloom: Twitter @paulbloomatyale

    Follow us at: The Intelligent Rebellion | Instagram | Linkedin

    Find Rhea: Rhea Mercado | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

    Bits & Pieces: The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast is a Threesticks Production | Producer & Host: Rhea Mercado | Emperor of Sound and Original Music: Wills

    Copyright 2023 Threesticks Pty Ltd & Rhea Mercado®

    Acknowledgement of Country: Rhea Mercado and the team who produce the The Intelligent Rebellion Podcast acknowledge the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which the podcast is recorded. We are located on the land of the Dharug people. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to the Elders past, present and emerging.

    Disclaimer: The content of this program / podcast is made available for entertainment purposes. The views and information expressed by the Guests of the program represents the view and opinions of the Guest and does not necessarily represent the view or opinions of Rhea Mercado® and/or Threesticks Pty Ltd. The information presented in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for any other professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment nor a substitute for guidelines, legislations, frameworks, processes or procedures. We encourage you always seek advice which meets your personal and/or professional circumstances.

    Rhea Mercado® and Threesticks Pty Ltd hereby disclaims any and all liability to any part for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content, which is provided as is and without warranties.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.