Laura chats with her very own midwife, Tamara Youngberg, as well as Tamara’s long-time friend and colleague, Sandy Knight Snider. Together, Tamara and Sandy have 50 years of midwife experience and they’ve attended over 2000 births combined. In this episode, they provide advice for those going into their birth (especially their first), give tips for staying calm during labour and birth, and discuss their online course called Birth Unafraid™. Tamara and Sandy are on a mission to change the landscape of birth from fear to faith, from panic to peace, and have already helped hundreds of women experience amazing birthing outcomes using their signature 9-Step Renewal Roadmap™. Listen in to hear how you too can have a calm, beautiful birthing experience no matter what is happening.
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/113
HEALTHY MAMA FOUNDATIONS free guide: newmamanation.com/foundations
BIRTH UNAFRAID™ course: birthunafraid.org
PRACTICAL PREGNANCY: practicalpregnancy.ca
Laura gives her real and honest thoughts and feelings about having a 4th baby, and also reveals how she's handling them. From changing her family dynamic to balancing her already busy life, she gets into it all.
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/112
HEALTHY MAMA FOUNDATIONS free guide: newmamanation.com/foundations
Estão a faltar episódios?
At 31 weeks pregnant, this question has been on Laura's mind lately. In this episode, she shares her experience with her three previous hospital births, as well as what's going through her mind this time around as she decides what to choose for baby #4. Listen in if you've had to make this decision too, and especially if you're currently making it!
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/111
HEALTHY MAMA FOUNDATIONS FREE GUIDE: newmamanation.com/foundations
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, Laura answers a common question she gets around these types of holidays and celebrations: Should you indulge or should you hold back? She gives her thoughts about it and also reveals which one she will personally be choosing this Valentine's Day.
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/110
HEALTHY MAMA FOUNDATIONS FREE GUIDE: newmamanation.com/foundations
This week, Laura brings you the recordings from her live Zoom calls from the Thrive in Five Challenge - 5 days to get you to where you want to be, mama: THRIVING in motherhood.
Today, she talks about keeping it going now that the challenge is done. She brings it all together and reviews the topics she's covered each day this week. This will help to tie everything up with a nice bow and leave you feeling motivated and inspired to carry on after the challenge.
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/109
LEARN ABOUT THE HEALTHY MAMA COURSE: newmamanation.com/courses
This week, Laura brings you the recordings from her live Zoom calls from the Thrive in Five Challenge - 5 days to get you where you want to be, mama: THRIVING in motherhood.
Today, she talks about mastering your motivation. A great way to help foster sustained motivation is to create new healthy habits while working to stop the old ones that bring you down. Laura discusses how to do this for lasting success, and she also talks about the power of the mind and visualization, as well as embodying the person you want to be now.
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/108
JOIN THE CHALLENGE: newmamanation.com/thrive
BECOME A HEALTHY MAMA: newmamanation.com/courses
This week, Laura brings you the recordings from her live Zoom calls from the Thrive in Five Challenge - 5 days to get you where you want to be, mama: THRIVING in motherhood.
Today, she talks about conquering cravings. Knowing how to deal with them is key to sticking to a healthy eating plan and really living your life the way you want to, with YOU being in charge and in control, rather than your cravings. Laura will dive into how best to tackle them and what to do each and every time they come up (and believe me, she knows what it's like for cravings to rule her life!)
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/107
JOIN THE CHALLENGE: newmamanation.com/thrive
BECOME A HEALTHY MAMA: newmamanation.com/courses
This week, Laura brings you the recordings from her live Zoom calls from the Thrive in Five Challenge - 5 days to get you where you want to be, mama: THRIVING in motherhood.
Today, she discusses which foods to focus on to increase your energy and start feeling better asap, as well as which ones to reduce - the ones that are dragging you down and keeping you stuck and feeling blah. She talks about protein, how much to aim for per meal, and goes over how much protein is in some common foods. And, she talks about putting a healthy meal together, and gives examples on some awesome, satisfying, and sustaining meals. You don't want to miss this one.
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/106
JOIN THE CHALLENGE: newmamanation.com/thrive
BECOME A HEALTHY MAMA: newmamanation.com/courses
This week, Laura brings you the recordings from her live Zoom calls from the Thrive in Five Challenge - 5 days to get you where you want to be, mama: THRIVING in motherhood.
Today, she discusses how it all starts with your mindset - virtually no lasting changes can be made in your health or life without the right one. Get ready to get inspired to start changing your life TODAY!
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/105
JOIN THE CHALLENGE: newmamanation.com/thrive
BECOME A HEALTHY MAMA: newmamanation.com/courses
You know how it feels to be stuck in a rut, right? You feel like there is so much distance from where you are now to where you want to be that there's no point in even starting. It feels like, I might as well not do anything because my end goal seems impossible. But how bad does that feel?! SO bad, right? It's like giving up before even trying... and it just sucks the life (and any motivation) right out of you.
Listen in as Laura talks about how she gets herself out of a rut and you can, too. It's easier (and quicker) than you think.
FREE Thrive in Five Challenge
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/104
Laura can confidently say that this is the BEST way to tackle cravings because she has been dealing with them almost her whole life and has therefore tried a variety of ways to approach them. Listen in as she explains the (actually simple) way that she processes her cravings, which has ultimately reduced them in her life.
JOIN THE THRIVE IN FIVE *FREE* CHALLENGE! newmamanation.com/thrive
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/103
This 5-day challenge, starting on Monday February 3rd, will dive in to key aspects of nutrition, health and well-being aimed to improve the lives of tired mamas. It's like a reset for your body and mind, one that will help you go from exhausted to energized. If you're looking for something to recharge your health and body, look no further, my friend. Sign up now.
SIGN UP HERE: newmamanation.com/thrive
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/102
Welcome to 2025 - the year of the healthiest you yet! If you found yourself "getting off track" during the holidays, don't sweat. It happens to all of us from time to time, and there is always a way back. Laura shares her tips and experience with getting back on track - getting healthier, setting and working toward your new goals and desires, and just feeling better. The time to listen is now!
FREE Guide: Healthy Mama Foundations
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/101
It’s not an exaggeration to say that you could change your life after listening to this episode. Our life is made up of a series of days, each of which is made up of a series of moments. And in this episode, Laura explains how to change those moments. It’s all about the way you’re thinking, which dictates how you’re feeling, which then creates actions (or non-action) that lead to your results. It is so powerful when you take a good look at your brain and realize that you have the power to create the life (by creating the day) that you want.
HEALTHY MAMA FOUNDATIONS free download: newmamanation.com/foundations
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/100
It's not about having time, it's about making time. Huge difference, and makes ALL the difference. In this episode, Laura gives her personal tips and advice for how to carve out time to eat and be healthy, and what to do during that time. You don't want to miss this episode.
BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS: newmamanation.com/courses
SHOW NOTES: newmamanation.com/99
Laura is sharing 7 tips for putting herself first - yes, before the kids! Before she started doing this, she was way more likely to feel stressed, irritable, and easily frustrated. But now that she puts herself first, she is able to be the mom, wife, and human being she wants to be because her cup is full.
BLACK FRIDAY DEALS: www.newmamanation.com/courses
SHOW NOTES: www.newmamanation.com/98
Laura explains the importance of Mom putting herself first - yes, even before the kids. She must fill her cup because if she doesn't, she will have nothing to pour out! You, mama, should NOT have to spend your motherhood years exhausted and running on empty - quite the opposite, in fact. In this episode, Laura discusses her reasons why she puts herself first and the difference she feels in doing it.
SHOW NOTES: www.newmamanation.com/97
BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS: www.newmamanation.com/courses
We need energy and clear mental space to be the mom that we want to be... but in order to get those things, we must nourish our body, both in the foods that we eat and the actions we take.
But how can we possibly find the time TO nourish ourselves? Enter: Laura's ultimate mom hacks - the ones that enhance our well-being and have us feeling so much better (and in a quicker time than you think).
In this episode, Laura talks about her first hack, but if you want the rest of them, join her FREE webinar this Thursday, November 14th, at 12:00pm EST. Click here to sign up!
SHOW NOTES: www.newmamanation.com/96
Healthy Eating Hacks For Moms FREE Webinar: Register here!
Laura's gettin' real, my friend. She opens up about the shame she used to hold around her identity as a stay-at-home mom, and how she's now embracing it loud and proud. She dives into how life used to feel when she struggled to balance her business with her babies, and the tweaks she's made to make it work.
SHOW NOTES: www.newmamanation.com/95
FREE Guide: The Healthy Mama Foundations
Follow Laura on Instagram and TikTok
Laura talks about how the first trimester went, which for her (and many others) is typically the "anything goes, just get through it" part of pregnancy. She shares her thoughts and feelings about being pregnant, food aversions, things she's grateful for, and she even talks about the progesterone suppositories she took (and gives all the deets about what to expect with them). Dive right on in!
SHOW NOTES: www.newmamanation.com/94
FREE Guide: The Healthy Mama Foundations
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