
  • Teamwork makes the dream work. But does it?

    Most of us believe that being a team means nurturing teamwork, embracing camaraderie, and supporting each other emotionally. However, these factors, although very important, aren't essential for every type of team. Today’s guest will unpack what makes a team and how to build a strong one.

    Meet James Scouller. James is an executive coach, thought leader, former CEO, and expert in building teams. He is also the author of the trilogy How to Build Winning Teams Again and Again and Again, the first series of handbooks to explain the psychology, principles, and road maps behind team success.

    Known for his expertise in leadership and team dynamics, James discusses what truly defines a team, highlighting his 3 Cs model–Commit, Combust, Combine–and how it builds winning teams.

    He also provides real-world examples of different types of teams at work, explains how managers can support their teams through the stages of effective team formation, emphasizes the importance of trust and clear unifying goals, and much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:26) What makes a team?(02:18) Pseudo teams vs. performance teams(07:47) What does a “real” team look like in the workplace?(11:24) Determining the right type of team for your work(16:44) Building a winning team using the 3 Cs(30:16) How to encourage people to prioritize the team first over personal needs(32:12) A great manager James has worked for(35:09) Keep up with James(36:43) [Extended Episode Only] The dual forces concept and how it disrupts team formation(42:43) [Extended Episode Only] Tips for helping team members with their mindset and behavioral shift(44:39) [Extended Episode Only] How to craft a positive narrative for your team

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Build your team’s skills here

    Keep up with James

    - Follow James on LinkedIn and Twitter

    - Grab a copy of his book here

    - Visit Leadership Mastery Suite here

    3 Exclusive Bonuses For Podcast+ Members

    James is providing 3 amazing bonuses to members of Podcast+:

    A PDF download of his “Rapid Team Rater” tool, which lets you assess your team within 10-15 minutes using a framework based on the Seven Principles team building model. An entire folder consisting of James’ sophisticated suite of tools called “Team Fixer”. The tools help you figure out your team’s top psychological issue and then zero in on the actions you’ll need to apply.A free hour of consultation with James, where you can use the Rapid Team Rater tool to discuss the specifics of your team.

    To get these guest bonuses and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Do you feel overwhelmed as you step into your first management role?

    Climbing up the corporate ladder can be exciting, but research shows that transitioning from an individual contributor into a manager role is one of the most challenging and stressful periods in a person’s career.

    Many new managers don’t easily make the psychological transition from an individual contributor paid to perform tasks to a manager entrusted with achieving results through others’ efforts. But that’s exactly what we need to do.

    Meet Eric Girard. Eric is the CEO of Girard Training Solutions and the author of Lead Like a Pro: The Essential Guide for New Managers. He has over 30 years of experience helping improve the performance of managers and employees. He specializes in the development of new managers, focusing on their successful transition to their new role and on their team management skills.

    Eric and I talk about the key skills and mindset shift that new and not-so-new managers need to succeed in building a strong, thriving team.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:53) Biggest challenges new managers run into(03:31) What’s the job of a manager?(06:28) How to coach someone to navigate their own challenges(08:46) Why managers need to learn to delegate(11:10) How new managers can build trust with their team(17:35) The four different stages of team formation(20:35) Tips and tricks for navigating through all the four stages of team formation(25:00) How managers can help their team members work through times of change(30:05) A great manager Eric has worked for(33:50) Keep up with Eric(34:43) [EXTENDED EPISODE ONLY] A new way of using the SWOT analysis to help yourself and your team become better(40:32) [EXTENDED EPISODE ONLY] How to effectively set goals as a team

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Eric:

    - Follow Eric on LinkedIn here

    - Join Eric’s Lead Like a Pro Workshop here

    - Grab a copy of his book, Lead Like a Pro here
    - Build your team’s skills here

    Giveaway: 4 Copies of “Lead Like a Pro”

    Eric is giving away 4 signed copies of his book, Lead Like a Pro: An Essential Guide For New Managers. This book is your roadmap to becoming a successful manager people will want to work with. As Eric explains, anyone who wants to thrive in a new management position, get the most from their teams, and contribute to their organization’s success must transform themselves from an individual contributor who can manage tasks into someone who’s great at managing people.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

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  • Have you tried ChatGPT yet?

    AI is taking the business world by storm and AI tools have now become an integral part of daily workflows. While many businesses are already discovering ways to adopt and leverage AI, a lot of managers I speak with aren't sure how to take advantage of it.

    In this week's episode, I share my list of top picks of innovative AI tools that can dramatically boost your team's productivity. From AI-driven task generators that simplify project planning to advanced writing tools that improve your writing and communication skills, I have it all covered just for you.

    Whether you're a seasoned team manager or just someone looking to elevate your skills with AI, this episode is packed with information.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(00:46) Take advantage of task generators(02:20) Leveraging AI writing tools(03:58) How AI-powered meeting notes work(06:39) Boost productivity with task planners(08:41) Reminders when using AI tools(10:20) [Extended Episode Only] My #1 AI productivity tool

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    My Personal Task Management System (Behind-the-Scenes)

    Members of Podcast+ get a behind-the-scenes look at my personal task management system where I share all my tips and tricks for how I capture tasks, plan my day, and use Asana and Akiflow to keep myself organized and on track.

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Vulnerability is a key ingredient in nurturing meaningful personal relationships, but does it hold the same weight in a professional context?

    Brené Brown has popularized the idea of vulnerability, but how we act vulnerable in the workplace differs from how we show vulnerability in personal spaces. After all, work comes with its own set of challenges–from managing teams and pleasing customers to hitting tight deadlines, all laden with overtones of power dynamics. This week’s guest is here to shed some light on why and how we should be vulnerable and confident at work.

    Today’s guest is Jacob Morgan. Jacob is the best-selling author of five books, including his most recent, Leading With Vulnerability, which is based on over 100 CEO interviews and a survey of 14,000 employees. He is also a professionally trained futurist and speaker.

    Jacob unpacks the simple yet effective equation of vulnerability + leadership, and how by combining these two ingredients, you can lead your team effectively.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:39) What does leading with vulnerability mean?(06:45) The right and wrong way to approach vulnerability in the workplace(13:30) Real-life scenarios showing vulnerability at work(19:59) Three paths to becoming a vulnerable leader(23:53) Why some people avoid leading with vulnerability(26:57) A great manager Jacob has worked for(28:10) Keep up with Jacob(29:23) [Extended Episode Only] What do to when you’re being vulnerable and it lands wrong(35:55) [Extended Episode Only] The power of “I” statements and real emotions

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Jacob Morgan

    - Follow Jacob on LinkedIn and Twitter

    - Listen to his podcast here

    - Grab a copy of his book here

    - Visit his website for more information here

    Free Sample of “Leading With Vulnerability”

    Jacob Morgan is happy to offer a 23-page sample of his book, “Leading With Vulnerability”. Based on over 100 CEO interviews and a survey of nearly 14,000 employees, Jacob shares candid stories and original research that shows how leaders can tap into vulnerability to transform themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • When you think of a successful career, the first thing that comes to mind is probably not generosity–a term not often associated with the business world.

    However, generosity in leadership is about giving of oneself–time, attention, and mentorship–for everyone’s gain. And that’s a powerful business strategy.

    Generous leaders invest in their team’s growth and well-being. They cultivate a culture of trust and collaboration, where each team member’s potential is nurtured and celebrated. And our guest offers profound insights into this leadership style.

    Today’s guest is Joe Davis. Joe is a Managing Director and Senior Partner at the Boston Consulting Group, where he has been for 37 years. His new book, ‘The Generous Leader: 7 Ways to Give of Yourself for Everyone's Gain,’ reflects his passion for people and his desire to support their development and inspire teams to work better than they thought possible.

    Joe shares what it means to be a generous leader and how you can become one in seven simple ways. We also discuss how a generous leader listens and communicates to support their team, the power of doing small acts for your team, and much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:41) What is a generous leader?(03:29) Seven characteristics of a generous leader(06:35) What deep listening looks like(13:21) Strategies to create a more welcoming work environment(16:25) How to ensure your team members understand what you’re communicating(19:21) What is a generous action ally (23:19) Example of how a manager can be a generous action ally to their team members(26:43) A great manager Joe has worked for(28:48) Keep up with Joe(30:29) [Extended Episode Only] Small acts that have a big impact(33:14) [Extended Episode Only] How to incorporate small yet powerful acts into your day and week

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Joe Davis

    - Grab a copy of his book, The Generous Leader, here

    - Follow Joe on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram

    - Check out his website for more information here

    Giveaway - 5 Copies of “The Generous Leader: 7 Ways to Give of Yourself for Everyone’s Gain”

    Joe Davis’s book, The Generous Leader, is an innovative and insightful 7-part guide to heartfelt and collaborative actions that transform the reader into a generous leader. It is for anyone seeking to elevate their heart, lead with humanity, and live a life of deep integrity. You must enter the drawing by Wednesday, May 8.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • How does it feel to work with somebody you'd rather avoid? Let's admit it: We all experience a fair share of difficult people at work. And many times, we just have to be around them whether we like it or not. However, there are a few things, that we can do to lessen their impact on us.

    Today's workplace expert unpacks everything we need to know about working with difficult people.

    Amy Gallo is the author of Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People), the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict, as well as hundreds of articles for Harvard Business Review. She is also the co-host of HBR’s popular Women at Work podcast, which examines the struggles and successes of women in the workplace.

    In this episode, Amy shares the eight types of difficult people we usually encounter at work and how to deal with them effectively. We also talk about the challenges of written communication, checking our own behavior, and so much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:27) 8 kinds of difficult co-workers most people work with(05:45) Personality clash vs. productive conflict (07:32) How to deal with problematic behavior at work(14:36) The manager’s role in solving work conflict(16:23) Is confronting a colleague with their bad behaviors a good strategy?(20:10) How to appropriately respond to difficult written communications(29:16) A great manager Amy has worked for(31:03) Keep up with Amy(32:32) [Extended Episode Only] The role of biases in judging someone’s behavior(36:11) [Extended Episode Only] How managers should intervene when team members have issues working together

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Amy Gallo

    - Follow Amy on LinkedIn here

    - Listen to her podcast here

    - Grab a copy of her book here

    - Check out her other works here

    Book Giveaway: 2 Signed Copies of “Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People)”

    Amy is giving away 2 copies of her book, Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People) to members of Podcast+. In this book, Amy identifies eight familiar types of difficult coworkers and provides strategies tailored to dealing constructively with each one. She also shares principles that will help you turn things around, no matter who you're at odds with. You must enter the drawing by Wednesday, May 1.

    To get guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • One of the most crucial yet often overlooked tasks for managers is hiring. While it may seem straightforward, hiring is an intricate process filled with challenges that can shake even the most seasoned manager.

    In today’s competitive job market, where job postings can receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications, distinguishing top candidates from the rest requires more than just reviewing resumes.

    Thankfully, our guest will fill us in on what to do (and not do) to make your hiring process successful.

    Today’s guest is Vicky Brown. After two decades of leadership roles in the corporate world, Vicky founded her own HR consultancy, Idomeneo Enterprises, in 2001. Her Leaders Journey Experience is an education program specifically designed to equip entrepreneurs and business professionals with the tools, guidance, and confidence to navigate the sometimes complex world of HR.

    Vicky shares invaluable insights on the ins and outs of a hiring process. She shares tips and tricks on writing effective job descriptions, evaluating a resume, what questions to ask during the interview to uncover deeper insights into a candidate, the recommended interview format and processes, and more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:05) Why hiring feels increasingly difficult(04:40) How to write effective job descriptions(09:13) Interviewing techniques to uncover deeper insights into candidates(22:29) Recommended number of interviews and interview format(25:57) How to read and evaluate resumes(28:18) A great manager Vicky has worked for(31:16) Is there anything a candidate should or shouldn’t ask in an interview?(33:36) Keep up with Vicky(34:25) [Extended Episode Only] What should you do when you’re undecided about a candidate?(39:08) [Extended Episode Only] The truth about reference checks

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here - use code CELEBRATE300 for 30% off when you join before May 1, 2024

    To get guest bonuses and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Do you feel overwhelmed with your role as a manager? What exactly is your job?

    Managers are key to organizational success. They act as a vital link between leaders' strategic vision and individual contributors' execution.

    This means we need to guarantee clarity during handoffs and cultivate a culture of accountability within our teams. Feel like a tall order? It doesn't need to be.

    Today’s guest is Matt Ley. Matt is the author of Manage Your Gaps: Reclaiming The Awesomeness of Management. His work focuses on helping organizations and individuals get management right.

    Matt discusses the unique roles and responsibilities that managers play using his EP!C Framework. He also shares some practical tips on how to be a great manager, overcome the most challenging responsibility of a manager, strategically leverage individual contributors on a team, and much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:38) What does it mean to be a manager?(04:00) The EP!C framework for management success (12:32) The most challenging responsibility of a manager(17:09) What happens when there’s a lack of clarity around processes and expectations during handoff(23:32) The importance of an optimized handoff process(27:43) Tips for managers on how to be great with their roles(30:00) A great manager Matt has worked for(31:35) Keep up with Matt(32:29) [Extended Episode Only] How managers can help their team members evolve(39:23) [Extended Episode Only] Advice on how to better leverage your team’s rising stars and rock stars

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here - use code CELEBRATE300 for 30% off when you join before May 1, 2024

    Keep up with Matt Ley

    - Follow Matt on LinkedIn here

    - Visit his website for more information here

    50-Page Workbook for EP!C Management Program

    Matt is providing the workbook that accompanies his 12-week EP!C Management Training Program. At 50 pages, the goal of this workbook is to help you understand how to set up your environment, measure performance to drive success, understand your identity, and get clear on the role of communication.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Do you ever wish there was a straightforward way to figure out how to be and do your best as a manager? Fortunately, there is.

    Introducing the Modern Manager Framework. Whether you're trying to improve your time management, navigate conflict, or lead better team meetings, the Modern Manager Framework can help you achieve your goals.

    In this week's episode, we'll explore this framework in depth and discuss how it can help you be intentional in your managerial approach.

    We'll break down the essential components of the Modern Manager Framework, guide you on activating the right mindset, habits, and behaviors to leverage this framework effectively, its practical applications in real-life work scenarios, and much more.

    Join me for this insightful discussion now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:25) 3 basic components of the Modern Manager Framework(02:57) How your mindset can help or hinder you(03:57) Questions to reflect on to activate your ideal mindset(04:46) Forming the right behaviors and habits as a manager(05:42) The three circles of the Modern Manager Framework (09:20) How I use the Modern Manager Framework(15:12) [Extended Episode Only] 3 simple approaches to changing your behaviors(16:59) [Extended Episode Only] The framework in action - How to show appreciation

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    30% Off The Modern Manager Skills Accelerator

    The Skills Accelerator is my signature program for managers to help you build your skills in a supportive community. Each month, we focus on one skill or responsibility, and this month is accountability. If you want to master this skill and other modern manager skills, join our Skills Accelerator program and use the code CELEBRATE300 to get 30% off when you join before May 1st. Join the Skills Accelerator Program here.

    The Modern Manager Framework Workbook

    Apply the Modern Manager Framework to help develop your managerial skills. This workbook provides an overview of the framework, questions for reflection, and examples of frameworks for various skills/areas of focus.

    To get this workbook and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community or join the Skills Accelerator.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • What exactly is strategic thinking? Many of us often confuse strategic thinking with strategic planning and implementation. We know strategy is crucial in the business world and that strategic thinking skills are valued by senior executives. This week’s podcast guest says anyone can be a strategic thinker and explains how!

    Today’s guest is Dr. Julia Sloan. Julia is the author of the definitive book, Learning to Think Strategically, and is recognized for her pioneering work on the application of complex cognitive theory to everyday strategic thinking practice. A Fulbright fellow, she teaches strategic thinking at her alma mater, Columbia Univand, and has worked globally with corporate & public policy leaders, start-ups, refugees, & military leaders.

    Julia and I talk about everything strategic thinking–what it is, how it differs from strategic planning and implementation, how we can develop strategic thinking skill sets, the foundation of strategic thinking, and so much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:22) Strategic Thinking vs. Strategic Planning vs. Strategic Implementation(07:23) How managers can use strategic thinking with their team members(10:20) Does strategic thinking always precede strategic planning?(13:06) Example of putting strategic thinking into action and in place(16:53) How we can develop our strategic thinking skill sets(22:28) The value of slowing down and pressing the pause button(25:35) The four Cs of strategic thinking and how it helps keep your team on track(30:55) A great manager Julia has worked for(31:50) Keep up with Julia(33:34) [Extended Episode Only] How to still think strategically amidst constant changes

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here

    Keep up with Dr. Julia Sloan

    - Follow Julia on LinkedIn here

    - Grab a copy of Julia’s book Learn to Think Strategically here

    - Visit Learn Strategic Thinking for more details here

    FREE PDF Download: 40 Leadership Tips to Strengthen Strategic Thinking

    Dr. Julia-Sloan is happy to offer a four-page PDF outlining 40 leadership tips you can implement to strengthen your strategic thinking. The tips are organized into three categories—before, during, and after a strategy session—and lined up chronologically to help you build your strategic thinking muscles.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Most people think that change at work is great. It has become the defining characteristic of successful organizations, teams, and individuals. But psychologically, change is HARD on humans–it’s a common source of stress for many of us.

    When there’s change or uncertainty at work, it creates a degree of fear and anxiety. However, work rituals can help team members feel that sense of continuity amidst changes. So, how can leaders (and team members) effectively leverage rituals to foster stability?

    Today’s guest is Ashley Goodall. Ashley is a leadership expert who has spent his career exploring large organizations from the inside, most recently as an executive at Cisco. He is the co-author of Nine Lies About Work, which was selected as the best management book of 2019 by Strategy + Business and as one of Amazon’s best business and leadership books of 2019. Prior to Cisco, he spent fourteen years at Deloitte as a consultant and as the Chief Learning Officer for Leadership and Professional development. His book, The Problem with Change, publishes in May.

    During our conversation, Ashley and I discussed the challenges of constant change and its impact on us and our team members. He also shared how managers and team members can use rituals to create a sense of certainty, predictability, and stability amidst changes, how to support team members during these changes, the important role of language, and more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:32) Why are there constant changes in today’s workplace?(04:48) Is change always a good thing?(10:36) Challenges that come with being in a constant state of change(16:06) The role of a team in creating stability and a sense of continuity amidst changes(18:08) How to support your team members when going through changes(20:32) The power of rituals and “ritualization”(28:04) A great manager Ashley has worked for(31:57) Keep up with Ashley(33:07) [Extended Episode Only] Surprising insight on how leaders can foster stability, consistency, and predictability (39:52) [Extended Episode Only] The role of language in creating certainty in times of change

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here

    Keep up with Ashley Goodall

    - Grab a copy of Ashley’s book The Problem with Change here

    - Visit Ashley’s website for more information here

    10% Discount on The Problem With Change

    Drawing on two decades spent leading HR organizations at Deloitte and Cisco, in this book, Ashley Goodall reveals the truth about human performance and offers a radical new alternative to the constant turbulence that defines corporate life. Members can get 10% off a pre-order of The Problem With Change - valid through May 6.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • When was the last time you effortlessly swayed someone's opinion? For leaders, it's likely that not everyone who works with you will embrace the ideas and decisions you make—and that's okay.

    But convincing people to rally behind your vision, sway their perspectives, and generate buy-in is part of the job. Conventional strategies have lost their effectiveness (if ever they were effective!), but today's guest has unlocked the secrets to mastering the art (and science) of changing people's minds to help you move work forward.

    Today’s guest is Michael McQueen. Michael is a multi-award winning speaker, change strategist and bestselling author of ten books. With clients including Google, Toyota, and Mastercard, he has helped some of the world’s most successful brands navigate uncertainty and stay one step ahead of change.

    Michael and I talk about how to change people’s minds. We get into the details on why it’s harder to influence people now than ever, ways to prime people to hear your ideas without triggering their defense mechanisms, tips for getting buy-in even from the most stubborn colleagues, and so much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:15) Why is it so hard to influence people?(05:33) Why giving more information doesn’t persuade people(10:01) The secret to using storytelling effectively to influence people(14:42) Tips and tricks for persuading people in the workplace(18:33) Why go for a walk when trying to gain someone’s trust(20:43) Simple things you can do to prime people to be more open(25:05) Why constructive arguments are essential in the workplace(28:09) Generating buy-in from your team member through motivational interviewing (31:02) A great manager Michael has worked for(32:33) Keep up with Michael(33:59) [Extended Episode Only] The importance of our two minds(37:30) [Extended Episode Only] Phrases to avoid and use when trying to get a message or an idea through to someone(39:48) [Extended Episode Only] Easy techniques to help people see things differently

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here

    - Listen to episode 42: Deep Listening with Oscar Trimboli here

    Keep up with Michael McQueen

    - Follow Michael on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook

    - Visit Michael’s official website for other resources here

    FREE Exclusive Mini Masterclass Video Series

    In this mini masterclass video series, bestselling author Michael McQueen will share practical insights for mastering the art of changing stubborn minds from his latest book, Mindstuck. The series includes 5 videos on topics including “What we’ve got wrong about being right” and “It takes 2 questions to change a mind”.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

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  • Being a successful manager in today’s modern workplace is not a straightforward task. It requires delivering results and thinking strategically, all the while supporting team members’ growth and development.

    Given these demands, it’s unsurprising that professional development may not be your top priority. Today’s guest thinks otherwise–you can make professional development a habit!

    Today’s guest is Skot Waldron. Skot is a communication strategist, coach, podcast host, and author of the best-selling "Unlocked: A 52-Week Guide For The Intentional Leader", renowned for transforming complex communication challenges into growth opportunities. His practical strategies foster effective leadership, influence, and alignment in top-tier organizations like J.P. Morgan Chase, the CDC, and The Coca-Cola Company.

    In this interview, Skot and I discuss how you can integrate self-development into your daily life in manageable ways. He also shares some practical examples of going from inspiration to transformation and how you can bring that same approach to your team members.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-episode guides with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:44) The secret ingredient that turns information and inspiration into transformation(06:59) Structuring self-improvement for leaders(13:27) The role of responsibility vs. blame in leadership(19:39) What is the 1N=5P ratio?(23:14) How to apply the 1N=5P ratio at work(29:29) A great manager Skot has worked for(30:31) Keep up with Skot(32:07) [Extended Episode Only] How to apply Skot’s self-development approach to your team members(36:01) [Extended Episode Only] Tips on navigating team resistance to self-development

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here

    Keep up with Skot Waldron

    - Subscribe to Skot’s YouTube channel here

    - Listen to his podcast here

    - Connect with him on LinkedIn here

    - Grab a copy of his book here

    -Visit Skot’s website for more here

    Free Sample (34 Pages) of Skot’s Book, “Unlocked”

    Download a PDF sample of Skot’s book, “Unlocked: A 52-Week Guide for the Intentional Leader”. In this book, Skot offers a unique system of personal transformation through small, intentional actions. His structured path to personal growth travels through 52 short chapters - each representing a week's journey - focusing on inspiration, reflection, and purposeful action.

    Free Group Coaching

    You and your team can meet with Skot every other week to receive coaching and learn from each other. Skot will use the Altitude Training program to teach the art of leadership.

    Free ‘5 Voices’ Communication Assessment

    Learn your communication style and understand your strengths and weaknesses with this 15-minute assessment.

    Free ‘5 Voices’ Team Bootcamp

    You and your team can join a 90-minute virtual session with Skot, where you will:

    Understand the communication dynamics of your team.Understand how to gain more influence with those around you.Relate to what it looks like when you’re accidental in your leadership.Walk away with an actionable leadership insight to apply.

    To get these guest bonuses and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

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  • A high performance culture is what often separates great teams from the rest. Culture is vital to your organization's success, but do managers really have that much influence on culture? This week’s guest says we do!

    Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry is a pioneering force in culture development and building high-performing teams. His journey began with a personal struggle with ADHD, which ultimately led him on a profound quest for understanding how emotions drive behavior. This exploration culminated in the development of the "Last 8%" system, a transformative approach that has empowered Olympic athletes, Navy SEALs, CEOs, and Fortune 500 employees.

    In this episode, JP and I talk about building a high performance culture using the 8% principle. He sheds light on the often-overlooked gap that holds teams back from peak performance.

    We explore what the last 8% is, what managers can do to tackle that 8%, how to foster a high performance culture, highlighting the value of accountability with empathy, plus so much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:26) What is the 8% principle?(05:07) Important skills to push yourself into the discomfort zone(10:27) How to foster a high-performance culture using the 8% principle(15:07) A real-life example of leveraging culture effectively(20:39) Common norms for teams functioning in the 8% quadrant(25:19) What managers can do to start fostering a high-performance culture(29:39) A great manager JP has worked for(31:57) Keep up with JP(33:23) [Extended Episode Only] How to hold yourself and your team accountable(41:07) [Extended Episode Only] The most important equation in human behavior

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here

    Keep up with Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry

    - Follow Dr. JP on LinkedIn here

    - Visit the Last Eight Percent website here

    - Subscribe to the Last 8% Morning podcast here

    15% off Live Online Science of Emotional Intelligence Program

    Members get 15% off the live, online Science of Emotional Intelligence program by Last Eight Percent. This program teaches you the most important skill to have in your toolkit – Emotional Intelligence. Their blended approach to learning combines pre-work, program materials, and homework assignments in their Learning Management System (LMS) with three 2-hour live online video meetings for an enriching and truly collaborative group experience.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Life is a series of choices. We make decisions every single day that affect how we live our lives–whether you’re picking what to have for lunch or steering a company strategy. For managers, effective decision-making skills at work are essential. So, how do you ensure you make the right decisions and stay on top of your game?

    In this week’s episode, we’ll explore the five (5) critical decision-making skills that can help you and your team members make effective decisions.

    From mastering timelines to harnessing the power of collaborative thinking, this episode is your guide to navigating the complex world of workplace decisions.

    Join me for an insightful discussion!

    Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:18) The importance of timelines(02:41) 2 questions to ask when making a decision(03:39) The role of emotions in decision-making(06:28) How to draw logical conclusions through information discernment(08:47) Why big-picture thinking is critical(10:08) The value of collaborative thinking(10:58) How to be a good collaborative partner(12:48) [Extended Episode Only] The 6th essential skill for effective decision-making(13:29) [Extended Episode Only] Examples of an effective decision-making process

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here

    FREE One-Page Overview of the Decision-Making Skills

    Members of Podcast Plus get a copy of my one-page overview of the decision-making skills that I talked about today to help improve your decision-making skills or support a team member in developing theirs.

    To get this bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Your team members' motivation levels can greatly impact their productivity, engagement, morale, and, of course, the quality of their work. But motivating people is HARD.

    Surprisingly, bigger paychecks are less effective than we think they are in motivating people to do good work and stick around. So, if money is not an adequate motivation tool, then what is? How do you motivate your people?

    Today's guest is JC Bernstein. JC is a management coach and founder of The Management Mentor. She is also the author of "Ignite Your Team: Using the SPARK Method to Lead, Inspire, and Build a Team that Cares."

    JC and I discuss strategies for motivating employees, especially hourly and part-time workers. She unpacks how her 5-step SPARK approach can help you quickly understand your team members' unique motivations so you can build trust and make deeper connections.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:58) What is the SPARK method?(06:08) The role of paycheck and how it motivates (or not) people to stick around(07:04) How to motivate people using the SPARK method(12:20) A SPARK method success story(18:35) Practical steps for each of the 5 components of the SPARK method (23:41) 4 types of questions to ask to uncover employee motivation(32:17) A great manager JC has worked for(33:10) Keep up with JC(34:07) [Extended Episode Only] How to navigate through changes in the workplace and ensure people stay motivated(36:42) [Extended Episode Only] Real-life story on how to navigate these changes

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here
    - Join the Skills Accelerator Program here

    Keep up with JC Bernstein

    - Follow JC on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook

    - Subscribe to her YouTube channel The Management Mentor

    - Check out her online resources for more information here

    - Visit her official website here

    Exclusive Tutorial on the SPARK Method

    If you have struggled to motivate the employees of today (the ones who seem like they just don’t want to work, no matter how hard you try), it’s because you are using outdated techniques in a modern world. To learn the method that works NOW, members get exclusive access to the step-by-step tutorial on the SPARK Method. You’ll get unlimited, lifetime access to JC’s video tutorial.

    To get this guest bonus and many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • What comes to mind when you think about culture? Most of us believe that culture is related to national origin and ethnicity, but culture is so much more than that.

    We may live in the same country, and yet it’s not uncommon to have different cultural preferences that influence how we show up at work and in life. And when we aren’t aware of these cultural differences, it can lead to awkward or frustrating situations and occasionally disastrous moments.

    For managers, developing cultural intelligence is vital in understanding ourselves and our teams and fostering better connections at work. So, how do managers develop cultural intelligence?

    Today’s guest is Loren Rosario-Maldonado. Loren has dedicated over 25 years to leadership coaching, change management, and cultural intelligence. Her unique ability to create human-centered workplace experiences and build high-performing teams has transformed organizations and solidified her reputation as an industry trailblazer. Her latest book, Becoming the Change: The Power of Cultural Intelligence, is a testament to her commitment to fostering cultural diversity and personal growth.

    Loren and I talk about cultural intelligence–what it is, how it differs from emotional intelligence, and how it shows up at work. She also explains the importance of cultural intelligence and how it impacts us in the workplace. Lastly, she shares plenty of tips and insightful stories to help you improve your cultural intelligence and so much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:55) What is cultural intelligence?(04:36) Common misconceptions about culture(08:23) Understanding time, relationship-building, and emotional expression from different cultural perspectives(20:52) The essence of cultural intelligence(25:25) How to initiate a conversation about cultural differences in the workplace, particularly when power dynamics are involved(30:00) A great manager Loren has worked for(30:57) Keep up with Loren(32:19) [Extended Episode Only] How to navigate workplace conflict using cultural intelligence(38:12) [Extended Episode Only] Is it enough for teams to set norms to overcome cultural differences when addressing conflict?

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Loren Rosario-Maldonado

    - Follow her on LinkedIn here

    - Learn more about cultural intelligence here

    - Get a copy of Loren’s book Becoming The Change here

    Win a Copy of Becoming The Change

    Two Members can win a copy of “Becoming the Change: The Power of Cultural Intelligence” by Loren Rosario-Maldonado. A compelling guide that unlocks the secrets to thriving in our increasingly globalized society, this book is a treasure trove of insights for anyone eager to navigate diverse cultural landscapes with ease and empathy.

    To enter the drawing for this guest bonus and to get many other member benefits, become a member of The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Have you taken a personality test for a new job or during a team-building exercise? A lot of folks enjoy the insights that come from assessments like these. They help us know ourselves and our colleagues by better understanding our preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. Enter the Enneagram tool.

    Today's guest is Tracy O'Malley. Tracy is an Enneagram expert success coach. Her candid journey of self-discovery via the Enneagram sparked an enlightening shift in her perspective, which has been a lifeline to many. She uses this transformative tool uniquely, focusing on understanding motives and fears to help individuals feel seen, heard, and valued, consequently leading to personal and professional transformation.

    Tracy and I talk about the Enneagram as a tool to better understand ourselves and our team members. She shares a comprehensive overview of the nine personality types, how we can use this information to help ourselves and team members grow into our best selves, how managers can leverage these Enneagram insights to enhance connections with team members, plus so much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:19) What is the Enneagram?(05:56) The nine Enneagram personality types(15:51) Understanding the Enneagram tool to help you connect better with your team members(21:34) A success story on leveraging Enneagram lessons for managing a team(25:10) How we can show up as the best version of ourselves(29:00) A great manager Tracy has worked for(30:20) Keep up with Tracy(31:58) [Extended Episode Only] How to use the Enneagram to help build cohesion or collaboration amongst a team(33:58) [Extended Episode Only] Using Enneagram for workplace conflict resolution(38:49) [Extended Episode Only] Working with complementary Enneagram types within a team

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Tracy O’Malley

    - Follow Tracy on Instagram here

    - Subscribe to her podcast show here

    - Check out her website for more information here

    FREE 2024 Monthly Planner

    Download a 2024 monthly planner to help you stay organized this year! Each month has a section to write notes, goals, main highlights of the month, lessons learned, things you’re grateful for, and areas of growth.

    Get this guest bonus and many other member benefits when you join The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • With busy days and the fast pace of work, it's understandable why so many teams jump from idea to basic plan (maybe!) to action. In our desire to move quickly, we forget that when we do so, we risk making bad decisions, resulting in wasted resources and, ultimately, not achieving what we set out to do. This is where upstream work plays a crucial role in getting alignment and clarity, readying us for successful execution.

    Today's guest is Atif Rafiq. Atif has blazed trails in Silicon Valley and the Fortune 500 for over 25 years. After rising through digital native companies like Amazon and Yahoo!, Atif held C-suite roles at McDonald's, Volvo, and MGM Resorts. He rose to the President level in the Fortune 500 and has led thousands of employees as a global P&L, transformation, and innovation leader.

    Atif and I talk about his approach for upstream work, which he calls decision sprints, that help teams and organizations prepare for effective execution. He explains the difference between upstream and downstream activities, the three phases of upstream work, the importance of psychological safety in organizations, and more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(02:04) What is a decision sprint?(03:50) Significance of psychological safety in upstream work(07:58) The role of questions in innovation, strategy, and growth(10:08) Examples of how and when to ask questions(13:46) Why alignment matters for execution(16:30) What do meetings look like when you are trying to come to an alignment?(20:55) Decision meetings as work accelerators (23:19) How to make better decisions at a team level(26:37) A great manager Atif has worked for(28:34) Keep up with Atif(30:24) [Extended Episode Only] How to integrate decision sprint workflows into your team or organization(35:18) [Extended Episode Only] Ways to determine what questions don't need answering(36:53) [Extended Episode Only] Big lessons from McDonald’s

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Atif Rafiq:

    - Follow Atif on LinkedIn here

    - Subscribe to his newsletter here

    - Visit Decision Sprint for more information here

    50% Discount on Decision Sprint Workshops

    Members get a 50% discount on Decision Sprint workshops. These are 1-2 day workshops, virtual or in person, where your team or organization will get to experience the decision sprint workflows directly, enabling you to accomplish work together during the training as well as prepare to integrate the method going forward.

    Get these guest bonuses and many other member benefits when you join The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!

  • Your business is only as strong as your employees. So, if you want to build a strong and thriving business, you need to hire top-notch people. But hiring them is only a part of the equation. You must bring them together and transform them from high-performing individuals to high-performing teams. This is where successful team building comes in.

    Team building comes in all shapes and sizes, and whether you love spending time building relationships with and amongst your team or find it a bit silly or inefficient, doing team building right can significantly impact your team's productivity and morale. How can you maximize the power of team building?

    Today’s guest is Michael Alexis. Michael is the CEO of teambuilding.com, an industry leader in virtual, hybrid, and in-person team-building experiences. He has been leading remote workforces for almost a decade.

    Michael and I talk about all things team building–its various forms and why it's important. We also explore how you can incorporate it into your regular workday, how to do amazing events virtually and in person, and so much more.

    Join the conversation now!

    Get FREE mini-sketchnotes with the big idea from the week’s episode delivered to your inbox when you subscribe to my weekly email.

    Conversation Topics

    (00:00) Intro(01:39) Is team building really fun and engaging?(03:09) How important is team building(05:20) The different types of team building(08:32) Incorporating team building into the regular workday(11:30) How to do team building virtually(15:49) Examples of fun and quirky team building events(19:32) Factors to consider when planning a team building event(23:19) Is polling your team necessary when planning for such an event?(25:48) Should managers and senior leaders give their team time to bond without them?(28:13) A great manager Michael has worked for(29:33) Keep up with Michael(30:40) [Extended Episode Only] What do you do when something goes sideways during a team building activity?(34:57) [Extended Episode Only] Benefits of hiring an outside expert to plan your team building (39:08) [Extended Episode Only] What are the things not to do in a team building event?

    Additional Resources:

    - Get the extended episode by Joining The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community for just $15 per month

    - Read the full transcript here

    - Follow me on Instagram here

    - Visit my website for more here

    Keep up with Michael Alexis

    - Follow Michael on LinkedIn here

    - Check out his website for more here

    Free Download: “How to Run a Great Virtual Icebreaker: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet”

    Download a PDF with tips for running great icebreakers, an extensive (but not exhaustive) list of icebreaker questions, and links to other resources, including blog articles and example icebreaker games.

    Get this guest bonus and many other member benefits when you join The Modern Manager Podcast+ Community.


    The Modern Manager is a leadership podcast for rockstar managers who want to create a working environment where people thrive, and great work gets done.

    Follow The Modern Manager on your favorite podcast platform so you won’t miss an episode!