
  • In the latest episode of The Psychedelic Report, Dr. Dave Rabin shares the latest news on the MDMA-Assisted Therapy trials evaluation by the FDA Advisory Committee from June 4, who voted a surprising 10-1 that the risks of this breakthrough treatment outweigh the benefits. This was particularly astonishing to clinicians and researchers as described by Rachel Nuwer in her latest article in the BBC published on June 20. We’ll take a deep dive into this article and the discussion of safety and risks of MDMA-Assisted Therapy, followed by an enlightening conversation with award-winning author Tucker Max about his personal journey achieving a greater sense of safety with psychedelic-assisted therapy.

    Tucker discusses the importance of safety and integration practices in maximizing the benefits of psychedelic experiences. He emphasizes the role of journaling, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes in supporting the integration process and facilitating personal growth. Tucker's journey highlights the profound impact of psychedelics on mental health, self-discovery, and relationships.
    Don't miss this insightful episode, where real-life experiences and expert perspectives converge to explore the healing potential of psychedelic medicines. Tune in now to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation with Tucker Max.

    Web: https://www.tuckermax.com/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabin
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabin
    Web: https://www.drdave.io/
    Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

    Tucker’s Books: https://www.tuckermax.com/books/#:~:text=Tucker%20Max's%20first%20three%20books,success%20has%20meant%20his%20success.

    Article: FDA advisors voted against MDMA therapy – researchers are still fighting for it

    Your Brain Explained Episode 1 - The MDMA Breakthrough: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4k4KWRzmn8o8N2Aer4MYAG?si=0377e20f02ed481d

    Rachel Nuwer’s NYT article breaking the study findings: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/14/health/mdma-ptsd-psychedelics.html

    Nature Medicine MDMA trial science article 1: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01336-3

    Nature Medicine MDMA trial science article 2: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02565-4

    Special episode of The Tim Ferriss Show with Dr. Dave Rabin on MDMA Therapy: https://open.spotify.com/show/5qSUyCrk9KR69lEiXbjwXM

    Food and Drug Administration
    5630 Fishers Lane
    Rm. 1061
    Rockville, MD 20852
    Docket No. FDA-2024-N-193

  • In this compelling episode of The Psychedelic Report, Dr. Dave Rabin is joined by esteemed journalist Rachel Nuwer, renowned for breaking the pivotal story on the Phase 3 MDMA-assisted therapy trials for PTSD in The New York Times. Together, they delve into the recent contentious votes from the FDA Pharmacologic Advisory Committee, which advised against approving MDMA-assisted therapy despite robust evidence from clinical trials.

    Rachel provides an insider's perspective on the committee's decision, expressing disappointment over the unreasonably high standards applied to MDMA-assisted therapy compared to other psychiatric medications. She and Dr. Rabin discuss the committee's focus on issues like demographic representation and the integration of therapy with MDMA treatment, arguing that these criticisms overlook the proven benefits of MDMA in enhancing psychotherapy outcomes.
    The episode highlights the need for better education on psychedelic therapy within the medical community and critiques the media's role in spreading public misconceptions. Rachel and Dr. Rabin emphasize the potential of MDMA-assisted therapy to revolutionize PTSD treatment, especially for Veterans and other underserved populations. Despite the setback, they remain hopeful that the scientific evidence and patients’ needs will ultimately prevail.

    Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of accurate reporting and increased awareness to advance psychedelic therapies and build public trust in these innovative treatments.

    Your Brain Explained - Can We Cute Mental Illness? The MDMA Story

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/your-brain-explained/id1693658383?i=1000617879818


    Rachel Nuwer’s Breaking News on MDMA Phase 3 Trials Results in the NYT:

    Rachel Nuwer’s book I Feel Love: MDMA and the Quest for Connection in a Fractured World https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62039306-i-feel-love

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabin
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabin
    Web: https://www.drdave.io/
    Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

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  • In this episode of The Psychedelic Report, Dr. Dave Rabin explores the nexus of nutrition, supplementation, and optimizing psychedelic medicine experiences with Shawn Wells, an expert in diet, nutrition, and biochemistry. Shawn discusses the transformative impact of psychedelics on his life and emphasizes the importance of practices like fasting and dietary restriction to establish an optimal physiological baseline for meaningful journeys. They discuss how fasting can induce a ketogenic state, potentially enhancing neuroplasticity during psychedelic experiences. This conversation emphasizes the significance of preparation, both physically and mentally, for psychedelic experiences, highlighting the importance of adaptability, stress tolerance, and learning.
    Web: https://shawnwells.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shawnwellsTwitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

  • In this episode of The Psychedelic Report, Dr. Dave Rabin and Dr. Amy Killen delve into the profound correlation between sexuality, intimacy, and longevity. Dr. Killen, a physician, presents compelling research demonstrating that regular sexual activity is associated with reduced mortality rates, particularly in men, attributing this effect to the physiological impact of sexual experiences, including the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin. They advocate for a comprehensive approach to sexual education, emphasizing self-exploration, effective communication, and the destigmatization of pleasure. This episode addresses societal taboos around sexuality and underscores the importance of prioritizing sexual health in healthcare practices. Overall, they challenge listeners to adopt a more open-minded and holistic perspective on sexuality, recognizing its profound impact on overall well-being and quality of life.
    Web: https://dramykillen.com/Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/dr.amybkillen/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAmyBKillen/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

  • How can individuals improve their understanding of their capabilities and potential, particularly in the context of stress management and mindfulness practices?

    In this episode, Dr. Dave Rabin interviews Jeff Krasno, founder of Commune and a prominent figure in the health and wellness community, joins the discussion on stress, delineating between chronic distress and beneficial stress rooted in evolutionary pressures. Through Jeff's curated protocols, including intermittent fasting, cold therapy, and social experiments, listeners gain insight into harnessing the power of good stress to enhance physiological and psychological health. The conversation delves into the physiological benefits of good stress, the importance of optimal stress dosage, and the parallel between building psychological resilience and strengthening the immune system. Jeff emphasizes the role of attention control in shaping reality and advocates for meditation and mindfulness practices to cultivate it. The episode concludes with a reflection on embracing discomfort and life's uncertainties, including death, as avenues for growth and self-discovery through meditation and psychedelic exploration.

    Listeners can find Jeff Krasno on the Commune podcast and Instagram, with his course on good stress available on Commune's website, reflecting his mission to democratize access to transformative practices.

    Web: https://www.jeffkrasno.com/commune-podcastInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeffkrasno/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

  • How can we improve our self-awareness and enter altered states of consciousness to live more fully? Join Dr. Dave Rabin and Dave Asprey as they delve into a fascinating discussion on various methods for accessing altered states of consciousness and enhancing self-awareness. They explore practices such as breathwork, neurofeedback, psychedelics, tantra, and conscious kink, among others, emphasizing the diverse range of tools available for personal growth and transformation.
    Dave Asprey shares profound insights into the process of resetting trauma and the importance of gratitude and forgiveness in healing. He explains that forgiveness is not about condoning the actions of others but about releasing reactivity and cultivating inner peace. Gratitude, often overlooked in therapeutic practices, is highlighted as a crucial step towards self-trust and personal growth.

    This episode addresses common concerns about personal transformation and reassures listeners that growth and change are natural processes that can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.

    Web: https://40yearsofzen.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

  • What happens when we explore the intersection of psychedelic medicines and healing? In this episode, Dr. Dave Rabin and Dr. Jeff Chen embark on a journey through the landscape of psychedelic drugs, from their historical roots in America's counterculture to their re-examination for therapeutic purposes today. Delving into the challenges of conducting research on psychedelic substances, particularly under regulatory restrictions, they shed light on the potential of cannabis for psychedelic-assisted therapy. Join them as they discuss the evolving field of psychedelic research, touching on crowd-sourced studies, decriminalization, and the crucial integration of therapy with psychedelic experiences. This episode provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of psychedelic research, the challenges and opportunities in the field, and the potential for these substances to revolutionize mental health treatment. Join Dr. Dave Rabin and Dr. Jeff Chen as they navigate the complex and fascinating world of psychedelic medicines and healing.
    Web: https://radiclescience.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

  • Can psychedelics and sexuality transform healing? Can we access powerful psychedelic states through intimacy, connection, and sexual experiences? What happens when you combine psychedelic medicines and sex? In this special Valentines Day episode of The Psychedelic Report, Dr. Dave Rabin is joined by Jaiya, renowned expert in sexual healing and empowerment to explore the transformative power of psychedelic experiences and their potential to heal trauma, enhance sexual experiences, and much more! Jaiya shares her personal journey of healing and how she discovered the profound connection between sexuality, psychedelics, and trauma healing. They dive into the concept of trauma and its impact on the brain, as well as the importance of creating safety and consent in both psychedelic experiences and sexual encounters. This episode also touches on the role of intention in psychedelic and sexual experiences, the power of pleasure as a healing tool, and the need for a code of ethics in psychedelic use that includes the exploration of sexuality. Jaiya leaves us with the concept of the five erotic blueprints, providing insights into different types of sexual expression and how they can be integrated into healing and personal growth. If you’ve ever had questions about sexuality and intimacy and how to invite more of it into your life, this is the show for you!
    Web: https://theblueprintbreakthrough.com/book/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missjaiya/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

  • How do the ancient traditions shed light on the interplay between science, spirituality, and the transformative journey of self-discovery? In this episode, Dr. Dave Rabin and Katie Silcox explore the fascinating intersection of science and spirituality. Katie, with an extensive background in Hinduism and Ayurveda, shares her journey into the world of tantric and yogic traditions. They discuss how these traditions aim to expand the mind beyond our limitations, emphasizing practices like breathing for inner exploration. The conversation touches on how these practices actually change our bodies, including Kundalini awakening and the balance of inner feminine and masculine aspects. They also explore the importance of grounding, self-acceptance, and the rise of the divine feminine in modern spirituality. Overall, this episode continues our 2024 exploration into the intricate connections between science and spirituality, providing a holistic understanding of consciousness and the deep interplay between mind, body, and ancient wisdom.
    Web: https://theshaktischool.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theshaktischool/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/Web: www.ApolloNeuro.com

  • How do you define sobriety?

    This week's episode features an enlightening discussion with biohacking influencer and interviewer Luke Storey about his personal journey with addiction, recovery, and the mindful integration of plant medicines.

    Luke shares vulnerably about the childhood trauma that led him down a path of substance abuse, and how eventually hitting rock bottom inspired his sobriety 24 years ago.

    He explained his thoughtful process around redefining sobriety and abstinence as he began to explore the healing potential of psychedelics like ayahuasca.

    Luke and Dr. Dave Rabin have an insightful conversation about the difference between substances that disconnect us from consciousness versus those that can open portals to personal and spiritual growth.

    They explored the importance of set, setting, intention, and integration when working with plant medicines. Join us for this thought-provoking look at how psychedelic medicines, when used consciously, can catalyze awe, disrupt negative thought patterns, reveal deeper layers of healing, and may provide a glimmer of hope for addiction treatment in the 21st century.

    Web: https://www.lukestorey.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/

  • Join us for a thoughtful conversation between expert panelists in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, meditation, and psychedelics, recorded live at Open studio in Venice, California. Led by Apollo Neuro co-founder and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dave Rabin, MD, PhD, with Manoj Dias, co-founder of Open, and Lauren Swanson, the Director of Patient Care at Wondermed Health, which provides ketamine treatment for anxiety and depression, they discuss where mindful practices like meditation and breathwork, psychedelic medicine, and wearable health overlap and where they differ, and how these practices can be used in tandem for healing and growth.

    Learn more about Apollo Neuro here.
    Download Open's mindfulness app here.
    Discover more about Wondermed here.

  • Is the field of psychedelic therapy receiving the educational support it needs? In this episode, Dr. Dave Rabin engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Allison Feduccia, a neuropharmacologist and the founder of Psychedelic Support. They explore the organization's mission, which includes providing crucial resources, a directory of licensed health professionals, and ACCME-accredited online courses covering substances like MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine. The episode sheds light on the hurdles Psychedelic Support faces in obtaining ACCME accreditation for their courses, raising concerns about the impact on education accessibility. The dialogue encompasses the FDA's warning on ketamine treatments, its contradictory extension through telehealth by the DEA, and Dr. Allison Feduccia's personal journey with ayahuasca, leading to her involvement in equine facilitated services and the development of a course on equine therapy. As they discuss the potential changes in accreditation, Dr. Allison emphasizes the significance of clinicians taking these courses and supporting organizations like Psychedelic Support in advancing psychedelic therapy education.

    Web: https://psychedelic.support/
    ACCME Web:https://www.accme.org/
    Contact number: (312) 527-9200
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabin
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabin
    Web: https://www.drdave.io/

  • Have you ever wondered about the real-world impact of microdosing psychedelics? In this episode, Dr. Dave Rabin interviews Dr. Pamela Kryskow and Dr. Zach Walsh, investigators on the Microdose.me study—one of the world's largest real-world studies on people microdosing psychedelics. Dr. Kryskow and Dr. Walsh discuss their backgrounds and entry into the psychedelic space, emphasizing the importance of observing real-world experiences. The Microdose.me study aims to provide substantial clinical data to support this promising new area of research. Their findings highlight positive outcomes for microdosers, including cognitive benefits for individuals over 55. The researchers stress the challenges of real-world studies, the need for collaboration, and the study's potential to guide future clinical trials.

    Web: Microdose.meTwitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/

  • In this episode Dr. Dave Rabin had the privilege of speaking with the late Dr. Roland Griffiths, a renowned figure in the field of psychedelic science and medicine. Dr. Griffiths, who passed away on October 16, 2023, was a pioneer in the study of consciousness and the therapeutic potential of psychedelic medicines. Dr. Griffiths was the Director of the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, shares his journey into the field, driven by his interest in meditation and altered states of consciousness. His groundbreaking research on psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, is discussed, highlighting the profound effects it induces, including mystical experiences and psychological insights. Dr. Griffiths underscores the need for further research into the variations among different strains of psilocybin mushrooms and the future of psychedelic therapy, which may involve novel compounds and therapeutic approaches. This episode provides valuable insights into the potential of psilocybin mushrooms for depression treatment and the ongoing advancements in psychedelic medicine.

    Web: https://hopkinspsychedelic.org/griffithsTwitter: https://twitter.com/DrDavidRabinInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidrabinWeb: https://www.drdave.io/

  • What is the Mind-Body Connection? In this episode, Dr. Candace Lewis PhD guides us through the intriguing intersections of stress, trauma, epigenetics, and mental health. Beginning her research in an addiction lab, she explored early-life stress and its impact on addiction vulnerability. Her deepening interest in epigenetics led her to delve into how traumatic experiences can alter gene regulation in the brain, laying the foundation for her exploration of psychedelics and their potential for healing. Candice stresses the importance of distinguishing between drug classes, with a focus on the therapeutic potential of psychedelics that can induce positive behavioral changes. Her pivotal research includes a pilot study on MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD, suggesting DNA methylation changes may contribute to treatment responses. The conversation extends to redefining trauma, the role of genetics and epigenetics in mental health, and the intriguing link between psychology, the brain, and the body. Candice also highlights ongoing studies on psychedelics, cognitive abilities and epigenetics, offering hope for cognitive decline prevention. Her lab initiatives encompass a social media drug education project and the Translational Research in Psychedelics (TRIP) team, both aimed at raising awareness and fostering informed discussions.


    Your Brain Explained

  • Have you ever wondered how you can make a difference in the betterment of mental health care for all? In this episode, Dr. Dave Rabin gets the latest updates from Dr. Jeanne Fontana MD, PhD about the Treat California campaign, a citizen-driven ballot initiative to revolutionize the way we deliver mental healthcare in the US by allocating over $5 billion to improving research, training, and safe access to psychedelic therapies. Today, we call on all Californians to show that you care about solving the crisis of mental illness up by donating $10, signing a petition, and educating others to do the same. Dr. Fontana's dream is to make these life-changing medicines accessible to every American and her team is well on the way! Dr. Fontana also reminds us of the importance of patience and compassion as we strive for better mental health care. Could this campaign be as game-changing as supporting the discovery of antibiotics were for infections? Tune in to find out and learn how you can play a critical role in making high quality mental health care available for all by joining the TreatCalifornia movement.


  • Can investing in psychedelics pave the way for a more conscious and compassionate approach to mental health and wellness? Dr. David Rabin engages in an illuminating conversation with Ozan Polat and Ryan Zurrer, a trailblazing venture capitalist redefining investment paradigms in the psychedelic space. Ryan introduces the concept of regenerative financing, sharing an innovative hybrid model that combines equity and debt for organizations like MAPS, fostering conscious health and sustainable investments. This episode delves into the balance between impact and profit, emphasizing the importance of cultural respect and responsible capital deployment. The trio dig into the imperative of respectful engagement with indigenous traditions and knowledge, highlighting the need for sustainable and non-extractive collaboration, the promising trajectory of psychedelic therapies, their increasing accessibility, and the potential to revolutionize mental health. Excitement resonates as they envision a future where acceptance of these therapies is widespread, even among generations who have been skeptical. Gratitude permeates as they reflect on the significance of building awareness and a strong scientific foundation for this transformative industry.


  • What if ancient medicines held the key to profound healing and transformation? In this enlightening episode of "The Psychedelic Report," Dr. Dave Rabin engages in a captivating conversation with Dr. Joseph Barsuglia, an esteemed clinical psychologist and MAPS-trained MDMA-assisted psychotherapist. Together, they delve into the depths of Iboga and 5MEO-DMT – two potent substances with rich histories and remarkable potentials. Explore the cultural heritage of Iboga in the Bwiti tradition, its therapeutic applications, and the delicate balance of its conservation. Uncover the mysteries of 5MEO-DMT, its unique effects, and the necessity of proper guidance. Join them in unraveling the transformative power of these ancient medicines and the responsible paths to harnessing their benefits within the realms of spirituality and therapy.

  • Have you ever heard of a headache so agonizing that it's been nicknamed the "suicide headache"? Imagine experiencing excruciating pain, primarily on one side of your head, accompanied by tearing, nasal congestion, and drooping eyelids. Now, imagine enduring this torment multiple times a day, each episode lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours. It's not just a nightmare scenario; it's a reality for those who suffer from cluster headaches. Join Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD as he sits down with Dr. Emmanuelle Schindler MD, PhD, a physician-scientist from Yale University, to take us on a journey to explore the fascinating potential of psilocybin as a promising solution that might seem surprising, but it actually works for many sufferers of this extremely challenging disorder. Help is on the way!

  • What's with the war on drugs? Are we setting an impossibly high standard for psychedelic medicine? Does law enforcement truly understand the psychedelic approach, or are they enforcing laws based on past misconceptions. Join me as I sit down with psychedelic detective Hamilton Morris of Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia on VICE to explore the major issues and aspirations of the psychedelic frontier. Discover why psychedelics remain illegal, and how their potential to dissolve societal norms challenges the status quo. Tune in to this mind-expanding episode of The Psychedelic Report as we venture into the uncharted realms of psychedelic medicine.