A lovely chat with Lorena who has embraced many changes in her life as a global citizen, ending up in the SW of France with a lovely retreat centre. Join us in this enlivening and fun journey of saying Yes! to opportunities and the lovely gifts the Universe places along the way. To contact Lorena: https://www.anamcarafrance.com/ Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
Exploring the emptying and collapse of ego, our beliefs, and the sense of stability that comes from resting in the stillness. Excerpt and meditation from our weekly community gathering Meditation timestamp: 8:40 mins Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
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The process of personal growth is messy, and sometimes we make the same mistakes over and over, a discussion around one of my favourite poems: Autobiography in Five Short Chapters by Portia Nelson. I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost ... I am helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes me forever to find a way out. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I am in the same place but, it isn't my fault. It still takes a long time to get out. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in ... it's a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. I walk down the same street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. I walk down another street. Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
In our Feb 2025 Reiki gathering we discuss what we do with our minds, our thoughts depending on what we are trying to achieve - is it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual healing? This determines how we can use our mind and our thoughts to enhance and amplify the healing. Meditation timestamp: 13:21mins Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
The year of the Yin Wood Snake begins! Clarice began her journey 30 years ago moving from a successful career in travel to become a Reiki Master and Feng Shui master. In this chat we discuss her own journey as well as what this next year may hold for us all! To connect with Clarice: https://masterclaricechan.com/ Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
When we try to attract and manifest, where are we coming from? The 'grabby' energy of Ego, or the aligned insight and spontaneity of universal flow? Beginning meditation timestamp: 4:39mins Taken from our weekly community meeting (that's why it's a bit blurry and more conversational), if you like this kind of conversation, why not join us? https://www.reiki-centre.com/community I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
Talking about the fundamentals of this channel and my philosophy around Reiki and how we use this energy to bring us into better alignment with our true selves. Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
January Reiki reiju gathering we discussed the importance of returning to 'ground xero' where our peace and stillness reside, reminding ourselves we are both individuals living a life and the universal life force itself. Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
In this lovely conversation we meander through a life with Reiki, the different stages that unfold for people and how Reiki provides the perfect foundation for building a meaningful and fulfilling life. To connect with Fiona: Reiki workshops, healing sessions and Reiki shares, Fiona also conducts regular Kundalini Yoga classes and Crystal Workshops. To contact her, visit IG: cwic.space or www.holisticquarters.sg Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
Low mood is a natural processing, the ups and downs of emotions and the energy moving through your physical, mental and emotional bodies is natural and normal. The Guest House "This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, Some momentary awareness comes As an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all ! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, Who violently sweep your house Empty of its furniture, Still, treat each guest honourably. He may be clearing you out For some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, Meet them at the door laughing, And invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, Because each has been set As a guide from beyond." - Rumi Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
December gathering we discussed gaining wider perspective, we are so much more aware than simply a jumble of emotions, thoughts and sensations. A meditation to widen and expand perspective. Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
In reference to the beautiful interview with Gangaji: https://youtu.be/kmUYR2Higcc?si=EZs5QwwvRuQQPHfX Timestamp 48mins "something that was really being searched for and then accepting that to know that you want that is the proof that it's here you. You can't search for something if there's not a reference point and the reference point is the truth of your identity." Wow! Lets discuss this reference point and how seeking outwardly just keeps you going in the totally wrong direction. Looking for a Reiki community? I run a monthly free Sunday Reiki healing meditation: https://www.reiki-centre.com/reiki-class/monthly and a weekly members community: https://www.reiki-centre.com/community For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
I often refer to Elaine Yang as 'the reluctant Reiki teacher', she completed her Reiki teacher training convinced she wasn't going to teach but Reiki and the universe had other ideas! In this lovely interview we explore the letting go of expectations, planning and ideas of what you can and can't do, and the embracing of not knowing and allowing the universe to show you possibilities you would have never thought of yourself. As well as Reiki classes and healing sessions, Elaine also makes beautiful and powerful healing crystal bracelets and sound healing sessions, to contact her visit: https://www.reiki-glow.com/
Here it is! This has been requested by several of you and is a guided self-healing with prompts and reminders and music - hope its useful! You don't have to do an hour to get the benefits of Reiki, even 15 minutes a day will give you huge benefits. But much like meditation, the longer you do it, the deeper you can go, especially if you have a very active mind and are always pushing yourself to keep busy. Stopping for an entire hour can reap enormous rewards! Try it and let me know what you think.
A bit of a ramble on my favourite topic, waking up! I mention Jed McKenna: Spiritual Enlightenment, the damnedest thing. And also Angelo Dilullo - his YouTube channel is great. To connect with me: https://www.reiki-centre.com
Our November Reiki reiju gathering we discuss thought storms, trying to resist what our minds are doing, insight, acceptance and closing the gap between what we think should be happening, and what actually is happening.
To join the monthly Reiju: https://www.reiki-centre.com/monthly
Pooja has been called a "walking miracle" by doctors after healing herself from paralysis, not once, but twice. I see her as a force of nature, full of energy and curiosity with an incredible ability to absorb and integrate a vast knowledge base. Always such a pleasure to chat and learn as she shares her own incredible healing story and talks about how she is guided to develop her own tool box and work with others to help them too. To connect with Pooja: https://redefinewellness.asia/ Hosted by Elaine Hamilton https://www.reiki-centre.com
I often come across people who think Reiki is a complementary therapy where you have to go to a therapist or practitioner to get a Reiki treatment. This could not be further from the truth, Reiki is a remarkable self-help tool to help you to manage your own stress, mental health, wellbeing, and anxiety. Learn more about how this occurs and the ease of doing it yourself! Try this short self-attunement: https://youtu.be/-x-L9oC2NH4 Try this self-attunement and healing: https://youtu.be/PlKoJGgdsJc Try a longer 30 minute self-healing: https://youtu.be/-K1pbvBTPJg https://www.reiki-centre.com For those interested in a deeper dive into Reiki for self-care, please see my short course here which includes 6 self-attunement meditations you can download: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-for-self-care For those interested in the full online Reiki 1 course for beginners, please see here: https://online.reiki-centre.com/courses/reiki-1
Part of the human condition is low self-esteem and worthiness, it seems to affect all of us in different ways. Instead of trying to fix or make yourself feel "good enough", focus on the fact that we are all enough, simply for being alive. Get back in contact with your inner curiosity and joy, and the conditioning will carry less weight and hold you back less. Elaine Hamilton https://www.reiki-centre.com
Our Reiki reiju monthly gathering we discuss the empathic tendency to reach out and feel responsible for other peoples' behaviour, actions or thoughts. This is a heavy burden and energy drain that can be shifted through mindfully reclaiming your energy and noticing when you are doing it. Join our monthly gathering: https://www.reiki-centre.com/monthly
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