
  • What is the difference between a habit, routine, and ritual?

    How can "borrowed experiences" make you unstoppable?

    I hope you enjoy this sound bite from episode 806. You can hear the full episode at www.marshbuice.com or on your favorite podcast app.

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  • Timing is everything. Don't treat it as if it is nothing.

    Today I am riffing out of Robert Greene's book "The 48 Laws Of Power." How to master the art of timing. In it he writes that there are 3 aspects of time:
    1. Long Time
    2. Forced Time
    3. End Time

    I'll unpack each one of these for you.

    If you feel like time is slipping away from you or you tried and failed due to timing, this episode is for you.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

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  • 3-2-1 Let’s get it! Today I dive into the importance of curiosity over confrontation in sales (which is a metaphor for life) and personal interactions. Here's what you'll gain by tuning in:

    -Understanding the Difference: Learn the key distinctions between being pushy and being persistent.
    - Benefits of Curiosity: Discover how staying curious can prevent confrontations and open up more opportunities.
    - Improved Communication Skill: Gain insights on how curiosity improves your listening and questioning abilities.
    - Building Confidence: Find out how being genuinely curious builds confidence, both in salespeople (we’re all in sales) and their customers.
    - Decision-Making Empowerment: Learn how your persistent curiosity helps customers make well-informed decisions independently.
    - Personal and Professional Growth: Explore how these techniques can be applied not just in sales, but in everyday life to enhance interactions and relationships.

    Join me to transform how you engage with others and turn potential conflicts into constructive conversations.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

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    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

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  • Alright, let's get it! I'm diving deep into what it takes to truly build and earn confidence in today’s episode. If you're ready to tackle the hard truths about confidence and growth, this one's for you. Here’s what you’ll gain by tuning in:

    Understanding Confidence: Learn why confidence cannot be simply taught but must be experienced.The Real Challenges: Explore how confronting tough situations is essential to developing genuine confidence.Sales Insights: Get a peek into the world of sales and why resilience in the face of failure is key to success.Life Lessons: Learn about the broader impacts of these experiences, not just on your career but also on your personal growth.Actionable Advice: I’ll share strategies on how to expose yourself to challenging scenarios and thrive through them.

    Join me as we unravel the complexities of building real confidence through relentless action and self-confrontation. Let’s growwwwww!

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

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    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

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  • 3-2-1 Let's get it! Today, I dissect the true essence of luck and how it's not just something that happens to you—it's something you can actively cultivate.

    Tune in as I explore the practical steps you can take to increase your own "surface area" for luck through persistence and purpose.

    Here's what you'll gain by listening:

    - Understanding of Luck: Discover a new perspective on luck, seeing it not as a random chance event but as a byproduct of persistent effort and clear intentions.

    The Power of Persistence: Learn why showing up consistently is more than just being present. It’s about engaging with your goals purposefully every single day.

    - Practical Strategies: Get actionable advice on how to purposefully work a process that aligns with who you are and who you want to become, enhancing your chances for success.

    - Mental Imagery for Motivation: Visualize your efforts as dots on a canvas, where each dot represents a step closer to your larger life goals, making the process tangible and motivational.

    - Internal Growth: Understand how good things start happening within you from day one of committing to your process, even before they manifest externally.

    - Commitment to Self: Gain insights into how maintaining personal commitments can strengthen your reliability and success in other areas of your life.

    - Long-term Impact: Learn how consistent effort over time increases your surface area for luck, leading to better opportunities, connections, and personal growth.

    Join me for a deep dive into how you can harness the principles of persistence to craft a luckier, more fulfilling life. Whether you're feeling stuck or just looking for a new strategy to tackle your goals, this episode offers valuable lessons on transforming persistence into progress.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

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    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

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  • In today's episode of "What's Your Problem?" I'm tackling a topic that touches everyone but is rarely leveraged as a tool for growth: regrets. Whether it's actions you regret taking or opportunities you missed, I'll show you why regrets don't have to be your downfall. Join me as I share practical strategies to transform regrets from burdens into boosters, helping you navigate past mistakes with wisdom and courage. Let's learn how to use those regrets to rocket ourselves towards a better future.

    What You'll Gain by Listening:
    - Insight into Different Types of Regrets: I'll help you understand the emotional impacts of regrets, whether they stem from actions taken or opportunities missed.
    - Strategies to Cauterize Regrets: I'll share how to 'cauterize' your regrets, stopping the bleeding and preventing them from clouding future decisions.
    - Techniques to Find Silver Linings: Discover how to uncover the hidden lessons in regretful situations and find that silver lining that can change your perspective.
    Actionable Steps for Moving Forward: Learn how to adjust and move, turning theoretical insights into concrete actions that lead to personal growth and better decision-making.
    Building Resilience: I'll discuss how facing your regrets head-on builds resilience and prepares you for future challenges.

    Tune in to transform how you view and handle regret. Let's turn those regrets into stepping stones for success.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

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    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

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  • Join me in this inspiring session as I explore the fundamental truth that small, daily actions are the building blocks of profound confidence.

    Learn how starting with manageable challenges can set you up for major successes and discover practical strategies to harness everyday moments to boost your self-assurance.

    Whether you're stepping out of your comfort zone, confronting daily challenges head-on, or just trying to manage your time better, this episode will equip you with the tools to turn minor acts into major breakthroughs in confidence.

    What You'll Gain:
    - Understanding the Incremental Nature of Confidence: Discover how confidence is built step-by-step, mirroring raising a tightrope from a manageable height to daunting challenges.

    - Insight into the Five C’s of Confidence: Learn about the essential components of confidence—Communication, Curiosity, Creativity, Continuous Learning, and Productive Confrontation—and how you can cultivate each daily.

    - Strategies for Daily Confidence Building: Gain practical tips for small actions you can take every day to grow your confidence, from waking up early to facing confrontations productively.

    - Appreciation of ProductiveConfrontation: Understand why confronting issues directl can prevent major problems and how to embrace confrontation positively.

    - Motivation to Persist: Get inspired to continue reaching out and stepping up, even when faced with rejection or failure, and learn why persistence is crucial.

    - Real-Life Applications: Hear about real scenarios where small acts of confidence lead to significant personal and professional payoffs.

    - Encouragement to Practice: Be motivated to take on small, low-risk challenges that help you build confidence without fear of major consequences.

    Episode Call to Action:
    We want to hear from you! After listening, write down the small steps you’re taking to build your confidence, tag me or send me a DM. Let's discuss how these small acts alead to big changes in your life.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • Today, I will explore the fundamental truth that skills and knowledge are the currency of success. Inspired by artist Rick Ross's insights, we will explore how to cultivate a skill set that opens and keeps doors open. Join us as we dissect the importance of continuous learning and skill development in achieving and sustaining success.

    What You'll Learn:
    - The True Value of Skills Over Status: Understand why developing a solid skillset is more crucial than chasing fleeting fame and wealth.
    - Lessons from Personal Experience: Hear about the real-life consequences of not taking skill development seriously during pivotal moments.
    - Essential Skills for Success: Discover the indispensable skills in today's ever-evolving professional landscape, particularly in sales and beyond.
    Navigating Change with Confidence: Learn how to stay relevant and irreplaceable in an era when technology continuously disrupts industries.
    - Sustainability in Success: Gain insights into achieving success and maintaining and building upon it to reach even greater heights.
    - Building a Future-Proof Career: Tips on preparing for unexpected career and life shifts ensure you're never caught off guard.

    Tune in to fortify your journey towards enduring success with skills that last a lifetime.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

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  • Today's episode revolves around the story of a cyclist who faced a life-altering accident and the difficult path to getting back on the bike. This episode isn't just a tale of physical recovery but a deeper exploration of the mental and emotional strength required to confront and overcome life's unexpected challenges.

    What You Will Gain:

    - Understanding of Resilience: Learn how true resilience manifests physically and mentally.

    - Insights into the psychology of change: Gain insights into why we often hesitate and resist change when faced with daunting challenges and how to overcome this resistance.

    - Strategies for Embracing Change: Discover actionable strategies to embrace change positively, focusing on the benefits of confronting rather than avoiding challenges.

    - Tools for Personal Growth: Receive practical tips on how to start making small but impactful changes in your life that lead to significant transformations.

    - Inspiration for Daily Living: Draw inspiration from a story of overcoming adversity that reminds us of the strength we all have within to confront our fears and push beyond our limits.

    - Motivation to Act: Get motivated to take action today with simple, achievable steps that can lead to lasting change and personal fulfillment.

    Change doesn't happen all at once, but it does happen once all the time.

    Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. Let's get it!

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • You may not always have time to finish, but you always have time to start.

    Today, you will learn how to overcome procrastination through my "Early 30" Method. I use this technique with my writing and in other areas where I delay starting simply because I won't "finish."

    Listeners will gain:

    - Strategies to Combat Procrastination: Learn practical ways to start tasks without the pressure of needing to finish them in one sitting.

    - Morning Routine Mastery: Discover how dedicating the first 30 minutes of your day to personal priorities can lead to increased productivity and a clearer mind.

    - Enhanced Creativity: Get tips on how daily writing and other creative practices can sharpen your thinking and expand your problem-solving abilities.

    Tools for Thought Capture: Learn how to use technology like voice recording apps to never lose a fleeting idea or moment of inspiration again.

    - Improved Communication Skills: Learn how the discipline of recording and reflecting can refine your speaking abilities and reduce unnecessary filler words.

    - Consistency and Momentum Building: Understand the importance of small, consistent actions in building momentum that can lead to significant long-term benefits.

    Join me to make the most of your day from the moment you wake up. Whether you're looking to enhance your productivity and creativity or just find a better start to your day, we've got you covered.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • In this heartwarming and insightful episode of "What's Your Problem?" I'm thrilled to share a conversation with a very special guest - my daughter, Rhyan Mackenzie Buice. Our car rides to school are often filled with profound discussions, which we're bringing right to you today.

    - You'll Hear About Persistence in Learning: We explore why asking the right questions and seeking true understanding is far more valuable than looking for shortcuts. This is a lesson in the importance of curiosity and the quest for knowledge.

    - We Discuss the Importance of Resilience: Together, we explore resilience's critical role in navigating educational challenges and life's hurdles. There's a powerful message here about not giving up, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

    - We Emphasize Accountability: Mackenzie will explain why taking charge of your own learning journey, accepting no easy answers, and embracing accountability can transform your life.

    - Overcoming Judgments: Listen as we talk about breaking free from the labels others put on us and proving that we're capable of much more than they assume.

    - Strategies for Success Are Unveiled: We reveal strategies that have turned daunting challenges into remarkable achievements, emphasizing hard work, persistence, and the courage to seek help when needed.

    - Life Lessons from Academic Challenges: We connect overcoming academic obstacles to facing life's challenges, highlighting the transferable skills of effort, resilience, and striving for excellence.

    - Building Confidence Through Facing Fears: Discover how confronting fears head-on, whether in cheerleading or academic pursuits, leads to growth, confidence, and reaching goals that once seemed unattainable.

    - The Intrinsic Value of Failure: We reflect on how failure is not just inevitable but necessary on the path to success. It's about embracing every setback as a stepping stone to your goals.

    By the end of this episode, I hope you'll feel inspired to tackle your problems with a renewed perspective, recognizing the power of resilience, the importance of hard work, and the courage to question. So, join us as we share our stories, lessons learned, and the mindset that has helped us overcome obstacles and chase after our dreams.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

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    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • In this thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the metaphor of "making a payment" toward your dreams, goals, and personal development. Through a blend of storytelling, practical advice, and inspirational insights, we explore the transformative power of consistent effort, resilience, and the courage to take action in the face of uncertainty. Whether you're striving for professional success, personal growth, or any goal in between, this episode is a powerful reminder that every effort counts, and the path to achievement is paved with the payments we make today.

    Listeners Will Gain:
    - Insight into the Power of Consistency: Learn why small, regular efforts can lead to significant achievements over time and how to apply this principle to your own goals.
    - Strategies to Overcome Overwhelm: Discover how focusing on making just one payment or taking one step each day can simplify your journey and keep you moving forward.
    - Courage in the Face of Uncertainty: Gain the confidence to make decisions and take action, even when the outcome is not guaranteed, and learn why this bravery is crucial for growth.
    - Understanding of Investment in Self: Uncover the importance of viewing each effort as an investment in your future self and how this perspective can change the way you approach challenges.
    - Motivation to Start Now: Be inspired to take immediate action towards your dreams, regardless of how distant success may seem, with practical advice on laying the groundwork today.
    - Resilience Through Challenges: Hear about the value of making payments even on your toughest days and how these moments contribute to character-building and long-term success.

    Tune into this episode to discover how making consistent payments towards your goals can create a pathway to success that you might have never thought possible. Let's embark on this journey together, one payment at a time.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • 3-2-1 Let's get it! In this engaging episode, I delve into the practice of daily reading and its profound impact on our lives. Drawing from the illuminating insights of Annie Duke's book, 'Quit." I explore the delicate balance between the need to commit and the drive to stay curious. This episode offers a deep dive into how embracing both aspects can lead to a fuller, more adaptable, and more resilient life.

    Here's what you'll learn:

    - The Value of Daily Exploration: Discover the transformative power of dedicating 10-15 minutes daily to reading something new, fostering better decision-making and clearer thinking.

    - Commitment and Curiosity in Harmony: Understand how maintaining a balance between a deep focus on current endeavors and an openness to exploring new avenues can enrich your personal and professional life.

    - Life Lessons from Ants: Be inspired by the metaphor of ants balancing the exploitation of immediate resources with the exploration of potential new sources, mirroring the importance of adaptability in human life.

    - The Power of Voluntary Exploration: Learn about the significance of pursuing interests and opportunities not out of obligation but from a place of genuine curiosity, leading to unexpected discoveries and growth.

    - Avoiding the Trap of Sunk Costs: Gain insight into the concept of sunk costs and how diversifying your interests can help you avoid feeling trapped by past time, money, or energy investments.

    - Cultivating Courage through New Experiences: Hear about the importance of stepping into the unknown and embracing uncertainty, building courage through the acquisition of new skills and knowledge.

    - Diversification as a Life Strategy: Explore the idea of diversifying your life like an investment portfolio—mixing commitment to your goals with curiosity about the world—to keep life vibrant and fulfilling.

    - Building a Resilient, Courageous Self: Learn how practicing the balance of commitment and curiosity prepares you for life's unpredictabilities and builds a foundational strength that makes you unstoppable.

    This episode is a call to action for anyone feeling stuck in a routine or unsure how to navigate change. Whether you're a professional looking to innovate, a student considering your future, or simply someone curious about living a more dynamic life, this discussion offers valuable insights and practical advice for fostering a life of exploration and commitment.

    Remember: Life's journey is enriched not by the certainty of our path but by our willingness to explore the unseen paths.

    Keep it simple, keep moving, never settle, stay tough. Peace.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • Today, on "What's Your Problem?" the podcast, I take you on a journey through the transformative power of conquering your health and how it sets the stage for triumphs in all other areas of your life. From personal anecdotes to the inspiring story of a friend's remarkable transformation, we explore the deep connection between physical health, mental resilience, and overall life success.

    By tuning in, you'll gain:

    - Insight into the Power of Health as a Foundation: Understand how mastering your health can be the catalyst for positive changes in every aspect of your life.

    - Motivation from Real-Life Transformation: Be inspired by the story of a friend of mine's remarkable journey from struggle to strength, proving that change is not only possible but within your grasp. (He changed his life in 60 days!)

    - Strategies for Overcoming Challenges: Learn how to face and overcome the obstacles that once seemed insurmountable, with practical advice on building resilience and perseverance.

    - Empowerment to Take Control: Discover the empowerment that comes from taking control of your health and how it positions you in the driver's seat of your life.

    - Tools for Setting and Achieving Goals: Gain insights into setting realistic, achievable goals in your health journey and beyond, fostering a mindset geared towards success.

    - Inspiration to Embrace New Challenges: Feel inspired to confidently tackle new challenges, using your health victories as a springboard for future success.

    - Encouragement to Never Settle: Embrace the ethos of never settling for less than you deserve, staying tough, and continuously moving forward.

    Join me as we explore the domino effect of winning your health and how it can unlock the door to a life of fulfillment, achievement, and joy. Don't miss this journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • Welcome to this special episode of "What's Your Problem?" with me, Marsh Buice. Here's what you'll gain by tuning in:

    - Discover the transformative power of reading, writing, and speaking—skills that have been my lifeline through life's ups and downs.
    - Learn how these practices can be more than just skills; they're daily rituals that can align the universe in your favor, opening up a world of possibilities.
    - Understand the importance of starting with reading to expand your mind and embrace a world of new ideas.
    - Dive into the cathartic process of writing, a sanctuary for your thoughts and a canvas for your growth.
    - Uncover the pivotal role of speaking in setting your world in motion and communicating your vision with clarity and confidence.
    - Embrace these activities as skills and a lifestyle, with practical tips on integrating them into your daily routine.
    - Join me on a journey of continuous learning, where we'll explore the sacred ground of personal development together.

    If you're looking for more personalized guidance on reading, writing, and speaking, I'm excited to announce a new 90-day membership program designed to help you excel in these areas. For just $99 a month, you'll join a cohort of like-minded individuals for weekly sessions where we'll dive deep into these transformative practices.

    Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life and reach beyond your dreams. Let's embark on this journey together, and I promise you'll be amazed at where it takes you.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • Today, I am diving into the essence of self-reflection, the wisdom of accepting life's ebbs and flows.

    Join me as I explore the power of embracing our imperfections, and the lessons we can learn from facing life's inevitable cycles of highs and lows.

    In this episode, you will gain:

    - Understanding of Life's Cyclical Nature: Learn to navigate through life's ups and downs with grace, understanding that each phase, whether high or low, is essential for personal development and spiritual growth.

    - Strategies for Dealing with Frustration and Setbacks: Gain insights on how to handle periods of frustration and seeming stagnation by embracing a broader perspective on life's challenges and the importance of resilience.

    - The Power of Compassion and Giving Back: Be inspired to use your own struggles as a platform for cultivating compassion towards others, recognizing the interconnectedness of our experiences, and the impact of giving back, especially during tough times.

    - Motivation from Literary Wisdom: Draw motivation and comfort from the transformative words of Haemin Sunim, understanding how his reflections on life's imperfections and challenges can offer solace and guidance.

    - Encouragement to Persist in Your Efforts: Learn from the analogy of MLB's Chan Ho Park's career that consistent effort, no matter how small, contributes to overcoming adversity and ultimately achieving success.

    This episode is a gentle reminder that life, with its inherent imperfections and cycles, offers a rich tapestry of lessons and opportunities for growth. Whether you're seeking inspiration, facing challenges, or simply in need of a moment of reflection, this episode promises to be a beacon of light and understanding in the complex journey of life.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

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  • It's easy to get caught up in comparisons and lose sight of our unique paths. But what if I told you that no one can beat you because there is "no one?"

    In this episode, you'll gain:

    - A Fresh Perspective: Understand why "no one can beat me" is not just about confidence but about the context in which you say it.

    - Growth Strategies: Learn how to embrace continuous growth and why your biggest achievements lie in what you're doing today, not what you did yesterday.

    - The Power of Focus: Discover the importance of staying in your lane and how focusing on your own path can lead to unparalleled success.

    - Overcoming Comparison: I'll share personal stories, including one about my daughter's artwork, to illustrate how comparing ourselves to others can hinder our progress.

    - Actionable Insights: Gain practical advice on reframing your narrative, recognizing your unique advantages, and using them to fast-track your growth.

    - Motivation to Evolve: Be inspired to consistently strive for a better version of yourself, understanding that it's an infinite game where consistency is key.

    Whether you're feeling stuck, looking for motivation, or simply needing a reminder that your journey is yours alone, this episode is for you.

    As always, keep it simple; keep it moving; never settle; stay tough. Let's get it!

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • Welcome to "What's Your Problem?" the podcast where we explore solutions to 3 universal problems: Adversity, uncertainty, and complacency, using the skills of communication, curiosity, creativity, and continuous learning (The 5 C's).

    This episode explores the powerful lessons from David Goggins' approach to overcoming life's toughest challenges. Join me as we unravel the essence of Goggins' philosophy, transforming adversity into strength and failure into momentum.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    The Importance of Momentum: Discover why maintaining momentum is crucial in your personal and professional life, and learn strategies to build and sustain it, even when the odds are against you.Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Understand how to harness resilience when facing inevitable setbacks. We'll explore Goggins' perspective on bouncing back stronger and the mindset required to do so.Cultivating an Internal Reward System: Learn about the shift from external validation to internal rewards. I'll share how focusing on personal growth and satisfaction can lead to more meaningful achievements.The Power of the Alter Ego: Find out how creating an alter ego can empower you to overcome self-imposed limitations and act with courage and determination in situations that would usually intimidate you.Practical Tips for Daily Growth: Gain actionable advice on how to apply Goggins' teachings to your daily life. From setting challenging goals to pushing beyond your comfort zone, these tips will help you grow exponentially.The Concept of Performing Without Purpose: Explore the idea of pushing forward even when your purpose feels obscured by challenges. Learn how to keep moving forward, driven by a standard of excellence and commitment to self.Embracing the Willingness to Succeed: Dive into the mindset shift required to view success as a non-negotiable aspect of your journey, regardless of your obstacles.

    Join me on this transformative journey as we delve into the lessons learned from one of the most resilient figures of our time. Whether you're facing personal struggles or professional hurdles or simply looking for inspiration to tackle your next big challenge, this episode is for you.

    Remember, it's not just about the struggle; it's about how we emerge from it. Let's get it!

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • Welcome back! Today, we are jumping into the sales lab (& remember, Life is sales) with a technique I call the "Parrot and Pick" method, a game-changing strategy designed to navigate and overcome customer objections with finesse and empathy.

    Key Takeaways You Will Gain:

    1. Understanding the "Parrot" Technique: Learn how mirroring the last two words of a customer's objection can unveil deeper insights and how embracing silence can shift the dynamic of the conversation, leading to more meaningful interactions.

    2. Mastering the "Pick" Method: Discover how presenting customers with scenarios to choose from can help them articulate their concerns without feeling pressured, making it easier to address their true objections.

    3. Navigating Customer Objections: Gain insights into identifying whether a customer's objection is a genuine barrier or merely a stall, and learn techniques to guide the conversation towards resolution.

    4. Enhancing Communication Skills: Develop your listening and empathy skills to become a salesperson and a trusted advisor to your clients, creating a rapport that transcends the immediate sale.

    Whether you're looking to refine your approach or revolutionize your sales strategy, this episode will provide the tools and insights needed to succeed in sales and life.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com

  • In this episode, I dive deep into the art of controlling what's in our power and managing what's not.

    This conversation is close to my heart, as it embodies the lessons I've learned through personal experiences and observations. You'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and empowerment by tuning in.

    Here's what you'll learn by listening to this episode:

    The True Cost of Emotional Currency: I'll share insights into how much of our emotional and mental resources are wasted on factors beyond our control and how this impacts our overall well-being.The Athlete and the Ref Analogy: Understand why arguing with life's decisions is as futile as an athlete disputing a referee's call and how this perspective can change the way you face challenges.Strategies for Emotional and Mental Management: Learn practical ways to stop pouring your energy into blame and complaints and instead channel it towards productive and positive action.Responding to Setbacks: Discover the power of resilience and how our response to setbacks, whether in sports, life, or business, defines our path forward more than the setbacks themselves.Navigating Economic Downturns: I'll share my experience with economic challenges and how focusing on what we can control, rather than the uncontrollable aspects, makes all the difference.The Cycle of Life and Perseverance: Explore the concept that life is cyclical and that understanding this can help us see beyond temporary defeats towards a mindset of eternal optimism.The Value of Adversity: Find out why sometimes "getting burned" is the best way to learn and how adversity can be a powerful teacher if we're open to the lessons it offers.Skill Development Through Challenges: I'll discuss how facing and overcoming challenges is essential for developing the skills to navigate life's ups and downs effectively.The First Day Principle: Learn about the concept of focusing not on our worst day but on managing our reactions and actions from day one of any challenge, setting the stage for growth and progress.Adjusting Your Personal Algorithm: Just as social media algorithms adjust to capture more attention, discover how you can tweak your personal algorithm to better manage through tough situations and emerge stronger.

    Join me as I unpack these themes, offering both personal anecdotes and actionable advice.

    Whether you're facing a personal setback, navigating professional challenges, or simply looking for a dose of inspiration, this episode is designed to equip you with the tools and mindset needed to thrive in the face of adversity.

    Let's learn how to control what we can, and manage what we can't, and move forward with grace and resilience.

    📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show.

    🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNqFo05MJ6_yCu1vJ3rX4A

    📝Leave a quick rating and review for any platform: https://www.marshbuice.com/reviews/new/

    🗣Coaching: https://www.marshbuice.com/p/the-sales-life-coaching-program/

    📲Share: https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/

    🤝See my daily stories: https://www.instagram.com/marshbuice/

    👩‍💻 FREE Content! www.marshbuice.com