
  • On this episode of the Salience Podcast , we are exploring feedback and feedforward in the complex space of policing and investigations. We are joined in this episode by Lou Hayes, who is a 26-year veteran Police Officer & Detective for a suburban Chicago police department. Some of his assignments have included: Patrol, Field Training Officer, Criminal Investigations, Firearms & Tactics Training Unit, Crisis Intervention Team, and SWAT. His current roles are with a regional homicide unit, with a passion for multi-agency intelligence & technology.

    Lou has also developed and pioneered The Illinois Model - a non-linear, problem-solving process for police officers. The model prioritizes life, Constitutional objectives, incident strategy, and tactics in rapidly changing and high-stakes circumstances. Since its development, The Illinois Model has expanded greatly to serve as a pathway to human and organizational adaptability.

    We chat with Lou about and feedforward loops, and how these are important when training teams and conducting investigations.


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  • On This episode of the Salience Podcast, we return to our origins unpacking the patterns of behaviour of extreme high performers, learning what we can to apply in everyday life work and the rest of life.

    We are joined by Sara Stone. Sara is a professional sailor, and has sailed everything from dinghies to ocean racing yachts. She is currently in Barcelona preparing for the women's americas cup later this year.

    Our interest in Sara though is as much about her high level sailing as work experience - in a former life Sara was an epidemiologist and emergency response professional.

    So today I want to explore the similarities and differences between different facets of Sara’s experiences.

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  • On This episode of the Salience Podcast, we explore feedback and feedforward in the context of design and innovation.

    We are joined today by Tom Kerwin. Tom has 25 years of experience as a leader in design, research and innovation. He’s co-founded two successful startups and worked both agency-side and in-house, coaching cross-functional teams to innovate. Tom is also the author of Innovation Tactics, the deck of cards from Pip Decks that’s packed with pragmatic methods for making things people want.

    Since running his first usability test in 1999, Tom has been obsessed with adaptive sense-making. To quote from Tom’s bio “how do we continuously make sense of the world so we can act more effectively in it?” And that’s really at the heart of feedback and feedback and what we are exploring in this season’s Salience Podcast.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On this episode of the Salient podcast, we journey into the world of mapping and explore the role of feedback and feedforward in navigating complexity. We are joined by Marcus Guest. Marcus is originally from the UK and is one of the small number of people actively developing adaptive strategy using Wardley maps.

    What's interesting about Marcus is his solid grounding in the science of complex adaptive systems. In his past life, Marcus worked in organisations in Europe and Asia, overseeing the rapid expansion of operations and as a strategy director in a leading consulting firm. In addition to the competitive use of Wardley maps, Marcus has a unique perspective on Eastern and Western approaches to strategy and complexity. Amongst all of these broad experiences,

    I want to challenge myself in today's interview to really zero in on the role of feedback and feed-forward within a mapping and adaptive strategy approach in business.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On This episode of The Salience Podcast, we journey into the world of superyachts to continue our explorations of feedback and feedforward.

    We are joined by Amanda Hewson-Beaver. We met relatively recently after Amanda reached out to collaborate on Resilience training, and we’ve just started a joint venture together.

    Her story of adventure on the high seas reads like an inspirational novel. Amanda literally ran away to sea as a youngster, before sailing the 7-seas in everything from small dinghies to 200 ft super yachts.

    Join us as we unpack the importance of feedback and forward in preparation at the elite end of Sailing.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On The Salience Podcast today, we continue our explorations of feedback and feedforward as a means of learning.

    Today I am joined by Joe Byerly. Joe has had a long career in the US Army, he’s an active duty Battalion Commander, he was a non-resident fellow at the Modern War Institute at West Point, and has provided strategic advice on warfare. Joe is also Founder of From the Green Notebook, which is where I came across Joe.

    The background to the green notebook idea came from Joe’s desire to create a place where leaders could share their experiences and help each other along the journey. He started looking in the place where he captured his own lessons and ideas for the future – his green notebook. That’s what I find inspirational, the discipline to keep a learning journal.

    Each month, Joe Byerly shares his reading journey with other leaders who are interested in finding books that will help them become better leaders and better people, and he interviews prominent leaders, especially military commanders, for his podcast.

    My inspiration to interview for this season of the Salience Podcast was to tease out his learnings from all those great leaders he has interviewed. And the very concept of using a notebook to reflect on feedback and project into future action is both simple and effective.


    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On the Salience Podcast today, we are exploring feedback and feedforward in the complex space of international development. Joining us in this episode is Milica Begovic, the Head of Strategic Innovation at the United Nations Development Program

    Millie and her colleagues are pioneering new ways of doing development that build countries’ capacity to deliver change at scale. She has been involved in a number of bold initiatives such as the Accelerator Labs (which recently grew to 90 countries globally). And this on top of a number of ongoing activities at the corporate and the regional level.

    Today we will be learning more about what strategic innovation means, and the feedback and feedforward loops, as well as innovative monitoring, evaluation and learning approaches and critical competencies that are important for organisations who want to adopt this bold approach to social innovation and change that matters.

    We learn from UNDP’s decade-long journey of strategic innovation that has been tested and scaled across 51 countries, whilst prioritising local impact, and transforming the organisation to create the right conditions to support beneficial impact for all partners involved.

    UNDP Strategic Innovation Medium site


    Books mentioned in this podcast

    Innovation in real places


    Seeing like a State


    The Uncertainty Mindset


    Organisations who inspired UNDP’s journey









    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On this episode of the salience podcast, we continue to explore feedback and feedforward.

    Feedback is the flow of information about past events. It is the opportunity to review and learn from decisions and actions. Feedforward is the anticipatory preparation for future events, it is the opportunity to orient ahead of time and to set up to test assumptions and biases through observations in real-time as situations unfold.
    Both feedback and feedforward are central to taking a strategic approach to our endeavors, be that in business or those aspects of life that we prefer to not leave to chance, although living life as a random walk through curiosity space is a legitimate choice too.

    Our guest today is JP Castlin. JP is a strategist, author and provocateur. Join us as we discuss how we can effectively use feedback and feedforward in the spectrum of approaches between orderly well-planned strategies, complex adaptive strategies, and what seem to be random walks through curiosity space.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On this episode of the salience podcast, we continue to explore feedback and feedforward. There are several different ways to create an effective feedback-feedforward loop, especially using different patterns of visualisation, with deliberate use of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person perspectives. As I started reaching out to various experts to interview for this season, I realised that no one uses 1st, 2nd, and 3rd better than my co-author of our book Resilience by Design and guest today Mike Weeks.

    Mike and I co-founded Frontline Mind together in 2017, and grew the company until 2021, until Mike left America to move on to environmental projects in Indonesia and the Middle East and I continued with Frontline Mind.

    Before coaching, Mike was a professional free climber, where he pushed the boundaries of free soloing and hard bold climbs.

    I suspect that such risk-taking, with deadly consequences for getting things wrong, redefines what most people consider to be risky.

    join us today as we discuss anticipating risk and the benefits of using 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person perspectives and the use of feedback-feedforward loops when doing so.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On this episode of the salience podcast, we explore feedforward. A form of preemptive scenario testing and preparation to avoid events going wrong and to develop systemic resilience ahead of events going wrong.

    In a return to learning from military leadership, I am joined by retired Navy Commander, Brady Turnage. Brady had a 20-year aviation career that culminated as the Commanding Officer of a carrier-based jet squadron.

    Currently, Brady is an instructor at ‘The Program’ - a US veteran leadership development and team building company and he is a high school head lacrosse coach.

    Join us as we explore feedforward loops through the lens of military planning and lacrosse.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • Today, on The Salience Podcast we begin Season 3 with an in depth exploration of feedback and feedforward.Feedback is the flow of information about past events. It is the opportunity to review and learn from decisions and actions.
    Feedforward is the anticipatory preparation for future events, it is the opportunity to orient ahead of time and to test assumptions and biases through observations in real-time as situations unfold. Our guest today is Murray Hopkins. Murray has over 35 years experience as a facilitator and coach in leadership development Working with individuals, teams and organisations through his business Curiosity Skilled the Cat.
    Today we will focus on personal feedback into feedforward and what many people regard as ‘difficult conversations’. We prefer to reframe such conversations to “coaching with curiosity”.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On this episode of The Salience Podcast, we conclude Season 2 with a deep dive into quitting. Our guest today is Annie Duke. Annie is a former world champion poker player and the best-selling author of Thinking in Bets, How to Decide, and her most recent book, Quit, the Power to Know When to Walk Away.

    Tune in as we discuss managing exit risk from sticky or downright deadly situations when attempts to Quit could have major or even fatal consequences.

    These are the sorts of choices that frontline workers often have to make, it’s the challenge of quitting crappy jobs or a bullying boss when we might have to accept a reduced salary and less favorable lifestyle, and it’s the daily reality of people, mostly women, who live in abusive relationships.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • In today’s episode of The Salience Podcast, we explore more of the tough topics of surviving workplaces with a deep dive into office politics. Our guest is bestselling author Niven Postma. Niven is an expert in organisational politics and the author of “If you don’t do politics, politics will do you – A guide to navigating office politics ethically and successfully”.She is a visiting lecturer at Henley Business School and a Harvard Business Review Contributor, and has had a wide and varied executive career across multiple organisations and sectors.

    In today’s conversation, Niven draws on her experiences and offers some practical tips for dealing with office politics.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • In this episode of The Salience Podcast we explore risk and culture and consider what we can all learn from the avalanche forecast industry..

    Our guest today is Drew Hardesty. Drew has over 20 years experience as a backcountry avalanche forecaster at the Utah Avalanche Center, and 15 years experience as a Climbing Ranger in Grand Teton National Park. Drew is widely regarded as a thought leader in the industry and his philosophical musings in his newsletter Life, Not After Death, But Before are relevant to anyone who is interested in culture, risk and living life to the fullest.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • In this episode, we discuss Culture Studies as a topic.
    We speak with researcher and visual artist, Nurul Huda Rashid who is currently pursuing her PhD in Cultural Studies in Asia at the National University of Singapore.
    Nurul’s research explores the role of algorithms in the study of Muslim women images. Her current project, Women in War, is a survey of images of women in war, critiqued through lenses of gender and violence, politics of the visual, and the roles of the algorithm and archive as methods. So we will be getting a double feature on this episode as we also venture into the burgeoning space of Generative AI. Nurul analyses how images of culture are produced, consumed and made through aspects of image reproduction, automation, computerisation, annotation, and articulation

    We will discuss how culture, technology and AI can be understood together. We will get into juicy questions like “Does AI have a culture?“, and “How can we build more ethical AI?“.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On This episode of the Salience Podcast, we explore the relationships between culture and change and the importance of curiosity. We speak with our good friend Nina Bressler, Global Head of Societal Learning at Novartis. Nina leads an aspirational program to help Novartis achieve their vision of Reimagining Medicine. Nina’s focus is to deliver sustainable learning outside the company, by supporting key partners and networks to build skills that strengthen the healthcare system and improve health outcomes. At the heart of her work is a purpose to help people thrive. She believes that curiosity unleashes people, teams, organisations, and their potential. Nina has honed her ability to navigate complexity through leading transformation. She evolved her focus from processes to people, from systems to culture, and from solving for the complicated through controls to being comfortable with the ambiguity of complexity, and even thriving in emergent and transformative environments that challenge her creativity and call upon her to bring her most innovative self to the solution.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • In this episode of The Salience Podcast we explore the impact of culture on domestic and family violence, and what men can do to change culture.

    In Australia, around 1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 men have experienced physical and/or sexual violence, and a woman is murdered by her partner or former partner roughly every week. These sobering statistics are not unique to Australia. Gender-based violence is a global problem. It’s a problem that mainly affects women and LGBTIQ+ communities. Whilst men are sometimes victims, the solution has to come from a culture change led by men.

    To that end, my guest today is Allan Ball. Allan is a Director of White Ribbon. White Ribbon Australia is part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered violence.

    Allan has previously worked for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), and before that, he worked as a mental health clinician in forensic Child and Adolescent Health Services, Local Government and in Not-For-Profit organisations.

    Over the last decade, Allan has gained invaluable experience in frontline service delivery to assist women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • On this episode, we speak to David Lee, a global change and business transformation executive and advisor with over 25 years of experience in leading change in organisations ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 to the public sector. He is currently a managing consultant and lead trainer at Prosci Singapore, a leading provider of expertise and capacity building in change management. David has engaged in organisational change as an executive sponsor, adviser, and instructor for a wide range of organisations including American Express, the Development Bank of Singapore, Chanel, Techcombank and Aboitiz Equity Ventures among others.
    David started his career in the travel industry - an industry that has gone through multiple value chain and technological disruptions, and has led several transformative responses. We discuss culture, leadership and change management.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • Today on the Salience Podcast, We discuss the issues with industrialised healthcare’s culture of control, and how we can move from a more pathogenic culture of seeking to “control” chronic diseases, to one that recognises the variability of patient lives, and encourages salutogenesis - or, the sense of coherence that patients can seek by cultivating their ability to understand their own condition, manage and respond appropriately, and to also create meaning around their experience.

    Our guest is Riva Greenberg. Riva is an internationally recognised diabetes educator who provides education and advocacy on living with Type 1 diabetes. In 2015, she was awarded a distinguished lecture award from the International Diabetes Federation, and she continues to speak at the federation’s annual conference on her “Flourishing approach to diabetes”. She has written three books and contributes to the HuffPost on the topic, and is committed to helping others live an exceptional life, not despite having diabetes but because of it.

    As of 2022, she has lived with Type 1 Diabetes for 50 years and has just received her Joslin award. She continues to act as an influencer and Ambassador for Type 1, and advises industry, healthcare professionals and patients.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614

  • Today on The Salience Podcast we tackle the subject of culture and domestic violence, especially the challenge of managing exit risk.

    Our guest is Stella Avramopoulos. Stella is the CEO of Good Shepherd, a not-for-profit focused on tackling the significant issues impacting women, girls and families. And one of the biggest issues is domestic and family violence.

    Tune in to hear Stella talk about the importance of gender equity and overcoming systemic disadvantage, on weak signals for domestic and family abuse, such as financial control, and the importance of careful planning and support for women and children attempting to escape family violence situations.

    Culture, domestic violence, and managing exit risk.

    For more information about The Salience Podcast and Frontline Mind please visit our website at https://www.frontlinemind.com/the-salience-podcast/ You can also sign up for our newsletter here https://frontlinemind.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ff181d12c77d7cea5f19a2c48&id=fd7357f614