
  • Hurricane beryl was originally supposed to strike Corpus Christi, Texas, but changed course to make landfall in Matagorda. Beryl is a precious stone of the emerald variety and Corpus Christ is the corpse or body of Christ. Matagorda means 'fat kill', something we find reference to throughout the Bible in the form of sacrifices. The book of Daniel describes a man with a body like beryl, shining bright, which many believe is a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. In Revelation 21 it is said that emerald is one of the foundations of the New Jerusalem. In Rev 4 a rainbow shining like an emerald surrounded the throne in heaven. A rainbow and emerald are also key symbols in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by Frank Baum, the theosophist. Although many think the Emerald City is Wallstreet and the Wizard a banker, the golden road and city are actually descriptions of heaven in Rev 21, which says "The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass." The scarecrow, tin man, and lion are symbols of the vegetable, mineral, and animal bodies. We find similar references to the emerald thorough the world, from Hinduism to Chinese magic, to Islam.


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  • A Brazilian rainbow boa constrictor in England has recently given birth to 14 snake babies with no sexual partner. It is a case of asexual reproduction called parthenogenesis, or virgin birth. The boa was the third documented case in captivity, at least for this particular snake. A stingray in North Carolina likewise produced offspring with no sexual partner earlier this year. This was documented with a shark in 2001, too, and in certain insects, reptiles, and although not fully developed, even in humans - resulting in a tumor. Perhaps we could reassess the story of Mary and the virgin birth of Jesus.


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  • There is a political ideology in the United States which believes so completely in its own narrative that when contrary facts or even opinions are presented the cult members truly no capacity to recognize their faults. They call to abolish courts or impeach officials. Despite the orange-man narratives, lawsuits, and stories being proven false, illegitimate, and fabricated, there is a parallel political ideology which likewise refuses to believe that they are anything but patriots fighting evil. The Supreme Court’s recent decisions on January 6th, which involves Democrat members of the court concurring, and on Presidential immunity, are being reported incorrectly by both sides. The left says the court has declared Presidents to be above the law and equal to kings. The right says Trump was correct, that he has absolute presidential immunity from anything done in office. President Biden says the ”This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America,” a talking point his speech writers stole from justice Sotomayor’s dissenting opinion in the case: “In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.” President Trump’s legal team argued he had absolute immunity and then celebrated the court’s decision as “a big win for our Constitution and democracy.” But the court said something different, he doesn’t have the “broader immunity” he claimed: “The first step in deciding whether a former President is entitled to immunity from a particular prosecution is to distinguish his official from unofficial actions…The Government takes a similarly broad view, contending that the President enjoys no immunity from criminal prosecution for any action… Trump asserts a far broader immunity than the limited one the Court recognizes…” (https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf)


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  • July 2nd marks World UFO Day and the anniversary week of the Roswell incident. Putting all the standard talking points aside, the archetypes, motifs, and stories surrounding the phenomena are part of a larger cultural myth. They are intimately tied to the daily rising and crashing solar disc, and its subsequent recovery process to ensure its resurrection, along with the returning of the dead and resurrected god specifically. This messiah complex is true for the sun, UFOs and aliens in general, and Roswell in particular, as we await the extraterrestrial return. Just as the sun bestows blessings of light and warmth, Jesus bestows blessings of forgiveness and heaven, while Roswell bestowed reversed engineering technology. The 'alien' idea is truly far more of an inner being than an outer one. In fact, the UFO story is alchemical too, especially as it relates to the golden sun, its blessings of gold, and the gold given by goblins and other little green creatures. Alchemically the little grey alien is our undeveloped-fetus-looking self, which is then transmuted from lead and perfected into gold. We are said to be reborn, as Christians say. The soul/spirit is the seed, placed in the vessel or body, and then put into the world of horse poop. The spark of life rebirths us in the vessel. We have just given the myth and alchemical story an alien touch.


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  • From Goliath in the Bible to Cyclopean mythology, the existence of ‘giants’ has been questioned from an unknown time. What might be a mere personification of nature and her forces in the form of mythological 'giant' beings, could otherwise be a ‘giant’ when simply compared to a smaller stature of people in ancient times. Ancient Egyptians were, on average, 4ft tall, a height today we would call dwarfism. An average 5ft 9 US man today would be equivalent to a giant in comparison, and there were people in those days who stood above six foot. In the 20th century Robert Wadlow was nearly 9 foot tall, the result of a growth hormone condition. Recent college basketball freshman Olivier Rioux has been in the news for his height, too, standing at 7ft 9. Ancient depictions of giants alongside proportional animals or humans are said to represent important people, though in other cases there are equally proportionate humans and large creatures like centipedes alongside smaller ‘normal’ sized creatures. Such images have been found in South American rock carvings. We must not forget massive flora and fauna, including redwood trees, are equally GIANT, as are the many mysterious things in our oceans.


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  • The June 27 US Presidential debate theoretically played any role in undecided voters determining who to vote for. But, realistically, nearly everyone already had their mind made up beforehand. Moments after the debate ended, however, and even during, the mainstream media, social media, and masses of Democrats suddenly began official panic over Joe’s performance, including his geriatric and senile behavior. Headlines said they were melting down, saying WTF, and maybe even voting for Donald now. Other media began reporting this revelation as if it were new, and not happening for the last four years. Democrats seemed to quickly use the debate as an excuse to finally admit Biden might be out, and someone else has to replace him. At the very least, if he can’t be replaced, Democrats are essentially saying, ‘he’s not our problem anymore’ - even Snopes and Drudge are defending Trump now. This reaction is nearly identical to the CDC, former governors, and members of the pandemic task force suddenly admitting that distancing, face coverings, lockdowns, needles, etc., didn’t actually work and that they had no authority to force any of them on you. Although many see this as a victory, some are a bit more skeptical of the narrative being blatantly spun in our faces. Something is up, and it’s not just Donald’s poll numbers. Perhaps, as I have said on the show for months, the media, establishment, and State, want Trump in office for some odd reason. That’s if you believe Joe’s presidency is even ‘real’, considering the recent interview with Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise, and the fake White House set that was built in 2021.


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  • A recent video release calls into question the events of September 11, 2001, implying that Saudi Arabia was behind the attack. In 2016, the 'Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act' gave victims a right to sue the Saudi government, and soon after the the secret document known as '28 pages', which was part of a 2002 Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11, was released. But something doesn't add up on either end. One, we were told that other Arab countries were behind the attack, including Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan - within hours of the event that nobody expected to happen… reportedly. Then, the AP reported in 2002 that '15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi’, the ‘men with stolen identified’, and we soon found out that many were still alive. Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11 September, but he lived to tell the tale. As did Abdulaziz Al Omari. Talk about misdirection - it's Iraq, they're Muslims, followed by oh, they're from Saudi and oh, they're still alive, followed by official government documents released decades later reporting that Saudi really did do it, or maybe they did it. Two, there was, and remains, overwhelming evidence that Israel was at least aware, if not complicit, in the terrorism. From the 5 Dancing Israelis, to the emergency call about Palestinians in a van, to Michael Chertoff and the Patriot Act he co-authored, to 'pull it' Larry Silverstein. There is also Benjamin Netanyahu, who said "we are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack." In other words, 911 was used in concert with the satellite state of Israel to fight the PNAC wars and demonize the Muslim world. Or maybe this is an anti-semitic conspiracy theory? At least, that's what the ADL says. Good thing Mohammed Atta left an Arabic flight manual and Koran in his car, and his passport was found in the rubble of the WTC complex.


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  • A recent online trend has some people convinced that their fruits and vegetables are made of silicon, rubber, or some other synthetic substance. The leading theory is that a new technology called Apeel, which is supposedly a company run by Bill Gates, is being sprayed on their foods. The problem is, Apeel Technologies is not a new company, Bill Gates’ foundation is only one of many financiers that include Katy Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Anne Wojcicki, the government of Singapore, and the Rockefeller Foundation, and the product is only used on a small number of foods. Furthermore, it’s not about making foods rubbery, but instead preserving their freshness. The company uses a concoction derived from grapeseed oil anad composed of polyunsaturated fats. Here is the issue: these ingredients can increase inflammation, alter hormones in the body, and promote obesity, but we don’t talk about that or the larger context of what the viral video of bending produce proves - that most people for the first time just figured out what an unripe, overripe, or ‘bad’ piece of food looks like. Instead we talk about Bill Gates and not James Rogers. Who is that? Tune in to find out.


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  • When Thomas Jefferson talked about a “separation between Church & State” in 1802, long after the Constitution was written, he was referring to the legislative restriction on forcing citizens to practice a mandated religion, or preventing them from doing the same. That’s important when addressing the Louisiana plan to put the Ten Commandments in classrooms, because the idea of not stealing, coveting, lying, or murdering, are both universal ideals and in no way teach children by mandate to practice a religion. Furthermore, Louisiana is under fire from a new Biden campaign ad where a woman says she was turned away by two hospitals in the state for needing a miscarriage abortion. This lie is wild, considering the law actually says “medically futile” pregnancies are not even considered “abortion,” and that so long as “medical records” are noted, physicians can determine when actual “abortions” can be performed, both cases allowing for miscarriage abortion. Then there is Project 2025, which Democrats say is a far-right plan of the former president to restrict abortion. Actually, it is a policy recommendation from the Heritage Foundation and nowhere in the nearly 1,000 pages does it talk about restricting abortion outright. The document, which Global Project Against Hate and Extremism says is a “threat to our democracy” because it strips rights from “immigrants, women, and people of color,” explicitly says that all humans have dignity and worth regardless of their “age, stage of development, race, or abilities,” and that “abortion and euthanasia are not health care.” The other 886 pages are about federal agencies and government policy. Whomever is behind these monumental lies clearly are opposed to the Ten Commandments and its rule of not lying.


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  • BEST OF: Carl Jung defined synchronicity as “the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.” Predictive Programming is the method of placing the idea of future events into entertainment or media to desensitize the public. Movies and television, music and media, also employ sigils that act as egregoric filters for the manifesting of events. Barbie and Oppenheimer both used sigils for Saturn and Jupiter. The Simpsons and Family Guy famously seem to predict future events, but in these two cases we are dealing with people that are in-the-know about individuals, or who are tapping into a cultural zeitgeist. Now we are realizing that SpongeBob was warning us about the perversity at Nickelodeon, and although Google Maps can be changed, he may have been warning us about Epstein too with his Bikini Bottom address. With the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, people are trying to connect the cargo ship to the movie Leave the World Behind when actually the incident is identical to the Skyway Bridge collapse in 1980 in Florida, or Silver Bridge, and not the movie wherein a cargo ship runs ground. The movie White Noice seemed to directly predict, or manifest, the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment. The same can be said about the movie Independence Day and the Phoenix Lights. From late 2023 into 2024 we also are seeing sigils for a Civil War, and with the Moscow terror attack movies like Tenet manifesting. Then again, sometimes things are just natural and organic.


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  • Summer Solstice 2024 is accompanied this year by a full moon. The powerful merger of these two cosmic signs signify abundance, fertility, and life. Some people, however, are opposed to these things, instead worshiping scarcity, infertility, and death. Just Stop Oil, the supposedly independent activist group that is actually funded by Hollywood and the Oil industry, celebrated by vandalizing Stonehenge, which was built to preserve the solstice alignments.The same group has vandalized priceless works of art, broken into an airport and painted planes, and also recently attempted to destroy the Magna Carta, the first document putting into writing that the monarchy and its government were not above the law, and that the people were equals. What most of this has to do with oil is confusing, especially because the group uses petroleum products to carry out their activism, i.e., terrorism. But what it has to do with destroying human culture, history, law and order, and works of a wise antiquity, is clear. These are red guards masquerading as climate warriors just as the Satanic Temple’s new pro-abortion video, where abortion is considered a religious sacrament and human right, is progressive activism hiding behind religious cover with the same goals as JSO or Extinction Rebellion, both financed by the ultra-wealthy, proving this is activism of the spoiled.


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  • Juneteenth, although an important historical date commemorating Gordon Granger’s General Order No. 3, is like all other caricatures of black and American history. It segregates our society into races and classes rather than allowing for the cultural, racial, and historical mixing that is America. Throughout this special episode of TST we will explore the unauthorized, but historically documented, history of the United States through the Quaker anti-trafficking petition of 1688 to the usage of black caricatures in the 1800s and the terrorizing of Republican voters post Civil War, to the same tactics being employed today through the use of a fake ‘black subculture’ and word magic.


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  • The bizarre behavior of some US politicians is alien, as if they don’t know anything about being human. Perhaps they have lived their lives in a penthouse or ivory tower or gated community, with personal assistants for everything. This renders them foreign to the simplest tasks, like going to a grocery store, opening a beer, or grilling a burger. Others have abandoned worldly affairs and sought power through supernatural means, be it through charms, spirits, or invoking the messiah, antichrist, or divine miracles. In fact, much of even the common people participate in magical rituals, rites, and exercises without ever knowing, from music, movies, healthcare, and fashion, to politics, social justice, and war.


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  • From Georgia to Idaho, several states are undergoing potentially map altering changes as movements grow for counties to secede into other states. Some in Texas want the state itself to completely secede, while Lost Creek voted to be discontent from Austin. St George, Louisiana wants the same thing from Baton Rouge, as does Buckhead, Georgia, from Atlanta. Residents of Weld County, Colorado, want to move to Wyoming, and large parts of Oregon are seeking to become part of Greater Idaho. The growing sentiment is that things are only going to get worse, especially after CNN ran a story about how the idea that the US is a constitutional republic, where the law protects all people, is a conspiracy theory, and that we are actually a democracy, where majority votes rule and can take away individual rights. The House also just passed the NDAA, now automatically registering all 18 year old males for military service. The Senate Armed Services Committee added required registration “of women for Selective Service.” On the more supernatural side of things, from Alex Jones and Natasha Owens, to the Trump campaign, we are hearing about how the former President is literally God’s gift to mankind. Although such rhetoric is clearly deranged, Oprah and others said the same thing about Barrack Obama, while some said he was the anti-Christ. Kids were made to sing his praise like some North Korean dictator. Congresswoman Cori Bush also just recently stated that she performed literal miracles - by curing their disease. The careless disregard for both politics and law, and for religious archetypes, is really evidence of a growing apostasy.


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  • Alchemists, magicians, and high priests from past ages are often looked at as having more in common with superstition, fantasy, and insanity than science. But modern science is conducted in similar ways. Pharmaceutical companies produce products derived from chemicals or plants that are no different than potions, philters, draughts, or cures for poison. Biotechnology companies likewise tamper with nature by mixing genes to create their own version of nature. The scientists, chemists, etc., involved in these productions are now called experts and given authority as part of a priestly class that is never to be questioned.

    'What Really Makes You Ill?' can be found here: https://whatreallymakesyouill.com

  • A recent study from Harvard and Montana Tech University has proposed that crypto-terrestrials may author much of the UFO phenomenon. These entities are unidentified inhabitants of earth, living in the ocean, deep underground, or in mountains and volcanoes. Be them more human-like, non-human primates, or reptiles, the mythos of such creatures pre-dates civilization. The fringes of science today are becoming more open to what otherwise would be considered delusional ufology or complete fiction. What the scientists, ‘believers’, and even ‘skeptics’ tend to overlook, however, is the immense archetypical pantheon comprising the whole of the UFO phenomenon, particularly as it relates to the serpent deity as the eternal predator.

    The recent former study was announced just a few days after archeologists discovered on the Colombia-Venezuela border a massive collection of art depicting giant serpents, giant centipedes, larger-than-life-animals, and ten meter-tall (32 feet) human-like figures. Found alongside were geometric engravings, grids, and dots, lending credibility to the idea that plant medicine allowed humans access to entirely new visual realms. Mainline academia has known, as these archeologists believe, that large serpents are not just random, they are part of a tradition that spans the world. China has the White Snake demon who lives under water, and the Lung Dragons; the Hopi have a famous snake dance to encourage rainfall; in India there is the seven-headed Naga, not unlike the Biblical Revelation Beast with seven heads; the Mesoamerican cultures have Quetzalcoatl; in Greek myth are Medusa and the Gorgons, and the Hydra, and Apollo defeats a serpent called Python living in the earth; in Norse myth is Jormungand; Japan has the Yamato no Orochi; Russia has the fire serpent; Korea has Eopsin; Mesopotamia has Ningishzida and Mushussu; and the Bible also has Leviathan from Job, and the Genesis serpent. Serpents are universal symbols of fertility, creativity, and rebirth, but also of - by default - temptation of flesh, poison, and death. Hence why the Egyptian guardian of youth was a cobra named Wadjet and the Australian creator was a Rainbow Snake. As for health, the serpent caduceus and Asclepius Wand are still in use today. The serpent is also directly associated with water, fire (salamanders), air (dragons), and earth. In Egypt it brings down Ra’s sun barge, which crashes as a flying disc, and is then recovered later - this is the dying god motif and background for Roswell mythology.

    Is it possible that just as we live alongside less developed tribes today, we could ourselves live next to more developed civilizations that go largely unnoticed? Could we develop technology, like a cargo cult, based on what we perceive to see in the skies, oceans, mountains, etc?


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  • A handful of female ‘influencers’ on social media have gone viral with the political right over their lifestyle rants, commentary on the political left, and certain cultural issues. But most of these ‘influencers’ are ultimately playing a part, filling a void, and taking advantage of a cultural vacuum. Often they are paid by ‘patriot’ companies to promote a narrative or lifestyle while selling coffee or holsters. There is nothing wrong with selling a product, but the fact is most of these 'common people' are not so 'common', they are manufactured images. Some female ‘influencers’ are talking about their difficulties dating and yet their other videos promote the very opposite. Others are seeking pure validation, including the cake baking single mom. One of the most viral is making different videos with new 'costumes' and targeted commentary and imagery. On the other hand, male ‘influencers’ include the ‘red pill’ community promoting masculine-feminism and dating advice. The magic trick is that most of these ‘influencers’ are partly right in what they say, though they are massively toxic in their overall presentation. “Influencer Culture” itself is toxic because it is inauthentic, an advertisement for a product, promotes false expectations, and for many individuals it’s about pure self-validation.


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  • The FDA is finally admitting that red and yellow food dyes are poison and should be removed from the food supply while parents and family argue the candy and treats they feed their kids make them happy so what’s the big deal. Well, they contribute to hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, cancer, and on a deep spiritual level, alongside other things we call food, interfere with our bodily mechanisms for connecting with the physical and spiritual worlds. One of the greatest conspiracies is the multi-faceted health fraud being perpetrated on the public from the grocery store and doctor’s office, to the media and regulatory agencies. Undercover video shows an FDA executive admitting they are paid hundreds of millions to hire rubber stamps sponsored by the very industry being regulated: drugs, food, etc. It is also becoming a trend now for ‘influencers’ to make short videos pointing out chemicals, unnecessary colors, and preservatives in processed food. But only a keen observer will notice that most of these videos involve the trashing of one company over another in a bid to drive the viewer to an equally processed product. In other words, a company pays an influencer to expose a competitor while the whole thing seems organic. This has happened with coke and Kraft, and Pfizer and Moderna. Politicians are likewise hired to play hero in a fight against drug companies that finance that representative’s campaign, which is then used to support the company when they make it into congress.


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