The group talks about the end and how they felt it all went.
The conclusion of our epic 3 part battle.
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The best episode number in the world. enjoy part 2 of this 3 part battle finale.
part 1 finale. the end is here
A much needed nights sleep and boost of energy help build the morale of the team and Undavar gives the travelers some helpful hand me downs.
The group gathers for a last proper meal before heading to battle.
the chase continues into the unknown hallway as the group runs into some friendly faces.
A recap and beautiful flashback by our very own Chris and Isaiah.
Things take a turn as the group finds themselves out of luck.
Unwanted news hits the group as they meet an old fortune teller.
Khal's mistake rises up to haunt him.
Fate is laid out in the dirt as we say goodbye.
The battle in the painting rages on. how will the new adventurers handle a sticky situation? tune in to find out.
flash over to the other group of Valenteen's she what the reunited family is doing in the isle of giants and how Estella is handling the new company.
Escaped from prison and reunited with some of the prisoners families. Here is where the look for temporary shelter and safety as they plan their next move.
Escaping and robotic butlers? Must I say more.
Garg and khal stuck in a cell while Zediac, Jon-e and Dutch settle down in a suite.
Into the castle they go. Looking to find more clues and possibly an old friend.
Disguise and sneak is the plan of action.
Arrival at the Isle of giants. A new chapter begins.
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