
  • Have you ever wondered how sustainability and advanced AI can converge to shape the future of customer experiences? In this episode, we sit down with Peter Graf, the Senior Vice President of Strategy at Genesys, live from Xperience 2024, to delve into the groundbreaking innovations driving the future of personalized, AI-powered customer interactions.

    Join us as we explore the pivotal role of sustainability in technology with Genesys Cloud operations now achieving carbon neutrality. Peter sheds light on how this milestone was reached and what it means for the broader tech industry. We also dive into the latest enhancements in the Genesys Cloud platform, including new AI capabilities like Copilots, Virtual Agents, and Empathy Detection, designed to revolutionize customer and employee experiences.

    We'll discuss the impact of these innovations on real-world businesses, featuring success stories from Virgin Atlantic, Modivcare, Kiwibank, and the National Domestic Hotline, all of whom have harnessed Genesys' solutions to achieve remarkable results.

    As the landscape of AI and customer experience continues to evolve, Peter offers insights into the strategic partnerships and forward-thinking approaches that position Genesys at the forefront of this transformation. From managing customer journeys with deeper insights to the integration of social media analytics through the acquisition of Radarr Technologies, this episode is packed with valuable information for anyone interested in the intersection of AI, sustainability, and customer experience.

    Tune in to discover how Genesys is not only accelerating the future of AI-driven customer interactions but also ensuring these advancements are sustainable. What does the future hold for AI in customer experience? How can businesses leverage these tools to enhance both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency? Share your thoughts and join the conversation as we explore these critical questions and more.

    Don't miss this engaging discussion with Peter Graf, and be sure to share your insights on how AI and sustainability are reshaping the tech landscape.

  • Have you ever considered what goes into the products you use every day, from the shampoo in your shower to the battery powering your electric vehicle?

    In this episode, we explore the transformative world of Syensqo, a company at the forefront of the green energy transition. Our guest is Mike Finelli, Syensqo's Chief Technology & Innovation Officer and Chief North America Officer, who brings over 30 years of experience in the chemical industry to the table.

    Mike will delve into how Syensqo is leading the way in developing essential materials for electric vehicle batteries, with a particular focus on their groundbreaking work in lithium-ion battery components. As North America’s largest production facility for polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) gears up to open in Augusta, Georgia, Mike will share insights on how this new site will play a critical role in the U.S. "Battery Belt," driving the clean energy transition.

    We’ll also discuss Syensqo’s innovative use of artificial intelligence to revolutionize chemical production, making processes more efficient and environmentally friendly. Mike will explain how AI is leveraged in their R&D labs, leading to breakthrough discoveries that push the boundaries of what's possible in sustainable technology.

    Join us for a deep dive into the megatrends shaping our future—lightweighting, electrification, and advanced connectivity—and learn how Syensqo is not just keeping up but setting the pace for industrial decarbonization. How are they managing to stay ahead in an industry that's rapidly evolving? And what can other businesses learn from their approach to innovation and sustainability?

    As we uncover the layers of Syensqo’s strategic vision, we invite you to ponder: How will these advancements change the products you use daily and the world at large? Share your thoughts with us after the episode.

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  • What does the future hold for tech companies as AI continues to evolve and integrate into their operations? In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, I sit down with Thomas Lah, the Executive Director and Executive VP of the Technology & Services Industry Association (TSIA), to explore this pressing question.

    As an expert with over two decades of experience helping major tech firms enhance their operational efficiency, Thomas provides invaluable insights into the profound changes AI is bringing to the industry.

    AI is revolutionizing internal workflows, leading to significant improvements in key performance indicators (KPIs), ranging from 15-70%. This transformation is not just about automating tasks but fundamentally changing how companies operate from the inside out.

    Thomas highlights that while much of the AI buzz centers around customer-facing solutions, its impact on internal operations is equally transformative. Some companies are rapidly adopting AI to enhance their workflows, creating a divide between the "haves and have-nots" in the industry. Case studies demonstrate that deploying AI in workflows can lead to substantial KPI improvements, underscoring its potential.

    One of the most discussed aspects of AI's integration is its impact on headcount. Research indicates that AI could reduce headcount in tech companies by up to 20%. Companies like Google have openly discussed how AI has enabled workforce reductions, while others have slowed their hiring rates despite experiencing revenue growth. This trend raises important questions about the future of work in the tech industry.

    The prospect of reduced headcounts brings about a critical need for companies and society to invest in retraining and supporting displaced workers, ensuring a smooth transition into new roles that leverage their existing skills in conjunction with AI capabilities.

    Thomas explains that education services and support services are currently reaping the highest benefits from AI implementations. These areas are seeing significant returns on investment, making them prime examples of where AI can deliver substantial value. In contrast, areas like revenue management and sales/renewals are lagging in terms of AI-driven ROI, highlighting the varying degrees of AI impact across different functions.

    For companies looking to overcome the barriers to AI implementation, Thomas advises starting with well-defined workflows and integrating AI into these existing processes rather than creating new ones from scratch. He emphasizes the importance of having a sense of urgency, as AI capabilities are not just a passing trend but a permanent fixture in the tech landscape.

    The ability to quickly and effectively adopt AI can determine a company's future success, making it imperative for tech leaders to prioritize these initiatives.

    Looking ahead, AI promises to deliver more consistent business value and operational efficiency. Thomas and I discuss how AI will reshape workflows for everyone in the industry, creating distinct market winners and losers based on the speed and effectiveness of AI adoption. This shift will necessitate a new approach to business strategy, focusing on leveraging AI to gain a competitive edge.

    Beyond the immediate impact of AI, Thomas shares insights into how the classic SaaS business model is under pressure due to inflation, high interest rates, and deflated company valuations. He discusses how companies like Salesforce are adapting to these economic challenges by leveraging big data and AI to offer next-generation value propositions. This adaptability is crucial for SaaS companies to navigate the current economic landscape and emerge stronger.

    Throughout our conversation, Thomas emphasizes the role of industry associations like TSIA in helping SaaS companies navigate the challenges brought by AI disruption. He advises that every executive team should focus on their big data play to unlock unique value propositions for their customers. By doing so, companies can not only survive but thrive in an AI-driven future.

    We conclude the discussion by reflecting on the broader implications of AI in the tech industry. We agree that AI will enable more consistent business value and operational efficiency, changing everyone's workflows and creating a clear divide between those who quickly adapt and those who lag behind.

    As we look to the future, the question remains: How will tech companies continue to evolve and leverage AI to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape? I invite you to share your thoughts on this transformative journey.

  • In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, we delve into the seismic shifts AI adoption is bringing to the technology landscape with Sam Burman, a partner at Heidrick & Struggles. As AI continues to revolutionize industries, it's not just transforming business operations but also the very fabric of leadership and career progression in the tech world.

    Sam Burman brings his extensive expertise to the table, shedding light on how the rapid integration of AI is altering the traditional career ladder. With companies entering an AI recruitment arms race, traditional career progression models are becoming obsolete. We explore how tech giants are now seeking and cultivating talent directly from top universities, propelling fresh graduates into high-level roles right from the start. This trend is reshaping the future of leadership teams and creating unprecedented opportunities and challenges.

    Moreover, Sam discusses modern leaders' crucial qualities to navigate this new era. Emotional intelligence, storytelling skills, and fostering trust and transparency around AI are now indispensable. We'll also touch on the latest findings from Heidrick & Struggles' survey of 201 executives in Europe and the US, revealing the current state and future direction of AI and data analytics in leadership roles.

    Sam will provides reassuring guidance on how businesses can embark on their AI journey with focused use cases, assuring them that it's a step-by-step process rather than a daunting overhaul of entire leadership structures.

    Are we ready for a future where AI dictates the rhythm of career advancements and leadership structures? How can businesses ensure they effectively and responsibly integrate AI into their operations? Join us for this thought-provoking discussion and share your thoughts on how AI transforms the workplace.

    For insights and information, visit Heidrick & Struggles online and connect with Sam and his team.

  • Have you ever wondered how automation and integration can transform your business, making it more efficient and scalable? In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, I sit down with Gert-Jan Wijman from Celigo to explore the revolutionary impact of process automation on businesses across various sectors.

    Celigo's integration platform is at the forefront of enabling automated, scalable business processes by seamlessly connecting data across different systems. Gert-Jan explains how this eliminates human intervention in routine business tasks, allowing data to flow smoothly between systems, removing bottlenecks, and ultimately making business processes more scalable.

    We delve into the critical role of proper platform and integration approaches in harnessing the potential of underused business technologists. By lessening the burden on IT departments while still providing them with the necessary oversight, Celigo's platform empowers "citizen integrators" – non-IT employees with technical skills – to contribute significantly to automation initiatives. This approach not only accelerates implementation but also brings valuable business context to the table.

    Gert-Jan shares how automation is particularly beneficial for businesses operating across multiple countries and regions. By ensuring efficient connectivity between systems and intelligently handling errors and changes, Celigo's platform supports agile processes that can adapt to different market demands and regulatory environments.

    We also discuss the impact of AI on integration and vice versa. Celigo leverages AI for error handling, using pattern recognition to resolve issues automatically, thereby making business process management more efficient. This integration of AI not only enhances the automation process but also ensures more reliable and consistent operations.

    A significant focus of our conversation is the e-commerce and retail sector, where automation plays a crucial role in providing consistent omnichannel customer experiences. Gert-Jan highlights how automation frees employees from repetitive tasks, improving their overall experience and enabling them to focus on more strategic activities. For customers, this means seamless interactions across various channels, which is essential for a positive shopping experience.

    Gert-Jan provides compelling examples of how brand aggregators on platforms like Amazon use Celigo's solutions to integrate acquired brands rapidly, leveraging economies of scale. This capability also extends to expanding brands into new geographical markets quickly and efficiently.

    As we look ahead, Gert-Jan shares insights into emerging trends, particularly the convergence of integration, automation, robotic process automation (RPA), business process management (BPM), and API management for the mid-market. He emphasizes that companies increasingly seek integrated automation platforms rather than separate tools, and Celigo's roadmap reflects this trend by evolving into a broader automation platform.

    Join us in this insightful episode as we explore how Celigo is redefining the landscape of business automation and integration. How can automation transform your business operations? Listen in to find out, and don't forget to share your thoughts on this exciting topic!

  • How is technology revolutionizing the way we provide mental health support to LGBTQ+ youth? In this special episode of the Tech Talks Daily Podcast, I sit down with Emmett Troxel, Director of Contact Center Technology at The Trevor Project, during the Genesys Xperience 2024 CX event in Denver, Colorado.

    With over 25 years of expertise in contact center operations, specializing in IVR, Interaction Routing, Workforce Management, and Automation, Emmett brings a wealth of experience to their role as the Director of Contact Center Technology at the Trevor Project. He is dedicated to leveraging technology for good, helping end suicide among LGBTQ+ young people.

    The Trevor Project is the world's largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for LGBTQ+ young people, and Emmett shares how they are leveraging cutting-edge technology to save young lives.

    Emmett discusses the imperative for The Trevor Project to evolve its services from more than a dozen vendors to an all-in-one platform, enhancing their ability to support the LGBTQ+ community and manage their unique staffing needs. Emmett delves into the challenges and successes of managing a diverse workforce of full-time staff and thousands of volunteers, highlighting the importance of formalized training, real-time supervision, and the right mix of skills for both voice and digital interactions.

    Throughout the conversation, Emmett provides valuable insights into how The Trevor Project is integrating new technologies, including soon-to-come social media platform integrations, to extend their reach and effectiveness. He shares the transformative impact of these advancements on their 24/7 phone lifeline, chat, and text services, as well as TrevorSpace, the world’s largest safe space social networking site for LGBTQ youth.

  • Have you ever wondered if the eco-labels on your favorite products truly reflect their environmental impact? In this episode, I sit down with Christophe Girardier, CEO of Glimpact, to explore how technology is transforming our understanding of sustainability. Christophe, a serial entrepreneur, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, shedding light on the critical role of technology in achieving genuine sustainability.

    We begin by critiquing the current state of eco-labeling, questioning whether smarter algorithms and data analytics can pave the way for more accurate, dynamic, and helpful sustainability ratings for consumers. Christophe shares insights on how Glimpact's technology goes beyond the narrow focus on carbon emissions, emphasizing the complexity of true sustainability. It's not just about carbon; it's about biodiversity, water, and soil health.

    One of the key topics we delve into is the challenge of greenwashing and the importance of authentic sustainability efforts. Christophe introduces Glimpact's global footprint measurement approach, leveraging the EU's OEF method to capture a comprehensive view of environmental impact. This rigorous and holistic assessment spans 16 impact categories, including water depletion, biodiversity loss, and more.

    Christophe also highlights the pivotal role of technology in environmental sustainability. We discuss how AI can help consumer brands become more sustainable, using examples like Lacoste to illustrate the importance of a systemic view. Technology not only prepares companies for future reporting demands but also enables them to measure and mitigate a wide array of environmental impacts.

    We explore the adoption of PEF/OEF methods for a systemic approach, ensuring a rigorous assessment of environmental footprints. Christophe explains each of the 16 impact categories, from climate change to resource use, and how they contribute to a comprehensive understanding of sustainability.

    Finally, we propose a revolution in corporate environmental strategy, urging companies to include all dimensions of the environmental crisis in their decision-making processes. It's about moving beyond carbon balances to consider the full spectrum of environmental impacts.

    Join us as we uncover the complexities of sustainability, the dangers of greenwashing, and the revolutionary potential of technology in driving authentic environmental responsibility. How can brands integrate these insights into their business models? Listen in, and don't forget to share your thoughts on how we can all contribute to a more sustainable future.

  • How can smart vending machines change the way we shop for food on the go? In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, I sit down with Aslak de Silva, CEO of Selfly Store, to explore how his company is leveraging IoT, AI, and intelligent vending machines to transform the grab-and-go food shopping experience.

    Selfly Store is at the forefront of innovative retail technology, using real-time data and AI to predict demand, optimize operations, and enhance customer convenience. De Silva shares insights into how these smart vending machines provide merchants with invaluable data on inventory, sales, and customer behavior, allowing for dynamic pricing and predictive planning. This technology not only boosts sales but also enables 24/7 service without additional overhead costs.

    We'll delve into the concept of "half-mile stores," hyperlocal vending solutions that meet consumers' immediate needs based on real-time data, and discuss the critical role of properly categorizing and cleansing data to extract meaningful insights from AI. De Silva's vision for the future includes more automated, data-driven retail solutions that can adapt to consumer demand and streamline operations.

    Join us as we uncover the benefits and challenges of integrating AI and IoT into retail, and explore how business leaders can harness these technologies to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Aslak de Silva provides a unique perspective on the future of intelligent vending and the transformative potential of data-driven retail solutions.

    Are you ready to see how smart vending machines are shaping the future of grab-and-go shopping? Tune in to this insightful episode and share your thoughts on the potential of AI and IoT in revolutionizing the retail industry.

  • How is artificial intelligence transforming customer experiences across industries? In today's special episode of Tech Talks Daily, we are live at Xperience 2024, where we have the pleasure of speaking with Brett Weigl, Senior Vice President of Product Management for AI at Genesys. Brett shares his insights on the latest AI innovations from Genesys, including their groundbreaking developments in Customer Journey Management.

    Brett delves into the findings from a recent consumer perception study on AI in customer experience, emphasizing the role of chatbots and AI-powered solutions in enhancing customer interactions. He explains how Genesys is harnessing AI to optimize every touchpoint in the customer journey, ensuring smoother, more personalized experiences.

    We also explore the newly announced native journey management capabilities for the Genesys Cloud™ platform. Brett highlights how these capabilities provide organizations with deeper insights and control over customer interactions, allowing them to visualize, analyze, and improve customer journeys effectively. This integration not only enhances automation and prediction but also improves conversational intelligence, setting a new standard for AI-driven customer service.

    Join us as Brett discusses the synergy between Genesys Cloud AI and Journey Management, revealing how these technologies work together to deliver unparalleled customer experiences. We also get a sneak peek into future innovations and what they mean for the industry.

    Tune in to discover how Genesys is leading the charge in AI-powered experience orchestration and what it means for the future of customer service.

  • In today's episode of Tech Talks Daily, we dive into an insightful conversation with Nicole Thomas, VP of Customer Care Center at Coca-Cola Bottlers' Sales and Services Company (CCBSSC).

    Nicole shares how CCBSSC has extended the capabilities of the platform by utilizing Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows to introduce an innovative account finder voicebot. This technology determines the customer’s identity and intent before connecting them to an agent, ensuring inquiries are routed efficiently and eliminating multiple transfers. As a result, the customer care experience has become smoother and more effective.

    Additionally, Nicole discusses how integrating tools from the Genesys AppFoundry® Marketplace, like Help Lightning, has revolutionized technical support. Through video chat, technicians can now visualize and resolve issues remotely, leading to a 12% improvement in fix rates and significant cost savings by reducing the need for site visits.

    We explore the impressive outcomes of these technological advancements, including the correct identification and routing of over 80% of calls by voicebots, a $1 million savings in technician site visits, and a 50% TCO reduction. These achievements highlight the profound impact of embracing cloud-based solutions and AI-driven technologies.

    How does a global brand like Coca-Cola continuously innovate to maintain its market leadership? What lessons can other businesses learn from CCBSSC’s journey with Genesys Cloud? Tune in to discover the strategies behind these successes and how they shape the future of customer care.

  • How can businesses harness the power of technology to stand out in a crowded digital landscape? In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, we sit down with Conor Egan, VP of Product at Contentstack, to explore the innovative solutions and strategies that are redefining digital customer experiences. Conor brings over 15 years of experience in the industry and has been instrumental in creating solutions that disrupt the CMS market.

    We begin by discussing Contentstack’s pioneering role in the development of headless CMS and composable digital experience platforms (DXP). Conor explains how these technologies help brands deliver personalized, omnichannel experiences while overcoming the limitations of legacy CMS systems. He shares Contentstack’s vision of making technology an enabler, allowing brands to focus on executing their most innovative ideas.

    Our conversation moves to the "Experience Edge" framework, a unique approach Contentstack uses to help brands identify their competitive advantage. Whether it’s faster time to market, superior UX, or innovative creativity, Conor emphasizes how even small improvements in customer experience can drive significant business outcomes.

    As we delve into the evolution of martech, Conor highlights the explosive growth in this space and the challenges that come with integrating diverse platforms and data sources. He advocates for a composable approach, enabling brands to use best-of-breed technologies and adapt as their needs change.

    Conor also shares insights into Contentstack’s corporate culture and community initiatives, including their support for Girls Who Code and other charitable organizations. He discusses how regular hackathons and community service foster innovation and engagement within the company.

    Lastly, we explore the broader implications of digital transformation, touching on how every business, regardless of industry, will need to embrace technology to remain competitive in 2024 and beyond. Conor provides a detailed explanation of the differences between composable DXP, headless CMS, and traditional CMS, highlighting the benefits and opportunities each brings.

    How can your business leverage the experience edge to drive customer loyalty and stand out from competitors? Tune in to this episode and join the conversation by sharing your thoughts on these cutting-edge topics.

  • What does the future of warehouse technology look like, and how can it shape the supply chain industry? Join us in this insightful episode of Tech Talks Daily as we sit down with Matt Gregory, Managing Director of Northern Europe for Körber's Supply Chain Software. With over 17 years of experience in the supply chain software industry, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge on how technology is revolutionizing the way we manage warehouses and supply chains.

    In our conversation, Matt delves into the significance of employee well-being in boosting productivity and retention in warehouse environments. He explains how Körber's solutions prioritize the human factor, ensuring that technology supports rather than replaces the workforce. We explore the latest trends in warehouse technology and Matt shares his predictions for the future, highlighting the pivotal role of automation, AI, and digital twins in creating more efficient and adaptable supply chains.

    We also tackle the pressing issue of technology's impact on job creation. Contrary to popular belief, Matt argues that technology is not just taking over jobs but also creating new opportunities within the supply chain sector. He provides real-world examples of how AI and automation can enhance decision-making and operational efficiency without fully automating the human touch out of the equation.

    As we navigate the complexities of supply chain security, Matt sheds light on how AI can be both a boon and a threat. He emphasizes the importance of cautious integration and robust safeguards to protect supply chains from emerging risks. The discussion also touches on the evolution of smart warehouses and the critical factors for successful implementation, from digital twin simulations to the orchestration of diverse technologies.

    Finally, we look at how businesses can create future-proof retail solutions to meet ever-increasing customer demands. Matt shares insights on leveraging software and automation to streamline high throughput operations and build resilient, customer-centric retail environments.

    How can businesses leverage AI to improve efficiency and productivity across their supply chains? What does a future-proof retail solution look like in an age of rapid technological advancement? Tune in to find out and join the conversation by sharing your thoughts on these transformative topics.

  • How can AI transform the future of clinical decision-making? Today on Tech Talks Daily, we explore this pivotal question with Rhett Alden, CTO at Elsevier Health. Rhett brings deep insights into the integration of AI with clinical knowledge to enhance healthcare delivery.

    Rhett discusses Elsevier's latest innovation, ClinicalKey AI, poised to revolutionize how clinicians access and utilize medical information. Developed with the sophisticated blend of Elsevier’s vast clinical knowledge assets and advanced AI technologies, ClinicalKey AI is designed to deliver trusted, transparent, and timely support to medical professionals. Rhett highlights how this tool leverages a retrieval-augmented generative architecture to provide accurate responses, greatly reducing the time clinicians spend researching complex cases.

    Delving deeper, Rhett explains the rigorous validation frameworks that underpin ClinicalKey AI, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the AI responses while addressing potential biases in AI applications. He emphasizes the importance of transparency, with the system designed to allow clinicians to easily trace and verify the sources of information it provides.

    Localization of content is another key aspect Rhett touches upon. ClinicalKey AI is customized for diverse global healthcare systems, adhering to local protocols and regulations, thereby enhancing its applicability and effectiveness worldwide. Looking ahead, Rhett shares Elsevier’s vision for the future—transitioning from on-demand tools to anticipatory, embedded clinical advisors, with a particular focus on expanding into the fast-evolving field of oncology.

    Join us as Rhett Alden from Elsevier Health unveils how ClinicalKey AI and generative AI are setting new standards in healthcare technology. After the episode, we invite you to share your thoughts: How do you see AI shaping the future of clinical decision support systems in your environment?

  • Are enterprises ready to harness the full potential of generative AI in application modernization? In today’s episode of Tech Talks Daily, we dive deep with Kyle Charlet, IBM Fellow and CTO for IBM Z Software, exploring the transformative impact of AI on hybrid cloud strategies and legacy systems.

    Kyle provides expert insights into how application modernization is crucial for executing successful hybrid cloud strategies, with generative AI playing a critical role in this evolution. He discusses the benefits of AI in translating outdated code from languages like COBOL to more contemporary languages such as Java, enhancing developer productivity, and ensuring business agility. With IBM’s comprehensive lifecycle approach, Kyle outlines how organizations are not just rewriting, but intelligently enhancing their existing assets for future-proof platforms.

    We also cover the significant challenges that come with modernization, such as understanding complex, monolithic legacy applications developed over decades. Kyle explains how generative AI serves as a tool to demystify these systems, assisting in generating test cases, synthetic data, and highlighting potential security vulnerabilities that need addressing from the outset.

    The conversation shifts to the impact on IT roles and skills, emphasizing the increasing importance of testing, security, and integration competencies. Kyle points out that developers will need to adapt rapidly to interpret AI-generated code and focus more on application architecture and less on building from scratch.

    Looking ahead, Kyle speaks on the expectations for faster innovation cycles and more interconnected systems across hybrid environments. He stresses the need for Ops teams to prepare for managing this complexity and the optimization of DevSecOps pipelines to stay competitive.

    Join us as we explore how generative AI is reshaping the landscape of application modernization and what this means for the future of enterprise IT. After the episode, we invite you to share your thoughts: How do you see generative AI influencing your industry’s approach to modernization and hybrid cloud strategies?

  • Are we witnessing a tech evolution or merely chasing the latest shiny object? Today on Tech Talks Daily, we're thrilled to welcome Evan Goldberg, EVP and Founder of Oracle NetSuite, as we explore the journey and future of cloud computing and AI integration within business software. We’re broadcasting from SuiteConnect in London, where Evan shares his excitement about connecting with industry professionals beyond the digital realm.

    Evan recounts the inception of NetSuite 25 years ago, following a pivotal five-minute conversation with Oracle's Larry Ellison. This story not only marks the birth of the world's first cloud software company but also encapsulates a moment that defined an era of internet and business software revolution.

    As we discuss the flashy allure of AI in today’s tech landscape, Evan draws parallels to early challenges at NetSuite, emphasizing the importance of not getting sidetracked by allure without substance. With Oracle recently unveiling plans to infuse AI across NetSuite, Evan explains how "Text Enhance" and broader AI applications are set to transform user experiences and operational efficiency, aligning with the core needs of CEOs across industries.

    Addressing the economic uncertainties of our time, Evan reflects on lessons from the dot-com bubble and the resilience shown during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering sage advice for navigating recessional periods. He also touches on learning from setbacks, underscoring how past failures pave the way for future successes.

    In a world increasingly driven by ESG goals and social consciousness, Evan discusses how businesses can achieve success while genuinely contributing to societal good—an ethos deeply ingrained in NetSuite’s operations.

    Looking ahead, Evan reveals the tech trends that energize him each morning and previews what’s on the horizon for NetSuite's customers. Lastly, for those feeling overwhelmed by the rapid pace of technological change, Evan shares his strategies for continuous learning and keeping abreast of industry evolution.

    Join us for this enlightening discussion and share your thoughts: How do you stay current and balanced in the face of incessant tech advancements?

  • Are software and platform companies poised to conquer the next wave of innovation, or are internal obstacles derailing their trajectory? In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, we sit down with Kevan Yalowitz, the global lead for Software & Platforms at Accenture, who brings over 15 years of experience at the nexus of business and technology.

    Kevan unpacks the rapid evolution within the software and platforms industry, which has dramatically reshaped our daily interactions from shopping to socializing. Despite the industry's drive towards constant hypergrowth, there lurks a series of internal challenges—organizational siloes, complex processes, and unfocused engineering talent—that could stall future advancements.

    In our conversation, Kevan outlines a strategic roadmap designed for these companies to navigate through these hurdles. He highlights four critical pillars: leveraging generative AI for new growth opportunities, crafting compelling user experiences, enhancing employee engagement, and unlocking internal value. Each component plays a pivotal role in not only overcoming existing challenges but also in solidifying a foundation for sustained innovation.

    As we explore these themes, we ponder a crucial question: How can software and platform companies recalibrate their strategies to thrive amidst these evolving challenges? Join us as we delve into this topic, and after listening, we invite you to share your views on whether your favorite tech brands are truly ready for the next chapter of growth.

  • Has the longstanding belief in Apple's invulnerability to cyber threats finally been shattered? In today's episode of Tech Talks Daily, we're joined by Jaron Bradley, Director of Threat Labs at Jamf, to dissect this evolving narrative. As Apple devices have become commonplace in professional environments, they've also become hot targets for sophisticated cyber threats, including trojans, ransomware, and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).

    Jaron will unpack the seismic shift in the threat landscape for Apple's ecosystem, highlighting the transition from nuisance adware to more menacing malware varieties that now plague Mac environments. We’ll explore why the myth of Apple's security invincibility is dissipating and discuss the strategic importance of acknowledging and addressing these vulnerabilities within organizational cyber frameworks.

    Moreover, Jaron will shed light on the dire state of cyber hygiene, particularly on mobile devices, and provide actionable insights on how organizations can bolster their defenses against this new wave of threats. With Jamf's cutting-edge solutions at the forefront, we'll delve into practical measures for enhancing security protocols and ensuring robust protection for Apple devices.

    As we navigate through these complex challenges, one question remains: Are we doing enough to adapt our security strategies to keep pace with these sophisticated threats? After listening, share your thoughts on how prepared you think organizations really are to tackle this new era of Apple vulnerabilities.

  • How do you build a thriving tech company that supports tradespeople while revolutionizing an industry rooted in tradition? In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, I sit down with Sam Pillar, the co-founder and CEO of Jobber, to uncover the remarkable journey of transforming how small home service businesses operate.

    Sam shares his inspirational story of meeting his co-founder, Forest, in a coffee shop and how their shared vision led to the creation of a powerful platform that makes everyday tasks easier for home service providers like HVAC technicians, painters, and landscapers. Jobber helps these tradespeople move from pen-and-paper inefficiency to streamlined, profitable operations, allowing them to focus on their craft and create "blue-collar millionaires."

    We discuss the challenges of convincing small businesses to trust cloud software, the critical importance of consistency, and the unique opportunities that exist in traditional industries ripe for disruption. Sam also reveals how emerging AI technologies will further streamline back-office processes and enhance customer service.

    As you listen, consider the untapped potential within your industry or community. How can technology improve lives and foster business growth in ways that have yet to be explored? Please share your thoughts with us after the episode!

  • In this Tech Talks Daily Podcast episode, I sit down with Richard Hummel from NETSCOUT to delve into the ever-evolving DDoS threat landscape. Why has there been an explosion in hacktivist groups and DDoS attack activity this year, and what does this mean for organizations across all sectors? With over 1,200 hacktivist groups active in 2023 alone, the threat landscape is more challenging than ever.

    We explore how geopolitical tensions are directly influencing attack strategies and targets, resulting in a continuous onslaught of sophisticated attacks that challenge traditional defense mechanisms. Critical infrastructure, particularly DNS servers, is being targeted with unprecedented frequency, posing significant risks to the stability of the internet itself.

    Richard provides valuable insights into how attackers are employing more advanced tactics, including leveraging public cloud hosting to evade defenses and utilizing AI to generate potent attacks. He also highlights how global conflicts, elections, and political unrest directly trigger hacktivist activity, with adversaries often striking both sides of a conflict.

    To help organizations defend themselves, Richard shares the importance of adopting a predictive defense strategy based on real-time threat intelligence, stressing that visibility into network traffic is critical. With proactive blocking of known adversary infrastructure and AI chatbots identifying new attack vectors, Richard outlines practical recommendations for staying ahead of the curve.

    Tune in to understand the risks, challenges, and the strategies organizations can implement to bolster their defenses. Do you feel adequately prepared for this evolving threat landscape, or is your organization vulnerable to these increasingly sophisticated attacks? Listen and share your thoughts!

  • Have you ever wondered how the evolving role of finance is being transformed by AI and new technology? In this episode of Tech Talks Daily, I sit down with Pam McIntyre, Senior Vice President and Corporate Controller at OneStream Software, to explore how AI tools are reshaping finance roles and tackling the industry's talent shortage.

    We'll discuss the current challenges facing finance professionals and the shortage of candidates with the right skills. Pam shares her perspective on how AI is automating routine tasks, empowering finance teams to focus on strategic decision-making and become true partners in business growth. She reveals how OneStream's platform provides real-time insights, allowing finance leaders to look around corners and deliver trusted data and insights that support forward-looking decisions.

    Pam draws on her wealth of experience in senior finance leadership to highlight how AI is changing the profession, not just by automating tasks, but by shifting finance from being mere record-keepers to strategic advisors. Learn how companies can leverage these tools to attract emerging talent, retain tenured employees, and equip finance professionals with the analytics and skepticism skills necessary for success.

    Join us as we delve into how technology is changing the role of finance, the CFO, and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. How will AI impact finance as it continues to evolve? Listen in, and then share your thoughts!