
  • Welp… it’s happening.

    The past 670 days have led to me being able to say this next sentence….


    It feels like a lifetime ago since I signed the contract above the title ‘author’. The imposter syndrome was real. Author? Me? How the hell am I going to pull this off? Especially because the person who signed on that line was a very pregnant Claire about to head into the chaotic unknown of parenthood for the first time.

    So I guess it was a lifetime ago. I was a different person in my pre-mother, pre-author life. But the best news? The imposter syndrome is well and truly gone. It’s Never Just About the Behaviour is everything I wanted it to be and more.

    When writing it, I kept coming back to these main goals.

    To empower you to take the action you can take when you walk into your classroom.

    To feel supported, confident and equipped to turn your own space into an island of safety and support for each one of your students.

    To know that, when challenging behaviours inevitably pop up, you’ll be able to respond to them effectively and calmly.

    Allowing you to do the job that you got into the profession to do, and do it damn well.

    To teach.

    To celebrate the release, over the next 7 weeks, there will be a weekly Podcast episode based around each of the pillars of the book - think about it as a VIP sneak peek to dip your toes on (or even make sure it is for you before you take the plunge and purchase… but I have a feeling it is for you if you are on this list).

    This first episode right here is based on the first pillar, Get Curious!

    In this episode I…

    Introduce the overarching approach to classroom management I take in INJATBExplain why being curious about our students' behaviour is essential for understanding and addressing it effectively.Give you a quick overview of something from the behaviour backpack: William Glasser’s five basic needs—love and belonging, fun, power and mastery, freedom, and survival—and how they drive behaviour.What this looks like in the classroom: I discuss how unmet needs can manifest in student behaviour and what you can do about it, and share practical strategies to help you stay curious and empathetic, even in challenging situations.

    Other episodes of the podcast I reference throughout:

    Episode 31: The Why That Drives Our Behaviour - The Good, Bad, and Ugly
    Dive deeper into Glass’s Five Basic Needs and understand how they influence behaviour.
    [Listen to Episode 31]

    Episode 63: Blame My Brain - What's Behind Those Big, Bad, Bold, and Downright Baffling Behaviors?
    Explore the connection between stress responses a

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • In this episode of The Unteachables Podcast, I sit down with Ashley, a seasoned teacher with 18 years of experience and half of the wonderful Rainbow Sky Creation crew, to discuss practical strategies for managing the demands of teaching. Ashley shares invaluable tips that every teacher, especially those in their early years, can benefit from. From finding mentors and effective time management to self-care and flexibility in the classroom, Ashley's insights are designed to inspire and support educators at every stage of their careers.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Finding a Mentor: How to identify and learn from efficient colleagues to work smarter, not harder.Peer Learning: The benefits of observing and engaging with fellow teachers for professional development.Managing Overwhelm: Techniques for organizing tasks and reducing stress.Reframing Your To-Do List: Viewing your list as a wish list to change your mindset and reduce pressure.Prioritising Self-Care: The importance of hobbies and activities outside of work to prevent burnout, as well as taking sick days when needed.Flexibility in Teaching: Giving yourself and your students grace and knowing when to change plans.Authenticity and Relationship Building: The impact of being genuine and building strong relationships with students, as well as establishing crucial connections with your teaching community

    Plus a bunch more!

    If you want to learn more from Ashley, you can find her any place she hangs out:
    Instagram @rainbowskycreations https://www.instagram.com/rainbowskycreations/
    TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@rainbowskycreations?lang=en
    Podcast: Rainbow Skies for New Teachers https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/rainbow-skies-for-new-teachers/id1713486550

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

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  • In today's episode, we're diving deep into understanding behaviours driven by the stress response. This foundational knowledge is crucial for any teacher looking to transform their classroom into an island of safety for their students which nurtures connection, reduces anxiety, and promotes growth.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    1/ The stress response and behaviours: Gain insights into how the amygdala processes information and triggers fight, flight, freeze, or fawn responses. Understanding this biological process is key to addressing student behaviours effectively.

    2/ How to create a sense of felt safety in the classroom: Learn how to establish consistent boundaries, routines, and expectations to reduce anxiety and create a secure environment for your students.

    3/ Responding appropriately (and effectively) to dysregulated behaviours: Classroom management strategies to handle stress-driven behaviours with empathy and support, avoiding punitive measures that can escalate the situation.

    4/ Practical classroom management support: Explore practical ways to reduce the unknowns in the classroom by using visual aids, clear communication, and structured lesson plans to help students feel more in control and less anxious.

    Referenced episodes of The Unteachables Podcast:

    Episode #32: "Teaching Kids with Big Baffling Behaviours: The Science of Opposition" with Robyn GobbleEpisode #62. 'Apathetic' teenagers, post-pandemic classrooms, and finding all the glimmers with Dr Lori Desautels

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • On today's episode I speak to the brilliant Dr Lori Desautels to answer one of the big behaviour questions I am often asked...

    What's going on with apathetic teenage behaviour?!

    As well as this, we speak about:

    Neuroplasticity and why it is crucial for teachers to have an understanding around.How we can transform the experiences and education of our students in the smallest of moments, in the day to day 'touch points'. How you can foster a classroom environment where students feel a sense of trust and emotional safety.The impact of the pandemic on the emotional wellbeing of our students and how this manifests in challenging classroom behaviours Plus so much more

    I am so excited to bring you this episode. Dr Lori Desautels is an absolute wealth of knowledge and experience, and is a true leader in education.

    Instagram @lori.desautels

    Dr Lori Desautels has been an Assistant Professor at Butler University since 2016 where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate programs in the College of Education. Lori was also an Assistant Professor at Marian University in Indianapolis for 8 years where she founded the Educational Neuroscience Symposium that has now reached thousands of educators and is in its 10th year. Lori’s passion is engaging her students through the social and relational neurosciences as it applies to education by integrating the Applied Educational Neuroscience framework, and its learning principles and practices into her coursework at Butler. The Applied Educational Neuroscience Certification, created by Lori in 2016, is specifically designed to meet the needs of educators, counselors, clinicians and administrators who work beside children and adolescents who have, and are, experiencing adversity and trauma. The certification is now global and has reached hundreds of educators.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Download the guide: Addressing misogyny in the classroom

    In the wake of recent events sparking renewed conversations about gender-based violence, the imperative for educators to address misogyny in the classroom has never been more pressing. Samantha Schulz's article, "Make me a sandwich," sheds light on a disturbing reality: the behaviors and language male students exhibit that perpetuate sexist and abusive attitudes towards their female teachers.

    In planning for this podcast and the guide that you can access above, I reached out to educators (from Australia) and what they shared about their own experiences reinforced the concerns in Schultz’s research. From dismissive attitudes towards female teachers to alarming comments about gender roles and sexuality, the spectrum of issues, ranging from subtle yet insidious remarks to overtly misogynistic comments, demands our attention and action.

    Yet, our response must be as nuanced as the issue at hand itself. We cannot resort to shaming or isolating our students; instead, we must seize each interaction as an opportunity for buy-in and education. This episode, and the attached guide, aims to equip teachers with strategies to do just that; to address misogyny effectively and strategically.

    By taking these steps, we not only create safer spaces for our students but also do our part to contribute to a broader cultural shift. None of us can do this alone, and we can all play a small part.

    In this episode I provide you with a 4 step roadmap to feeling more confident and empowered addressing misogynistic and other problematic comments in the classroom.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Click here to download all 71 behaviour response prompts!

    Tell me if this sounds familiar, teacher friend...

    You have struggled to get through even a minute of teacher-led instruction because of one student who is cutting you off at every turn.

    It has a knock on effect, causing other students to become disengaged and dysregulated. You become increasingly frustrated, you address him, and you get a very loud response...

    “Why are you talking to ME?!”

    “Other students are talking too!”

    “Go talk to them!”

    When students struggle to take accountability for the behaviours that you see happen in front of your very eyes it can be incredibly frustrating . BECAUSE it is so frustrating, it can be even harder to stay calm and regulated, which we know is crucial when it comes to addressing these behaviours effectively.

    That's why in this episode you will find some steps that will guide you through the process, and some clear prompts that you can use to take all the guess work out of it.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Struggle with boundaries as a teacher?

    Safe to say you're not alone on that one.

    These stats are scary:
    (NASUWT survey Nov 2023)

    87% of teachers say their workload has increased in the past year.Teachers are working 54 hours a week on average (you just know some are working 40, and some are working 70!!)83% of teachers believe their job has adversely affected their mental health over the past year

    So why don't we just say no more?

    Push back?

    Say that we simply won't work on the weekend because we have a family, or a date with our bed and UberEats?

    Well there's a bunch of complex reasons. It is cultural, it is expected, and there is a bunch of FEAR attached to it! I wish I could tell you that this fear wasn't justified, but even I have my own rotten experience of holding a boundary that was far from well-received (as you will hear in this episode).

    But then I heard something that changed me.

    It changed the way I saw how I was approaching boundaries.

    It helped me be more discerning, critical, and reflective on what I was saying yes to.

    It helped me to hold my boundaries, advocate for myself, and do the same for my staff.

    THAT is what you will find in this week's episode, teacher friends.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Is it possible that being too friendly is harming your classroom management efforts?


    Okay, maybe a little, but not in the way you think.

    Does the below resonate?

    You feel like you have a really great relationship with your students, but when it is time to get to the business side of things and get some serious work done, the energy is high, they aren’t really listening to you, they might be calling out and having a chit chat during instruction?

    Maybe this is leaving you feeling a little disrespected and deflated? After all, you have a fab relationship with them, but they don't seem to be taking you seriously!

    Maybe you are feeling that pressure to be more stern and strict but you don't know how to do that in a way that aligns with your values?

    PLEASE KNOW FIRST UP... This is NOT because they don't RESPECT you!!

    So what is the problem?

    That is what I cover in this week's episode:

    What is the credible and approachable teaching personas?How can we craft this into the day to day?What does it look like in practice? How this can be a game changer for our teaching practice and classroom management!

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • What comes to mind when I say that as teachers we need...

    STRONG expectations and FIRM, CONSISTENT boundaries.

    Does it sound like:

    "You as a student are not going to act a fool in my classroom and go UNCHECKED. You are not going to be rude and disrespectful UNCHECKED. And yes go tell your parent I said it! Standards and boundaries from DAY 1!"

    OR does it sound like:

    "Welcome, Year 8, Come on in!"

    Spoiler alert: It's the latter.

    Because behind the scenes of that sentence, are all of the things that are done to non-verbally reinforce your expectations and boundaries.

    Your responsesYour routinesYour planningYour practicesHow you foster connectionYour modellingYour mindsetYour classroom environment.

    Every 👏 single 👏 thing we do is sending messages to our students about what we expect from them.

    What do I mean? In this episode of The Unteachables podcast I give you ONE as an example. Your classroom environment.

    Listen in as I dig into how our classroom environment could be make or break for our classroom management, how before our students even walk in, we could be mitigating (or fuelling the fire of) challenging behaviours.

    Want a free resourced and ready expectations lesson? Leave me a written review, take a screenshot, send it over to me on Instagram @the.unteachables or send it to my email [email protected] and I will send it over as a thank you!

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Classroom management can, oftentimes, leave teachers grappling with feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, failure, and powerlessness.

    You might feel walked all over, that you can't do anything about behaviour, that your students simply don't care about what you're teaching. This can be an incredibly disempowering place to be in as a human being, and if this is you at all, if you have ever ever felt like this, any of these things, this teacher pep talk is definitely for you.

    Never forget:
    You can not control anybody elses behaviour.
    Nobody is a puppet on a string.
    You can not make a human being do anything that they don’t want to. No matter how old they are.

    What you CAN do, is control your practice, your responses, yourself. Once you know exactly what you CAN control, the teaching, learning, and behaviour game changes.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • A very special bonus episode coming to you from the That'll Teach 'Em Private Podcast!

    On today's episode I answer Michelle's 'question' (well - I respond to her comment).

    "This can’t start quick enough - I wouldn’t even call myself a new teacher but I am drowning in behaviour and whenever I reach out for help, and I'm not shy in doing so I’m so keen to learn and improve, my head of department always umms and ahhs, makes excuses, and has never actively observed me, supported me, or really answered any questions around classroom management. I am so happy to be a part of the That'll Teach 'Em community and to finally feel like I’m not alone."

    I know this is something that many of you are experiencing, or have experienced. So if this is you, this episode is definitely worth a listen.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • So the research shows that punishment doesn’t change behaviour? So then what do we actually do as teachers?

    What’s on the table when other things feel like they are off it?

    In today's episode:

    I give you a few ins and outs of the impact of punitive punishmentWhy sometimes it seems to really work3 really tangible takeaways you can immediately apply in your classrooms

    Speaking of research, want to have a read? Here are some good places to start:

    Jean-Richard-Dit-Bressel P, Killcross S, McNally GP. Behavioral and neurobiological mechanisms of punishment: implications for psychiatric disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018;43(8):1639-1650. doi:10.1038/s41386-018-0047-3

    Lukowiak T, Bridges J. Punishment strategies: First choice or last resort. JAASEP. 2010:63-72.

    A great book that will sum up a bunch of research on punishments and rewards is Alfie Kohn's book Punished by Rewards.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • It is so easy to get lost in the noise in teaching. ‘Best practices’ are pretty dependant on who you speak to. Some will advocate for a trauma informed approach, some talk about restorative practice like it is the holy grail. Some will call it different names entirely. Some still stand by the use of extrinsic rewards and detentions, there is PBL, PBIS, tiers, intervention after intervention, a million pieces of the big old puzzle that is classroom management.

    So what do we do? What is good classroom management, really?

    For me, it is the holistic approach that I have adapted over the past 13 years. An approach that effectively reduces, responds to, and resolves, challenging classroom behaviours. An approach that not only supports every student, but empowers every educator.

    In this episode of The Unteachables Podcast, I am going through the entire thing.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • We are often told to go back to our 'why' as teachers when things get tough.
    My goodness is it important for us to have a strong purpose in a job like teaching, yet it certainly is no classroom management magic bullet.

    Why, oh why, is a why not enough?

    Because it takes FAR more to have a strong, compassionate, and calm approach to teaching.

    In this episode of The Unteachables Podcast, I take you through my own journey to demonstrate how even with the strongest why, without the proper support and strategy we can be left drowning in classroom behaviours and becoming the teacher we never envisioned being.

    I hope this episode serves as a comfort to new teachers and experienced teachers alike, and is validation that if you are finding classroom management hard, that is because it really is that hard. No matter who you are, and why you chose to be a teacher.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • On today's podcast episode I interview probably THE most quotable guest I have had on the show.

    Bobby Morgan, the founder of The Liberation Lab, is a spearhead for disruptive education practices that break away from the confining norms of high-control teaching. We unravel the threads of deficit ideologies and reimagine a classroom where culturally responsive teaching and social justice aren't just concepts but are interwoven into the fabric of learning.

    Right at the very heart of our discussion, we cast a spotlight on the harsh truths behind punitive discipline in schools, advocating for a seismic shift towards nurturing relationships within classroom management. We dissect the unrealistic standards we set for our students, standards that we, as adults, often fail to meet ourselves. Our exchange serves as a mirror, reflecting the essential need for educators to embody the principles they champion, fostering an environment ripe for understanding, compassion, and true behavioural change.

    This episode is overflowing with value, as we touch on:

    What is a disruptive educator (and how can we be one)?A little about our own roots in education and some mistakes we have made along the wayTeacher helplessnessThe 4 types of educators you will come across at every school, and finally (but most importantly:A really practical and immediate way you can bring more restorative practice into your classroom to have a positive impact on behaviour.

    This is an episode that truly calls for teachers to be the catalysts of growth, nurturing every child's potential through self-awareness and continuous development. I can't wait for you to listen.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • There are absolutely no absolutes when it comes to behaviour. So when somebody makes a sweeping generalisation that if you do X, Y, and Z you will have very few behavioural issues in your class, they are misleading you, big time.

    In this podcast episode I talk about a very misleading teaching post I stumbled upon on social media. It was divisive. It was shame-inducing. And it went VIRAL! Which means there were a hell of a lot of teachers who saw it, engaged with it, and may have felt like crap because of it.

    Listen in as I break it down and smash it apart.

    This is a no-shame space for teachers!!

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • On today’s episode I talk to Jess Steadman who is an experienced Australian primary educator. You might know her as @thesydneyteacher on Instagram where she develops resources for teachers, but I brought her on the podcast today because she recently went on a study tour of Finland!

    Finland routinely tops rankings for education, yet what we know is that there is very little homework, mandatory testing and less time actually spent in a traditional classroom setting. But when Aussie teacher Jess heads into Finnish schools, what were her observations, what was different? And what are some of the things that teachers could bring back and implement into their own islands which could be transformative for their practice, academic outcomes, and the behaviours of the students we teaching.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Classroom management is nothing if not confusing. One of the things I have been told along the way is that we need to be picking our battles with behaviour. Another thing I have ALSO been told along the way is that we shouldn't be letting things slide. I have also given both of these pieces of advice at different times in my career.

    So what do we do? Where do I stand?

    Well the reality is that it is far more complicated than this.

    Are you surprised?

    As I always say, classroom management is incredibly nuanced, and there’s very rarely a black and white answer. However, in today’s episode, I do aim to provide you with a bit of clarity on what it means to balance rapport with addressing challenging behaviours.

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Today I am joined on the podcast with Em Gentle, a graduate teacher mentor, fellow edu-podcaster, and founder of the grad guide where she supports new teachers adopt a trauma informed approach to teaching.

    In today’s episode we go on all the rants including:

    What teachers should be taught in teacher preparation programs before entering the professionOur 'inherited' classroom management and teacher guilt around itWhat a trauma informed approach looks like in actionWhat we see new teachers struggle with the most (self-doubt, overwhelm, a lack of behaviour support) andWhat things we would recommend for new teachers to know and do with their classroom management and teaching and learning.

    Although new teachers are definitely the focus for this episode, it is just as valuable for all teachers.

    After all, it is simply about great teaching.

    Find more of Em's work on instagram: @thegradguide_

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn

  • Today on the podcast we will be talking about working with the students who are the hardest to teach, and the hardest to reach.

    The students who you are told to try to build the relationship with, but they resist it and throw it back in your face.

    The students who need a hell of a lot of support, and let’s face it probably need a placement that is more therapeutic, but are still working with you in your classrooms.

    I take you through a metaphor for understanding what it truly takes to shift behaviour in these students, but why it also takes so so long.

    We discuss:

    What a disorganised attachment is how it manifests in challenging behavioursWhat neuroplasticity is and how it worksHow the practices we use in our classroom change behaviour little by littleWhy we need to show ourselves grace and compassion, and why you're having more of an impact than you think

    Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!

    Pre-order a copy of my book ‘It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management

    Other ways I can support you in your teaching practice:

    Download the freebie '71 Behaviour Response Prompts' Download my free guide: Addressing Misogyny in the Classroom Follow me on Instagram for daily micro-professional learning and support Connect with me on LinkedIn