Inhimillistä itsetuntemusta podcast lisää ymmärrystäsi ihmisyydestä ja itsestäsi. Tekijänä Eevi Minkkinen.
For a decade, Dave Asprey, “the father of biohacking,” elevated what you knew about the capabilities of your mind and body across a thousand episodes of Bulletproof Radio. Now, he’s evolving it even further in his plan to upgrade humanity. You’re invited to expand your knowledge, explore your own performance and embrace possibility with The Human Upgrade™.
You’ll meet bright thinkers and radical doers who push the boundaries of science, technology, personal development, and human performance in every way imaginable. You’ll learn from experts around the world who elevate what it means to be human.
Every guest you listen to, every topic you learn about, every new idea you discover on this podcast moves you forward.
Join The Human Upgrade™ with Dave Asprey on this next evolution to upgrade your mind, body and life.
Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW is a speaker, writer, and psychotherapist who has dedicated her life and her practice to the treatment of chronic pain and conditions. She is the author of The Meaning of Truth, and the online course: FREEDOM FROM CHRONIC PAIN. Through her personal journey working directly with Dr. John Sarno as well as counseling hundreds of clients, she's shaped and evolved theories which serve to teach those suffering how to heal themselves, completely, with no medication or surgery. Learn more about Nicole's work at, and check out her YouTube channel The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW. (
Lääkäripodi on tuotettu Duodecimin tuella.
Lääkäripodi on kahden lääkärin, Jennin ja Annin tekemä terveyspodcast, jossa ei ole tyhmiä kysymyksiä, ja vastauksetkin ovat ymmärrettäviä. Tämä podcast on sulle, jos olet kiinnostunut omasta terveydestäsi.
Viikoittain vaihtuvan asiantuntijavieraan kanssa ruoditaan ajankohtaiset aiheet ja mietitään, mikä on terveyden kannalta oikeasti oleellista.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Psychedelics Today is the planetary leader in psychedelic education, media, and advocacy. Covering up-to-the-minute developments and diving deep into crucial topics bridging the scientific, academic, philosophical, societal, and cultural, Psychedelics Today is leading the discussion in this rapidly evolving ecosystem.
Hosted by Derek Rydall, #1 bestselling author of Emergence, the Abundance Project reveals a time-tested system for activating the Abundance Principle, which sets you free from the belief that outer conditions determine your life and empowers you to achieve your dreams from the inside out. No matter what you’ve been through or what you’re facing, as you apply these practices, you will discover how to generate real-world abundance in every area of your life. You’ll learn:
• The real nature and source of abundance
• The seven gifts that give you everything
• The five most common blind spots and how to break through them
• The forty-day boot camp for lasting success
• And so much more!
You can grab a copy of the new book, The Abundance Project, and hundreds in bonuses at -
The purpose of Joan is to draw light towards mental health - to bring awareness and real stories to the trauma that most every one endures at some point in life. From depression and post partum depression, to anxiety and eating disorders, to PTSD, the loss of loved ones, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, addiction... The list goes on and on. Joan is a place of honesty and connection. If you're struggling and feeling alone, I hope this podcast helps you to understand that you are heard, you are not alone, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Pääsiäisradio – puhetta etsijöille. Pääsiäisradio on Kirkko ja kaupunki -median podcast-kokoelma, jossa tartutaan pääsiäisen vahvoihin teemoihin. Kokoelma tarjoaa syvällistä ja koskettavaa sisältöä.
This is a one-semester course in Embryology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica. The information provided will be of interest to students and those planning careers in science and medicine, as well as current practitioners in the field. Please note: The content and opinions expressed here belong to the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The College of St. Scholastica. For the course outline or to view a digital blackboard of images associated with these lectures, please visit the Web site at
Pathophysiology with Doc C. To see a course outline or view a digital blackboard of images associated with the various lectures, please visit the Web site at:
Interviews with authors of articles from JAMA Cardiology. JAMA Cardiology publishes exceptional original research, state-of-the-art reviews, and informative opinions that advance the science and practice of cardiology, enhance cardiovascular health, and inform health care policy. JAMA Cardiology is the definitive journal for clinical investigators, clinicians, and trainees in cardiovascular medicine worldwide.
JAMA Cardiology focuses on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine, including epidemiology and prevention, diagnostic testing, interventional and pharmacologic therapeutics, translational research, health care policy and outcomes, and global health. -
We want your updates on today's scientific research directly from the source: straight from the scientist working hard to make new discoveries about our world.
We’re here to help you learn the what, the why, and the how of the research we produce every day.
Informal interviews probe deep into how science is done, and why the how matters when it's time to interpret the results. Roundtable discussions introduce you to hot new fields of study or investigate the darker sides of science.
To keep your science fresh, subscribe below or follow us on social media @straightfromascientist on instagram and twitter -
You, Optimized. Radio is your go-to source for optimum health, cutting-edge fitness, fat loss, performance nutrition, and anti-aging strategies. By improving cellular bioenergetics, you can increase vitality, improve health, and reverse disease. Visit for convenient show notes and incredibly useful links included in all of the archived episodes. Come join Jason Prall and guests as they show you how to navigate the chronic health hazards created by modern life so you can enjoy ultimate wellness, vitality, balance, and power in every facet of your life.
Welcome to Every Body, a new podcast counteracting the pervasive myths and misconceptions about food, dieting and body image with hard science and engaging storytelling. Each week, Every Body will visit the latest research to help you better understand your relationships with food and your body.
Listen as two relationship therapists have some fun analyzing all things relationships through the lens of popular movies. We’ll play movie clips and discuss them to educate you while having some fun talking about the scene. We’ll be covering friendships, intimacy, dating, how to fight fair, addictions, parenting, depression, emotion
management, marriage, divorce, grief, joy and really, anything else about relationships we can find! A new episode launches the last day of each month. You will learn AND have a bit of fun. Colleen Mullen and Courtney Calkins are licensed Marriage and family Therapists in California. This show is for entertainment purposes only. -
The feminine is rising, speaking out, reclaiming her body, and stepping into leadership like never before. But today’s women also suffer from record levels of stress, adrenal fatigue, depression and sexual dissatisfaction. Yes, we’ve learned to win, but in the wrong game. Our most valuable resource has been there all along: our sacred sensual body, fiercely loving heart, and the inspired guidance of our soul. This is our authentic feminine power. By returning our Source, we more effortlessly magnetize to us what is wanted with greater pleasure, ease, and abundance. Coach, Author, and Founder of, Lisa Schrader has appeared on Oprah and supports a global network of mothers, lovers and leaders to return to their source of joy. Listen and be seduced into falling in love with yourself as a woman, exactly the way that you are.
Welcome to the Essentials of Healthy Living, a program for news and advice on complementary and alternative approaches to living well. Join hosts Dana Laake and Dr. Kevin Passero, along with health experts, for a lively discussion of topics related to health and wellness. Essentials of Healthy Living is brought to you by Village Green Apothecary, bringing you individualized nutrition and healthy living resources at, as well as traditional pharmacy products and specialty compounded prescriptions.
Spring 2012 - UCL's Lunch Hour Lecture Series is an opportunity for anyone to sample the exceptional research work taking place at the university, in bite-size chunks. Speakers are drawn from across UCL and lectures frequently showcase new research and recent academic publications. Lunch Hour Lectures require no pre-booking, are free to attend and are open to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis.