
  • In this episode of 'Training for Life,' Sarah Gilks and Tanna Payne delve into the critical role of rest days in your fitness journey. They discuss how taking time to rest is essential not only for better fitness but also for overall happiness, mental health, and injury prevention.

    Sarah and Tanna explain how rest days allow your body to recover and rebuild, leading to improved performance and reduced risk of injury. They also highlight the mental health benefits of taking a break, emphasizing the importance of relaxation and self-care in maintaining a balanced and sustainable fitness routine.

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they share their insights on why rest days should be an integral part of your workout schedule. Learn how to listen to your body, avoid burnout, and incorporate rest into your routine for a healthier, happier, and more effective fitness journey.

  • In this episode of 'Training for Life,' Sarah Gilks and Tanna Payne explore the art of goal setting and how breaking goals down into manageable steps can lead to success. They introduce the SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) as a powerful framework for setting and achieving your goals.

    Sarah shares her enthusiasm for Vision Boards, acknowledging that they might seem like a "Ra-Ra" concept at first. However, she explains how they can be a powerful tool for visualizing and manifesting your goals. Tanna, initially skeptical of Vision Boards, shares her experience of trying one and the positive impact it had on her motivation and achievement.

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they provide practical tips and strategies for effective goal setting, discuss the benefits of visualizing your dreams, and inspire you to take actionable steps towards your aspirations. Whether you're a seasoned goal-setter or just starting out, this episode offers valuable insights to help you on your journey.

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  • In this episode of 'Training for Life,' Sarah Gilks and Tanna Payne dive into the critical role of support in your health and fitness journey. They discuss why surrounding yourself with a positive and encouraging support system is essential for achieving your goals. Sarah and Tanna emphasize the importance of distancing yourself from naysayers and those who diminish your efforts. Instead, they advocate for finding accountability partners and being part of a community with similar goals and aspirations. Through personal anecdotes and expert advice, they explore the challenges of maintaining motivation and consistency without a supportive network. Learn how to identify the right people who will uplift and encourage you, and discover the benefits of sharing your journey with others who understand and share your commitment. Join them as they share insights on building a strong support network, overcoming obstacles, and staying motivated on your path to a healthier and happier life. Tune in for practical advice and inspiration to help you cultivate the support system you need to succeed.

  • Join Sarah Gilks and Tanna Payne in a thought-provoking episode of 'Training for Life' as they explore the concept of boundaries. In this episode, they delve into the importance of boundaries for mental health, self-esteem, and parenting.

    Discover how setting boundaries can positively impact how others treat you and how you feel about yourself. Sarah and Tanna discuss practical strategies for establishing and maintaining boundaries in various areas of life, from personal relationships to professional interactions.

    Learn how boundaries can empower you to prioritize self-care, protect your well-being, and foster healthier relationships. Tune in to this insightful episode to discover why boundaries are not only essential but also undeniably sexy.

  • In this episode of 'Training for Life,' Sarah Gilks introduces her acronym for GRIT: "Go Time," "Resistance," "I Am Changing," and "Transformation." They delve into the challenges of breaking habits, especially when much of our day is dictated by them.

    Starting a new fitness program is exhilarating, but the real test comes when the initial excitement fades. Sarah and Tanna discuss the common struggle of maintaining new habits, revealing that 80% of people fail to follow through on their fitness goals. How can you break this cycle and develop lasting habits?

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they share insights and strategies for cultivating GRIT in your fitness journey. From overcoming resistance to embracing change and experiencing transformation, they offer practical advice to help you stay committed and achieve your fitness goals.

    Don't miss this empowering episode that will inspire you to develop the grit needed to transform your life and fitness routine.

  • In this episode of Training for Life, Sarah Gilks and Tanna Payne open up about their personal experiences with imposter syndrome. Despite their impressive achievements, both Sarah and Tanna have faced feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

    Join them as they discuss what imposter syndrome is, why it affects so many people, and how it can hold you back in your personal and professional life. They share candid stories and insights into their own struggles with imposter syndrome, highlighting the commonality of these feelings among high-achieving individuals.

    But it's not all doom and gloom – Sarah and Tanna also provide practical strategies and tips to help you overcome imposter syndrome. From reframing negative thoughts to building self-confidence, they offer actionable advice to help you break free from the grips of self-doubt.

    If you've ever felt like you're not good enough, this episode is for you. Tune in to learn how to recognize imposter syndrome, challenge it, and ultimately, thrive in spite of it.

  • Join Tanna and Sarah in a light-hearted episode of Training for Life, as they share their favourite things that make their daily lives better. From hair products to beauty products, books to training shoes, and clothing, they delve into the items they love and use regularly. In this fun-filled episode, Tanna and Sarah answer questions they're frequently asked about their daily essentials. They joke that they're not sponsored, adding a touch of humor to the conversation. Get ready for a podcast full of laughs and light-hearted banter as Tanna and Sarah share their favourite things and offer insights into how these items enhance their lives. Tune in to discover new products and possibly find a few favourites of your own!

  • In the next episode of 'Training for Life,' Sarah and Tanna are diving deep into the topic of self-confidence. They'll be sharing seven powerful strategies to help you boost your self-confidence and step into your true potential.

    Sarah and Tanna will explore practical tips such as setting and achieving goals, practicing self-compassion, surrounding yourself with supportive people, using positive self-talk, celebrating successes, removing comparison to others, accepting compliments, creating boundaries, being honest with yourself, and following through with yourself like you would others.

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they provide valuable insights and actionable advice to help you cultivate a strong sense of self-confidence. Learn how to overcome self-doubt, embrace your strengths, and navigate life with a newfound sense of empowerment.

  • In this episode of Training for Life, Sarah and Tanna tackle the Big "O" word: overwhelm. They dive into practical tips and strategies to help you navigate and conquer those moments when life feels like it's piling on too much.

    Sarah and Tanna share insights on the importance of prioritizing sleep, emphasizing how a well-rested mind is better equipped to handle challenges. They discuss the power of lists in organizing tasks and reducing feelings of being overwhelmed, allowing you to focus on one thing at a time.

    Another key tip they explore is the impact of self-talk on our mental state. They highlight the importance of speaking to yourself with kindness and compassion, especially during stressful times. Additionally, they emphasize the role of regular exercise in reducing stress and boosting mood, providing practical advice on incorporating physical activity into your daily routine.

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they provide valuable tips and strategies to help you overcome overwhelm and reclaim control of your life. Learn how to manage your energy, prioritize self-care, and cultivate a positive mindset to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

  • In this episode of Training for Life, Sarah Gilks and Tanna Payne share their personal strategies for overcoming a tough day. They delve into the importance of physical movement in boosting mood and energy levels, highlighting how a quick workout or even a short walk can make a significant difference in turning a bad day around.

    Sarah and Tanna also discuss the concept of being "hangry" – the combination of hunger and anger – and how it can negatively impact your mood and overall well-being.

    Sarah and Tanna touch on the importance of emotional expression and seeking support from others. They emphasize the value of venting to a trusted friend or seeking advice from a mentor or counselor when faced with challenges. They also discuss the significance of surrounding yourself with supportive and understanding individuals who can provide comfort and guidance during tough times.

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate and overcome the inevitable tough days life throws your way. Learn how to prioritize self-care, manage your emotions, and build a supportive network to help you emerge stronger and more resilient than ever.

  • In this episode of the Training for Life podcast, hosts Sarah Gilks and Tanna tackle the common challenge of hitting a fitness plateau and share their strategies for breaking through. Titled "Let's Break Through That Fitness Plateau," this episode offers practical tips and insights to help listeners reignite their fitness progress.

    Sarah and Tanna emphasize the importance of making small but impactful changes when faced with a fitness plateau. They discuss various strategies, including improving sleep quality, ensuring adequate rest between workouts, and increasing protein intake to support muscle growth and recovery.

    Moreover, Sarah and Tanna highlight the benefits of incorporating more movement into daily life, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk during breaks. They also discuss the effectiveness of adding high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts or plyometrics to your routine to challenge your body in new ways.

    However, the number one strategy they advocate for is following a workout program that challenges you through progression. They explain the importance of gradually increasing the intensity or complexity of your workouts over time, rather than sticking to the same routine.

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they share their expert advice and strategies for overcoming a fitness plateau. Whether you're looking to enhance your workouts, improve your nutrition, or optimize your recovery, this episode offers valuable insights to help you break through and reach new fitness heights.

  • In this episode of the Training for Life podcast, hosts Sarah Gilks and Tanna delve into the world of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and its numerous benefits. Titled "The Benefits of HIITing It," this episode explores the impact of HIIT on body composition, muscle maintenance, and overall fitness compared to endurance cardio. Sarah and Tanna discuss how HIIT can be a game-changer for improving body composition. They explain how the high-intensity bursts followed by short rest periods in HIIT workouts can help increase metabolism, burn calories, and promote fat loss while maintaining muscle mass. They also highlight the efficiency of HIIT, as these workouts can often be completed in less time than traditional cardio routines. Moreover, Sarah and Tanna explore the cardiovascular benefits of HIIT, emphasizing its ability to improve heart health, endurance, and overall fitness levels. They discuss how HIIT can be adapted to different fitness levels and preferences, making it a versatile and accessible form of exercise for many individuals. Join Sarah and Tanna as they dive deep into the science and practical applications of HIIT, offering insights into how this form of training can transform your fitness journey. Whether you're looking to improve your body composition, boost your metabolism, or enhance your cardiovascular health, this episode provides valuable information and inspiration to incorporate HIIT into your workout routine.

  • In this episode of the Training for Life podcast, hosts Sarah Gilks and Tanna discuss the key principles of simplified nutrition. Titled "Nutrition Simplified," this episode focuses on the 80/20 rule of healthy eating, the importance of getting enough protein daily, and the value of being kind to yourself on your wellness journey.

    Sarah and Tanna introduce the 80/20 rule, which suggests that focusing on healthy eating 80% of the time allows for flexibility and indulgence 20% of the time. They emphasize that this approach is more sustainable and beneficial for long-term health compared to strict, restrictive diets.

    One of the key takeaways from the episode is the importance of getting enough protein in your diet, a number that most women often underestimate. Sarah and Tanna highlight the role of protein in supporting overall health, muscle growth, and weight management.

    Moreover, Sarah and Tanna stress the significance of not being hard on oneself. They advocate for awareness of nutrition goals and consistency in achieving them daily, rather than engaging in yo-yo dieting or overly restrictive eating habits. They believe that this approach leads to better health outcomes and a more positive relationship with food and body.

    Join Sarah and Tanna in this insightful discussion as they simplify nutrition and offer practical advice for achieving a balanced and sustainable approach to healthy eating.

  • In this episode of the Training for Life podcast, hosts Sarah Gilks and Tanna explore the profound impact of community on longevity, happiness, and resilience. Titled "The Secret Sauce of Longevity, Happiness, and Resilience," this episode delves into the importance of who you surround yourself with and the power it has on your life.

    Sarah and Tanna discuss the benefits of having a real or virtual community to support you in your fitness journey and in life. They highlight how community can keep you on track, provide accountability, and offer a sense of belonging. They also explore the psychological and emotional benefits of being part of a community, including increased happiness, reduced stress, and enhanced resilience.

    Join Sarah and Tanna as they share their insights and experiences on the transformative effects of community. Whether you're looking to improve your fitness, find support in your personal life, or simply connect with like-minded individuals, this episode offers valuable insights into the power of community in fostering long-term health and happiness.

  • In this episode of the Training for Life podcast, hosts Sarah Gilks and Tanna delve into the topic of why the scale might be hindering your progress on your wellness journey. Drawing from their own experiences, Sarah and Tanna discuss the early parts of their lives where the scale played a significant role. Tanna reflects on her time in modeling, where the scale was a constant measure of her worth and success. Sarah shares her struggles from high school, where she felt pressured to restrict her diet to maintain a certain weight.

    The conversation then shifts to a pivotal moment in their lives when they discovered the gym and strength training. They discuss how embracing strength and focusing on being healthy changed not just their body composition and shape, but also their overall health and how they felt about themselves.

    Both Sarah and Tanna emphasize that they no longer use the scale as a metric for their health. Instead, they rely on a metric of strength and how they feel. By shifting their focus away from the scale and towards more meaningful indicators of health, they have been able to cultivate a more positive and empowering relationship with their bodies.

    Join Sarah and Tanna in this candid and insightful discussion as they challenge the conventional wisdom surrounding the scale and empower listeners to redefine their approach to health and well-being.

  • In this special episode of the "Training for Life" podcast, hosts Sarah Gilks and Tanna Payne tackle the pervasive issue of body image head-on in their discussion. Join them as they navigate the complexities of societal pressures, social media's impact, and the unrealistic beauty standards that often plague individuals seeking acceptance in today's world.

    Sarah and Tanna fearlessly confront the detrimental effects of comparison culture, shedding light on how constant exposure to curated online personas can erode self-esteem and foster feelings of inadequacy. They challenge prevailing norms and question societal ideals, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing strength, health, and self-acceptance over superficial measures of beauty.

    Through candid conversations and personal insights, Sarah and Tanna explore the harmful notion that an inner thigh gap or other physical attributes define worth, advocating instead for a holistic approach that celebrates diversity and individuality. They offer practical strategies and empowering perspectives to combat negative self-talk and cultivate a positive body image grounded in self-love and acceptance.

    Join Sarah and Tanna in this enlightening episode of the "Training for Life" podcast as they delve into the complexities of body image and empower listeners to embrace their authentic selves. It's time to challenge the status quo, rewrite the narrative, and embark on a journey towards greater self-compassion and confidence.

  • Dive into a power-packed episode of the Training for Life podcast, as Sarah and Tanna unravel the incredible benefits of strength training for women.

    In this episode:

    🔥 Sculpt Your Body: Discover how strength training contributes to achieving better body composition. Say goodbye to fitness myths and hello to a fitter, stronger you!

    💡 Insulin Resistance Revolution: Uncover the secrets to conquering insulin resistance through lifting. Learn how strength training can be a game-changer in your journey to better metabolic health.

    🦴 Bones of Steel: Explore the fascinating connection between strength training and bone density. It's not just about muscles – it's about building a foundation of strength for a healthier, more resilient you.

    🚀 Navigate the challenges of perimenopause with expert insights on how strength training fights muscle loss. Empower yourself to embrace this phase with strength and vitality. Get ready for a dose of inspiration, practical tips, and LOTS of laughter! Tune in and embark on a journey to a stronger, healthier, and more confident version of you. 🦋✨

    Listen now and let the strength revolution begin!

    💪🎧 #HealthyRoleModels #StrengthTrainingForWomen #EmpowermentThroughFitness

    Training for Life, by Healthy Role Models

  • The Healthy Role Models Podcast with Hosts:

    Sarah Gilks - Founder and CEO of Healthy Role Models

    Tanna Payne - Master Trainer / Elite Olympic Weight Lifter

    Laugh, be inspired, and let them guide you toward the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.