
  • “Fake it til you make it, “ Mark advised soon after rescuing me from the Wash DC human trafficking swamp. “Predators, abusers, and puppet-tears know exactly what signs of heightened suggestibility to look for. CIA and FBI are trained to look for those specific traits. Hell, even cult leaders are savvy to signs of heightened suggestibility resultant from abuse these ‘daze’ so be aware of the signs they are looking for and fake it til you make it.”

    I do not know how I could have survived those first months and even years of healing from MK Ultra mind control had I not heeded Mark’s wise advice. Today I see numerous survivors ignorantly displaying neon signs of abuse and ultimately being triggered back into abuse bases and under mind control.

    It is easy for survivors to recognize other survivors, telepathically, energetically and through physical signs. Those of us who have healed from within our selves to reclaim self control and inner peace need to alert other survivors to their signs of vulnerability so they, too, can ‘fake it til they make it’.

    Depersonalization results from extreme dissociation to the point victims do not consciously see themselves in a mirror. This results in displays of extreme appearance in a subconscious effort to assert pleas for help that victims struggling to become survivors cannot think to voice.

    Depersonalization can become so extreme from unspeakable trauma that victims lose their ability to feel or register pain anymore. Often this is displayed in excessive piercings and tattoos in sensitive areas.

    Subconscious displays of abuse can also double as asserted effort to offend or repel others when in fact it also invites more abuse from predators looking for those signs.

    My experience under MK Ultra mind control on a White House/Pentagon level included control of my appearance. How I walked, when I talked, and how I was dressed were all controlled through programming.

    I deprogrammed the program first, writing out detailed instruction of my programmers. I even heard their voices in my head saying, “walk this way” until I wrote it out. By activating the logic part of my brain through moving a pen, neuron pathways in my brain re-opened, freeing compartmentalized memory and allowing for my own natural physical expression of walking. My gait changed once and for all, never reverting back to programmed mannerisms.

    Mannerisms that are recognizable even in children include a fixed gaze on genital areas. This is often a defense mechanism of ‘sizing up’ abuse that also reflects heightened sexuality obsession. In a silent plea for help, the fixed gaze may also be a pleading look at passerbys, into cars, or staring at the ground avoiding eye contact. Be mindful of your gaze, while understanding extended gaze without blinking indicates dissociation and ultimately vulnerability.

    Stun guns were commonly used for mind control back when I endured MK Ultra programming. Resultant stun gun electric prod ‘burns’ were strategically left as indicators on strategic parts of my body as a signifier to those in the know what I was programmed to do. These stun gun burns turned into ‘beauty mark’ moles signifying message delivery, oral sex, and more. I had those moles removed since they were a trigger to me and signifier to abusers.

    I did not have visible rose or monarch tattoos as many other MK Ultra victims did since my decorative signifiers were usually displayed in jewelry, which ultimately was easy to remove!

    Mark explained extreme hair design and color are reflective of depersonalization and heightened suggestibility, akin to a target painted on the highly suggestible. Additionally, severity of pulling back hair like a ninja in a desperate display of clearing 44x acuity peripheral vision as a subconscious defense mechanism can also signify extreme abuse. <

  • Whenever I would deliver a message to and from government leaders, I would deliver it verbatim, using the voice inflections of my programmers.

    As a CIA MK Ultra mind control slave working White House/Pentagon level operations, I was programmed on various military, NASA, and DARPA installations. Our brains photographically record events surrounding trauma as part of our innate defense mechanism.

    This photographic memory is how Manchurian Candidate presidents, for example, can deliver a speech perfectly despite being unable to articulately respond to spontaneous questioning (think George Bush, Jr.) Likewise, a lifetime of torture and conditioning rendered my photographic memory easily accessible and programmable. Therefore, I was used as a messenger in conjunction with Black Ops I was programmed to work.

    When I delivered messages, my voice photographically parroted my programmers. I used their inflections and could parrot messages in any programmed language with no capacity to interpret or understand. I could not think to answer any questions yet could receive photographically recorded response to take back and deliver to those who had the codes, keys, and triggers to access it.

    Consider how amazing our brains are to have such capability!

    Consider, too, how this parallels many reported voice-to-skull experiences.

    After Intelligence Insider Mark Phillips rescued me in 1988 and I began remembering my MK Ultra mind control experience, I remembered it in photographic detail. By writing out memory by hand, I was able to write out memory in photographic detail the way it had recorded in my brain.

    As I wrote, I could hear my programmer’s voice in my head verbatim exactly as the MK Ultra programs were instilled.

    This photographic recording made it easier to accurately remember my tortured past through deprogramming the program first. This helped me see through deliberate scrambles and false implanted diversionary memory and access the reality of government secrets I was exposed to for decades.

    When photographic memory first surfaced and I heard voices of my programmers in my head, I did not understand what was going on. Had I sought help outside myself rather than go within to find my answers, I would likely have been misdiagnosed as schizophrenic. If I had gone online (which was not available to me in 1988) like many survivors do today seeking answers outside themselves while highly suggestible, I would have gravitated to reports of Voice to Skull programming.

    Fortunately, that was not the case for me. Mark Phillips reminded me my answers are within and to ask myself, “whose voice is that?” and write it out. “What is that voice saying?” Write it out. “How did you get there?” Write it out. “Where did you go after” Write it out.

    Since the act of moving a pen requires the logic part of the brain, repressed traumatic memory was switched over to critical analysis where it was then consciously viewed in front of me on paper. This allows for healing on many levels at once. Most importantly, it opens neuron pathways in the brain freeing up compartmentalized repressed memory. By opening those neuron pathways by writing rather than vocalizing, the information does not re-compartmentalize.

    Using a pen to write out memory is an amazing brain trick we all need to use to expand our thought. Typing does not do the same thing, leaving the programming vulnerable to triggering.

    I hear from many Targeted Individuals (TIs) who reclaim and retain self control and free thought through writing out what they hear.

    Voice to Skull programming can be a perceptual distortion of repressed memory. When reports of Voice to Skull abuse include repetitious phrases an abusive parent would use, for example “you are worthless and no good” “you can’t do anything right” etc.

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  • Writing by hand has numerous benefits for reclaiming and retaining free thought, overcoming grief, fear, or trauma, and stimulating expanded thought as I’m sure many of you have heard me mention by now.

    Did you know you can improve your physical health by consciously altering your handwriting? I learned this and other positive aspects of handwriting while under MK Ultra mind control working for the CIA as a Handwriting Analyst.

    Lecturing on Graphology was my cover on NCL Cruise lines while working CIA cocaine and heroin ops as detailed in TRANCE Formation of America. With my photographic memory activated through imposed trauma, I gained much insight and knowledge into the science of graphology while analyzing thousands of handwriting samples. Coupled with my telepathic intuitive senses, my pinpoint accuracy and knowledge earned me respect as one of the best experts on graphology in the nation.

    What I learned then and retain now is comprehensive understanding of the crucial need to get writing by hand back into the school system. Typing does not access and activate neuron pathways in our brain the same way writing by hand does, which compounds computerization’s capacity for indoctrinating our children.

    I hear parents complain that cursive writing has been eliminated in many of our nation’s schools, leaving the reading and interpretation of our Constitution and other sacred documents to outsiders who may not care to uphold our values.
    What if the power grid does go down as so many fear? Twiddling thumbs will replace texting thumbs unless we wise up and re-evaluate the value of writing by hand and knowing how to read it!
    Moving a pen is an integral part of mind body function. Different physical strokes of the pen can reflect inner attitudes and health. A tense, aggressive person is more apt to push the pen into the paper harder than a peaceful, gentle person would. A gregarious public figure may write much larger than a shy person with low self esteem. See the logic of this science?
    Cursive writing allows for fluidity of thought that is expressed in the fluidity of movement. If there is a hiccup in the middle of smooth flow, why is it there? A catch at the top an otherwise round “o”, for example, may indicate irregularity in heartbeat. If you notice it in your own writing, practice consciously making that “o” smooth and round. This can actually train your brain to regulate your heartbeat! When you real-eyes this power you have over your own mind-body function, you gain insight into the ins and outs of your brains capacity.

    I often speak out on the resiliency of body, mind and spirit that we have within us. Yet after decades of conditioning to look outside ourselves to self appointed authority, we forgot that we have the ability to heal ourselves. One little handwriting exercise can refamiliarize you with the power you have within.

    If MK Ultra mind control programmers can program a military special forces soldier to take a bullet and not bleed by tapping into the part of their brain that regulates blood flow, imagine what we can do from within ourselves using the strength of the human spirit and infinite power of love driven by our own free will! It’s a matter of knowing the ins and outs of our own brain capability. Again, writing by hand can reMind us where this brain path is through conscious awareness of it!

    Exercise is key. Just because you decide you are going to run a marathon does not mean you will win it first try. Practice, exercise, conscious determination, focus, and persistence win!

    Survivors of trauma with compartmentalized memory formerly misnamed 'multiple personalities' can write out memory to re-open neuron pathways and free that compartmentalized memory. If compartmentalized trauma endured programming to entertain, then entertaining is all that part of the brain knows.

  • Change happens, is the only constant, and is ever-evolving with or without our conscious awareness. Amidst life’s kaleidoscope of change is a higher vibration path of synchronicity, purpose, harmony, and flow.

    We reach this higher vibrational space when we interal-eyes knowledge that is our defense against mind control and consciously choose to think free. It’s the way humanity used to live. Life’s changes become choices on how we perceive, participate, and positively affect outcomes when we re-align with our nature.

    Awake and aware, many have embraced the harsh reality that there are those among us who seek to manipulate our life’s experience through imposed traumatic changes. Trauma is the basis of mind control.

    Fear, negativity, division, grief, and hatred are being deliberately used to keep us in a lower vibration and out of flow with life’s higher purpose. My daughter Kelly and I were exposed to this dark plan while deep in the Wash DC swamp among global perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control.

    Knowledge is our defense against mind control, which is an evolutionary truth that makes us free. Armed with truth, we are free to remember that we have all the power while this dark energy force cabal only has as much power as we give them or let them steal.

    The infinite power of love and strength of the human spirit is where we win- and they lose. They cannot possess nor suppress our innate, inherent energy source. The most they can do is distract our conscious mind through imposed trauma in an effort to make us forget who we are and why we are here.

    Those of us who are on to that ploy are refusing to participate in their dark plan. With eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know reality, it is almost comical watching these self-appointed self-anointed leaders frantically try to maintain their illusions while under an increasingly brilliant spotlight of truth.

    Once we see through illusions to understand the magic trick, the spell is broken.

    Kelly and I have waited a lifetime for this evolutionary moment to arrive when awareness has reached critical mass. Together we share deep insight and understanding of what in the world is going on these ‘daze’ while people slowly wake up to the dawn of a bright new day.

    Despite knowing deep in our souls that victory is and always was inevitable, our family motto “It’s Not Over Til We Win” has helped us navigate our intense journey and continues to do so to date. Keeping our vibration high in order to see a clear path forward above the storm does not preclude the fact that we also see many still succumb to current imposed traumas. All that is needed is one light of truth for them to rise above the drama and join the global great awakening.

    Wisely knowing we can only help those who are willing to help themselves, Kelly chose to stay out of the public eye and turbulent current until humanity chose to join that higher path that comes with awareness. Clearly collective consciousness is rising- as is Kelly’s voice and presence.

    Reconnecting in a Disconnected World.

  • Every time Roseanne and I get together, our friendship deepens from the heightened vibration our convergence inspires. Something divinely profound always unfolds as a result.

    Recently I joined Roseanne on tour in Florida where she drew massive crowds of fans needing a good laugh which, of course, she delivered as only she can! With ears still ringing from laughter and applause, and spirits high from the outpouring of love, we would indulge in quiet conversation while she unwound and recharged. Together we sensed a heightened synchronistic flow emerging in these powerfully transitional and spiritually evolutionary times we are living.

    Roseanne and I became instant ‘old friends’ when we first met in 2008 at a Hollywood event exposing child sex trafficking. Both of us were giving voice to the children while raising awareness on the pervasiveness of MK Ultra mind control.

    Who would have thought 15 years later we would be at Mar-a-Lago with President Trump, the first and only US President to expose the Wash DC swamp and child sex trafficking?

    By the time I was flying back home to reunite with my pets, I gazed out the airplane window as the October sun set and full moon rose, reflecting on the magnitude of univerSoul justice I had experienced on my Florida trip.

    It occurred to me that other MK Ultra survivors may benefit from knowing what it meant for me, given my past White House/Pentagon level experience, to meet the man I’d been told “is not one of us”. As I’ve posted in my blogs and spoke of often in my inner-view discussions, “he is not one of us” was to trigger do-or-die programming if I ever spoke to Trump.

    Of course, since I had written the program out by hand and healed from within my self, all MK Ultra triggers were diffused.

    Political PerpeTraitors I was exposed to under MK Ultra mind control feared Trump because he openly opposed drug and human trafficking across open borders, and MK Ultra mind control slaves being used through the State Department. Back in the 1980’s it would have been easy for anyone in the know to recognize I was a robotic MK Ultra mind control slave, especially someone like Trump who had eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know the reality of Wash DC’s swamp.

    When my MK Ultra handler left me off at Trump’s casino in Atlantic City for a CIA black ops meeting with Phil Habib, he warned me that if I spoke to Trump I would be killed. I did not see Donald Trump that day and my mission was fulfilled. (p. 134 TRANCE) All these years later, it was monuMental for me to meet President Trump at Mar-a-Lago and freely speak to him. It is one more profound victory against my abusers that healing has inspired!

    In addition to my abSOULute healing victory, I was happy just to meet the man who had the fortitude to take on Deep State PerpeTraitors and openly expose their drug and human trafficking funding mechanism. I had waited a lifetime for this dark secret to be brought to light, and my gratitude is proportionate!

    Considering I had been trafficked as a child in pedophilic black mail ops at the ‘Epstein Island of its time’ Mackinac Island Michigan, and MK Ultra programmed for drug and human trafficking ops the first 30 years of my life, it is a spiritual triumph to catapult into a world where awareness begets positive, necessary change for the children’s sake!

    Politics aside, I am confident survivors everywhere can appreciate the magnitude of this profound experience. It is important for us all to experience a counterbalance to the horrors we encountered that repressed our memory. By the time intelligence insider Mark Phillips rescued my daughter and me from the Wash DC human trafficking swamp, I truly did not know good people existed in this world. Mark assured me there are by far more good people than bad, even in intelligence agencies.

  • Children who are abused, sex trafficked, and controlled are easiest recognized by those who have survived it.

    This view into my childhood is in response to numerous concerned non-victims asking what it looked like with intent of learning to better recognize abused children whose silent pleas for help otherwise go unheard.

    My eyes were already exhibiting trauma by the time I was 4. I knew that my father’s camera indicated sexual activity, and my eyes were wide open trying to see what painful trauma might be approaching as he snapped the above photo.

    This defense mechanism develops naturally with abuse, resulting in 44x visual acuity which is akin to having eyes in the back of the head.

    With eyes wide open, whites of eyes are prevalent, blink response is disrupted, while pupils often dilate.

    Horrifically abused children are often recruited by the military or for professional sports because their 44x visual acuity is an extreme advantage for making a shot with pin point accuracy.

    Additionally, the brain automatically shuts down neuron pathways around trauma, repressing it deep into the subconscious so the rest of the mind can develop or function normally. When abuse is repetitive such as occurred with my father’s sexual abuse, the part of my mind conditioned to deal with that particular trauma would trigger open to deal with it again and again as needed. This dissociative extreme is professionally defined as ‘the mind’s sane defense to trauma too horrible to comprehend’.

    It never occurred to me to talk about my father’s sexual abuse when it wasn’t happening, since that memory was again repressed deep into the dark corners of my mind. If someone has asked me if I was being “abused” I could not have related to the concept because my whole world was saturated in it to the point where my experience seemed “normal”.

    Repressed Memory is not filed under “Abuse” in the brain, and therefore abused children will not respond to questions such as “are you being abused?”

    As more and more compartments occur in the brain repressing memory of varying traumas such as sexual assault, sex trafficking, pornography, occultism, etc., more and more conscious thought is lost. With neuron pathways shut down, there is no inner-communication within the mind- no ability to think with any continuity of thought. With no capacity for inner-communication or continuity of thought, there is no capacity for awareness of time.

    With no concept of time, there is no concept of distance. Geography is often distorted, as is spatial awareness. Abused children rarely know right from left, the time of day, what day or year it is, and may not be appropriately dressed for temperature.

    Since one compartment does not know what the other is doing, the brain does not register exhaustion. Heightened endurance results, which may appear as hyper-activity or even signal sleep deprivation. When sleep deprivation is deliberately imposed on top of that, the brain stays exhausted from lack of sleep while the body knows no limits!

    Heightened endurance may appear as hyper-activity.

    Sleep, food, and water deprivation are components of MK Ultra’s scientific formula as each starves the brain of health in its own way, further heightening suggestibility.

    Our brains photographically record events surrounding trauma. It is why when you hear “Kennedy Assassination” you see the bullet hitting his head, or when you hear “9-11” you see the plane flying into the twin towers. Both of these events were deliberately enhanced by the media’s repetition of that trauma, and repetition is the most basic form of mind control.

    This photographic mechanism is how mind control programming occurs. The CIA thought what better place to store government secrets than in the brain of someone who cannot think to bring photographically recorded pro

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