
  • Best Shorts to Train In: https://www.notdeadyet.com/collections/goat-training-shorts

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    C.T. Fletcher

    What an honor to get to sit down and chat with legend C.T. Fletcher. We went IN on this one. We got into his life and what he is doing now, all the little deaths that have occurred in our lives as athletes, and the little changes where life makes you realize what is really important. We talk about what it looks like on the backend of almost dying, fearing what was coming, and coming out on the other side intact. For those of you who don't know, C.T. had a heart transplant. We talked aobut what it's like having another persons hear and the feelings and emotions that arise from that connection. Enjoy the show and thanks again C.T. for sitting down and chatting!


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Best Shorts to Train In: https://www.notdeadyet.com/collections/goat-training-shorts

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    Kyle Creek

    Kyle is an author who recently finished a childrens book and I'm excited to have him in the studio! He is an opinated dude, well thought out, and I think he is a really interesting thinker. We got to share new ideas, perspectives, and talk about his journey as a writer. I hope some of what we talk about inpsires you to pursue your thing if you are currently chasing that. Enjoy the show!


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

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  • Best Shorts to Train In: https://www.notdeadyet.com/collections/goat-training-shorts

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    Michael Baxter

    I met Michael at Home Gym con and after some chatting wanted to bring him in and hear more of his story. He is a business owner and coach. He battled addiction while maintaining strength throughout and sorted himself out. Michael has an incredible story and it was great hearing how he is making himself better with the things he is pursuing. Enjoy the show!


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Best Shorts to Train In: GOAT Shorts

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    Jeff Lovecchio

    Jeff is a pro athlete, a former NHL hockey player, and now coach and entreprener. As well, he is a lunatic. We live in a world were most people don't like their jobs. They don't enjoy what they get to do on a daily basis or they don't fully apprciate how crazy it is what they get to do on a daily basis. Jeff is not one of those people. He is excited about what he gets to do for a living and understands how amazing it is that he lives in a world where he can do what he wants. Being on the tail end of his athletic career, we talked about lose of identity in your sport, not being able to hit expectations, dealing with depression, and how to overcome all that using the tools he learned from getting good at his sport. Check out our sponsors below and enjoy the show!


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Best Shorts to Train In: GOAT Shorts

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    Cody Alford

    Cody is a former Marine who has transitioned back into civilian life. He has been working through this transition using awareness, breathwork, and really diving into the inner, self work. It felt very similar to my journey after I left my sport. The transition of what was won't be anymore and how do I take the tools I aquired from that *thing* and use those tools to make myself my best going forward instead of having such a connected identity to what I was. Cody is helping others switch on and realize they have the power to control their lives. Enjoy this episode of the NOT DEAD YET Podcast!


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Best Shorts to Train In: GOAT Shorts

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    Tait Fletcher

    One of my favorite humans Tait. He is the owner of Caveman Coffee, a former bank robber, a Mandalorian, a UFC fighter, and an overall sweet dude. We talk about the major brain trauma he has sustained from working a stuntman and actor in Hollywood. We talk about death and mortality and how these changed his mindset and perspective on his own life. Enjoy the episode!


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Best Shorts to Train In: GOAT Shorts

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    Evelyn Vincent

    Todays episode is with my mom. She is turning 70 this year, she's made some major changes to her life recently, the biggest being health and having lost 60 lbs. We talk about my fathers passing, my growing up, her growing up, he life choices and career path, her health, and other deep questions about life and death as that time is coming. There isn't many opurtunities to have a conversation like this with a parent, let alone record it, so I can't thank my mom enough for doing this and letting us share it. I love you Mom. Enjoy the show.


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Best Shorts to Train In:
    GOAT Shorts

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    Justin Wren

    I love this human. Justin is an MMA fighter, he runs a Charity called Fight For the Forgotten, and I recently got to go see what work he has accomplished in Uganda, helping the Batawa Pygmy people get clean water, land, and shelter. I had never been exposed to a place that had so little but there was so much resource the sense of community they have is so overwhelming strong and filled with so much love even though they have so little. This was such a great conversation and I have so much love for Justin and what he is doing. Enjoy the show!

    If you feel compelled, you can donate to Justin's charity Fight for the Forgotten here: https://give.fightfortheforgotten.org/give/190754/#!/donation/checkout


    Not Dead Yet- Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: notdeadyet_podcast

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    Today, Bon and I talk about our relationship...but mostly sex cause of course that is what most of the questions we got were about. We answered questions sent to us from our IG questionnaires asking for advice, wanting to know certain things about Bon and I's relationship, or issues you would like resolved in your own but you don't know how. We've answered your questions as best as possible and we hope it can help others with managing their own relationships.

    If you want your question answered in another episode, make sure to follow both Bon and myself, and keep an eye on our stories for whenever we put a questionnaire!

    Matt Vincent IG: https://www.instagram.com/matthewpvincent/

    Bonnie Schroeder: https://www.instagram.com/bonschro/


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: notdeadyet_podcast

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    Ryan Duey

    Ryan is one of the founders and owners of Cold Plunge and I've had the pleasure of working with them for the last few years now. Enjoy listening to his story and journey to how he has gotten to where he has. Man, you gotta go all in on your thing. If you want to win, if you want to be happy, you got to be 100% in. Ryan is a perfect example of someone that's done this and his life reflects it.

    I've been using cold/some type of cold plunge since 2015 to manage pain and it's one of the best tools anyone can add to their life. I can sleep better. I generally feel better. I can manage stress better. The benefits of it are unmatched. It helps me stay focused and on point and it only takes 3 minutes man. I couldn't recommend doing cold plunges more and if you are looking for a more affordable option to look into then Cold Plunge tubs are the way to go. Enjoy the show, let's gooooooo!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Lael Wilcox

    I've been playing around a lot with endurance and [bike] riding lately and she is kinda the master of it. She is an Ultra-endurance bike rider and racer and a true adventurer who has seen the world in a unique and beautiful way through riding. There is something special about exploring the self and realizing you are in control of your life and your experiences. I hope you all get as much of this one as I did. Let's gooooo!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Jason Ellis

    One of my biggest inspiration for why I want to podcast and just generally how he lives his life. Jason has been a good friend and I've loved getting to see and hear how he has transformed and changed over the years. From professional skateboarding to radio show host to coming out as Bisexual to MMA and so on, Jason has lived an adventurous life and I'm excited for you hear some of his story. Enjoy the show, let's blast oooffff!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Ryan Sprague

    I've run into Ryan many times and have been wanting to chat with him as he gives a lot of information on using cannabis as a pyschadelic. Ryan has his own podcast called "Highly Optimized", and wants to help people with self-improvement. I'm into everything he is talking about and please enjoy the episode. Let's goooo!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Kyle Creek

    Known as "The Captain". He is a writer, speaker, and overall a really creative human. I really like the tone of his message and can relate a lot to the mindset he evokes in his writing. So glad to finally be able to connect with this incredibly talented human and I hope you enjoy our conversation. Let's rock!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Maddy Forberg

    What a champion. Absolutely love the pursuit that Maddy has been on to become a better human. She has overcome so much to get to where she is and it's incredibly inspiring to see. We talk all about her time in bodybuilding, buidling her business, finiding purpose, makin some jokes and more. Always love having Maddy on and let's get to it!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

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    Travis Ortmayer and Nick Best

    Super excited to have these 2 incredibly successful and long-time professional strongman competitors on the podcast today. I've had Travis on before so if you have not listened to that one go check it out. It always fascinates me getting to see athletes compete in certain sports for incredibly long periods of time. Even more so being at the top of the sport for a long time too. It takes so much dedication and smarts to stay in the game for as long as these to have. Hope you all enjoy the conversation with these two amazing humans. Let's goooooo!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Brian Bishop

    A former UMSO podcast guest, Brian is back with us on NOT DEAD YET. Brian is former Special Operations in the Military and has had some incredibly gnarly experiences. Dealing with some of these experiences left Brian with PTSD, but Brian was able to work through a lot of issues from his past by using a variety of plant medicine. This was a really fun podcast and I hope yall enjoy! Let's goooo!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Dustin Klein

    I've gotten to know Dustin better over the past couple of years, and he is an incredible artist, creator, and universe builder. He has built a life that he loves to live in his own unique way. He is completely unapologetic in his pursuit of happiness and living life the way he chooses. Dustin inspires me every day and I hope he inspires you to pursue your dreams too. Let's blast oooffff!!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Megan Young

    A long-term friend of mine, former thrower, cancer survivor, and now a strength and conditioning for the Seattle Sounders, an MLS team. Megan has had an incredible journey. Even after going through such a difficult period in her life battling cancer, she has done nothing but stay positive and make the most of the days she has to come. This was a wonderful talk with Megan so please enjoy, let's goooooo!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent

  • Instagram: ndy_podcast

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    Tony Blauer

    Tony is a very well-known self-defense expert and has been in the field of mixed martial art for a long time teaching and coaching. He has been helping people learn how to get out of bad situations with very realistic self-dense training by helping them to manage fear in any situation. Managing fear is something I've tried to practice in my day-to-day to manage stress and other unknowns in my life. Enjoy the conversation with Tony, let's goooooo!!!


    HVIII - Code NDY 10% off

    Habit - Code NDY 10% off

    Onnit - Onnit.com/mattvincent 10% off

    Oregon Originals - Code NDY 10% off

    Stay Classy Meats - Code NDY 10% off

    Nutrition Solutions - Code NDY $20 off

    Cold Plunge - Code NDY to save

    Daily Destroyer - team training and programming


    Core Medical Group - http://coremedicalgrp.com/matt

    Sunlighten Saunas - https://www.sunlighten.com/?leadsource=Matt-Vincent&utm_source=Matt-Vincent&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=Matt-Vincent