
  • Before we get into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I need to talk about the hollow feeling I have in the pit of my stomach after watching the first 2024 Presidential Debate. It is certainly not a time to be celebratory and for a few reasons.

    First, as I talk about at the beginning of this radio segment, what the world witnessed in the debate, and Biden’s performance was the ultimate act of cruelty at the hands of some of the most despicable people on the planet, the Obama 2.0 puppeteers. They are a selfish, opportunistic gaggle of totalitarians who are obsessed with attaining and maintaining power at all costs. They humiliated this man on the world stage and have been doing so for the entirety of his tenure as president.

    Understand this. There will be no meaningful pivot away from the Marxist agenda if this element is not completely purged from government at every level and in every department, agency, and commission.

    Secondly, as a close friend pointed out in a comment on social media immediately after the debate, “Democrats don't take a dump without a plan. Everything is about staying in power. They wouldn’t have put pudding head out there without having thought the matter through. They’re up to something…” He couldn’t be more correct.

    Unlike Conservatives and Republicans – and to an equal extent Libertarians, the neo-Bolsheviks – or far-Left – of the Democrat Party have been playing the long game of transformation since the turn of the twentieth century. They have been playing the “fundamental transformation” game for over 120 years. And like the oblivious frog in the pot of water that has been slowly increased to a boil, the American people haven’t noticed the unhealthy amount of Marxism that has crept into not only our government but the American ideal.

    Biden’s intellectual slaughter in the debate was a planned sacrifice; a scheduled execution. Obama 2.0 needed to introduce to the Democrat rank-and-file the fact that we, who have been saying Biden is in deep cognitive decline and unfit for the presidency, were and are correct. In doing so, they have created the transformative chaos needed to affect abrupt and enthusiastic change.

    Remember Rahm Emanuel lettering the cat out of the bag about how to leverage crisis?

    Thirdly, this is the part that has me quite disturbed. Now, they get to select a replacement for Biden on the national ballot without any input from the voters. All they have to do is force a brokered convention, and they can install their candidate.

    Make no mistake. That selected candidate would have never been able to win a national election going through the primary process. This hand-picked candidate will be more radical and more aggressive – and have a much looser relationship with the truth – than any other Democrat ever elected to office.

    The candidate will be a devout neo-Bolshevik Marxist who will make Barack Obama’s lust for transformative change to socialism seem like a third-grade sociology experiment. Should this selected candidate win, God forbid, he or she – given the massive debt held by our country and the debilitation of the rule of law and fidelity to the Constitution and Bill of Rights – will be the last American president to be elected in our Constitutional Republic. That era will be over. The transformation to totalitarian, central-government, democratic socialism will be complete. The United States will be worse off than any socialist country in the Third World; only the people will still be forced – by our government – to pay the world’s bills…until we can’t.

    So, who will the neo-Bolsheviks of Obama 2.0 select to install? Gavin Newsom, the man who single-handedly destroyed San Francisco and then the entire state of California? Hillary Clinton, the Alinsky-loving Marxist whose lust for power and the spotlight drips off her fangs like a carnivorous predator? Michelle Obama, the ultra-racist who literally hates the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, who said publicly that she is ashamed to be an American?

    Democrats do not have a deep bench, and the Marxists are in control of that party and will direct the outcome of the convention in August.

    Another friend on social media prognosticated that Biden would be “pursuaded” to step down before November, giving Democrats the mantle of having elevated the first woman to the Oval Office, Kamala Harris. Her only purpose will be to grant pardon to Hunter Biden and, unconstitutionally, issue pre-indictment and conviction clemency to Biden and those who committed high crimes during his administration. Given Obama 2.0’s contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution, this is not outside the realm of possibility.

    Harris will not, however, be at the top of the Democrat ticket in November. Their anointed constitutional assassin will be.

    The only way – only way – to circumvent this scenario is to not only win the presidency by a sizeable and indisputable margin in November but also to win supermajorities in both houses of Congress. Right now, the momentum realized by the Trump campaign is not being realized in the down-ticket races, which is incredibly problematic.

    This is why I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is why we have no business celebrating Biden’s dismal debate performance. We are up against a ruthless, power-hungry, evil cabal in Obama 2.0. It is a battle for the heart and soul of America; a battle in which the very idea of freedom, individualism, and Americanism hangs in the balance.

    Pay attention, people. This is much more serious than you could have ever imagined.

    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we get into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to comment on the disturbing rhetoric that is resurfacing among some of the more radical members of the Democrat Party, specifically Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, and Jamal Bowman.

    At a recent rally in the South Bronx, AOC and Bowman – you remember Bowman as the scofflaw who put everyone’s life in danger by pulling the fire alarm in the US Capital Building to prevent a vote from taking place on the House floor – recently they headlined a rally in which their rhetoric was unacceptable in the least and actionable at best.

    And Maxine Waters, a race-baiting fraud from California, has made several inflammatory statements about Donald Trump and his supporters. In May, Waters fear mongered that right-wing organizations connected to Trump were “training up in the hills somewhere to attack” if Biden won the election. Some analysts have interpreted this as the groundwork for a false flag operation planned by Democrats in case Trump wins in November. She has pathetically fear mongered about potential “killings” and fears for the safety of black people if Trump were to win, calling Trump supporters "domestic terrorists."

    Give this a listen:

    This type of irresponsible and incendiary rhetoric led to deadly riots throughout the summer of 2020, resulting in tens of billions of dollars in damage to property by far-Left activists; activists associated with Black Lives Matter and Antifa. City governments in these Blue Meccas handcuffed law enforcement and let these neo-Bolshevik terrorists burn down buildings, co-opt city bocks through insurrection, and, in some cases, commit assault and even murder.

    That never happened when Donald Trump lost his election.

    This is all a result of the unchecked rhetoric coming out of the far-Left of the Democrat Party; the “Progressives,” the neo-fascists, the neo-Bolsheviks who are executing a Marxist-based agenda in real-time and who have been for the past 16 years.

    They are hiding behind the First Amendment to justify incendiary rhetoric as political speech. While the First Amendment may protect their right to espouse violent rhetoric, words that incite violence and mayhem, with the right comes consequences when laws are transgressed by those they are inciting.

    The US Supreme Court holds that citizens have a right to free speech under the First Amendment, but not if that speech is used or meant to produce imminent violent conduct or is likely to do so.

    Under 18 US Code Section 2101, incitement to riots and violence includes the acts of organizing, promoting, encouraging, participating in a riot, or urging others to riot, a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison.

    In California, Penal Code § 404.6 makes it a crime to incite a riot, even without direct participation in violent acts.

    In New York State, Penal Law Section 240.08 addresses inciting to riot. According to this law, a person is guilty of inciting a riot when they urge ten or more individuals to engage in tumultuous and violent conduct likely to create public alarm. This conviction is punishable by up to 364 days in jail and a fine in the amount of $1,000 fine or double what the defendant gained from the crime.

    I’d ask why AOC, Waters, and Bowman haven’t been charged with inciting violence and encouraging rioting, but I believe we all know the answer to that question. Blue urban areas and Blue states have politically weaponized the judicial system, and the established prosecutorial double standard benefits the Marxist revolutionaries masquerading as Democrats only.

    Ultimately, these reprobates are enabled by those who elect them, and until these people are literally harmed by the violence AOC, Waters, and Bowman – and people like them – promote, it is unlikely they will be held accountable at the ballot box for their crimes.

    But one thing is guaranteed. If conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, constitutionalists, and even real Democrats don’t start interceding between the fearmongers of violence and the electorate – and do it potently and successfully – the Puppet-stringed neo-Bolsheviks of the far-Left will riot, damage, burn, and murder if Donald Trump wins in November.

    That’s what neo-Bolsheviks and anarchists do. They destroy.

    We must nip these crimes – almost assured as they are – in the bud; head them off at the pass. Otherwise, our cities will burn.

    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we get into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to reiterate a point we discussed in the segment: Everything that is happening – and all of its consequences – is by design.

    Remember during the 2008 General Election when Barack Obama told a crowd, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”?

    He wasn’t kidding. Throughout his tenure as president, we saw a multitude of policy executions that divided our country socially while redistributing wealth on an enormous scale.

    Through the Trump administration, the Marxists that comprised the Obama team – and I use the word Marxist literally and by definition – developed every opportunity to maintain that social divide and even expand the gulf by using the cult of personality in reverse, creating an unhinged and deranged demographic that seethed hatred for Trump seating that hatred on rumor, innuendo, and unfounded accusations.

    The nation's fundamental transformation continued at full throttle into the Obama 2.0 administration, otherwise known disingenuously as the Biden administration.

    And what didn’t stop was the demonization of Trump, now a former president, with a vicious execution of unconstitutional lawfare, which continues on even as a majority of Americans hold the actions in contempt.

    This is all by design.

    The neo-Bolshevik Left in the United States, now in elected office and commonly referred to as the “far-Left,” has always hated the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They started the transformation with the Wilson administration by viewing the Charters as mere suggestions to be manipulated in the pursuit of transformative change.

    From limitations on and the redefining of free speech and Second Amendment Rights to abandoning apportioned taxation and creating rights not amended to the Constitution to openly employing lawfare to affect political persecution, the neo-Bolsheviks are destroying our Constitutional Republic on purpose; by design.

    Obama told us what he and his Marxist brethren were going to do, and they have been doing it ever since 2008.

    Let me take a moment to define neo-Bolshevism. Neo-Bolshevism is characterized by its advocacy for Marxist-Leninist principles, including centralized state control, revolutionary activism, and establishing a socialist or communist state. Supporters of neo-Bolshevism often view the original Bolsheviks – a faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party that played a significant role in the Russian Revolution of 1917 – as a model for contemporary political movements seeking to implement similar reforms and strategies in their quest for social and economic change. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both have been openly supportive of this political ideology.

    The only way we can stop these neo-Bolshevik assholes is to achieve sizable majorities in both Chambers of the Legislative Branch this November so that “Democrats” (in air quotes) can’t stop Trump 2.0 from purging the Deep State bureaucracy of the Marxist elements installed ever since the Clinton administration.

    The problem we face is this: Even though a majority of American voters – and even in the swing states – are now trending toward Trump, that trend is not translating to the down-ticket races. Without solid majorities in Congress, the purge necessary to regain fidelity to the Constitution and Bill of Rights will be short-lived and ineffective.

    So, it is time to start laying a fair portion of the blame for the mess we are in at the feet of the elitist, opportunistic, neofascist Bolsheviks – and I am using the word Bolshevik literally – who have rubber-stamped Obama’s agenda into reality.

    They are executing a Marxist revolution in real-time and have been for the last sixteen years. It’s well past time we took a stand to stop the destruction of our country. The only way to do that is to confront the neo-Bolsheviks in the present and vote the fuckers out in November

    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we get into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to highlight the lead article at UndergroundUSA.com today, “A Simple Truth The Powers That Be Won’t Talk About.” This has to do with an uncomfortable subject for many: Black crime and Black-on-Black crime specifically.

    As the Black community celebrated the “Juneteenth” holiday, an all too common slaughter happened on the streets of our urban areas, predominantly within the Black community. This outbreak of violence was in excess of the typical shooting epidemic that increases on weekends and especially when the weather is more hospitable.

    This violence, which claims way too many lives annually, is the go-to form of conflict resolution among the inner-city Black youth. This total lack of intellectual ability to resolve conflicts without the use of violence has spread into the suburban areas that surround our major cities.

    One of the biggest obstacles to combatting this epidemic of violence is the fear that exists within the non-Black communities of being designated a racist for pointing out the obvious problem. It’s not a gun issue or a lack of law enforcement issue, although that plays into it. It is a cultural issue that society is failing to push back against.

    Please give the article a read. There are some things we can do to move a solution along. The solution – along with our bravery to slough off the faux label of “racist” – will save lives. It will also help to heal the divide caused by dirtbag politicians who divide us so that they can conquer and control us.

    When we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we get into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to touch on the epidemic of denial that is metastisizing in the United States when it comes to politics. It’s actually quite serious.

    It wasn’t too long ago that the uninformed among us – those who opined about politics without knowing the facts on any given matter; those who based their opinions on emotions rather than evidence, truth, and fact – were but a scant few. They were the outliers, the ones you could almost rest assured would find themselves too busy to vote on Election Day.

    Those days are gone. Long gone.

    With the subverting of truth on almost all social media platforms and the mainstream media complex’s need to whore itself out through those platforms for risk of dying off, truth and fact have given way to emotion, fearmongering, and outright lies for a great many people who do vote.

    A case in point. After posting one of my latest pieces, Is The Democrat Party Now The Party Of War, Or Is Biden Wagging The Dog?, on a popular social media platform, one reader responded:

    “Lies lies lies is all I see . Biden is a clear winner. No matter he isn't fixing to go to Prison like the Natzi German freedom hater.”

    Aside from awful punctuation and grammar – and don’t get me started on the spelling, it is beyond obvious that facts and truth didn’t matter to this commenter. The only thing that mattered was his emotions. Each point made in the piece was notated and sourced from scholarly and well-documented sources, but he either failed to examine the facts or just couldn’t be bothered to consume accurate information that proved him wrong about what he wanted the truth to be.

    This is the kind of intellectual ignorance that directly threatens the continuation of our Constitutional Republic. When voters are so fickle that they insist on ignoring the facts in deference to their emotions, it opens the door for manipulators to manipulate, deceive, and capitalize on that deception purely for the acquisition of power and control.

    This is the 39% of the electorate that would vote for a fencepost rather than admit that all of the smear and exaggeration the media and political opponents are throwing at Donald Trump are just that: smear and exaggeration. They want Trump to be the villain because their propaganda outlets have drilled that concept into their heads, the facts, evidence, and truth be damned.

    We stand at this point in time because the manipulators and opportunistic charlatans of the political class have fed us the wholly disingenuous idea that it is rude to talk about politics or religion with family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. It’s not rude, it’s how we understand that we have more in common than in difference, and they hate that. It’s how knowledge gets disseminated.

    Engage in productive conversation; in the exchange of thoughts, information, and ideas. That’s how our Republic was born. It wasn’t born because we didn’t discuss politics, and it certainly wasn’t born because we didn’t acknowledge a Natural Law Entity higher than ourselves. Life is ensconced in a constant battle between good and evil, whether the issue is personal or public. When truth, evidence, and fact are rendered irrelevant to the discussion of good and evil, then the Republic is lost, and with the loss of our Republic, freedom is but a word in a history book.

    Talk to your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues – those you meet socially – about politics and religion. You don’t have to be a raging asshole about it. Be calm, and know what you are talking about by arming yourself with facts and points of evidence. Speak the truth, but don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong. But talk…productively engage with your fellow Americans. It’s how we preserve the Republic.

    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we delve into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I feel compelled to address the significant impact on our Constitution that unfolded in New York with the guilty verdict of Donald Trump.

    Regardless of your personal stance on Trump, it is crucial to recognize that the integrity of our justice system is paramount. When it is compromised to the extent that it undermines our Constitution, the freedoms of all Americans are at stake.

    This is what happened in Merchan’s courtroom on May 30th, 2024: a Constitution-damaging travesty of justice led by a corrupt and partisan temporarily appointed judge, a Soros-funded district attorney, and 12 hyper-partisan jury members.

    Here is a portion of what Alan Dershowitz, constitutional law professor emeritus to Harvard Law – by no means a conservative, had to say about the entirety of the proceedings:

    I get into this more deeply in my current substack, We Are Now A Nation Of Men, Not Of Laws. I also delve a bit more into this issue in the following America’s Third Watch segment.

    Bottom Line. If Republicans in elected office don’t grow a pair of collective balls and start pushing back more viciously than the neo-fascist progressives have pushed since the tyrannical reigns of Woodrow Wilson and FDR then they don’t deserve to hold office.

    Additionally, if this case isn’t fast-tracked to the US Supreme Court so that this blatant election interference is subverted – or if the High Court refuses to hear the case because of institutional cowardice, then we are on the final leg of transforming the United States of America into a banana republic.

    Barack Obama and his Marxist, neo-fascist pals will have won.

    When we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

    Alan Dershowitz’s The Dershow PodcastThe late, great Jimmy Buffett’s album Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes

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  • Before we get to the politics of the day, I want to mention the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day, for they are two separate commemorations.

    Veterans' Day is a day to thank those who have served in the UD Armed Forces for their service. These are the people who actually made it home and are alive to thank.

    Memorial Day is a day to remember and pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. It honors all military members who have died while serving in the US armed forces in current or previous wars.

    The origins of Memorial Day—originally called “Decoration Day”—can be traced back to local observances for soldiers with neglected gravesites during the Civil War. One of the first Decoration Days was held in Columbus, Mississippi, on April 25, 1866, when women decorated the graves of Confederate soldiers who perished in the battle at Shiloh. They decorated them with flowers.

    On May 5, 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War, the tradition of placing flowers on veterans’ graves continued with the establishment of Decoration Day by an organization of Union veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic.

    The first large-scale observance at Arlington National Cemetary – a land donation by Robert E. Lee’s family – was held on May 30, 1873, with General Ulysses S. Grant presiding.

    Until World War I, only Civil War soldiers were honored on this holiday. Now, all Americans who’ve served – and gave the ultimate price – are observed.

    It is much more than a day off from work, although that is what it has morphed into for most Americans. It is a day to remember that freedom is not free; that it comes at a price, and that price is paid in blood and sacrifice, both for those commemorated and their families.

    The true essence of Memorial Day is not who has the best barbecue or which community has the best fireworks. It is remembering and honoring those who gave their lives in service to our nation.

    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • I want to share something with you that I wrote for a symposium promotion back in 2012. It is a concept created years before when I was executive director at BasicsProject.org, a 501c3 education and research organization focused on educating on the threats of Islamofascism and the American Fifth Column and how those threats multiply when the population exists constitutionally illiterate.

    Back then, it was a projection of what could happen. Today, we are witnessing this in real-time:

    “The moment is fast approaching. The convergence of apathy and evil – oblivion and conquest – is soon upon us.

    “Three critical issues directly related to our nation's survival are coming together to present one of the greatest challenges the United States will ever face if, in fact, it survives.

    “Externally, the threat comes in the form of a violent and intolerant theocratic ideology that quests to rule the world, expunging or making subservient all other religious and moral dogmas known to man. In its wake, it leaves indiscriminate death by the millions, using the innocent and the ignorant to facilitate its conquest through fear and intimidation.

    “For those who are conquered – for those who survive – an all-encompassing existence of servitude and oppression.

    “Internally, forces antithetical to the American philosophy – to our true Judeo-Christian roots – are using our own system of government and our electoral process to move our nation incrementally away from its charter as a constitutional republic, fundamentally transforming the United States of America from a constitutional republic to a democracy (of which our Founders and Framers warned), then to democratic socialism and to the totalitarian elitism of Marxism.

    “This ‘American Fifth Column’ infects our land with a Marxist neo-fascistic ideological cancer, killing liberty and freedom in its path.

    “Yet, these threats are not new to our country. We have faced them down before. We have, in the past, stared into the violent and deceptive eyes of evil and come out stronger for the experience.

    “So, why are these forces so potent today? What makes this moment in time so different than in the past?

    “Simple. Today, ‘We the People’ are complicit in our own demise.

    “Our nation has become so constitutionally illiterate – so oblivious to the worth and value of our God-given rights, bestowed by our Creator as inalienable and enshrined in our Charters of Freedom – that we willingly abdicate them, casting them aside as if a burden and facilitating the potency of the evils that confront our very existence.

    “We the People – through apathy, through ignorance – have created our own destiny. We have facilitated ‘The Perfect Storm.’”

    Please help us spread the truth by sharing this with like-minded family & friends.

    Twelve years later, this prognostication is a reality. The Perfect Storm is upon us.

    Neo-Marxist protesters who took to the streets championing the fraudulent Black Lives Matter movement are now “occupying” campuses in support of the pro-Hamasterrorists in Gaza, doing so violently as in a well-funded and coordinated manner.

    Internal and external forces that pose serious threats both to our nation and the free world have converged to fight against the very idea of freedom and Americanism.

    Truly, we are witnessing – in real-time – “The Perfect Storm” and if we don’t correct course in a dramatic way these forces have the potential to destroy our Republic and render the idea of free societies of self-governance nothing more than a memory of what could have been.

    Something to think about as you consider your choices this November.

    Then, Monday’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we get to this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the subject of this Sunday’s piece titled, “A Radical Marxist-Progressive Takes The Helm At NPR.”

    Katherine Maher is the new CEO at National Public Radio. She is being excoriated over her past tweets that expose her as an uber-radical Leftist. Further, one of her first official acts was to punish a whistleblower who exposed the almost total Left-wing bias at NPR, castigating him so profusely that he resigned after being suspended without pay.

    Here is a short clip that examples her Marxist-Progressive ideology. In it she advances a level of moral relativism on the subject of “truth” that should find you extremely uncomfortable.

    If you subscribe to UndergroundUSA.com you will receive the Sunday article in your email inbox or Substack app. If you do not subscribe, please stop by and do so. It’s free and offers the option of supporting our work through a paid subscription as well.

    Maher is a quintessential example of what is wrong with the mainstream media; how it has become a propaganda machine for the Marxist-based Woke Left. Congress should move to defund – or at least suspend funding for NPR until its journalistic and editorial staffs are balanced in their ideologies and reflective of the whole of the American people.

    Today, it most certainly is not.

    When we come back, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks.

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  • Before we get to this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I want to comment on the self-righteous virtue-signaling of the pro-Palestinian protesters here in the United States and in Europe.

    It was reported this morning that pro-Palestinian (read: pro-Hamas) protesters blocked both the Golden Gate Bridge in California and the Kennedy Expressway feeder to O’Hare Airport in Chicago, the latter causing people to miss their flights. If you’ve ever missed a flight you know how hard it is to reschedule and that it most often costs you extra to get seated on another flight.

    The point I am trying to make is this. No one affected by the blocking of traffic or the blocking of building access – the blocking of anything, whether it’s pro-Palestinian protesters, BLM protesters, or any other cause de jour protesters, is sympathetic to the protesters' cause. The actions of these protesters, regardless of their cause, only serve to alienate and antagonize the very people they are trying to win over.

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    In fact, when someone trying to make a flight, get to work, or walk into a building is obstructed by these types of protests, it creates a wave of anger—not in support of the cause being protested but towards the protesters themselves. People see these obstructive displays as selfish displays of self-righteous virtue signaling that telegraph the protesters' sense of elevated importance over everyone else.

    How does making someone miss a flight benefit the Palestinian people? How does making someone late for work or a doctor’s appointment – now does impeding an ambulance’s emergency run to a hospital or a fire engine’s run to a fire or a police response to a deadly situation make people feel sympathetic to a protester’s cause? It doesn’t. It foments anger toward the protester and – through that – creates indifference and resentment toward the cause itself.

    Taking to the streets in protest in the United States and the free nations of the world has become an exercise in pious pseudo-moralistic posturing that achieves very little if anything.

    If protesters are sincere about advancing support for their causes, they have to engage the population with information, education, and fact-based argument, not actions that literally turn the population against them…like blocking streets, bridges, and business entryways. The people who do that, well, they are just self-important, juvenile, virtue-signaling assholes.

    Then, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks.

    Take Back Your MindThink For Yourself

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  • Evidently, we live in an age when the most ignorant and uninformed among us are now empowered to believe they are intelligent. Yes, this certainly applies to politics and the litany of social issues facing our country – but in this particular case, I am referring to the bizarre and unfounded panic surrounding the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th.

    Yes, that’s right. The solar eclipse that will occur on April 8th is being deemed by some – and this is astounding – to be something of a “state of emergency.” As the “Imbecile-in-Chief” would say, “No lie!”

    As Dr. Robert Malone writes at his substack (which is linked at UndergroundUSA.com:

    “It turns out that around parts of the USA, there are empty grocery shelves, long lines for food, and queues for gas. After all, the April 8th solar eclipse could cause death and destruction.

    “The National Guard has even been called to duty in Oklahoma...

    “In fact, some local governments have been making emergency plans and preparations for months in advance. National Guard units and military installations have been called in and are involved to keep people safe.”

    Really?! Has our society been so incredibly dumbed down; have the imbecilic been so duped into believing that they possess intellect that we are reverting to the Medieval Days when uneducated serfs thought the gods were stealing the sun from the sky during solar eclipses?

    As Malone alludes to in his article, a solar eclipse is not a national emergency, it is not a state emergency, and it is not a local emergency. It is a naturally occurring event in nature. I’d say “follow the science” but we all know how that went during COVID thanks to a colluding and dishonest Medical-Industrial Complex.

    So, there is no need to run to the store to fill your closets with toilet paper or your pantry with 99-cent packages of ramen noodles. You don’t have to wrap your computers in foil and you don’t have to construct an “eclipse shelter.”

    The only thing you should do – and this is if you want to view the eclipse, is to take proper precautions for your eyes:

    * Never look directly at the sun during any phase of the eclipse without proper eye protection

    * Use certified solar viewing glasses or solar filters specifically designed for eclipse viewing

    * Do not use sunglasses, smoked glass, or homemade filters, as they do not provide adequate protection

    * Supervise children closely to ensure they use proper eye protection or view the eclipse indirectly

    * Do not use cameras, binoculars, or telescopes without appropriate solar filters

    * If using a telescope, ensure it has a solar filter covering the front aperture

    * Keep pets indoors during the eclipse to prevent them from looking at the sun

    * And, be cautious of traffic and crowds during eclipse events

    We in the United States really have to start employing critical thinking skills as a constant in our lives and we must demand that our educational system dispense with the installation of false self-esteem in our children. We need to return to the tried and true core curriculums of the past that taught a child how to think rather than what to think. Sadly, the Marxist-run teachers' unions will never allow that to happen so we must take our children’s education into our own hands. But I digress.

    There is no national, regional, or local state of emergency associated with Monday’s solar eclipse. Take precautions for your eyes and the eyes of your loved ones and enjoy engaging in the witnessing of nature. Trust me. You have enough toilet paper.

    Then, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks.

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  • Before I get into anything, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me and offered up prayers and well wishes during my time under medical care. I appreciate each one of you.

    And before we get into the meat of what I want to address, now comes news that our Catholic President has banned religious-themed eggs from the White House Easter egg festivities. Instead, he is celebrating Easter as an LGBTQ awareness celebration. Funny, when I went to Catholic School we understood the holiday to signify Jesus rising from the dead and the forgiveness of sin for all who believed in him. Damn deceitful nuns….

    If you listen to the media or the stick-up-the-ass-puppet-heads at the White House or US State Department – and we touch on this in today’s segment on America’s Third Watch, Joe Biden and his administration are staunch supporters of Israel in her struggle against Hamas. The only problem is this. All of Biden’s actions and all of the actions of his subordinates prove exactly the opposite.

    We need to be crystal clear on one point. Hamas is a US State Department-designated terror organization. That designation makes them not only an enemy of the United States but also an enemy of the West and the free world. They are in the same category as ISIS, the Taliban, Hezbollah, and al Qaeda.

    Another point that needs to be understood is that the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people support Hamas, not only as their elected government but also in their actions. 72 percent of the Palestinian people – according to the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research – believe and support Hamas' decision to attack Israel and her people on October 7th of last year and support for Hamas had risen in Gaza and more than tripled in the West Bank.

    Now let’s take into account that the UN – not the most Israel-friendly institution on the global stage – has concluded there were “reasonable grounds to believe” sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, occurred at several locations during the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas militants and most likely continues to this day.

    And now let’s dispense with the bullshit that Iran is not orchestrating the whole thing; that it’s not funding, coordinating, and providing tactical support for the unprovoked carnage Hamas has exacted on the Israeli people.

    Through it all, the Biden administration has maintained the intellectually stunted desire to affect a two-state solution; a result that Hamas and the Palestinian people do not want.

    Through it all, the Biden administration has continuously pushed for a ceasefire which only acts as a hudna for Hamas.

    Through it all, the Biden administration has fortified the Iranian mullahs with tens of billions of dollars; money only an imbecile wouldn’t recognize as fueling not only the terror state's desire for a nuclear weapon but also the Hamas offensive and possibly the ensuing Hezbollah offensive.

    At no time has Mr. Biden acknowledged Iran’s role in this murderous rampage. At no time has Mr. Biden acknowledged Hamas' desire to eradicate the Israeli people from the face of the Earth.

    And at no time has Biden sought to quell the grotesque level of anti-semitism emanating from the far-Left and youth of his political party right here in the United States!

    At no time has Biden – or his team or supporters – done anything to exhibit support for Israel. In fact, they have gone so far as to initiate interference in that sovereign nation’s elections by lobbying for “regime change.”

    So, it is a blatant and bald-faced lie that the Biden administration – or Obama 2.0 – supports Israel. It does not. It is aiding and abetting a designated terrorist organization and advancing Hamas-produced propaganda that the poor Palestinian people are destitute and oppressed at the hands of Israel. They are not. They are destitute and oppressed at the hands of Hamas, the terror organization they support…which makes them complicit in that terrorism.

    Let’s put it this way, when the United States was tracking al Qaeda through the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan after the slaughter on September 11th, how would we, as Americans, have responded to another country forcing a ceasefire onto our military forces with bin Laden within reach? We would have laughed and taken the kill shot.

    Israel should have that right too. It’s just a shame its closest ally, the US, has a Hamas-supporting imbecile at the helm.

    As we prepare to celebrate Easter here’s something to consider. Jesus Christ was a Jew. How would Hamas and the Palestinians who support them have treated him?

    Today’s segment of America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Communications Networks, right after this.

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  • As a lead into today’s America’s Third Watch program – in which we discuss at length Chuck Schumer’s shameful but full-throated endorsement of interfering in another sovereign nation’s election, among other things – I wanted to play a clip that illustrates the intense and expansive gulf between the Far-Left and the rest of society.

    Sky News host Rita Panahi (if you haven’t watched her segments on the Left I promise you it will be well worth your time) presents a clip of a Far-Leftist rattling off all of the “democracy-killing” and “Hitler-esque” agenda items that Donald Trump will execute once he is re-elected to office, which is looking increasingly likely.

    As you listen/watch, keep in mind that this individual believes in “its’” heart of hearts – and I am using “its” on purpose – that all of these things are bad things; that all of these things are horrible and wrong:

    Call me a knuckle-dragging mouth-breather, but I see nothing wrong with any of the points with which “it” is taking issue. Each is mired in common sense and forces individuals to take responsibility for their actions. I especially agree with the point “it“ takes issue about the death penalty for human traffickers.

    But the larger point is this.

    A hot topic of conversation among many Americans is that we are facing the greatest divide since the end of the US Civil War and, many fear, we are on the precipice of a second US Civil War. I suggest we have been in a serious and very real culture war for decades.

    Have we really arrived at a point in time when the gulf between the Far-Left and the rest of the country finds the Far-Left defending human traffickers and pedophiles? Demanding treasure from the government simply because they exist?

    End the Department of Education and re-empower the states to oversee education, as intended? Absolutely! Supporting term limits? Who in their right mind doesn’t? Force NATO members to actually pay their dues? The gall!

    You have heard me say this before and I will say it until my dying day, God willing. The only reason we have Far-Left elected officials creating and passing these incredibly inane and societally destructive laws and regulations is that idiots like “it” vote like-minded idiots into office. We wouldn’t have the AOCs or the Adam Schiffs, or the Hank Johnsons – who believes stationing Marines on Guam would, literally, cause the island to tip over – if self-righteous, virtue-signalling, intellectually stunted dolts like “it” didn’t vote for them.

    Long ago, the Progressive-Neofascist Left manipulated the American people into believing that conversing about politics and religion with friends and family was impolite; something that shouldn’t be done. In reality, they used this shaming tactic to dupe everyone into refraining from discussing what the political class was doing and through the prohibition on talking about religion, expunged discussion about what is right and what is wrong; morality and ethics from the public square.

    In order to counter the incredible influence that the “its” have in the American and international public squares, we must resume having discussions about politics and religion. This doesn’t mean we have to argue about it, but we must begin a civil discussion with all who have the intellectual capability to do so.

    Sadly, for many “its” out there, it is too late. But it isn’t too late for the Republic. It’s just not going to be easy.

    Then, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks…

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  • Before we get to the subjects of President Biden, his arrogance transmitted to the Middle East, and the troublesome floating pier he wants to put on the coast of Gaza, I wanted to shed some light on the crime committed by the so-called January 6th committee.

    After all the chest-thumping and insistence that Donald Trump was an insurrectionist Bond villain, the real villains in it all are the members of the January 6th House Committee themselves. Not only did the committee suppress video from the surveillance cameras inside the Capitol Building, but now comes news they hid evidence that exonerates President Trump from one of the chief accusations against him: that he offered no help.

    The Epoch Times reports:

    This revelation of illegal activity on the part of the January 6th committee should come down especially hard on former Congresswomen Liz Cheney and former Congressman Adam Kinzinger, to people who abdicated their responsibility to the truth to further a political agenda.

    Because this testimony was suppressed and not included in the final report, the final report itself becomes proof that a crime has been committed. Remember, those who testified before the committee did so under oath. That means the official report – submitted to the full Congress – was a fabrication on the level of the Steele Dosier. The committee perjured itself in its report to Congress and the American people.

    If we are ever going to begin our journey down the road where government is more important than politics; where truth is more valuable than opportunism and power, the the whole of the January 6th Committee needs to be held responsible for the crime they committed in lying to Congress and the American people.

    This accountability, if we are going to admit that the soft-touch of 21st-century justice for the elitist class has to end, needs to carry prison sentences. And because this lie was used in an attempt to manipulate the 2024 General Election, it should be seen as an attempt at insurrection itself, barring any of the committee members from holding elected federal office ever again.

    It’s time the arrogance of the political class – on both sides of the aisle – ended with these criminals put in shackles and led to a holding cell until their day in court. Enough is enough.

    Then, my current segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks…

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  • Before we get deeper into the screamfest that was Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech (Is that what that was? It sounded a hell of a lot more like a campaign speech full of rainbows and unicorns…oh, and by the way, it’s all our fault for not appreciating the efforts of President Drool Cup), I wanted to say that the GOP response to Mr. Biden’s clown show was spot on.

    US Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL), laid it all out in a very understandable form, even for Biden-leaning suburbanite women. Aside from a little bit of a presentation issue which telegraphed exaggerated emotion – and I say this not because her content wasn’t excellent, but for remembering what they did to Bobby Jindal when he gave the response, the media excoriated him for appearance and delivery, Britt was excellent.

    In fact, her response is worth highlighting in total:

    It will take clear and honest voices – like Britt’s – to open the eyes of the 39.4 percent of the country who believe that Biden and his cabal are doing a good job; who don’t see that at every turn he and his team are damaging the country both domestically and also internationally.

    The time for not talking politics with your neighbors because it isn’t polite has passed. They conned us into not talking amongst ourselves to protect their greedy, selfish political power plays for too long. It’s time we realize we have more in common than we do in difference and it’s time we started demanding government over politics.

    Then, we discuss the Biden freakshow screamfest in my current segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks…

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  • Before we head into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the announcement that Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as the RNC chair after the Super Tuesday primary contests. Quite frankly, the move is overdue.

    I’ll preface this by saying that as far as I know, McDaniel is a nice person. For all I know she did the best she could in performing her duties as RNC chair. But the bottom line here is her performance was sub-par and it facilitated the tyrannical reign of the Biden administration: Obama 2.0.

    During her time as chair, McDaniel should have retooled the RNC to be a potent, pointed, and even vicious messaging machine. Republicans at the national level should have owned the narrative. Elected Republican members of the Legislative Branch should have been trained in messaging techniques both in front of the microphones and through their staffs.

    The RNC should have then turned its eye toward empowering the State GOP leaders with those same messaging techniques and methods. McDaniel should have made it clear to all 50 state leaders that there were goals to be met and that the RNC was there to help them achieve those goals.

    And then the focus should have been on the expansion of both the donor base and also the voting base (I won’t castigate McDaniel for her spendthrift ways, but growing a war chest must come before new office furniture purchases). The expansion of the donor and voter bases can only be achieved through messaging and educating the RNC leadership on community organizing – that’s right, taking a page out of the Progressive playbook.

    And lastly, McDaniel failed at the most important role of an RNC chair: winning elections. Too many easy pick-ups at both the state and federal levels fell through the cracks because the RNC embraced the status quo of sucking at messaging. They owned no narratives and, in fact – but for making McConnell-like mumbling statements that bored the electorate to tears – allowed Democrats to demonize any Republican running as an “extremist” or a “MAGA” candidate, never defending the idea that making America great again is a good thing, not a bad thing.

    Because the RNC exists in a hobbled state when t comes to messaging and narrative ownership, far-Left assholes like Rob Reiner and George Takei spew lies, hate, and disinformation about Donald Trump that is easily proved wrong. Racist? Please, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson couldn’t get enough of Trump when he was cutting them checks. Islamophobe? Please, his administration was well on its way to achieving a lasting peace in the Middle East before Biden and Blinken fucked that up. Border security? Check. Thriving economy? Check. Mounting homeownership across all demographics? Yup. Record minority new business start-ups? Yes indeed.

    Any way you look at it (and now we get to juxtapose the presidential records of Trump and Biden) Trump’s policies were infinitely better for America and the American people under his presidency.

    But you wouldn’t know that because the caustic, imbecilic Left owns the narrative. Their demonization gets to stick in the minds of the 13-second attention span voter because the RNC couldn’t message its way out of a wet paper bag with a hole in the bottom.

    So, I applaud Ronna McDaniel for having aplomb in her announcement that she would be resigning after Super Tuesday. But I won’t be pining for the good old days when she was the head of the RNC. Her job performance as RNC chair was…well, let’s just nicely say that she wasn’t good and leave it at that.

    Then, my current segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Broadcasting Networks.

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  • Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on a hypocrisy everyone is letting slide. It may sound insignificant to you at first, but the more you contemplate the double standard being applied here, the more you see that one demographic is getting pushed around, and has been pushed around since the 1960s (for those calculating the math that’s 64 years).

    Currently, the number one hit on the Billboard Country Charts belongs to Beyonce, who critics describe as specializing in R&B, funk, rap, and hip-hop. She is commonly understood to be a performer predominantly of the Black culture, although she is knee-deep in the woke culture.

    Her new song, Texas Hold ‘Em, is certainly of the country flavor. That’s unmistakable. Here’s a short clip:

    Now, I am not saying that Beyonce doesn’t have a good product here. It’s well produced and I am sure the pop-country fans will glom onto it like an urban cowboy gravitates to a Tony Lama boot sale. But it’s not country music and, in fact, I will go as far as to say Beyonce has transgressed the line of cultural appropriation.

    And when one looks at the cover art for this single, it’s clear Beyonce holds a certain contempt and disdain for the more modest culture that is the country culture.

    Cultural appropriation is a charge the Black community often slings at the White community. Put succinctly, it is the use of elements of one culture by members of another. The Black community claims that in any form, Black cultural appropriation is offensive – especially when done by a White person – because the original significance of the elements is not respected. Black activists also, quite vocally, insist it reinforces stereotypes.

    When you understand the “ground rules” for the cultural appropriations game it’s clear that Beyonce and her producers are co-opting elements of the country lifestyle in an extremely opportunistic manner: to make money. Do they “respect the original significance” of the country culture? If you believe that you had better check the oil in your intelligence engine because you are not firing on all cylinders.

    Don’t get me wrong and don’t attempt to paint me with the disingenuous broad brush of political racism. There are successful Black performers who have both made the jump from pop to country and come up paying their dues doing it in a way that respects the country culture. Darius Rucker, Charlie Pride, Rhiannon Giddens, and Mickey Guyton have done so, but succeeded in doing so because of their true passion for the genre, not because they saw dollar signs in grabbing for their piece of the pie.

    The country culture is – by its very nature – the most inclusive demographic in the United States and that’s because it isn’t predicated on skin color or identity politics.

    You become a part of the country culture when you work hard, provide an honest day's work, live life being responsible for yourself and taking responsibility for your actions, respect and help your neighbors, when you strive to make your community and your country – no matter any perceived flaws – a better place to live, and you judge others by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

    Now, ask yourself this question. Did Beyonce move to a small Texas town and fall in love with the lifestyle; and experience an epiphany about country life? Or did she see dollar signs and a cute hat she could exploit to enrich herself through cultural appropriation, something her community rails against?

    Do you see why it matters? If cultural appropriation is going to be a thing, then it should apply across the board. The special interest, “I’m a minority so I get to do whatever I want without consequence” double standard must stop.

    Then, this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Genesis and Salem Communications Networks.

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  • As we get into this Presidents' Day edition of America’s Third Watch, I want to go on record as saying I was never a fan of homogenizing Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday together and then enjoining all of the presidents into that memorialization.

    Washington and Lincoln are monumental presidents, literally. The historical events that occurred under their leadership and tenures are rivaled by few, if any.

    Washington commanded a force that vanquished the most powerful military of its day and then oversaw the chaotic and sometimes belligerent beginning of the Great American Experiment. How many people throughout history would turn down an offer to be made king? How many people throughout history would walk away from the seat of power voluntarily?

    And Lincoln? A lawyer who rose to that station as an autodidact was thrust into a thankless position of impossible magnitude only to navigate not only the caustic halls of Congress in mitigating a divided nation but also insolent generals on the battlefield and a breakaway confederacy. His ultimate reward was three-fold. He succeeded in saving the Republic, he facilitated the end of slavery in the United States lighting the fuse for that practice to fall around the free world and, for it all received a bullet to the head.

    How is it that these two unique men, who gave their lives in their entirety for our country, must be celebrated with the likes of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt (both racists and sympathetic to fascism), or Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama (both racists from opposite ends of the racism spectrum). And don’t even mention the disgrace that is our current president.

    Honestly, Washington and Lincoln deserve their own days of memorialization. And rather than lionizing the many political hacks that followed in the office by lumping it all together as “Presidents' Day” we should establish a Founders & Framers Day and leave the other chief executives to earn memorialization.

    That would be more meaningful and it would also give honest and true educators an opportunity to extoll the greatness of these men, rather than only portraying them as slave owners and White supremacists.

    Then, (sigh), it’s Presidents' Day…yippie.

    Then, my current segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Salem and Genesis broadcasting networks.

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  • Before we get into the meat of this America's Third Watch segment, I just had to comment on the absolute abdication of humanity exercised by US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in her “present” vote addressing Hamas' use of rape and sexual assault as tools of war.

    Please understand that Tlaib represents an area of Michigan that is overwhelmingly Islamic and decidedly pro-Palestinian. The majority of the people there saw the genocidal attacks by Hamas on Israel on October 7th in a favorable light. That said, Tlaib represented her constituency in her vote, leading me to my overarching point – more on that in a bit.

    But to address the disingenuousness of Tlaib…

    The bipartisan resolution, introduced by Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL), passed in a 418-0 vote with Tlaib voting present. The resolution calls for lawmakers to condemn all sexual violence and rape committed as a form of weapons of war.

    While this, like all resolutions, holds little sway in the realm of reality, it does put all those who voted for it on record as abhorring the practices, which multiple sources have documented Hamas has used against Israel citizens and on the hostages they violently acquired on October 7th and in the days afterward.

    How could anyone not join in condemning the rape and sexual assault of women in any context?

    In defense of her indefensible vote, Tlaib said she was “disturbed” that the resolution did not address rape or sexual violence allegations made against soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces.

    “We all have a responsibility to denounce sexual violence in all forms, regardless of who is responsible,” Tlaib said in an X post. “War crimes cannot justify more war crimes. This resolution falls well short of also acknowledging the sexual abuse of Palestinians.”

    The problem with that disingenuous statement? There are no reports of the IDF committing these war crimes. It is a hollow accusation completely devoid of any evidence that any such thing took place. Tlaib is suggesting something that has never happened and trying to cover for her support for Hamas, its terrorism, its antisemitic genocidal mission statement, and its tactics by doing so.

    But, as much as I find Tlaib to be reprehensible and a wholly-owned operative of the Islamofascit movement to advance Islam globally, as I said before, she did vote the will of her constituency. Which brings me to my overarching point.

    The people responsible for a vote that throws shadows onto whether rape and sexual assault should be considered war crimes are the people who voted for Tlaib and the people who support her continued existence in Congress. It can be argued that Tlaib just had fidelity to her constituency so the people who need to be condemned and ostracized are the people who support and vote for people like Tlaib.

    We have gotten into the habit of believing that the central focal point of all the problems in government rests with the elected officials. That’s true to a large extent, but it isn’t the total package. Tlaib, McConnell, Jeffries, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC. But the fact of the matter is this.

    The blame for the ideological, political, and special interest activism and the continued fleecing of the American people rests almost exclusively with those who vote for these assholes. If they can’t get elected they can’t facilitate their opportunism. But they do get elected and that takes the votes of people who support them.

    As an aside, where the fuck is the #MeToo Movement in voicing support for the aforementioned resolution and voicing condemnation not only for Tlaib but for her supporters? Beuller? Beuller? They are nowhere because their entire movement was fraudulently gratuitous; a joke. Was the cause a good one? Yes, absolutely. But the spotlight-sucker leaders? All self-important, disingenuous, assholes.

    As a second aside, and I am including this picture as proof, when posting on Facebook about Tlaib’s “present” vote, I was denied the ability to post on a group in which I am the administrator, Facebook providing the excuse, “A security check is required to proceed.” No post before or since has seen this denial of service.

    Gee, I wonder which side of the Hamas v. Israel, Islam v. Freedom issue Facebook lands on…

    Then, my current segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast on the Salem and Genesis broadcasting networks.

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  • I didn’t watch the Super Bowl so I am making my points based on the extensive social media coverage of Kansas City Chiefs' Travis Kelce going unhinged on his coach. Kelce – or as I like to refer to him, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend – exhibited not only a complete disregard for being a team player at a critical moment in the game, but he executed a horrific example of who he is as a role model.

    Now, I get that professional athletes – as with any performer or entertainer – have to have an elevated level of self-esteem. It would be hard to execute at a professional level in any genre that finds you performing at your peak in front of tens of thousands of people. But there is a fine line between embracing that necessary self-esteem to perform under pressure and being a jagoff.

    The moment Travis Kelce stepped into his coach's face, screaming and spitting, he crossed the line from thoroughbred athlete to jagoff.

    As I stated in the first segment of today’s broadcast, during Super Bowl 20 (and no I am not going to use the haute Roman numerals), with the Chicago Bears leading the New England Patriots by an insurmountable margin, Chicago’s coach, Mike Ditka, opted to use William “The Refrigerator” Perry in a scoring drive rather than his ace running back – and arguably one of the best running backs in the history of the game – Walter Payton.

    “The Fridge” was a defensive player, so the choice was one of psychological and emotional domination toward the Patriots; the proverbial sword in the neck, so to speak.

    The problem here is this. Walter Payton – a career-long member of the Chicago Bears, a premier player, worked like a workhorse in many a losing season, was denied the opportunity to score a touchdown in a Super Bowl. The opportunity was there. But he was denied that opportunity.

    At no time, from the moment of that decision until well after the McCaskey’s pre-maturely dismantled that dynasty-worthy team, did anyone – anywhere – see Walter Payton screaming into the face of Coach Ditka. It never happened.

    Now is as good a time as any to ask why. Payton certainly had the right to protest the decision. The greatest running back ever to play the game (many would agree) and the coach, to prove a point of dominance, lets a defensive lineman score a touchdown rather than allowing for a career crowning achievement for the league’s premier running back?

    The reason Payton didn’t throw a temper tantrum like Kelce is that Payton was a true sportsman and one who knew, no matter what, that every time he put on that uniform and/or took the field, he was seen as a role model for millions of young football fans. He took his profession seriously and part of that responsibility is knowing what that opportunity requires in public.

    I hear people channeling Charles Barkley right now in his protest that he never signed on to be a role model. That’s is a hollow argument and I suspect even Barkley knows it.

    When you make your money performing for the public – whether that performance is in sports, the arts, or whatever – it comes with the automatic assumption of role model status. Superstars know this. Mediocre one-trick ponies complain about it.

    I would look to the NFL to discipline Kelce but this is the same woke organization that knowingly sought to insert the divide of racism into Sunday’s Super Bowl by setting the precedent of playing a “Black national anthem.” I don’t believe there could be a bigger insult to the fallen and/or those who wear the uniform and sacrifice every day. So, I don’t hold out hope for the NFL doing anything but counting their 30 pieces of silver as our nation suffers a manufactured divide.

    That said, if I were the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, Mr. Kelce would be having a “come to Jesus” moment regarding his bank account and his career options in the coming weeks. No one player is a franchise. If Kelce were kicked to the curb the Chiefs would still be a favorite for the 2025 Super Bowl.

    Kelce should publicly apologize to his coach and make a significant sacrifice to mend his now-tarnished image. And, I can only hope, that his billionaire girlfriend has the wherewithal to explain to her boyfriend his massive mistake and urge him to do the right thing. Otherwise, they deserve each other.

    There is no “I” in “team”, Mr. Kelce. Don’t be a jagoff.

    Then, this morning’s segment on America; 's Third Watch, broadcast on the Salem and Genesis Communications Networks.

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