
  • L’animatrice Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Sc.Soc. 2008) s’entretient avec Balarama Holness (B.A. 2008, B.Éd. 2014, membre des Ă©quipes des Gee-Gees de football masculin de 2004 Ă  2007 et d’athlĂ©tisme en 2007 et 2008) est militant, entrepreneur social et ancien demi dĂ©fensif des Alouettes de MontrĂ©al, avec qui il a remportĂ© la Coupe Grey en 2010. Fondateur du parti politique municipal Mouvement MontrĂ©al, il s’est prĂ©sentĂ© comme candidat Ă  la mairie de MontrĂ©al en 2021. Dans l'Ă©pisode Balarama se joint Ă  Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Soc.Sc. 2008) pour parler de la publication prochaine de ses mĂ©moires, intitulĂ©s Eyes on the Horizon: My Journey Towards Justice.

  • Phil De Luna (MSc ’15) is a scientist and research capitalist working to advance climate technology based in Toronto. He is currently an expert, sustainability at McKinsey & Company and was named to the 2019 Forbes Top 30 under 30 list. Phil discusses how we can best move the needle on climate change through the intersection of technology, policy, and finance.

    (In English only with English and French transcript available).

    Transcripts of this episode are available in English and French.

    Guest: Phil De Luna, MSc ’15

    Host: Gwen Madiba, MA ’12; BSocSc ’08

    Theme Music: Idris Lawal, BCom ’15

    Production: University of Ottawa’s Alumni Relations team

    Producer: Rhea Laube, MA ’12

    Sound Engineer: Richard Villeneuve

    Recording Assistance: Pop-Up Podcasting

    Please send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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  • L’animatrice Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Sc.Soc. 2008) s’entretient avec GeneviĂšve CĂŽtĂ© (LL.L. 1992) directrice gĂ©nĂ©rale du Festival international de la chanson de Granby. Elle siĂšge aux conseils d’administration de la FĂ©dĂ©ration du Mouvement Desjardins, du Prix de musique Polaris et du Conservatoire de musique et d’art dramatique du QuĂ©bec. Dans l'Ă©pisode GeneviĂšve se joint Ă  Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Soc.Sc. 2008) pour parler de ce qu’elle fait pour bĂątir des ponts et cĂ©lĂ©brer la diversitĂ© en tant que cadre bilingue dans l’industrie de la musique et du divertissement au Canada.

    La retranscription de l’épisode est disponible en français et en anglais.

    Invité: GeneviÚve CÎté (LL.L. 1992) la directrice générale du Festival international de la chanson de Granby
    Animatrice : Gwen Madiba (B.Sc.Soc. 2008, M.Sc.Soc. 2012)
    Production : Équipe de relation avec les diplĂŽmĂ©s de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa
    Productrice : Rhea Laube
    Son : Richard Villeneuve
    Soutien à l’enregistrement : Pop-Up Podcasting

    Des questions ou des commentaires? Écrivez-nous Ă  [email protected]. Suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et LinkedIn.

  • Harley Finkelstein (LLB ’09, MBA ’09) is an entrepreneur, lawyer, and the president of Shopify. He is one of the “dragons” of CBC’s Next Gen Den, was listed as one of Fortune’s 40 Under 40, and was named University of Ottawa Alumnus of the Year in 2021. Lindsay Taub (MEd ’10) is a child and family therapist at Child in Mind, an Ottawa-based child psychology clinic. She serves on the board of directors of Ottawa Salus, an agency that provides supportive housing and mental health services to individuals in need. In this conversation, Harley and Lindsay discuss their campus romance as well as how a spirit of curiosity and entrepreneurship informs their family and professional lives. The interview includes a special spotlight question from Amaan Merali and Jamal Abdullah, who are uOttawa Start-Up Garage alumni and cofounders of Unique America.

    (In English only with English and French transcript available).

    Transcripts of this episode are available in English and French.

    Guest: Harley Finkelstein, LLB ’09, MBA ’09 and Lindsay Taub, MEd ’10

    Spotlight Question: Amaan Merali and Jamal Abdullah, uOttawa Start-Up Garage alumni

    Host: Gwen Madiba, MA ’12; BSocSc ’08

    Theme Music: Idris Lawal, BCom ’15

    Production: University of Ottawa’s Alumni Relations team

    Producer: Rhea Laube, MA ’12

    Sound Engineer: Richard Villeneuve

    Recording Assistance: Pop-Up Podcasting

    Please send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • Mina Lux (BSc ’90; BASc ’92) is an entrepreneurial marketing, business and product leader based in New York. She has held a series of top online marketing positions for the likes of USA Today and Scientific America. She co-founded two tech companies,—FloNetwork (a Deloitte Top 100 Fastest Growing Company in Canada) and Meelo Logic (which earned her a Gold Stevie Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year). Mina discusses pioneering the first technology platform that allows business to send emails as a way of generating leads and building revenue, as well as, drawing on her engineering degree to “spot the trend”. Special spotlight question to Mina from Aleeza Ladhani (BASc-Eng ’21 and Gee Gees Women’s Track and Field 2015-2017), technology analyst at Accenture and co-founder and CEO of Choloket.

    (In English only with English and French transcript available).

    Transcripts of this episode are available in English and French.

    Guest: Mina Lux (BSc ’90; BASc ’92)

    Spotlight Question: Aleeza Ladhani (BASc-Eng ’21 and Gee Gees Women’s Track and Field 2015-2017)

    Host: Gwen Madiba, MA ’12; BSocSc ’08

    Theme Music: Idris Lawal, BCom ’15

    Production: University of Ottawa’s Alumni Relations team

    Producer: Rhea Laube, MA ’12

    Sound Engineer: Richard Villeneuve

    Recording Assistance: Pop-Up Podcasting

    Please send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • L’animatrice Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Sc.Soc. 2008) s’entretient avec Caroline Monnet, diplĂŽmĂ©e de la FacultĂ© des arts et artiste de descendance anishinaabe et française originaire de l’Outaouais, au QuĂ©bec. Ses Ɠuvres ont abondamment Ă©tĂ© exposĂ©es et projetĂ©es partout dans le monde, notamment dans le cadre d’une exposition permanente de l’UNESCO Ă  Paris, Ă  la Haus der Kulturen der Welt Ă  Berlin et dans de grands festivals de cinĂ©ma comme le TIFF, Sundance et Cannes. Elle nous explique comment elle utilise l’art visuel et la vidĂ©o pour exprimer des idĂ©es complexes en lien avec l’identitĂ© autochtone, en combattant les rĂ©percussions du colonialisme et en utilisant les mĂ©thodologies autochtones pour actualiser des systĂšmes aujourd’hui rĂ©volus. Elle rĂ©pond Ă©galement Ă  la question spĂ©ciale de Jon-Ethan Rankin-Kistabish (LL.L. 2018), membre de la PremiĂšre Nation Abitibiwinni, avocat au cabinet Murdoch Archambault et membre du Conseil des diplĂŽmĂ©es et diplĂŽmĂ©s autochtones de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa (en français seulement; la retranscription est disponible en anglais et en français).

    La retranscription de l’épisode est disponible en français et en anglais.

    InvitĂ©: Caroline Monnet, diplĂŽmĂ©e de la FacultĂ© des arts et artiste de descendance anishinaabe et française originaire de l’Outaouais, au QuĂ©bec (https://carolinemonnet.ca/)
    Question spĂ©ciale : Jon-Ethan Rankin-Kistabish (LL.L. 2018), membre de la PremiĂšre Nation Abitibiwinni, avocat au cabinet Murdoch Archambault et membre du Conseil des diplĂŽmĂ©es et diplĂŽmĂ©s autochtones de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa .
    Animatrice : Gwen Madiba (B.Sc.Soc. 2008, M.Sc.Soc. 2012)
    Production : Équipe de relation avec les diplĂŽmĂ©s de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa
    Productrice : Rhea Laube
    Son : Richard Villeneuve
    Soutien à l’enregistrement : Pop-Up Podcasting

    Des questions ou des commentaires? Écrivez-nous Ă  [email protected]. Suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et LinkedIn.

  • Sylvie LĂ©gĂšre (BCom ’91) is a social entrepreneur, impact investor, philanthropist, and author of Trust Your Voice: A Roadmap to Focus and Influence. Her passion for women's empowerment inspired her co-founding of The Policy Circle, a non-profit organization committed to public policy dialogue that has grown into a community of over 13,500 members across 44 states in the US. Sylvie discusses creative ways to foster community engagement and as part of the Ricketts family her inspiring community work with the Chicago Cubs. Special spotlight question to Sylvie from Meg Beretta (BScSoc ’17), director of digital strategy for the Nova Scotia Digital Service.

    (In English only with English and French transcript available).

    Transcripts of this episode are available in English and French.

    Guest: Sylvie LĂ©gĂšre (BCom ’91), Sylvie LĂ©gĂšre website

    Spotlight Question: Meg Beretta (BScSoc ’17)

    Host: Gwen Madiba, MA ’12; BSocSc ’08

    Theme Music: Idris Lawal, BCom ’15

    Production: University of Ottawa’s Alumni Relations team

    Producer: Rhea Laube, MA ’12

    Sound Engineer: Richard Villeneuve

    Recording Assistance: Pop-Up Podcasting

    Please send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • L’animatrice invitĂ©e Marie Turgeon (B.A. 1988) s’entretient avec Daniel Lamarre (D.U. 2012; B.A. 1976), vice-prĂ©sident exĂ©cutif du conseil d’administration du Groupe Cirque du Soleil et auteur de L’Équilibriste : Performez grĂące Ă  votre crĂ©ativitĂ©. Une question spĂ©ciale lui est posĂ©e par le doyen de la FacultĂ© des arts de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa, Kevin Kee (en français seulement; la retranscription est disponible en anglais et en français).

  • L’animatrice Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Sc.Soc. 2008) s’entretient avec Tanya Lapointe (B.A. 2000), productrice exĂ©cutive sur Dune et co-fondatrice des Productions sur le toit, une entreprise vouĂ©e Ă  la production de documentaires. Une question spĂ©ciale lui est posĂ©e par la diplĂŽmĂ©e Kenya-Jade Pinto (J.D. 2017), cinĂ©aste en rĂ©sidence au Refugee Law Lab de l’UniversitĂ© York (en français seulement; la retranscription est disponible en anglais et en français).

    La retranscription de l’épisode est disponible en français et en anglais.

    Invité: Tanya Lapointe (B.A. 2000), productrice exécutive et co-fondatrice des Productions sur le toit
    Question spĂ©ciale : Kenya-Jade Pinto (J.D. 2017), cinĂ©aste en rĂ©sidence au Refugee Law Lab de l’UniversitĂ© York
    Animatrice : Gwen Madiba (B.Sc.Soc. 2008, M.Sc.Soc. 2012)
    Production : Équipe de relation avec les diplĂŽmĂ©s de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa
    Productrice : Rhea Laube
    Son : Richard Villeneuve
    Soutien à l’enregistrement : Pop-Up Podcasting

    Des questions ou des commentaires? Écrivez-nous Ă  [email protected]. Suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et LinkedIn.

  • Samantha Bee (BA ‘94) is the host of the popular American late-night TV show Full Frontal with Samantha Bee which offers a satirical take on the weekly news. She is a comedian, writer and producer and was previously the longest serving correspondent on Comedy Central’s Daily Show. Samantha discusses the transformative role uOttawa had on her career path and the potential of political satire to activate democratic engagement. Special spotlight question to Samantha from alumna Dr. Elizabeth Dubois (BA ’11) Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Arts at the University of Ottawa.

    (In English only with English and French transcript available).

    Transcripts of this episode are available in English and French.

    Guest: Samantha Bee (BA ‘94), Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

    Spotlight Question: Elizabeth Dubois (BA ’11)

    Host: Gwen Madiba, MA ’12; BSocSc ’08

    Theme Music: Idris Lawal, BCom ’15

    Production: University of Ottawa’s Alumni Relations team

    Producer: Rhea Laube, MA ’12

    Sound Engineer: Richard Villeneuve

    Recording Assistance: Pop-Up Podcasting

    Please send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • L’animatrice Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Sc.Soc. 2008) s’entretient avec Philippe Falardeau (B.Sc.Soc.1989), rĂ©alisateur canadien connu pour ses Ɠuvres comme Monsieur Lazhar, nominĂ© aux Oscars, ainsi que des films hollywoodiens tels que The Good Lie avec Reese Witherspoon et, plus rĂ©cemment, My Salinger Year avec Sigourney Weaver et Margaret Qualley. Philippe discute du mĂ©tier de cinĂ©aste et de l'avenir changeant de l'industrie cinĂ©matographique. Cet Ă©pisode comprend une question spĂ©ciale de Papa Orleans-Minnow (B.A. 2015) animateur du balado Ă  succĂšs “Pops Culture” (en français seulement; la retranscription est disponible en anglais et en français).

    La retranscription de l’épisode est disponible en français et en anglais.

    Invité : Philippe Falardeau (B.Sc.Soc.1989), réalisateur et scénariste
    Question spĂ©ciale :Papa Orleans-Minnow (B.A. 2015) animateur du balado, “Pops Culture”
    Animatrice : Gwen Madiba (B.Sc.Soc. 2008, M.Sc.Soc. 2012)
    Production : Équipe de relation avec les diplĂŽmĂ©s de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa
    Productrice : Rhea Laube
    Son : RIchard Villeneuve
    Soutien à l’enregistrement : Pop-Up Podcasting

    Des questions ou des commentaires? Écrivez-nous Ă  [email protected]. Suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et LinkedIn.

  • In this episode, host Gwen Madiba (MA ’12; BSocSc ’08), is joined from Toronto by creator, executive producer, host and speaker alumnus Jesse Jones (BA ’03; Gee Gees Men’s Basketball ’00-’02), head of Jones & Jones Group. Jesse explores the twists and turns his path has taken in the entertainment industry, his Jamaican Canadian roots and the importance of carrying on family legacy. He also shares about his new role as host of season one of the Bachelor in Paradise Canada that launches fall 2021 on Citytv. This episode includes a special spotlight question by alumna CiCi Moya (BA ‘11) content creator, host and health advocate. (In English only with English and French transcript available).

    Transcripts of this episode are available in English and French.

    Guest: Jesse Jones, BA ’03; Gee Gees Men’s Basketball ’00-’02

    Spotlight Question: CiCi Moya, BA ‘11

    Host: Gwen Madiba, MA ’12; BSocSc ’08

    Theme Music: Idris Lawal, BCom ’15

    Production: University of Ottawa’s Alumni Relations team

    Producer: Rhea Laube, MA ’12

    Sound Engineer: Richard Villeneuve

    Recording Assistance: Pop-Up Podcasting

    Please send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • In this episode, host Gwen Madiba (MA ’12; BSocSc ’08), is joined from Los Angeles by celebrity fitness trainer alumna Jeanette Jenkins, founder and president of the Hollywood Trainer. Jeanette talks about her journey to reaching millions online with her workouts and the evolving landscape of the fitness industry. She shares inclusive fitness tips for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds to motivate, build confidence and embrace healthy living. This episode also includes a special spotlight question by alumnus Trevor Monaghan (Gee Gees Men’s Football ’97-’01) member of the Cree Nation of Chisasibi, and fitness manager of the Chisasibi Fitness Center located on the eastern shore of James Bay in Northern Quebec. (In English only with English and French transcript available).

    Transcripts of this episode are available in English and French.

    Guest: Jeanette Jenkins, Faculty of Health Sciences Alumna

    Spotlight Question: Trevor Monaghan, Gee Gees Men’s Football ’97-’01

    Host: Gwen Madiba, MA ’12; BSocSc ’08

    Production: University of Ottawa’s Alumni Relations team

    Producer: Rhea Laube

    Sound Engineer: Nathalie Nadeau Mijal

    Recording Assistance: Pop-Up Podcasting

    Please send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • L’animatrice Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Sc.Soc. 2008) s’entretient avec l’une des personnalitĂ©s montrĂ©alaises les plus influentes de la mode au pays : Chantal Durivage (B.A. 1993), fondatrice et VPE, DĂ©veloppement crĂ©atif du Groupe Sensation Mode. Elles abordent le rĂŽle de la mode dans l’expression de soi, les vĂȘtements Ă©coresponsables, l’avenir des ventes au dĂ©tail et la diversitĂ© corporelle. Cet Ă©pisode contient aussi une question d’Isabelle Gauvreau (B.A.V. 1997), artiste visuelle, propriĂ©taire et styliste privĂ©e de la boutique ottavienne Isabelle Mode (en français seulement; la retranscription est disponible en anglais et en français).

    La retranscription de l’épisode est disponible en français et en anglais.

    Invitée : Chantal Durivage (B.A. 1993), fondatrice et VPE, Développement créatif du Groupe Sensation Mode.

    Question spéciale :Isabelle Gauvreau, B.A.V. 1997, propriétaire et styliste privée, Isabelle Mode

    Animatrice : Gwen Madiba (B.Sc.Soc. 2008, M.Sc.Soc. 2012)

    Production : Équipe de relation avec les diplĂŽmĂ©s de l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa

    Productrice : Rhea Laube

    Son : Nathalie Nadeau Mijal

    Soutien à l’enregistrement : Pop-Up Podcasting

    Des questions ou des commentaires? Écrivez-nous Ă  [email protected]. Suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et LinkedIn.

  • uOttaKnow Podcast on Afrobop and the power of music for healing

    Idris Lawal
    (BCom ’15)
    Recording Artist
    Account Executive, Cossette

    Spotlight Question:
    Liautaud H Philogene (King H)
    (BSocSci ’17)
    Recording Artist
    Vanier Community Service Centre, Coordinator

    Host Gwen Madiba (MA ’12; BSocSc ’08), is joined by Afrobop Toronto based recording artist, Idris Lawal (BCom ’15) for a conversation on the power of music for social change and healing. Idris released his debut EP Young, Black & Blue in June 2020 exploring his experience as a black man and how it has shaped his worldview. This episode also includes a special spotlight question by Haitian Canadian musician, Liautaud H Philogene (BSocSci ’17) who works under the artist name King H. (In English only with French transcript available)

    Purchase Idris Lawal's music here.

  • Saison 2, Ă©pisode 1 – Adopter une mentalitĂ© olympique (avec Jean François MĂ©nard)

    26 janvier 2021

    Dans cet Ă©pisode, l’animatrice Gwen Madiba (M.A. 2012; B.Sc.Soc. 2008) s’entretient avec Jean François MĂ©nard (M.A. 2007; B.Sc. 2005). Deux fois diplĂŽmĂ© de l’UniversitĂ©, ce prĂ©parateur mental a travaillĂ© auprĂšs d’un groupe incroyable d’athlĂštes de haut niveau comme les champions olympiques Scott Moir et Tessa Virtue ainsi que le champion du Super Bowl Laurent Duvernay-Tardif. La conversation porte sur des stratĂ©gies concrĂštes Ă  adopter pour composer avec l’incertitude et accroĂźtre sa rĂ©silience, comme Jean François MĂ©nard l’explique dans son livre L'olympien au bureau: La prĂ©paration mentale des grands athlĂštes transposĂ©e au monde du travail. Un segment de l’épisode est consacrĂ© Ă  une question spĂ©ciale de Kaly Soro (B.A. 2019; Ă©quipe de volleyball fĂ©minin des Gee-Gees 2013-2018), entraĂźneure adjointe principale de l’équipe de volleyball fĂ©minin des Gee-Gees.

    Veuillez noter que cet Ă©pisode a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© Ă  distance en raison du confinement liĂ© Ă  la COVID-19 en Ontario. L’éloignement entre l’animatrice et l’invitĂ© a eu une incidence sur la qualitĂ© audio.

    Transcription en français à venir.


    Season 2, Episode 1 – Think Like an Olympian (with Jean Francois MĂ©nard)

    January 26, 2021

    In this episode, host Gwen Madiba (MA ’12; BSocSc ’08), is joined by mental performance coach and two-time graduate, Jean Francois MĂ©nard (MA ’07; BSc ’05), who has worked with an incredible roster of elite athletes such as Olympic champions Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue, Super Bowl Champion Laurent Durvernay-Tardif. They discuss practical strategies on how to manage uncertainty and build resilience from his book “Train Your Brain Like An Olympian - Gold Medal Techniques to Unleash Your Potential at Work". This episode also includes a special spotlight question by head assistant coach, Gee Gees women’s volleyball Kaly Soro (BA ’19; Gee Gees Volleyball, Women’s ’13-’18).

    Please be advised that this episode was recorded remotely due to the COVID-19 province wide shutdown in Ontario. The audio quality was effected by the remote locations of our host and guest.

    English transcription coming soon.

  • The podcast is hosted by Gwen Madiba (MA ’12; BSocSc ’08) and produced by the Alumni Relations team. To learn more, and to read a transcript or translation of this episode, please visit: www.uottawa.ca/alumni/uottaknow-podcast

  • The podcast is hosted by Gwen Madiba (MA ’12; BSocSc ’08) and produced by the Alumni Relations team. To learn more, and to read a transcript or translation of this episode, please visit: www.uottawa.ca/alumni/uottaknow-podcast

  • La situation mondiale entourant le nouveau coronavirus (aussi connu sous le nom COVID-19) est complexe et Ă©volue rapidement. Dans ces circonstances, nous souhaitons mettre de l'avant les options qui s'offrent Ă  vous si vous souhaitez obtenir du soutien psychologique Ă  distance, que ce soit en ligne, au tĂ©lĂ©phone ou encore hors campus : https://www.uottawa.ca/mieuxetre/covid-19/soutien-depuis-chez-soi

    Cet épisode est en français. Pour une transcription de cet épisode, et plus d'informations sur uOCourant, visitez notre site web. L'épisode deux sera en anglais. Restez à l'écoute.

    This episode is in French. For an English transcript of this episode, and more information about uOttaKnow, visit our website. Episode two will be in English. Stay tuned.