È da secoli circondato da superstizioni e leggende nere. È stato il palazzo dei papi e dei re d’Italia. Oggi il Quirinale è il centro del potere italiano. Tutto ruota intorno alla presidenza della Repubblica: interessi politici ed economici, equilibri interni e assetti internazionali, trame occulte e campagne mediatiche. Per questo tutti i principali leader hanno coltivato l’ambizione di occuparlo. Per questo ogni sette anni le elezioni presidenziali si trasformano nel palcoscenico su cui consumare gli intrighi repubblicani. In Romanzo Quirinale, Marco Damilano racconta le stagioni più misteriose della storia d’Italia.
Sei puntate, una ogni giovedì.
Romanzo Quirinale è un podcast di Marco Damilano prodotto da Chora media
scritto con Tommaso De Lorenzis. Supervisione suono e musica di Luca Micheli. Post produzione e montaggio di Guido Bertolotti e Matteo Miavaldi. La cura editoriale è di Sabrina Tinelli con Alessia Rafanelli. Il producer è Matteo Perkins. I fonici di presa diretta sono Michele Boreggi, Roberto Colella e Alessandro Romano. Il fonico di studio è Jacopo Lattanzio
Si ringraziano Radio Radicale, le Teche Rai e l’Istituto Luce per i contributi di archivio -
Due ospiti in disaccordo su un tema specifico saranno i protagonisti di ogni puntata: un dibattito serrato e informale in cui Andrea Scanzi, Luca Sommi e Marco Travaglio di volta in volta cercheranno di trovare nei due protagonisti i punti di disaccordo (o accordo) riguardo al tema in questione.
Guarda tutti gli episodi di Accordi e Disaccordi su discovery + senza pubblicità >
Five-minute bites of background about the Court and Constitution — provides unbiased information and context for fully understanding the Supreme Court and ongoing disputes related to democracy and constitutional law. Learn to appreciate the complexity of constitutional questions, and make more informed decisions as voters and active citizens.
Hello all! Welcome to the Pivot! The purpose of this podcast is to discuss in detail the geopolitical implications of the 21st century as we gravitate from a definite American unipolar international order to a nascent multi-faceted, multi-polar international system. This podcast looks to extensively address the question "how did we get to where we are now?" and the question, "where do we go from now?"
In order to do this, we must understand the powers of history, civilization development, technology, identity, and geography so that we can properly shed light on the true realities of our world. Through monologues, dialogues, interviews, and open-ended discussions, the Pivot seeks to provide a platform of intellectual engagement, assessments, awareness, and a learning environment! This podcast hopes to accomplish a new understanding of international relations, international security, and national security as we embrace and confront new challenges to the sustaining of our political institutions! This is intended to be a fun yet informative podcast hosted and organized by ambitious, knowledgeable, and determined individuals that wish to raise awareness and live lives of service to government, more specifically foreign policy, defense, and national security. -
Podcast di attualità e politica estera, per l’alto mare aperto.
In the Just Economics podcast, economist Ioana Marinescu (, associate professor of public policy at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice and research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research explores what we actually know about how policies and labor markets work, including the science behind job creation and unemployment insurance.
Each episode introduces the work of an eminent scholar whose research provides evidence that empowers us to create a more just world. In some episodes, Ioana will be joined by her colleague, Katherina ‘Kat’ Rosqueta, founding executive director of Penn’s Center for High Impact Philanthropy and adjunct faculty at Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice. Together, Ioana and Kat will discuss the implications of the guest scholar’s research, with Ioana focusing on the policy implications, and Kat focusing on the implications for philanthropy – i.e., private action for public good. -
Welcome to Tech Unmanned, a new podcast hosted by Lindsey Sheppard and Kaitlyn Johnson at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Technology is at the heart of just about every defense issue and modernization priority for the United States defense enterprise. Tech Unmanned features guests with both policy expertise and technical expertise in order to break through the national security jargon and technology hand-waving to get to the core of the technical realities of these emerging capabilities, benefits to development, and the barriers to success. Tech Unmanned is released every other Tuesday, starting on June 29, 2021.
Es un breve resumen sobre los derechos humanos en materia penal, en la legislación mexicana.
Exploring Solutions to Monopoly Problems
Following forty years of laissez-faire antitrust enforcement and industry consolidation, the White House is considering a fundamental rethink of how to interpret, enforce, and rewrite antitrust law, and many questions remain unanswered for the antitrust community.
On the heels of federal and state litigation against Google and Facebook, is Amazon next? Will the new administration put big agriculture, big banks, and big pharma in its crosshairs? Will the courts stop antitrust enforcers in their tracks? Will the Biden administration get cold feet?
The Capitol Forum Podcast provides in-depth discussions with antitrust experts about the answers to these questions and about proposed solutions to the biggest monopoly problems of our time. Backed by the investigative resources and intellectual rigor of The Capitol Forum, Executive Editor and host Teddy Downey examines the effects of the current concentrations of market power across a vast array of industry verticals as he and his guests analyze the potential responses from the federal government. Offering thoughtful conversations with analysts and decision makers, The Capitol Forum Podcast provides everyone from C-Suite executives to policymakers, and all those in-between, strategic antitrust insights at the intersection of law, policy, and markets.
Economia, attualità, politica, interviste ad esponenti politici, esperti di settore e personaggi del web, con un linguaggio tecnico ma accessibile.
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Il podcast su quello che Capita nella Capitale. Intorno al 25 del mese un nuovo episodio, per rimanere sempre aggiornati su Roma e fare bella figura a cena.
Occuparsi di lavoro è una cosa complessa. Non si tratta solo di un bilancio tra chi cerca e offre lavoro. Quando parliamo di lavoro parliamo di persone, dei loro sogni, delle loro famiglie.
Di diritti e doveri, speranze e opportunità. Benvenuti ai podcast di Anpal Servizi. -
Il racconto di Venezia dal punto di vista dei veneziani e di chi vive e lavora in questa città. Un podcast che nasce a Venezia, insieme ai veneziani, ma vuole parlare a tutti.
Realizzato da Nicolò Porcelluzzi e Leonardo Nadali, prodotto da Associazione Closer. -
Una storia tutta Italia sulle responsabilità
El gobierno de Colombia está acabando la gente
I podcast su economia, libertà e politica dell'Istituto Bruno Leoni
Voices of Family brings you thought-provoking discussions with fascinating figures and front-line workers in the family service community -- in an entertaining audio format. Listen in to monthly podcast interviews with some of Canada’s most interesting thinkers in the family services sector. We’ll examine the important issues of the day, and take a look at what’s on the horizon — new research, new programs, new services.
Entrevista a un civil acerca de la situación del país.