M1 mudras
M2 mantras
M3 meditation
or physical and psychological health two main factors are necessary
1. Food: How important food can become as medicine or poison ? Give info to listeners about the the nutritional contents and reactions that food can make our body. Will try helping listeners on How food can help us in not just becoming healthy but also help us in reaching the goals of our life.
2. Yoga for Physical and Pscycolgical fitness : Health is complete only when person is fit not just Physically but also emotionally and mentaly. I will explain listeners that yoga is not only for physical system but also for other systems exist in a person. -
Our passion is to introduce Buddhist Values and Japanese culture. We will have interviews with authors, scholars, ministers, and artists. There will also be discussions and, to liven things up, we will have live performances.
In this podcast series, you'll learn Buddhist philosophy from a Western perspective. The episodes are short and concise, but the teachings are profound. Listen to Dhamma & Dharma for free on your smartphone or tablet, or subscribe to get new episodes delivered straight to your inbox every week.
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Let's Learn Buddhism in simple English
Soothing, gentle meditations on the Heart Practices. For Recovery Dharma. With modified scripts to increase compassion and interconnection.
Is chanting all about Buddhism? What has Dhamma to do with our daily life? You are welcome to listen and explore the connection between Dhamma and life together, learn how to apply Dhamma in daily life and move towards happiness!
Huyền Không Sơn Thượng là một ngôi chùa ở thôn Chầm, phường Hương Hồ, thành phố Huế, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế. Chùa thuộc hệ phái Phật giáo Nguyên thuỷ, được Hoà thượng Giới Đức khai sơn năm 1989.
Author: Master Jun Hong Lu
Published by 2OR Guan Yin Tang Culture Centre
Email Address: [email protected]
Address: 2A Holden Street,Ashfield NSW 2131, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9283 2758
Website: -
This is a series of bite-sized conversations between two mates, Max & Dumi, focused on deconstructing and demystifying Early Buddhism. In each episode, we'll introduce a different topic in a secular and informal way, and cover how to actually apply these Buddhist concepts to real life.Each season will be dedicated to a certain aspect of Buddhist philosophy. We will be covering concepts from scratch, so if you are new, start at the beginning!
Bannockburn Presbyterian Church
IMS’s Forest Refuge has hosted experienced meditators since 2003. Its program is specifically designed to encourage sustained, longer-term retreat practice – a key component in the transmission of Buddhism from Asia to the West. Within a harmonious and secluded environment, meditators can nurture the highest aspiration for liberation. In consultation with visiting insight meditation teachers, a program of training in one or more Early Buddhist practices is created for each participant, allowing the continuing unfolding of deeper levels of wisdom and compassion. A personal retreat here strengthens practice, faith, confidence and self-reliance.
Let's be honest, the Bible can be challenging to understand, and with the constant changes in culture, one may question if it is even relevant to their lives and circumstances. Join Rico, a progressing (not perfect) follower of Christ as he helps explain Bible scriptures by sharing real-world stories of blessings and testimonies that actually have manifested in everyday people's lives. If you love listening to stories, every wondered why Christians believe the way that they do, or ready to gain a better understanding of the Bible and grow in your relationship with Christ, then this Podcast i
මහාවිහාරය වනාහි ථෙරවාදී බුදුදහමේ හදවතයි. ප්රථම ධර්මසංගායනාවෙන් ත්රිපිටකයට නැංවුණු බුදුවදන නිවැරදි අර්ථකථන සමඟ පරම්පරාවෙන් පරම්පරාවට සුරක්ෂිත කළේද, ත්රිපිටකය ග්රන්ථාරූඪ කරමින් එහි චිරපැවැත්ම තහවුරු කළේද, පසුකලෙක ඇතිවුණු අධර්මවාදී වූ අභයගිරික ආදී විපරීත මත ඛණ්ඩනය කරමින් ථෙරවාදී බුදුදහම රැකගත්තේද මහාවිහාරයයි. මේ එලෙස රැකගත් නිවැරදි ධර්මය ඇසුරු කරමින් උතුම් නිර්වාණ මාර්ගයේ ගමන් කිරීමට කැමති ධර්මකාමී ගිහි පැවිදි පින්වතුන් හට පහසුවෙන් ධර්මය ශ්රවණය කිරීම සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කෙරෙන 'මහාවිහාරය පොඩ්කාස්ට්' නම් ධර්ම සත්කාරයයි.
Harnessing the Strength and Serenity of a Rhino through the teachings of Buddha."Avoid the evil companiondisregarding the goal,intent on the out-of-tune way.Don't take as a friendsomeone heedless & hankering.wander alone like a rhinoceros.Consort with one who is learned,who maintains the Dhamma,a great & quick-witted friend.Knowing the meanings,subdue your perplexity,[then] wander alone like a rhinoceros."- Buddha, Khaggavisana Sutta
We are all just trying to make sense of our uncertain times. What if there were timeless wisdom we can draw from?
Narellan Community Congregational Church is a faith community in the southwest of Sydney, Australia, seeking the free, full, and forever life Jesus promised. In his teaching and example we have found timeless wisdom for uncertain times.
The episodes of this podcast provide recordings of our weekly sermons or a deep dive into a topic arising out of those sermons. If you have any questions, comments, or kudos, you can contact us via our website at We would love to hear from you!
On our website you will find show notes for each episode, videos, links, and other resources to help you on your journey.
Inspiring stories of Australian Kadampa Buddhists sharing how their meditation journey started, what their favourite practices are, what difficulties they have encountered along the way and how they use meditation to overcome them.
We'll be posting a new Kadampa Story often, so make sure to subscribe to enjoy each new story.
This podcast series is hosted by Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia, it isn't the official Kadampa podcast channel - for that, you can find wonderful short teachings at: -
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We created "Lotus in Life" because we wanted a conversational exploration of Buddhist concepts and relate it to daily life from two perspectives, one from youth and one from experience. These podcasts serve as our personal commitment where delve deeper into our faith and gain deeper understandings of the practice.
Disclaimer: This is not an official SGI video, it just our personal project.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.