
  • Everyone likes surprises when you get money. Nobody likes surprises that cost you money. Especially when you've been doing all you can to keep expenses low. When you've tried to do the right thing, but out of nowhere the WCB springs a bill on you that you didn't expect.

    What's worse, there isn't much of an understanding why. There is no explanation. Only there was a recalculation and you owe them money.

    In this episode I share the 3 most common reasons WCB premiums increase and what you can do about it.

    Do you have an idea for an episode? Maybe you're facing a WCB issue you want addressed?

    1. Go to workerscompsimplified.com

    2. Click the "contact an expert button"

    3. Tell us!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • You have a plan and it's not working. You can't make sense of the situation, but your team is looking to you to guide them to achieving the goal.

    How you react in chaotic situations can be the difference between a fantastic come back story or a complete breakdown.

    In this episode, I talk about how I help clients bring their teams back from the brink. What strategies I took from pro sports to help folks like you achieve the goals you want even when they don't start the way you wanted.

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
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  • Getting the story of what happened when a worker reports symptoms sets the foundation of how you're going to handle the WCB claim going forward. When you reenact an incident, it's important to get certain things right to really leverage this great resource. It's just another tool to have when you need it.

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of doing a reenactment as well as the 3 areas you want to focus on each time.

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • Have you ever wondered if you're the only one that worries about stuff when it comes to WCB? In this episode we share the questions and concerns we get from clients and listeners wanting to get rid of the fear that comes with dealing with WCB claims.

    In today's episode we discuss the strategies I use when writing a WCB appeal letter. I share what the responsibilities are of WCB in Canada...and it's not what you think...and a lot more!

    Have a question for future episode?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.comClick the "contact an expert" buttonSend us your questions.

    It's really that simple!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • Common knowledge says that to avoid a WCB claim, just offer modified duties. While that is a piece of the puzzle there are several things you should consider before it gets to this point to help you avoid the dreaded "lost time claim."

    Join me in discussing other ways successful companies avoid lost time claims.

    Think you have a question that is worth noting on the Monthly Mail Bag episode?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.com and click the “contact an expert button” you never know. It could be featured in our next episode!

  • After many discussions over the years debating different topics, some of the most heated have been when someone deserves a second chance and when you should cut them loose. Move on...or...cancel them from society.

    I don't care what side of the fence you're on, but this episode helps unravel the process and decision making that goes into giving someone a second chance.

    Have your own thoughts about this episode? Have a topic for a future episode?

    Then go to workerscompsimplified.com....click the "contact an expert" button and let us know!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • Whether your front line workers, the CEO, or someone in between, you have a job to do. That job is never more important than when there is pressure to achieve a result. That's because you're often counted on meeting that pressure and getting the job done.

    Yet, we've all seen it. Professional athletes falling short at the most critical times. Co-workers being unable to do the simplest things because the "pressure got to them."

    How you deal with pressure can not only determine your own success and mental health, but also the success of the organization that counts on you.

    Drawing on my experience in workers compensation, professional football, and as a mental performance coach, I'll discuss the common situations that cause us pressure and 4 things you can do to overcome it.

    Want to get in touch with me directly?

    Go to https://workerscompsimplified.com/Click the "contact an expert button"Tell me what's on your mind or how I can help.

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • WCB is making horrible decisions on the simplest of claims. Bosses that don't support you or understand what you need to get the job done. Tools and resources that are needed seem to never be available or are "not in the budget."

    This is just some of things we're going to discuss, but is quickly becoming the reasons more and more health and safety professionals are feeling burned out.

    Come join me on this discussion and perhaps even feel free to weigh in!

    Do you have any thoughts or questions you want answered? Perhaps featured on a future episode?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.comClick the "contact and expert" buttonLeave your comment / question

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • Why would someone withhold information from a co-worker. Why would a department that relies on the sharing of information do the exact opposite?

    In this episode I discuss what is information hoarding, some of the reasons people will do this, and what I think is the remedy to this terrible disease.

    Have a question you want featured on the Workers Comp Simplified Podcast?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.comClick the "contact an expert" buttonSend the question / message!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • Back by popular demand, I open up the mail bag from listeners and answer some of their biggest worries and concerns when it comes to WCB claims.

    Today we focus on two key areas. Using surveillance in WCB claim and managing an angry workforce.

    Why are your employees angry? How does having a WCB claim complicate things. More importantly, how can you help an angry worker buy in to the program again after suffering a WCB claim. I share the 3 areas I focus on that's helped me turn around not only the worker, but entire organizations and how they manage angry workers.

    Have a question you want answered?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.comClick the "contact an expert" buttonWrite your question and hit send

    Make sure you subscribe to this episode to hear your question get answered on future episodes!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • I've worked with some great people over the years. Many you could easily make a dream team of health and safety, HR professionals. Then again, there have been times where the team was not so great. Times where I could have done a better job.

    In today's episode, we discuss why team dynamics are so important and how to determine if you're being a good teammate. How to rally others around you as it relates to WCB claims.


    Think you have a question that is worth noting on the Monthly Mail Bag episode?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.com and click the “contact an expert button” you never know. It could be featured in our next episode!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • You don't work in WCB claims without wanting to freak out on someone at least once. Decisions don't go your way. People not listening. Bosses who don't give a care. Workers that won't cooperate. Seems like any side of the fence you sit on, there is problems to be had. These problems sometimes lead to anger, frustration, and anxiety for all involved.

    In this episode we dig deeper into the causes of these emotions as they relate to WCB claims and what you can do to keep control when all you want to do is lose control.

    Have a question you want featured on an episode?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.com and click the “contact an expert button” you never know. It could be featured in our next episode!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • When WCB claims happen, it can affect an workers ability to earn an income and a company to turn a profit.


    People want to believe WCB is about more than the money. Perhaps it is.

    In this episode I'll discuss my thoughts on this polarizing topic and go over some special scenarios sent to us by YOU! The Simplifier Community.

    I will dissect the real life scenario and how it impacts both worker and employer. Letting you decide...

    Is WCB claims management all about the money?

    You be the judge.

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • The popularity of the Workers Comp Simplified Podcast is growing! Thanks to you what started off as a resource for the Simplifier community has now resulted in dozens of emails asking questions about WCB claims management and appeals.

    Well in this episode, I’ve selected the most common…and perhaps odd questions sent in from listeners just like you. With it I answer pressing questions to help you better manage and understand the workers compensation system.

    Think you have a question that is worth noting on the Monthly Mail Bag episode?

    Go to workerscompsimplified.com and click the “contact an expert button” you never know. It could be featured in our next episode!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • A common phone call I get is to let me know a worker has reported symptoms that could be work related, but they also have a pre-existing condition. How should you respond to this?

    In this episode I share the biggest mistake employers make when facing a pre-existing condition and how you can avoid it to save thousands of dollars on WCB premiums.

    In addition, we'll discuss should you manage the claim, how best to do so, and get rid of the myths that could hurt you.

    Other things we'll discuss are:

    2:30: What is a pre-existing condition?
    4:40: How should you deal with a pre-existing condition?
    12:10 Aggravation of a pre-existing condition
    16:21: Responding to different scenarios
    18:05: The process

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    WCB Online courses for employers:

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • The WCB system was never perfect…but it didn’t have to be. It was just supposed to hold on to its promise which is to take care of injured workers in the most cost-effective way for the employer.

    More and more evidence is coming up and it has a lot of people asking questions.

    Well Simplifiers I’m pissed and so are many of you.

    When I reflected on the past year, and replayed the conversations with folks just like you, it makes sense why we can’t help but wonder why the WCB system is so messed up and is there any way to change it.

    In an emotionally charged discussion I delve deeper into:

    Why the WCB system is broken, Who needs to fix it, How to fix it,

    and how to protect you, your company, and your employees.


    1:18 - Intro to why I have beef with the WCB system

    5:18 - Getting rid of common myths around the WCB system

    10:49 - My grievance with the WCB system

    11:32 – Trends in WCB decision making

    12:33 – The #1 reason the system is broken

    13:30 – The effects of a broken system

    15:46 – When Workers Comp goes on strike!

    17:02 – A reflection on the calls I get from you everyday

    20:00 – Finding the answers

    24:49 – What poor customer service looks like

    28:05 – A new perspective

    32:57 – Solutions

    Change starts with you. Together we can make a difference.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    WSIB Goes on Strike Blog:

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • The problem with WCB claims is they're unpredictable. They're unpredictable because they involve people. People with thoughts, feelings, and emotions that can change in an instant. This can cause a normal situation to become chaotic if you're not ready.

    In this episode, I'm going to share the strategies I've used over the years to feel in control no matter how chaotic things may get on a WCB claim. Whether I'm managing or appealing a claim, it helps when you feel under control. It also helps in keeping things at work instead of bringing it home and taking it out on people you love.

    In this episode you'll learn such things as:

    How to deal with multiple incidents that happen in a short period of time
    How to get control of the situation right nowThe key to getting control of "cluster" claimsHow to make decisions during chaosHow to get buy-in to the plan from people around you

    If you've ever stressed about WCB claims, then this is an episode you can't miss!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • It is said that "the devil is in the details" which is to say that something may seem simple, but it's the details that complicate things and cause problems.

    This is exactly what we are talking about in this episode. Too often we are quick to avoid the details and just want to get the job done. A worker reports an injury and we ask 2-3 questions, have them fill out some paperwork and then we're done.

    When someone reports a WCB claim to you, you want to get ALL the details to avoid the problems that come later on. You become a story teller, someone that influences other people. How can you influence them if your WCB investigation doesn't include a proper interview of witnesses and the injured worker?

    Together we will walk the journey of a key part of the WCB story. You want to make sure to grab a pen and paper when listening to this episode!


    As promised in the episode I offer an online course called:

    How to Interview Workers in a WCB Claim


    For a 15% discount on the course check out the episode for the discount code!

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • Our minds don’t come with an operation manual. We go through life dealing with positive and negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. As health and safety staff, you’re often called upon to be there for the company and injured workers.

    The stress and anxiety stay with us and follows us whether we are at work or at home. How then can we improve our mental health while meeting the ever-increasing demands at work?

    Why not ask one of Canada’s highest rated clinical psychologists?

    I introduce to you Dr. Monica Vermani.

    0:00 - Introduction

    4:35 - Key note speeches

    11:27 – Understanding your symptoms

    15:53 – Explaining maladaptive behaviors and how they hurt us

    17:05 – Challenging our mental health struggles

    19:00 – How the past affects the future you

    20:19 – How do I talk to someone I think needs help

    24:50 – The impact of past psychological trauma

    26:20 – How are physical symptoms related to psychological issues

    31:56 – Talking mental health symptoms and seeking help

    35:50 – Where you want your life to be?

    40:25 – Being well adjusted to a sick society is unhealthy

    49:15 – When you can’t change your situation, you must change yourself

    55:28 – 4 Levels of Energy and how stress happens

    61:00 – Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

    64:10 – Getting assistance with your corporate wellness program

    68:00 – Dr. Vermani Book – A Deeper Wellness (Must read!)

    72:00 – Final thoughts

    Who is Dr. Monica Vermani?

    Dr. Vermani specializes in the treatment of trauma, stress, mood, and anxiety disorders. She is also a speaker, author, and mental health advocate. In 25 years of private practice, Dr. Vermani has treated thousands of patients through Supportive Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Breath-Body-Mind (BBM) practices, and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). She is the author of A Deeper Wellness and The PCMAD (Primary Care Mood and Anxiety Diagnoses): The Development of a Diagnostic Tool to Detect Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Depression.

    She is the founder of Start Living Corporate Wellness, which offers game-changing corporate wellness initiatives that address the underlying mental health issues that impact individuals and groups, with a dynamic suite of customizable training and support to help keep employees engaged, productive, happy, and whole.

    Her latest book, A Deeper Wellness, and its companion A Deeper Wellness Life Lessons online mental health program provides the tools to create a deep, authentic sense of wellness and well-being, take readers through the same tried and true multi-disciplinary approach to treatment that has been successful in creating incremental, meaningful change for hundreds of patients and groups.

    She is also a regular contributor to Psychology Today, and has shared her expertise in a wide variety of media outlets, including Forbes, Business Insider, Oprah Daily, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Martha Stewart, Men’s Health, The List, Yahoo!Life, Daily OM, Parade Magazine, POPSUGAR, Parade, Vitamin Shoppe, CNN, NBC, CTV, CITY TV, Global TV, HIVE, Hamilton Today With Scott Thompson, and Radio-Canada, The Globe and Mail, Shondaland, HuffPost, Well and Good, and Fast Company. You can watch Think About It!, Dr. Vermani’s recent TedX UofT TedTalk about understanding and conquering negative thinking and self-limiting narratives and beliefs, is available to view on YouTube.

    Check out her website, drmonicavermani.com where you can register for her upcoming masterclass on Conquering Negative Thinking!

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    FREE Mental Health Exercise: https://www.drmonicavermani.com/workers Dr. Vermani Website - https://www.drmonicavermani.com/Dr. Vermani Corporate Wellness Solutions - https://www.mvstartliving.com/Link to purchase book: A Deeper Wellness - Anxiety | Book A Deeper Wellness Authors Page | Toronto

    Contact Anthony Butkovic | Workers Comp Simplified:

    Website: WorkersCompSimplified.comLinkedIn: Workers Comp SimplifiedYouTube: Workers Comp Simplified
  • You’ve been notified of a WCB claim…but it was reported late. Your team hasn’t done their jobs properly and now you’re missing information. The claim has flown off the rails and this isn’t the first time.

    There already isn’t enough time in the day to do everything you need to and now this! As the pressure mounts, it’s easy to point the fingers at the people you count on…but are they truly the ones to blame? Could it be they are results of a broken system.

    Time to roll up your sleeves and put your hands in the mud to uncover what’s really going on. But where do you even begin?

    In this episode, Anthony will discuss just that! Including:

    where to focus your attention, what the symptoms of broken system look like, and what you can do to bring it back to health.

    BONUS: Also included in this episode are Anthony’s tips to help make you the one person your team can rely on when they need you the most.