What better way to escape the world's troubles with weather patterns and political upheaval dominating our life than spending time with us as we review everything Phantom from February 2025. We review comics from Australia and Germany, catch up on the newspaper adventures printed on Comics Kingdom and discuss every bit of Phantom related news from around the world.
We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world.
If your one of the phans who can only listen to some parts of the podcast, below is a timeline of what we discussed.
Daily / Sunday Adventures Progress
Daily #268 - "The Spark" by Tony DePaul and Mike Manley: 1 MinSunday #196 - "The Princess of Songhai" by Tony DePaul and Jeff Weigel: 20 MinsAustralia (Frew Comics)
Frew #1989: 27 Mins"Deadly Conspiracy" by Norman Worker and Georges BessFrew #1991: 31 Mins"The Devil Road" by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy"The Impostor" by Lee Falk and Ray Moore"The Toad Men" by Lee Falk and Wilson McCoyFrew #1990: 34 Mins"The Lost Valley: Maelstrom" by FelmangFrew #1992: 47 Mins"The Lost Valley: Two Princesses" by FelmangGiant Size #32: 55 Mins"The Haunted Mine" by Giorgio Cambiotti and Lamberto LombardiGermany (Zauberstern Comics)
Zauberstern #17: 59 MinsNews from around the world
Tony DePaul’s health (link): 1 Hr, 2 MinsThe Phantom video game updates: 1 Hr, 4 MinsMoonstone news (link): 1 Hr, 9 MinsMad Cave Studios announce artist Russell Mark Olson (link): 1 Hr, 11 MinsMad Cave Studios Defenders of the Earth news (link): 1 Hr, 13 MinsPreview of Aristocrat Gaming pokie machine (link): 1 Hr, 15 MinsVoting for best cover and adventure published in Fantomen 2024 (link): 1 hr, 18 MinsShatki Comics at Kolkata book fair (link): 1 hr, 20 MinsAustralian Comic Convention Dates (link): 1 hr, 21 MinsWe can only report and discuss what we have seen or been told, We may miss something especially conventions in your corner of the world with Phantom related guests. Please let us know of them so we can promote them on our website, socials and podcasts. We are looking for reviewers who can review comics from India, Sweden, Finland, France and Italy. If you would like to join the team with regular reviews, please contact us.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast.
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The 2025 Frew annual deserves a stand alone review and we spend a good 70 minutes dissecting it. The theme for this years annual is a monster theme with 8 stories with a mixture of colour & black and white over 220+ pages. What do we like, what do we not like and what rating do we give it? Listen and or watch and find out. Do not remember to let us know what you agree and or disagree with.
Annuals are nothing new from around the world with British comics publishing them in hardcover albums during the 1950’s to the 1980’s as well as other countries publishing them. Frew published their first annual in 1991 and it was an instant hit.
Frew published their first one in 1991 and it was an instant hit. Rumours are that it sold out overnight and many collectors bought dozens as investments. Ever since, Frew has released an annual. Bar the odd year (3?), a replica edition of the Frew comics have been released. Loved by some and loathed by others but they are a staple along with the annual.
Since the Frew Crew has stood in the gap left by Jim Shepherd, they have released themed annuals with War, artists, Girl Phantom, Cowboy Phantoms, Animals of Edan and now its The Phantom vs The Monsters.
For those who want to cherry pick there way through the podcast, we have listed what we disscused and the time stamps. We would however suggest you listen / watch to the whole podcast ;)
History & background of the Frew annuals: 2 MinutesOverall thoughts on the annual: 4 Minutes & 30 SecondsStories"The Ghost and the Wolves" by Andrew Constant and Jason Paulos: 17 Minutes & 30 Seconds"Nema" by Andrew Constant and Jason Paulos: 24 Minutes"Looking Back" by Andrew Constant and Giancarlo Caracuzzo: 29 Minutes"Golem" by Johan L. Borgnes and Hans Lindahl: 36 Minutes"Kuma the Creature" by Felmang: 40 Minutes & 30 Seconds"The Mummy's Curse" by Janne Lundström and Jaime Vallvé: 50 Minutes"The Vampire in Carpatia" by Ulf Granberg and Jaime Vallvé: 54 Minutes & 30 Seconds"Creature from the Black" by Dean Rankine and Marcelo Baez: 1 HourOur score of the annual: 1 Hour, 4 Minutes & 30 SecondsWe love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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Happy birthday to the Phantom & happy anniversary to us celebrating our 300th podcast. We wanted to share the celebration with the Phantom!
We were joined by Jeff Weigel and Mike Manley the newspaper story artists. Tony DePaul, unfortunately had to cancel due to some health reasons which we briefly cover during the podcast and or you can go to our website for more information.
To help celebrate this milestone with us, we were joined by some of our patreon supporters, CC contributors and other fans from around the world. We had representatives from Brazil, USA and Australia join us and we hope they had as much phun as we did.
If your one of the phans who can only listen to some parts of the podcast, below is a timeline of questions and other topics what we have discussed.
Introductions: 1 MinuteWhy do we not see the Phantom drinking milk anymore and drinking alcohol?: 4 MinutesTony DePaul and King Features choosing on what to 'keep' and what to rework in phandom: 12 MinutesThe creators history with the character & their research: 18 Minutes & 30 SecondsDo you have a preference drawing period or modern stories?: 25 MinutesWhy did Jeff Weigel change the Phantom's costume for past Phantoms: 32 MinutesWill Mike Manley be using the new Jeff Weigel designs of the Past Phantom?: 37 MinutesOther changes to the Phantom costume with the utility belt and the change out of the Mr Walker trench coat: 38 MinutesDo you have any input on the sizes of how the strip appears on different mediums from phones to newspapers?: 44 MinutesWill we be seeing a new direction of a romantic element introduced to the newspaper stories?: 52 MinutesWill "The Spark" Daily newspaper story that is current, be the coming of age story for Kit? 58 MinutesHow important it is to have an interest in a wide range of art styles & direction: 1 Hour & 5 MinutesHow learning how to paint landscapes has helped Mike Manley draw his jungle backgrounds: 1 Hour & 13 MinutesIf you where in charge of King Features, what is the one thing you would do?: 1 Hour & 16 MinutesWhat will happen with the Phantom as it nears public domain?: 1 Hour & 22 MinutesWhat do you think will be your greatest legacy to the character?: 1 Hour & 26 MinutesGoodbyes: 1 Hour & 31 MinutesWe love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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We are padding out our episodes as we want to release our 300th podcast with the Phantom's birthday. This will be 299B where we discuss the latest comics from around the world including Australia, USA, Sweden and Germany. Unfortunately due to the Frew 2025 Annual being delayed, we will be doing a 299C episode in a weeks time for the annual. We may have stolen the A and B issues from Frew but never had a C issue lol.
If your one of the phans who can only listen to some parts of the podcast, below is a timeline of what we discussed.Australia (Frew Comics)
Frew #1986: 6 Mins"The Breakout" by Tony DePaul and Mike Manley"Dungeons Undone" by Tony DePaul and Mike Manley"The Journey Home" by Tony DePaul, Mike Manley, Bret Blevins and Jeff WeigelFrew #1987: 22 Mins"The Island of Rada Mandi" by unknown Fratelli Spada creator, Giorgio Cambiotti and Lamberto Lombardi"A Madman in the Jungle" (Prose Story) by unknown Fratelli Spada creator"The Disappearance of Karina" by unknown Fratelli Spada creator, Giorgio Cambiotti and Lamberto Lombardi"The Flood" (Prose Story) by unknown Fratelli Spada creatorUSA (Mad Cave Studios)
Defenders of the Earth #4: 47 Mins“Whiplash” by Dan DiDio and Jim CalafioreSweden (Fantomen)
Fantomen 25&26-2024: 57 Mins"Resan hem" ("The Journey Home") by Tony DePaul, Mike Manley, Bret Blevins and Jeff Weigel"Tågligan" ("The Train Gang") by Donne Avenell and César Spadari"Mörkrets väktare" ("Guardian of the Eastern Dark") by Lee Falk and Sy BarryGermany (Zauberstern and Zack)
Zauberstern #16: 1 Hour, 2 Mins"Gefahr in der verbotenen Stadt Teil 3" ("Duel in the Skies") by Peter David and Sal Velluto"Gefahr in der verbotenen Stadt Teil 4" ("Free Fall") by Peter David and Sal Velluto"Python schlägt zu" ("Justice for the Python") by Tony DePaul and Paul Ryan"Insel des Grauens" ("Crocco Island West") by Tony DePaul and Paul RyanPhantom Spezial #1: 1 Hour, 6 Mins"Woduros Geheimnis" ("Woduro's Secret") by Claes Reimerthi and Graham Nolan"Das Löwenkopfäffchen" ("The Lion's Head Tamarine") by Claes Reimerthi and Graham NolanZack #1: 1 Hour, 9 Mins"Die verschwundenen Base Jumper" ("Captured from Above") by Bernd Frenz and Janusz Ordon"Gefährliche Wasser" ("Dangerous Waters") by Bernd Frenz and Janusz OrdonYou can email us at [email protected] or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review.
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We are padding out our episodes as we want to release our 300th podcast with the Phantom's birthday. This will be 299A as we discuss the latest Daily and Sunday stories that are running in newspapers and on the Comics Kingdom website. We will also discuss all the related Phantom news.
If your one of the phans who can only listen to some parts of the podcast, below is a timeline of what we discussed.
Daily and Sunday Newspaper stories
Daily 267: "The Skull and Jaw": 2 MinsDaily 268: 11 MinsSunday 195: "The Princess of Songhai": 22 MinsPhantom news
Mad Cave Studios #0 cover (link): 28 MinsMoonstone comics update (link): 33 MinsHermes Daily volume #33 out now: 34 MinsPhantom on the USA Comic Con Cruise: 35 MinsKFS Tea Fougner moves on: 37 MinsSigned NECA Phantom figurine comp (link): 39 MinsSteve playing the Phantom video game (link): 40 MinsVote for Fantomen 2024 best story (link): 46 Mins22nd Phantom saga returns in 2025 (link): 48 MinsMythos new Brazilian book: 56 MinsEditions Dante new TPB: 57 MinsFantomet new TPB (link): 59 MinsShakti Comics 2025 calendar (link) & book fair: 1 HourMallon diary out: 1 Hour, 3 MinsPhantom at Brickvention (link): 1 Hour, 4 MinsFan fiction prose Phantom adventures (link): 1 Hour, 8 MinsYou can email us at [email protected] or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram. We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. We would love to have your input on the following topics:
Do you like shorter newspaper newspaper stories?Do you like seeing the For Those Who Come In Late origin retellings?Do you like the Walkers crest?Do you like the comic cover by Greg Smallwood?Are you excited by the new Mad Cave Studios and Moonstone comic series?When do you think Hermes will stop their volume reprints?Who is going on the USA Comic Con Cruise?Have you voted for the Fantomen best story for 2024?Would you like to see an ongoing 22nd Phantom storyline?Do you like reading the Phantom in prose?Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast.
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Some phans will know that every year we review and discuss EVERYTHING that has been released from the year before and give our opinions on it. In 2024 there were 112 comics released over 14 countries from around the world and close to 30 different Phantom products released for phans to buy. That means every week, there is at least two Phantom comics and or items to purchase to add to your collection.
It is not easy to do this under two hours. Get your milk stout ready and join us.
We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
The Tale of the Tape:KFS - USA
4 Daily stories (1x started in 2023)2 Sunday stories (1x started in 2023)Frew - Australia
Regular issues: 26 (1961-1986)47 stories total66 in 2023, 54 in 2022, 58 in 2021, 60 in 2020, 69 in 2019. Less than in the previous 6 yearsGiant Size Phantom: 4 Issues. 7x Phantom related stories (8x in 2023. 4x in 2022)Fantomen - Sweden
19 Regular Issues, 3 TPBs, 4 Replica HC books, 1 HC collection, 1x Phantom in X9 magazine.34x stories in 2024. 13x repeat and 21x new. Less new stories than last two yearsHermes Press - USA
2 Daily (nothing since July)No Sunday HC books since May 2021Comics Revue - USA
6 issues (2x with Phantom covers)Mad Cave Studios - USA
4 issues1 TPBRegal - India
4 regular issues of English seriesShakti - India
3 issues (1 issue in 3x languages)Zauberstern - German
6 Regular issuesWick - German
2 Regular issuesOther German Series
Mitton HC & SC bookZackECR (1x HC, 7x regular & 1x supplement)Other Countries
Norway (1x Year Album)Finland (2x Softcover Albums)Spain (1x Daily reprint HC)Italy (1x Daily reprint HC & 1x TPB)France (1x TPB & 4x comics - 1x with Phantom cover)Brazil (1x HC)Denmark (1x HC)Greece (1x TPB)Hungary (1x HC)Irish (3x Digital comics & 1x Annual)Total 14x countries
Total 112x comics
Total 22x brand new storiesThanks to Christian, Mikael, Scott and Seuj who have helped us give a better world wide review of 2024. Below is a list of what we all vote on and give our views on what is the best from around the world in 2024.
Best Frew CoverBest Frew Cover Survey ResultsBest Fantomen CoverBest Indian CoverBest German CoverBest USA CoverBest Other Comic CoversBest WriterBest Story ArtistOverall Best Story published by FrewBest Story published by Frew Survey ResultsOverall Fantomen Best StoryBest Fantomen IssueOverall Best Indian Story PublishedBest Indian IssueOverall German Best Story PublishedOverall German Best IssueBest Frew issueBest Frew Issue Survey ResultsBest merchandise new in 2024Best Chronicle Chamber momentOverall reflection on 2024What will be the big news of 2025?Do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast.
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Some phans will know that we have reviews of all of the Mad Cave Studios Defenders of the Earth Series up on our YouTube Channel and website but we wanted to conduct a mid series review with the whole extended team. Join Stephen East, Dan Fraser and Jermayn Parker with our USA reviewer Scott Waldyn.
We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
The Phantom being a Ghost Who WalksCouncil of Phantoms. Do we like it? Do we hate it? Is it real?Does this Phantom behave like our Phantom or any Phantoms we have read in the chronicles?We discuss the oath of the Phantom being my 'son and their sons will follow' or should it be 'descendants'? If the DotE Phantom is the 27th. Kurt would then be the 28th, If the DotE Phantom becomes the Phantom again, will that make him the 27th or 29th? Was shrinking the mansion so Mandrake can take it in his pocket a clever way to get around the Phantom’s quandary? Zuffy's transformation into a laughable character to someone with bite.Lothars ex wife is mentioned. Dale is seen at end of issue 4. No mention yet of the Phantom’s wife and or Nardia.With the future Mad Cave Studios sand alone series. Would we like to see it outside the DotE arc? Do you like the series? What do you like and do not like?What do you think will happen in the next four issues?
Some of the discussion points we discuss are:We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. Do you like the series? The artwork? The plot? Or you have opinions on where the story will be going, please let us know. You can email us at [email protected] or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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We have fallen behind again with our monthly comics and news podcasts so this will be Episode 296B where we discuss and review the latest comics from around the world including Australia, USA, Norway, Sweden and Germany. There is 11 comics in total we will go through.
We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. At the bottom of the article, we list some talking points we would love to have your input on. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
If your one of the phans who can only listen to some parts of the podcast, below is a timeline of what we discussed.Frew (Australia)
Frew #1982: 4 MinutesFrew #1983: 15 Minutes & 30 SecondsFrew #1984: 26 MinutesFrew #1985: 33 MinutesOperation Domino storyline: 40 Minutes & 30 SecondsMad Cave Studios (USA)
Defenders of the Earth #3: 54 MinutesDefenders of the Earth #4: 1 Hour & 1 MinuteEgmont
Fantomen 222&23/2024: 1 Hour & 11 MinutesFantomen 24/2024: 1 Hour & 16 MinutesFantomen 25&26/2024: 1 Hour & 19 MinutesNorway Year Album: 1 Hour & 23 MinutesGerman Comics
ECR #91: 1 Hour & 28 MinutesYou can email us at [email protected] or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram. Remember if you comment, you automatically go into our draw for a monthly competition of free Chronicle Chamber swag.
We love comments and feedback from phans from around the world and would love to have your input on the following topics:
Was Prince Dar too dumb in Frew 1982? Did he remind you of the Lee Falk princes from the Misty Mountains?Which is the biggest bug bare? The Phantom getting knocked in the head or creators introducing new tribes?Does your copy of Frew #1984 have the correct pages and order or is it mixed up like Dan's and Jermayn's?Do you recognise this bad guy from the “The Black Ghost” storyline?Did you enjoy the Operation Domino storyline? Would you like to see the stories published together? Do you think it would be a good story for Team Fantomen or other publishers to publish?Do you like Fabio Alves art style? Would you like to see more Phantom from it?Do you generally like filler stories? Do they work better as stand alone fillers or multi part ones?Did you like The Phantom receiving an American passport and tying in Diana with part 7 and 8?What comics do you have from around the world? Do you like seeing reviews of other comics from around the world?What did you think about the Michael Thoor story? Do you see it as a Phantom story?Do you think the "To Wrack and Ruin at Gravelines" story works better read as one long story like it is presented in the Norway 2024 year album?Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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We discuss the latest Daily and Sunday stories that are running in newspapers around the world and all the related Phantom news that has been released around the world.
We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. At the bottom, we list some talking points we would love to have your input on. Remember if you comment, you automatically go into our draw for a monthly competition of free Chronicle Chamber swag.
Below is a timeline of what we discussed.Daily & Sunday Newspaper story progress
"The Avarice has Landed": 2 Min"The Skull and Jaw": 10 Min"The Princess of Songhai": 20 MinPhantom news from around the world
Mad Cave Studios announce new series (link): 27 MinPotential new collector card series (link): 34 MinPhantom Video Game Pre Orders open (link): 48 MinNew Phantom products on the Comics Kingdom website (link): 52 MinPhantom on the USA Comic Con Cruise (link): 57 MinThe Phantom returns to Australian in 2025 (link): 59 MinFrew Phile cards to end (link): 1 Hr, 2 MinFrew Cyber Monday sale: 1 Hr, 7 MinNew KFS agents for Australia/Oceania (link): 1 Hr, 10 MinGreece Phantom comic now on sale (link): 1 Hr, 13 MinSwedish comic Agent X9 12/2024 feat Phantom story (link): 1 Hr, 16 MinPaul Mason & Dean Rankine win Comic Book Artists Stanley Award for 2024 (link): 1 Hr, 17 MinYou can email us at [email protected] or chat with us via our social media profiles at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram. Would love to have your input.
Did you like the 'abrupt' ending to the "The Avarice has Landed"?What deeper meanings did you read into the "The Avarice has Landed" story?Can you handle the Phantom drinking alcohol or do you prefer him as a teetotaler?Are you looking forward to Mad Cave Studios new Phantom series?Would you buy any of the Saturday Morning Cartoon collector card series?Did you purchase any Phantom items using the 10% discounts on the Comics Kingdom or Frew website?Did you like the Frew phile card series?Do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast.
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Stephen East, Dan Fraser and Jermayn Parker catch up with the team behind the Phantom Video Game. With pre orders for the digital version of the game now open, we thought it would be a great opportunity for us to catch up with Ash Nicholls the Director behind Art Of Play, but also two of his colleagues who have left their imprint on the game.
Go here to pre order your digital and collector boxes
Anthony Spay is the illustrator of the art from the game who has Frew and Team Fantomen credits as writer and illustrator of the comics and the third guest is Matthew Cutler who is the 2D animator for Art of Play and is behind the magic of the Phantom and Diana fighting against tyranny on our Switches, PlayStation's & X-Boxes.For those who came in late, we have chatted with Anthony Spay before in Episode #188 (May 2021) and Ash Nicholls in Episode #242 (Feb 2023), #251 (May 2023) and #268 (Dec 2023). This is the first time Matthew Cutler has joined us on a podcast and he starts of the podcast explaining to us what he does for Art of Play and the Phantom video game.
We spend an hour talking shop and geeking out with the three creators as they spill the beans about behind the scenes information on the game. Some of the topics we chat about are:
How Anthony Spay got involved with the game.The process of hand drawing everything to animating it.What is drawn on traditional paper and what is drawn on the computer.What will be happening with the original artwork?The physical nature of the Phantom and Diana and how they are different to each other in the way they walk and fight.The differences drawing for comics to video gamesWhat is happening with the hand drawn original pencil and inked artwork?Will we see a Defenders of the Earth video game?The sprite backgrounds and how every one is hand drawn and unique.Some of the contents for the physical Limited Run collectors edition including the art book.We go over the future key dates in 2025.We would love your opinions on what we discuss in this podcast. You can email us at [email protected] or chat via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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The 100th iteration of the iconic Supanova pop culture convention, in Brisbane November 2024, was a landmark event, especially for Phantom fans who descended upon the city in numbers. This year’s gathering was a celebration of all things Phantom, with a host of activities and special guests that made it an unforgettable experience.
Among the highlights were appearances by talented Phantom cover artists Jamie Johnson, Alex Trpcevski, and Lauren Marshall. These renowned artists, each of them stars across many walks of fandom but known by Phantom phans for their work with Frew Publications, showcased their work with a range of prints, comics and commissions available . They each have recent, current, and upcoming covers which really added emphasis to the currency of our favourite character. Lauren, Alex and Jamie participated in an entertaining Phantom-themed sketch-off, much to the delight of fans who got to witness their creative process firsthand while peppering them with questions all the while.
Saturday was packed with social activities that brought the Phantom community even closer. The day began with a casual breakfast hosted by Chris and Kim Hill, where fans were treated to informal catch-ups and a delightful brekky to accompany a tour of Chris' Minor and Major Treasure Rooms in their newly established Skull Cave. It was a delight to see Chris' thoughtful displays of some incredibly rare and diverse Phantom memorabilia and connect over our shared passions.
The evening saw the inaugural Brisbane Phantom Phans’ Dinner, coordinated by the extraordinary Christopher Schaffer. This intimate gathering was set in a wonderful atmosphere, with a delicious menu and excellent company. A poignant toast was made to departed Phantom luminaries, including Lee Falk, Jim Shepherd and Richard Fry. Another highlight of the evening was a question and answer session with Shane Foley, Frew cover and story artist, who shared insights into his work and experiences, as well as passing some of his original art around for all to see. We're pleased to report that most of it got returned to him! Attendees were delighted to hear from Shane, making the dinner an even more memorable event.
Brisbane Supanova 2024 was more than just a convention for those of us with purple in our veins. Thanks to Christopher's initiative and the support of others, it was a testament to the enduring legacy of the Phantom and the vibrant community that continues to celebrate this beloved character. For those who couldn’t attend, be sure to listen to the related podcast, where you can hear interviews with the three artists at Supanova, their sketch-off, and the Q&A with Shane Foley at the dinner.
Here’s to many more gatherings and the continued adventures of the Ghost Who Walks!
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Jermayn Parker is joined by Team Fantomen editors Jacob Habinc and Andreas Eriksson as he asks them all the questions about what they are planning for 2025 which so happens to be their 75th anniversary birthday!
We first start off asking about the celebrations of 2025 and what they have planned. They tell us as much as they can and yet still hold back a few surprises which will be dropped as time goes by. If you want some hints, this is the podcast to listen to.Some of the secrets they tell us is that the celebrational issue will be in October 2025 and will feature as a double extended issue. Some of the reprint stories through out the year will be key classic stories that hold a special place in the history of the comic.
On top of the birthday celebrations, we also learn the following:
Some of the writers writing stories for 2025 will be Andreas Eriksson, Pidde Andersson, David Bishop and John Rassy who is back after a 7 year hiatus. Some of these creators will be writing two part stories.Some of the artists who will be drawing stories for 2025 are phan phav Janusz Ordon, Kasia Nie for her second story and Percy Ochoa who will be drawing his first Team Fantomen story who has previously drawn several Frew stories.The Phantom will be visiting Sweden and Australia.The theme for the hardcover collection will be stories from the 1970's. Can you guess the theme?2025 will see other covers tailored for events like conventions like they did for Uppsala comic convention in 2024.In addition to answering questions about 2025, we took the time to ask other generic editorial questions. For example:
What does Jacob Habinc look for in reprinting Frew and or Bastei stories?What are their views on AI and comicsDifferent art styles including Rafael Ruiz' new style.Would they prefer a Phantom movie and or a TV show?How closely do they follow the latest developments from the newspaper stories with Kit in the Himalayas, the updated office in the Commanders office and if past Phantoms need to follow the costume design designed by Jeff Weigel.If they could change one thing about the Phantom or their job with money not being a hinderance, what would it be?We would love your opinions on what we discuss in this podcast. You can email us at [email protected] or chat via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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Join us as we catch up with all the latest happenings with the Phantom from around the world in the month of October 2024. This podcast is truly international as we fly around dissecting Phantom related news from Sweden, Germany, Finland, Italy and Ukraine then review the latest Daily and Sunday newspaper stories and review comics from Australia, Sweden, Germany and USA.
We love comments and feedback from the Phantom phans from around the world. At the bottom of the article, we list some talking points we would love to have your input on.
Below is a timeline of what we discussedDaily & Sunday Newspaper story progress
Daily 266 "The Avarice has Landed": 6 Mins, 30 SecsSunday 195 "The Princess of Songhai": 19 Mins, 30 SecsTony DePaul's blog post about the start of this adventurePhantom comics
Frew Comics (Australia)"The Mystery of the Mali Ibex" (Frew #1980): 30 Mins, 30 Secs"The Coast of Chains" (Frew #1981): 40 Mins, 30 Secs"Operation Domino: Silent Running Chapter Four" and "Operation Domino: The Irregulars Chapter Five" (Frew 1981): 50 Mins, 45 SecsMad Cave Studios (USA)Defenders of the Earth #2: 1 Hour, 30 SecsEgmont (Sweden)Fantomen 20-2024: 1 Hour, 6 Mins, 30 SecsFantomen 21-2024: 1 Hour, 10 Mins, 30 SecsWick & Zauberstern (German)Wick #8: 1 Hour, 14 MinsZauberstern #14: 1 HourPhantom news
Zack Edition release Phantom series (link): 1 Hour, 22 MinsEditoriale Cosmo Italian book out: 1 Hour, 24 MinsFantomet 2024 Album out 8th Nov (link): 1 Hour, 25 MinsArki Design merch now out for sale (link): 1 Hour, 28 MinsSwedish Fantomen Subscription towel (link): 1 Hour, 34 MinsPhantom playset by ElastoWit (link): 1 Hour, 37 MinsWe would love to have your input on the following topics:
What would you like to see us do for our 300th episode?Are you enjoying the AI subject with the current daily story "The Avarice has Landed"?Do you think the humanoid looks like the real life Elon Musk?Do you like your Phantom stories featuring current and future technology?Do you agree that it is best for Frew not to print black and white versions of Don Newton stories?Do you see this Operation Domino storyline happening before the Phantom Goes to War Lee Falk story if it was happening in chronological order?Do you like the idea of these publishers from around the world creating books featuring their local countrymen stories?Will you be purchasing any of the Finnish products? Would you like to see Frew and or PhantomsVault sell them?Would you buy a Fantomen subscription just for the freebie of the beach towel?Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast.
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Dan Fraser, and Jermayn Parker join Janusz Ordon who is a Polish comics creator who has created Phantom stories since 2018. In short 6 years he has drawn 20 full length stories for Fantomen but also Frew. He has also drawn 6x Fantomen covers at the time of recording.
His prior relationship with Philip Madden a Fantomen writer.The art scene in Poland including Fantomen artist Kasia Nie who drew her first Fantomen cover and story in 2024.Janusz Ordon describes his style for the Phantom. How do you see his work?His style that works as well in black and white (Frew comic) and in colour (Fantomen comic). Do you have a preference? Talks about his process and how that can change depending on the style of the script and how inspired he is by it.What he gets from different writers and editors in terms of the scripts and references.How he deals with different scripts and references from the dozen Phantom writers & editors he has worked with.Challenges working on scripts.Playing with the panels to use splash pages when working on Claes Reimerthi scripts.His process of using digital and traditional mediums for sequential (roughs / layouts and final art) and the cover art.Why Janusz Ordon traditionally paints his Fantomen covers and will traditionally pencil and ink his next Fantomen story.His process of creating a cover for stories he did not draw. [Editors note: this will surprise you]Would you like to see a process of Janusz Ordon painting some Phantom illustrations?We ask Janusz Ordon if he is drawing the next parts of the 22nd Phantom saga?He gives us some feedback on our own comments from past podcasts about his work. Dan Fraser even apologies. Janusz Ordon lifts the lid on Kit and Heloise showing their eyes in the 22nd Phantom saga.
We start at the beginning which includes how Janusz Ordon first came to know about the Phantom from the Fantom (TM-Semic) series published from 1992 to 1993 in his home country. Other areas we touch upon and discuss are:You can follow Jansuz Ordon at his Art Station page. He will be releasing his new Instagram page soon.
We would love your opinions on what we discuss in this podcast. You can email us at [email protected] or chat via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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Join the extended team in Seuj Abir, Ivan Pederson, Scott Waldyn, Stephen East, Jermayn Parker and Dan Fraser as together they discuss the latest Phantom comics from around the world from Sweden, India, USA and Australia. It has been a busy two months with 9 comics in total.
We would love it if you could answer some of our questions and topics we raise from our reviews from August and September 2024 - you can find them at the bottom. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
If your one of the phans who can only listen to some parts of the podcast, below is a timeline of what we discussed.Frew Comics
Frew #1977: 1 MinuteFrew #1978: 3 MinutesFrew #1979: 18 Minutes & 30 SecondsGiant Size #30: 33 Minutes & 30 SecondsMad Cave Studios
Defenders of the Earth TPB: 40 Minutes & 30 SecondsIndian Comics
Regal Publishers #37: 50 Minutes & 30 SecondsShakti Comics #13: 59 Minutes & 30 SecondsFantomen Special Issues
"Djungelpojken Rex" Softcover TPB: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes & 30 Seconds"Älskade pirat" Hardcover TPB: 1 Hour, 15 Minutes & 30 SecondsYou can email us at [email protected] or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram. We would love some feedback on what we discussed on the podcast and on the following topics:
Do you like the Lightning Strike stories? Would you like to see more?Did you collect the original Lightning Strike comics?Do you prefer the Fratelli Spada stories printed in colour?Do you like prose stories? Would you like to see more?Would you like to see more of Grigori Rasputin in future Phantom stories?Are you enjoying the Operation Domino short stories?Do you like Fabio Alves artwork? Which Phantom do you think is featured in the Operation Domino short stories?Are you disappointed that Shakta have stopped printing their comics in Hindi and Bengali?Would you like to see English TPBs and collections like what Fantomen are producing?Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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Join the boys as together they discuss the latest Phantom news from around the world. We also keep up to date with the latest in the Daily and Sunday newspaper stories. It has been a busy August and September.
Please answer some of our questions we have from August and September 2024 - you can find them at the bottom. You can either email us, leave your comments at our YouTube Channel, and or leave them at our social media platforms in Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.
Our timeline of what we discussDaily & Sunday Newspaper Story Progress
Daily 266: "The Avarice has Landed": 3 Mins and 30 SecSunday 194: "The Commander Will See You Now": 15 Mins and 30 secPhantom News from Around the World
The Phantom Video game Pre Order from October 1 2024: 26 MinsPre Orders open for the 2025 Mallon diary, desk calendar and print (link): 30 Mins and 30 SecCover and details for the Fantomen 2025 Christmas album (link): 34 MinsItalian Editoriale Cosmo publishing Phantom stories created by Italians (link): 37 Mins and 30 SecNews to come out soon for a German publisher and a USA publisher: 44 MinsMatt Kyme talks about his new story on the radio (link): 45 MinsThe Koala Phantom from the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary was on Sale (link): 47 Mins and 30 SecJohn Cassaday passes (link): 50 Mins and 30 SecSpanish comic artist Jose María Ortiz Tafalla passes (link): 53 MinsFirst issue of the Lightning Strikes & TASQ school monthly digital mag is out (link): 55 MinsPhantom pins by Yesterday.com (link): 57 MinsEvents with Phantom creators: 58 Mins and 30 SecPhantom themed wine (link): 1 Hour & 30 SecWe would love some feedback on what we discussed on the podcast and on the following topics:
What would you like to see us do for our 300th episode?Are you enjoying the AI subject with the current daily story?Are you ok with Luaga seeing the Phantom unmasked?Would you have tried shooting the AI machine if you were in the Phantoms boots?Do you like the longer newspaper stories?Do you collect comics in other languages besides your native language?Do you like the idea of Matt Kymes new story currently being worked on?Do you like the idea of drinking a Phantom themed wine?Support the show
The team does not get a chance to nerd out too much by discussing the Phantom in finer details. This podcast fixes that with one podcasters wife commenting that this is perhaps our nerdiest conversation ever!
We will discuss two big questions: Is it ethical for the Phantom to have a major treasure room and is the key to the Phantoms future, the digital comic? To join in this discussion we have Seuj Abir from India joining Dan Fraser, Stephen East and Jermayn Parker.
We would love your opinions on what we discuss in this podcast. You can email us at [email protected] or chat via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.For those who have come in late, The Major Treasure Room houses artefacts from around the world throughout history that the Phantom has rescued or has been given to by people he has interacted with. The sole aim is to protect these items from fire, flood and destruction.
Throughout the past 60 odd years when it was first introduced, we have had stories created by from various Newspaper, Team Fantomen, Fratelli Spada and RGE creators. There has been nearly 100 different artefacts shown or have had stories written about them.
When the room was conceived by Lee Falk, the world was crazy coming off the second world war with various looted treasures being found. However is that still the case and should they be returned?
Our second and last Phantom hard question we will discuss in this podcast is the power of the digital comic. We have seen Lightning Strikes announcing their new monthly digital anthology, Comics Kingdom adding more importance with their digital daily comic website and three comic publishers in Frew, Fantomen and Mad Cave Studios releasing digital content.
Is it time for the Phantom to be pushed digitally more? Can the phantom comic survive without a digital presence?
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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During May 2024 there were a few comic conventions being held in Norway and Sweden. Thanks to phan Kristian Hellesund who has helped us with the recordings from the events we can now present them to you. It is a great opportunity to hear from some creators from around the world.
During this podcast we will hear from a panel discussion between Arild Wærness, Cormac Hughes, Knut Robert Knutsen and Kristian Hellesund. They will talk about their Phantom contributions including the Lightning Strikes comics.
The other Phantom artist we hear from are Mike Collins as he talks about about his history with the character, who he would like to see drawing the Phantom, his favourite stories, comparing him to other comic heroes and how to write stories from an African perspective.
As you would expect, a lot of the panels and discussions were held in the native spoken language which while are not included in this podcast will be uploaded on our website and YouTube Channel. If you do not speak Norwegian and Swedish, YouTube does allow automatic subtitles so if your nerdy enough, we would recommend clicking on that button.We will hear from phan, writer and editor Andreas Eriksson, fans writers of the Norwegian story that was originally published in Lightning Strikes Arild Wærness and Knut Robert Knutsen plus an interview from Kristian Hellesund with Fantomen writer Sverre Arnes who wrote 20 stories in the 1990's.
A huge thanks goes to Kristian Hellesund for the recordings and helping us collect these.
Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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Join the team as they review Phantom comics from and discuss the latest Phantom news from around the world. We also keep up to date with the latest in the Daily and Sunday newspaper stories.
Please answer some of our questions we have from July 2024 - you can find them at the bottom. You can either email us, or leave your comments at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
We discuss the newspaper stories first and then discussed the Frew stories instead of the comics. Let us know if you prefer this format.Daily & Sunday Newspaper Story Progress
Daily 266: "The Avarice has Landed": 2 MinsSunday 194: "The Commander Will See You Now": 9 MinsFrew Phantom Comics
Cover Discussion: 15 Mins"Bad Blood in Bangalla Part 6": 17 Mins"The Bat of Berlin": 22 Mins"Operation Domino, Part1 and 2": 32 Mins“The Highway Robbers”: 42 MinsUSA Phantom Comics
DotE Prologue: 46 MinsPhantom News from Around the World
KFS Phantom Trend Guide (link): 54 MinsMaku Brewing release new Mustanaamio designs (link): 56 MinsDai Darell dies (link): 58 Mins2024 Fantomen Softcover Album (link): 1 Hour2024 Ghost Who Walks Fantomen Album (link): 1 Hour and 4 MinsFantomen Year Album Subscription: 1 Hour and 5 MinsDenmark Fantomet HC album #1 on sale (link): 1 Hour and 7 MinsHungarian Fantom Daily story album (link): 1 Hour and 11 MinsLightning Strikes & TASQ school release monthly digital mag (link): 1 Hour and 13 MinsThe Phantom Express at the 2024 QLD Variety Bash (link): 1 Hour and 17 MinsWe would love some feedback on what we have discussed:
Are you enjoying the cameos with Eoin Musk, Richard Branson & Jeff Bezos?What do you think is happening with the Daily story? Where will this story go?Would you like to see the Leopard Men back?Did you like the Phantom being responsible for the death of an innocent in The Bat of Berlin?Does the Phantom wear his mask on behind his glasses?What Phantom do you see battles in WW2? The 21st Phantom or the 20th?If you are from Finland and can do a review of the Phantom themed beer, please contact us.Are Frew missing a trick by not releasing more special collected issues like Fantomen?Do you think we should see more digital Phantom comics?Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast.
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The Sydney weekend in June every year is the national phan 'Meca' weekend that a lot of hardcore Australian phans enjoy attending. For 2024, Chronicle Chamber team members Dan Fraser and Jermayn Parker made their way to the event and present a wrap-up of the event.
This podcast is the collection of our thoughts as we sit together in the same room for a podcast recording. Plus, we collect the recordings from the 2024 Sydney Supanova featuring Game of Play Director Ash Nicholls and writer Matt Kyme. Continuing the Phantom video game theme of the weekend, we include an early game play of the first few levels and Ash Nicholls' speech at the 2024 35th Lee Falk Bangalla Explorers Club dinner.Please note, we have not included the auctioning of the charity donated items in this podcast.
If you want to attend other Australia comic conventions for 2024, please visit our website and for more information on Lee Falk Bangalla Explorers Club events, please visit their website.
If you want to chat with us, you can email us at [email protected] or via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram. Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel.
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