
  • A few weeks ago now we launched The Base - a network and resource hub for yoga teachers.

    This episode is an exciting audio tour around The Base to tell you everything that you need to know, because we’re closing the doors at midday on Thursday 13th June for a little while, to focus on giving all the Base members the best possible experience!

    Expect a whistle stop tour around the network; the community aspect of The Base, then the knowledge base, which is our resource hub and lastly the meet ups that we have scheduled.

    Use code COMMUNITY for 25% off your first three months on The Base! Yes please!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This ep is taken from a super important masterclass held recently on The Base:

    How to boost your short term yoga income.

    Now many of our trainings for yoga teachers at Yoga Hero are £400... So I thought rather than talking about generating extra income in a hypothetical way, wouldn't it be great to have a figure to work towards, so, how about £400?!

    There's four suggested methods of boosting your short term yoga income.

    Within each of the four methods, we'll look at:
    - the general requirements so that you can determine what you already have in place, and as such, which method is going to be the easiest for you to implement.

    - common barriers, including mindset

    - next steps so that you can just follow the step-by-step to boost your income

    - how to hit 400 pounds with each method!

    In the interest of a disclaimer and full disclosure. I haven't taken into account any costs and there are no guarantees. You have to do the work. Some methods may work better for you than others, or they may not work at all. (Hopefully they will.)

    Enjoy yoga teacher!


    See the show notes here

    Shatter Imposter Syndrome, your FREE 3 day challenge, join here

    A complete guide to planning yoga workshops is here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

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  • Before we dive in, let’s be clear that the only thing that will help you build your confidence offering physical adjustment in your classes is:
    getting experience offering physical adjustments in your classes!

    There’s no shortcuts unfortunately!

    However, twice a year at Yoga Hero, we hold half day workshop to go through the stages of offering adjustments to yogis and then loads of time to practice under the watchful eye of our trainers, to give you the experience that you need to be able to feel confident offering adjustments

    The next workshop is 23rd June, held at Yoga Hero in Leeds and you are welcome even if you’ve never offered single physical adjustment before your entire life! You can expect to learn the stages of offering a physical adjustment, how to read people to see how the adjustment is landing on them and plenty of opportunity to practice practice practice.

    The Art of Yoga Adjustments Workshop - take a look

    So this is where we’re going:

    - We’re actually starting with a look at what confidence is, which might seem really obvious, but it’s actually quite interesting when you start to break it down

    - Then we’ll look at ways to get confident giving Yoga adjustments

    - We’ll look at the stages of giving physical yoga adjustments, including getting consent.

    - Finally will look at how to get feedback to check that the assumptions that you’ve made about the adjustment were correct


    See the show notes here

    Get your adjustments checklist here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • Introducing Sanskrit in to your yoga classes can be daunting for all the reasons we talked about in episode 41, which was ‘Should yoga teachers use Sanskrit?’

    However, it doesn’t have to be daunting. (Promise!)

    This episode is 7 simple ways to add Sanskrit in to your classes, let's take a look:

    Go slow and steady - no need to rushBuild confidence in your pronunciationSay the Sanskrit with the EnglishSuggest a mantra for your yogisLead a chantLead Pranayama techniquesPick your time, and yogis, carefully

    On The Base, we’ve got a pronunciation guide in our resources section for you to come back as often as you need to, to help with getting the pronunciation bang on, so Team Base keep your eyes peeled for that!

    If you’re not on The Base yet, use the code COMMUNITY for 25% off for your first three months!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is looking at a niggle in the yoga teaching world; competition from other yoga teachers.

    We’re looking at

    why a bit of competition is a good thinghow to not let it get the better of you - with practical, implementable tips here as alwayshow to stay in your lanehow yoga philosophy can helpunderstanding that more than one yoga teacher can thrive at a timehow we can build a network of collaboration over competition

    Let’s do this!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • One of the things that frustrates me endlessly about teaching yoga is:

    "Yoga is so beneficial, it should be accessible to absolutely everyone!"


    "Don’t teach for free! You’ll undervalue yoga!"

    This episode explores the question:
    Should yoga teachers care about money?

    We cover:

    Why yoga teachers often feel guilty about charging for classesWhy there’s commonly an issue with yoga teachers valuing their time, knowledge and effortsThe morality of earning money from yogaTeaching yoga for freeWhat about times when people genuinely can’t afford your classes And much more


    Let's do this!


    See the show notes here

    Learn about Convertkit Tips here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is exploring the answer, your individual answer, to the question: Should yoga teachers demo while teaching?

    We’ll look at some reasons to demo, some reasons not to demo, and a few things to bear in mind overall.

    Demoing, for many yoga teachers, takes a lot of the fear around teaching. Your body does the pose and that facilitates how you find the language to guide your yogis in to the pose. But, cultivating the skill to teach verbally only can be really really useful.



    Why teaching yoga is like using a sat navThe times when demoing is going to really help you (and your yogis)When demoing is NOT usefulTwo important things to bear in mind when demoing

    Useful resources and links:

    Your adjustments checklist - Get yours hereBuild confidence as a yoga teacher - Take a lookBook in your mentoring session with us here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is exploring the answer - your answer - to a question that’s probably asked in every single teacher training: Should yoga teachers use Sanskrit?

    We’ll look at some reasons for using Sanskrit, and some concerns around using Sanskrit, and then a few questions to help you make your own mind up.

    The absolutely incredible Sanskrit teacher; Hali Schwartz, coming to Yoga Hero in Leeds on 1st June to teach us a day of Sanskrit. So if you’re ignited and inspired to bring Sanskrit in to your classes, don’t miss this, it really is such a fantastic day! Take a look here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is essentially the epitome of this whole podcast: When we boil it down, it’s teaching what you love and making a fair living from that. Teaching yoga should pay your rent, it should put food on the table, it should pay all the bills and leave a little left over for a buffer or a rainy day or savings… This episode breaks down the ways that you can bring Yoga Nidra in to your offerings and your teachings to benefit you and your yogis.

    We’ll be looking at different ways to share and charge for Yoga Nidra, how much to charge for Yoga Nidra and some general inspiration too.



    See the show notes, and grab your handy worksheet, to determine the best way for you to share your Yoga Nidra with your yogis

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • There’s so many things that we want to do as yoga teachers; including keep a steady practice going for ourselves and add to our knowledge and ability to keep our offerings absolutely great for our yogis (and all our other roles and responsibilities too!)…

    This episode addresses the barriers to setting up and executing a regular Yoga Nidra practice, and - spoiler alert - it’s basically a repeating reminder to be kind to yourself. To refine that balance of the discipline, the tapas of setting goals and sticking to them, whilst layering in an understanding that life is busy, so how can we work with the busy in the most effective and enjoyable way.

    Here’s what we’re looking at:

    Prioritising kindnessRemoving all barriersPlan A and plan BCreating a virtuous cycle

    Much of this episode has been inspired by the completely inspiring and practical Yoga Nidra handbook - Radiant Rest by Tracee Stanley. Get your copy here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is a very special episode - it’s a Yoga Nidra for yoga teachers.

    But this is a yoga nidra with a difference. This special Yoga Nidra is designed to help you learn about Yoga Nidra whilst practising Yoga Nidra! You might - hopefully you will - be so relaxed that you feel like you’re not consciously taking the information in; like you’re not paying attention.

    But trust us, you will be.

    Trust that, the more you relax and let go, the more impactful the Yoga Nidra will be and the more you’ll learn all about it; for you, and for your yogis.



    Some wonderful journalling prompts for after your next Yoga Nidra practice - and remember - we're not worrying about spelling or sentence structure, just write, write, write!:

    * What does your heart long for?

    * Where do you need to surrender in your life?

    * What are you asleep to in your life?

    * Is there a recurring pattern that is caused by being asleep?

    Hat tip to Tracee Stanley for these moments of deep insight 🙏


    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is about the power of Yoga Nidra.

    We’ll start off with an introduction to Yoga Nidra, before looking at Yoga Nidra’s relationship to yoga philosophy. We’ll then dive in to the understanding Yoga Nidra’s impact on the brain wave states, and we’ll finish with a summary of the benefits in the context of everything that we’ve just learned.

    Yoga Nidra is such an underrated, powerful, impactful practice. Yoga Nidra, “yogic sleep” is a powerful practice that guides participants into a state of deep relaxation while maintaining a state of heightened awareness. Through systematic and guided meditation, Yoga Nidra leads practitioners into the realm between wakefulness and sleep, allowing them to access a vast reservoir of inner knowledge and healing potential.

    Yoga Nidra is well known for being a guided relaxation; the Queen of all repose, a nap, even a substitute for sleep itself. And it *is* all of those things.

    The thing is; it’s all of those things and much, much more.

    As yoga teachers, it’s likely that we’ll attract people to the practice of Yoga Nidra through expounding on the benefit of rest and relaxation, and as such, that’s where much of our focus will lie.

    However, as yoga teachers it is important that we understand and embody the knowledge that Yoga Nidra is a secret door to liberation.


    Yoga Nidra with Yoga Wisdom Training

    Unveil the depths of yoga through the transformative power of Yoga Nidra with Yoga Wisdom.

    This comprehensive training is designed for passionate yoga teachers who seek to deepen their understanding of Yoga Nidra, the art of conscious deep sleep, and explore the rich teachings of ancient yogic wisdom.

    Take a look here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is a bit different; it’s our first ever bonus episode, and it’s about my journey to becoming a full time yoga teacher.

    Our last episode; episode 35 was entitled ‘how to become a full time yoga teacher’, and I was acutely aware that the yoga teaching landscape looked so different when I made the leap a decade ago, than it does now, and I thought it might be useful to dig a bit deeper.

    So, if you’re not bothered about my story, and to be honest I wouldn’t blame you - this isn’t the episode for you and I’ll see you next time.

    But if you are, well here we go!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is all about how to become a full time yoga teacher, starting with a quick look at whether it’s right for you. Many people have a really romantic notion of what it’s like to be a full time yoga teacher but - while it can be an incredibly rewarding job, it is important to walk in to it with your eyes well open about the realities. There’s a harsh truth in there too, how lovely.

    Then we look at how to determine if now is the right time, or indeed, when the ‘right time’ is for you, including one of my favourite things - a ‘what if it all goes completely wrong’ plan.

    The good news is that you can follow these steps without actually making the leap and quitting your job, so, enjoy listening, get inspired, and at the end, you’ll be able to consider an informed decision as to your next steps!


    Get the show notes here

    Book in for your mentoring session here 🙌

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is focusing on balancing having a job and teaching yoga; including being really honest about what happens if and when these conflict, mindfully switching roles (I talked about the importance of this last week in episode 33: balancing parenting and teaching yoga), making sure that there is actually enough time for everything that you want to do, and what yoga philosophy says to help us prioritise.

    Get your free role switching meditation here

    Now that so many of us have the office in our pocket, the days stretch sneakily beyond 9 - 5, the weight of work weighs heavily and there always seems like there’s loads to do. This is a problem, there’s no doubting it. But what about when you have a second job of teaching yoga? Teaching yoga demands that you be at your best; inspired, energetic, clear and concise, physically able. And so - this could create a conflict.

    Your job demands a lot of you. Teaching yoga demands a lot of you.

    You’re not on your own, yoga teacher. This episode is designed to help you prioritise the elements and roles of your life in a way that will make you feel great. Oh and there’s a little side helping of harsh truth too (sorry).

    Enjoy! And remember, yoga teacher, you’re doing a great job.


    Get the show notes here 💜

    Book in for your mentoring session here 🙌

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is about balancing being a parent, and being a yoga teacher.

    Expect some food for thought about how you can manage and balance your unique set of circumstances, some tools and tricks and tips for balancing the demands of being a parent and a yoga teacher, and how to look after yourself in amongst all of this: how to prioritise, how to know when things are hitting the fan, and we’ll finish up some tools to ease the parent guilt.

    Throughout the episode I'm using the term 'parent', but please substitute this with how you identify, you might be a hopeful parent, a step-parent, a grandparent, a carer, a care-giver in any and all forms. You are so included, I'm just using 'parent' for clarity and efficiency.

    Just a heads up, too, that next week’s episode is balancing a job and teaching yoga, so that might be useful, albeit ever so slightly repetitive for you if you have a job as well as parent and teach yoga.

    Before we jump in, can we take a moment to recognise how both roles are caring roles; giving the best of you so that others; yogis and offspring, can access the best of themselves, and it really is commendable.

    From my heart to yours, one of the things that has helped so much is consciously switching roles from parent to yoga teacher, and back again. So much so, that I've created a meditation to help you, get yours here 💜

    Get the show notes here

    And remember, you are doing a great job 🙌

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • How to teach yoga workshops

    Before we dive in to the ‘how’ of teaching yoga workshops, let’s look at the ‘why’. In the interests of full disclosure here, I absolutely LOVE teaching, and attending, yoga workshops, so expect a healthy dose of shameless passion here!

    The benefits of teaching yoga workshops:

    Workshops are one off, so there's no ongoing commitment. So you can deliver workshops without having to be free every week- like you'd have to be for a weekly class. A fabulous way to dive deep into a subject or a topic that you're passionate about. Test the water on something with a workshop, to find out whether it go down well with your yogisEarnings from workshops generally have the potential to be higher than for a classTeam up with people who have similar or completely different skill sets.Once your workshop's planned, you can then teach it again and again, and again

    This episode is a step-by-step guide to how to teach yoga workshops; right from the conception, through the hosting, to the review afterwards. And yes - there’s a super duper guide to have to hand as you start to create and plan your yoga workshops, you can get yours here.



    Useful links:

    Episode 8 - Renting a space for yoga listen here

    Episode 12 - Staying in touch with your yogis listen here


    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • You’ve worked so hard to get your yoga teacher training certification. You’ve built up a following, got experience, even built up some confidence, and now feels like the perfect time to start teaching your own classes!

    It’s so exciting! You’ve got some mats, the space that you’ve found is perfect and you can’t wait… but… oh wait. People are asking how much your classes will be. And you just don’t know where to start…

    Does that sound familiar?

    If so - do not worry! By the end of this episode you’ll have a fool proof plan of action to set your prices for your yoga classes.

    In short, there’s two ways that you can approach the pricing of your yoga classes:

    To research what those around you are charging and price accordingly, orCharge what you need to, in order to cover your costs

    Both have their advantages and their disadvantages, let’s break each approach down and you can decide which will work best for you. If you’re on the move, please don’t worry at all - all the important information and your action steps are recapped in our worksheet, just go to foryogateachers.co.uk/podcast31 for your copy.

    Useful links:

    How to create your yoga brand listen here

    Sharing your yoga listen here

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • This episode is a complete guide to how to create yoga yoga brand. We'll be looking everything that you need to know to create your your brand, including why you need one in the first place, how it helps you with every aspect of being a yoga teacher - because I really do truly believe that it does - and how it helps to boost your confidence as a yoga teacher.

    Your yoga brand comes from having a defined, clear picture of who you are as a yoga teacher, what you offer, and who you want to teach. Now, that might sound blindingly obvious to you, or it might be a bit of a lightbulb moment. Either way. We're going to work our way through that in this episode.

    So this is where we're going!

    -> What is a brand?
    -> The benefits of having a clear, structured brand as a yoga teacher
    -> Who is in your space
    -> And finally, we'll look at a step by step process to creating your yoga brand!

    See the show notes here

    Grab your free 'How to create your yoga brand' workbook from yogahero.co.uk/podcast30 and get ready to define your yoga teacher brand. This is a huge, and very very important step in your teaching career, it's exciting!

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge

  • You're a yoga teacher because yoga has improved your life - possibly immeasurably - and you have a desire, a need, to share that with others.

    Whilst asana is a hugely important part of yoga, it's not the full story, and as such, as yoga teachers, sharing the full story; the roots and the history of yoga, is probably part of the job. But it's not necessarily a part of the job that comes easily, that's covered in yoga teacher trainings, that's even accessible...

    Well, this podcast episode aims to change that. It's full of practical tips to layer your asana classes with yoga philosophy, to weave in themes and wisdom without having to be fluent in Sanskrit, without having to be completely knowledgable about the entire history of yoga. Basically, we're aiming to take the reservations and fears out of sharing the fullness of what yoga is, whilst also deeply respecting yoga and all its roots.

    See the shownotes

    The Base

    A community for yoga teachers Take a look

    Training for yoga teachers

    Ibizan Yoga Teachers Intensive Sept 24
    Yoga Nidra & Yoga Wisdom Sept 24
    Restorative Yoga & Polyvagal Theory Nov 24
    Yoga & the Neurobiology of Stress Jan 25
    Myofascial Release, Energetic Anatomy and Yoga Feb 25


    Follow @foryogateachers

    Struggle with low confidence and self-doubt? Try the free Shatter Imposter Syndrome challenge