When a bear starts running towards you, that's never a good thing. So began an uncomfortable standoff between three women on a backpacking trip and a grizzly bear. Karen debriefs this encounter with Yukon Conservation Officer Dean McLean, who shares his bear safely insights. Take a listen, it could save your life.
This episode first aired in May 2023.Got something to say? Send us a text message! (US area code)
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Local funnyman Steve McGovern takes the “Yukon Questionnaire.” His current "down south" status, living in Vancouver, doesn't hold him back from sharing strong opinions about his northern hometown.
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Cows Go Moo might sound like child's play, but when they hit the stage it's anything but. While other Yukoners struggled to let off steam during the pandemic, six pre-teen musicians cranked their amps to 11, practiced like hell, and honed a set of classic covers and original bangers. Since their debut performance in March 2022, the band has experienced remarkable growth—several inches at least. This is the story of Cows Go Moo, produced by "father of a Moo" Mark Koepke.
*This episode first aired in April 2023.Got something to say? Send us a text message! (US area code)
This podcast is supported in part by Yukon Government, Department of Tourism and Culture. They’ll show you the Yukon of your dreams. travelyukon.com/better-day
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If you spend time in the wilderness, you've probably seen "Staying safe in bear country." Thirty years ago, Tanya Handley bluffed her way into a job that required keeping her cool in the face of a charging bear (and on at least one occasion, bears, plural). The footage and resulting film is still used as an educational resource practically everywhere in the world there are bears. This is a glimpse behind the curtain of how the bear video was made.
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Recent years have seen devastating fires in Albert and B.C. The Whitehorse South Fuel Break is part of a plan to prevent a similar disaster in Whitehorse. It won't stop a fire in its tracks but it will help firefighters respond. Jennifer Sharp and Carl Cibart of Yukon Wildland Fire Management tell us how it works.
*This episode first aired in May 2023. Some information may not be up to date.Got something to say? Send us a text message! (US area code)
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Haines Junction resident Dieter Gade is passionate about preserving music, which is why he produces the long-running JAM Live! one-hour radio program, featuring beautifully mixed recordings of musical performances in and around the Yukon. This episode ends with a performance from one of Gade's favorite shows, with Bruce and Deb Bergman performing “The Desert” at the Village Bakery in 2014.
Additional music clips from freesound.org under Creative Commons 0 license.
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Are you really having a good time if there isn't some suffering involved? Paul Burbidge might not think so. The Yukoner likes to take adventure to the next level, often tackling long hikes and bikes in uncomfortably short timespans. Karen tours "the pit" in an effort to discover what makes Paul tick.
Check out Paul’s website: pburbidge.exposure.co and read his story in the spring issue of Yukon, North of Ordinary magazine.
All music by Freesound CCO.
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The snow's gone so we're calling this summer. That comes with music festivals, bears, and a quirky sport played with mallets you've likely never heard of. Also, deep questions about dog breeds and an effervescent photo worth a thousand words. Find out what's coming at you in the summer series and YNoO magazine.
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We took the “Yukon Questionnaire” to Amy Kenny, editor of Yukon, North of Ordinary magazine, and she almost blew us out of our chairs with her enthusiasm for a particular fast-food chain. She also explains why she couldn’t get this place (the Yukon, not the greasy spoon) out of her head after her first visit.
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“I tried not to be a theatre producer once… and it didn’t work out well,” says artistic executive producer Katherine McCallum as her Larrikin Entertainment ensemble tours its latest show, Jenny Hamilton—Teenage Cult Leader, to the small community of Atlin, B.C.
This leads into a recorded performance of a segment we’ll call “The Only Dyke in the Yukon,” featuring words by Jenny Hamilton and music by Ashley Robyn.
Coarse language warning.
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Writer-producer Mark Koepke takes a deeper dive into Whitehorse’s “heritage homes"—yet another northern legacy of the federal government. It’s a subject that hits very close to home for many Yukoners, including Mark’s family, friends, and neighbours.
Episode credits:
"Look Busy" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The Canadian Army Newsreels from The War Amps
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL04CC43B7CD63C686&si=ZAy41sMpozt7OGWCGot something to say? Send us a text message! (US area code)
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A young Greg Karais literally followed a bread crumb trail north and landed in Dawson City, Yukon, where he parlayed his first great road trip into North of Ordinary Media. A conversation with host Karen McColl in late 2023 hints at where Greg and his beloved four-wheeled sidekick will be headed in the coming months as our road-tested podcast correspondent.
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Retired radio broadcaster Roch Shannon Fraser answers the inaugural audio version of our magazine’s long-running Yukon Questionnaire. He knows a prized caribou when he sees one and is among the few who know where the hell Rock River is.
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Photojournalist Peter Mather tours us through the dark streets of Whitehorse to look for urban foxes. Meanwhile, he shares about another project close to his heart: camera trapping the "ice" bears of Klukshu, who stay up late into the fall to feed on the salmon run.
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"I haven't had a single poetic thought about the Yukon wilderness since I've been home," says Peter Jickling in his poem, "Overdue Epistemology," which he reads from a balcony during a mid-winter poetry crawl in Whitehorse.
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Yes, it's winter, but in this biz we're always planning ahead. Get ready for fresh sounds and approaches because we've made some changes to the podcast that we think you'll like. Meet our new producer, Mark Koepke, who believes the Yukon has an official smell, and Amy Kenny, the adventurous editor of our magazine who, for some crazy reason, signed up for a 700-km paddling race.
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A paddling trip on the remote, rugged, and beautiful Firth river will always be memorable. Add caribou—a lot of caribou—to the setting and it's like nowhere else on earth. But seeing the majestic porcupine caribou herd involves some hiking, and that's an issue for Chris Carli. He likes whitewater paddling and even whitewater swimming, but he does not like hiking.
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Replay*: What do you know about the Klondike Gold Rush? If you've been to Dawson City, you've probably heard about gold seekers and dance-hall girls. But what about the people displaced by greed and colonialism? Parks Canada is widening its lens and asking visitors to consider their own responsibility to reconciliation.
*This episode first aired in August 2022.Got something to say? Send us a text message! (US area code)
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It's been more than 30 years since Krystal Senyk was shot and killed at her home outside Carcross and Ronald Bax, her accused killer and the estranged husband of a friend, disappeared into the wilderness. In "I got a name," author Eliza Robertson tells Krystal's story, digs into why protection wasn't provided when Krystal asked for it, and shows how prevalent gender-based violence continues to be.
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The runways of Paris and New York are a long way from Ross River, Yukon, where Natasha Peter grew up. But that didn't stop her from making lofty goals of where she wanted to see her handcrafted fashion and jewellery on display. The creator behind Kaska Dena designs says her culture is a key element in her inspiration and success.
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